Vishvarupadarsana Yoga
(Vision of the Divine Cosmic form)
55 Verses
S. No.
Page No.
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
Verse 17
Verse 18
Verse 19
S. No.
Page No.
Verse 20
Verse 21
Verse 22
Verse 23
Verse 24
Verse 25
Verse 26
Verse 27
Verse 28 & 29
Verse 30
Verse 31
Verse 32
Verse 33
Verse 34
Verse 35
Verse 36
Verse 37
Verse 38
Verse 39
Verse 40
S. No.
Page No.
Verse 41
Verse 42
Verse 43
Verse 44
Verse 45
Verse 46
Verse 47
Verse 48
Verse 49
Verse 50
Verse 51
Verse 52
Verse 53
Verse 54
Verse 55
Introduction :
- All Vibhutis in form of Manifestations / Glories in world enumerated in Chapter 10.
Previous Description :
- Each object in creation taken up and Bagawan said, I am essence of that object means, Bagawan is in each of
them… Bagawan is in everything.
- The last description is a Reversal.
- Bagawan not in every object.
- Truth is, all objects are in Bagawan.
Example :
- 1
: Space is in every container.
- Final : All containers existing in one space.
Description Last Description
Antaryami Varnanam Adhishtana Varnanam /
Adhara Varnanam
- Aham Idam Kritsnam Vishtabhya
- I exist supporting the whole world by one part of myself.
Vishnu’s Description :
- Shanta Karam Bhujanga Shayanam.
- Bagawan small, sleeping on a snake followed by “Vishwadharam Gagana Sadrusham
How I support Universe?
- World occupies infinitesimal part of me.
- He is Atma… means supporter of entire Universe.
Vishwadhara Svarupam
Vishwa Rupa Ishvara
Jagat Atma Rupam
Adhishtana Karana Rupam
Vivarta Karana Rupam
- (Beginningless Primal)
- Primal because Karanam exists before Karyam.
Aishvaryam :
- Divine form of Ishvara.
- Vishwarupa Darshanam not imagination. But Arjuna wants to see it during transactions.
- Intellectually understood everything is Bagawan. Not able to practice emotionally.
- If I practice, the mind must be “Samaha”… my experience is my mind is Violent.
- There is a Gap between what I know / what I am.
- How to remove intellectual emotional split personality?
Technical :
- Bagawan supporter of world.
- Idea of duality is conveyed.
Book Desk
- 2 things are there. Therefore Dvaitam.
Supported by
Bagawan World 2 things
Up Down
- We close eyes because we have decided, world not Bagawan.
- This is fundamental misconception.
- Bagawan + World not different.
- No Need to turn away from world.
- Desk Book wrong example for Adharam Adheyam Supporter Supported.. Because Dvaitam comes in.
Take :
- Karana Karya example.
Water Ocean
- 2 words one substance.
- No Ocean other than water.
- No thing called Ocean / Ornament / Furniture / Dream / World.
- No Duality
Ocean / Wave
World Bagawan Nama / Rupa
Bagawan alone is
- World Darshanam is Bagawan Darshanam
- Ocean Darshanam is Water Darshanam
- Furniture Darshanam is wood Darshanam.
- To see Bagawan don’t close eyes.
- Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagat.
- 2 Names - Vishnu + Shiva.
- Don’t take book – Desk example for Adharam. Take Karana Karya Drishtanta.
Har Desh Mein Tu
Har Vhesh Mein Tu
Tere Naam Anek
Tu Ek Hi Hai
In every place you are,
In every body you are
Your names many,
You are one.
- Dramatically presented here.
Chapter 11 - Verse 1 :
Arjuna Said :
By this word of the highest secret concerning
the Self, which You have spoken out of
compassion towards me, my delusion is gone.”
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Arjuna consolidates teaching of Chapter 1 to 6 in Verse 1 (Tvam Padartha Svarupa Varnanam) &
Chapter 7 to 10 in verse 2 (Tat Padartha Varnanam)
Chapter 1 to 6 :
- Sthula, Sukshma, Karana Sharira Vyathirikta, Avasta Traya Sakshi, Pancha Kosha Vilakshana, Sat chit Ananda is
- Atma Anatma Viveka done.
Chapter 2 Verse 30 :
This, the Indweller in the body of everyone is ever
indestructible. O Bharata ; and therefore, you
should not grieve for any creature.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Dehi Nityam…..
- Dehi different from Deha Body mind complex.
Chapter 3 Verse 28 :
But he who knows the Truth, O mighty armed, about
the divisions of the qualities and (their) functions,
and he who knows that gunas as senses move
amidst gunas as objects, is not attached.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Guna, Guneshu…..
- One who knows the qualities of Guna and their functions and that “Gunas as Senses” move amidst gunas as
objects is not attached.
- Anatma & Anatma interact.
- I atma am unaffected.
- My confusions about Atma Anatma gone.
Chapter 3 Verse 42 :
They say that the senses are superior (to the body);
Superior to the senses is the mind; Superior to
the mind is the intellect; one who is even
superior to the intellect is He, (the Atman).
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Senses are superior to body.
Mind is superior to senses
Intellect is superior to Mind
Atma is superior to Intellect.
Chapter 4 Verses 18 & 19
He who recognises inaction in action and action in
inaction is wise among men ; he is a Yogi and
a true performer of all actions.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Whose undertakings are all devoid of desires and
purposes, and whose actions have been burnt
by the Fire-of-Knowledge, him the “wise” call a
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- He who recognises “Inaction in Action” andAction in Inaction” is wise among men.
- Whose undertakings are all devoid of desires and purposes, and whose actions have been burnt by the “Fire of
Knowledge”, the wise call a Sage.
- Atma is Akarta & Anatma is Karta.
Chapter 5 Verse 9 :
Mentally renouncing all actions and fully self-
controlled, the “embodied” one rests happily, in
the nine-gate city, neither acting nor causing
others (body and senses) to act.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Body & mind is a city of 9 doors.
- Jeevatma not body / mind. But resident of Body. Neither acts or causes Body + Mind to act.
Speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing
the eyes convinced that the senses move
among the sense-objects.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Indriyani Indriyartheshu Vartante
Chapter 5 Verse 13 :
Chapter 6 Verse 29 :
With the mind harmonised by Yoga he sees the Self
abiding in all beings and all beings in the Self ;
he sees the same everywhere.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Atma common in all bodies. Body + Mind different, Chaitanyam common.
- That Atma we are Tvam pada Lakshyartha Jeevatma Svarupa.
- In Chapter 11 ; Verse 1 - Arjuna says, my confusions are gone Bheeshma, drona, others not going to Die.
- I am not killer. They are not killed.
Bashyam of Verse :
- Madanugrahaya for saving me, you taught.
Paramam :
- Nirati Sayam Highest Teaching unsurpassing.
- Other Teaching = Apara Vidya
- Para Vidya Superior.
Guhyam :
- Gopyam Secret Teaching given after obtaining Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti because vedanta can be abused.
Everything Mithya. Beyond Punyam / Papam. Abuses can be Justified through Vedanta.
- Anything in creation can be abused. Seeker responsible. Therefore Adhyatma teaching given to selective students
Badhyatma Sanhitam :
- Spiritual teaching.
- Karma Khanda / Upasana Khanda deal with material sciences.
- Adyatma Jnanam teaches one to Discriminate Atma Anatma, - Spirit matter.
- Bagawans body (Adharam, Madhuram) also Anatma.
- Upasana Khanda Looks at Anatma only.
- Student must acknowledge to teacher his understanding of the Teaching.
- Te Vachasa.. By your words not Glorification / Admiration – Not giving certificate to Lord.
Mohoham Vigato Mama :
- My Delusion in intellect is gone to fight or not, will it give papa or not.
Chapter 2 Verse 6 :
I can scarecely say which will be better, that we
should conquer them or that they should
conquer us. Even the sons of Dhritarashtra,
after slaying whom we do not wish to live,
stand facing us.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Arjuna : My mind is confused. Tell me what is good for me. 10
Technical :
Chapter 1 to 6 :
- Doesn’t talk here about Karma Yoga.
Chapter 2 Verse 47 :
Thy right is to work only ; but never to its fruits ; let
not the fruit of action be thy motive, nor let thy
attachment be to inaction.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 3 Verse 8 :
You perform (your) bounden duty ; for action is
superior to inaction. Even the maintenance of
the body would not be possible for you by
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 4 Verse 28 :
Others again offer wealth, austerity and Yoga as
sacrifice, while the ascetics of self-restraint and
rigid vows offer study of scriptures and
knowledge as sacrifice.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 5 Verse 10 :
He who does actions, offering them to Brahman,
abandoning attachment, is not tainted by sin,
just as a lotus leaf remains unaffected by the
water on it.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 6 Verse 1 :
The Blessed Lord Said : He who performs his
bounden duty without depending on the fruits of
action-he is a Sannyasin and a Yogin ; not he
who (has renounced) is without fire and without
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
What is Param? Karma or Jnanam?
- Arjuna here says : Adhyatma Sanhitam Atma-Anatma Viveka.
Mimamsa Reason :
- Karma need not be taught as it is dealt in Vedapurva.
Prasthana Traya gita - Upanishad Brahma Sutra not for teaching Karma Yoga.
- Doesn’t have “Apporvata in Mamamsa.
- Not new message in Gita.
- Karma Yoga Anuvada Vakyams in Gita.
- Restatement of Known fact.
- Whatever is restatement can’t be central message.
Tatparyam Nasti Apoorvata Abavat….
- Tvam pada Lakshyartha Sakshi chaitanyam is Tatparyam.
(Mentioned in Bashyam of Chapter 2 Verse 47)
6 Lingams
Arthavada Phalam
Introduction :
Chapter 2 to 6 Tvam Pada / Vachyartha + Lakshyartha Viveka
Chapter 7 to 12 Tat Pada / Vachyartha + Lakshyartha Viveka
Chapter 12 to 18 Aikyam….
Gita Big Commentary on Mahavakyam only.
Adyatma Tvam Pada Viveka Tatparya Vishaya
Karma Yoga Avantara Vishaya
Purushartha Self effort Highlighted Not Tat Paryam….
Chapter 6 - Verse 5 :
He who does actions, offering them to Brahman,
abandoning attachment, is not tainted by sin,
just as a lotus leaf remains unaffected by the
water on it.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Page 40 Bashyam Veda Purva Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga Pradhana. Therefore in Gita Tatparyam Nasti.
Anvaya :
- Madanugrahaya Yathu Pashyan Guhyam Adhyatma Sanhitam Vachaha.
- Tvaya Uktam Tena Mama Ayam Mohaha Vigataha
Grammatical Observation :
Anushtup Metre : 4 quarters 8 letter each - 32 letters
Sloka 1
Quarter instead of 8 has 9. MA DA NA Grahaya
Chapter 11 - Verse 2 :
The origin and destruction of beings, verily, have
been heard by me in detail from You, O Lotus-
eyed Krsna, and also Your inexhaustible
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- 1
line : Summary of Chapters 7, 8, 9.
- Ishvara presented as Jagat srishti, Sthithi, Laya Karanam.
Taittriya Upanishad : 3.1 : Yathova Imani butani Jayante
Bhrigu, the son of Varuna, approached his father Varunas,
(and said), 'Sir, teach me about Brahman." to him he
replied, 'Food, Prana, the eyes, the ears, the mind and
the speech.'
To him he further said, 'that out of which all these creatures
are born, being born by which they live, (and again)
having departed into which they enter, seek to know
that. 'That is Brahman.'
He performed penance ; and having performed the penance.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Brahma Sutra 2
Sutra :
- You are source from which everything originate and into which everything resolves.
line :
- Avyayam Mahatmayam Refers to Chapter 10 Vibuti Yoga
2 Slokas 10 chapters summarised.
Kamalapatra Aksha : Beautiful eyes like petals of lotus (Not round big leaves)
Bashyam :
Bavayayau Bava Apayaya
Utapatti / Origination /
Birth / Janma - Srishti
Dissolution Api + E + Yaya
- Compound word.
Bhutanam :
- Parent of all living beings, Panchabutas & inert things.
- Samasta Prapanchancha
- (Thou.. Dvanda Samasa)
- Krishna seen here not as Avatara but as Maya Sahitam Brahman Jagatkaranam responsible for origination and
Dissolution of Universe.
- Heard elaborately in 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 7 Verse 8 :
Chapter 9 :
- Para called Purusha / Brahman
- Apara called Prakirti / Maya
Chapter 9 Verse 4 :
I am the sapidity in water, O son of Kunti, I am the
light in the moon and the sun ; I am the syllable
OM in all the Vedas sound in ether, and virility
in men.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
All this world (universe) is pervaded by Me in My
Unmanifest form (aspect) ; all beings exist in
Me, but I do not dwell in them.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 9 Verse 8 :
Vistaraha :
- Elaborately.. Na Sankshepeta
Tvattah :
- From you heard
- Bavapyoyou Srishiti + Laya Karanam
- Sruttau…. Heard from you
Kamalasya Patram Petal
- Like lotus petal 2 eyes are there to that Lord. Therefore called Kamalapatraksha.
Mahatmayam Api Avyayam Inexhaustible Vibhuti.
- Avyayam = Countless, infinite.
Anvaya :
- Eh! Kamalapatraksha, butanam Bavapya Youhi, Tattvataha Maya Vistarasaha Srutou. Avyyam Mahatmayam Apicha
Sitting like one idifferent, and unattached to these
acts, O Dhanamjaya, these acts do not bind
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 11 - Verse 3 :
- Arjuna gives personal request.
- I accept it is valid teaching because
a) It is given by Sakshat Kara Brahman
b) Based on Aupuresheya Veda Pramanam.
Chapter 4 Verse 1 :
(Now) O Supreme Lord! As you have thus
described Yourself, I wish to see (actually)
Your Form Divine, O Purusottama.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
The Blessed Lord said : I tauht this Imperishable
Yoga to Vivasvan ; Vivasvan taught it to Manu ;
Manu taught it to Iksvaku.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- I taught this imperishable Yoga to Vivasvan
- Vishwa Darshanam and Isvara Darshanam taught as 2 separate experiences mutually exclusive.
- World / god different 2 separate Phenomenon.
- ∆ format – J / J / I
- Its not 2 separate events / 2 separate efforts…
- Puranic story : Dhruva stood onelegged in tapas, eating leaves….
- Splitting God + World = Mistake No. 1 Dhruva
- Splitting Me + God = Mistake No. 2.
- Upanishad Sara : Jagat Isadi Mukti Sevanam.
Dakshinamoorthy stotram 9
Verse :
Sanskrit Vocal
He, whose subtle and unmanifest eightfold form causes the moving and unmoving universe, and by
whose grace alone does all these manifestation disappear to reveal that ‘All that exists is Brahman’ -
to that DakShinamurti, who is embodied in the auspicious Guru, I offer my profound salutations.
- God / World one.. Chapter 11 Vishvarupa Darshanam
- Jeeva / God One Mahavakyam
Vision of god Vision of World No Separate Isvara Darshanam
- Thiagaraja → Sees Rama
- Ramakrishna → Sees Kali - No Tatparyam in Vedanta only Arthavada.
- Dhruva → Sees Ishvara
Under Krishna Darshanam , Arjuna said :
- Seedanti mama gathrani Eka Rupa Darshanam - No Moksha
- Nedham Yadidam Upasiate
- Pratibasika Rama in Dream.
- We must evolve to seeing god in world.
- Aisvarya Rupam → Vishnu Rupam Not Shankha Gadha
- Vishnu Sarvam Vyeshti Vyapnoti iti Vishnu. Not Ksheero Dhanta…. But Bhu Padav….
Svarupam endowed with Shat Aishvaryam :
- Jnanam → Omniscience
- Aishvaryam → Over lordship
- Shakti → Skill - Internal power
- Bala Strength - External power
- Veeryam Courage
- Tejaha → Brilliance (1000 suns Rising simultaneously)
Line :Parameshwaram Shiva
Line : Purushottama Vishnu
- In short, I want Vishwaroopa Darshanam
Anvaya :
- Eh! Parameshwara yatha Tvam Aatmanam Aatha Evam Tata etat Bavati. Eh Purushottamma, Aham te
Aishvaryam Rupam Drashtum Ichhami.
Chapter 11 verse 4 :
If you, O Lord, think it possible for me to see It, do you
please, then, O Lord of Yoga-s, show me Your
Imperishable Self-form.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- I have desire for Vishwaroopa Darshanam, but don’t know whether I am qualified or not.
- Want to walk to Tirupathi
- Want Benz!
- Without desire qualification useless.
- Without qualification desire useless.
- When both desire and qualifications are there, results will come.
- If I am qualified, request me to show Darshanam.
Question : If world and Ishvara Darshanam are identical, why separate qualification required?
- All are having world Darshanam.
Aim : To get right attitude of Ishvara Darshanam, need qualification.
Problem : Not in Availability of Vishvaroopam. Arjuna wants Attitudinal change.
- I should learn to look world darshanam as Ishvara Darshanam which is called Divinising of world.
(Attitudinal change)
- Happiness only in one way Dilution of Aham / Mamakara.
- Eh! Krishna Help me to dilute Aham / Mamakara which is called Divya chakshu.
- Bavana Requires Anugraha + Teaching.
Example : Seeing Nataraja - One sees as Art + takes Camera
- Another sees as God + takes Flower. Different attitudes.
- Vishwa Darshan versus Ishvara Darshanam Arjuna asks for Anugraha called Divya Chakshu.
Lecture 338 : Page : 261 : Verse 4 :
- Vishvaroopa Already in front.
Bashyam :
- Manyase Tvam Chintayasi yadi suppose you consider, I am fit for Vishwaroopa Darshanam. Arjuna doesn’t
demand. Whether you choose or not, I am willing to consider.
- Vishwa rupam Saguna / Aneka Rupa Ishvara.
- Drashtum → Is it possible for me to see.
- Prabho Lord – Master Swami
Arjuna = Dasa
- Attitude of Karma Yogi → Nourishes swami Brithya Bavana
- Jnana Yogi Erases swami Brithya Bavana and replaces with Aikya Bavana.
- Direction of Karma Yoga + Jnana Yoga opposite.
- Samuchaya not possible.
- Karma Yoga : Nourishes Swami Dasa.
- Jnana Yoga : Negates Swami Dasa.
- Arjuna in Karma Yoga level nourishing the Bavana… oh Lord, my master – Yogeshwara.
- Yoga Yogi Spiritual sadhakas.
- Tesham Ishvara : You are lord of all spiritual seekers in 5 levels Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga / Sravanam /
Mananam / Ninidhyasanam levels.
- Bagawan one master… therefore called Yogeshvara
- Since I am desirous, curious and serious, seeker not casual seeker… have deep yearning.
- Arjuna is graduating from Eka to Aneka Rupa (Vishwarupa).
- For my benefit me Tvam.
- Darshaya Tvam may you show / Dilute Ahamkara / Mamakara so that I will see Ishvara See mountain as
Shariram of Ishvara
- Atma = Saguna Ishvara.
- Avyayam = extentive / in exhaustible galaxies with inhabitants…
Anvaya :
- Eh Prabho! Yogeswara Yadi tadi maya Drashtum Shakyam, iti Tvam manyase Tataha me Avyayam atmanam
DarshayaTataha Tarhi then Yadi if.
- When life gives 3 tapas Adhyatma / Adhibuta / Adhideva, See it as Vishwaroopa Ishvara connect to
Brihardanyaka Upanishad : 5
Vyahita Brahmanam :
- Look at Disease as Tapas helping you to remember Lord.
- Vyadhi Opportunity to remember Lord.
- Remember Visvaroopa Ishvara Ya Yevam Veda. Don’t hate suffering or love suffering. Go through it without hating.
This too will pass away.
- In last 4 Verses, Krishna has been requested (Not commanded Chidistva) Bagawan gives qualification Dilution
of Aham + Mamakara.
2 methods for Aham / Mama Dilution
Own Sadhana
Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga
- Temporarily Dilute Artificially
- Bagawan gave this to Arjuna by his Yogic
power, suppressed Aham, Mamakara to
enjoy Vishwaroopa Darshan
Example :
- Like borrowing Ornaments + enjoying
- Viswarupa in front missed because of Aham + Mamakara.
- Chakshu becomes Divyam when eyes converted from Samanya Chakshu to Divya Chakshu.
- We have to get by Karma Yoga + Upasana Yoga.
- 5 Pancha Butas are Ishvara. With our Divya Chakshu we can’t look at other Lokas only Bhu Loka.
- We don’t have capacity to perceive Bhur, Shur Lokas Yakshas + Devas. We can see Star / Sun / Moon.
Exhalted Vision
Timewise extention :
- See future of Mahabarata War.
- We can’t see what will happen after class. Our vision always conferred to present.
Chapter 11 - Verse 34 :
Extended Vision
Arjuna gets
Learning this world is Ishvara
Learning other Lokas is
Ishvara’s grace
Spatially and timewise
extended Vision
Drona, Bhisma, Jayadratha, Karna, and other brave
warriors those have already been slain by Me ;
you do kill ; be not distressed with fear ; fight and
you shall conquer your enemies in battle.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- See death of Drona / Bheeshma symbolic event. All entering mouth of Lord “Kala” – like Diwali Bakshanam.
Spatial + Timewise extended view is Divya Chakshu.
- Through Karma Yoga + Upasana Yoga, get Divya Chakshu, can’t get future view. Get exhalted vision. Not extended
- Exhalted vision enough for Moksha.
Divyani :
- Means extended vision to see Buar, Suar, Satya Lokas.
Pashya :
- May you visualise / experience
- Me → My
- Rupani Forms
- Shatashaha 100’s / 1000’s (Aneka) in the Body of the Lord.
(Taittriya Upanishad Siksha Valli Akasha Shariram Brahma…)
- All pervading Akasha is shariram of Lord. All forms are Limbs of Lord.
Nana Vidhani :
- Aneka Prakarani
- Each different Rupa, Sparsha, Rasa, Gandha, Riot of colors.
- Divyani Aprakrutani, Celestial / Heavenly Lokas Seen by Yogis with miraculous powers.
- Arjuna without being Yogi sees with Divya Chakshu.
Akrutaha :
- Different configurations of beings with varied Limbs underwater creatures.
- When we forget Pancha Anatma profession, possession, family, body & mind, the world is wonderful.
- When we remember them, world is a burden. (suppressing Mamakara and Ahamkara see the world)
Anvaya :
- Eh Partha, Me Nana Vidhani, Nana Varna Kritani Ca, Divyacha, Rupani Shatasaha, Atta Sahastrashaha Tvam Pashya.
Chapter 11 - Verse 6 :
Behold the Aditya-s, the Vasu-s, the Rudra-s, the (two)
Asvin-s and also the Maruta-s ; behold many wonders
never seen before, O Bharata.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- 3 words Divyani, Nanavidhani, Nana Krutani explained in this verse.
Each wonderful.
Bashyam :
Arjunas Divya Chakshu had
Exalted Vision Extended Vision
- Required for Moksha
- Can come from Karma Yoga / Upasana
- Classify is our understanding of this
- Blessing from Lord
- We can’t see heaven + other Lokas with
our chakshu.
In Verse 6 : other Lokas mentioned Extended Vision.
1) Adityas 12 12 Suryas in 12 months available for us also to see.
12 Devatas Not available for us.
2) 8 Vasavaha Celestial Devatas Presiding over 8 Directions.
3) 11 Rudras → 10 Jnaneindriyas + 1 Antahkarana (11 Organs)
Brihardanyaka Upanishad Chapter 3 9 11 higher Lokas
11 make us cry during death
Rodyati iti Rudra.
4) Ashvinau Dik Devatas
5) Marutaha → 49 – preside winds
7 Groups of 7 Devatas
→ Heaven Manushyas can’t see. Adrishta Purve.
Wonderful from earthly standpoint (Ashcharya)
Lecture 339 :
Page 261 Verse 6 :
- Qualification for Vishwaroopa is not arrival of Vishwaroopa. It has arrived during Srishti.
- Our mind being prepared to appreciate = Reduction of Aham / Mamakara + Raaga Dvesha
- It can happen by our sadhana or Grace of Lord. Like induced Magnetism Grace is temporary. Krishna offers mind
with minimum Aham / Mamakara.
- It can go away totally only by Advaita Jnanam.
- By Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga
- By Advaita Jnanam because it is
born out of ignorance.
- With Divya chakshu can see Vishwaroopa clearly. 29
- Verses 5 7 Krishnas Description of Vishwaroopam.
- Verses 9 15 Sanjayas Description of Vishwaroopam
- Verses 15 46 Arjunas Description of Vishvaroopam.
- Who will die & when in Mahabarata War… Drona / Bheeshma / Karna … enter Mouth of the Lord… (Kala)
Verse 6 :
- Arjunas extended Vishwa rupam
- Sees Devatas in heaven Adhitya / Vasu /…
Anvaya :
- Eh! BavataTvam Aditya Vasu, Rudran Ashvinou, Maritaha cha pashya, Tata Tvam Bahuni Adrishta Poorvam
Ashcharya Pashya.
Divya Chakshu
Exhalted Vision Extended Vision
- Seeing world as
Vishwaroopa Ishvara
available for all to see.
- For Moksha, Need
Vishwaroopa Darshan only
- For Arjuna only
- See Buar, Suar, Mahar,
Brahma Loka.
- Spatially + Timewise
Chapter 11 - Verse 7 :
Now behold, O Gudakesa, in this Body, that the whole
universe centred in One including the moving and
the unmoving and whatever else you desire to see.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- See 14 Lokas… who will die in Kauravas / Pandas is the essence.
