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Ganesh slokas
Gajananam Bhuta Ganathi Sevitam
Kapittha Jambu Palasara Bhaksitam
Uma Sutam Shoka Vinasha Karanam
Namami Vignesvara Pada Pankajam
He who has the face of an elephant, one who is worshipped by the Bhootha ganam, He who eats the essence
of kapitha and Jumbu fruits, He who is the son of Uma Devi and He who alleviates the ill feelings in us. O!
Lord Vigneshwara who is an embodiment of all the above, we offer our Namaskarams at your Divine feet.
Shuklam bara Dharam Vishnum
Shashi varnam Chatur Bhujam
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayet
Sarva Vignopa Santaye
Sanskrit to English Word Meaning
Suklambaradaram-one who wears a white garmetn; visnum; all pervading; sasivarnam; who ahs a brilliant
complexion; chaturbhujam-who had four hands; prasannavadanam- who has an ever smiling face; dhyayet-
I meditate upon; sarvavighnopashantaye- for the removal of all obstacles
Lord Vigneshwara, who wears a white garment, who is all pervading, who has a bright complexion (like a
full moon), who has four hands (representing all power), who has an ever-smiling face, upon that deity I
meditate, for the removal of all obstacles.
Brief Explanation
Lord Ganesha is the older son of Lord Shiva son Goddess Parvati He is invoked before any undertaking for
the removal of obstacles. He is also worshipped for knowledge and wisdom that he bestows upon devotees.
Sri Vakra tunda Maha kaaya
Koti-soorya sama prabha
Nir vighnam kuru me Deva
Sarva-karyeshu Sarvadaa
O, Lord Ganesha of the curved trunk and massive body, the one whose splendor is equal to millions of
Suns, please bless me to that I do not face any obstacles in my endeavors.
Mooshika vahana modaka hasta
Chamara karna vilambita sootra
Vamana roopa Maheswara putra
Vigna-vinayaka paada namaste
He who has the mouse as his vahana(vehicle),
He who always keeps Modhakam (a traditional type of sweet)
He who has ears that resemble a hand held fan,
He who wears a chain-like ornament around his waist,
He who is short in stature,
He who is the son of Parameshwar,
O Lord Vinayaka who is all the above and he who always removes our obstacles,
We worship your Divine Feet.
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Gajavaktram Sura-shreshtam
Paashaankusha-dharam Devam
Vandeham Gana-naayakam
I bow before that God, who is the leader of Shiva’s ghosts, whose face resembles that of an elephant. Who
is supreme among the deities, Who sports ears that look like fans and Who is armed with noose and goad.
Ekadantam Mahakayam
Lambodara Gajananam
Vigna Nashakarma Devam
He Rambam Prana Mamyaham
I bow to that God, Who has one tusk, one Who has a large body, one Who has a big stomach, one Who has
the face of an elephant; He who destroys all obstacles and Who is also called Herambh (beloved of the
Ganesha Vedic Shloka
Om Gananaam twa Ganpati gum havamahe
Kavimkaveenaa mupamashravastamam
Jyestharaajam brahmanaam brahmanaspta
Aana shrunvanootibhi seedhasadhanam
Maha Ganapataye namah
We invite You, the Lord of spiritual faith (of Lord Shiva). You are the wisest among the wise, the best to be
given as a standard of comparison. You are the senior Lord, Lord of the Vedic manthras, listening to our
prayers. Please visit our home with prosperous things and be seated here.
Ganesh Gayathri
Tatpurushaaya Vidmahe
Vakratundaaya Dheemahe
Tanno Danthihi Prachodayaat
We meditate on that super power, we invoke the single tusked boon giver, Ganesh.
Ganesha Pancharatnam
Mudaa karaatta modakam sadaa vimukti saadhakam
Kalaadharaavata nsakam vilaasi loka rakshakam
Anaayakaika naayakam vinaashitebha daityakam
Nataashubhaashu naashakam namaami tam vinaayakam .. [1]
Natetaraati bhiikaram navoditaarka bhaasvaram
Namah suraari nirjaram nataadhikaapaduddharam
Sureshvaram nidhiishvaram gajeshvaram ganeshvaram
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Maheshvaram tamaashraye paraatparam nirantaram .. [2]
Samasta loka sha.nkaram niraasta daitya kunjaram
Daretarodaram varam varebhavaktram aksharam
Kripaakaram kshamaakaram mudaakaram yashaskaram
Manaskaram namaskritaam namaskaromi bhaasvaram .. [3]
AkInchanaarti marjanam chirantanokti bhaajanam
Puraaripuurvanandanam suraari garva charvanam
Prapanchanaasha bhiishhanam dhananjayaadi bhuushhanam
Kapoladaanavaaranam bhaje puranavaaranam .. [4]
Nitaanta kaanta dantakaanti mantakaanta kaatmajam
Achintyaruupa mantahiina mantaraaya krintanam
Hridantare nirantaram vasantameva yoginaam
Tamekadantamekameva chintayaami santatam .. [5]
Phala stuti
Mahaaganesha paJncharatnam aadarena yon.avaham
Prajalpati prabhaatake hridi smaran ganeshvaram
Arogataam adoshhataam susaahitiim suputrataam
Samaahitaayurashhta bhuutimabhyupaiti sochirat
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys
the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.
Gurave Sarva Lokaanaam
Bhishaje Bhava Roginaam
Nidhaye Sarva Vidyaanaam
Dakshina Moorthaye Namaha
I salute God Dakshina Moorthy (Shiva in Guru form) who is the Guru of all the worlds,
the One who cures the disease of worldly existence and who is wealth of all knowledge.
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Food Prayer
Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir
Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam
Brahma Karma Samaadhinaa
[This is 24th verse from the 4th chapter of Bhagavad Geetha]The act of offering is Brahman.
The offering itself is Brahman. The offering is done by Brahman in the sacred fire which is Brahman.
He alone attains Brahman who, in all actions, is fully absorbed in Brahman. (As we chant this prayer we are
offering the different types of food to Brahman).
