Understanding the Benets
What’s inside
Social Security: a simple concept 1
What you need to know about Social Security
while you’re working 4
What you need to know about benefits 6
Benefits for your family 11
When you’re ready to apply for benefits 14
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program 16
Right to appeal 17
Online personal “my Social Security” account 17
Medicare 18
Some facts about Social Security 22
Contacting Us 23
Social Security: a simple concept
Social Security reaches almost every family, and at some
point, touches the lives of nearly all Americans.
We help older Americans, workers who develop
disabilities, and families in which a spouse or parent dies.
We estimate that about 180 million people will work in
Social Security-covered employment in 2023 and pay
Social Security taxes. As of September 2023, about 67
million people received monthly Social Security benets.
Most of our beneciaries are retirees and their families
— about 52 million people in September 2023.
But Social Security was never meant to be the only source
of income for people when they retire. Social Security
replaces a percentage of a worker’s pre-retirement
income based on your lifetime earnings. The amount of
your average earnings that Social Security retirement
benets replaces depends on your earnings and when
you choose to start benets. If you start benets in 2023
at your “full retirement age” (see our “Full retirement age
section), this percentage ranges from as much as 78%
for very low earners, to about 42% for medium earners, to
about 28% for maximum earners. If you start benets after
full retirement age, these percentages would be higher.
If you start benets earlier, these percentages would be
lower. Most nancial advisers say you will need about
70 to 80% of pre-retirement income to live comfortably
in retirement, including your Social Security benets,
investments, and personal savings.
We want you to understand what Social Security can
mean to you and your family’s nancial future. This
publication, Understanding the Benets, explains the
basics of the Social Security retirement, disability, and
survivors insurance programs.
The current Social Security system works like this: when
you work, you pay taxes into Social Security. We use the
tax money to pay benets to:
People who have already retired.
People with qualifying disabilities.
Survivors of workers who have died.
Dependents of beneciaries.
The money you pay in taxes isn’t held in a personal
account for you to use when you get benets. We use
your taxes to pay people who are getting benets right
now. Any unused money goes to the Social Security trust
funds, not a personal account with your name on it.
Social Security is more than retirement
Many people think of Social Security as just a retirement
program. Most of the people receiving benets are retired,
but others receive benets because they’re:
Someone with a qualifying disability.
A spouse or child of someone getting benets.
A divorced spouse of someone getting or eligible for
Social Security.
A spouse or child of a worker who died.
A divorced spouse of a worker who died.
A dependent parent of a worker who died.
Based on your circumstances, you may be eligible for
Social Security at any age. In fact, we pay more benets
to children than any other government program.
Your Social Security taxes
We use the Social Security taxes you and other workers
pay into the system to pay Social Security benets.
You pay Social Security taxes based on your earnings, up
to a certain amount. In 2024, that amount is $168,600.
Medicare taxes
You pay Medicare taxes on all of your wages or net
earnings from self-employment. These taxes are for
Medicare coverage. There are additional Medicare taxes
for higher-income workers.
If you work for
someone else
Social Security
Medicare tax
You pay 6.2% 1.45%
Your employer pays 6.2% 1.45%
If you’re self-employed
You pay 12.4% 2.9%
Additional Medicare tax
Workers pay an additional 0.9% Medicare tax on income
that exceeds certain thresholds. The chart below shows
the threshold amounts based on tax ling status:
Filing status Threshold amount
Married ling jointly $250,000
Married ling separately $125,000
Single $200,000
Head of household
(with qualifying person)
Qualifying surviving spouse with
dependent child
Where your Social Security tax dollars go
In 2024, when you work, about 85 cents of every Social
Security tax dollar you pay goes to a trust fund. This fund
pays monthly benets to current retirees and their families
and to surviving spouses and children of workers who
have died. About 15 cents goes to a trust fund that pays
benets to people with disabilities and their families.
From these trust funds, we also pay the costs of
managing our programs. We’re one of the most efcient
agencies in the federal government, and we’re working
to make it better every day. Of each Social Security tax
dollar you pay, we spend less than 1 penny to manage
the program.