Bashyam :
- Iha → In this Body of mine.
- Ekastitam Eka Adhara, Sarva Adhara, Bagawans Body.
Vishwadharam, Gagana Sadrusham.
- Jagat Krisnam Samastham See in its totality
- Adya Right now, I am going to give you qualification / my Yogic power.
Yogis can transfer power proven here.
- Shakti Patha Diksha Temporary powers transferred.
- Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti / Jnanam can’t be transferred without Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga.
- Ramakrishna touched Vivekananda and he had extraordinary vision. Yoga Siddhi not moksha. Not spiritual growth,
- Adya Means right now, today.
- Sacharacharam → Living beings.
- Mama Dehe → My body
- Gudakesha Wakeful student.
- Jaya → Who is going to win Mahabarata war.
Chapter 2 Verse 6 :
I can scarcely say which will be better, that we should
conquer them or that they should conquer us.
Even the sons of Dhritarashtra, after slaying
whom we do not wish to live, stand facing us.
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Arjuna curious who is going to win the war.
Anvaya :
- Eh! Gudakesha Tvam eha mama Dehe Agya Ekastham, Krisnam Sacharacharam Pashyam Yadu Anyatu Drishtum
Icchati, Tatucham Pashya.
- Kintu However…
- Vishwaroopa in front of us all the time. Its not non-availability of Vishwaroopa but defect in mind. As long as
spectacles of Aham / Mama are there, will always see problems in the universe not see divinity.
- Removing goggle is Divya chakshu - without that Vishwaroopa Darshan is not possible.
Bashyam :
- Vishnu Sahasranamam : Bhu Padav Yasya Nabhi… Chandra netra.
- That form you can’t see with ordinary eyes. (Pramatena natural eyes)
- Our eyes contaminated with Aham / Mama / Raga Dvesha.
- Aham Mama converts Ishvara Srishti into Jeeva Srishti.
- Dropping Aham Mama will convert Jeeva Srishti into Ishvara Srishti. Panchadasi Chapter 4 Dvaita Viveka
Padartha / Ishvara Srishti
Vishaya (Jeeva Srishti)
- This is a clock
- This clock is mine
- Padasya Artha
- Has relationship
- Meaning of word
- Becomes Bogya Vishaya capable of Binding me.
- For Jnani : Entire creation Padarta
including Body / Mind
- Vi Sinoti badnati.
But you are not able to behold Me with these your own
eyes ; I give you the divine-eye ; behold My lordly
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 11 Verse 8 :
- Vishwaroopa Darshanam is converting Vishaya into Padarta.
- Sva Chakshusha With natural eyes
- Yena Connect to Divyena - Chakshu
- I will give you divine eye to see Divine vision.
- See Aishvarya Yoga Divine Power through Divya chakshu.
- Yoga Shakti = Extraordinary Maya Shakti
- Visualise universe is extraordinary Maya Shakti.
Anvaya :
- Aneka Chakshashtu Mam Drishtum eva na shakyase. Aham Te Divyam Chakshuhu Dadami.
- Tvam Me Aishvaryam Yoga Pashya.
Chapter 11 Verse 9 :
- Lord blessing Arjuna. Inner transformation taking place in Arjuna. No conversation.
- Arjuna over whelmed. Master of ceremony Sanjaya comes in.
- Gives Vishwaroopa Varnanam.
Sanjaya Said : Having thus spoken, O King, the great
Lord of Yoga, Hari, showed to Partha His
Supreme Form, as the Lord (of the Universe).
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Chapter 1 Verse 28 :
- Svajanam - My people, I belong to them Aham Esham (Ahamkara)
- They belong to me - Mama Ete (Mamakara)
- Nobody belongs to you.
- You belong to no one. Both notions have to go. This is called Sanyasa Manasa given by Divya Chakshu.
- Therefore become Mental Sanyasi. Jeeva Srishti disappears and Ishvara Srishti appears.
Bashyam :
- Evam Yathokta Prakarena. In the manner mentioned from Verse 5 8
- Uktva Having Addressed Arjuna
Tataha Then
Transference cum transformation of Arjunas mind taking place.
- En Rajan Dritharashtra
Seeing these my kinsmen, O Krsna, arrayed, eager to
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Mahayogeshwara :
- Krishna had all Siddhis & transferred to Arjuna and changed his vision from Jeeva to Ishvara Srishti
- Svajanam Krishna My Drona / Bheeshma / Karna Before.
- As long as Svajana occupies mind, No Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
- Take Mental Sanyasa “Clasp” rejection…
Mahayogeshwara :
- Lord Hari Mahancha, Maheyogeshware cha.
- Yoga = Maya = Which contains Anima, Garima Siddhis which is in Maya.
- Lord of Maya / Siddhis is Hari / Narayana one who steals, Robs, impurities from Baktas mind choraha.
- Krishna steals Ahamkara / Mamakara (Haratou iti hari) Narayana, Vishnu, Krishna.
Darshaya Masa :
- Showed to Parthaya.
- Pritha = Buddhi Putra Kaunteya
- Have you seen Vishwaroopam?
Param Rupam Aishvaram :
- Krishna showed Vishwarupam to Arjuna.
Anvaya :
- Eh Rajan, evam Muktaha Tataha Mahayogeshwara Harihi Parthaya, Paramam Aishvaryam Rupam.
Chapter 11 Verse 10 :
With numerous mouths and eyes, with numerous
wonderful sights, with numerous divine
ornaments, with numerous divine weapons
uplifted... (such a form He showed.)
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
Sanjayas description of Vishvaroopam :
- Consisting of 1000’s of eyes, mouth, form, Ornaments.
- Doesn’t see Bheeshma / Drona as Arjunas Relation but as Part of Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- When all become part of Ishvara, they become Ishvaras heads / mouths….
- Not my students / My swami etc.,
- Instead of having Aham / Mama see Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Infinite eyes / head… exalted vision.
Bashyam :
- Aneka Vaktra Nayam…..
- Vaktra = Mouth
- Nayanam = Eyes.
- In one Vishvaroopa Ishvara saw thousands of eyes…
Adbutani :
- Cause of Wonderment.
- 7 Ancient wonders belong to Ishvara.
Aneka Divya Abaranam :
- Extraordinary ornaments / Diamonds belongs to Ishvara.
- Ayudhani Weapons ready for use / Operation.
Weapon means :
- Vishnu in Vaikunta with Shankha / chakra or Weapon belonging to Pandavas / Karuras. Sees them as belonging to
Lecture 340 :
Verse 10 : Bashyam Last 3 lines.
- Lord Krishna blessed Arjuna with Divya Chakshu. Gave temporary freedom from Aham / Mamakara & Dilution of
Raaga Dvesha.
- With this Arjuna had Vishvaroopa Ishvara Darshan.
Gap :
- In the Gap, when mind is transforming, Sanjaya gives Vishwaroopa Darshanam
- Vyasa blessed Sanjaya to see. What Arjuna sees.
- Arthapatti Assume.
Vishwa Darshanam 2 Visions
Exhalted Extended
Look at this Loka Look at Other Lokas
Verse 10 Exhalted Vision :
- See Army of Kauravas Pandas as Manifestation of one lord.
Divya Yudhyata Ayudham :
- Vishnus Weapons in Vaikunta or Weapons held by Pandavas / Kauravas ready for operation.
- From Verse 9 take Paramam Rupa
Aishvaryam :
- Aneka Vaktra Nayanam
- Aneka Adbuta Darshanam
- Aneka Divya Abaranam
Bahivri Samasa :
- Darshaya Masa Bagawan showed to Arjua
- Dvitiya Vibakti Object of Aishwarayam
Anvaya :
- Aneka Vaktra Nayanam
Aneka bhuta Darshanam,
Aneka Divya Abaranam,
Divya Aneko Adyutham,
Rupam Harihi Darshaya Masa.
Chapter 11 - Verse 11 :
Wearing divine garlands (necklaces) and apparels,
anointed with divine unguents (perfumes), the all-
wonderful, resplendent, boundless with faces on
all sides.
Sanskrit Vocal
Exhalted Vision :
- Divyani Divine
Malani Garlands of flowers
Ambaram Vastram / Garments Ornaments
Divya Gandha Extraordinary
Anulepanam Perfumes
- Not any new Garments / Garlands seen transformation of Vision. Looked at all of them already existing as Lords.
Example :
- If Hungry, Banana Goes to Mouth Directly.
- Divya Banana : Goes to eyes Attitudinal difference not physical difference.
- Becomes Divyam because of change in attitude.
- Sarva Ascarya mayam Everything of wonderment only
Devam Vishwaroopa Ishvara
Anantam → Na Asya Antaha Asmi.
That which has no limitation.
- What arrives in front of Arjuna can’t be Anantam.
- Therefore can’t arrive in front of Arjuna. Same world now.
- Vishwatho Mukhaha : Sarvatmamukha.
How facing all Directions?
- Sarva buta Atmatvat Vishwaroopa Ishvara is inherrent truth behind all human beings.
- Tam Neuter Masculine
- Devaha Masculine
- Vishwaroopa Neuter.
- Harihi Darshaya Masa Subject / Arjuna Saw Vishwaroopa.
- We have to supply subject and verb in the sloka.
Anvaya :
- Divya Malya Baradharam.
Divya Gandhanu Alepanam
Sarva Ascharya Maya
Anantam Vishwatomukha
Devam Harihi Darshaya Masa.
- How is Baha = Brilliance, Radiance, Light of Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
Chapter 11 Verse 12 :
If the splendour of a thousand Suns was to blaze all at
once (simultaneously) in the sky, that would be
like the splendour of that Mighty Being (great
Sanskrit Vocal
- Sanjaya searches and expresses a imaginary comparision / similie / Upama
Similies are of 2 types
Existing in the World
Sambavita Upama Alankara
- 1000’s of Suns rising in horizon simultaneously. Now other suns are stars. Only one Sun in solar system.
- Brilliance is indescribable.
Bashyam :
- This Buar, suar, loka intermediate upper atmosphere, 1000 sun’s rising in heaven, Brilliance rises simultaneously.
Imagine happening. Or comparision of Brilliance of Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Possibility, may, sambavana write 2 sentences. This Brilliance is superior to imaginary Brilliance.
Anvaya :
- Yadi Surya Sahasrasya Bava,
Divi Yugapath Yudita Bavet,
Tarhi Sa Mahatmanaha Banasaha Sadrushi Syat.
- Sadrushi Similar to Tritiya Vibakti, Pushpena Sadmsha, Gandhena Sadrusha, Ramena Sadrusha.
- Basaha = Shashti Vibakti.
- Therefore not similar to.
- Taken as Upama, Probable Upama / Similie, Syat Sambavanavan.
Chapter 11 Verse 13 :
There, in the body of the God of gods, the Pandava
(Son of Pandu) then saw the whole Universe
resting in one, with all its infinite parts.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Sanjaya thrilled with Darshanam. Definition of Sanjaya :
Samyak Indriyanam Jayaha Yena.
- One who has mastered Jnanaindriyas and Karma indriyas. Allows others (Arjuna) to talk. Has extraordinary speech
Body of Lord Vishwa Shariram
In Akasha Shariram of Lord
Cosmos is Limb of Lord.
Bashyam :
- Tatra Tasmin Vishwaroope In Universal form of Lord Bagawan is Vishwadhara.
- Ekasmin sthitam In one Bagawan, Saw Multiplicity (One in Many).
Visishta Adavaitam
- Accepts Vishwaroopa Ishvara as one
- Accepts Vishwaroopa Ishvara as one
- World one part of Bagawan
- World one part of Bagawan
Question :
- Is world equally real as Bagawan or of lower order of Reality?
- Both say substance is one.
- Viseshana viseshya Sambandha both accept.
Advaitam :
- Viseshanam world is Mithya
- Without Mithya, it is Visishta Advaitam.
Chapter 11 :
- Not adding Mithya both friendly.
Chapter 13 :
- Mithya Added to Visishta Advaita World.
- Ekastham sthitham, Advitiyam, entire universe Anekada Praribaktam.
- See Sajatiya, Vijatiya, Svagata Bheda Variety in 14 Lokas, Planets, continents, countries….
- When taken in totality Wonderful world
- When taken in individuality Terrible world.
- At individual, vyashti level, Good / bad comes. Earth wonderful when seen in totality from Moon.
Problems get manifested when you go near.
Prapancha / World
- Both accept as Viseshanam
- Both accept as Viseshyam
- Devas, Manushyas, Animals taken as whole is wonderful. Go close problems.
- I love you Before marriage.
I allow you After marriage. Because mamakara comes.
- Bheda is variety. Praribaktam means divided.
- Apashyavat VrishtavanLord Vishnu, God of all Gods ultimate God Akasha Shariram.
- Pandava = Arjuna
- At that time when Krishna blessed with Divya Chakshu
Anvaya :
- Tada Pandava, Tatra Deva Devasya Sharire, Ekastham, Anekadha Pravibaktam Krishnam Jagat Apashyatu :
(Dvitiya eka vachanam object of Apashyatu)
Chapter 11 - Verse 14 :
Then, Dhananjaya, filled with wonder, with his hair
standing on end, bowed down his head to the God
and spoke with joined palms.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Sanjaya changes focus from Bagawan to Arjunas condition.
- Vismaya Vishtaha Wonderstruck
- Hrishya Romaya Horripulation Goose Bumps. Hairs Standing on end.
- Shirasa Deva Pranamya Had great admiration for Lord.
- Worshiped Lord / Bowed to lord / Kritanjali with prostrations addressed Lord.
Bashyam :
- Tataha, Tam Drishtva.
- Thereafter, after seeing Vishwaroopa Ishvara, Arjuna….
- Vismaya Vishtaha In wonderment.
- Possessed / Overwhelmed / Gripped by wonderment / wonderstuck / Aavishtaha.
- Krishtani Romani Thrilled hairs (Stand vertically)
Hairs standing figurative ecstatic Arjuna thrilled.
- Abavat Arjuna Arjuna Became
- Pranamya Prakarshena Intensely bowed… Almost did Namaskara.
Bowed down to Lord.
- Kritanjali Namaskaram
- Anjali Bringing Palms together.
- For Aditya Tarpanam / for Namaskara offering Salutation. Not tightly joined for exercise but as expression of
Anvaya :
- Tataya Vismaya Vishtaha.
- Hrishta Roma Saha Dhananjaya Shirasa Devam Pranamya Kritanjali san Abashuta.
Lecture 341 :
Page 264 Verse 14 :
- Arjunas reverence for Ishvara increases.
- Sanjaya concludes Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
Chapter 11 Verse 15 :
Arjuna Said :
I see all the gods, O God, in Your body, and (also) hosts of
various classes of beings, Brahma, the Lord of Creation,
seated on a Lotus, all the Rsi-s and celestial serpents.
Sanskrit Vocal
How Arjuna Utters?
- Oh Lord I am seeing same old Vishwa Universe now as Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Vishwa
- Vishwaroopa Ishvara
- Universe
- Universal form of Lord
- Secular
- Sacred
- Until now secular sacred Division was there. After removal of Ahamkara, Mamakara, Secular Sacred division
wiped out. Enjoying now, attitudinal change.
- Avishkaranam Verbally expressing his own experience.
- Vyasa changes metre in the text Not Anushtup (In Tv light + sound possible)
Exalted Vision
Extended Vision
- Old world in new light
- Siddhi
- See more than what sense organs perceive
- Extended in space + Time
- Verse 15 See other Lokas
- Saw upto Brahma Lokaall Devas, Gandharvas. This is extended vision with ESP by Lords grace.
Bashyam :
- Pashyami → See with eyes
- Upalabe Refers to 5 sense organs. I Experience – vishwaroopa in Akasha Shariram Body of Lord.
Buta Visesha Sanghan :
- Variety of living beings.
- Samastham Viseshena Sangha configuration forms with variety Octopus / Starfish / Jelly fish.
- Than All I experience.
- See Lord of all Devas Chaturmukha Brahma 4 heads / 4 faces.
- Lord Brahma Lord of all prajas
Mundak Upanishad : 1
Mantra 1
Chapter :
Nonmoving living beings tree
Other living beings
Mantra No. 1:
Brahma was the first among the divine beings. This Lord of all, the
protector of all, imparted to his eldest son Atharva this Brahma-
Vidya which is the basis of all sciences.
Brahma-Vidya is the fundamental science because it is the
explanation and the very substance of all knowledge, the different
aspects and branches of which are all lower forms of knowledge.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Vishwasya (Creator) Kartha, Buvanasya Bokta (Protector)
Where is Brahma Located?
- Kamalanastham on Kamala Lotus.
- Lotus = Entire earth Sthula Prapancha… Earth called Kamalam.
- Raised portion… Circular platform
- Pericarp- KarnikaMeru Parvata in middle of earth (Himalayas / Mythological / North pole)
- Upon Karnika… is seat… On Meru Brahmaji Seated..
- Arjuna Experiences all Divine Rishis Vasishta, Kamadava, Vishvamitra….
- Divine snakes Vasuki associated with Shiva.
- Ananta Sesha associated with Vishnu.
Divyam Divi Bavan
Upper worlds Located
- Eh Deva Tawa Dehe, Sarvam Devam, Tata Buta Visesha Sangham, Kamala Sanastham, Ishvaram Brahmanam,
Sarwam Rishincha, Divyan Uragan cha, Pashyami Uraga.
- Uraga = Snake Reptile Urasa Gachhati.
- That which moves with help of chest.
- Verse 15 Extended Vision.
Chapter 11 Verse 16 :
Exhalted Vision :
- Sees this world also. Perceptible to ordinary eyes.
- Doesn’t see this world as world but as God, thus is exhalted Vision.
- From practicle Angle, Extended Vision useful. From spiritual Angle, Extended Vision not required for Moksha.
Exhalted Vision is enough. Extended Vision gives Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti required for Aham Brahma Asmi
Extended Vision Academic interest.
- All eyes / belongs to Sahasra Sirasha Purushaha Sahashrat Path… Purusha Suktam.
- Vsihwa eva Ishvara Not Lord of Universe. Lord that is Universe.
- Karma Dharaya Samasa.
- Vishwam eva Rupa Yasya not Sashti Tat purusha.
- Not Lord of Universe. But Lord as Universe.
I see Thee of boundless form on every side, with
manifold arms, stomachs, mouths and eyes ;
neither Thy end, nor the middle, nor also the
beginning do I see ; O! Lord of the Universe, O!
Cosmic Form.
Sanskrit Vocal
Bashyam : Grammer Description…
- Aneka Bahoodar Vaktra Netram
- Bahoo → Endless Arms
- Udaram → Endless Stomachs
- Vaktrani → Countless mouths
- Netram → Countless eyes / faces.
- Vaktram Vach → Speech
- Tram Instrument.
- Vakti Aneka Vatram Instrument of speech = mouth.
- Yasya Tawa Bahuvrihi Samasa.
He saw all this in Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Tva → You – I see Vishwaroopa.
- Which is none other than you.
Where do I see?
- Not in Guruvayur Koil…. Not located… But everywhere…
How many forms are there?
- All forms included in Vishwaroopa.
- Ananta Rupam Anantani Rupani.
- Tam Anantharupa Pashyami
- Na Antam Not able to see upper limit.
- Shiva on Shivarathri went down to find lower end.
- Brahma went up to upper end.
- Both not able to see… Story to communicate Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Avagama No upper limit.
- Madhyam Intermediary – between upper + lower limit…
Between beginning + end.
Don’t, see upper + middle.
Can’t say which is middle because it can’t be defined in an infinite thing.
- Na Pashyasi…..
- Na.. Punaha Na Adhim….
- Not able to see downward end as Vishnu Tried taking Paraha Rupam.
- Eh Vishweshvara Vishvarupa, not Sashti Tat Purusha, but Karma dharaya.
Anvaya :
- Eh-Vishvareshwara, Vishwa Rupa, Aneka Bahudara Vaktra Netram. Anantharupam.
- Tva-Aham Sarvataha Aham Pashyami.
- Aham Tawa Adhi Na Pashyami, madhyam na Pashyami, Punaha Antam Na Pashyami.
Chapter 11 Verse 17 :
I see Thee with Crown, Club, and Discus ; a mass of
radiance shining everywhere, very hard to look at,
all round blazing like burning fire and Sun, and
Sanskrit Vocal
- Kincha moreover.
- This verse can be taken both as extended Vision and exhalted Vision.
Extended Vision
Exhalted Vision
- Weapons with warrior
- Other Lokas
- Kiritinam, Gada / Chakra
- Vaikunta Loka Vishnu with Gada, Kiriti, Chakra
- Baktas imagination of Lord due to Salukyam,
and with Upasana. Many see Vishnu in their minds.
- Tejorashim Mass of effulgence difficult to see – glaring.
Bashyam :
- Many compound words.
- Kiritinam Ornament on head.
Indicates possessor of Kiritam.
- Pashyami I see many with Kiritam = World Darshanam.
I see you Lord with many Kiritinam = Vishwa Darshanam.
Kiritinam Tvam Pashyami.
- Gadinam Gada iti Vidyate. One who is holding mace.
Vishnu Sahasranamam all ‘eesVanamali
- Chakram Weapon used by Vishnu….
One who is holding disc.
- When sunlight brilliant / effulgent, we will not be able to see stars or even sun.
- Tejo Rashim Punja Mass of effulgence.
Refers to light.
- Sarvato Deepti Mantam Sarvato Deepti Yasya asti. Sarvato Deepti Maan.
Deepti = Radiation of light / effulgence spreading all over Sarvata in all
Tam Deeptimaan Pashyami with difficultly I am seeing you. Because of
extraordinary Brilliance.
- Durnirikshyam Pashyami
With difficultly seeing.
Not contradiction. Because of Adhikari bheda. Difficult for others to see. I see
because of Divya Chakshu. I am adhikari Virodha Nasti.
- Samantata → Everywhere.
- Dipta Analarka Anala = fire / Agni.
Arka = Surya
- Deepta Not small fire but huge conflagaration. With solar fires.
- Karma Dharaya Samasa.
- Lord’s Brilliance can be compared to conflagaration fire + flaring surya Bagawan.
- Gajananaha → Can’t say one who has head of elephant is Gajanam
Can’t say : Ganesha has head of elephant.
Correct way to say :
- One who has head like head of elephant is Gajananam.
- Aprameyam → Na Prameyam
Ashakya Parichedam
One who is immeasurable in size.
- Paricheda Measurable.
Lecture : 342
Page 265 Verse 17 :
- Arjuna describing Vishwaroopa Darshanam because of Divya Chakshu Given by Lord.
It Gives
Exhalted Vision Extended Vision
- Divya Darshanam
- Looks at Ordinary world as
Aishvaryam Divine
- Pandavas + Kauravas with Kirtinam
+ Weapons become Divyam
- Dheerga Darshanam
- Other Lokas
- Future
- Divya Kiritanam what belongs to God is Divyam.
Dress belonging to me Ordinary
Dress connected with Lord becomes Divya Vastram.
Divyam Alaukikam.
- Laukikam / Alaukikam depends on whether I associate object with Lord or world. Ordinary Kiritam becomes Divya
What is size of Vishwaroopa?
- Not a Particular form standing in front of Arjuna but Aprameyam.
- Aprameyam Na Prameyam.
Ashakyam Parichedana
Ashakyam Measurement / size.
- Infinite… Not possible to measure.
Aprameyam 2 Meanings
Pra Ma
To Measure To know
Aprameyam That which can’t
be objectified through any
Aprameyam = Unobjectifiable /
Niruguna Brahman the
When Prama = Means, to know
Aprameyam = Nirguna Atma
Chapter 2 Verse 18 :
Unobjectifiable Nirguna Atma Objectificable Saguna
Immeasurable Vishvaroopa
They have an end, it is said, these bodies of the
embodied Self. The Self is eternal, indestructible,
incomprehensible. Therefore, fight, O Bharata.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Here Aprameyam is Nirgunam / Unobjectifiable.
- In verse 17 here, Aprameyam is Vishvaroopa Ishvara which is objectifiable Sagunam only. Here Prama to
measure. Aprameya Saguna object not Available for Measurement.
Chapter 2 Verse 18 Chapter 11 Verse 17
Anvayaha :
Kirtinam Gadinam Chakrinam
Tejo Rashim Sarva Deepti Mantam
Durnivikshyam Deeptalarnajyutim
Apramujam cha Tvam Aham Samantat Pashyami
- Samantat means everywhere “Sarvata
Understand Bagawan in 3 stages
Mandah Adhikari Madhyama Adhikaras
Chapter 11 Verse 18 :
Eka Rupa Ishvara Aneka Rupa Ishvara
Chapter :
- Krishna… Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- After Aneka …. Vishwaroopa Ishvara, Arupa, Nirgunam …. Akshara Brahman
You are the Imperishable, the Supreme Being worthy
to be known. You are the great treasure-house of
this Universe. You are the imperishable Protector
of the Eternal Dharma. In my opinion, You are the
Ancient Purusa.
Sanskrit Vocal
Uttama Adhikari
Arupa Ishvara
Chapter 8 Verse 3 :
Blessed Lord said :
Brahman is Imperishable, the Supreme ; His
essential nature is called Self-knowledge, the
creative force that causes beings to spring forth
into manifestation is called “work.”.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Akshara Brahman Gita 8
chapter and also in Mundaka Upanishad.
- Here Nirguna Akshara Brahman Adhistana of Saguna Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Saguna Ishvara belongs to Vyavaharika Satyam. It must be supported by Nirguna Brahman Paramartika Satyam.