Aham Vaishvaanaro Bhutva
Praaninaam Dehamaashritaha
Praanaapaana Samaa Yuktah
Pachaamyannam Chatur Vidham
[This is 14th verse from the 15th chapter of Bhagavad Geetha] This sloka is an acknowledgement and
assurance to us from Krishna/Brahman. ]I am Vaishvaanara, Existing as the Fire God in the bodies of living
beings. Associated with ingoing (prana) and outgoing (apaana) life breaths,
I digest all the four different types of food and purify them. Four different types of food - that which we
chew (solid), that which we suck ( sugercane etc.), that which we drink ( liquid), and that which we lick (
honey, etc.).
Vedic Chants
Aum Saha Naavavathu Sahanau Bhunaktu
Saha Veeryam Kara Vaavahai
Tejasvi Naavadheetamastu Maa Vidwishaavahai
Aum Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May the Lord protect us both, may He nourish us both, may we work together with great vigor (divine
strength). May we both acquire brilliance of our intellect through our studies, may we not hate each other.
Let there be peace, peace, peace.
Aum Poornamadah Poornamidam
Poornaath Poornam Udachyathe
Poornasya Poornamaadaaya
Poornameva Vasishyathe.
God is perfect (infinite). This Universe is also perfect (infinite). If perfection(infinity) is taken from
anything perfect (infifinite) what remains is still perfect (infinite). Let there be peace, peace, peace.
Aum Bhadram Karnebhihi Srunuyaama Devaaha
Bhadram Pashyemaa Kshibhirya Jatraaha
Sthirai Rangai Stushtuvaamsa Stanoobhihi
Vyashema Devahitam Yadaayuhu
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Aum Hey Devaas, who are in the form of light, let our ears hear all good things. Hey worshippable Devas,
let our eyes see good and holy things. May we spend this life given to us by God in continued prayers to
You with a strong body, sound in health.
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Sarve Sukhinah Santhu
Sarve Santhu Niraamayaah
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu
Maa Kaschid Dukhabhaag Bhavet
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
May all possess happiness. May all be healthy (free from all diseases). May all see beauty. May there be
good fortune and no misery anywhere. May there be peace everywhere.
Asatoma Sadgamaya
Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Mrithyor Maa Amrutham Gamaya
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Lead me from the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light. Lead me from death to immortality.
May there be peace everywhere.
Saanti Mantra (Prayer for Peace)
Aum Dyauh Saantir Antareeksham Saantih
Prithvi Saantir Aapah Saantihr Osadhayah Saantih
Vanaspatayah Saantir Visvedevaah Saantih Brahma Saantih
Sarvam Saantih Saantih Reva Saantihi.
May there be peace in heaven. May there be peace in the sky. May there be peace on earth. May there be
peace in the water. May there be peace in the plants. May there be peace in the trees. May there be peace in
the Gods. May there be peace in Brahman. May there be peace in all. May that peace, real peace, be mine.
Visvasaanti Praarthana (Prayer for Universal Peace)
Aum Shamno Mitra Sham Varunaha
Shamno Bhavatvaryama
Shamna Indro Bruhaspatih
Shamno Vishnu Rurukramaha
Namo Brahmane
Namaste Vaayo
Tvameva Pratyaksham Brahmaasi
Tvaameva Pratyaksham Brahma Vadisyaami
Rutam Vadisyaami
Tad Vaktaaramavatu
Avatu Maam
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
May the sun God Mitra and other Vedic Gods - Varuna, Aryamaa, Indra, Brihaspati and the all pervading
Maha Vishnu and all the Devatas shower their Blessings upon us. Salutations to Brahma. Salutations to
Vaayu. You are the personfication of Brahma. I shall proclaim thee as Brahma. I shall always abide by
Dharma (righteousness). I shall always speak the truth. May that protect us all. Aum Peace, peace, peace.
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Jyotirlingas (12) of Lord Shiva
The Dwadasa Jyotirlinga Stotra
Saurashtre Somanaatham Cha
Sree Shaile Mallikarjunam
Ujjayinyaam Mahaakaalam
Omkaare Mamaleswaram
Himalaye to Kedaram
Daakinyaam Bhimashankaram
Vaaranaasyaam cha Viswesam
Trayambakam Gowtameethate
Paralyaam Vaidyanaatham cha
Naagesam Daarukaavane
Setubandhe Ramesham
Grushnesam cha Shivaalaye
Maha-Mrityumjaya Mantra
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti-vardhanam
Urva-rukamiva Bhandhanaat
Mrityor-mukshiya ma amritat
Sanskrit to English Word Meaning
Tryambakam – three-eyed; Yajamahe – worship; Sugandhim – beautiful smelling; Pusti – well nourished,
(prosperity; Vardhanam – increaser; Urvarukam – cucumber; Ive – like; Bandhana – from bondage of
worldly attachments; Mrtyor – mortality; Muksiya – may you liberate; Ma- me; Amrat – for the sake of
We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Shiva), Who is fragrant and Who nourishes all beings; may He
liberate me from death, for the sake of Immortality, even as the cucmber is severed from its bondage of the
vine. Om Peace, Peace, Peace
Lord Shiva
Shiva Shlokam
Sivam Sivakaram Shantam
Shivat Manam Sivottamam
Shiva Marga Pranetaram
Pranatosmi Sada Sivam
Karpoora-gauram karuna-avataram
Samsara-saaram Bhujagendra-haaram
Sadaa-vasantam Hridaya-aravinde
Bhavam Bhavanee-sahitam Namami
I salute to that Ishwara along with Bhavani (Shiva and Parvati) who is as white as Karpur(camphor), an
incarnation of compassion, the essence of this world, who wears a bhujagendra(snake or serpent) around his
neck and is ever present in the lotus abode of our hearts.
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Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam
Nirmala Bhashita Shobhita Lingam
Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, which is praised
by pure and holy speeches and which destroys the cycle of births and deaths.
Devamuni Pravaraarchita Lingam
Kaamadaham Karunaakara Lingam
Raavana Darpa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sada Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is the destroyer of desires, which the Devas and the sages
worship, which is infinitely compassionate and which subdued the pride of Raavana.
Sarva Sugandha Sulepitha Lingam
Buddhi Vivardhana Kaarana Lingam
Siddha Suraasura Vanditha Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is lavishly smeared with variegated perfumes and scents, which
elevates the power of thought and enkindles the light of discrimination, and before which the Siddhas and
Suras and Asuras prostrate.