The entire amount of Medicare taxes you pay goes
to a trust fund that pays some costs of hospital and
related care for all Medicare beneciaries. The Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services, not Social Security,
manages Medicare.
What you need to know about Social Security
while you’re working
Your Social Security number
Your link with us is your Social Security number.
You need it to get a job and pay taxes. We use your
Social Security number to track your earnings while
you’re working and your benets after you’re getting
Social Security.
Don’t carry your Social Security card. You should be
careful about giving someone your Social Security
number. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes
today. Most of the time, identity thieves use your Social
Security number and your good credit to apply for more
credit in your name. Then, they use the credit cards and
don’t pay the bills.
Your Social Security number and our records are
condential. If someone else asks us for information we
have about you, we won’t give any information without
your written consent, unless the law requires or permits it.
Do you need to request a Social Security number, a
replacement card, or make a name change on your
current card? Our Social Security Number and Card page
at www.ssa.gov/number-card can help you nd the best
way to get what you need.
On this page, we ask you a series of questions to
determine whether you can:
Complete the application process online.
Start the application process online, then bring any
required documents to your local ofce to complete the
application, typically in less time. In many cases, you
can make an appointment online.
Once you complete your application (online or in person),
we will process the application, then mail the card. Please
understand that we don’t issue cards at our ofces.
To get a Social Security number or a replacement card,
you may need to show us proof of your U.S. citizenship or
immigration status, age, and identity. We don’t need proof
of your U.S. citizenship and age for a replacement card
if they’re already in our records. We only accept certain
documents as proof of U.S. citizenship. These include
your U.S. birth certicate, U.S. passport, Certicate of
Naturalization, or Certicate of Citizenship. If you aren’t
a U.S. citizen, we must see your immigration document
proving your work authorization. If you don’t have work
authorization, different rules apply.
For proof of identity, we accept current documents
showing your name, identifying information, and
preferably a recent photograph. Such a document may be
a driver’s license or other state-issued identication card,
or a U.S. passport.
To apply for a name change on your Social Security card,
you may need to show a recently issued document that
proves your name has been legally changed.
Be sure to safeguard your Social Security card. We limit
the number of replacement cards you can get to 3 in a
year and 10 during your lifetime. Legal name changes
and other exceptions don’t count toward these limits. For
example, changes in noncitizen status that require card
updates may not count toward these limits. These limits
may not apply if you can prove you need the card to
prevent a signicant hardship.
For more information, read Your Social Security Number
and Card (Publication No. 05-10002). If you aren’t a
citizen, read Social Security Numbers for Noncitizens
(Publication No. 05-10096).
Our card services are free. We never charge for the card
services we provide.
How you become eligible for Social Security
As you work and pay taxes, you earn Social Security
“credits.” In 2024, you earn 1 credit for each $1,730 in
earnings — up to a maximum of 4 credits per year. The
amount of money needed to earn 1 credit usually goes up
every year.
Most people need 40 credits (10 years of work) to be
eligible for benets. Younger people need fewer credits
to be eligible for disability benets or for their family
members to be eligible for survivors benets when the
worker dies.
What you need to know about benets
Social Security benets only replace some of your
earnings when you retire, develop a qualifying disability,
or die. We base your benet payment on how much
you earned during your working career. Higher lifetime
earnings result in higher benets. If there were some
years when you didn’t work, or had low earnings, your
benet amount may be lower than if you worked steadily.
Retirement benets
Choosing when to start receiving retirement benets is
one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. If
you choose to start receiving benets when you reach
your full retirement age, you’ll receive your full benet
amount. We will reduce your benet amount if you begin
receiving benets before you reach full retirement age.
You can also choose to continue working beyond your
full retirement age. If you do, your benet will increase
from the time you reach full retirement age, until you start
receiving benets, or until you reach age 70.
Full retirement age
If you were born from 1943 to 1960, the age at which full
retirement benets are payable increases gradually to
age 67. In 2024, if your birth year is 1956 or earlier, you’re
already eligible for your full Social Security benet. Use
the chart below to nd out your full retirement age.