- Seeing Vishwaroopa Ishvara, I can imagine you as absolute Nirguna Brahman. Which is Adhishtana of everything. I
infer this from Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Infer as Paroksha Vastu only. Not able to claim I am Brahman. From Saguna Ananta infinite Ishvara, can infer
Nirguna infinite Ananta Ishvara.
- Iti ha eva, Te Yoga Shakti Darshanath by my direct experience of your infinite yoga power Magic infinite power,
see Galaxies moving power, infer your higher Nature.
- 7
Chapter : Nirguna Brahman = Para Prakirti
- Anuminomi Infer. Anu + Me Datu.
- Mi Minoti to measure
An Mi inference.
- Verse 18 important sloka.
- Physically not 2 Separate.
One Brahman (Substance)
Saguna Ishvara Nirguna Ishvara
Vyavaharika Drishtya Paramartika Drishtya
Nama Rupa Pradhana
Content Drishti
One Drishti (Gold Angle)
Nama Rupa Chain Svarnam Paramartika
Nirguna Svarupam
What is here in front
- Use 2 words, not 2 entities. Only Drishti Bheda, Natu Vastu Bheda.
Touching 3 Words One
substance / Entity
No wave other than Ocean
- Drishti Bheda
- No Wave other than Ocean
- No Ocean other than Water
Jeeva Eva Ishvara
Ocean - Jiva eva Ishvara
- Ishvara eva Brahman
- Tvam Aksharam W.r.t. content, Adhishtanam, core. You are Paramam, Absolute Reality.
Nama Rupa Sva - Rupa
Vyavaharika Satyam Paramam Paramartika
- Veditavyam you are to be known ultimately.
Stepping Stone
Final Understanding (To be known)
- Eka Rupa IshvaraJnanam
- Aneka Rupa Ishvara Jnanam
- Arupa Brahman
- They can’t give Moksha
- Both give Sadhana Chatushtaya
- Only Arupa Brahma Jnanam gives
liberation. Therefore ”Veditavyam
- Spiritual seeker must know Sa Atma Sa VigneyahaNantap PrajnamShantam Shivam.. Advaitam,
Chaturtham 7
Mantra Mandudkya Upanishad.
Chapter 13 Verse 13 :
I will declare that which has to be “known,” knowing
which one attains to Immortality the
beginningless Supreme Brahman, called neither
being nor non-being.
Sanskrit Vocal
Jneyam yat Tat pravakshyami
Yat Jnanat Mritum Ashnute.
- Ultimately go to Nirguna Ishvara Arupa Ishvara which is Brahman.
- Go to that Brahman and also know that Brahman is Aprameyam.
- No. 1 : Not object of knowledge but I myself.
- Therefore since Brahman alone is Vishwaroopa and Eka Roopa Ishvara, I should say, I subject Nirguna Brahma
alone am ultimately appearing in form of Vishvaroopa (Aneka) + Eka Rupa Ishvara.
- Ishvara is everything at one level.
- “I am everything” is ultimate level. When I am able to make both statements comfortably.
- Ishvara is everything. I am everything Visishta Advaitin will accept everything is Ishvara.
- Never accept 2
- Advaitam includes 2
statement I am everything.
- Veditavyam you should come to that Tvam Ashasya Vishvasya Param Nidhanam
- As Nirguna Brahman, ultimate support Vivarta Upadana Karanam”.
- Otherwise called Adhishtana Karanam. These 2 are Nirguna.
- Vyavaharika Drishtya Tvam Avyayam Sashvata Dharma gopta.. Protector of Dharma.
- From Vyavaharika Drishti you are Dharma Gopta also.
- How long have you been around?
- No Birth / Visa Required you are everywhere Sanatanaha Anaadi.. Important verse.
- Equating Saguna + Nirguna Ishvara.
Big problem of Seekers : - Objectification
- Don’t have dichotomous thinking as Saguna Ishvara separate + Nirguna Ishvara separate.
Its one entity
Nama Rupa Drishtya Sva Rupa Drishtya
Vishwaroopa Ishvara Nirguna Brahman
Bangle Gold
Bashyam :
a) Tvam Aksharam
- Na Ksharati iti Aksharam
- That which doesn’t perish
b) Paramam :
- You are ultimate imperishable reality called Brahman.
What type of Brahman?
- Veditavyam To be compulsorily known by whom?
- Not all Everybody need not know Brahman.
- Only Mumukshu must know.
- If interested in Dharma, Artha, Kama, the witching beauty Adharam, MadhuramNirguna Brahman need not be
- Mumukshu has to know, not optional for him.
- For Mumukshu, Nirguna Jnana Brahman Not one of the means of Moksha but the only means of
Moksha. Tamevam, Vidwan Amrutatva bavati. Na Anya Pankta, Ananya Vidyate.
- Viditam = Jnatavyam Mumukshubihi.
- You are ultimate reality to be known by spiritual seekers.
- Tvam Asya Vishvasya = Samastaya Jagataha.
- For entire Cosmos, creation including Time & Space.
- Space supports, accommodates everything.
Vedanta interested in :
- Where space is accommodated?
- Param Prakustam Nidhanam
Ultimate support of Universe.
- Support intermediary Relative support is space.
- Brahman = Ultimate support.
- Nidhanam Adhikarana
Nidhiyate Asti iti Nidhanam
- That in which everything is located is Nidhanam.
Bus-stand :
- Locus / Location of Standing.
- Adhikarana Vitpattihi.
- Sthanam Nidhanam Param Ashraya.
- Adhishtana Karanam = Vivarta Upadhana Karanam.
- From Paramartika Nirgunam Brahman Arjuna comes to Vyavaharika Maya Sahita Ishvara.
- Both Eternal (Avyaya) Paramartikam + Vyavaharikam.
- Maya = Eternal Vyavaharika Satyam can never Negate Vyavaharically.
- When Vedanta Negates Maya, only Negating Paramartika Satyam of Maya.
- When Jnani Negates Maya, it is not Physically. Negating only Paramartika Satya Notion of Maya.
- Taking Maya as absolute reality is a notion superimposed. Superimposed reality I negate.
- Physically no Jnani or Bagawan can Negate Maya.
- Ishvara can’t physically eliminate Maya from Vyavaharika Realm.
- Maya only Vyavaharika Satyam doesn’t have Absolute reality. This knowledge is called Negation.
Technical :
- Mayaya Badaha Asti - Cognitively Mayaya Nashaha Kadapi Nasti
- Maya can never be physically eliminated from Vyavaharika plane.
- In physical plane, Ishvara is always with Maya Shakti.
- Therefore is eternal. Therefore Vyavaharika Drishtaya Avyaya.
- Tava = Bahuvrihi Samasa.
Na Vidyate Yasya saha.
d) You are eternal and Sashvata, Dharma Gopta (Protector of Dharma)
- Ishvara is eternal and Universe is eternal in Vyavaharika plane.
- Sometimes manifest or unmanifest form.
Chapter 8 Verse 18 :
From the unmanifested all the manifested proceed at
the coming of the “day” ; at the coming of “night”
they dissolve verily in that alone, which is called
the unmanifest.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Universe can’t be physically eliminated in Vyavaharika plane.
- Vyakta Rupa in Srishti. Avyaka Rupa in Pralayam. Universe is eternal.
- Individual body will not continue. Continues in the form of pancha Buta.
- During Pralaya, Pancha Butas resolve into Avyakta Condition.
Chapter 15 Verse 3 :
Its form is not here perceived as such, neither its end,
nor its foundation or resting-place ; having cut
asunder this firm-rooted Peepul-tree with the
strong axe of non-attachement.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Ishvara + Universe eternal in Vyavaharika plane. Therefore, universe is body of Ishvara.
- Negation Bada means understanding, it does not have absolute reality.
- Does not have Sat of its own. Universe is governed by Vyakta + Avyakta.
What governs sick healthy, Animal, Human?
- Not Random. Theory of evolution and our concept of cosmology Not random.
- Manifestation of Universe governed by Dharma.
- Dharma = Punya Papa Karma.
- 14 Lokas You manifest Who goes to which Loka.
Who maintains Dharma?
- You eternal Ishvara are eternal maintainer of external Dharma of external Universe at Vyavaharika Level.
Paramartika Drishtya :
Mandukya Upanishad : Chapter 2 Verse 32 : [of Gaudapada’s Karika]
- Na Nirodho Na Chotpatti……
Meaning :
There is neither dissolution nor creation, none in bondage and none practicing disciplines. There is none seeking
Liberation and none liberated. This is the absolute truth.
- Everything inexplicable appearance. Without an existence of its own. You are Sashvata Dharma Gopta.
e) Sashvata Bavaha = Nitya Dharma
= Chirantanaha (Beginningless).
- This is my inferred knowledge.
Anvaya :
Tvam Veditavyam Aksharam Asi,
Tvam Asya Vishvasya Param Nidhanam,
Tvam Dharma Sashvata Bogta Asi,
Tvam Sanatana Purushaha Asi. Iti me Mataha.
- In verse 18 went to Nirguna Brahma from Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
You are Purusha Para Apara
Paramartika Vyavaharika
Chapter 11 - Verse 19 :
I see you without beginning, middle, or end, infinite in
power, of infinite (endless) arms, the sun and
moon being (your) eyes, the burning fire (your)
mouth, heating the whole universe with (your) own
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Here, comes to Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- For compound splitting Samasas Chapter 11 good.
a) Anaadhi Madhyantam :
- Antaha not there.
- Oh Lord you are infinite.
- You are beginning, middle and end, omnipresent. Not able to see.
b) Anantha Veeryam : (Bahuvrihi)
- Infinite Veeryam.
- You are limitless in your power. Omnipotent you are.
c) Tata Anantha Bahum :
- Hands / Shoulders
- Limitless.
- With numerous / Countless hands not one big hand.
d) Sashi Surya Netram :
- Sun and Moon are eyes of Ishvara.
- 3
Eye = Agni.
- In day see because of Sun, Pournami night (No Moon), use Agni.
- Surya, Agni, Chandra Lochanas of Bagawan.
- Chandra Aditya Nayanam / Netram.
- Upanayanam = Spectacles
= Close by eyes.
- We don’t worship sun. Therefore eyes weaker.
Lecture 343 :
Page 267 Bashyam 1
Para Last 4 lines.
Verse 19 :
- Arjuna had Vishwaroopa Darsan in 3 Stages :
1) Wonderment
2) Fear
3) Bakti Devotion.
Transition :
- Wonderment Ornaments + faces of Lord, Surya Chandra Nayanam.
- Saw mouth of Lord indicated by Agni Tatvam.
a) Agni as revealer of things represents Vag Indriyam Vak also reveals.
- Vacho Devata Agni.
b) Agni has 2
Role also consumes all oblations mouth also consumes.
- 2 type of Agni : - Arjuna sees agni as Swallower of things. This is battlefield Vishvaroopa Ishvara as mouth is going
to swallow all people.
- When Arjuna sees Destructive, all consuming mouth of Lord, wonderment gradually gives way to fear.
- Transition Seed in this word.
c) Deepta Hutasha Vaktram :
Deepta Hutasha Vaktram
Blazing Agni Mouth Mouth is Blazing fire
Why Agni called Hutasha?
- During Yaga, whatever offered to Agni, it consumes Hutam.
- Ashnati iti Hutasha.. Agni is consumer of oblations … Bagawans mouth….. Will have oblations of Bheesha, Drona,
- Deepta Hutasha Blazing fire Karma Dharaya Samasa.
Deeptacha Asou Hutashaha cha
Indicatges Karmadharaya Samasa
- Saha Vaktram Yasya.
- Saha Deepta Hutasha
- Vaktram Blazing fire is mouth of Ishvara Bahuvrihi
- I see you with your mouth as Blazing fire consuming so many oblations, consuming soldiers, Planets swallowed by
b) Sva Tejasa Vishwam Tapantham :
- With your radiance this universe is scorched.
- Since destructive fire is mouth of Lord, Blaze, Radiation of fire spreads all over Bagawan, consuming us gradually
as we get old… symbolically expressed as heat of fire spreading over.
- Kala Tattvam is gradually eating us.
- Tejasa with heat of fire, Lord consumes.
- Tapantam Taapa Yantam Burning all people.
- Burning Transitive & Intransitive verb.
- Here take it as transitive verb.
- Pashyami I see such a Vishvaroopa
Anvaya :
Anaadi Madhyantam ; Ananta Veeryam,
Anantha Bahum, All Bhuvrihi Samasa
Sashi Surya Netram Deepta Hutasha
Vaktram Sva Tejasa Vishvam Tapantam
Tvam Aham Pashyami
Chapter 11 Verse 20 :
This space between the earth and the heavens and all
the quarters is filled by You alone ; having seen
this, Your wonderful and terrible form, the three
worlds are trembling with fear, O great-souled
Sanskrit Vocal Meaning
- Transition verse.
- Adbutam Rupam Ugram Rupam. Arjunas mind going through 2 extreme emotions.
- Its fantastic I am happy.
- Immediately, its fierce frightening…
- Between 2 emotions, till now, wonderment dominant will be replaced by fear.
Bashyam :
- Gap between heaven and earth = whole visible Universe.
- Antariksham = Buar Loka.
- Entire Area in front of us…. Vyaptam = Pervaded by you a single God, single Krishna seated on chariot.
Shankara : Tvaya ekena God.
- Not you Mr. Krishna but you Vishwaroopa Ishvara / Dharaha Teha.
- All 10 Directions pervaded by you 4 primary + 4 secondary (NE / SE) Up + down.
- Wherever I see, I see you only.
- Vedanta wants us to have this vision. Before coming to Aham Brahma Asmi.
- It will never work. Without going through intermediary Vishwaroopa Ishvara Darshanam.
- Vishwaroopa Darsanam Removes 95% of Samsara.
- We want only Aham Brahma Asmi without Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
- Gaining I am conciousness knowledge, We want to forget the world.
Example :
- Ostrich burying head on Sand, wants to forget problems of the world & Say Mano Buddhi Ahamkar chittani
Sw. Dayananada : Denial of Problem.
- Accept problem as integral part of life and creation. Don’t deny problem.
Vedanta :
- Not denying problem. Accept everything as integral part of “I” – Atma.
- Mastani Sarva Butani Old aging body is there.
Body has problems.
- Na cha Mastani Butani Also part of meditation.
Chapter 9
Verse 4 Verse 5
I am Material cause I am efficient cause
All this world (universe) is pervaded by Me in My
Unmanifest form (aspect); all beings exist in Me,
but I do not dwell in them.
Sanskrit Vocal
Nor do the beings exist (in reality) in Me behold My
divine Yoga supporting all beings, but not
dwelling in them, am I My Self, the ‘efficient-
cause’ of all being.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Meditation should be both.
- Do not run away from problems in the Name of Videha Mukti.
- Accommodate everything without Vishwaroopa Darsanam and accommodating everything as integral part of
life; we can’t come to Aham Brahma Asmi comfortably.
a) Therefore Drishtva.. Upalabya :
- Having perceived, seeing, wants to include all sense organs.
- Therefore perceive with ears / nose… because world is mixture of both.
b) Adbutam : Vismapakamcausing wonderment.
Rupam Tava Ugram Adbutam Ugram
Wonderful I am frightened
In ICU Kruvam fears /
People Screaming
- I feel happy… in Gardens.
- Arjuna doesn’t want to continue Vishwarupa Darsanam….
- Oh lord… I am immature for that Karma Yoga not practiced enough to appreciate Vishwaroopa.
- Vishwaroopa Darsanam requires a lot of Maturity.
- Both beauty + fear Bagawan
Beauty Fear Bagawan
Garden / Beach ICU
c) Lokathryam : All 3 worlds…
- Use Jahati Lakshana… people of worlds…
d) Pravyatitam
- Beetham, frightened. Insecurity is fundamental expression of Samsara.
e) Prachilitam va..
- Shaken One hospital visit – stay & come back…
time visit.. Shaking experience.
f) Vyat Vyatate
- 1
person participle…
- World frightened and shaken.. Will say, I am frightened later…
g) Mahatman :
- Maha Atman dehaha yasya one whose body is infinite.
- Mahatmyam Akshudra Svabava… Generous, hearted nature.
Anvaya :
Dyava prithvyoyo idam Antam hi,
Ekena tvaya Vyaptam, Savaha
Dishascha Tvaya Vyapta
Eh! Mahatman Tava idam Adbutam,
Ugram Drishtva Lokatrayam Pravyatitam.
In 2
Chapter : Asked question :
Chapter 2 Verse 6 :
Vishwaroopa Darshan
Exhalted Extended
- Other lokas which are
not available
- Arjuna sees future in
Extended vision.
I can scarcely say which will be better, that we
should conquer them or that they should
conquer us. Even the sons of Dhritarashtra,
after slaying whom we do not wish to live, stand
facing us.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Don’t know whether we will win or Kauravas will win.
Krishna :
- I will give you glimpse of war. Who will die… I will show you.. Shown symbolically.
Our Loka - Vibutis
Symbol :
- All to be swallowed Arjuna reminded of Ahamkara and Mamakara.
- We are able to accept death of all except me or my relations.
- We are Jeevan Muktas to obituary column. Will say Those who come will have to go away.
- Double standards, because of Aham and Mamakara, objectivity gets converted to subjectivity.
- We can’t confront Imaginary death.
- Arjuna gets Aham + Mamakara.
- Moment it comes, Vishwaroopa is no more wonderful becomes Terrible.
Vishwaroopa has
Poetry Dramatisation
Don’t take literally, but
take symbolically.
- Atha Aduna.. Pura long before.
- Arjuna had doubt will Pandavas win or not?
- Bagawan shows : Pandavas win.
- Different responses of different groups of people. Immature don’t see Vishwaroopa Ishvara. For them Bagawan as
world is constantly fightening.
- For Rishis & Baktas, Sunrise invokes Bakti and Namaskara.
- Mahrishi Siddah Sanga… Glorify Vishwaroopa. Some destructive people, cause world war.
Bashyam Verse 21 :
a) Amhi Fighting soldiers on both sides.
b) Tva Tvam
c) Vishanti Entering into you Dying
- While fighting enter mouth of Lord..
Where are Devas?
- Svarga Loka Kurukshetra?
- Among people, Devatas come to earth as Manushyas.
Verily, into You enter these hosts of Deva-s; some
extol You in fear with joined palms ; “May it be
well” thus saying, bands of great Rsi-s and
Siddha-s praise You with hymns sublime.
Sanskrit Vocal
Chapter 11 Verse 21 :
- Indra / Vali / Sugriva / ….. Ramayana Avataras
- Arjuna Dharma Putra… Various Amshas of Devatas.
- Bheema Vayuputra
- Dharma Amsha of Dharma Devata.
- All Devatas who have taken forms.
- Taken Avatara to help Pandavas to Destroy Kauravas.
- Vasu Devatas In Manushya Rupam
- Samsthanam - Akara.. All Devas entering you. Many frightened of Death - Pranjalaya Santaha.. Anjali Mudra
- Grivanti Stuvanti.. All glorifying you…
- Utter name of Lord + Die…
- In death bed avoid family discussion…
- Not related incidental… We are together related to one Ishvara. Don’t think of wave relationship.
- Let us together think of wave ocean relationship.
- Chant Bagawans Name, Vishnu Sahasranamam, Arunachala Shastra.
a) Kecit Dita Did Namaskara to Lord
b) Grunanti Glorify you by your Nama
c) Tvam Stuvanti Praise you, in Battle can’t run.
- Some indicated by Bad Omen see the moment.
- Yudha Pradyu pasthite.. Utpataha….
- Meteor falling, stars falling, Bad Omen. Vultures flying around, indicative of massive destruction.
- Svasti Astu Jagata = Pacifying Lord.
d) Mahirshi Siddha Sangha :
- Great Siddhas with extraordinary powers.
- Stuvantita Glorify you…
e) PushkalabihiSampoornabihi
- With glorious words, pleasing you, many Rishis utter words of peace.
Anvaya :
- Ami Surasangahi Devas Normally, Devas in form of Pandavas and Kaurava Army, Tva Vishanti Santava
Pravjalaya Santaha Tva Grinanti Pushpakalabihi.. Tvam Stuvanti.
Chapter 11 Verse 22 :
The Rudra-s, Aditya-s, Vasu-s, Sadhya-s, Visve-deva-s,
Asvin-s, Maruta-s, Usmapa-s and hosts of Gandharva-s,
Yaksa-s, Asura-s and Siddha-s they are all looking at
You, all quite astonished.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Vishwarupa Darsana Rare but available to all Mature people. Available for all who have progressed from Eka rupa
Ishvara to Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
- Our religion wants us to grow… transition should happen early.
- Bagawan as personal God for short period. Puja done for Eka Rupa Ishvara come to Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
- Yam Vayu Atmane, Doing Alankara to Murthi, Bagawan not Murti alone but Akasha, Vayu, Agni.
- Vishwaroopa Darshanam is primary Hinduism. Hinduism has gone to finite Gods.
- Shiva / Visnu overshadowed Hinduism. It is Agama Hinduism. Suppressed Vedic Hinduism.
Lecture 344 :
- 1
st :
Wonder Vishwaroopas experience.
- 2
: Response of fear Bagawan mix of both positive health and negative disease.
- Criminals / Stingy people / Birth death part of Vishwaroopa.
- One has to be Mature to accept both as sacred Bagawan only.
- Sees one side Expresses wonder
Sees another side Expresses Fear.
- Before describing fear, he points out its not only my experience, even Devatas experiencing. Vishwaroopa have
both these emotions initial wonder and then fear comes on & on…
Verse 22 :
- Other devatas expressing wonder.
- Sarve api Vismita wonder.
- List of celestials given.. Rudra… etc.,
Bashyam :
- Adityas 12 – Ghana Group
- Rudras → 11
- Vishve 10 – Vishva Deva
- Ashvinou Ashvini Kumar 2
- Marutas 49
- Ushmapa Pitru Devatas… want hot food Ushmapaha.
- Gandharvas Group Hatta Hu Hu… names of leaders of Gandharvas.
- Yaksha Kubera Leader of Yakshas
- Virochana Chandogya Upanishad : Chapter 8
Leader of Asura Disciple of Brahma.
- Siddha Devatas → Natural powers since Birth normally comes after Sadhana in Purva Janma
- Kapila Muni All celestial Devatas experiencing Vishwaroopa like me.
- Vikshyante Pashyante
- Tva Tvam You
What is their response?
- Vismita Vispannam Apaha Santata Stuck by wonder Sarve All of them.
Anvaya :
Yeh Rudra Vidyaya Vasavaha cha
Sadhyaya Vishwe Ashvinou Marutaha cha,
Ushmapaha Gandharva Siddha Sangacha,
Santhi, Te, Tva Beekshante,
Sarvecha eva Vismitaha Santi.
Chapter 11 Verse 23 :
Having seen Your immeasurable form, with many
mouths and eyes, O Mighty-armed, with many
arms, thighs, and feet, with many stomachs and
fearsome with many tusks the worlds are terrified
and so am I too.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Devas also frightened.
- Whoever doesn’t have self knowledge can’t get rid of Samsara.
- Universe has Beauty + Terrible things to accept both equanimously. I should be out of creation.
- When I have objectivity can accept both and be away from creation.
- Possible only when I see creation as Anatma and see myself as Atma.
- Away from Good and Bad Anyatra DharmatAdharmatAsmatKruta Akruta.
- Not away physically. Cognitively transcend world. When I claim I am Sakshi and Asanga… without this, world will
be terrible.
- Asanga and Sakshi I am = Self knowledge.
- Devatas not Jnanis, Devatas have fear.
- Taittriya : Bheeshas Vatap Patate
Bheesha Udate Surya
- Going to higher lokas will not save you from fear, Yamadharmaraja pervades 14 Lokas.
- Transcend Vyavaharika + Claim Paramartika.
- Other than claiming, I am Paramartikam, Untouched by Vyavaharikam, no other solution. Escapist philosophy will
not work. Knowledge alone solution. What is proof?
- Bagawan with Swallowing mouth Terrible sign..
Bashyam :
a) Roopam Mahate :
- Your form is infinite in size, Mahat ati Pramanam, Beyond measurement, immeasurable infinite.
- Teva - Your Vishwaroopam.
b) Bahuvaktra Netram :
- All Bahuvrihi Compounds Adjective to Rupam.
- In that one Vishwaroopam, Bahuni Vaktrani. There are infinite number of mouths / Mukhani.
- Netrani Chakshushu so many eyes.
c) Maha Baho :
- Infinites Hands.
d) Bahubahuru Padam :
- Many Arms, thighs, legs.
- Not one god with many hands.
- Bagawan not centipede.
- All are Bagawans legs. Everything is Bagawan .
e) Bahudaram :
- Countless stomachs are there. Eating by all is by Vishwaroopa only.
f) Bahudamshtrakaralam :
- Canine protruding sharp teeth to Attack people.
- Each teeth is a disease, gives disease and swallows.
- Bagawan wonderful and terrible fierce, frightening.
- Vyavaharika Prapancha always mixed bag.
- In Paramartikam No opposites.
- No absolute good / bad in relative world. Body Asset / liability? Depends on whom? Age 20 or 80?
g) Karalam :
- Vikrutam Abnormal features causes fear.
h) Drishtva :
- With Natural calamity - is Bagawan compassionate question after Kedarnath?
- Still believe in God Understand Vishwaroopa Pravyavitita Prachilata Trembling, Shivering, Shaking, because
of fear. All frightened & So am I.
- Tata Aham Natural Emotion. Ahamkara can’t get out of fear because it is small.