Kanaka Mahaamani Bhushitha Lingam
Phanipathi Veshtitha Shobhitha Lingam
Daksha Suyajna Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, the destroyer of Dakshas sacrifice, which is decorated with various
ornaments, studded with different gems and rubies and which glows with the garland of the serpent Lord
coiled around it.
Kumkuma Chandana Lepitha Lingam
Pankaja Haara Sushobhitha Lingam
Sanchitha Paapa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is smeared with saffron and sandal paste, which is decorated
with lotus garlands and which wipes out all accumulated sins.
Devaganaarchitha Sevitha Lingam
Bhaavair Bhakti Bhir Evacha Lingam
Dinakara Koti Prabhakara Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is worshipped by the multitude of Gods with genuine thoughts
full of faith and devotion and whose splendor is like that of a million suns.
Ashta Dalopari Veshtitha Lingam
Sarva Samudbhava Kaarana Lingam
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Ashta Daridra Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, destroyer of all poverty and misery in its eight aspects, which is the
cause of all creation and which stands on the eight petalled Lotus.
Suraguru Suravara Pujitha Lingam
Suravana Pushpa Sadaarchitha Lingam
Paraatparam Paramatmaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
I bow before that Sada Shiva
Linga which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self, worshipped by
all Suras and their preceptor (Brhaspathi), with innumerable flowers from the celestial gardens.
Lingashtakam, Idam Punyam padeth Shiva Sannidhow,
Shivalokam avapnothi shive na sahamodathe.
Any one who chants the holy octet of the Lingam,
In the holy presence of Lord Shiva,
Would in the end reach the world of Shiva,
And keep him company.
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Swaminatha (Subramanya) Asthakam
He Swaminathartha bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya sindho
He Swaminathartha bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya
sindho 1
Rudraksha dhari namaste roudra rogam haratwam purare gurome
Rakendu vaktram bhavantam haara rupam kumaram bhaje
He swami natharta bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya sindho
Mampahi rogadaghorat mangalampanga patena bhanagaswarana
Kalarcha dustha kakoolat kalakalascha sonum bhaje krantasanum
He swami natharta bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya sindho
Brahmadayo yasya sishya brahma putra hirouyasya sopana bhoota
Sainyam surachapisarve samavedadhi deyam bhaje kartikeyam
He swami natharta bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya sindho
Kashaaya samveeta gatram kamarogadhi samhari bhikshanna patram
Karunya sampoorna netram shakti hastam pavitram bhaje shambhu
He swami natharta bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya sindho
Sri swami shaile vasantam sadhu sanghaya roga sada samharantam
Omkara tatwam vadantam shambhu karne rasantam bhajeham
He swami natharta bandho bhasma lipta gadaangeya karunya sindho
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Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
Namastestu Mahaamaaye Shreepeete Surapoojite
Shankha Chakra Gadaa Haste Mahaalakshmi Namostu Te.
O Mahaamaaya, abode of fortune, worshipped by the Gods, I salute Thee. O Mahaalakshmi, one who has
conch, disc and mace in Her hands, obeisance to Thee.
Namaste Garudaroode Koalaasura Bhayankari
Sarva Paapa Hare Devi, Mahaalakshmi Namostu Te.
My salutations to Thee, who rides Garuda and are a terror to demon Kola; O Devi Mahaalakshmi,
remover of all miseries, my obeisance to Thee.
Sarvajne Sarva Varade Sarva Dushta Bhayankari
Sarva Duhkha Hare Devi Mahaalakshmi Namostu Te.
O Devi Mahaalaksmi, who is the embodiment of knowledge, giver of all boons, a terror to all the wicked,
remover of all sorrows, obeisance to Thee.
Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradaayini
Mantra Moorthe Sadaa Devi Mahaa Lakshmi Namostu Te.
O Devi, You give success, intelligence, worldly enjoyment, and liberation. Thou hast always the mystic
symbols (Mantra) as Thy form, O Mahaalakshmi, obeisance to Thee.
Aadyantarahite Devi Aadya Shakte Maheshvari
Yogaje Yogasambhoote Mahaalakshmi Namostu Te.
O Devi, Maheshwari, You are without a beginning or an end , You are the Primeval energy, You are the
greatest ruler, You are born of Yoga. O Mahaalakshmi, obeisance to Thee.
Sthoola Sookshmah Mahaa Raudre Mahaa Sakthe Mahodaye
Mahaa Paapa Harey Devi Mahaalakshmi Namostu Te.
O Mahaalakshmi, You are both gross and subtle, most terrible (for the wicked), You are the embodiment
of great power and prosperity and You are remover of all sins, obeisance to Thee.
Padmaasanasthite Devi Parabrahma Svaroopini
Paramesi Jaganmaata, Mahalakshmi Namostu Te.
O Devi, You are seated on the lotus, You are the Supreme Brahman, You are the great Lord and Mother
of the universe, O Mahaalakshmi, obeisance to Thee.
Svetaambaradhare Devi Naanaalankaara Bhooshite
Jagatsthite Jaganmaatah, Mahaalakshmi Namostu Te
O Devi, You are dressed in white garments and decked with various kinds of ornaments, Thou art the
mother of the universe and its support, O Mahaalakshmi, obeisance to Thee.
Mahaalakshmyashtaka Stottram Yad Pated Bhaktiman Naraha.
Sarva Siddhimavaapnoti Mahaalakshmi Prasaadataha.
Whoever with devotion reads this hymn to Mahaalakshmi composed in eight stanzas, attains all success
through the Grace of Mahaalaksmi.
Ekakaale Patennityam Mahaapaapa Vinaashanam
Dvikaalam Yah Patennityam Dhana Dhaanya Samanvitaha
Whoever reads this hymn at least once a day will have all their sins destroyed; those who recite it twice
will be blessed with wealth and prosperity.