Year of birth Full retirement age
1943-1954 66
1955 66 and 2 months
1956 66 and 4 months
1957 66 and 6 months
1958 66 and 8 months
1959 66 and 10 months
1960 or later 67
NOTE: Although the full retirement age is now above
65, you should still apply for Medicare benets 3 months
before your 65th birthday. If you wait longer, your
Medicare medical insurance (Part B) and prescription
drug coverage (Part D) may cost you more money.
Delayed retirement
If you choose to delay receiving benets beyond your
full retirement age, we’ll increase your benet a certain
percentage, depending on the year of your birth. We’ll add
the increase automatically each month from the time you
reach full retirement age, until you start receiving benets
or reach age 70, whichever comes rst. There is more
information on delayed retirement credits on our website
at www.ssa.gov/benets/retirement/planner/delayret.
Early retirement
You may start receiving benets as early as age 62.
We reduce your benets if you start early by about 0.5
percentage points on average for each month you start
receiving benets before your full retirement age. For
example, if your full retirement age is 67, and you sign up
for Social Security when you’re 62, you would only get
about 70% of your full benet.
Once you’ve made the decision about when to start
benets, you can apply for Social Security retirement
benets on our website at www.ssa.gov/retirement.
If you work and get benets
You can continue to work and still receive retirement
benets. Your earnings in (or after) the month you reach
full retirement age won’t reduce your Social Security
benets. In fact, working beyond full retirement age can
increase your benets. We’ll have to reduce your benets,
however, if your earnings exceed certain limits for the
months before you reach your full retirement age.
If you work, but start receiving benets before full
retirement age, we deduct $1 in benets for every $2 in
earnings you have above the annual limit. In 2024, the
limit is $22,320.
In the year you reach your full retirement age, we reduce
your benets by $1 for every $3 you earn over a different
annual limit ($59,520 in 2024). This will continue until the
month you reach full retirement age.
Once you reach full retirement age, you can keep
working, and we won’t reduce your Social Security
retirement benet, no matter how much you earn.
For more information about how work affects your
benets, read How Work Affects Your Benets
(Publication No. 05-10069).
NOTE: People who work and receive Social Security
disability benets or SSI payments have different
earnings rules. They must immediately report all their
earnings to us no matter how much they earn.
Retirement benets for surviving spouses
If you receive surviving spouse’s benets, you can switch
to your own retirement benets as early as age 62. This
can be done assuming your retirement benet is more
than the amount you receive on your deceased spouse’s
earnings. Often, you can begin receiving one benet at
a reduced rate and then switch to the other benet at the
full rate when you reach full retirement age. The rules are
complicated and vary depending on your situation, so talk
to one of our representatives about the choices available
to you.
For more information about retirement benets, read
Retirement Benets (Publication No. 05-10035).
Disability benets
If you can’t work because of a physical or mental
condition that has lasted or is expected to last at least
1 year or result in death, you may be eligible for Social
Security disability benets.
Our disability rules are different from private or other
government agency plans. If you are eligible for
disability from another agency or program, it doesn’t
mean you will be eligible for disability benets from
us. Having a statement from your doctor saying you
have a disability doesn’t mean you’ll automatically be
eligible for Social Security disability benets. For more
information about Social Security disability benets, read
Disability Benets (Publication No. 05-10029). You can
apply for Social Security disability benets on our website
at www.ssa.gov/benets/disability.
People, including children, who have little income and
few resources, and who have a disability, may be eligible
for disability payments through the SSI program. For
more information about SSI, read Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) (Publication No. 05-11000).
If you develop a disability, le for disability benets
as soon as possible, because it usually takes several
months to process a disability claim. We may be able to
process your claim more quickly if you have the following
information when you apply:
Medical records and treatment dates from your
doctors, therapists, hospitals, clinics, and caseworkers.
Your laboratory and other test results.
The names, addresses, phone and fax numbers of
your doctors, clinics, and hospitals.
The names of all medications you’re taking.