Anvaya :
Eh Mahabavo Bahuvaktra Netra,
Bahu Bahudara Padam,
Bahudaram, Bahudara Karalam
Te Mahat Lokaha Pravyatita
Tata Aham Api Pravyatitaha.
Chapter 11 Verse 24 :
On seeing You, with Your Form touching the sky, flaming in
many colours, with mouths wide open, with large fiery
eyes, I am terrified at heart, and I find neither courage,
nor peace, O Visnu!
Sanskrit Vocal
- Tatra idam Karanam Tata Aham….
Why am I frightened?
- Seeing mouth of Lord with protruding teeth and all suffering death.
- All these seen in concentrated form.
Bashyam :
a) Nabhah Sprisham :
- Juhu Sparsham.
- Your Vishwaroopa Brilliance touches the sky beyond which I can’t see.. Infinite.
b) Deeptam Prajvalitam :
- Huge, Blazing, scorching because each star is a Sun.. Cumulative temperature of Vishwaroopam….
c) Aneka Varanam :
- Different Riot of colours / configurations / forms.
- Previously wonderful forms, here fierce forms….. Frightening animals.
d) Vyatananam :
- Huge mouth open to swallow.
- Every mouth busy consuming people, Several hands also there…
- Arjunas son Abhimanyu going to be cruelly killed. Bagawan goes through law of Karma.
e) Vishala Netram :
- Eyes open… Seeing all directions.
- Form was terrible.
f) Drishtva Tvam :
- Having carefully seen the forms of yours.
g) Pravyatita :
- Terribly frightened. What is frightened?
h) Antar Atma :
- Antar Atma here means mind… Manaha mind frightened to the core.
- Because of that, I don’t have enough courage to see Vishwaroopam. Normally they say when you have
fear count 10 Names of Arjuna.
i) Drithim Na Vindyami :
- I don’t find the courage, don’t find balance of mind.
Anvaya :
Nabhas Sprisham, deeptam Aneka Varnam,
Vyaptananam Deepta Vishala Netram,
Tvam Drishtvahi Aham Pravhi tantaratma Asmi.
Eh! Vishno Tvam Dritim Shamascha Na Vindami
Chapter 11 Verse 25 :
Having seen Your mouths fearsome with tusks (blazing) like
Pralaya fires, I know not the four quarters, nor do I find
peace ; be gracious, O Lord of the Deva-s, O Abode of
the Universe.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Eyes fall on terrible mouth of Lord.
- Any frightening form, don’t look repeatedly.
- If registered in Mind, impossible to take it out. Arjuna can’t take eyes and mind away. Lens zoomed not on
beautiful eyes of Lord but on terrible mouth of Lord.
Damshtrakalani cha Te Mukhani, Kala Anali Sannibani :
- Agni during pralayam burns everything. Your mouth also cooks everyone. I don’t have peace of mind.
- Praseeda have compassion on me.
- All descriptive slokas.
Bashyam :
a) Damshtrabihi Karalani :
- Frightening because normally, we don’t see protruding canine teeth.
- Therefore Abnormal, Symbolic not literally.
- Representation of Disease, Death, cruel action.
- Representated as Damshtra Karalani Fierce teeth.
b) Te Tava Mukhani :
- Countless mouths.
c) Drishtve Eva :
- Upalabya Having perceived that form of yours.
d) Kala Anala Sannibani :
- In Pralaya Kala, Special Agni called Dahakaha Agni Which burns down everything in creation.
- Kala Agni Rudraya… In Rudram Neela Kantaya Mrityunjaya SarveshvarayaSadashivaya, Sankaraya, Jeevan
Maha Devayaya Namaha.
- Destructive Shiva Shankara and Mangala Rupaya is Oxymoron.
- Single house destroyed to build 10 storey building Good or bad. Constructive destruction.
- Shiva Mangala Svarupi.
Agni → Kala Nalaha.
- Tat Sannibhani Kala Nalaha.
- Sadrusham Comparable to Pralaya Kala Agni is your Vishwaroopam.
- Drishtva See frightening Vishwaroopa.
Vishwaroopa Darshanam
Normal Vision Extended Vision of other
Divya Darshanam Some parts Symbolic
Exhalted vision Canine teeth etc.,
- I loose sight of direction.
- Don’t know where I am standing.
- Go to Sun, No directions Direction only w.r.t. one Sun.
- Day and Night meaningless in Norway, Artic, Antartic… No Sunrise, Sunset. Sun going round No directions.
e) Disho Na Jane Na Labhe Na Sharma :
- Purvam (East), Apara (West).
- Can’t know, Time meaningless… Good day is new greeting.
- All meaningless w.r.t. Vishwaroopa. Confused regarding all direction on dateline. Everything Mithya Vedantically
Lecture 345 :
Page 270 :
Introduction :
- Initial wonderment Replaced by fear, when Arjuna looks at Mouth of Lord which represents Kala Tatvam.
- Battle going to take place. 1000’s Dying – Kala Tatvam as destructive principle highlighted here.
- Arjuna sees mouth of Lord. Arjuna overwhelmed and intellectually confused.
- In totality, Directions have no meaning.
f) Na Labhe cha Sharma :
- I don’t experience Joy. Mentally disturbed seeing your ferocious form.
g) Ataha Prasedam :
- Prasanno Bava Become gracious withdraw your ferrocious form and present your gracious form.
h) Eh Devesa Lord of Gods - Eh Jagan Nivasa :
- Nivasa of Jagat As Krishna located in the world.
- As Vishwaroopa, world located in you.
Bahuvrihi Samasa Tat Purusha Samasa
Eka Rupa Ishvara As Vishwaroopa Ishvara
As Krishna located in world
- Vishwasye eva Adhara Tvam Asi.
Anvaya :
Damshtra Kalani, Kala Ni
Sannibhanicha, Te Mukhani
Drishtva Eva Aham Dishaha Na
Jane, Sharmacha Na Labhe,
eh Devesha, Jagan Nivasa Tvam Praside.
- Arjunas Divya Chakshu includes Exhalted Vision and Extended Vision.
- Fear in Arjuna of loss in the Battlefield goes away, because in verse 26, it is symbolically described as 1000’s of
Kauravas being destroyed.
Chapter 11 Verse 26 :
All the sons of Dhrtarastra with hosts of kings of the earth,
Bhisma, Drona and the son of a charioteer, Karna, with
the warrior chieftains of ours ;
Sanskrit Vocal
- Dritharashtra putra Kauravas will be defeated. Bheeshma and Drona, guru of Pandavas dying. Fear of Karna
gone can match Arjuna in every respect Karna entering mouth of Lord. From Arjunas Army many destroyed.
Overall Pandavas Victory Battles lost. War Won.
- Sentence of Verse 26 not complete. Add Vaktrani Vishanti
Mouth Enter
Bashyam :
a) Ami Chitvam Dhrtarashtya Putra :
- Duryodanya Pravadaya all Kauravas Hurriedly enter mouth not slowly.
- 2 words Tvarmana Vishanti Borrowed from 27 Sarvo Dahaye Samhata in Groups.
- Princely States in India joined by Vallabhai Patel into one country. Culturally India one nation.
b) Avami :
- Pleasant news till now.
- Small Kingdoms - in groups who supported Kauravas enter lords mouth
- Bheeshma Drona Die Sad news for Arjuna.
c) Asou :
- Connected to Karma. Our own kings.
- Dhrishta Dhymna commander of chief.
- Abimanyus news suppressed.
- Tvam Vishanti entering you.
Anvaya :
Sarvedha Ami Dritarashtrashcha Putra,
Avanipala Sanghaii Saha eva Tvam Vishanti
Bheeshma Dronaha Tata Asou Sutraputraha,
Asmadii yuga Mukhaii, Api Saha Tvam Vishanti
Chapter 11 Verse 27 :
Into Your mouths, with terrible teeth, and fearful to
behold, they precipitately enter, Some are found
sticking in the gaps between the teeth with their
heads crushed into powder.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Horror story Graphic description so many people entering you.
- Focus on Bagawans face, mouth, canine teeth open, munching each one, some caught between teeth of lord.
- Some alive, some portions crushed, caught between teeth. Arjuna is terribly frightened seeing this.
- When you go to accident wards, can’t sleep – worst fear.
Bashyam :
a) Vaktrani :
- Mukham Face / mouth. Here mouth.
b) Te Tava :
- Kings and soldiers.
c) Tava Vaktrani Prashanti :
- They are entering your mouth.
d) Tvarmana :
- With speed entering, fast not welcome mouth.
e) Kim Mukhani?
- What type of Mouth?
- Damshtra Karalani Bayanakani Not A/c room not happy mouth Burning altern Horrific, terrifying because of
sharp teeth, tearing like non-veg animals mouth…
- Human being teeth conducive to eat Vegetable only.
- Bagawan’s teeth for Non veg
- Flesh coming from all people… Sharp teeth visible, whats hanging there?
- Among those who have entered mouth of Lord, some caught… between upper & lower teeth like meat eaten not
chicken, Human meat!
- heads of Human being, crushed between 2 Molar teeth. Seeing that I am terribly frightened says Arjuna.
Anvaya :
Tvam Manaha Santaha, Te
Damshtra Karalani, Bayani Kani
Vaktram Te Vishanti Churnitai
Uttamagihi Saha Kechit Dashanata reshu
Vilagna (Trapped / stuck) Sandrush yante.
Chapter 11 Verse 28, 29 :
Verily, as many torrents of rivers flow towards the
ocean, so these heroes in the world of men enter
Your flaming mouths.
Sanskrit Vocal
As moths rush hurriedly into a blazing fire to their
own destruction, so also these creatures hastily
rush into Your mouths for their own destruction.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Katham Parishanti Mukhani Aha?
- How do they enter mouth of the Lord?
- Tvaramanaha Explained in 28 + 29 – Gushing, rushing into mouth not slowly entering.
Verse 28 :
- Rivers enter ocean + loosing individuality.
- Rivers originated from ocean and entering back into the ocean with a Gush + Rush.
Verse 29 :
- Moths Small insects unknowingly entering oil and flame of fire.
- Attracted to flame with oil holder fall into fire Harakiri.
- Like insects, people dying.
a) Nadinam Flowing rivers.
b) Bahavaha Many – Aneka
c) Ambuvegaha Ambunam Vegaha Many streams of one river at mouths of river in ocean.
Ambu = Water
Vegah = Streams
River One.
In Ganga Sagar all merge.
d) What streams do while rushing towards ocean?
- Abimukha Pratimukha Directed towards ocean.
e) Dhrasanti = Pravishanti Ultimately merge.
f) In the same way, Ami Naraloka Veera.
- Bheeshma Dayaha
Manushya Loka Shuraha
Brave Warriors with armour.
- Streaming into Bagawans mouth.
- That alone is Samudram.
- Rivers entering mouth of ocean.
- Soldiers entering mouth of Lord Not cool,
g) Abhi VithJwalanti :
- Blazing mouth. Prakasha Manani Hot bright mouth, Blazing mouth.
- Tvara Visesha Many streams / water Rapids.
Introduction to Verse 29 :
- Bright flame attracts people.
- 1
: Bright Attracts and then destroys Prakasha Manani.
- AbhivithJwalanti → Not verb.
- Adjective Sakaranta Napumsalingha
- Jwalath → Present Participle
- Dvitiya Vibakti Bahuvachanam
- Adjective to Vaktram.
- All entering Blazing mouth of Bagawan.
Anvaya :
Yatha Nadinam Bahavaha, Ambu
Vegaha, Samudram eva Abu Mukhaha
Santaha, Samudram eva Dravanti.
Tata Ami Nara, Tava Avi Jawalanti Vaktrani vishanti.
- Ami These solidiers entering your mouth.
- Te Kimartham Pravishanti?
- What is purpose of entering?
- Even though they don’t seem to know purpose, result is Nashaha only.
- Unknowingly rushing towards their own destruction.
Purpose :
- Suicidal don’t know committing suicide.
Purpose :
- Nashaha Maranam Unknowing.
Katham Pravishanti?
How do they do that?
- Tvara Manaha Hurriedly inviting their own destruction.
Kimartham Pravishanti?
Kathamcha Pravishanti?
- For these 2 questions Answer given.
Verse 29 : 2
- All insects naturally attracted to light Before Rain ஈச Insects come in plenty.
What we do?
- Switch off light.
- Attraction becomes suicidal.
- Fall into flame + Die.
a) Yatha Pradipatam Jwalaha :
- Blazing flame / Huge flame like Arunachala Deepam.
b) Pangaha :
- Pakshaha Insects have wings.
- That which has wings Madhukara
- Saraswati Shalaba Small winged insects.
- That the birds can fly and fall.
c) Nashaya = Vinashaya for their own destruction.
Lecture 346 :
Introduction :
- Kala = Mouth of Lord extended vision of future.
- Kala Represents ending Prarabda of some people.
- Kala alone Ripens Prarabda of Jiva.
- Kala responsible for death of all and responsible for fructification of Prarabda.
- Painful death Represented by soldiers entering mouth of Lord.
- Mouth represents Kala.
2 Example :
Verse 28 :
- River entering Ocean Natural death of things and beings.
Verse 29 :
- Moths entering fire - Not Natural death. Because of their own indiscretion attracted to fire and Die.
- Here Loka Not world but Prani people of world.
- Tava Vaktrani Your mouth represents destructible time.
How they Go?
- Samudra negah Not Natural death but with increased speed because of Bad Prarabda, they die in 1000’s.
Anvaya :
- Yatha Patangaha Samudra Vegaha Sancha Pradeeptam Jwalanam Nashaya Pravishanti Tata eva Lokahattapi,
Samudra Vegaha (Santaha), Tava Vaktrani, Nashaya Pravishanti.
Chapter 11 Verse 30 :
Devouring all worlds on every side with Your flaming
mouths, You are licking (in enjoyment), Your
fierce rays, filling the whole world with radiance,
are burning, O Visnu.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Sight frightening for immature. Those who see totality, and Bagawan, see all without any Disturbance. Death
terrible because of attachment creation from total Angle, Birth / Death 2 sides of Same coin.
- Mature mind seems to accept both of them. In case of human beings death because of War also. Animals don’t go
to war. Human has to follow Dharma.
- Because of Abuse of freewill lot of Adharma takes place.
- Adharma destroyed by king who has to maintain law + order Dharma Yudha inevitable. Therefore death
inevitable part of human life.
- Dharma Yudha becomes part of human life.
- Krishna Says : Parithranaya Sadhunam
- Either Bagawan himself comes and destroys or carries out through war.
- Bagawan enjoys this also as part of Duty. Bagawan sees as Dharma Samsthanapanathaya.
Dharma Rakshanam control Process terrible sight 2 sides :
a) dharma Rakshanam
b) Weak frightened
You seem to enjoy Dharma Rakshanam taking place.
- Presented in symbolic language.
- When Bagawan consuming all people, he is enjoying, smacking lips.
a) Vajalaihi Jwalantibihi Grasamanah with your terrible mouth consuming all people. Don’t seem to have any
regrets smacking lips enjoying appears sadistic.
- See behind when people are Adharmic capital punishment.
- Bagawan has Varada Mudra also.
- One hand protecting Dharma and another hand holds weapons to eliminate Adharma.
- Bagawan requires weapons and blessing also as “Adhara” includes everything and Adharma is enemy to world
Dharma alone Nourishes the world.
- From Dharma Adharma Angle Bagawan enjoying sight.
Bashyam :
a) Lelihyase Asvadati “Smacking lips” : – (Indicates enjoyment)
- Understand all these slokas in right perspective. Bagawan appears cruel in chapter 11.
- Gita looked as Book of violence, favouring war, asking Arjuna to fight. “Tasmat Yuddhasva Bharat.
- Study totality and perspective of saving the innocent people bagawan recommends war.
Example :
- Dr. Amputates to save patient war = Amputational treatment to save the world.
- King has Army to maintain law + order.
- These slokas appears as Bakticide eliminating slokas (like Pesticide).
- War = Eliminate some to save mankind / totality.
b) Grasamana : Antaha Praveshayan
- Samantata Pushing people from all sides like vegetables / Oorgai / Kauravas Paisam (Pandavas).
- Samantata Both lord takes Lokan samagram Samastam.
- How you consume?
c) Vadanai :
- Vaktrum mouth of destructive fire = time.
- Jvaladabihv = Deeptamanai with blazing mouth fire you are swallowing fire powerful, radiation spreads and
pervades entire creation.
- Apporya Manam… Spreading all over with heat of kala.
- All dying in Time.
- Kalas Job : Asti, Jayate, Viparinamate, Apakshiyate, Vinashyati.
- Kala affects all things and beings. Symbolically presented here as heat pervading entire creation.
- Time is in 14 Lokas Slower in Upper Lokas.
- Brahmajis Day = 2000 Chatur Yugas.
- Kala moves, Brahma also has last Day.
d) Samagram :
- Saha Agreeva upto end / Limit of Universe.
- Samstam = 14 Lokas.
- Ray of your light / fire.
e) Ugraha :
- Scorching heat of fire emanating from your mouth.
f) Pratapanti Pratapavan Kurvanti :
- When Bagawan takes Avatara, his Shariram Affected by Kala Tatvam. Entire Anatma is in Grip of Kalam. Atma
Beyond Kala.
- We can never see seer / conciousness.
g) En Vishnu : Vyapana Vsheela
- Vyapakaha Sarvam ve Veshti iti Vishnu.
- Transcend All pervading Vishnu’s form of formed Lord and appreciate all pervading one.
Anvaya :
Jvalathi Vadadaneihi Samagram
Lokan Samantat Grasamanaha San
Tvam Lelihyate.
- Lin Datu 2
- Le Dipyate Frequentative form.
- When repeated action, then this is used.
- Smacking lips repeatedly with Nock Nock sound.
- Eh Vishnugraha Avataha, Tejobihi Samagram Jagat Apooryam Pratupanti.
Chapter 11 Verse 31 :
Tell me, who You are, so fierce in form? Salutations
to You, O god Supreme; have mercy. I desire to
know You, the Original Being (Primeval One), I
know not indeed Your purpose.
Sanskrit Vocal
- War and destruction brings Crisis of faith.
- War makes one humbling. Kedarnath Natural Disaster.
- Negate god or hatred of God comes when suffering in life.
- Dangerous for spiritual Growth.
- Biggest obstacle Lack of faith.
- Keep open mind, Understand “God represents knowledge alone” is solution for crisis of faith.
- Crisis expresses as Negation / hatred of God.
- Don’t have blind faith but clear understanding.
- We question god not sin. Suppress intellect and recommend Blind faith.
- Blind faith in Crisis of faith as solution not correct and suppressing questions not a solution.
Solution :
- Bring the intellect to understand God. Suffering at Micro and Macro by study of scriptures.
Don’t quote :
- Tasmat Yuddasva Bharata….
- Other portions blacked out.
- Selective reading of scriptures dangerous. Consistent systematic study of scriptures under competent Acharya
required. Scriptures alone Deal with God.
- Therefore Arjuna asks Lord Who are you? Called intelligence? Don’t negate, have blind faith or suppress intellect
and faith.
- Understand God and make Life wonderful inspite of Suffering.
- Make Life Glorious, wonderful, inspite of suffering is the total perspective and benefit of scriptural study.
Chapter 2 Verse 7 :
My heart is overpowered by the taint of pity ; my
mind is confused as to duty. I ask Thee, tell me
decisively what is good for me. I am Thy
disciple. Instruct me who has taken refuge in
Sanskrit Vocal
- Arjuna Surrenders 2 Time in gita in Verse 31. There is Crisis of faith. Oh Lord! Tell me who are you and what is your
- Your function seems to be destruction, and pain. Educate me.
Bashyam :
a) Akhyahi : Kathaya Tell me.
- Arjuna Doesn’t want to have blind faith in God or Negate God. Wants to understand God. Says Kathaya Teach me.
b) Me Mahyam.
- Kaha Bavan who are You?
- What is God ?
- Scriptures define Bagawan as Benign God.
- Compassionate, kind, beautiful, God.. Archana I do… I see Vigrah Terrible cruel, destroying Rupa, Pain inflicting.
- Vigraha Roopa = Kroora Kara Cruel.
- Feel like rejecting and hating you. Arjuna had Blind faith. Initially, Blind faith useful to destroy lack of faith. Use it as
Aid. When there is Crisis of faith. It cannot function long. Willing to do Namaskara, convert Blind faith to wise
- How can I do Namaskara to terrible you?
c) Te Namaha Astu = Sraddha Pending understanding.
- Te Tubyam.
d) Eh! Deva Vara :
- You are ultimate God of even Gods.
- Devanam Pradhanaha, Lord of other deities. Devan Devaha.
e) Tvam Praseedam Kuru :
- May you become pleasant for me Be Gracious to me.
f) Vijnatum Jnantum Ichhami :
- I want to know you.
- What does cruel form represent? I know you have benign form.
- I want to understand cruel form also.
- Viseshena Jnanatum Ichhami Want to know you as Mr. Krishna As Original God responsible for Manifestation of
entire creation, including Time and space. Desha, Kala Jagat Karana Rupena Bhuta Ishvara.
- Adyam Adhyou Moola Karanam. Religion efficacious if it goes with scriptural study. We have Got enough
religion to quarrel but not enough religion to Love each other. Because religion is based on blind faith not
understanding. Religion based on understanding comes when one studies scriptures thoroughly.
1) What is Religion?
2) What are Religious exercises?
3) What is spirituality?
4) What are spiritual exercises?
- 4 things to be understood. Otherwise religion will be counterproductive.
- Religion becomes cause of fear.
- Frightened Bagawan will be Angry. Brahma Yagya most important among 5 Yagyas. (Pitru, Buta, Manushya, Deva,
- Deva Yagya Puja
- Pitru Yagya Rituals
- Buta Yagya Animals
- Manushya Yagya Social service
- Brahma Yagya Svadyaya (Religion / Spirituality)
- I have Partial knowledge of you but want to know you clearly.
g) Nahi Pravishyani Don’t know
- Tvadiyam Pravirthi Cheshta function.
- Bagawans function : Srishti, Sthithi, Laya Kartha.
- Forget Laya Karta.
- Sandhya Vandanam : We do Namaskara to “Yama”.
- Tava Pravirthim means Laya Karanam “Don’t understand” is Arjuans question.
Anvaya :
Ugra Rupaha Bagawan Kala
Asi? Iti me Akyahi
Eh Devavara, Te Namaha Astu
Tvam Praseeda Aham Aadhyam
Bavantam Vigyantum Ichhami.
Aham Tava Pavirtim Nahi Prajanami
- Arjuna Temporarily stops Gone through wonderment and fear. Bakti is threatened. All devotees face the Crisis. If
god really there if so, is that God really compassionate. Krishna educating Arjuna scripturally. Then Bakti not blind
but informed Bakti, is Glorious, enjoyed by all Jnanis inspite of troubles, sufferings in the world.
- Very very important portion of 11 Chapter.
Lecture 347 :
- Arjuna Gone through Vishwaroopa of Lord in 2 Phases of emotion.
1) Wonderment Looks at Beautiful aspect of creation.
2) Fear → Terrible aspects of creation.
- Vyavaharika will have both beautiful and terrible Aspects. Assets Beautiful, Liabilities Terrible Aspects.
- Problem of Human being : No balanced view.
Asset Liability
All organs functioning Health problem
- Excited
- Raaga
- Dejected
- Dvesha
Immature person
- If we are vascillating between 2 extreme opposite emotions we are not mature looking at total picture.
- Learn to avoid Raaga and not Develop Dvesha.
- Looking at wonderful & terrible aspect, don’t Develop Raaga or Dvesha but learn to avoid Dvesha or Raaga.
- World doesn’t Deserve Dvesha because it has wonderful things as well.
- World doesn’t deserve Raaga because it has terrible things also.
- When we look at totality, we will not develop Raaga or Dvesha.
- What does world Deserve?
Mature Mind Says :
- World deserves Bakti, Reverential, objective appreciation.
- Neutral Appreciation with Reverence required for world.
- Objectivity which accepts both wonderful and terrible, Neutral, Reverential appreciation is called Vishwaroopa
- Not having Vishwa Roopa Bakti, Arjuna Vascillated between Vismaya and Bayam and asked question :
- You are supposed to be compassionate God but you are Munching Bheeshma / Drona / Jayatrata / Karna and
Smacking lips….
- Are you compassionate God?
- Then what exactly you are?
- Lord Krishna presents objective version. I am Kala Tatvam.
- Kala = Srishti Karta and Pralaya Karta.
- Learn to accept both.
Chapter 11 Verse 32 : (Very Important Sloka)
The Blessed Lord said : I am the mighty world-
destroying Time, now engaged in destroying the
worlds. Even without You, none of the warriors
arrayed in hostile armies shall live.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Lord is Kala Tatvam
Vichara Sagara :
- Kala = Maya = Brahma Sambandaha Kalaha.
- Kala not Brahman or maya nor their cause or their product.
- Kala not cause of Maya and is also not Brahman.
Not Brahman Not Maya Not cause of Brahman Not cause of Maya
What is it?
Vichara Sagara :
- Kala = Brahman Maya Sambandha.
- That Kala Tatvam, I am.
- Brahman, Maya Sambanda comes and also doesn’t come
- Kala = Anaadhi.
- Once we appreciate Kala, then from Paramartikam, we slide to Vyavaharikam.
- As long as there Brahman Maya Sambandha, I don’t appreciate or get into, then I am in Paramartika Tattvam.
(Important to Understand).