Trikaalam Yah Patennityam Mahaa Shatru Vinaashanam
Mahaalakshmir Bhavennityam Prasannaa Varadaa Shubhaa
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Those who recite this three times in a day will have all their enemies destroyed. They will be always be
blessed by the Goddess Mahalakshmi
Sarva-mangala-mangalye Shive Sarvaartha-sadhake
Sharanye Trayambake Gauri Narayani Namostute
Goddess Parvati is the consort of Lord Shiva and is worshipped as Sakti. The Puranic literature describes
her as having many forms, including Durga, Candi, Kali and Uma.While Siva symbolizes the efficient
cause of the creation, Sakti symbolizes the material cause.
The one who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious (sarvamangalamangalye), the consort of Siva
(Sive), who is the means of accomplishing all desires sarvarthasadhake), who is the refuge of all
(saranye), the three eyed one(tryambake),the fair complexioned one(Gouri), Salutations to you,
Narayani(narayani namostute).
Salutations to the consort of Sri Narayana (Sri Lakshmi Devi), who is all auspicisous, who is the Mastress
of all, who blesses devotees succeed in their efforts and who is the refuge of all.
Durga Suktam
Om Jatavedase sunavamasomamaratiyato nidahati vedah
Sa nah parshhadati durgani vishva naveva sindhum duritatyagnih 1
Tamagnivarnam tapasa jvalantim vairochanim karmaphaleshhu
Durgam devii sharanamaham prapadye sutarasi tarase namah 2
Agne tvam paaraya navyo asmaansvastibhiriti durgani vishva
Pushcha prithvi bahula na urvi bhava tokaya tanayaya shamyoh 3
Vishvani no durgaha jatavedassindhunna nava duritatiparshhi
Agne atrivanmanasa grinanoasmakam bodhayitva tanunamh 4
Pritanajitam sahamanamugramagni huvema paramatsadhasthath
Sa nah parshhadati durgani vishvakshamaddevo atiduritatyagnih 5
Pratnoshhikamidyo adhvareshhu sannachcha hota navyashcha satsi
Svanchagne tanuvam piprayasvasmabhyam cha saubhagamayajasva 6
Gobhirjushhtamayujonishhiktan tavendra vishhnoranusamcharema
Nakasya prishhthamabhisamvasano vaishhnavim loka iha
madayantamh 7
Om kaatyaayanaaya vidmahe Kanyakumaari dhiimahi Tanno durgih
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih
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Sri Sooktam
Srisooktam in praise of Goddess Lakshmi is one of the pancha sooktas of the Vedic tradition.
HiraĦya varnám hariĦīm suvarna-rajata-srajám
Chandrám hiranmayīm lakshmīm jatavedo ma avaha|(1)
Tám ma ávaha játavedo lakśhmīm anapa gáminīm
Yasyám hiraĦyam vindeyam gám aśvam puruśhán aham|| (2)
Aśhwa-pūrvám ratha-madhyám hasti náda prabódhiním
Śhriyam devím upahvaye śhrír ma devír jushatám| (3)
Kám sósmitám hiranya prákárám árdrám jvalantím triptám
Padme sthitám padma-varnám támihópahvaye śhriyam|| (4)
Chandrám prabhásám yaśhasá jvalantím śhriyam lóke deva justám
Tám padminim-ím saranam aham prapadye' alakshmír me naśyatám
tvám vrne| (5)
Ǎditya varne tapasó dhijátó vanaspatis tava vrikshó' tha bilvah
Tasya phalani tapsá nudantu mayántaráyás cha báhya alakshmíh|| (6)
Upaitu mám deva-sakah kírtis cha maniná saha
Prádūr bhūtó' smi rashtre' smin kírtim riddhim dadátu me| (7)
Kshut pipásá-amalám jyesthám alakshmím náshayámy aham
Abhūtim asamriddhim cha sarván nirnuda me grihat|| (8)
Gandha dvárám durá dharşm nitya-pushtám karíshiním
Iśhvarígm sarva bhūtánám tám ihó pahvaye śhriyam| (9)
Manasah kámam ákūtím vácah satyam ashímahi
Paśhūnágm rūpam annasya mayi śríh shrayatám yaśhah|| (10)
Kardamená praja-bhūtá mayi sambhava kardama
Śriyam vásaya me kule mátaram padma-máliním| (11)
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Ǎpah srijantu snigdháni chiklíta vasa me grihe
Nicha devím mátaram śhriyam vásaya me kule|| (12)
Ardám pushkariním pushtim pingalám padma máliním
Chandrám hiran-mayím lakshmím játavedó ma ávaha| (13)
Ǎrdhám yah kariním yashtim suvarnám hema-máliním
Sūryám hiran-mayím lakshmím játavedó ma ávaha|| (14)
Tám ma ávaha játevedó lakshmím anapa gáminím yasyám
Hiranyam prabhūtam gávó dásyó aśván vindeyam purushan aham||
Ǒm mahá-devyai cha vidmahe, vishnu-patnaiya cha dhímahi
Tanno Lakshmíh prachódayát || (16)
Ǒm Shántih, Shántih, Shántih.
Lakshmi Sloka
Ya Devi Sarva Bhooteshu
Lakshmi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai
Namastasyai Namo Namaha
Salutations again and again to the Devi who abides in all beings in the form of good fortune.
Annapoorna Sloka
Annapoorne Sada poorne, Shankara Pranavallabhe
Gyana Vairagya Sidyartham, Bhikshaam Dehi cha Parvati
Mata cha Parvati Devi, Pita Devo Maheswarah
Baandava Shiva Bhaktyascha, Svadeso Bhuvanatrayam
Annapoorne – the wife of Lord Shiva; She who is full of food; Sadapoorne – who is always full of
resources; Sankara – of Lord Sankara(Shiva); Prana – the life-force; energy; Vallabhe – the beloved;
Jnana – knowledge; Vairagya – attitude of renunciation; Siddhyartham – to fulfill the purpose of;
Bhiksham – alms, food; Dehi – giveus; Namostute – we bow down to You
O Annapurna, Who art ever full, the beloved life-force of Lord Sankara (Shive, O’ Parvathi – grant me
alms that I be firmly established in Knowledge and Renunciation. Mother is shakti, father is shiva,
relatives are the devotees of shiva and own country is all the three worlds.