The names of your employers and job duties for the
last 15 years.
Your benets may be taxable
Some people who get Social Security will have to pay
income tax on their benets. In 2022, an estimated 48%
of Social Security beneciaries had countable income that
exceeded the thresholds. This required them to include a
portion of their Social Security benets in adjusted gross
income and giving them some income tax liability on their
Social Security benets.
You may have to pay taxes on your benets if you le
a federal tax return as an “individual” and your total
income is more than $25,000. If you le a joint return,
you may have to pay taxes if you and your spouse have
a total income that is more than $32,000. For more
information, call the Internal Revenue Service’s toll-free
number, 1-800-829-3676.
Benets for your family
When you start receiving Social Security retirement or
disability benets, other family members may also be
eligible to receive benets. For example, benets can be
paid to your spouse:
If they’re age 62 or older.
At any age if they’re caring for your child (the child
must be younger than 16 or have a disability and
entitled to Social Security benets on your record).
Benets can also be paid to your unmarried children
if they’re:
Younger than 18.
Between 18 and 19 years old, but in elementary or
secondary school as full-time students.
Age 18 or older and have a qualifying disability (the
disability must have started before age 22).
Under certain circumstances, we can also pay benets
to a stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, or an adopted
child. If you become the parent of a child after you begin
receiving benets, let us know about the child, so we can
decide if the child is eligible for benets.
How much can family members get?
Each family member may be eligible for a monthly benet
that is up to half of your Social Security retirement or
disability benet amount. However, there is a limit to the
total amount of money that can be paid to you and your
family. The limit varies but is generally equal to about
150% to 180% of your retirement or disability benet.
If you’re divorced
If you’re divorced, your ex-spouse may be eligible for
benets on your earnings. In some situations, they may
get benets even if you don’t receive them. To be eligible,
a divorced spouse must:
Have been married to you for at least 10 years.
Have been divorced from you at least 2 years if you
have not led for benets yet.
Be at least 62 years old.
Be unmarried.
Depending on the circumstances, not be entitled to or
eligible for a benet on their own work that is equal to
or higher than half the full amount on your record.
Survivors benets
When you die, your family may be eligible for benets
based on your work.
Family members who can collect benets include a
surviving spouse who is:
60 or older.
50 or older and has a qualifying disability.
Any age if they care for your child who is younger than
16 or has a qualifying disability and is entitled to Social
Security benets on your record.
Your children can receive benets, too, if they’re
unmarried and:
Younger than 18 years old.
Between 18 and 19 years old, but in an elementary or
secondary school as full-time students.
Age 18 or older and has a qualifying disability (the
disability must have started before age 22).
Additionally, your parents can receive benets on your
earnings if they were dependent on you for at least half of
their support.
One-time payment after death
If you have enough credits, a one-time payment of $255
also may be made after your death. This benet may
be paid to your spouse or minor children if they meet
certain requirements.
If you’re divorced and have a surviving ex-spouse
If you’re divorced, your ex-spouse may be eligible for
survivor’s benets based on your earnings when you die.
They must:
Be at least age 60 years old (or 50 if they have a
qualifying disability) and have been married to you for
at least 10 years.
Be at any age if they care for a child who is eligible for
benets based on your earnings.
Not be entitled to a benet based on their own work
that is equal or higher than the full insurance amount
on your record.
Not be currently married, unless the remarriage
occurred after age 60 or after age 50 if they have a
qualifying disability.
Benets paid to an ex-spouse won’t affect the benet
rates for other survivors receiving benets on your
earnings record.
NOTE: If you’re deceased and your ex-spouse remarries
after age 60, they may be eligible for Social Security
benets based on either your work or the new spouse’s
work, whichever is higher.
How much will your survivors get?
Your survivors receive a percentage of your basic Social
Security benet — usually in a range from 75% to 100%
each. However, there is a limit to the amount of money
that can be paid each month to a family. The limit varies
but is generally equal to about 150% to 180% of your
benet rate.