- Brahman Maya Sambanda I recognise, Kala comes, Vyaharikam comes, 2 sides come.
- 2 Sides Constructive Kala and Destructive Kala.
- 2 sides of Same coin.
- January Destructive Kala w.r.t. 2013.
Constructive Kala w.r.t. 2014
- Ring out old, ring in New.
- Both exist simultaneously.
- Every destruction preceded by construction.
- Every construction preceded by destruction. Both exist simultaneously.
- In a particular context, one is prominent.
Maternity Ward
Constructive Kala
Cremation Ground / Battle Field
- Destructive Kala
- Active Rudra Tandavam
- Accept both is the essence.
Bashyam :
a) Kalaha Asmi :
- I am time principle.
b) Lokakshaya Vritu :
- Lokanam Kshaya Karoti iti Loka Shaya Kritu.
- One who is destroying all Lokaha People Soldiers.
c) Pravriddah :
- Vriddim Gataha - Now activitated.
- Regular Deaths Normally
- Extra active in Battle field.
- Yadartham Tat Pravurtaha Tat Srunu why hyper active now?
- I have to simultaneously destroy many during 18 days of Mahabaratha war.
Arjuna :
- If I stop war how destruction will take place?
- Then Krishna can’t kill.
- These people time has come. You are only a medium for taking them unto me. Serve as my medium without you,
I have decided to do the job. Because of law of Karma. Not Bagawans Raaga Dvesha.
d) Rithe Api :
- Even without you, Dr. Misfires or Disease kills 60% diseases from Hospital.
- MRSA only from Hospital.
- Ruthe without .. Indeclinable 2 / 3 / 5 Vibakti.
- Ritan Api All will disappear.
- Bheeshma, Drona, Karna Pravardayaha. Doesn’t add Abimanyu.
- You are frightened of these warriors and they will be removal by me and not you.
- Ashauka Bayam.
Iha Asmin Kale and Dvesha Kurukshetra Battle field during 18 Days war
e) Pratyani Keshu Aniyam : in both Armies.
Meaning :
- Pratinam - In each Army
Pandava + Kauravas
Maning :
- Prati Paksha Opposite side Army which Arjuna Prefers.
- Better meaning Yodharaha - Soldiers.
- Therefore I look terrible. Therefore accept with objectivity.
Anvaya :
Aham Loka Kshaya Krutu
Pravridaha Kala Lokan
Sama hartum Aham iha Pravur
Thaha… Ye Yodhaha Pratya
Nikeshu Avastita Je Sarve
Tva Ruthe Api Na Bavishyanti
Chapter 11 Verse 33 :
Therefore, stand up, and obtain fame. Conquer the
enemies and enjoy the flourishing kingdom.
Verily by Myself they have already been slain ;
be you a mere instrument, O Left-handed archer.
Sanskrit Vocal
Nimitta Matram :
- You are only my instrument to get my Job done.
- No problem winning war.
- Therefore fight and win.
- Get greatest fame easiest method. I do all the job and you get benefit Arjuna.
- I do research and guide gets fame. I do reverse. I permit you to take all fame effortlessly this is essence.
Bashyam :
a) Tasma Twam Uttishta : First get up.
Chapter 1 verse 47 :
Having thus spoken in the midst of the battle-field,
Arjuna sat down on the seat of the chariot,
casting away his bow and arrow, with a mind
distressed with sorrow.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Shanta Karam Bujanga Sayanam… we ask Bagawan to get up.
b) Yasho Labasva :
- May you get fame.
- What type of fame Arjna cant get?
- Bheeshma, Drona, Krutayaha Great Warriors killed Akirathaha can fight 10,000 Single handedly Atiratha.
- Adiraya → Can’t be defeated by Devas but Arjuna killed him.
- Devaii Yapi Ajeyaha Atirat acha, Bheesha.. Iti in this manner.
- Fame doesn’t come easily. Requires Punyam some with no qualifications become famous.
c) Purvaihi Tat Prapyate :
- Defeat Shatrus Duryodhana + others and Rule over prosperous Kingdom…
- Asapathnam Unrivalled, Unthreatened.
- Once Duryodhana gone, Nobody to challenge Arjuna.
- Unchallenged Kingdom May you rule over. All Soldiers killed.
- Nihata Nichayena Hataha
- Definitely, clearly, doubtlessly will be destroyed.
- Nihataha Pranei Nihataha Pranas separated from Body.
According to Vedanta :
Death Definition :
- Sthula Sukshma Sharira Viyoga Maranam.
Janma Definition :
- Sthula Sukshma Sharira Samyoga.
- Sukshma separated from sthula shariram, loosely connected now touch and it will fall off.
- Hataha = Pranaiihi
- Viyojitaha when? Poorvam eva, Already done.
d) Nimitta Matram bava :
- Become simply instrument in my hands.
e) Savya Sachin :
- Savyena Vamyena
- Hastena → Left hand.
- Vamena hastena Api With help of left hand also.
With help of right hand also.
- Amphi Dexterous Writing / fighting with both hands.
- Sachate Sharanam Shepat shooting arrow.
- Savyasachin can shoot with left + right hand.
f) Nimitta Matram Bava :
- Fatalists misinterpreted this verse Arjuna only instrument. All puppets of Bagawan. No freewill.
- Shastras doesn’t negate freewill.
- Krishna doesn’t say : You are my instrument.
- Krishna says : May you become my instrument .
Arjuna you have freewill
Can become my instrument May not become my instrument
Fight Dharma Yuddham Not fight, going against my plan
Bava” indicates have freewill Get papam for not being
instrument of Lord
Anvaya :
Tasmattu Tvam Uttishtaha
Yashmasyu Labasva Shatrum Hitva
Tvam Samudram Rajyam Bunkshva (Enjoy)
Maya eva ete poorvam eva
Nihitaha. Eh Savya Sachin
Tvam Nimitta Matram bava
Chapter 11 Verse 34 :
Drona, Bhisma, Jayadratha, Karna, and other brave
warriors those have already been slain by Me ;
you do kill ; be not distressed with fear ; fight
and you shall conquer your enemies in battle.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Repetition of 33. Shatru Hitva Generally said here specifically.
Bashyam :
a) Dronamcha.. Eshu eshu :
- What is purpose of this sloka? Sees Army inside fear.
- Whether we will win war? Krishna allays fear.
- Dummys Sukshma Shariram removed and kept as though loosely.
- Eshu eshu Arjunasya Ashanke
- Arjuna scared of special warriors w.r.t. Battle field.
Punctured Balloon :
- Each has extraordinary powers. Shankara describes extraordinary powers of each warrior.
Bheesma / Drona :
- Strength is Prasidda. Glory gets converted into fear in Arjunas mind.
Drona :
- Dhanur Vega Acharya. Guru of all (Pandavas + Kauravas), more knowledgeable than disciples. Has Divine weapons.
- To conquer king Draupada, Drona sends Kauravas + Pandavas. Divya Astra Sampanaha.
- Bheeshma Greater than Drona.
- Guruhu / Gariyam / Garishtaha. (Greatest)
Lecture 348 : Verse 34 :
Bashyam :
Arjuna Question : What is the Nature of God?
How come you are both compassionate and cruel?
Lord Says :
- I am Srishti, Sthithi, Laya Karanam. According to law of Karma, my job to destroy people also. In battlefield, 1000’s
dying because of me the Kala-tatvam.
Positive side :
- You are frightened of some powerful warriors. Don’t be afraid, because, I have already finished them according to
law of Karma.
- Be Nimittam and shoot arrows. Whether the arrows hit them or not, they will die why?
- Drona, Bheeshma, Karna and Jaitrata are great and why Arjuna scared of them?
Drona :
- Ashanka Karanam
- Why Drona and Bheeshma fierce in their fight?
1) Drona Dhanur Veda Acharya, Vasista Guru, Guru of both Kauravas and Pandavas, knows their
weaknesses and has divine Astrams.
2) Bheeshma Superior to Drona. Garishtaha (Superlative Guru)
Guru 2 meanings
Great one
Bheeshma Greatest
Great / Greater / Greatest
Bheeshma :
- Has Svachanda Mrityu.
- Die at will.
- Sva Chanhaha Sva Ichha According to his own wish Mrityu will come. Can stall death. Waited for Uttaranaya
kala. Has Divya Astra. Started single handed fight with Parasurama, Amba, Ambalika, Ambu in Parasurama Avatara
Parasurama couldn’t defeat Bhishma. How Arjuna can?
Jayatrata :
- Protected by father who performed Tapas for special boon.
- If someone trys to kill Jayatrata, killers head will fall. Killer will die. Secret many do not know.
- Tv : shows head falling on Jayatratas fathers lap in Tapas, who throws head down, then father responsible.
Karna :
- Has Vasava Indra’s weapon, with Indra Shakti.
- Amogaha infallible it does its job nobody can stop its function.
- Bheeshmas Gadha Can’t lift.
- Karna is Suryaputra Son of Surya Devata. Born to Kunti when she was Kanya Had Unique power to get children
from any Devata.
- Prayed to Surya Bagawan and got Surya Kanya Putra = Kanninaha.
- Born with blessing of Surya.
- Not born child Immaculately born like Christ directly born because of blessing of Devatas.
- Karna has extraordinary powers (Had special Kundalam.)
- All 4 powerful cause fear to Arjuna.
- Krishna removing fear of them by mentioning all punctured, steam let off.
- 4
Para of Bashyam Most important Maya Hatham
- May you kill them.. Nimitta Matrena, only by being a mere instrument.
- Therefore start shooting arrow… start the Battle… shoot – Naam Ke Vaste.. Nimitta Matram connected to “Jahai”.
a) Ma Vya Tishta Ma Avya Tishtaha :
- May you not develop Vyatu Datu towards them… “fear” for them – Bayam towards them.
b) Tvam Yudhasva
- May you fight.
c) Jetasi :
- Not noun here verb.
- Will conquer / Defeat all warriors starting with Duryodhana, Bheeshma, Drona.
Duryodhana Meaning :
- Dukhena Yojanam eva saha.
- That person with whom fighting is impossible, never winnable.
- Enter fight, only one winner, undefeatable.
- Such warriors you will win because I have punctured them.
d)Rave Sapathnam Shatrum :
Essence Fight + Get credit.
Anvaya :
Dronamcha Bheeshmamca Jaya dratancha,
Karnam Tata Maya hatham Anyan
Veeran api Tvam Jani Ma Avyatishta
Tvam Yudhyasva Rane Sapathnam Jetasi.
Chapter 11 Verse 35 :
Sanjaya Said : Having heard that speech of Kesava
(Krsna), the crowned-one (Arjuna), with joined
palms, trembling and prostrating himself, again
addressed Krsna, in a choked voice, bowing
down, overwhelmed with fear.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Sanjaya comes and describes response of Arjuna. Krishna describes Vishwarupa nature and Kala Tatvam also.
Arjuna takes time to Digest. Can accept wonderful things of creation. Difficult to accept painful things and
unfavourable Prarabda.
- Sign of Vishwaroopa Bakti is ability to accept unfavourable Prarabda reverentially Oh Lord thy will be done.
- Reverential and calm Acceptance of Prarabda is toughest part of life. Reverence and serenity can be accomplished
only through Vishwaroopa Bakti.
- Reverential and serene acceptance of unfavourable circumstances is the highest form of Vishwaroopa Bakti and
height of Maturity. That transformation should come.
- Arjuna taking time to swallow death of Bheeshma, Drona, others. Accepting death of family requires Vishwaroopa
- Success is learning to accept our old age and death and suffering also of our family members.
- Accepting death + suffering reverentially calmly with serenity is maturity.
- This Maturity is called Vishwaroopa Bakti Arjuna is taking time to digest this. Silently Digesting.
- Sanjaya Commentator comes in.
Meditate on Mature Bakti :
- Reverential and calm acceptance of unfavourable Prarabda ripening for me and for close family members =
Vishwaroopa Bakti.
- In Vivekachoodamani = Sahanam Sarva Dukhanam.
- Learn to put up with all suffering Aprateekaraka Poorvakam without allowing suffering to generate negative
thoughts like Bitterness, Anger, Hatred is “Prateekara, chinta vilapa Rahitam without continuous mumbling and
Grumbling without putting down face.
- Vishvaroopa Bakti is “CCCBakti Calm, Cheerful, Confident in and through Vishwaroopa Bakti.
- How do you express it? In Adverse conditions, when ranting, you change attitude. Go to Puja room and say.
- Whatever you do I accept calmly and reverentially. Do Namaskara to Vishwaroopa Ishvara and see transformation.
- Arjuna coming to 3
stage wonderment, fear over. Vishwaroopa Bakti taking over indicated by “Namaskrutva
- 1
half of Sloka Bakti.
- 2
half of Sloka Bayam.
- Bayam to Bakti is the Transition.
a) Vepa Mana Kiriti :
- Fear going away gradually from shivering and he is joining hands. Does Namsakara with Trembling hands and says
suffering of family members because of death in Battle field is painful not comfortable.
- Let it come to me but not to my family members. Often we have to witness all kinds of Prarabda.
- Krishna himself had to watch his own Jadava Vamshi fighting Yadaviha Kalaha. Fighting, killing and Dying.
- Omnipotent, Omniscient God not able to stop phenomenon with a smile, Bagawan has to watch many
unsavouring events / happenings.
- Sometimes children not in good terms and can’t patch up – Prarabda.
- Do what you can and accept what can’t be changed - is Vishwaroopa Bakti. Powerful verse. See full Significance of
these verses.
- Srutva Vachanam Keshavasya Purvoktam Vachanam Srutva previously mentioned words of Lord Krishna
Arjuna heard intensely what came to Arjuna’s mind?
- Bayam gave way to Krutanjaliha. Joining Palm in obeisance Bakti coming and fear going not completely gone.
Mix of Bayam and Bakti.
- Kritanjalihi Refers to Bakti.
- Vepamana Refers to Bayam.
- Shivering not because of low temperature in Kurukshetra. Here it is because of Bayam.
- Arjuna Kiritam powerful inspite of that can’t stand.
c) Namaskrutva Buya eva Krishna :
- Offered Namaskara to Krishna repeatedly Buyaha Punaha eva Aha… uttered following once again.
- Aha = Uttaman Lord Krishna.
d) Sagadgadam falteringly going with choked throat / voice because of Disturbance in throat.
- Like Chapter 13 Endless commentary of Shankara Kshetramchapi Mam Vidhi… here also long commentary.
How choking takes place?
- When person has extreme Joy / Sorrow, it produces tears in eyes. Extreme emotions will give tears of Joy or
- Composition of tears Sweet / Saltish.
- Tears come through eyes, nose, throat. When tears come through throat, tears and plegm obstructs voice ball.
Voice feeble.. And voice not clear.
- Unclear feeble voice because of Phlegm. Mixed tears coming through throat.
- Phenomena called Gath Gadana.
- Onometic word words mixed with choking called Sagadgadam.
- Choking Phenomenon + Words coming out = Sagadgada Vachanam.
- For listeners words not clear.
- Screw ears to understand : Vyasa has captured words for our sake.
a) Bhaya Avishtasya Dukha bhi Dadath :
- Ashrupurna Netrute
- Pain caused by fear will produce tears negative emotion.
- When person is overpowered with fear, there is impact caused by pain of fear.
b) Sneha Aavishtasya Harsha Udbavat
- When person overwhelmed by affection, love, there is Joy. Harsham is positive emotion produces common result.
- Ashrupoorna Netratve sati eyes filled with tears.
Tears flow
Ashru Sleshmana
Positive Emotion Negative Emotion
- Harsha / Joy
- Bakti
- Fear / Bayam
Why Plegm required?
- To protect throat from dust particles. Area kept wet Vishwaroopa Glory plegm not dirty… Sleshmana + Ashru
- Kanta Avarodha (Choking) Voice box is alone there.
- Because of obstacle, organ of speech affected not effective. Words also feeble, unclear.
- Choked voice = Sagad gadam.
- Arjuna has negative emotion of fear and positive emotion of Bakti also.
- Bayam Bakti Mishram creates Gathgathaha
- Sayadjadam = Adverb Qualifying Ahaha. He spoke in choked voice, with predominant emotion of fear.
e) Beetabitaha
- Intense fear in his mind, overwhelmed by intense fear.
f) Pranamya Bowing down
- Prathvi Butva did Namaskara like before.
Flow in 3 Directions
Cheek Nostrils Throat
Phelgm Slejhmana
Lecture 349 : Verse 35
Vishwaroopa Ishvara Explains
Role of Vishwaroopa Role of Kala Tatvam
Arjuna expresses his feelings of fear
- Don’t think – Kala Tatvam not separate from creation. Kalam not eternally existed and creation comes in time.
- Creation + Kalam can’t be separated.
- Every object + being integrally associated with Kala Tatvam.
- Science : When creation resolved can’t talk of kala tatvam, Deha Tatvam.
- Before big bang No Desha / Kala / Prapancha all 3 inseparable.
- During Pralayam, all 3 go to Unmanifest condition. During Srishti all 3 come to manifest condition. Can’t have any
object without having Desha Kala associated with it.
- If Kala is associated, it will have Janma and Mrityu… can’t have anything without Janma and Maranam.
- If Bagawan is Vishwaroopa, Bagawan has to be Kala Also. There Bagawan can’t stop Birth and Death. Need not stop
Birth and Death.
- Avatara Sharira has Janma Kala and Svarga Arohana Kala.
- In Atma Desha Kala Need not be stopped.
- In Anatma Desha Kala can’t be stopped.
- Assimilate this message.
- In Death = Bagawan one not Amangalam.
- Yama = Dharma Rajaya
f) Beetha Beethaya with great fear (Bayam)
g) Pranamya Bowing down in Bakti.
- Bayam to Bakti transition coming.
h) Aaha Uttered these words spoke to Krishna.
- After Lord spoke and Arjuna is going to respond, Sanjayas intervention has motive. Words of Sanjaya uttered with
Good motive Katham What he utters?
- Chaturshu Most powerful warriors in verse 34. Dronasha / Ajayeshu Those invincible can’t be easily conquered.
- Without support of Drona etc, Duryodhana will be killed and Pandavas will win.
- Dirtharashtra listening to Sanjaya before war starts.
- Duryodhana Nirashraya without support will be killed and Dirtharashtra will become hopeless.
- Sanjaya hoping for reconciliation with Pandavas. Do Sandhi after seeing possibility of Duryodhanas death.
- Thought in Sanjaya There will be Shanti in Pandava, Kaurava side.
- Dirtharashtra didn’t enter into peace.
- This is destiny. All have to die nobody can stop.
Anvaya :
Keshavasya etat Vachanam Srutva
Kritanjalihi Vepamana Kirtih
Krishnam Namas Kritva Buyaha eva
Pranamya Beeta Beetaha Sagad Gatham Aaha
Chapter 11 Verse 36 :
Arjuna Said :
It is but meet, O Hrsikesa (Krsna), that the
world delights and rejoices in Thy praise;
Raksasa-s fly in fear to all quarters, and all
hosts of Siddha-s bow to Thee.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Arjuna experiencing his superior Bakti to the Lord.
- Vishwaroopa Bakti : Never Raaga Dvesha based. This should happen, not happen.
- Ishtadevata Bakti : Governed by strong Raaga / Dvesha. Have clear desires in life. Such and such should happen.
Such and such should not happen. Has clear division. Prays for Raagas to be fulfilled. Not accept whatever
happens. Pray to cure one in hospital. Immature Bakti because Bagawan can’t change law of Karma.
- In Immature Sakma Bakti, many prayers will fail. Lord can’t change law of Karma. Bakti futile. Bagawan
questioned and Sraddha is Questioned.
- In Viswaroopa Bakti, According to Law of Karma, let it happen. Don’t want lord to change anything for personal
desire. Vishwaroopa Bakta will keep Raaga Dvesha aside at time of Prayer. Mature Bakti Keeps 2 chappals Raaga
Dvesha outside. Let all happen to me and family as per law of Karma. I will do all my Duties. Give me strength and
maturity not to forget Lord as Law of Karma. Lord is the event itself. Disease is Lord. Suffering and death is Lord.
- Mature Vishwaroopa Bakti is never contaminated by Raaga Dvesha. It is non-complaining Bakti. This is Bakti of
Great Jnanis. Appreciate superior Bakti of Baktaas and Siddhas.
Bashyam :
a) Sthane :
- Arjunas beautiful prayers Indeclinable, Saptami Vibakti of Suanam.
- Kim tat what is appropriate?
b) Tvam Prakirtiya :
- Tvam Mahatmane Kirtaneya.
- By talking about your glory both positive (Beautiful) and negative (terrible things) in empirical relative world.
- 10
Chapter → Only wonderful things of Lord.
- 11
Chapter Terrible things of Lord.
- Toughest part in Bakti Progress.
- Learn to see earthquake / cyclone / hospitals, sufferings, good, bad as glory of Ishvara.
- How great Baktaas are appreciating you as everything in creation?
- Tava Prakirtaya Tvam Mahatmane Kirthayaha
- Prakirti = Mahatmya Kathena Srutena singing or hearing glories.
c) Eh Rishikesh :
- That Mature Baktas enjoy wonderful and terrible things.
- Jagat here = Mature people of world.
- Prakrushyati = Praharsham Ubaiti enjoy.
- Don’t require extraordinary mystical experience for rejoicing.
- Don’t close eyes for mystical experiences. Seeing world enough for them.
- Understanding glory described in Verse 32, 33, 34.
- Sthane = Tat Yuddham. Anyone who understands Vishwaroopa will enjoy positive and negative events.
- During positive will not laugh loudly inappropriately In his mind, he will see hands of the Lord in terrible events
- Very important verse….
- Athava Alternative meaning of :
Jagat Prakishyati iti sthane Therefore Baktas rejoice is appropriate.
- Distress : Jagat Prakshyati iti sthane.
interpretation :
- Stress removed from Jagat Mature Baktas are Rejoicing your Prakirti. Not glorification of anyone else but by
your glorification.
- Bagawan alone deserves Glorification Before stress Jagat
After stress Tava Prakirtya
- Vishaya Viseshanam Sthane
- Sthane Associated with Vishaya Object of Glorification.
- Not subject of Glorification.
- Previously Baktaas enphasised on subject of Glorification.
Now :
- Baktas rejoice by glorifying you is proper. Object of glorification is emphasised. Prakirti Vishaya emphasised. It is
proper that Bagawan alone becomes object of Joy / Source of Joy at Time of glorification nobody else can become
source of Joy.
- Harsha Aadhi Vishaya Aruranjayeta cha. Not only rejoice but develop more love / devotion. More they praise
more happiness and devotion they gather.
- Human : Praise and love first. Admiration first and then allow you separation.
- In case of Bagawan, Admiration will increase love and vice verse.
- Both will grow more and more… love called Anuragaha. Happiness is Paharshayaha.
Why Bagawan is Harsha Raagha Vishayaha?
- Because Ishvara happens to be Atma of everyone.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :
- Atmanastu Kamaya Sarva Priyam Bavati. Universal Unconditional love is greatest love. (Self love).
Self Love
Infinite Universal Unconditional
- That self is Bagawan.
- Therefore Ishvara Bakti is infinite / Universal / unconditional (When people know Bagawan is the self.)
- Sarva Buta Suhrutu True well wisher of everyone is Bagawan only.
- To make life successful, take guidance of Bagawan. Others may be well wishers but don’t know true motive. Can’t
give real guidance because they themselves are ignorant.
- Take guidance of Sastram. Therefore Bagawan is Sarvatma, Sarvabutatma.
- Baktas get joy and happiness in glorifying Bagawan.
Tata Anurajyate
- Previously Joy talked now love.
- Love and Joy go together.
- Object of love could be person / thing.
- For everyone there is only one object of love / source of happiness.
- Love = Emotional attitude towards a source of Joy.
- I Love X ……. It is my emotional Attitude towards a person who is source of joy now. He is not a loving person but
source of Joy. As long as person is source of Joy, love will continue. The moment Joy dries up, love dries up. Neutral
for sometime. Then hatred.
Anuragam Upaiti
Love, reverence, devotion
Raaga Dvesha
Towards Sukham and Sukham
Dvesha is towards Dukham
and Dukham Hetu
Are only for 2 things.
- This is Universal Raaga Dvesha.
- If Bagawan is Source of Joy, Bagawan will have to be object of love also.
- Prahrushyati Tasmat Na Rajyate.
- Yatra Yatra Praharsha Sha ha, Tatra Tatra Anuragaha.
- Therefore Anuragamcha Upaiti That is also appropriate Sthane”.
- People loving you and Baktaas loving you both Appropriate.
d) Rakshamsi Bitani - Disha Pravidanti
- Evil forces of creation run helter skelter in all directions How?
- Baya Avishtani.. With fear.
e) Dravanti Gachhati Run
- Tatucha Sthane Vishaye, Rakshas run is appropriate and run seeing you is also appropriate.
- Special Mantra called “Rakshogna Mantra” – Highlighted in Mantra Shastra Rakshamsi Hanti iti Rakshognahe
Mantra kills and drives away negative forces in our life.
- Billy shunyam / Black Magic…
- Suspicion Someone hurting me.
- Prayaschittam = Rakshogna Mantra Vicharsanam. Repeatedly chant this Mantra. All driven away.
- Siddhas like Kapila….
- Vishwaroopa Baktas in 2
stage of Bakti Namasyanti Tat chah Sthane. That is appropriate.
- By coming to Vishwaroopa Bakti, most of our sadhanas gone.
- Recognise capacity to withstand negative unfavourable experiences in life, which we get inevitably in life.