Saraswathi Sloka
Saraswathi Namastubhyam
Varade Kamarupini
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Vidyarambam Karishyami
Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sada
Sanskrit to English Word Meaning
Saraswathi- O Goddess of Knowledge Saraswathi, Namstubhyam-salutatiosn to you; varade-one who
gives boons; kamarupini- one who fulfills desires; vidyarambaham-to begin my studies; karisyami-I am
going; siddhirbhavatu-may there be accomplishment; me- for me; sada- always.
O Goddess Saraswathi salutations to you, the giver of boons, the one who fulfills desires. I shall begin my
studies. May there always be accomplishment for me.
Brief Explanation
This prayer is chanted before beginning a class or at the beginning of one’s studies so that all learning
may resolve in knowledge alone. It is addresses to Goddess Saraswathi, who symbolizes all forms of
knowledge, including the knowledge of the performing arts. Knowledge is a fundamental pursuit of
human life, and a life of study and learning provides nourishment and discipline to the human intellect. In
the Vedic culture, study is considered one’s duty.
Deepa Shlokam (Lamp)
(This sloka is to be recited while lighting lamp)
Subham Karoti Kalyanam
Arogyam Dhana Sampadah
Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya
Dipa Jyotir Namostute
Sanskrit to English Word Meaning
Subham- auspiciousness; karoti – which brings; kalyanam- prosperity; arogyam- good health;
dhanasampadah- abundance of wealth; satrubuddhi- of the intellect’s enemy (ignorance); vinasaya- for the
destruction; dipajyotir- that lamplight; namosthuthe- I salute thee.
I salute the One who is the lamplight that brings auspiciousness; prosperity, good health, abundance of
wealth, and the destruction of the intellect’s enemy.
Brief explanation
This prayer is chanted before lighting the lamplight. Light is considered a symbol of auspiciousness,
prosperity, and abundance in many cultures. Light brings with it brightness, but how does it destroy the
intellect’s enemy? The intellect’s enemy is ignorance, which is likened to darkness. Light removes the
darkness and makes it possible to see things clearly.
Deepajyothi Parabrahma
Deepajyothi Janardhana
Deepo me hara tu paapam
Deepaa Jyothir Namostute
I salute the Lord, the sustainer of the creation, in the form of this light. I salute this light (the Lord), may
He destroy afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions.
Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah
Tat Savithur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
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Meaning: We meditate on that most adorable, most desirable and most enchanting luster (effulgence) of
our supreme Lord, who is our creator, inspirer and source of eternal Joy. May this light inspire and
illumine our intellect (and dispel the darkness).
[Word Meaning: Aum: The primeval sound (from which all sounds emerge); Dheemahi: We meditate
upon; Varenyam: the most adorable, most desirable or most enchanting; Bhargo: luster or effulgence; Tat:
of that; Devasya: supreme (Lord); Savitur: from whom all creations emerge (also means the Sun God who
is our life source); Bhur: who is our inspirer; Bhuvah: who is our creator; Suvaha: who is the abode of
supreme joy; [Bhur, Bhuvah and Suvaha are also considered to mean three lokaas or worlds namely
Heaven, earth and lower worlds]. Yo: May this light; Prachodayaat: inspire/illumine; Naha: our; Dhiyo:
intellect (activities of the intellect)]
Tulsi Shlokam
Yenmoole Sarvatheerthaani Yenmadhye Sarvadevatha
Yadagre Sarva Vedaascha Thulaseem-tham Namamyaham
I bow down to the Tulsi at whose base are all the holy places, at whose top reside all deities and on whose
middle are all the Vedas.
Morning Prayer
Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi
Kara Madhye Saraswathi
Kara Moole Sthita Gauri
Prabahate Kara Darshanam
Meaning: [This is to be recited in the morning as soon as we get up from the bed and has to be chanted
looking at the palm of our hands]. On the tip of my fingers resides Lakshmi, the Goddess of propserity
and wealth. In the middle of my hands is Saraswathi, the Goddess of knowledge and learning. In the palm
of my hands sits Mother Gauri, the Goddess of protection. Visulaizing in this manner, I take darshan of
my hands every morning.
Night Time Prayer
Kara Charana Kritham Vaak Kaayajam Karmajam Vaa
Sravana Nayanajam Vaa Maanasam Vaa Aparadham
Vihitham Avihitham Vaa Sarvametat Kshamasva
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe Sri Maha Deva Shambho
Meaning: [This is to be recited in the night before going to bed]. Oh Lord, please forgive me for all the
wrong actions that I have committed with my hands, feet, speech, body, ears, eyes and mind. Please
pardon me for all the wrong actions that I have done knowingly or unknowingly. Victory to You, oh Lord
of compassion and mercy.
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Venkateswara Suprabhatam
kausalyaa suprajaa raama poorvaa saMdhyaa pravartatE
utthishTha nara Saardoola kartavyaM daivamaahnikaM
utthishTha nara Saardoola kartavyaM daivamaahnikaM
O Rama, son of Kausalya and dearest to the people.
The dawn before sunrise is on its way.
Rise, O Tiger amongst humans.
Your divine duties beckon you.
utthishThOtthishTha gOviMda utthishTha garuDa dhvaja
utthishTa kamalaa kaaMtaa trailOkyaM maMgaLaM kuru
utthishTa kamalaa kaaMtaa trailOkyaM maMgaLaM kuru
O Govinda, who has Garuda on his dhvaja sthambha, lord of the lotus eyed Lakshmi!
Please wake to bless the three worlds for happiness and prosperity.
maata ssamasta jagataaM madhukaiTabhaarEh
vakshO vihAriNi manOhara divya moortE
Sree svaamini Srita jana priya daana SeelE
Sree vEMkaTESa dayitE tava suprabhaataM
O Lakshmi, mother of the entire universe, residing always in the heart of Sri Vishnu, the
enemy of Madhu and Kaitabha;
O pleasant one! dear consort of Vishnu,fulfiller of the wishes of people comming to you,
good morning to you!
tava suprabhaata maraviMda lOchanE
bhavatu prasanna mukha caMdra maMDalE
vidhi SaMkarEMdra vanitaabhirarcitE
vRsha Saila naatha dayitE dayaanidhE
O lotus eyed godess, yours is a pleasent moonlike face.
You are worshipped by the wives of Brahma, Shiva and Indra.
You are full of love and affection.
You are the beloved wife of Vishnu who is the lord of Vrishachala.
O mother, good morning to you.
atryaadi sapta Rshaya ssamupaasya saMdhyaaM
aakaaSa siMdhu kamalaani manOharaaNi
aadaaya paada yuga marchayituM prapannaah
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
Having worshipped the morning twilight and said their morning prayers, called
the seven sages like Atri, bringing the beautiful lotuses from the divine Ganges,
have arrived to worship Thy feet.
Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
paMchaana naabjabhava shaNmukha vaasavaadyaah
traivikramaadi caritaM vibudhaa stuvaMti
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bhaashaapatih paThati vaasara Suddhi maaraat
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
The Gods, like the five-headed Brahma, the lotus-born Subrahmanya, and the six-
headed Indra are praising the deeds of your incarnations as the Trivikramavatara.
Nearby is Brhaspati who is reading out the planetary position (called Panchangam) of
the day.
Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
eeshat praphulla saraseeruha naarikELa
phoogadrumaadi sumanOhara paalikaanaaM
aavaati maMda manila ssaha divya gaMdhaih
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
The breeze, carrying the wonderful fragrance of the partly-opened lotuses,
and the beautiful trees like the Areca and Coconut, is blowing gently.
Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
unmeelya nEtrayuga muttama paMjarasthaah
paatraa vaSishTa kadaLee phala paayasaani
bhuktvaa saleela matha kELi Sukaah paThaMti
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
The parrots in their cages are opening their eyes, and graciously singing, after eating
the remains of the plantain fruits and the payasam in the vessels.
Lord Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
taMtree prakarsha madhura svanayaa vipaMcyaa
gaayatyanaMta caritaM tava naaradOpi
bhaashaa samagrama sakRt kara saara ramyaM
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
The sage, Narada, is playing sweet music with his veena, and, in fine language, is
singing praises of Thy endless deeds, gracefully waving his other hand.
Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
bhRMgaavaLeecha makaraMda rasaanu viddha
jhaMkaara geeta ninadai ssaha sEvanAyA
niryaatyupaaMta sarasee kamalOdarEbhyah
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
The humming swarm of bees are sucking honey and emerging from the interiors of the
lotuses of the adjoining pools, in order to serve Thee.
Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
yOshA gaNEna vara dadhni vimathya maanE
ghOshAlayEshu dadhi maMthana teevraghOshaah
rOshaatkaliM vidadhatE kakubhaScha kuMbhaah
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
While the womenfolk of the hamlet of cowherds churn the curds, the loud sounds and
echoes emanating from the pots seems like as if the pots and the eight directions are
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Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
padmESa mitra Satapatra gataaLi vargaah
hartuM SriyaM kuvalayasya nijaaMga lakshmyaa
bhEree ninaada miva bibhrati teevra naadaM
SEshaadri SEkhara vibhO tava suprabhaataM
The swarm of bees in the lotuses are friends of the sun, and are making lound sounds
with a view to surpassing the splendour of the lustrous blue lotuses.
Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
SreemannabheeshTa varadaakhila lOka baMdhO
Sree Sreenivaasa jagadEka dayaika siMdhO
Sree dEvataagRha bhujaaMtara divya moortE
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
One with Lakshmi! One who grants boons! Friend of all the worlds!
Abode of Sri Lakshmi! The matchless ocean of compassion!
One having a charming form on account of the chest which is the abode of Sri Lakshmi!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
Sree svaami pushkariNikaaplava nirmalaaMgaah
SrEyOrthinO hara viriMchi sanaMda naadyaah
dvaarE vasaMti vara vEtra hatOttamaaMgaah
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Brahma, Shiva, Sanandana and several others have bathed in purified water.
They are at your doorstep eager to see you, for their own well-being, though they have
been hit with canes by your gods.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
Sree SEshaSaila garuDaachala vEMkaTaadri
naaraayaNaadri vRshabhaadri vRshaadri mukhyaaM
aakhyaaM tvadeeya vasatE raniSaM vadaMti
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Lord of Venkatachala! Thy abode is always called by several names, such as Sri
Sesasaila, Garudachala, Venkatadri, Narayanadri, Vrsabhadri, Vrsadri.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
sEvaaparaa Siva surESa kRSaanu dharma
rakshOMbu naatha pavamaana dhanaadi naathaah
baddhaaMjali pravilasa nija Seersha dESaah
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Siva, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nairuti, Varuna, Vayu and Kubera, with folded hands placed
on their heads, are desirous of offering service to thee.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
dhaaTeeshutE vihagaraaja mRgaadhiraaja
naagaadhiraaja gajaraaja hayaadhiraajaah
svasvaadhikaara mahimaadika marthayaMtE
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
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The modes of Thy conveyance – Garuda, the Lord of Birds, the Lion, Lord of Animals,
Adisesa, the Lord of Serpents, Airavata, the Lord of Elephants and Uccaissravas, the
Lord of Horses - are begging Thee to grant them their respective authority and power to
serve Thee better, on Thy pleasure trips.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
sooryEMdu bhauma budha vaakpati kaavya Soori
svarbhaanu kEtu divishat parishat pradhaanaah
tvaddaasa daasa charamaavadhi daasa daasaah
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
The main deities of the Assembly of Gods – the nine planets - the Sun, the Moon, Mars
(Angaraka), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Brhaspati), Venus (Sukra), Saturn (Sani), Rahu
and Ketu are happy to serve even your servants and remain most obedient to Thee.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
tvatpaada dhooLi bharita sphuritOttamaaMgaah
svargaapa varga nirapEksha nijaaMtaraMgaah
kalpaagamaa kalanayaa kulataaM labhaMtE
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Lord of Venkatachala! Thy devotees, whose heads are sanctified by the dust of Thy feet,
being in Thy presence, do not desire Heaven or Liberation, but are worried that another
kalpa will start, when there will be no such glory to Venkatachala!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
tvadgOpuraagra SikharaaNi nireekshamaaNaah
svargaapavarga padaveeM paramaaM SrayaMtah
martyaa mnushya bhuvanE mati maaSrayaMtE
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
On seeing the crests of Thy temple tower, the mortals, who are attempting to attain the
exalted paths of Heaven and Liberation, feel like living on in the mortal world, as it
gives them the opportunity of worshipping Thee.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
Sree bhoomi naayaka dayaadi guNaamRtaabdhE
dEvaadi dEva jagadEka SaraNya moortE
SreemannanaMta garuDaadibhi rarchitaaMghrE
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Lord of Sridevi and Bhudevi! The ocean of nectar of compassion and other virtues!
The chief of the Gods! The sole refuge of the Universe! The possessor of Sri (wealth)!
One whose feet are worshipped by Ananta and Garuda!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
Sree padmanaabha purushOttama vaasudEva
vaikuMTha maadhava janaardana chakrapaaNE
Sree vatsa chihna SaraNaagata paarijaata
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
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Padmanabha! Purushottama! Vasudeva! Vaikunta! Madhava! Janardana! Chakrapani!
Bearer of the mole Srivatsa! Celestial tree (parijata) under whom refuge is sought!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
kaMdarpa darpa hara suMdara divya moortE
kaaMtaa kuchaaMburuha kuTmala lOla dRshTE
kalyaaNa nirmala guNaakara divya keertE
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Bearer of the charming and divine form surpassing the pride of Cupid (Manmatha)!
One whose sight is fondly centred on the lotus bud like breasts of His beloved!
The abode of auspicious and pure virtues! The possessor of Divine fame!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
meenaakRtE kamaTha kOla nRsiMha varNin
svaamin paraSvatha tapOdhana raamachaMdra
SEshaaMSa raama yadunaMdana kalki roopa
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Lord in ten incarnations of Matsya (Fish), Kamatha (Tortoise), Kola (Boar), Narasimha
(Man-lion) Trivikrama (Dwarf), Parasurama, Rama, Balarama, Krishna and Kalki!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
Elaa lavaMga ghana saara sugaMdhi teerthaM
divyaM viyat sariti hEma ghaTEshu poorNaM
dhRtvaadya vaidika SikhaamaNayah prahRshTaa
tishTaMti vEMkaTapatE! tava suprabhaataM
The Brahmins, well-versed in the Vedas, are now joyfully waiting to worship you.
They are carrying golden pots on their heads that are filled with the water of the Divine
Ganges (Akasa Ganga), which has been rendered fragrant by mixing cardamom, cloves
and camphor in it.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
bhaasvaanudEti vikachaani sarOruhaaNi
saMpoorayaMti ninadaih kakubhO vihaMgaah
Sree vaishNava ssatata marthita maMgaLaastE
dhaamaaSrayaMti tava vEMkaTa! suprabhaataM
The Sun is rising; the lotuses have blossomed; the birds are twittering;
the Sri Vaishnavas, always imploring auspiciousness, are waiting at Thy abode.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
brahmaadaya ssuravara ssamaharshayastE
saMta ssanaMdana mukhaa stvatha yOgi varyaah
dhaamaaMtikE tavahi maMgaLa vastu hastaah
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Brahma,the great sages and the good Yogins as Sanandana are waiting at Thy abode,
with auspicious offerings in their hands.
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
lakshmee nivaasa niravadya guNaika siMdhOh
saMsaara saagara samuttaraNaika sEtO
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vEdaaMta vEdya nija vaibhava bhakta bhOgya
Sree vEMkaTaachala patE! tava suprabhaataM
Abode of Lakshmi! Ocean of faultless and auspicious virtues!
Bridge to cross the ocean of transmigration (samsara)!
One whose glory is known through the Upanishads!
One who is enjoyed by devotees!
Lord of Venkatachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.
itthaM vRshaachala patE riha suprabhaataM
yE maanavaah prati dinaM paThituM pravRttaah
tEshaaM prabhaata samayE smRti raMga bhaajaaM
praj~naaM paraartha sulabhaaM paramaaM prasootE!
Day-to-day prayers to You, Sri Vehkatesa! fetch untold wealth of devotional culture and
fervour. God, give us your grace.
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Navagraha Slokam
(this is a dhyana shlokam for all Navagrahas)
aarogyam pradhathu noh dinakaraha
chandroh yasho nirmalam
bhoodim bhoomisudhaha sudhaam sudhanyaha
pragnyaam gurur gowravam kaanya
komala vaak vilaasa madhulam
mandho mudham sarvadha
raghur bhaahubalam virodha shamanam
ketuhu kulasyonadhim
Let us pray to Lord Surya who bestows well-being and health
Let us pray to Lord Chandra to bestow eminence and recognition
Let us pray to Lord Kuja to bestow opulence and prosperity
Let us pray to Lord Bhudhan to bless us with astuteness and wisdom
Let us pray to Lord Guru for knowledge and good judgment
Let us pray to Lord Shukra for graciousness and enhancement
Let us pray to Lord Shanishwara for harmony and contentment
Let us pray to Lord Rahu for vigour and valour
Let us pray to Lord Ketu for progeny, kith and kin
Surya or Sun is the most powerful living God - whom everyone can see, perceive and pray. Though he is
visible, he also has been presented in a variety of forms. Lord of this planet is God Siva
Chandra or Moon is a lovable God - Pleasing to the children as well as elders, universally appealing to
everyone whatever may be the religion. Goddess Parvathi rules the planet.
Angaraka or Mars is regarded as a God of martial character, red in every aspect. Even the Romans held
him as their Guru. He is the Son of Earth and is ruled by Lord Subramanya.
Budha or Mercury is considered as the greatest among the wise. This Devata bestows wisdom and wealth
on his devotees. He is ruled by Lord Maha Vishnu.
Brihaspati is the Guru (Jupiter). He results in a cure from ailments and helps one to ward off his/her sins
and gives strength, valour, longevity, etc. He grants the boon of fatherhood to the childless, good
education (Vidya). He is ruled by Lord Dakshinamurthy.
Sukra or Venus is the bestower of long life, wealth, happiness, children, property and good education. He
is ruled by Goddess Mahalakshmi
Saniswara or Saturn, is generally known to affect one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain
positions in one's horoscope. A prayer to him, especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate the hardships
one will have to face during these periods. Saniswara is considered equally a bestower of all benefits to
the devotees who pray sincerely to him. He is ruled by Lord Yama
Rahu is instrumental in strengthening one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend. He is ruled
by Goddess Durga
Ketu brings prosperity to the devotee's family. He grants good health, wealth, cattle and all around
prosperity. He is ruled by Lord Ganesha and Indra.
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Mantra Pushpam
[The flower of Vedic Chants]
[This great mantra is taken from Taithreeya Aranyakam of Yajur Veda. It is normally sung in a chorus by
all the priests together after performing any Pooja (worship) or Yagna. It tells in short that water is the
basis of this universe. The reason why it is repeated in all functions is not known to me. What I have
attempted is a simple translation of this great chant.]
Yopam puspam veda
Puspavan prajavan pasuvan bhavati
Candramava Apam puspam
Puspavan, Prajavan pasuman bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanam bhavati.
He who understands the flowers of water,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
Moon is the flower of the water,
He who understands this fact,
He becomes the possessor of flowers, children and cattle.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Agnirva Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Yo agnerayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovagner ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Fire is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of fire,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Vayurva Apamaya tanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yova Yorayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati|
Apovai va yorayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Ya Evam veda
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Yopamayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan Bhavati
Air is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of air,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Asowvai tapanna pamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo musya tapata Ayatanan Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apova Amusyatapata Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yopa mayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Scorching sun is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of scorching sun,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Candrama Vama pamayatnam
Ayatanavan bhavati.
Yascandra masa Ayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Candra masa Ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam Veda
Yo pamayatanam veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Moon is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of moon,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Nakshtrani va Apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yo Nakshtrana mayatanam Veda
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Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai Nakshtrana mayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye evam Veda
Yopamaya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Stars are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of stars,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Parjanyova apamayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Yah parjanyasya syayatinam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Apovai parjanya Syayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ye Evam veda
Yopa maya tanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati
Clouds are the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of clouds,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself,
Samvastaro Va Apamayatanam
Ayatavan bhavati
Yassavatsa rasyaya tanam Veda
Ayatavan bhavati.
Apovai samvasara ayatanam
Ayatanavan bhavati
Ya Evam veda
Yopsu Navam pratistitam veda
Pratyeva tistati
Rainy season is the source of water,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself,
Water is the source of rainy season,
He who knows this,
Becomes established in himself.
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He who knows that there is a raft is available,
Becomes established in that raft.
{This stanza is included in some versions of mantra Pushpam
Om thad Brahma,
Om Thad Vayu.
Om Thad Athma
Om Thad Sathyam
Om That Sarvam
Om That puror nama
Anthascharathi bhootheshu Guhyam Viswa Murthishu
Thvam Yajna
Thwam vashatkara
Thwam Indra
Thvam vayu
Thvam Rudra
Vishnus thvam
Thvam prajaipathi
Om Thadhapa apo jyothi raso amrutham brahma bhur
Rajadhi rajaya Prasahya Sahine|
Namo Vayam Vai Sravanaya Kurmahe
Samekaman Kama Kamaya mahyam
Kamesvaro Vai Sravano dadatu
Kuberaya Vai Sravanaya
Maha rajaya Namah.
(This last stanza is normally recited by priests while giving back prasada after performing an Archana in
all temples)
King of kings, we praise thee,
Who is the giver of all victories,
Who is the fulfiller of all desires,
Please bless me with wealth,
To fulfill all our desires,
Oh, Kubhera*, we praise thee,
Salutations to the king of kings.
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Temple Prayer (Aarti)
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Swami Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Bhakta janonke sankat
Bhakta janonke sankat Kshan me door kare
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Om! Victory to You, Hari, Ruler of the Universe
You make the troubles of your devotees vanish in a second
Jo dhyave phal pave
Dhukh bin se man ka
Swami dhukh bin se man ka
Sukha sampati Ghar ave
Sukha sampati Ghar ave
Kasht mite tan ka
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Whoever thinks of You, gets results without any mental grief,
Happiness and wealth come to his home
Aand his bodily woes vanish.
Mata pita tum mere
Sharan padum mi kis ki
Swami sharan padum mi kis ki
Tum bina aur na dooja
Tum bina aur na dooja
Asha karum mi kis ki
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are my mother and my father
Who else can I seek refuge from?
There is no one else other than You for me,
Who shall I yearn for?
Tum pooran Paramatma
Tum Antaryami
Swami Tum Antaryami
Parabrahma Parameshwara
Parabrahma Parameshwara
Tum sab ke Swami
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are whole and You are the Supreme Self
You are the Indweller in every being.
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O Supreme God, O Supreme Ruler
You are the Master of everybody
Tum karuna ke sagar
Tum palan karta
Swami Tum palan karta
Mi sevak tum swami
Mi sevak tum swami
Kripa karo bharta
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are the Ocean of Mercy
You are the Ruler
I am Your servant and You are the Master
Please show mercy my Lord
Tum ho ek agochar
Sab ke pranapati
Swami sab ke pranapati
Kis vidhi miloom dayamaya
Kisi vidhi miloom dayamaya
Tum ko mi kumati
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
You are the Unseen
You are the Master of everyone's life
How can I meet You, O Abode of Kindness
Deena bandhu dukh harta
Tum rakshak mere
Swami tum rakshak mere
Apane hast uthavo
Apane hast uthavo
Dwar khada mi tere
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
O friend of the downtrodden,
O remover of grief
You are my protector
I am standing at your door
Please raise Your hand to assure me.
Vishaya vikar mithavo
Pap haro deva
Swami pap haro deva
Shraddha bhakti badhavo
Shraddha bhakti badhavo
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Santan ki seva
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Please eradicate all material desires in me
Aand remove my sins,
Increase my love for You and let me serve You
Tan man dhan sab kuch hi tera
Swami sab kuch hi tera
Tera tujh ko arpan
Tera tujh ko arpan
Kya lage mera
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
My body, my mind, my wealth
And my everything belongs to You
I offer what is Yours to You
What is there that is mine?
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Swami Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Bhakta janonke sankat
Bhakta janonke sankat
Kshan me door kare
Om Jaya Jagadheesha Hare
Om! Victory to You, Hari, Ruler of the Universe
You make the troubles of your devotees vanish in a second