When you’re ready to apply for benets
You should apply for benets about 4 months before the
date you want your benets to start. If you aren’t ready
to apply for retirement benets yet but are thinking about
it, you should visit our website to use our informative
retirement planner at www.ssa.gov/retirement. To le for
disability or survivors’ benets, you should apply as soon
as you’re eligible.
You can nd out the best way to apply for benets at
If you have a personal my Social Security account, you
can get an estimate of your personal retirement benets.
This will let you see the effects of different ages at which
you may want to begin receiving retirement benets. If
you don’t have a personal my Social Security account,
create one at www.ssa.gov/myaccount.
What you will need to apply
When you apply for benets, we will ask you to provide
certain documents. The documents you’ll need depend on
the type of benets you le for. Provide these documents
to us quickly to help us pay your benets faster. You must
present original documents or copies certied by the
issuing ofce — we can’t accept photocopies.
Don’t delay ling an application just because you
don’t have all the documents you need. We’ll help you
get them.
Some documents you may need when you sign up for
Social Security are:
Your Social Security card (or a record of your number).
Your birth certicate.
Your children’s birth certicates and Social Security
numbers (if you’re applying for them).
Proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful immigration status if
you (or a child) weren’t born in the United States.
Your spouse’s birth certicate and Social Security
number if they’re applying for benets based on
your earnings.
Your marriage certicate (if signing up on a
spouse’s earnings or if your spouse is signing up on
your earnings).
Your military discharge papers if you had
military service.
Your most recent W-2 form, or your tax return, if you’re
We will let you know if you need other documents when
you apply.
How we pay benets
You must receive your Social Security payments
electronically. One way you can choose to receive
your benets is through direct deposit to your account
at a nancial institution. Direct deposit is a simple and
secure way to receive your payments. Be sure to have
your checkbook or account statement with you when
you apply. We will need that information, as well as your
nancial institution’s routing number, to make sure your
monthly benet deposit goes into the right account.
If you don’t have an account with a nancial institution,
or if you prefer to receive your benets on a prepaid
debit card, you can sign up for the Direct Express
program. Direct Express
payments go directly to the
card account. Another payment choice is an electronic
transfer account. This low-cost federally insured
account lets you enjoy the security and convenience of
automatic payments.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program
If you have limited income and resources (things you
own), SSI may be able to help. SSI funding comes from
general revenues, not Social Security taxes.
SSI makes monthly payments to people who are age 65
or older or who are blind or have a qualifying disability.
Your income and the things you own affect eligibility for
SSI. We don’t count some of your income and some of
your resources when we decide whether you’re eligible for
SSI. Your house and your car, for example, usually don’t
count as resources. We do count cash, bank accounts,
stocks, and bonds.
How do you apply for SSI?
Visit our SSI webpage at www.ssa.gov/benets/ssi to
begin the application process online.
The online process takes about 5 to 10 minutes, and
no documentation is required to start. Once you provide
some basic information and answer a few questions,
we will schedule an appointment to help you apply
for benets.
If you cannot apply online, you can call us toll-free at
1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or your local
Social Security ofce to schedule an appointment
to apply.
Right to appeal
If you disagree with a decision made on your
claim, you can appeal it. You can handle your own
appeal with free help from us, or you can choose to
have a representative help you. We can give you
information about organizations that can help you
nd a representative. For more information about the
appeals process and selecting a representative, read
Your Right to Question the Decision Made on Your Claim
(Publication No. 05-10058).
Online personal “my Social Security” account
You can now easily create a personal my Social Security
account online to check your earnings and get benet
estimates. You may also use your secure
my Social Security account to request a replacement
Social Security number card (available in many states and
the District of Columbia). If you currently receive benets,
you can also:
Change your address and phone number (Social
Security beneciaries only).
Get an instant benet verication letter.
Request a replacement Medicare card.
Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for
tax season.
Start or change your direct deposit (Social Security
beneciaries only).
Opt out of receiving agency notices by mail for those
available online.
View your appointed representative.
Report your wages if you work and receive Social
Security disability benets, SSI payments, or both.