- Through Ishta Devata Bakti, Try to Remove unfavourable experiences. Discover unfavourable experiences can’t
be totally removed, can reduce, Inevitable in our life and in life of close family members.
- First work for Titiksha to put up with all inevitable unfavourable experiences. Tasmat Apariharye Tatvam Shochati
- Enduring unfavourable experiences is compulsory in life.
- First lesson Greatest thing required is Endurance power.
Endurance power comes by
Vishwaroopa Bakti
Ishta Devata Bakti also seen
as suffering
- Paramartika Vastu Jnanam
- If too abstract postpone
Aham Brahma Asmi
- Vyavaharika Ishvara is Vishwaroopha.
- Paramartika Drishtya Ishvara is Nirguna Ishvara. Vishvarupa Bakti will solve 90% of Samsara problems.
- Fever / Toothache all Bagawan biological pain will be there.
- Emotional Magnification wont be there.
Anvaya :
Eh Rishikesha, Tava Prakirtya
Jagatu Prahurshyati Anurajyate cha,
Iti etat sthane Bitani Rakshamsi.
Dishaha Dravanti Sarve Sidda Sangaha
Namas Yanti cha.
- 2
Interpretation taken here. Baktas Rejoice by Glorifying you.
Interpretation :
- Baktas rejoice by glorifying you. You deserve all glorification. Bagawan real object of Glorification.
- Bagawatah Harshadi Vishayatve. Bagawan is true object of glorification real object of real love, source of
- Hetu given in this sloka. Anantha devesha Jagan Nivasa, Tat param, Aadhi Karta.
Lecture 350 :
Verse 37 : Introduction.
1) If person understands Vishwaroopa in Totality, sees entire universe as Vishwaroopam, he will be able to suppress
Aham, Mama Kara.
2) Vision will be one of objectivity decolouration.
- When Aham and Mamakara are there, Raaga Dvesha coloration will take place. Vision will be one of subjectivity.
We see Jeeva Srishti with Raaga Dvisha tinged glass.
Chapter 11 Verse 37 :
And why should they not, O Great-souled One, bow
to Thee, greater (than all else), the Primal Cause
even of Brahma, O Infinite Being, O Lord of
Lords, O Abode of the Universe, You are the
Imperishable, that which is beyond both the
Manifest and the Unmanifest.
Sanskrit Vocal
- When tinged glasses are removed, and Raaga Dvesha reduced, Ahamkara and mamakara is reduced, diluted,
Vishwaroopa as Ishvara can be really appreciated. Then attitude will be reverential admiration of God. Neither
Raaga or Dvesha towards anything. Not hold because of Raaga or Reject anything because of Dvesha, including, old
dilapidated body. Learn to appreciate objectively.
- This Reverential appreciation of everything, being, event takes place at cosmic, family, Body, emotional level which
happens as per cosmic law…. Psycho – logically. Every emotion has Psycho logical Cosmic law. Can refine mind
but learn to appreciate also.
- Disturbing emotions have their own law. Never hate anything.
- Reverential admiration of micro and macro, events, beings is Vishwaroopa Bakti.
- If person has Vishwaroopa Jnanam in depth, Bakti is natural consequence, can’t force Vishwaroopa Bakti. Natural
consequence of assimilating Vishwaroopa Swaroopam.
- We can’t work on Bakti. Can work on Jnanam only.
- To Nourish tree, want green leaves, pour water at root only. Jnanam is the root, bakti is the blossom.
- Therefore Arjuna says. All great Baktas have knowledge. Helplessly, your Baktas can’t be otherwise. Wont ask
question why they are worshipping you?
- My question How can they avoid worshipping you. Worship is a physical action, expression born out of
- Kasmacha Tena Namera helpless. See butterfly, natural Admiration of Vishwaroopa Ishvara. Ants Survive, glory of
Ishvara Mosquitoes cages you in your net and you cage all animals.
- Anything you take and admire is Vishwaroopa Ishvara.
Bashyam :
a) Kasmacha Hetoho :
- Due to what reason, they will not do Namaskara.
b) Te Tubyam Object of Namran
- Na Namaskaram Kuru.
- Why not mature people do Namaskara to you?
c) Mahatma = Atma with big body.
- One atma for everyone.
- Vishwaroopa Ishvara has biggest body in creation.
- Who are you?
- Apariyase Gurutyagaha greater than living beings, Devata, Brahma why?
- Yataha Brahmanaha Hiranyagarba, Aadhi karta Greatest because he is Karanam of all people. Hiranyagarba is
creator of all. Creator of Brahmaji.
Mundak Upanishad :
- Ishvara creates Hiranyagarba and teaches Hiranyagarba to create rest of creation. (Educates and employs)
- Ishvara creates Educates, and Employs Brahma to create rest of world and goes back.
- Brahma Devanam Prathama Sambabuva, Vishvasya Karta Buvanasya Bokta.
- Brahma = Father.
- Ishvara = Fathers father ultimate father Athaha Tasmat… To that Aadhi karta. Therefore greatest. Who will not
do Namaskara to you?
- Katham ete?... Siddha Sangha of previous Verse… Do Namaskara connected to sthane.
- You are Fittest, who deserves all Namaskara. That Namaskara gives Joy and fulfillment local Namaskaras for
promotion, no fulfillment, no joy. King may give money but no joy of Rama Bakti
- Samrajyam Tyagarajas song in Telugu.
- Does Vishwaroopa Bakti.
- Sthanam = Arhaha Vishaya.
Essence :
- You are only one who deserves Namaskara.
line :
d) Eh Anantha Devesha Jaganivasa :
- Ananta : Limitless Timewise & Spacewise.
- Applicable to Saguna and Nirguna Brahmatma.
- What is difference between Jiva and Ishvara?
- Ishvara = Ananta from both Nirguna and Saguna Angle.
- Jiva = Not Ananta from Saguna Angle.
- Oh Lord of all Gods including Chaturmukha Brahma… Jagan Nivasa… Tat Purusha.
- Jagan Nivasa = Bahuvrihi Samasa
- Jagatam Nivasa = Tat Purusha.
- You are Aadhara of entire creation.
- You are resident of entire creation.
- World lives in you… or you live in entire world.
- Bahuvrihi = Jagat eva Navasaya Yasya.
- World is residence for you you live in the world. You live in every being as Antar Atma. You live in the world.
- Therefore you are Jagan Nivasa both in Tatpurusha and Bahuvrihi also Saguna description.
e) Aksharam :
- In Mundak Upanishad, Brahman called Aksharam.
- Kshatriya Doveda Adyayan, Jayatat, Aksharam Adigamyate.
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad : 3
chapter 8
Brahmana Aksharam Brahmanam & in gita 8
chapter called
Akshara Brahma Yoga Ishvara called Aksharam Brahma.
- Tvam Aksharam, Param Aksharam, Paramartika Satyam, the absolute.
Devesa Jagannivasa
Vyavaharika Plane
Satyam Aksharam
- Paramartika plane.
- To know more, see 10
Definition of Aksharam :
- Sat Asad Vilakshanam. Oh Lord, you are in form of sat and Asat.
Vyavaharika Plane :
- Apekshika Satta Relative existence (verb). Temporary existence associated with objects of the world to be enjoyed.
Opposite :
- Temporary relative nonexistence.
- Has Prag Abava previous non existence.
- Pradvamsa Nonabava Posterior nonexistence.
- Relative existence Sat.
- Opposed to relative existence is relative Nonexistence - Asat.
- Absolute Brahman is Manifesting as relative existence and relative non-existence.
Meaning :
- Sat Manifest = Existence = Available for transaction.
- Asat Unmanifest = Non-existence = Not available for Transaction.
- Butter in Milk Unmanifest form, because not available for transaction. But it exists.
- Satv Vyaktam, Asat - Avyaktam.
Meaning : Extention
- Sat = Karyam
- Asat = Karanam
1) Apekshika Bava Abava
2) Vyaktam Avyaktam
3) Karyam - Karanam
- 3 meanings of Sat / Asat.
- Changes from context to context. You are in form of pairs of opposites.
- Shankara takes as 1
meaning here.
- In hand pot is there cognition.
- In hand pot is not there no cognition There is no pot.
- Ghata Abava
- Te Sada Asti Upadena bute yasya Aksharasya.
- Apekshika bava and Abava are 2 Upadhis, 2 mediums through which Brahman is available in Vyavaharika
- Vidya Manam
- Avidya Manam
- Existent
- Non existent
- Yatra asti bava
- Yatra Nasti iti Buddhi
- Vritti Abava with respect to which
we have cognition of non
2 coats / Mediums
Apekshika Bava
Relative existence
Apekshika Abava
Relative Non-existence
- Are 2 mediums through which absolute Brahman expresses itself.
- In relative world, Ghata Bava Rupena Brahman Asti.
- Ghata, Abava Rupena Brahman Bhati (money, Rain, Father.)
- Bava, Abava Rupena Vyavaharika Prapancha Bhati.
- Te Sada Sat & Sada Asat
- Relative Existence & Relative Non existence are 2 coats. Which Brahman wears in the world for appearing.
- Absolute Brahman, can never be experienced.
- Absolute Brahman Named Sat & Asat in Vyavaharika field.
- Paramartika Drishti Beyond Sat / Asat.
- Yatho Vacho Nivartante, Te Aprapya Manasa Saha.
- Gita Nyeyam yat pravashyami, Yat Jnatva Mrityam Ashnute, Na Sat Asat Uchyate.
- Such great depths went into because of “Aksharam”.
- From Paramartika Drishti, Sat Asat Jagat param.
- From Paramartika Drishti, It is neither relative existence or relative nonexistence. It is beyond both.
- Upanishads name “Aksharam
Chapter 8 - Verse 11 :
That which is declared Imperishable by the Veda-
knowers ; That into which, the self-controlled
and desire-freed enter ; That desiring which
Brahmacarya is practised That Goal I will
declare to thee in brief.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Katho also same Mantra, sacred word Akshara Abyasa with double meaning.
- Local meaning : Teach Alphabets.
- For wise : Initiating child to that Aksharam with hope that child will, come upto Aksharam Brahma.
- Double purpose Tatu Tvam Eva” you are that absolute Brahman not local krishna.
Anvaya :
Eh Mahatman, Anantha devesha
Jagan Nivasa Kasmat cha?
Gariyase Brahmanaha api
Aadi Karte te Siddha Sangha
Na Nameran Tvam sad Asad cha asi
Yatu Param Aksharam Asi
- Tatu cha Tvam Asi, Gariyase Teacher or great one (Adjective Guruhu, Gariyan, Garishtaha superlative)
Chapter 11 Verse 38 :
You are the Primal God, the Ancient Purusa ; You
are the Supreme Refuge of this Universe. You
are the knower, the knowable, and the Abode-
Supreme. By Thee is the Universe pervaded. O
Being of Infinite forms.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Rudra Api Stuti once again Arjuna glorifies Bagawan.
3 stages of Appreciation
Eka Aneka Arupa
Not highlighted here Madhyama Shatakam
Chapter 7 12
Highlighted here
Hinted in Chapter 13, 14, 15 Chapter 1 to 6
Bashyam :
- Tvam Aadhi devaha you are original originator of world.
- You are the primal god.
a) Purusha : Puri Shayanat
- Puri = City = body
Chapter 5 Verse 13 :
Mentally renouncing all actions and fully self-
controlled, the “embodied” one rests happily in
the nine-gate city, neither acting nor causing
others (body and senses) to act.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Puram Nava dvare pure dehi Neiva kurvanna Karayan.
- In the city of Sharira trayam tvipuram in that shayanath you reside in the form of Sakshi Adhishtana Chaitanyam.
Puru Shaha
City Residing
b) Puranaha :
- Chirantacha eternal.
c) Tvam Asya Param Nidhanam :
- You are ultimate repository base of entire universe.
- Why we say?
- When anything is destroyed in creation, plant, animal or human, they resolve into earth Nidhanam.
- At pralayam, earth resolves into Jalam, Time, space resolved in Pralayam.
- Where 5 elements get resolved is called Param Nidhanam.
- Apara Nidhanam = Jalam
- Param Nidhanam Brahman
d) Vetha Asi every experiencer / Jiva you alone are with Maya.
- With maya, you have split into knower and known, like waker Bifurcates into Boktru Jiva + Bokta prapancha in
- Lord with Maya has become all beings with maya.
- I was waker. Oh Lord, you yourself play role of Bokta jiva and Bogya prapancha.
- Vethi Asi Sarvasya = Vedita knower / experiencer of everything.
- Vedya Jatasya = everything to be known
- Jatha = Group collection.
- Vethya Gansya Anumohasya.
- Yasya Vedyam That cha Api whatever knowable that you are.
Mandukya Upanishad :
- Vishwa + Sthula Prapancha
- Teijasa + Sukshma Prapancha
- Pragya + Karana Prapancha
- 3 padas you are 4
pada beyond Vetha + Vedyam you are Prapancha Vilakshana
- Param Dhama Beyond knower and known.
- Param Padam Vaishnavam Vaishnavam sthanam.
- Not Virukta Not located space.
Knower Known
Experiencer Experienced
Katho Upanishad :
- Vijyatir Yasthu manu Pragraham NavahaSodhu param Apnoti Tat Vishno Param pada.
- By crossing 5 Koshas & 5 Prapanchas.
- Pure conciousness is Vaishnavam pada.
- Indrebya param Artha, Artheyascha Param Manaha.
- Tat Vishnoho Param Dhama used for Nirguna Brahman.
- Vaishnavan Padam = Nirguna Brahma
- Tvaya Tatam Vishwam Everything pervaded by you only.
- Vishwam = Universe = Noun
- Adjective = Samastham Everything.
- Tatam Vyaptam Ananta Rupa Antaha Tava Vidhyayani vidyartha no limit to your Rupam.
- Every Rupam Vishwa Rupam.
- Shiva + Vishwaroopa = Bagawans Rupa.
Sloka :
- Tad Baktaha Shankara.
- Dveshi Mad Dveshi Shankara Biyaha Tam Ubau Naurakam Yataha.
- Whoever is Vishnu Bakta + Siva Bakta and Viceversa both will go to Narakam.
- Yavach Chandra Divakrau.
- They will be in Naraka as long as Sun + Moon are there…. Very long time.
- Be Vishnubakta but don’t dislike shiva Bakta. Be inclusive one not exclusive .
Anvaya :
Tvam Adidevaha Puranaha Poornaha Asi.
Tvam Asyasya, Param Nidhana Asi
Tvam Vedyancha Para Dama cha Asi
Eh-Ananta Rupa Tvaya Vishvam Tatam.
Lecture 351 :
Introduction :
- 3
phase of mental condition of experiencing Vishwaroopa Ishvara is surrender Bakti.
- 1
phase Vismaya wonderment / Joy.
- 2
phase Fear – Bayam
- 3
Phase → Surrender – Saranagathi.
One Brahman in form of
Nirguna Ishvara Saguna Ishvara
- We call it Adhishtanam
- Vivarta Upadana Karanam
- Parinami Upadana
- Lord is in form of entire
- From this point, Ahamkara
and Mamakara have no
place at all.
- Antara Sanyasa is claiming property of Lord as my own property because there is nothing other than the Lord /
- When I claim property of Ishvara as my own, it is stealing Bagawans property encroachment. Punishment is
Samsara kara griham Prison.
- Surrendering Ahamkara and Mamakara to Visvaroopa Ishvara is Namaskaram (What we do in Temple).
Message :
- I am Surrendering my Ahamkara and Mamakara to Vishwaroopa Ishvara. It is called Vishwaroopa Bakti. Then
Karma Yoga becomes efficacious.
- Then Ishvara Arpana Bavana and Prasada Bavana easy.
Upadesa Sara :
- Jagat Ishadi Yukta Sevanam Ashta Murti Brit, (Vishwaroopa Ishvara) Deva Pujanam.
- Karma Yoga most efficacious when we have Vishwaroopa Bakti.
- In Law of Karma, Bagawan = Pain + Pleasure.
- This is Bakti Arjuna is growing into. This he presents in form of repeated Namaskara, not in front of Diety in temple
but in all directions.
- Visible universe and invisible laws of Devatas behind the Universe maintaining the Universe is Ishvara.
- Behind Earth, Buma Devata, Governing law of Gravitation, Movement.
- Behind Adibutam is Adideivam Governing law of objects.
- Vayu Devata behind Visible Vayu.
- Yama Devata beind Kala Tatvam
- Chandra / Varuna / Surya Devata.
- You are Adhyatmam, Adibutam, Adideivam which governs directions. So which Direction I should do Namaskara?
Morning Prayer : Samudra Vasane Devi
Chapter 11 Verse 39 :
You are Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, the Moon,
Prajapati, and the great-grandfather (of all).
Salutations! Salutations unto You a thousand
times, and again salutations unto You!
Sanskrit Vocal
1: (Oh Mother Earth) The Devi Who is having Ocean as Her Garments and Mountains as Her Bosom,
2: Who is the Consort of Sri Vishnu, I Bow to You; Please Forgive Us for Touching You with Our Feet.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Namaskara to Buma Devi beginning of Day. Namaskara is Reverential attitude I hold all the time.
- Arjuna Says 1000’s of Namaskaras.
Bashyam :
- Visible Vayu belongs to Sthula Prapancha and invisible Vayu Devata belonging to Sukshma Prapancha (Antaryami)
behind every Visible object, Bagawan is there as invisible controlling law.
- Law Governing movement and moral law covering cutting trees. Law / Devata / Dharma invisible…. Punyam
Generated also invisible… all Bagawan.
- Sukshma Prapanca is invisible. Yama Devata, Agni Devata, Varuna Law of water bodies,
a) Sashi Devata “Chandra”
- b) Prajapati - Kashyapa
c) Prapitamaha
- Grand father
- Great Grandfather
- Hiranyagarbha
- Ishvara
- Samastha Sukshma Prapancha
Visishta Chaitanyam
- Samasta Karana prapancha Visishta
- Since you are inform of 33 Crore Devatas, can’t do 33 Crores Namaskaras.
- Therefore says d) Namaha, Namaha,
e) Sahastrakritva Again and again
- Sahastra 1000
- Kritva Times
- Pancha Krutva 5 times
f) Buyaha api
g) Kritvasuch Pratyaya
- Actual Suffix Kritva Avyayam = Indeclinable.
- Avritti Number 1000 times indicated.
- Why can’t Arjuna Stop?
h) Punascha Buyaha Api Namaste…
- By saying again and again, Arjuna expressing his dissatisfaction Apari Dosham.
- Atmanaha Reflexive Pronoun Arjuna expressing his dissatisfaction.
- Aparidosham
- Atmanaha Reflexive Pronoun.
- Arjuna has so much Devotion and Sraddha.
- Atishayam Intense faith, Great Devotion expressed as Punascha Buyaha api.
Anvaya :
Tvam Vayuhu Yamaha, Agnihi, Varunihi,
Sashankaha Prajapati, Prapita Mahacha Asi,
Sahastra Krutvaha Namaha Namaha Astu
Te Punashcha Buyaha api Namaha Namaha
- Intense Devotion expressed. Same idea. I am offering Namaskara to you all in all directions.
- Omniscient, omnipotence Immeasurable. You are infinite creation potential, inexhaustible.
- Have so much power and courage to create + maintain + resolve repeatedly.
- Bagawan has to do Srishti Sthithi endlessly.
- Jiva Lucky can get Videha Mukti.
- Bagawan never tired of Srishti, Sthithi, Layam because he knows he is ever Nitya Muktaha.
- Knows Srishti, Sthithi, Laya is Mithya.
Why be tired?
- Therefore Arjuna appreciates Lords glory.
Bashyam :
- My Prostrations facing eastern direction.
- Namaskara to you in easter Direction.
a) Prishtaha :
- Back western direction Generally, front = East. Do all Ritual. Therefore back is west.
Chapter 11 Verse 40 :
Salutations to You, before and behind! Salutations to
You on every side! O All! You, Infinite in Power,
and Infinite in Prowess, You pervade all ;
wherefore You are the All.
Sanskrit Vocal
b) Namaha Astu Sarvaha Eva :
- Other directions North / South / Northeast / Southeast / Southwest / Up / Down.
- Sarvataha Sarvatra Sthitaya Lord who is in all directions.
- Sarvadhi Dikshu.
- To Lord present everywhere I offer Namaskara.
c) Eh Sarva :
- Eh Lord who is in form of everything.
- Lord pervades world. Difference between God + World.
- One level of Appreciation :
Level :
World matter
- Satyam
- Mithya Advaitam
- You are everything
- Reject matter.
- Lord not pervading Universe. Lord is universe
- No matter other than conciousness
- No Pervador / Pervading duality
- Subtle Vedantic Difference.
In this Mantra,
d) Sarvam Samapnoshi :
- You pervade everything.
- You are conciousness, everything else is matter.
- Tvam Sarvaha Asmi. Other than conciousness there is nothing.
e) Tvam Anantha Veeryamiti Vikramaha Asmi :
- Anantha Veerayam Yasya Saha Infinite skill
- Amita Vikrama Infinite courage.
- Bahuvrihi Samasa One who has infinite skill power.
- Veeryam = Skill / Power
- Vikrame = Courage
- Anantha Veeryascha Asou Amita Vikramcha
- You are Lord of infinite skill + courage.
- One may have skill and no courage and vice versa.
- Driving test Ok Licence in Bureau No skill driving…
- Some have no Training, See father + Start Driving.
- Courage No skill.
- In war have Training to fight but don’t fight.
- Lord has infinite skill + courage to create this world.
- Samastham Jagat matter principle Apara Prakriti Maya Tatwam.
- Material part of creation = Anatma part Drishya Prapancha.
Join & Become Visesha Bahuvrihi Samasa
f) Samapnoshi :
- Ekena Atmana Vyapnoshi.
- You pervade as Ekaha Atma Chaitanya
- Tatvam pervade Jada Prapancha lending conciousness to inert Karana Shariram, Sukshma & Sthula Shariram.
- Invisibly you pervade the Universe.
- Samyak Ekena Atmana.
- World Pluralistic but you are one.
- Dvaita Prapancha Advaita Atmanaha.
g) Yathaha Tataha Because of this reason, you are Sarvaha Asi. (Everything you are).
- Tvaya Bina, Butam Na Kinchit Asti..
- Any inert, matter principle doesn’t exist without you the Conciousness.
Why we Say this?
- Conciousness lends existence to Universe.
- World doesn’t enjoy existence of its own. Existence I experience belong to you conciousness principle.
Example :
- Moonlight on moon is not of the moon.
- Existence I experience in the Mike is not of the mike.
- Existence given by Bagawan alone you are in the form of everything.
- Svapnoshi Dvaitam existed Adhyaropa.
- Tvam Sarvaha Asi Dvaitam Rejected Apavada.
- In 2 verbs Adhyaropa and Apaada Vedanta explained in Verse 40.
- Svapnoshi + Tvam Asi Very important.
Anvaya :
Te Purustat Namaha Ata Pratishtaha Namaha
Eh Sarva, Te Sarvata eva Namaha Astu
Tvam Ananta Veeryamita vikramaha Asi
Tvam Sarvam Svapnoshi Tataha Svam Sarvaha Asi Tataha.
Chapter 11 Verse 41 :
Whatever I have rashly said from carelessness or
love, addressing You as “O Krsna, O Yadava, O
friend,” and regarding You merely as a friend,
unknowing of this greatness of Yours...
Sanskrit Vocal
- Until now Arjuna looked at Krishna as a friend. Now he looked at Krishna as Avatara of Lord.
- Discovers Saguna and Nirguna Glories of Lord (Anantaha). Looks back how he has treated Krishna before. Krishna
didn’t mind the treatment.
- Kamathla Pottukara Aparadha Shamapanam.
- Aham Aparadhi - Committed mistake of underestimating you and improperly treating you out of Sheer ignorance. I
am offender because of what? My incomplete knowledge of your full glory. Some ignorance can’t afford to have.
- Ignorance not correct in certain Area. Born in Vedic culture. Arjuna can’t afford ignorance. Being with Krishna,
Ignorance of God an offence.
Vedic Culture :
- Initially have blind faith in God. Because of obedience to Parents. Blind faith shaken later.
- Teach scriptures so that blind faith is converted into informed Understanding of God.
- Teach God in beginning.
Arjuna :
- Its offence. I am ignorant of your real Nature.
Lecture 352 :
Introduction :
- After Vishwaroopa Darshanam, Arjuna has great respect for Lord. Previously Krishna friend, Now Avatara.
- Didn’t know full glory of Avatara and Ishvara.
- Now Arjuna seeking Pardon from the Lord. I treated you as a friend.
- Ordinary human being, not knowing, because of my ignorance…. Pardon my offensive behaviour.
- Offence = ill treatment.
- Aparijanan Total knowledge I don’t have. Therefore I ill treated you.
Verse 41 :
- How Arjuna should have addressed the Lord and how he uttered the Lord?
- Lord must be addressed as in Verse 38 + 39.
- Verse 38 Tvam Adideva, Purusha, Purana, Vishvasya Param Nidhanam, Ashtotra Archana
Anantha Rupam..
- Verse 39 Vayu, Sahastra Krutva Namaskara.
- Instead of this, addressed you as Sakha.. Because of ignorance, closeness to you, Love for you ill treated you.
Bashyam :
a) Saka :
- Friend used when friends are of same age.
- Samana Vayavahi iti.
- Krishna Arjuna Same age.
- Viparita Buddhi Physically friend.
- I am Jivatma You are Paramatma. Big difference.
- Didn’t register – because of Viparita Buddhi.
b) Prasadam :
- Prasuhyam Abi Buhya.
- Overriding your words, Suppressing you, dominating upon you, prevailing upon you, Abibuya Degrading,
insulting, I have used several expressesions.
- Pralahyam rudely, disrespectfully.
c) Yaduktam :
- Uttered several words… Eh Krishna, Yadava, Saketi.
Other commentators :
- Sake iti No Sandhi possible.
- Arsha Rishi Prayoga can’t be combined.
- Ajanta Ajaninam. Because of ignorance, Moodhena.
- Because of your human appearance.
Chapter 9 Verse 11 :
Fools disregard Me when I dwell in human form ;
they know not My Higher being as the Great
Lord of all beings.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Moodaha Sam Avaha Discredited.
- Borrowed from 9
- I was ignorant of what?
- Kim Ajanataha?
- Tritiya Vibakti Pulling eka Vachanam.
- Mahimanam Tava.. Your Glory? What glory?
- Bagawan is Para + Apara Prakrti.
- Para Atma of everyone.
- Apara Anatma of everyone.
- None other than Bagawan is there.
- Ishvarasya Vishwaroopa I don’t know.
Grammar Problem :
- Idam pronoun Neuter gender. This & That man / wall / women.
- Mahimanam = Noun Masculine.
- Idam Mahimanam This Glory.
- Don’t know this glory of yours.
- In Sanskrit can’t say :
Neuter Gender
Masculine Gender
Can’t qualify Masculine
- This qualifies Vishvaroopam Neuter Gender.
- I don’t know this Vishvaroopam and also this Glory.
- Idam Vishwaroopam Mahimanam cha.
- Ajanataha Neuter Pronoun requires Neuter noun.
- When Masculine Noun combined with Masculine pronoun it is Samanadhi Karanya Sambandha.
- If there is Vaiyadikaranyam then add Vishwaroopa.
d) Maya Pramadat :
- Even though I know your glory as Avatara
- When familiarity, there is oversight Pramada = Vikshepa Chittam inadvertently / Loose Mindedness.
e) Pranayena Api :
- Out of love and affection, used expression.
- Praneva api Uktavan Asmi.
What is Pranayaha :
- Sneha Ninithaha Mishramaha.
- Affection and closeness.
- Due to closeness there is trust Vishramaha Tease / Pull others leg…
- With confidence and trust other one will not mistake and Break relationship.
- Use all expressions, not filter words.
- When relationships frail, use words selectively.
- Trust gives confidence.
Psychologist :
- All need 1 or 2 trust worthy relationships confidante.
- Share innermost secret with trust and confidence, knowing other will not judge and drop me.
- Psychologically Talk to Bagawan Take Bagawan as Saka, friend. Be Psychologically Naked in front of someone.
One unrejectable relationship required.
- Psychological expression is “Pranamya
Pranamya Definition :
- Trustworthy relationship in which I can do anything without filtering.
- Pranamya Nama Sneha Nimittaha Vishvamaha, Tena Abi Karnena… Because of total trust, I have used all kinds of
words / expressions.
- Tena Abhi Karanena Uktavan Asmi..
Relative Pronoun :
- Yadi Uktavan Asmi
Verse 41 :
Line : Yadu Relative Pronoun
- Whatever I have said Not complete sentence.. Take expression from 42 Tatu Aham Kshamaye.
- I seek Pardon forgiveness for that expression.
Anvaya :
Tvam Saka Asi Iti Matva
Pramadat Pranayena Va api
Tvam idam Mahimamcha (Taking Viyadikamya cha)
Ajanata Maya Eh krishna, eh Yadava,
Eh sake iti pratabam Uktam
Yati evam uktam Tatu shamaye.
Chapter 11 Verse 42 :
In whatever way I may have insulted You for the
sake of fun, while at play, reposing or sitting, or
at meals, when alone (with You), O Acyuta, or in
company that, O Immeasurable One, I implore
You to forgive.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Same idea as in Verse 41.
- Disrespect at Verbal level Verse 41 Saka
- Disrespect at Body / Behaviour / Action level Verse 42
- During various Occasions walking together (Vihara), Shaiya while sleeping in camps together (Bed = Shaiya),
Asanam Seating together, Bojanam eating together in one place.
- Bosom friends done several things Disrespecting you. For all these offences, I seek pardon from you.
One interpretation :
- Ekaha Tat Samaskshvam.
- Ekaha means when we were only there Privately without others.
Interpretation :
- Ekaha Samakshvam When I was without you. In your Absence, talked ill of you, disrespected you.
- Ekaha In your absence…
- Samakshaha In your presence.
- Shankara takes second.
Bashyam :
a) Yatcha Avasaharyartham :
- Parihase Prayojanaya
- For Sake of fun not seriously.
b) Asataha - Paributaha Asi
- Ill treated by me.
- Asi Bavasi.
c) Kwa Question when did I do that?
- Vihara Saiiya Asana Bojeneshu
- All 4 well known.
d) Vihara Viharanam Padav Vyavyame
- Leg exertion strolling walking.
e) Shayanam :
Sleepy In the Bed
I have insulted you in
the Bed
f) Asanam :
- Seat over which you are seated. Aasta Yika.
g) Bojanam :
- Adanam while eating.
2 Meanings
Food consumed Eating process
Karma Vitpatti - During eating
- At time of eating.
- During all occassions, all places…
h) Ekaha Parokshaha San
- In your absence criticised you.
Ekaha 2 Meanings
Bravely in front of you directly Behind you
Shankara takes behind you
i) Asat Kruta cha Pari Butaha Asi
- Have been insulted by me in your absence.
Samaksham Asat Krutaha Asi Asi
In front of you, when
others not there
Publicly in front of
I have insulted you
- Tat Pronoun should join Noun. Here Tat taken as Adverb as Tata… in this manner.
- Eh Krishna, Eh Yadava, by using disrespectful words…
- Tat Shabdaha… No gap in between Tat occurs twice… in verse 42.
- Tatu Samakshvam, Tatu Asat Krutahe Asi You have been insulted in this manner.
- Pratyaksham Va Asatkrutava Asi
- You have bee insulted behind or in front of you…
- I seek forgiveness for all those mistakes.
- Tatu Sarvam, Jatam Many mistakes.
- Apavadaha Masculine
- Tatu Neuter can’t say Tatu
- Tatu Neuter Neuter can’t qualify Masculine.
- Shankara adds Jatam Neuter… Group of mistakes.
- Apara Jatam Group of mistakes.. Can grow with Neuter…
g) KshamamamKshama
- Karaye.. Should forgive mistake.
- Iti I ask you…
h) Tvam Aprameyam
2 Meanings
Pramana Teetam
- Beyond all Pramanam
- Instruments of knowledge
- Pratyaksha Anumana,
Upamana, Arthapatti
- You are Aprameyaha, Beyond all
- Not talking about Nirguna
- Immeasurable
- You are “infinite”.
Meaning fits here.
- Oh Lord, you are infinite forgiving / Pardon used in 2 ways swamiji checked Grammar book.
Forgiving / Pardon
Offence / Mistake
Here Pardon my mistake /
offence. Not me person
Anvaya :
Eh Achyuta, Vihara Shaiyasana Bojaneshu,
Avaha Sartham, Ekaha san Athava Tatu Samaksham Api
Tvam Asat Krutaha Asi Yatu evam Krutam
Tatu Aham Aprameyam Tvam Kshamaye
Lecture 353 :
- After going through wonderment and fear Arjunas mind changed to Bakti Devotion till verse 40.
. - Devotion towards lord as Vishwaroopa Ishvara not Eka Rupa Ishvara.
- In higher level of Bakti, previous level not Displaced.
- Undergraduate Knowledge not displaced in graduate It is additional After Vishwaroopa Bakti, I can have Eka
Rupa Bakti, enjoy + meditate.
- Advaita Acharya Ratna Prabhakara wrote Sub-commentary on Brahma Sutra Shankara Bashyam Govindananda
Starts with Rama Namaskarah in Temple in Andhra. Don’t loose Ishtadevata.
- Similarly in Advaita Bakti, not incapacitate me to appreciate Eka Rupa or Krishnas leelas / glories.
- One is Paramartika Satyam & other Vyavaharikam Not mutually exclusive Eka Rupa included in Advaita
Adhishtanam Advaita Bakti enjoys 3 Baktis.
- Enjoyment doesn’t mean giving equal reality to all – Enjoying movie doesn’t mean giving Satyatvam to movie.
Enjoy movie and get identified temporarily.
- Advaita Bakti = Self Love.
- Loving self includes Jiva, Jagat, Ishvara.
- See Glory of Jiva and Ishvara and Nirguna Brahman also.
- Yastu Atmarevasyat, Atmani Truptascha Manavaha.
- Self includes 3 Baktis.
- I can be Dvaita Bakta without feeling I am Samsari.
- Eka Rupa, Aneka Rupa are at Vyavaharika level.
- Enjoy Vyashti, Samashti division, Without feeling I am Samsari.
- As free Jnani, Enjoy Dvaitam.
- Chapter 11 Arjuna’s Bakti is No. 2 Aneka Rupa Bakti
Eka Rupa Bakti
Aneka Rupa Bakti
Arupa Bakti
- No 2 will not displace no 1. Or Deny No 1 Bakti.
- This is topic till verse 40.
- From 41, incidental remarks…
- Only relevant for Arjuna.
- Arjuna associated with Krishna as friend… Didn’t respect …. As friend. Used Da etc., for those offences.
- Arjuna seeking pardon, Krishna knows Arjunas motive…. Didn’t mistake.
- Vishwaroopa Bakti 3
phase over in verse 40.
- Verse 41 incidental Not Tatparyam.
Chapter 11 Verse 43 :
You are the Father of this world, moving and
unmoving. You are to be adored by this world.
You are the greatest Guru, (for) there exists
none who is equal to You ; how can there be
then another, superior to You in the three
worlds, O Being of unequalled power?
Sanskrit Vocal
Why Krishna should forgive?
- Krishna Universal father / Guru.
- Arjuna Child / Sishya Prone to commit mistake Duty of father to forgive. Arjuna says, I legitimately deserve
forgiveness. I demand forgiveness.
- Not Relevant because of Unique relationship Deserves compassion.
Krishna Guru of Arjuna
Visesha Artha Bagawan
Krishna is Arjunas guru
- Aadhi Guru
- Universal Guru
- Guru to everyone
- Samanasya Artha
- As Sishya + Putra, Demand forgiveness.
Bashyam :
a) Pitha Asi :
- Janiya Creator of all lokas living beings.
Loka 2 Meanings
14 Lokas Bhu, Buar Prani Jatasya
Multitudes Sammukhaha
- Indriya Jatam Group of Sense organs
- Vriksha Jatam Trees
- Prani Jatam Living beings
b) Chara Achara :
Sthavara Jangamam
Stationary Moving
Landline Cell phone
Plants / Trees Animals / Human
Non Prani, No living
No Prana
- Has Sthula → No Sukshma / Karana Shariram
- Pujyaha Adorable / Reverential
- Why you deserve Adoration?
- “Guru”
Guru Stotra :
- Narayanam Padma Buvam Vasistam
- Not Sadashiva Sama Rambam….
- Shiva not Adi Guru… Shivarathri… Say – Sadashiva… Not Narayanam.
- Gariyan Greater than all Guru’s Padmabuvam, Vasishtam, Parachara General Guru’s.
- Narayana No. 1 Guru of all.. Never Sishya of any one Gariyamsaha Kasmat Gurutavam iti Aha?
- Why Bagawan Greater than Gurus + Pitrus? Because No one equal to Bagawan.
- Hetu Hetumat bava Sambandha.
- Na cha Svayamaha Anyat Asti.
c) Tvat Samaha :
- Anyaha Nasti.
- No one equal to Bagawan.
- How many 1
Guru? Aadhi Moola Karanam only one.
- Apekshika / Avantara / incidental Karanams Many.
- Bagawan Atyantika Karanam one.
- Therefore no one equal to Bagawan.
Too many Gods will be problem :
- We don’t have many Gods.
- We have one God worshipped in many forms Brahma Vishnu Shiva.
What is form of original God?
- All pervading God has no forms / can’t have form.
- All pervading Space has no form / can’t have form.
- One formless God represented by many formful.
- Many Gods to cater to many types of Devotees.
Very Important line :
- Ishvara Dvayam na Sambavati. Brahma / Vishnu / Shiva Not 3 Gods but 3 forms of one God.
- From Srishti Angle Ishvara = Brahma
From Sthithi Angle Ishvara = Vishnu
From Layam Angle Ishvara - Shiva
Ishvara One Common Name
Brahma Vishnu Shiva
3 Names of one Ishvara
- If many Gods or 2 Gods what is problem?
- In the plurality of Gods, No Vyavahara possible, one God will say Lets Create
Another god will say Let me Sustain
Another God will say Let me Destroy / Resolve
- Therefore Quarrel one god.
- Next Srishti lets start Now / Later…
- Any team should have one leader for Successful teamwork.
- Body has many organs but one head. Head has to be one.
- Family Survives as a Team only. If there is no head, who should be head should be decided in the voting.
- No Democracy, no equality before marriage.
- There should be decision. If consensus fine. If no consensus, who must be deciding authority 3
Umpire? If
differences on ground, otherwise, Game will not go on.
- In Vedic society, there was understanding. This not sorted today. Therefore marriages don’t last. Gender equality
ok but must be with understanding. When differences, who is final deciding authority. That leader should not
abuse position. Must take into account Raaga Dvesha of every member. Leader required.
Very Important :
- Nahi Ishvaram Dvayam Sambavati.
- One unit can’t survive as team unless you fix head.
- Ailment of modem society. Leader in family not fixed. Don’t want to fix.
- Vyavahara will not take place.
Example :
- Marriage is pack of cards.
Sociological Truth :
1) Start with Hearts - I Love you
- You Love me
- Valentine Day
2) Diamond - Exchange of Rings
3) Clubs - Physically fight
4) Spade - Graveyard for fight = for Individual for family separation.
Why Nahi Ishvaram Sambavati?
- Aneka Ishvaratve Vyavahara Anupapatte.
- Vyavaharika not possible.
One Head
Ardha Nareeshwara (Brahman + Maya)
½ Father ½ Mother
- Inseparable If separated, no Vyavahara.
- When Brahman and Maya Separated Maya can’t exist can’t do Vyavahara.
Mandukya Upanishad : Verse 7
Neither inwards conscious nor outwards conscious, nor conscious of the intermediary state, nor
ingatherd nothing else as to consciousness, nor (total) consciousness, nor unconsciousness -
what is invisible, unrelated, unperceivable, devoid of all connotations, unthinkable, undefinable,
essentially of the nature of self-consciousness alone, negation of all relative existence, peaceful,
of supreme bliss and unitary - is called the fourth foot (of the Atman). That is the Atman, He is to
be realised.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Glory of yours when you separate Idam Mahimanam Not vaiyadi Karanya Sambanda.
- Don’t connect pronoun + Noun.
- When it is Disconnected it is called Vai Yadi Karanya Sambandha.
- This Glory = Samadhi Karanya Sambanda.
- This connected to Vishwaroopa interpretation No 1.
- 2
Interpretation Idam + Mahimamanam should not be connected.
- Instead of Mahimanam Tava Idam.
- Mahimanam Tava Imam
Mahimanam Taveva Tamam
- Imam pronoun is Masculine Gender like இவ.
- Can pin Mahimanam.
- Nantap PragyamAvyavahryam Avyayam.
- Brahman and Maya co exist as one Ishvara Common name of Brahman + Maya.
- Vyavahara takes place smoothly.
- There is no one equal to you. You are the leader.
- When no one equal to you. Where is question of someone superior to you.
- Kai Mudikam Nyaya.
- Since world has only one leader, therefore Srishti, Sthithi, Laya happens smoothly because no one to challenge
Gods authority.
- In Bagawatam, someone challenges Bagawans authority.
- Brahma Becomes proud.
Indra becomes proud.
- How Bagawan Destroys Brahmaji?
- Brahma Creates one world.
- Vishnu Creates Parallel world.
- Brahmaji Humbled without him things go on… story indicates one leader / one head / in one family / country /
Loka / In entire 3 worlds, there is one leader you have matchless power / Glory.
- Apratima - Prabava
Matchless, Statue / Model, Resembling one.
- Why statue called Pratima it resembles Wax statue (Taussauds).
- Think it is live Karana Vibakti.
- Prati + Ma Dhatu.
- With which something is compared.
- Nang Bahuvrihi Yasya. Na Vidyate Pratima Yasya.
- For which there is no equal like statue.
- Qualifying Glory not Bagawan. That Bagawan whose Glory is matchless, Comparison less.
- Nirathishaiya Prabava Greatest unsurpassed Glory.
- Apratima Matchless, Nirathishaya unsurpassed.
Anvaya :
Tvam Asya Sacharasya Lokasya Pitha Asi
Tvam Pujyaha Guruhu Gariyancha Asi
Eh Apratima Prabava Loketraya Api
Tvat Samaha Anyaha Na Asti
Abyathi Kaha Kutaha Syat Abyathikathaha Syat.
Chapter 11 Verse 44 :
Therefore, bowing down, prostrating my body, I
crave Your forgiveness, O adorable Lord. As a
father forgiveth his son, a friend his friend, a
lover his beloved, even so should You forgive
me, O Deva.
Sanskrit Vocal
Arjuna concludes :
- I have not reverentially treated you. Because of ignorance and also inadvertently. Consider as offence to you. For
that I seek forgiveness and you have to tell me clearly I have forgiven you, so that I can rest in peace.
- Yathaha evam therefore, since I deserve & need forgiveness from you. I want to offer my Sashtanga Namaskara.
- Many Admit mistake without inner transformations. Forgiveness becomes non-relevant, meaningless, lip service.
- Acknowledge what I did was wrong. Understood will Avoid mistake committed.
- Acknowledgment of mistake important before forgiveness. Meaningless otherwise next day will say donkey.
- Forgiveness must be preceded by repentance and acknowledged understood mistake = Pranamya.
- Don’t be egoistic to Acknowledge mistake.
- News paper reports : Error + Regrets Real.
- Paschat Tapam : Sincerely feel pain for mistake committed.
- 1
Prayaschittam : Feeling the pain.
- 2
Prayaschittam : Giving appropriate Compensation Damage control.
- Pranamasya = Namaskrutva through words + Sashtangathaya Pranidhaya Kayam (Fall on ground).
- Pranidhaya = Prakarshena (Properly).
- I hold Body on Ground Sashtanga Namaskara. 8 limbs of Body touch ground.
- Vichara Sagara 2 slokas.
- Prasadaye = Prasadam Karaye - Propitiate you.
Lecture 354 : Page 279 :
Verse 44 :
Bashyam :
- Arjuna asking for forgiveness from lord for Disrespect shown before recognising full Glory of Lord.
- Before forgiveness offering Namaskara is showing Sense of Regret.
- Without regret on part of offender, forgiveness does not have impact.
- Forgiveness = 2 fold.
1) Acknowledge Accept mistake, feel regret do Namaskara. I propitiate you. Assuming Krishna is disturbed what
type of you.
- Isham Idayam one who is Lord of entire universe Prajapati.
- Idayam = Stutyam one who is adorable.
3 Example Given :
Father forgives mistake of Son
Friend forgives Friend because of
Love of each other
Husband forgives Wife
Putrasya Kshamatvam Putra Saka Priyaya
- Not selective Aparadham
- Whatever Nature of mistake,
father unconditionally forgives
- If no forgiveness, marriage
doesn’t last long.
Rule :
- Forgive Husband wife bond based on understanding.
- Priya = Jaya
- Priyaha = Husband.
- Eh Krishna you are like father / friend / Pati.
- One type of approach.
- Bagawan Pathi
- All Jivas Beloved ones.
- Arhasi Sodum = Prasahitum should forgive.
Anvaya :
Tasmat Aham Pranamya, Khayam
Pranidaya Isham eedyam Tvam,
Prasadaye Eh Deva Putrasya
Aparadham vita eva Sakhyuhu
(Aparadam) Saka eva Priyayaha.
Aparadham Priyaha (eva mama
Aparadham) Tvam sodum Arhasi.
Chapter 11 Verse 45 :
I am delighted, having seen what was never seen
before ; and (yet) my mind is distressed with
fear. Show me Your previous form only, O God ;
have mercy, O God of gods, O Abode of the
Sanskrit Vocal
Mental Conditions :
- Wonderment / Fear / Bakti.
- Vismaya / Bayam / Bakti.
What is Dominant?
- If Bakti Dominant, will enjoy Vishwaroopa, Accept Mahabaratha and consequent death of near + dear.
- Law of Bagawan must take place. Then Arjunas Ahamkara + Mamakara should be very low.
- Biggest obstacle to Vishwaroopa Darshanam is Aham / Mamakara which alone expresses as Raaga Dvesha.
- All 4 obstacles to Vishwaroopa dropped by Bakti.
- If Arjuna was mature, Bakti would have been dominant. 1
chapter indicates Arjunas Aham + Mama kara strong.
- My people repeated. When Vishwaroopa Darshanam + Bakti obstructed, in that Mind, Bayam is Dominant.
- Majority Eka Rupa Baktas. Therefore Bayam Dominant.
- Therefore Bayam doesn’t go away.
- Vishwaroopa Bakti alone can eliminate fear.
For Arjuna :
- Aham + Mamakara Diluted because of Artificial grace coming from Bagawan.
- Grace = Divyam Dadami Te Chakshu… Krishna with 2 hands keeps Arjunas Aham / Mama Aside.
- Therefore Arjunas Bakti not predominant. But Divya Chakshu predominant.
- Arjuna who asked for Vishwaroopa Darshanam Prays : May you withdraw Bagawans open mouth, between Teeth…
ICU, many suffering, How to accept Vishwaroopa Ishvara I have happiness + fear. Fear dominating. Therefore
withdraw Vishwaroopa.
Adrishta Purvam :
- Kadachit ApiDrishta Purvam… Rare… Vishwaroopa.. Never experienced before… Such rare form – I saw.. Mouth
of Lord Crushing heads… Disturbed, Avyasitam.
- Some cry / smile, smiling cry, smile with fear…
Arjuna’s Condition :
a) Rishitar Asmi Delighted, smiles.
b) Pravyathitam Mind afflicted with fear.
I would like to see your good old Krishna Rupam Eka Rupam. Yadi Matsakam My friend Krisha roopa
c) Tvam Praseeda Be gracious towards me.
d) Devesa Oh Lord of Gods.
Jagan Nivsa Jagataha Nivasa Support / Adhara for entire universe.
Sambodhana Pratama Vibakti Addressing Lord Repeats word.
Eh Jagan Nivasa.. Arjuna addressing Lord.
Anvaya :
Adrishta Purvam Drishtva Aham Hrishataha Asmi
May Manaha Bayena Pravajathitham cha asti.
Eh Deva Tvam Tad eva Rupam me
Darshaya eh Devesha Jagan Nivasa Tvam Praseedaha.
Chapter 11 Verse 46 :
I desire to see You as before, crowned, bearing a
mace, with a discus in hand, in Your former form
only, having four arms, O Thousand-armed, O
Universal Form.
Sanskrit Vocal
In Verse 45 :
- May you show that form of Yours.
Verse 46 :
- Describes which form Not Narasimha form but chatur buja form Not Krishna as a friend but Krishna as Lord as
Arjuna experienced.
a) Kirtinam → One head / crown not 1000’s
b) Tata Gadinam → One Gadha Not 1000’s
c) Chakra One
- Vishwaroopa Darshanam before.
- Vasudeva putra Rupena Krishna
d) Chaturbujena → 4 hands.
- Sahatra Bavo with present Vishwaroopa, you are 1000 headed. Now I want you to be 4 headed.
- Chatur bujena connect with Tvam Bava
- Vishwa Murthi Rupah
- Whose Shariram in the form of Universe Krishna Murthi
- One whose body dark in color Rama Murti.
- Attractive Ramayati
- Upasamkruta Rupam Withdraw your Divya Chakshu from me then Vishwaroopa will not be available.
Eka Rupam Vishwaroopam
Laukika Chakshu Divya Chakshu
Laukika Purusha Alaukika / Vishwarupa Bakta
- Difference is only subjective.
- Physically both experience same universe.
- For one world is secular for another sacred. Don’t bring Mysticisim in Vedanta.
- It is congnitive, intellectual change brought about by understanding, perspective change, response change.
- All 4 in Buddhi.
Hinduism primarily prescribing :
- World will remain according to law of Karma change is internal not external.
- Withdrawal of Vishwaroopa is withdrawal of Divya chakshu.
- Bava May you become.
Anvaya :
Aham Tata eva Kiritinam
Gadhinam chakra Hasthum Tvam
Drashtum Icchami eh Sahastra
Bavo Vishwa Murte, Tvam tena
Chatur bujena Rupena eva Bava.
- Arjuna places his request in front of Bagawan and is silent. Krishna is withdrawing Vishwarupam.
Chapter 11 Verse 47 :
The Blessed Lord Said : Graciously by Me, O Arjuna,
this Supreme Form has been shown to you by
My own Yoga-power Full of splendour,
Primeval, Infinite, this Universal Form of Mine
has never been seen by any other than yourself.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Withdrawal of Divya chakshu is suppressing Aham Mama kara.
- Aham Mama expressed means family worries surfacing. Eyes and ears open. If worries occupy mind, can’t enjoy
wonderful trees, sky, sunrise, sunset, moon, … all these are Vishwaroopa Ishvara. Sitting in beach.
- I worry about daughter / Boss / … etc. Vishwaroopa Darshanam suppressed because of Mental preoccupation we
have become comfortable with family Abhimanam. Wound healing Itch comes Blood comes Nice feeling
feel like itching again.. Samsari also like that.
- Enjoy bleeding family worries Good old worries. Getting act of Samsara not in the hands of Guru or Ishvara if one
Enjoys Samsara.. With attachment and worries, Guru can’t do anything.
- Vishwaroopa Bakti to Eka Rupa Bakti is Demotion.
- Ahamkara loves relationships and Eka Rupa Bakti. It seeks security & comfort in relationships.
- Because of Agyanam, we seek Sangha in relationships.
- Mandukya = Abaye Baya Darshinaha.
- Relationship is not security but Samsara. Let person grow out by Punarapi Jnanam, Maranam.
- I Give Ganga but people love KoovamLord saw fear in Arjuna and comforting Arjuna… Lord said….
Verse 47 :
- Intention of Vishwaroopa Darshanam not to frighten Arjuna with death of Bheeshma / Drona. But because Arjuna
asked the Lord to show Vishwaroopam.
- As Bakta, Sishya’s love towards Arjuna lord showed. If you are uncomfortable, I will not hold it. You now show
discomfort therefore I will withdraw. Your comfort is my concern not what is better. I could show you because of
my own (Atma) Yoga (Maya Shakti.)
- It is a rare Darshanam you had.
Bashyam :
a) Maya Prasanena Param Rupam Darshitam :
- Prasanena - One who has Prasada
- Prasadavan.
- Prasada here Tvayi Anugraha Buddhi My desire to bless you.
- Tad Vata Endowed with prasada I have desire to bless you.
Param Rupam : Superior form
- Depending on context superiority taken.
- Between Eka / Aneka Rupam Aneka Superior
- Between Aneka / Arupa Rupam Arupa Superior.
- Param Rupam here means Vishwaroopam not Nirguna Roopam.
b) Darshitam Atma Yogat = Aishvaryam
- Omnipotent, overlordship, Aishvarya Bava, Capability.
c) Samarthyam = Power of Omnipotence
= Maya Shakti
d) Atmana = Reflexive pronoun My own.
- What type of Vishwaroopam I showed you?
e) Tejomayam :
- Bright form, full of effulgence.
- Vishwaroopam Not special form came in front of Arjuna Samastha Rupam Bagawan in front of everyone.
- Attitudinal change, not perspective change.
f) Anantham :
- Anta Rahitam, doesn’t have boundary. It should include Bheeshma, Drona also.
g) Aadhyam :
- Adau Baram.
- Primal form which existed.
- Before arrival of all individuals.
h) Me : Mama Rupam
- Tva Danyena Drishta Poorvam.
- Not seen by others except you & few others (Sridhar Swami).
- Tvattaha Anyena Kena chit Na Drishta Poorvam.
Anvaya :
Eh Arjuna, Yatu me rupam, Param,
Tejomayam, Vishwam, Anantham,
Aadyam, Tavdan ena Drishta Poorvam (Cha Asti Tadu)
Svatitu Idam Rupena Prasannena
Maya Atma Yogat Tava Darshitam.
Lecture 355 : Introduction :
1) After Vismayam, Bayam, Vishwaroopa Bakti, Arjuna Discovered Bayam was predominantly there and found himself
unprepared for Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
2) It will be enjoyable only when Aham + Mamakara are diluted and consequently Raaga Dvesha are diluted,
otherwise Vishwaroopa will be frightening.
3) As Arjuna was totally not prepared he asked Lord to withdraw Vishwaroopam for which Lord Krishna responded in
verse 47.
Verse 47 + 48 :
- Lord Says, don’t take Vishwaroopa Darshanam for granted At will ask for and at will withdraw. Not easily
possible. Many struggling to get it.
- 47 + 48 talks about glory and rareness of Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
- Arjuna got because of Bakti for the Lord.
Chapter 11 Verse 48 :
Neither by the study of the Veda-s nor by sacrifices
(Yajna-s), nor by gifts, nor by rituals, nor by
severe austerities, can I be seen in this form in
the world of men by any other than yourself. O
great hero among the Kuru-s.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Arjuna fortunate to have Darshanam.
- By attaining Vishwaroopa Darshanam you have attained greatest fulfillment, Benefit. Eva Tawa Samvitaha Arjuna.
- Vishwaroopam requires appreciation.
- It is possible only by Aham Mama dilution (Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti). Aham Mama totally eliminated by
Jnanam only. Not eliminated but reduced.
- Sadhanas like Karma Yoga, Upasana yoga are for Aham/ Mama reduction / dilution.
- For Moksha only path Mahavakya Vichara Jnanam.
- For Jnana Yogyata Many paths, all valid.
- In Particular context particular path highlighted. Social service, Rituals, Nama Japa, Pitru Matru sisrusha, for
chitta shuddhi.
- Siksha Valli Satyam itiSvadhyaya Pravachanecha.
- Satyam Tapas Svadhyaya Learning to chant and Parayanam of scriptures not for Jnanam / Moksha but Aham /
Mama dilution.
Chapter 11 :
- Krishna highlights Bakti method for Yogyata Praptihi for Aham / Mama dilution.
Important Lesson :
- When we want to glorify one, others are presented inferior Siksha Valli Satyam, Tapas degraded.
Mundak Upanishad :
- Satyamena Jayate
- Satyam glorified.
- Others should not be ill treated.
Mimamsa :
- Nahi Nindha Nyaya
- Here Krishna downgrades Veda Yagya, Danam, Kriya. Through Danam don’t get Yogyata. Danam highlighted in
Chapter 17 + 18. Here downgraded for upgrading Bakti. Similarly Kriyabihi Austerities, Rituals, Tapas will not give
Vishwaroopa Darshanam (Inferior) Bakti from verse 52
Bashyam :
Adyayanam :
- Learning to chant shabda Grahanam.
Vichara Artha Grahanam
- Can’t get Vishwaroopa by veda Adhyayanam or learning to do Yagyas like Agnihotra Jyotishtomam, Rituals.
- Veda Adhyayanam includes Yagya Adhyayanam.
Yagya Adhyayanam :
- Yagya Prayoga Adhyayanam Methodology of performing Rituals which ritual which Mantra which Ahuti
which Devata to become Purohit Siksha / Kalpam.
- Veda Patashala only Mantra chanting.
- Training with another priest required.
- Vigyanam = Prayoga Adhyayanam.
- Veda Adyayanam + Yagya Agyanam + Danam (Tulabaram According to weight donate fruits / Svarna / Sugar) +
Kriya Srouta Agnihotra / Sandhya Vandanam from Sruti
Smartha Ramanavami Puja = from Smriti
- Veda Vidhi Aharahaha Sandhya Upasita all downgraded Now Nama Sankeertanam Propagated for Jnana
Yogyata not Jnanam or Moksha - Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti Aham Mama dilution.
- Fierce Tapas Ugraihi = Ghora Tapas which hurts body Chardham without chappal.
- Fierce fasting Chandra Ayanam As per path of moon Pournami full Moon / waxing increasing… 0, 1, 2, 3…
- Waning decreasing 15, 14 …. 0 (Amavasya)
- 15 handfuls of food.
- Amavasya = Total fasting, then Prathama (1)
- 1 15 1 one cycle As many cycles fast.
- Krichram Absolute fasting No water, milk, fruit.
a) Evam rupam Yasya Saha, Vishwaroopa Ishvara Na Shakyam.
b) Nruloke In World of Human being Vishwaroopam can’t be seen.
- You are come under an exception. You are getting rare thing but can’t withstand that.
c) Tvadanyena :
- Tvattana Anyone other than Baktas like you.
d) Eh Kuru Pravira :
- Oh Arjuna.
Anvaya :
Eh Kurupravira Nrloka Evam Rupaha Aham,
Tvadat Anyena, Veda Yagna,
Adhyaiihi Drashtum Na Shakya,
Danaiihi Darshtum Na Shakya,
Kriyabihi Drashtum Na Shakya,
Ugraihi Tapo Bihi cha Drashtum na shakya
Chapter 11 Verse 49 :
Be not afraid, nor bewildered on seeing such a
terrible-form of Mine as this ; with your fear
dispelled and with gladdened heart, now behold
again this (former) form of Mine.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Objectively, Krishna has presented superiority of Vishwaroopa Darshana compared to Eka Rupa Darshanam.
- Seeing Lord as person, Murti in Temple, Rama and conversing with him as in Puranas is good. Bagawan came and
talked and received Puja is Eka Rupa Darsanam. Seeing finite God subject to arrival and departure not ultimate
thing at all.
Real :
- Seeing Lord in Universe as all is Vishwaroopa Darshanam is greater, rarer, tougher.
- It is a step before Advaita Jnanam.
- From Eka Rupa - Jnanam farther away. Not closer.
Lord :
- I prefer you to have Vishwaroopa Darshanam but will not force you.
Child asked Balloon or Gold?
- Child chooses Balloon.. Immature.
- Mother deliberately offers balloon.
- Similarly shastra never forces Advaitam or Vishwaroopa on anyone.
- If you want to hold to Rama / Krishna, temples… enjoy. Having come to Advaitam can still enjoy Eka and Aneka
rupa. Getting Stuck in Eka is wrong.
- After Aham Brahmasmi, can enjoy Eka and Aneka + Pujas.
- Eka Rupa Darshanam doesn’t include other 2. Advaitam includes other 2.
Madhusudhana Saraswati :
Dwaitam mohaya Prakh,
Prakte Bodhaya Manishaya
Pujyartham Kalpitham Dvaitam
Advaitam api sundaram.
- Before Advaita Jnanam Dvaitam cause of Moham.
- With Advaita Jnanam, person has option to go for Dvaitam.
- When person deliberately goes, you can enjoy better than before. Advaitam embellishes Dvaita Bakti. Don’t look
down on myself without feeling I am small, or Samsari. It is possible. Drop of water is drop of water elsewhere but
a drop of water in lotus gets a glow.
- After Advaitam get a glow and write beautiful things like Shankara did.
- Lord says I will help you to come to Eka Rupa Krishna Bakti.
Bashyam :
a) Mabut Tebayam Vyatha = Bayam
- May you not be scared seeing my protruding teeth crushing Bheeshma, Drona, etc.,
b) Ma Cha Vimuda Bava :
- Vimuda Chitta may you not have confusion regarding nature of God.
- Greatest confusion : Is Bagawan compassionate when problems come in life. We do Remedies and prayers but
problems persist / become worse. Then we ask is Bagawan compassionate or Cruel?
- Confusion because of Lack of Understanding Law of Karma.
- Hear Shivarathri Talk What is Gods Grace?
- If not understood, will have confusion regarding compassion.
c) Drishtva = Upalabya :
- Perceiving rupam Ghoram Idruk. This terrible fierce nature of mine.
- Vishwaroopam Terrible or Beautiful?
- It is mixture of both. In the world wonderful and terrible things happening every moment. It is a mixture.
- When we see terrible things happening. We develop Dvesha towards world and Raaga seeing wonderful things.
One segment Produces Raaga One segment produces Dvesha
- We should know how to use Vishwaroopam intelligently.
Going to restaurant to eat Going to Hospital
- See wonderful things.
- Tell mind world doesn’t
Deserve Dvesha
- See Terrible things.
- Tell mind world doesn’t Deserve
- Jnani sees opposite nature of world and says world doesn’t deserve Raaga Dvesha. Should be Neutral to world or
Admire, appreciate Vishwaroopa Nature of Lord. World deserves Neutrality never Raaga or Dvesha.
- Detachment from family difficult Aham Mama strong. Therefore Vishwaroopa Difficult.
- Detachment comes out of Maturity born out of experiences in life.
- Pariksha Lokan Karma Chitan, Nirvegyam Maya…
- Can never work for detachment can work for Viveka only.
- When Viveka matures, Vairagyam comes, as a consequence.
- Can’t get Vairagyam directly. Since Vairagyam is difficult, Viswaroopa is not welcome. Have it when Vishwaroopa is
welcome. You will withdraw. Come to Kutti, Bala Kochhu Guruvayurappan Krishna.
- 50 55 Simple Slokas.
Anvaya :
Adrik Mama Ghoram Rupam
Drishtva Te Vyatha ma Asthu
Vimudata cha ma Astu tvam Vyatabhi
Preetha Manaha San. Punaha Tat
Eva idam me Rupam Prapashya.
Chapter 11 Verse 50 :
Sanjaya Said : Having thus spoken to Arjuna,
Vasudeva again showed His own form, and, the
Great-souled One, assuming His gentle form,
consoled him who was so terrified.
Sanskrit Vocal
Bashyam :
- Transition taking place.
- Vishwaroopa to Eka rupa.
Sanjaya Reports :
a) Iti in this manner
- Neither Arjuna / Krishna Talking.
- Vasudeva Addressed in these verses 47 49 (3).
b) Tata :
- Tata butam, Vachanam Uktva.
c) Darshaya :
- Showed eka rupa Krishna, Vasudeva, born in house of Vasudeva.
- Even after withdrawl of Vishwaroopam, fear continued in Arjuna. Like Baby cries for sometime even after locating
mother. Arjuna continued to be Disturbed.
d) Buyaha : Again
Vismaya and Bakti Bayam
Behind Dominating
e) Ashvasamyasa Consoled
f) Soumya Vapuhu :
- Pleasing form, not Ghora Rupam (Crushing teeth).
g) Mahatma :
- Vishwaroopa Atma became Eka rupa Atma and consoled.
- Arjuna back to Normalcy, takes over and reports his feelings to Krishna.
Anvaya :
Iti Tatarjanam Tata Uktva
Vasudevaha Svakam Rupam Buhaya
Punaha Soumya Vapuhu butva
Bheetam Yenam Ashvasayamasa cha.
Chapter 11 Verse 51 :
- To indicate transition, form
- Vishvaroopa Krishna → To Eka rupa Krishna
- Disturbed Arjuna → To consoled Arjuna
- Big Metre → To small Metre
Trishtup Metre Anushtup Meter
11 Letters per Quarter 8 letters per quarter
Bashyam :
- Drishtva Idam Manusham rupam from Vishwaroopa to Manushya Rupa What type?
- Matsakam My own friend
- Prasanna Cha Pleasant form
- No more protruding teeth.
a) Tava Rupam Soumya Prasannam Pleasant form.
b) Idanim Now
c) Asti Samvriddaha Becomes
- Shankara Kim Becomes what?
Arjuna Said : Having seen this, Thy gentle human-
form, O Janardana, I am now composed and
restored to my own nature.
Sanskrit Vocal
- Arjuna replies
d) Sachetaha Prasanna Chetaha :
- Got back my own natural, normal comfortable mind.
e) Prakirtim Svabavam → Pleased and normal
- Gataha cha Asmi.
- Objective Statement → Spiritually gone back – Vishwaroopa to Eka Rupa voting for Raaga, Dvesha,
family attachment Aham Mama misused franchise.
- Going towards Samsara. Closer to Vishwaroopa closer to Advaita.
- When closer to Ahamkara, family worries, world and events divided.
- Want these events don’t want these events to come – Anxiety comes.
Non Anxiety / Relaxation
- This should happen
- Willing to Accept as per our old Karma.
- Acceptance goes
- Lord - You decide / Choose
- As human you have choice to vote and you voted wrongly.
Anvaya :
Eh Janardana, Tava idam
Shunyam Manushya Rupam Drishtva
Aham idanim Sachetaha, Samvruttaha
Prakirtim Gataha cha Asmi.
Chapter 11 Verse 52 :
a) Sudurdarsham :
- Difficult exercise but missing fantastic opportunity.
- Sushtu Dukhena Darsham.. Agya Bahuvrihi.
- That Vishwaroopa whose Darshanam is very difficult.
- Vishwaroopa always in front Not difficult.
- Dropping attachment to family difficult. Bhagawan standing in front as the world.
- Difficult to drop Aham Mama.
How to drop emotions?
- Padu Maname Padu. If you have attachment, you suffer. Difficulty not because of Bhagawan.
- He is coming and standing in front. Difficulty is our Aham - Mama Glasses / contact lens which contacts world
and is very close to self.
b) Idam Rupam, Drishtavam Asi
- I gave opportunity to removing Aham Mama contact lens. You have pulled it back from me and wearing it again.
c) Drishta Van Yasi En Mama :
- Which you have seen.
The Blessed Lord Said : Very hard, indeed, it is to
see this form of Mine which you have seen. Even
the gods are ever longing to behold this form.
Sanskrit Vocal
d) Deva Apyasya mama Roopasya :
- Even Devas are waiting.
e) Nityam Darshina Kankshinaha :
- Ipsava Desideration.
- Are always craving for this vision.
- Tata Api even though they want, they have not got and will not get.
- Iti Abiprayaha You are rare.
- Nityam Indicates in past, present, future devas will not get eternally non available. Like Baby you are throwing
away Gold.
Anvaya :
Yadu Idam Mama Rupam
Drishtavan Asi Tadu Sudurdarsham
Bavati Devaha Api Nitya Asyam
Rupasya Darshan Kankshinaha Santi
Chapter 11 Verse 53 :
Neither by the Veda-s, nor by austerity, nor by gift,
nor by sacrifices can I be seen in this form as
you have seen Me (in your present mental
Sanskrit Vocal
- Viswaroopa possible because of Nishkama Bakti Virtue.
- Deliberately negating all other Virtues here as in verse 48.
- Other Virtues important Krishna wants to highlight Ananya Nishkama Bakti.
Bashyam :
- Degrading other Sadhanas. They will not give Vishwaroopa.
Vishwaroopa I can’t be seen by the following Sadhanas :
a) Vedeiihi:
- 4 Vedas Adhyayanam
b) Tapas :
- Not by Tapas Austerities Chandrayana
c) Danena :
- Cow (Goh), Bhu (Land), Hiranyam (Gold).
- Not Negation but to highlight Bakti.
d) Na Ijjyaya :
- Not by Vedic Ritual (Srouta Yagya) / Worship / Puja (Smartha Yagya).
- Na Shakyaya Not possible to see such a form of mine which you saw and rejected.
- Yatha Tvam Drishtavanasi.
- What is primary Sadhana Bakti.
Sakama Nishkama
- Promotes Aham Mama
- Suppresses Vishwaroopa
- Dilutes Aham Mama
- Promotes Vishwa Roopa
Anvaya :
Yata Mam Tvam Drishtavan Asi
Tata evam vidaha Aham
Drishtum Vedaihi na Shakyaha,
Tapasa na Shakyaha, Danena
na Shakyaha, Idyayaha cha na Shakya
Chapter 11 Verse 54 :
Oh Arjuna! However, by undivided devotion I can be
seen in this form, known truly, and merged into,
Oh Arjuna!
Sanskrit Vocal
- Katham Punaha Shakya?
- Verse 48 is repeated in Verse 53.
What is Sadhana?
4 Baktis
Artha Artharthi Jingyasu Jnani
Doesn’t give Vishwaroopa Gives Vishwaroopa
a) Ananya :
- Apritak Buta understanding “Nothing other than Bagawan exists.
- Bagawan = Karanam = Informed Bakti.
- One who has understood above is Nishkama Bakta. Bakti imbued with knowledge.
- Bakti Which doesn’t see anything other than Bagawan.
- Bakti with Back up knowledge, intellectual support.
- Sarvam Vishnu Mayam Jagat” then only emotions will flow.
- Without knowledge, emotion will not flow. Should be backed up by knowledge.
- Nothing other than Vasudeva Jagat.
- 7
Chapter Important Vasudeva Sarvam iti”.
- Iti Saha Mahatma, Sa Ananya Bakti.
- Evava Vishwaroopa Prakaraha.
- Vishvaroopa is possible by Ananya informed Bakti.
- Study Chapter 7, 9, 10 before coming to 11. It helps in Vishwaroopa Darshanam. No sense otherwise.
- Shastra Jnantum
- Not remain Academic information Lip service. Should have conviction.
- Every Shariram is Pancha Buta. Therefore you are incapable of hating anyone / enemy.
Para Prakirti Apara Prakirti
- Changeless
- Sentient
- Drashta
- Changing
- Inert
- Drishyam
- Don’t hate but distance yourself from enemy. Requires Awareness.
- Bagawan is Para + Apara Prakirti.
b) Drishtum = Sakshat Kartum.
- Pratyaksha Jnanam.
- World is Bagawan is the Jnanam.
- I don’t have to close eyes to see Bagawan.
- Sakshat Kara = Pratyaksha Darshanam.
Vishnu in Vaikunta Vishnu is Jagat Vishnu is “I” Para Prakirti
Paroksha Jnanam Paroksha Jnanam Aparoksha Jnanam
- Drushtum Sakshat Kartum.
- Pratyaksha Vishwaroopa Darshanam.
- Tatvena Tatvetaha Praveshya.
- Understanding the changeless in the Universe is I the changeless conciousness Sad eva chit, Chit eva Aham satta
- Upadesha Sara Chitta hi Aham.
- Aparoksha Advaita Jnanam is called Moksham. With advaita Jnanam, Moksha is possible.
Beginning with :
- Nishkama Bakti, leads to Vishwaroopa Ishvara, and then to Advaita Jnanam through Guru Sastra Upadesa.
Gita Sara :
- Nishreyasya Shastra.
- Samuchitya consolidating all Sadhanas.
- Anushtatvat Vena Sadhana to be practiced for Nishresyartha Moksha.
- Consolidated Group of Sadhanas Matchitta, Matgata….
Anvaya :
Eh Arjuna Anaya Baktyatu evam
Vidaha Aham Jnatum Shakyaha,
Drashtum cha Shakyaha Jatvena
Praveshtum cha Shakyaha, eh Parantapa
Chapter 11 Verse 55 :
Bashyam :
a) Matkarma Krut :
- Madartham Karma entire Karma Yoga in Chapter 3.
b) Mat Parmaha :
- That person to whom I am Goal.
Sanskrit Vocal
He who does actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the
Supreme, who is devoted to Me, who is free from
attachment, who bears enmity (hatred) towards
none, he comes to Me, O Pandava.
- Works for Lord
- Works for Master
- Lord is Master and Goal
- Master not Goal of Life
- Goal of life is money for Family
c) Mad Bakta :
- One who sees me at all times in all worldly Goals.
- Duty incidental, ultimate Goal Seeks me.
- Most important & difficult.
d) Sanga Varjitah :
- Drop relationship with Money / Children / Spouse / relatives.
- Use them. Never be attached to them.
- Snehaha = Attachment.
- Love them. Do Duty emotionally don’t hold on to them.
e) Nirvaivaha Nirgata Vairaha :
- Free from hatred, enemity Shatrubava Rahitaha. Others Treat you as enemy. You don’t treat them as enemy.
f) Sarva Buteshu Atmana :
- From those harming protect and save yourself. Internally don’t hate them.
Chapter 12 Verses 13 & 14 : Adveshta Sarva Bootanam
He who hates no creature, who is friendly and
compassionate to all, who is free from attachment and
egoism, balanced in pleasure and pain, and forgiving....
Ever content, steady in meditation, self-controlled,
possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect
dedicated to Me, he, My devotee, is dear to me.
Meaning Sanskrit Vocal
Sanskrit Vocal
g) Idrushaha Mat Baktaha :
- Chapter 7 Jingyasu Bakta Ananya Nishkama Bakta is Sangavarjitaha.
- Moment Sangaha comes Sakama Bakti flows. Special prayers will be there for Sakama Bakti. Nishkama Bakta will
come to Aham eva Tasya. Paragathi I alone will be his destination not any other thing.
- This is my Upadesha instruction Vairagyam disturbing message.
- Aham Mama Ishtaha Desirable Upadesa. Given by me.
Anvaya :
Yaha Mat Karmakrutu, Mat Paramaha
Mat baktaha, Sangavarjitaha,
Sarvabuteshu Nirvairahaha cha
Bavati Saha Mam eti eh Pandava.
Verse 55 Interpreted in 2 Ways
“Essence of Gita Contextual
- Shankara - Ananda Giri
(1) (2)
1) Essence of Gita :
- Jnanena Moksha Spiritual freedom only through enlightenment.
- Other Sadhanas are supportive.
- Moksha = Ishvara Aikyam Merger into Lord.
In Verse 55 : Moksha = Mam eti merges into me.
Supportive Sadhanas :
- Mat Karma Krutu = Karma Yoga
- Sanga Varjitaha = Vairagyam
- Nir Vaira Sarva Buteshu = Non hatred.
- Jnanam main Sadhana Not mentioned in entire Chapter 11.
How essence of Gita is Jnanam?
- Jnanam in Sloka Hidden.
- Mat Baktaha 7
Chapter 4 Baktas - Artha / Artharthi / Jingyasu / Jnani - Mam Eti
- Mat Bakta.
- Mat Bakta includes Primary Sadhanas of Jnanam.
- Jnani Bakta Butva Mam Apnoti.
- Jnanena Moksha Gita Sara.
2) Ananda Giri : Contextual interpretation
- Entire chapter Vishwaroopa Darshanam is Saguna Upasanam and Nirguna Upasanam.
- Saguna Upasana Means for Krama Mukti.
- Mad Bakta = Vishwaroopa Upasaka / Bakta.
- Who is Mat Karma Krutu?
- Sanga Varjitah Sarva Buteshu are supportive.
- Mam eti = Brahma Loka Dvara Aikyam Prapya Krama Mukti. Not Sadyo Mukti.
- Contextual interpretation is approved.