You can create a personal my Social Security account
if you’re age 18 or older and have a Social Security
number and a valid email address. To create an account,
go to www.ssa.gov/myaccount. You will need to
create an account with one of our credential service
providers, Login.gov or ID.me, and follow the prompts
for next steps. If you live outside of the U.S., you can
access your personal my Social Security account with an
ID.me credential.
Medicare is our country’s basic health insurance
program for people age 65 or older and for many people
with disabilities.
You shouldn’t confuse Medicare with Medicaid. Medicaid
is a health care program for people with low income
and limited resources. State health and human services
ofces or social services agencies run the Medicaid
program. Some people may be eligible for just one
program, while others may be eligible for both Medicare
and Medicaid.
Parts of Medicare
Social Security enrolls you in Original Medicare (Part A
and Part B).
Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) helps pay for
inpatient care in a hospital or limited time at a skilled
nursing facility (following a hospital stay). Part A also
pays for some home health care and hospice care.
Medicare Part B (medical insurance) helps pay for
services from doctors and other health care providers,
outpatient care, home health care, durable medical
equipment, and some preventive services.
Medicare Advantage Plan (previously known as Part
C) includes all benets and services covered under
Part A and Part B — prescription drugs and additional
benets such as vision, hearing, and dental — bundled
together in one plan.
Medicare Part D (Medicare prescription drug coverage)
helps cover the cost of prescription drugs.
Who’s eligible for Medicare Part A?
Most people get Part A when they turn 65. You are
eligible for it automatically if you’re eligible for Social
Security or Railroad Retirement Board benets. Or, you
may be eligible based on a spouse’s (including a divorced
spouse’s) work. Others are eligible because they’re
government employees not covered by Social Security,
but who paid the Medicare tax.
If you get Social Security disability benets for 24 months,
you’re eligible for Part A.
If you get Social Security disability benets because you
have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease),
you don’t have to wait 24 months to be eligible.
Also, someone with permanent kidney failure requiring
dialysis or kidney replacement qualies for Part A if
they’ve worked long enough or are the spouse or child of
a worker who is eligible.
If you don’t meet these requirements, you may be able
to get Medicare hospital insurance if you pay a monthly
premium. For more information, call our toll-free number
or visit Medicare.gov.
Certain people who were exposed to environmental health
hazards are entitled to Part A and can enroll in Part B and
Part D. These people have an asbestos-related disease
and were present for at least 6 months in Lincoln County,
Montana, 10 years or more before diagnosis.
Who’s eligible for Medicare Part B?
Almost every person eligible for Part A can get Part B.
Part B is optional and you usually pay a monthly premium.
In 2024, the standard monthly premium is $174.70. Some
people with higher incomes pay higher premiums.
Medicare Advantage plans
Anyone who has Medicare Part A and Part B can join
a Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Advantage
plans include:
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans.
Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plans.
Special Needs Plans (SNPs).
In addition to your Medicare Part B premium, you might
have to pay another monthly premium because of the
extra benets the Medicare Advantage plan offers.
Who can get Medicare Part D?
Anyone who has Original Medicare (Part A or Part B) is
eligible for Medicare prescription drug coverage
(Part D). Part D benets are available as a stand-alone
plan or built into Medicare Advantage, unless you have
a Medicare private fee-for-service (PFFS) plan. The drug
benets work the same in either plan. Joining a Medicare
prescription drug plan is voluntary and you will pay an
extra monthly premium for the coverage.
When should I apply for Medicare?
If you’re not already getting benets, you should contact
us about 3 months before your 65th birthday to sign up
for Medicare. You should sign up for Medicare even if you
don’t plan to retire at age 65.
If you’re already getting Social Security benets or
Railroad Retirement Board payments, we’ll contact you
a few months before you become eligible for Medicare
and send you information. If you live in one of the 50
states, Washington, D.C., the Northern Mariana Islands,
Guam, American Samoa, or the U.S. Virgin Islands,
we’ll automatically enroll you in Medicare Parts A and B.
However, because you must pay a premium for Part B
coverage, you can choose to turn it down.
We will not automatically enroll you in a Medicare
prescription drug plan (Part D). Part D is optional and you
must elect this coverage. For the latest information about
Medicare, visit Medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE
(1-800-633-4227) or TTY number, 1-877-486-2048 if
you’re deaf or hard of hearing.
NOTE: If you don’t enroll in Part B and Part D when
you’re 1
eligible, you may have to pay a late enrollment
penalty for as long as you have Part B and Part D
coverage. Also, you may have to wait to enroll, which will
delay coverage.
Residents of Puerto Rico or foreign countries won’t
receive Part B automatically. They must elect
this benet. For more information, read Medicare
(Publication No. 05-10043).
If you have a Health Savings Account (HSA)
If you have an HSA when you sign up for Medicare,
you can’t contribute to your HSA once your Medicare
coverage begins. If you contribute to your HSA after your
Medicare coverage starts, you may have to pay a tax
penalty. If you’d like to continue contributing to your HSA,
you shouldn’t apply for Medicare, Social Security, or
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benets.
NOTE: Premium-free Part A coverage begins 6 months
back from the date you apply for Medicare (or Social
Security/RRB benets), but no earlier than the 1
you were eligible for Medicare. To avoid a tax penalty,
you should stop contributing to your HSA at least 6
months before you apply for Medicare.
Extra Help” with Medicare prescription
drug costs
If you have limited resources and income, you may qualify
for Extra Help to pay for your prescription drugs under
Medicare Part D. Our role is to help you understand how
you may qualify and to process your application for
Extra Help. To see if you qualify or to apply, call our
toll-free number or visit www.ssa.gov/extrahelp.
Help with other Medicare costs
If you have limited income and few resources, your state
may pay your Medicare premiums and, in some cases,
other “out-of-pocket” medical expenses. These may
include deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
Only your state can decide whether you qualify for
help under this program. If you think you qualify,
contact your Medicaid, social services, or health and
human services ofce. Visit Medicare.gov/contacts
or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227; TTY:
1-877-486-2048) to get their number.
Some facts about Social Security
Estimated average 2024 monthly Social Security
All retired workers: $1,907.
Retired workers with only an aged spouse: $3,033.
Workers with a disability: $1,537.
Workers with a disability with a young spouse and 1 or
more children: $2,720.
Aged surviving spouses without a child: $1,773.
Young surviving spouses with 2 children: $3,653.
2024 monthly federal SSI maximum payment
(Doesn’t include state supplement, if any)
$943 for an individual.
$1,415 for a couple.
Contacting Us
There are several ways to contact us, such as online,
by phone, and in person. We’re here to answer your
questions and to serve you. For nearly 90 years, we have
helped secure today and tomorrow by providing benets
and nancial protection for millions of people throughout
their life’s journey.
Visit our website
The most convenient way to conduct business with us is
online at www.ssa.gov. You can accomplish a lot.
Apply for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug
plan costs.
Apply for most types of benets.
Start or complete your request for an original or
replacement Social Security card.
Find copies of our publications.
Get answers to frequently asked questions.
When you create a personal my Social Security account,
you can do even more.
Review your Social Security Statement.
Verify your earnings.
Get estimates of future benets.
Print a benet verication letter.
Change your direct deposit information (Social Security
beneciaries only).
Get a replacement SSA-1099/1042S.
Access to your personal my Social Security account may
be limited for users outside the United States.
Call us
If you cannot use our online services, we can help you by
phone when you call our National toll-free 800 Number.
We provide free interpreter services upon request.
You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 — or at our TTY
number, 1-800-325-0778, if you’re deaf or hard of hearing
— between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday. For quicker access to a representative, try calling
early in the day (between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. local time)
or later in the day. We are less busy later in the week
(Wednesday to Friday) and later in the month. We
also offer many automated telephone services, available
24 hours a day, so you may not need to speak with
a representative.
If you have documents we need to see, they must be
original or copies that are certied by the issuing agency.
Social Security Administration | Publication No. 05-10024
January 2024 (Recycle prior editions)
Understanding the Benefits
Produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense