Guide to African American Manuscripts
In the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society
[Abner, C?], letter, 1859. 1 p. Mss2Ab722a1.
Written at Charleston, S.C., to E. Kingsland, this letter of 18 November 1859 describes a
visit to the slave pens in Richmond. The traveler had stopped there on the way to
Charleston from Washington, D.C. He describes in particular the treatment of young
African American girls at the slave pen.
Accomack County, commissioner of revenue, personal property tax book, ca. 1840.
42 pp. Mss4AC2753a1.
Contains a list of residents taxable property, including slaves by age groups, horses,
cattle, clocks, watches, carriages, buggies, and gigs. Free African Americans are listed
separately, and notes about age and occupation sometimes accompany the names.
Adams family papers, 1698–1792. 222 items. Mss1Ad198a. Microfilm reels C001
and C321.
Primarily the papers of Thomas Adams (1730–1788), merchant of Richmond, Va., and
London, Eng. Section 15 contains a letter dated 14 January 1768 from John Mercer to his
son James. The writer wanted to send several slaves to James but was delayed because of
poor weather conditions.
Adams family papers, 1792–1862. 41 items. Mss1Ad198b.
Concerns Adams and related Withers family members of the Petersburg area. Section 4
includes an account dated 23 February 1860 of John Thomas, a free African American,
with Ursila Ruffin for boarding and nursing services in 1859. Also, contains an 1801
inventory and appraisal of the estate of Baldwin Pearce, including a listing of 14 male
and female slaves.
Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, register, 1721–1787. 1 vol. Mss5:8BX5917
Albemarle Parish was established in 1738 in the part of Surry County that became Sussex
County in 1753. William Andrews and William Willie (d. 1776) kept the register, which
records births, christenings, and deaths of Surry (and later Sussex) residents. Slave
baptisms are listed in separate sections and include names of owners and estates but
rarely name parents.
Alexander, Mark (1760–1804), diary, 1804. 1 vol. Mss5:1AL275:1.
Notes recorded on various pages of The Virginia Almanack for the Year 1804. These
notes were written while Mark Alexander served as administrator of John Goode’s estate
in Mecklenburg County. The journal focuses heavily on crops and horse breeding but
also includes a few brief notes on births, deaths, and escapes in which some slaves are
mentioned by name.
Allen, John James (1797–1871), papers, 1820–1851. 19 items. Mss2AL5375b.
Papers of a member of the Virginia Court of Appeals. Letter of 29 October 1829 was
written in Richmond by Judge Edwin Steele Duncan, Allen’s half-brother, while he
attended the state constitutional convention. The chief issues being debated were suffrage
and the role of slavery in determining the franchise; Duncan asks for ideas and
commentary on those issues. Originals in private hands in 1989.
Allen family papers, 1850–1910. 106 items. Mss1AL546a. Microfilm reel B1.
This collection consists chiefly of the papers of Robert Henderson Allen (1817–1900),
including a wide range of materials, such as accounts, correspondence, diaries, execution
and judgment books, minutes, and business and legal agreements. The papers reflect the
activities of this Lunenburg County planter with interests in his plantation, his school,
and his tobacco business, with frequent references to his participation in local politics and
activities as a justice of the peace.
The diaries, 1858–1895, describe farm management with references ranging from
weather to labor. December and January entries through 1865 record prices from the
annual hiring out proceedings. He also records births, deaths, and illnesses of slaves at
Oral Oaks and the number of slaves and days involved in building a slave house with a
chimney in November 1858. Numerous springtime entries concern heavy rains and
whooping cough with related illnesses, usually requiring the care of a doctor. Pages 212–
213 list his account with Jonathan Ragsdale, a free African American who later
accompanied Allens son to war. A brief eulogy for his old nurse Ginny and description
of her funeral constitutes a January 1861 entry. Entries around election times, beginning
with October 1867, record his comments on African American voting, Radical
Republicans, and Virginia’s failing agricultural economy, which he attributes to a less
energetic work force. Entries in 1865 and 1866 indicate that Allen was an agent for the
Freedmens Bureau but tell little more about the agency.
Execution and judgment books, 1883–1900, survive in the collection (items a14 and a15);
the earlier volume contains a few notations on African Americans near the beginning of
the book.
Allen family papers, 1829–1918. 744 items. Mss1AL546c. Microfilm reels C447–448.
The papers of the Allen family contain a wide range of material concerning the
management of a Buckingham County plantation. They include land records,
administrator’s accounts, contracts, and correspondence.
Although plantation life is reflected through the whole collection, details of African
American life appear in a letter to John Allen from Esie Jones, a freedman, asking to rent
a shop from Allen (section 9); a list of freedmen’s accounts with Samuel Allen beginning
in 1865, for items such as shoes, clothing, and meat (section 15); contracts and leases
with freedmen for farming land in Buckingham County (sections 16 and 23; fourteen
freedmen listed by full name); and an account book also containing tenant farmers’
accounts (section 39).
Allmand family papers, 1796–1891. 573 items. Mss1AL566a. Microfilm reels C558
The papers of the Allmand family of Norfolk concern several generations of family
members with substantial shipping interests. The papers include accounts, deeds,
correspondence, contracts, and court records. The bulk of the documents relate to
contracts with the U.S. Navy for shipbuilding materials.
Among the papers of John Driver Allmand (1799–1851) is a letter to William H.
Allmand (section 6) describing the 1846 capture of a slave ship by the USS Yorktown
and return of the slaves to Africa. Also, among the papers of John Driver Allmand is a
certificate of manumission, 1825, for Thomas, a young slave, and a receipt for $180 from
the boy’s grandmother, Phoebe Spencer (section 8).
Allyne, Samuel, receipt, 1746. 1 p. Mss2AL595al.
Receipt, 13 February 1745/6, issued to Thomas March in Boston, Mass., for sale of a
slave, Crown.
Alston, John J., letter, 1825. 1 p. Mss2AL785al.
Letter of 25 October 1825 written while at Chatham, Pittsylvania County, to Asa Dupuy
of Prince Edward County, concerning the availability of slaves for sale.
Ambler, Philip Barbour (1834–1902), scrapbook, 1860–1911. 142 pp.
Volume includes obituaries of family members, Civil War reminiscences and articles,
and information on Hollins Institute, Hollins, Va., where Ambler served as an instructor.
Enclosed with the volume is an article concerning Elijah Jones, formerly a slave of
Jaquelin Ambler.
Ambler family (of Jamestown, Richmond, Williamsburg, and Amherst County),
papers, 1638–1910. 142 items. Mss1Am167b. Photocopies.
Collection includes a deed, 13 February 1744/45, of William Broadnax of Prince George
County to Christopher Perkins of James City County for the slave William Liverpool.
Ambler family (of Jamestown, Richmond, Williamsburg, and Amherst County),
papers, 1772–1852. 159 items. Mss1Am167c.
John Ambler (1762–1830) was a lawyer, planter, and lieutenant colonel in the Virginia
militia. His correspondence (section 3) includes varied references to slaves, in particular,
in letters from Samuel Coleman of Richmond (military orders to prevent an illegal
assemblage of slaves), Rawleigh Colston (about a deed of trust concerning slaves), James
Semple (discussing a dispute over the hiring out of four slaves), Littleton Waller
Tazewell (about a deed of trust concerning slaves), and Spencer Watkins (describing an
occurrence of measles and mumps among slaves on an Amherst County plantation). John
Amblers legal papers include a conveyance (section 5) of land and eleven slaves to
Edward and Thomas Ambler for the benefit of the children of Mary C. Smith, daughter of
John Ambler; an affidavit (section 6) of Charles McCook concerning two escaped slaves;
and an affidavit of Charles Parke Goodall (section 7) stating that the escaped slave Sam
belonged to John Ambler. John Ambler’s estate papers, 1837 (also section 7), include a
list of slaves at Westham in Henrico County, which provides the slaves’ ages and values.
Papers from the estate of Catherine C. (Ambler) Moncure, wife of Henry W. Moncure,
include a list of slaves at Mill Farm in Louisa County, also with ages and values.
American Colonization Society, Recording Secretary, letter, 1851. [2] p.
A letter, 1851 May 8, of J. W. Lugenbeel, as recording secretary of the American
Colonization Society, apparently in response to a letter from William J. Winston of
Louisa County concerning the cost and methods of sending freed slaves to Liberia. This
matter is presumably in reference to settlement of the estate of William S. Winston.
American Colonization Society, Richmond and Manchester Auxiliary, check, 1825.
1 p. Mss4Am353a3.
Check dated 29 January 1825 issued to William McKinney for $300 for an unidentified
American Colonization Society, Richmond and Manchester Auxiliary, notice, 1824.
1 p. Mss4Am353a2.
Notice dated 12 January 1824 announcing a meeting of the managers of the Auxiliary to
be held in the clerks office of the Virginia House of Delegates.
American Colonization Society, Virginia Branch, records, 1823–1859. 2 vols.
Mss3Am353a. Microfilm reel C321.
A minute book covers the period 1823–1859. (The Society became independent from the
national organization in 1828 and thereafter was known as the Virginia Colonization
Society.) The book includes information on the debate over sending freed slaves to Haiti
or to West Africa, philosophy and benefits of emigration, the social status of free blacks,
farming, health and education in the new colony of Liberia, establishment of the Liberian
government and military organization, slave trade, abolitionists, costs of emigration,
special requests for sermons in support of colonization, and the social and political
necessity of colonization. An account book records donations and subscriptions of both
private individuals and churches, salaries and travel expenses for the society’s agents and
delegates, publication costs, and general emigration expenses.
American Colonization Society, Virginia Branch, list, 1831. 1 p. Mss4Am353a1.
List of emigrants, formerly the property of Thomas Pretlow of Southampton County,
bound for Liberia.
American Life Insurance Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa., policy, 1860. 1 p.
Policy issued 16 March 1860 to Caroline Myers on the life of Mary, a slave.
Anderson, Archer (1838–1918), papers, 1852–1911. 51 items. Mss1An233a.
Papers of a Richmond businessman primarily concerning Virginia and national
Democratic party politics and race relations. Section three contains materials compiled by
Anderson concerning incidents of racial violence throughout Virginia during the state
election campaign of 1883 and charges of voter intimidation made by General William
Mahone. Correspondence of Anderson, George Douglas Wise, and William Washington
Baker in this section include letters of William F. Drinkard (enclosing a printed letter of
Isaac Hill Christian concerning an incident at Charles City Court House), Charles Triplett
O’Ferrall (concerning the shooting of a black man in Staunton), and Joseph Stebbins
(enclosing a broadside "To the People of Halifax [County]"). Some of these letters, along
with speeches and notes of Anderson, also contain references to riots at Danville and
South Boston.
Andrews, Charles Wesley (1807–1875), correspondence, 1847–1855. 9 items.
Letters from Daniel Nelson, John Page, Peter Page, Robert M. Page, Solomon S. Page,
and Peggue Potter, former slaves colonizing Liberia. Primary topics are health, education,
and religion of the colonists; farming and blacksmithing; and trade, local government, the
military, and politics. The colonists send specific requests for tools, building supplies, dry
goods, books, and information about personal birthdates. The full text of the nine letters
has been printed in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 59 (1951): 72–88.
Archer family papers, 1771–1919. 265 items. Mss1Ar247a.
The collection includes accounts, land records, and correspondence, primarily of Richard
Thompson Archer (1797–1867), a plantation owner of Amelia County and later of
Claiborne County, Miss. The papers reflect the routine management and business of
plantations, from household accounts, children’s education, general family health, and
news to agricultural improvements.
Items of particular interest include a sale document concerning Bob (section 7), several
accounts for advertising, medical care, clothing, and taxes (section 9), a will listing
fourteen slaves on a Mississippi plantation, most by first name (section 11), a letter from
Richard Archer to his wife, Ann, describing a typhoid outbreak and overcrowding among
the slaves, a broadside providing political views on the Missouri Compromise, states’
rights, and rejection of Texas’s application to the Union, a letter to James Hobson
concerning the slave Billy (section 13), an 1882 letter describing spread of whooping
cough among African American children (section 20), and a list of seventy slaves of Jane
Segar Archer (first names only, no date, section 21).
Armistead, Robert Augustus (1808–1891), papers, 1848–1888. 151 items.
This collection consists mostly of sermons written by the Reverend Robert Augustus
Armistead, a Methodist minister who also served as a justice of the peace in Elizabeth
City County. Section 3 contains an execution book kept while serving as justice of the
peace, 1852–1861, which makes references to slaves. Section 4 includes a summons for
Charles, a slave belonging to Mrs. L. Garrett, for the theft of corn.
Armistead, William Harrison (1820–1895), letter, 1839. 2 pp. Mss2Ar558a1.
Letter, 8 December 1839, written while at the University of Virginia to Philip Howerton
of Halifax Court House requesting money and arranging the purchase of clothing for
Armistead-Blanton-Wallace family papers, 1827–1919. 96 items. Mss1Ar554b.
This collection covers a wide range of materials from correspondence and accounts to
oaths, diaries, and scrapbooks, involving an equally wide range of topics—farming
practices, urban life during the antebellum period and the war years, army life, and
foreign travel. The diary excerpts, 1842–1853, of Frances (Scott) Miller (section 10)
describe the management of a boardinghouse in the college town of Hampden-Sydney,
and several entries reveal her expectations of her slaves and their performance of the
duties required of them.
Armistead-Blanton-Wallace family papers, 1822–1939. 118 items. Mss1Ar554c.
A second group of Armistead-Blanton-Wallace papers also contains materials on a
variety of topics. Among the financial and legal papers of Howson Hooe Wallace (1799–
1844) is a bill of sale for a slave (section 6).
Armistead and Blanton family papers, 1856–1900. 155 items. Mss1Ar554d.
Concerns family members in Cumberland County. Section 1 contains a letter dated 10
August 1868 from Gustavus Ober to Jesse Scott Armistead (1797–1869) concerning
African American labor problems in Virginia and Maryland, which he attributes to an
unsettled state of affairs resulting from emancipation. Section 3 (item d15) consists of a
bond for $70 of Jesse Armistead with Archibald Bolling dated 28 December 1866 to
benefit three named freedmen: Isham Skipwith, Samuel Bolling, and Randolph Miles.
Armstrong, Sally, diary, 1863. 14 pp. Mss5:1Ar585:1. Copy.
Concerns her activities at Rose Hill in Culpeper County, with references to the
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and the Union Army of the Potomac. Entries for
16 and 17 August report on several slaves who had run away.
Arnold, John, (b. 1782?), papers, 1812–1831. 4 items. Mss2Ar646b.
Collection consists of deeds for slaves belonging to this resident of King George County.
Arter, A. R., letter, 1864. 8 pp. Mss2Ar755a1. Photocopy.
Letter, 23 June 1864, written at Wilson’s Landing, Charles City County, by a Union
soldier concerning his observations of the war’s effects on southern planters and their
slaves and general views concerning African Americans from a northern perspective.
Atkins, James T., compiler, papers, 1864–1928. 56 items. Mss1At527a. Photocopies.
Materials collected while researching the life of Adam Boykin (1842–1927) of Surry
County, who served in Company H of the 37th United States Colored Infantry during the
Civil War. Boykin, also known as Adam Barkins, was born a slave in Isle of Wight
County and after his service in the war settled in Surry. The collection includes a rough
draft of a biography by Atkins; copies of a portrait; service records; affidavits regarding
Boykins’s three marriages in Surry County; record of a land purchase; pension records;
and a death certificate (all section 1). Also include applications and correspondence
regarding pension claims of the widow of Adam Boykin, Eva Crocker (Brown) Boykin
(section 2), and research materials concerning the 37th Colored Infantry and African
American troops from Lower Tidewater Virginia in the Civil War (section 3).
Austin, John, receipt book, 1847–1849. 31 leaves. Mss5:3Au7623:1.
Kept by Austin as a constable of Buckingham County, this volume contains records of
the collection of debts, interest, and fees from judgments rendered by local justices of the
peace. It also bears the draft of a letter to an unidentified physician by M. E. Twyman
concerning medical treatment for a slave named Sammy.
Avary, Myrta Lockett (1857–1946), papers, 1895–1941. 117 items. Mss1Av164a.
Author of Dixie After the War (1906). One folder in this collection contains
autobiographical notes of Harwood Alexander Lockett (b. 1812), especially concerning
his boyhood in Mecklenburg and Lunenburg counties. A significant portion of the text
describes relations between slaves and their masters in the antebellum period.
Aylett, Philip (1791–1848), list, [1831?]. 1 p. Mss2Ay444b5.
List of real and personal property assigned to Mrs. Annah H. Moore by Thomas Moore’s
estate in King William County, including names and values of slaves.
Aylett family papers, 1776–1945. 2,848 items. Mss1Ay455a.
Most of this collection comprises papers of William Roane Aylett (1833–1900), a
prominent lawyer, planter, and politician in King William County.
The earliest part of the collection contains an account book of Philip Aylett (1767–1831)
with entries (on lines 13, 18, and 19) for amounts paid for the sale and hiring of slaves.
Additional accounts concern Sam Mann, a free African American (page 2), and records
of tenants’ accounts (page 43). Records of the estate of Philip Aylett (d. 1831) list sixty-
six slaves and eight children, with values (section 5). Another list names six slaves hired
out in 1832 and records prices (section 6). Correspondence of Judith Page Waller Aylett
(1804–1860) includes a letter from an acquaintance about her suspicions of Mrs. Aylett’s
slaves and the theft of a neighbor’s chickens (section 12).
The collection contains six boxes of letters written to William Roane Aylett. A sampling
of one box indicates the truly diverse nature of the correspondence, which contains
numerous opinions about the conduct of slaves and freedmen and reports specific
incidents. For example, Charles Beakeley (1857) could not move to Virginia because his
slaves had intermarried with his neighbors’ bondspeople; William Braxton (1859) refers
to an annual agreement to hire his aunt’s slaves; W. F. Brockenbrough (1860) comments
that the division and hiring of slaves from Bellevue had to be done at an unusual time;
Jesse Butter (1856) addresses the request to have the slave Henry work on a house and
the propriety of having a slave sleep in the same house as his family; Samuel Compton
(1852) relates a conversation he had with an African American woman while on a
stagecoach; Charles Cook (1871) offers views on removing African Americans from
Other materials include two speeches, 1851–1865, one stating Ayletts views on the
presence of free African Americans in a slaveholding community and calling for their
removal, another conveying his opinion that the institution of slavery is advantageous to
the South (section 27). A scrapbook kept in The Globe Almanac for 1868 (prefaced by
his personal views) contains newspaper clippings about the entry of freedmen into the
political arena; the almanac also records statistics on state conventions for that year
(section 36). An affidavit, 1863, deals with the valuation and execution of Richard, slave
of William R. Aylett (section 40). More legal material is contained in section 52, in
particular material concerning a King William County case of Commonwealth v. Martha,
a cook accused of lacing food with ground glass. Correspondence of Alice Aylett
includes a letter from Emily Ann, 1863, describing community reaction to a slave’s
attack on a local man. In 1864 she discusses arrangements for hiring a free African
American woman (section 70). A pass, 1862, authorizes John, property of Alice Aylett, to
go to Richmond (section 71). Several incomplete bonds for hiring out slaves to Norman
Sampson are dated 1859; two concern Betsey (section 75).
NOTE: This collection holds several large series of correspondence that contain brief
references to African Americans. No attempt has been made to index all of those
Backus family papers, 1757–1807. 7 items. Mss2B1286b. Photocopies.
Include advertisements, indentures, and receipts concerning the purchase and sale of
slaves belonging to Backus family members in Norwich, Conn.
Bagby, George William (1828–1883), papers, 1828–1917. 1,648 items. Mss1B1463a.
This collection includes business accounts for several newspapers with which Bagby, a
Richmond resident, was affiliated, as well as notes and correspondence compiled in
gathering material for his writings and lectures. He produced popular material on
antebellum social life.
Of special interest are Bagby’s research notes on The Old Virginia Negro. Section 1
includes a response from William Roane Aylett for information. It discusses Ayletts
views of African Americans in general, as well as offering anecdotes concerning alcohol,
childbirth, religion, and conjuring. Notes for Bagbys speech, The Old Virginia Negro,
and a scrapbook of newspaper clippings concerning African Americans, the Central
Lunatic Asylum, a contemporary list of African American associations in Richmond,
mortality rates, religion, anecdotes of life in antebellum Virginia, and a summary of
hypotheses on the future of African Americans in the South make up section 15. A
broadside advertisement for The Old Virginia Negro is included in section 18. A copy of
Thomas Jeffersons letter, 1805, to William Armistead Burwell relates Jeffersons views
that slavery will disappear only after much suffering (section 8).
Bagby family papers, 1808–1942. 181 items. Mss1B1463c.
Primarily concerns family members at Stevensville, King and Queen County. Section 1
features papers, 1808–1818, of George Bagby (1786–1810) of Essex County. These
include records kept as executor of the estate of Richard Richards of Essex County
containing general accounts, an inventory and appraisal of property including slaves, and
accounts of the estate sale. Section 2 contains accounts, 1825–1851, of John Bagby and
Richard Bagby of King and Queen County, including an account for the hiring out of a
young slave named Alexander. Section 4 consists of correspondence, 1860–1890, of John
Robert Bagby (1826–1890), merchant of Stevensville, including a letter to his wife, Betty
Pollard (Fleet) Bagby, dated 4 July 1863 concerning the attitude of a female slave,
Gracey, towards Mrs. Bagby. Section 8 includes a letter written by Alexander Fleet
concerning the hiring out of slaves in Richmond.
Bagby family papers, 1824–1960. 53,178 items. Mss1B1463b.
A scrapbook (item b4,085) contains notes and newspaper clippings concerning African
Americans, mentioning both the race in general and specific individuals.
Bailey family papers, 1824–1886. 285 items. Mss1B1565a. Microfilm reel C380.
William Baileys papers reflect his mercantile interests in grain and tobacco in Halifax
County. Section 4 contains an undated list of twenty names (presumably slaves belonging
to William Bailey); section 5 contains a deed of trust, 1828, of Robert and Elizabeth Reed
to William Bailey for 360 acres, twelve slaves, and miscellaneous property in Halifax
Bailey family papers, 1802–1980. 323 items. Mss1B1565b. Photocopies.
An addition to the collection above, section 15 includes correspondence, 1880–1893, of
Annie Cameron (Ruffin) Sims of Wilson, N.C.; of particular interest is an undated letter
from Queen Bruce, a freedwoman living in Newark, N.J. Most of the letter consists of
inquiries about her former master and mistress and the health of family and friends.
Baker, William A. (1796?–1873), papers, 1803–1842. 18 items. Mss2B1788b.
Primarily concern the career of William A. Baker as a merchant in Richmond in the
1820s. Include a bond of Baker and Richard G. Smith, of Hanover County, to George W.
Price for the hire of a woman slave, Fanny.
Baker family papers, 1837–1939. 162 items. Mss1B1787a.
This collection features the business and personal records of Samuel Martin Baker, Sr.
(1815–1890) and his son, Samuel Martin Baker, Jr. (1844–1919), of Burnetts, a
plantation at Taylorsville in Hanover County. Section 1 contains accounts of the elder
Baker kept as a farmer and later a merchant and includes an account with George W.
Richardson, an attorney, for defending one of Baker’s slaves in Hanover County Court in
1855. Correspondence of Baker’s wife, Mary Anstes (Carver) Baker, includes notes from
C. R. Winston apparently concerning the same case, in which he names the defendant as
the slave Harry (section 4). A letter of William D. Taylor to Baker concerns a slave who
had secured firearms and was making threats locally (section 3).
Baldwin, William Gaines (1838–1861), papers, 1861. 12 items. Mss2B1954b.
Concern the service of Gaines in the Confederate Army. Letter of Samuel Baldwin to
Edwin W. Baldwin concerns William Gaines Baldwin and the punishment of a
trespassing slave.
Balengar, Sary, receipt, 1777. 1 p. Mss2B1954a1.
Receipt dated 27 February 1777 issued to Curtis Corley as agent of Thomas, Lord
Fairfax, for midwife services provided to a slave woman.
Ball, William Selwyn (b. 1846), reminiscenses, 1929. 98 pp. Mss5:1B2106:1.
Primarily concerns antebellum plantation life in Fairfax County. Pages 7–10 and a
section beginning on page 65 include songs and information on daily living. Several
letters from Bedie, a former slave, appear in an appendix.
Ball family papers, 1716–1983. 1,450 items. Mss1B2105a.
Primarily the papers of George Washington Ball (1828–1912) of Washington, D.C., and
his descendants. Section 1 contains a deed, 1716, of Newman Brockenbrough and Mrs.
Sarah Brockenbrough of Richmond County to William Ball, conveying slaves. Section
13 includes extracts from "Reminiscences of a Refugee Family in the Sixties" (i.e., 1861–
1863) by George Washington Ball concerning, among other topics, slavery.
Ball family papers, 1829–1914. 117 items. Mss1B2105b.
Concerns members of the Ball family of Virginia and Maryland, and the related McNeale
family of Culpeper County. Section 1 consists of papers, 1836–1857, of Isabella (Favor)
McNeale of Culpeper County. These include personal accounts, in part concerning board
for herself and an elderly slave woman named Pender, and the hiring out of Abby and
Obed. This section also contains bonds, 1842–1843, including one for the hiring out of
the young slave Albert. Section 2 consists of records, 1836–1850, of the estate of Harriet
A. C. McNeale of Culpeper County kept by Isabella McNeale as administratrix. Primarily
consist of accounts, some of which concern the hiring out and sale of the slave Sopha.
Section 3 includes records, 1857, of the estate of Isabella (Favor) McNeale, featuring an
inventory and appraisal of personal property that lists several African American slave
Banister, John, account book, 1731–1743. 1 vol. (102 pp.). Mss4V819a5.
Kept as collector of customs for the Upper James River District of Virginia. Includes
listings of duties on cargoes of wine and alcohol, tobacco, slaves, salt, corn, molasses,
sugar, animal skins, and oranges.
Banister, John (1734–1788), letter, 1781. 4 pp. Mss2B2254a2.
Letter, 11 May 1781, concerning loss of slaves as a result of the British raids near
Banks, Henry (1761–1833), papers, 17811817. 1,123 items. Mss1B2264a. Microfilm
reel C2.
Papers of a businessman of Philadelphia, Pa., and Richmond. Correspondence, 1781–
1799 (section 1), includes a letter, 1797, from Absalom Jones requesting that Banks look
into the matter of Richmond Bryan, an African American who had been owned by the
Shewel family, because Banks is familiar with that part of Virginia. Jones is willing to
pay to see that Bryan receives appropriate manumission papers.
Barbour family papers, 1741–1876. 1,353 items. Mss1B2346a. Microfilm reel C3.
Primarily the papers of Philip Pendleton Barbour (1783–1841), a prominent lawyer and
later United States Supreme Court associate justice from Orange County. His personal
papers and accounts include bills of sale for slaves (sections 1 and 18), some indicating
family relationships among slaves, and most dated between 1806 and 1818. Section 39
includes an affidavit, 1806, of John Nicholas concerning the appointment of Benjamin
Brown as attorney for Sam, slave of Thomas Macon, for an unidentified felony. A
statement of John Jaquelin Ambler in 1828 relates that the slave John asked for $5 and
traveled between Orange and Richmond with Ambler (section 66).
Sections 74, 87, and 92 contain records of Orange County real and personal property that
list slaves by name and indicate family relationships in several instances (one in section
87 provides for a family unit to be kept together). Section 93 contains an 1806 affidavit
testifying that William Lovell had rented land to Thomas Field, a free African American,
and that Field owned a gray horse and wanted to travel to Greenbrier County.
Barbour family papers, 1810–1890. 1,368 items. Mss1B2346b. Microfilm reel C4.
This collection also relates to the family of Philip Pendleton Barbour, planters of Orange
County. Two items are specifically pertinent to African Americans. A letter, 1863
(section 6), from Joseph Hiden to Frances Todd (Johnson) Barbour concerns a suggested
cure for impudence of the hired slave Delpha, in particular, the administering of lashes. A
hiring agreement, 1846, of Dr. Sextus Barbour with Edmund Pendleton Barbour states no
price for a slave’s services but does include the standard food and clothing clause and an
additional clause that the boy Edwin not be allowed to cross the Libertyville millpond or
the watercourse when it is high (section 26).
Barbour family papers, 1812–1998. 125 items. Mss1B2346c.
Concern family members in Orange County and related families of Collins, Taliaferro,
and Waters in Maryland and Virginia. Section 4 includes correspondence, 1817–1842, of
Governor James Barbour (1775–1842) of Barboursville, Orange County, with various
family members, in part concerning the slave trade in Virginia. Also, includes a deed
(copy), 1823, of John Taliaferro to John Seymour Taliaferro conveying slaves.
Bardin, Sally Norvell Nelson, papers, n.d., and 1915–c. 1937. 4 items. Mss2B2365b.
Include an undated slave inventory with valuations.
Barksdale, Claiborne (1782–1839), bond, 1826. 1 p. Mss2B2472a1.
Bond of Barksdale to pay Paulina Legrand for hire of the slave Isaac.
Barksdale, Eliza Lavalette (b. 1818), diary, 1836–1837. 134 pp. Mss5:1B2475:1.
Microfilm reel C448.
Kept at Rough Creek, Charlotte County. Entry for Wednesday, the 11th (no month
given), briefly mentions runaway slaves.
Bartley, Reuben, papers, 1787–1895. 93 items. Mss1B2848a.
Primarily concern the service of Reuben Bartley of Pennsylvania in the U.S. Army Signal
Corps and on the Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid in 1864, during which he was captured and
held at Libby Prison in Richmond. His memoir (section 1), dated ca. 1868–1869,
discusses the raid and living conditions in prison, and includes comments on various
African American Union soldiers held at Libby.
Baskervill family papers, 1747–1928. 1,962 items. Mss1B2924a. Microfilm reel B3.
This collection contains a variety of fairly typical documents generated by a Mecklenburg
County family of plantation owners. There is a significant amount of general
correspondence and many accounts.
Of particular interest is section 15, which holds a number of post-Civil War agreements
between William Rust Baskervill and former slaves. These agreements outline the work
that various individuals had previously done as slaves and agreed to continue to do as
hired laborers. Former domestic slaves had specific parts of the house and grounds
(upstairs rooms, dining room, porches, and greenhouses) assigned to them for regular
maintenance, as well as attendance on certain individuals. Men signed the contracts for
their wives, but single women signed for themselves. The tenant farmers all signed one
An undated list of slaves allotted to Mary Baskervill includes valuations for fourteen
men, twelve women, and four children opposite a list of fifty slaves—names only.
Another undated item consists of a list of birthdates for thirteen slaves, including parents’
names (section 20). An account book belonging to Dr. Robert Dortch Baskervill (section
22) contains two lists, one of males belonging to Eureka plantation and one of females.
The lists include parents’ names and dates of birth and death, where applicable. Later
entries in the account book delineate medical accounts with freedmen and indicate
plantations with which they were affiliated, as well as who settled the accounts. Entries
vary in detail from "visit for sick child" to "tooth extraction" and matters of womens
Baskervill family papers, 1751–1904. 755 items. Mss1B2924b. Microfilm reels B004
and C384.
Concerns family members in Mecklenburg County. Section 10 contains agreements,
1823–1852, made by Charles Baskervill (concerning the purchase of slaves) and Mary
(Eaton) Baskervill (concerning a gift of slaves).
Baskervill family papers, 1785–1912. 35 items. Mss1B2924c. Microfilm reel C385.
Primarily contains financial and legal records of Robert Dortch Baskervill (1826–1891)
and William Rust Baskervill (1869?–1960) of Mecklenburg County. Section 7 includes
an agreement, 1866, of Robert Baskervill with Louisa (a freed African American) for her
services as a servant and seamstress.
Baskervill family papers, 1787–1891. 622 items. Mss1B2924d. Microfilm reels C385–
This addition to the collection above contains several items of interest to researchers of
African American subjects. A number of slave lists indicate how many pairs of shoes
were distributed among the slaves, 1838–1848, how many sides of leather were required
for the manufacture of the shoes, and how many items were made on the plantation and
how many had to be bought (section 5). The dates of distribution are also indicated. One
list also tallies seventy-two blankets and thirty-six hats; the reverse side has comments on
the number and value of slaves owned in 1825 and in 1850. In the same section (separate
folder) is a letter, March 1865, to W. E. Baskervill from the president of the Slave Claims
Board concerning the values of four unnamed slaves belonging to Mark Alexander, W. R.
Baskervill, and Charles Lewellen.
Three deeds, 18341837, cover slaves bought by Mark Alexander. The first names nine
slaves; the second is for Dorcas, a slave woman; and the third is for Billy and his wife
Nancy together with their eleven children (section 24). The 1866 agreements of James T.
Alexander with nine freedmen outline the conduct and duties of freedmen for operating
the plantation and the compensation for each worker (section 35).
Bassett family papers, 1728–1923. 2,271 items. Mss1B2944a. Microfilm reels C5–6
and C234–237.
The papers of the Bassett family span two centuries and six generations of merchants and
plantation owners, mostly from New Kent and Hanover counties; items of African
American interest, however, date from the 1820s and 1830s.
An account book kept at Farmington, Hanover County, by Bassett Smith Claiborne
includes an 1835 cotton list containing names of thirty-two slaves and amounts of cotton
picked placed next to each name. An 1816 letter of Betty Carter (Browne) Bassett to her
son, George Washington Bassett, provides a religious context in which to instruct him in
the appropriate treatment of slaves. She addresses food, clothing, housing, and labor,
reminding him to follow the "golden rule" (section 21).
An 1826 pass signed by John Bassett allows Edward to go to Richmond. Also, R. Brooke
signed for receipt of $5 delivered by the slave Edward (section 17). A list, 1830, of
property assigned to Bassetterre, King William County, and Farmington, Hanover
County, includes farm implements, livestock, and thirty-three slaves.
Bates, Charles Edward (b. 1840), papers, 1858–1865. 44 items. Mss1B3183a.
Consists primarily of letters written by Bates to his father, Isaac Bates, concerning his
service in Company E of the 4th United States Cavalry Regiment during the Virginia
Peninsula Campaign and in Tennessee and Georgia. Section 4 contains a letter, 1862,
written by Charles concerning his attitude toward the Emancipation Proclamation.
Bates, Edward (1793–1869), papers, 17781872. 82 items. Mss1B3184a. Microfilm
reel C448.
Edward Bates was a lawyer, Missouri state legislator, congressman, and U.S. attorney
general during Abraham Lincoln’s administration. The collection also includes records of
his brother Frederick (1777–1825) in Detroit and St. Louis and of members of the Bates
family at Belmont plantation in Goochland County. The only specifically identified
African American record in this collection consists of a deed of Charles Woodson to
Caroline Matilda (Woodson) Bates for the transfer of slaves (section 8).
Bayley, Wealthy, deposition, 1791. 4 pp. Mss2B3433a1.
Deposition given by Wealthy Bayley of Accomack County concerning Southy, slave of
Levin Joynes.
Baylor, John (1705–1772), bond, 1742. 1 p. Mss2B3444a2.
Covers the 22 July 1742 importation of slaves purchased from Moore & Robinson.
Baylor, John (1750–1808), letter, 1772. 3 pp. Mss2B3445a1.
Letter, 14 July 1772, from John Baylor of Caroline County to John Backhouse,
Liverpool, Eng., concerning the death of Baylor’s father and the extent of his fathers
estate, including twenty-six slaves on a Caroline County plantation and eighty slaves in
Orange County. Names of slaves are not given.
Baylor, George Daniel, papers, 1743–1963. 29 items. Mss1B3445d.
Include two documents, August 1743, issued by Caroline County justices of the peace
concerning Jack, a runaway slave belonging to Robert Powell, believed to be in Caroline
County (sections 5 and 6). An inquest, November 1743, of the coroner of Essex County
(item d8) concerns an African American found near Piscataway Creek, with presumed
stolen goods and insufficient clothing for the weather.
Baylor family papers, 1662–1962. ca. 3,000 items. Mss1B3445eFA2.
Baylor family members of Essex and Caroline counties were active in mercantile and
agricultural ventures. At one point they also owned a sawmill in Charles City County.
Their agricultural efforts in the nineteenth century centered on several plantations in
Charles City, Essex, and Caroline counties.
Box 6 contains information concerning the operations at Sandy Point, Kinloch, and Port
Tobago, owned by Richard Baylor. The first folder consists primarily of bills of sale for
slaves (some individuals and some in groups of up to twenty-five) spanning 1840 to
1860. Various supporting documentation is also included (one bill of sale for Albert has
the note attached that the sale does not warrant that Albert is sound). Many of the bills of
sale (and later folders that include lists) recorded the slaves by family unit. An 1847 sale
of two girls, Margaret and Maria, indicated that the purpose of the sale was to restore the
girls to their mothers, after being separated at an auction. Lists in later folders record
distribution of blankets and coats and also specialized jobs, in particular carpentry and
milling. Notes on Port Tobago include hiring out and accounts for number of days
worked. In folder 4, an 1853 auction broadside advertises that slaves were for private sale
and in family units only. A folder for Sandy Point includes distribution lists, as well as a
record of births and deaths for 1853 and 1854, with notes on sicknesses and a schedule of
Box 7 contains among 1863 estate papers a tax form printed in Tappahannock, including
tax on 334 slaves. An 1862–1871 account book provides information on costs of
greatcoats and for whom the coats were bought, as well as leather for shoes.
Box 20 contains farm labor agreements, 1875, for Kinloch, designating rules and such
issues as holidays, sick leave, dismissals, shares of crops, and how many hogs were
allowed per family (to be raised at the family’s expense). Marlbank account books record
day laborers’ wages and attendance, 1905–1907.
Baylor family papers, 1737–1865. 21 items. Mss1B3445a. Microfilm reel C583.
Primarily the eighteenth-century papers of John Baylor of Newmarket, Caroline County,
and later records of his descendant Doctor Warner Lewis Baylor (1825–1894). Section
five contains records compiled by Dr. Baylor while a surgeon at the Confederate hospital
at Petersburg. These items include a register of patients that includes slaves and free
African Americans, along with a second volume of case records, surgical reports, and
patient registers.
Baylor family papers, 1779–1963. 50 items. Mss1B3445c. Photocopies.
A letter, 1800, from Frances (Norton) Baylor of Caroline County to Governor James
Monroe (section 9) expresses her concern that the slave Harry is to be executed without
due notice given to Harry’s master, so as to provide appropriate counsel. An 1810 letter
(item c38) describes the Baylors’ intentions to move to Natchez, Miss., mentioning the
price of hiring slave men and women by the month.
Bayol family papers, 1830–1873. 53 items. Mss1B3455a. Photocopies.
An 1832 deed of David Townsend of Greene County, Ala., to Edward Bayol of the same
county for the slave Peter, age thirty-five years, warrants soundness of mind and body
(section 4).
Beale family papers, 1815–1894. 274 items. Mss1B3658a.
Includes papers of members of the Beale and Digges families of Fauquier County.
Section 1 contains accounts, 1815–1817, of Hancock Lee (1740–1819) of Fauquier
County, including a payment for hiring out the slave Hannah. Slave lists and additional
materials concerning the hiring out of slaves are located in Section 2. Numerous slave
materials can be found in section 4, including a business card and printed circular of
Lucien Lewis of Richmond identifying him as a hiring agent; hiring bonds, some for
enslaved women; an account for medical care of slaves; and an affidavit of the
Confederate States Quartermasters Office in Staunton, concerning the hiring of Joseph
and John. Section 5 contains materials concerning the estate of Sarah W. Gillison, which
were compiled by William Beale of Fauquier County, including accounts concerning the
medical care and hiring out of slaves.
Beckwith, Margaret Stanley (b. 1842), reminiscences, 1844–1865. 3 vols.
Mss5:1B3896:1–3. Microfilm reel C271.
Concern her experiences at Woodbourne in Prince George County and Petersburg, and in
Lincolnton, N.C. The front endpaper of volume 1 records the tombstone inscription of the
slave Lucy Locket (1774–1836). Volumes 1 and 2 contain many scattered references to
domestic slaves during the 1850s and 1860s. Volume 1 features music and lyrics for
several popular songs, including "Old Uncle Ned" and "Old Black Joe." On page 47 is an
account of the ship Minot, manned by free blacks during the Civil War.
Bedford County, affidavit, 1864. 1 p. Mss4B3904a1.
This April 1864 affidavit of Albon A. Arthur states that Benjamin Ruff has been taxed as
a free Negro and has been treated accordingly.
Beirne family papers, 1921–1945. 942 items. Mss1B3969a.
Contains correspondence between members of the Beirne family of Ashland. Folder 27
includes a letter from Clara Haxall (Beirne) Leake to her daughter, Mary McDermott
Beirne, discussing her interactions with African Americans in Richmond and Ashland.
Bell, William Waverly (1908–1991), "‘This Carries Me Back . . .: Some
Recollections of My Childhood." 50 pp. Mss5:1B4138:1.
A privately printed version of a memoir (noted as second edition, June 1989) written
originally in 1986. Concerns growing up in rural Surry County in the early 1900s. Also,
includes observations on local African American families during that period.
Bemiss, FitzGerald (b. 1922), papers, 1952–1978. 184 items. Mss1B4252b.
Materials concerning the career of Democrat FitzGerald Bemiss of Richmond in the
Virginia House of Delegates, 1955–1959, and Virginia Senate, 1960–1967, and his later
service on state commissions. Scrapbooks and newspaper articles covering his legislative
campaigns and service include extensive materials on school integration (section 1).
Bendall family papers, 1749–1819. 89 items. Mss1B4325a.
This collection is centered on James Bendell (d. 1814), a farmer of Sussex County who
served in the militia during the War of 1812. Of particular interest is a deed (section 1),
1806, from his mother for the slave Phebe as part of his father’s estate. Section 4 holds
two bonds for the hire of slaves. An 1811 bond to Thomas Dunn concerns Vilet; an 1818
bond to John Chappell concerns Hannah, who is to receive two suits of winter clothing
with her hat and blanket.
Bennett, John, papers, 1827–1880. 47 items. Mss1B4395a. Microfilm reel C387.
Much of the John Bennett collection consists of the correspondence of members of the
Bennett and Rainey families, especially between those who moved to Illinois and those
who stayed in Halifax County. The correspondence deals with family health and
relationships, but a considerable amount is also political.
The correspondence in section 1 contains many political opinions, especially on
Reconstruction. Harry Bennett’s 1861 letter relates that slaves are asking their masters to
let them go to fight the Yankees. Alexander Boyd’s letters state that slave traders are
borrowing up all the "loose money" and describe slave behavior in 1865 (slaves are
"running off" or being sent away by their masters). William Owens writes in 1865 that
slavery is gone and wishes that freedmen were, too. Section 2 consists of a power of
attorney, 1835, for John Bennett to act on behalf of his sister Nancy Bennett to sell her
slave James because she is preparing to move to the West.
Berkeley, Carter (1767–1839), letter, 1802. 3 pp. Mss2B4552a2.
Letter written 19 October 1802 at Edgewood plantation, Hanover County, to Charles
Carter of Shirley plantation, Charles City County, relating the slaves’ displeasure with the
supply of meat provided for them and suggesting the sale of slaves that do not work to
their potential.
Berkeley, Edmund (1824–1915), accounts, 1848–1860. 16 items. Mss1B4553a.
This small collection includes an account book and loose accounts concerning
agricultural activities at Evergreen Plantation in Prince William County. The records
concern, in part, blacksmith work done for neighbors and include an 1858 account with
Hector Davis for the board and sale of a male slave.
Bernard family papers, 1742–1867. 74 items. Mss1B4568a.
This collection concerns the Bernard family of Gloucester and Buckingham counties.
Section 12 contains an affidavit, 1841, of William Edward Carrington and John L. Trent
concerning the value of two slaves belonging to Elizabeth (Bernard) Wills.
Bernard family papers, 1821–1903. 233 items. Mss1B4568b.
Largely the papers of Overton Bernard (1798–1866), a Methodist minister of Norfolk and
Portsmouth. Section 1 includes a letter from his brother Jesse Talbot Bernard of
Woodlawn, Alachua County, Fla., concerning his move from Virginia to Florida,
farming, teaching, and the treatment of slaves. The correspondence of Frances Ann
(Bernard) Capps of Portsmouth in Section 4 includes another letter from Jesse Bernard
concerning his career in agriculture and teaching, and disciplinary problems with slaves.
Berryman family papers, 1664–1815. 15 items. Mss2B4598c.
Include a deed, 1722, of Behethland (Gilson) Berryman to Gilson Berryman for land and
slaves in Stafford County.
Besch, Edwin W., "Action at Wilsons Wharf, 1864." 4, [5] pp. Mss7:2F77595:1.
Concerns the first major clash between U.S. Colored Troops and the Confederate Army
of Northern Virginia at Fort Pocahontas, Wilsons Wharf, on 24 May 1864. Includes
Betts & Gregory, Richmond, circular, 1861. 1 p. Mss4B4666a1.
A printed circular, March 1861, issued by this auction house concerns prices current for
the sale of African American slaves in Richmond, with listings of prices for specific
categories of persons.
Beverley, Robert (1740–1800), letter, 1763. 2 pp. Mss2B4677a2.
The letter concerns, in part, the incidence of smallpox near Williamsburg among the
slaves of Landon Carter.
Beverley, William (1696–1756), letter, 1737. 3 pp. Mss2B4679a1.
Letter dated 20 January 1737 to William Fairfax reporting on the boundary
commissioners of the Northern Neck Proprietary and salmon being delivered to Fairfax
by the slave Pompey.
Beverley family papers, 1654–1901. 4,788 items. Mss1B4678a. Microfilm reels B5–7.
Of particular interest are several account books (section 111) that contain entries for cost
of shoes, clothes, blankets, hats, and traveling expenses, and hiring costs for the
Blandfield plantation. The earliest volume records the names of male slaves who left
Blandfield to join the Union forces, 1864, and also includes a list, 1850, of names, dates
of birth, and ages of Blandfield slaves, with a note that the slaves were inoculated. The
second volume in the series is an account book kept by Robert Beverley (1769–1843) in
connection with his executorship of the estate of William Augustine Washington (1757–
1810), including inventories of slaves in Westmoreland County and Port Royal. The
inventories include name, age, value, to whom sold, and some family relationships.
Beverley family papers, 1654–1929. 22,037 items. Mss1B4678b.
This collection primarily comprises material relating to the business activities of Robert
Beverley (1858–1928), a prominent civic leader in Essex County.
Section 12 contains an agreement whereby William Bradshaw Beverley (1791–1866)
would sell his property in Marengo County, Ala., to John Nelson of Greene County, Ala.,
along with the fifty-three slaves on the property. The agreement names eight slaves for
whom Beverley does not warrant soundness of mind; other slaves are unnamed. Notes
and an essay in section 32 concern the feasibility of racial equality for African
Americans, religious training, education, and morality (no date, but sometime after 1910).
Section 136 contains a segregated list of poll tax payers for Essex County, 1910–1913.
Beverley family papers, 1718–1780. 5 items. Mss2B46796c.
Contain notes, 1739, of William Waller concerning the ownership of slaves of the estate
of William Stanard with respect to Ann Hazlewood, discussing right of use for life and
dower rights. Approximately forty slaves were involved, but no names were provided.
Birchett, Peter, receipt, 1865. 1 p. Mss2B5317a1. Photocopy.
Receipt of William Mallory to Peter Birchett for the purchase of a slave.
Bispham, William N., bond, 1854. 1 p. Mss2B5426a1.
Bond, 4 January 1854, of William N. Bispham of Warrenton to the estate of John
Marshall Washington for hire of the slave Frances and her two children. The printed form
requires that the slaves be treated with humanity and not rehired.
Blackford family papers, 1836–1858. 4 items. Mss1B5645c. Microfilm reel C92.
Diaries and an account book kept by John Blackford (1771–1839) and Franklin Blackford
of Ferry Hill plantation, Washington County, Md., planters and ferry owners. John
Blackford’s diary, 1836–1838, records daily plantation and ferry activities, including
work done by slaves. The ferry itself was operated by slaves. An entry for 29 December
1837 notes the capture of two unnamed fugitive slaves. Franklin Blackford’s diaries,
18381846, also record daily events at Ferry Hill plantation.
Blair, John Durburrow (1759–1823), papers, 17841826. 9 items. Mss2B5753b.
Among the papers of this Richmond clergyman is an 1817 deed to his wife, Mary
(Winston) Blair, for the slave girl Mary, age eight, daughter of Lewis and his wife, Aggy.
See also Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 45 (1937): 148–149.
Bland, Theodorick, letter, 1784? 2 pp. Mss2B61079a1.
This letter of Theodorick Bland to his son relates his refusal to lend out one of his
blacksmiths. He is dependent on the work they produce, and he has turned down a
generous offer of a hundred pounds a year for Will and his tools.
Bland family papers, 1713–1825. 236 items. Mss1B6108a. Microfilm reel C7.
Much of this collection focuses on the activities of Theodorick Bland (17421790), a
prominent eighteenth-century physician of Prince George County, Continental Army
officer, and member of the Continental Congress. Some material has been published in
The Bland Papers (1845), edited by Charles Campbell.
Section 1 contains an order, May 1723, for transporting six slaves to the West Indies and
reimbursing the county for costs in ascertaining the values of the slaves. (For additional
references to the same slaves, see entry for Virginia House of Burgesses Papers, 1711
1730, Mss3V8b, Sections 8, 10, and 12.) Section 2 includes a one-page, undated letter
from a Dr. Greenway that provides many details of attempted treatments for the slave
Billy for epileptic seizures—blisters, purgings, leeching, and electricity. Section 3
includes a deed of gift, 1784, from Theodorick Bland to his daughter-in-law Susannah
Murray for two slaves, Hannah and Rose, to accommodate an existing informal
In section 4, James King of New York City, 1789, writes that he has not been able to
persuade Bland’s slaves who had escaped to the North to return to their owner. Section
16 contains an 1825 letter from the slave Charles, the property of David Callahan of
Campbell, Ala., asking his former master, William Greenhill, to stop by if he is indeed
moving to Alabama, as Charles has heard. He also asks after his brother Jacob and
requests Mr. Greenhill to tell him that his own health is good for his advanced age.
Another letter in the same section is addressed to Tom, a slave, concerning the care of
Blanton family papers, 1818–1961. 352 items. Mss1B6117a.
Although most of this collection concerns the education and careers of several prominent
Presbyterian clergymen, there is an extensive narrative (forty-five typewritten pages) by
Jane Minge (Friend) Stephenson reminiscing about her life as a plantation owner’s
daughter at Whitehall Plantation in Prince George County. She reflects on general
treatment and discipline of slaves, provides several character sketches of slaves
associated with the plantation, comments on working mothers’ child care arrangements,
family living arrangements, courting and marriage, religious education, a funeral,
Christmastime, clothing and shoe distributions, and cooking and laundering, as well as
life in and around Petersburg during the Civil War. Work arrangements with former
slaves after the war are mentioned briefly.
Blow, Richard (1746–1833), letterbook, 1807–1809. [44], 410pp. Mss5:2B6235:2.
Kept as a commission merchant in Portsmouth and Norfolk. Includes a letter dated 11
February 1807 to Miles King concerning Plymouth Flinn, a free African American who
was detained in a Portsmouth jail on suspicion of being a runaway slave.
Blow family papers, 1653–1905. 352 items. Mss1B6235a.
The papers of the Blow family concern a family prominent in eighteenth-century Virginia
shipping and as planters in the nineteenth century. The family is geographically focused
in the areas of Portsmouth, Norfolk, Sussex County, and James City County.
Section 2 contains an 1806 letter written by Richard Blow requesting that slaves be
instructed to deliver letters promptly instead of at leisure, arranging accounts for shoes,
complaining of hired slaves not coming to work on time, and hiring of slaves unused to
work, and suggesting a dose of alcohol daily for good behavior. Section 4 includes a
letterbook of George Blow that relates dates of upcoming trials for several leaders of the
Southampton Insurrection (few details of the event itself are described). An October 1831
letter records selling ten slaves to a New Orleans buyer. A commonplace book included
in section 8 records several entries about hiring out slaves.
Section 11 consists of correspondence of George Blow. An 1844 letter from his son
Norborne indicates his disbelief that runaway slaves could account for all the missing
hogs in the neighborhood, the need for patrols, and slaves being flogged for stealing
when seen on neighboring estates. There is a note, August 1831, authorizing George
Blow to acquire more men for patrols. In 1844 Bushrod Washington Hunter writes from
Port a Praya describing skirmishes and the burning of towns on the African coast. In
September 1831 Dr. Robert Page Waller expresses his concerns and fears about slaves
since the Southampton Insurrection and suggests that whites sell their slaves in New
Orleans while the prices are still good and then move to a country without African
Blue family papers, ca. 1830–1870. 4 items. Mss2B6252b.
Collection includes a letter (incomplete) of George William Washington to his future
wife, Sarah A. Wright (of Loudoun County), in part concerning the sale of slaves.
Blunt, Simon Fraser (1818?–1854), papers, 1833–1921. 40 items. Mss2B6289b.
Simon Fraser Blunt originally came from Southampton County. His correspondence
reflects his career as a United States naval officer serving primarily in the Pacific Ocean,
the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mediterranean Sea. In 1845 journal extracts (section 3),
Blunt, while serving on the USS Truxton off the coast of Liberia, writes about the
African slave trade, some of which occurs close to the freedmen’s colony of Liberia.
Boatwright family papers, 1815–1953. 448 items. Mss1B6304a. Microfilm reel C387.
The papers of this Cumberland County family contain several items of slave purchase
and hiring: receipt, 1824, of Drury Boatwright for $130 for selling Lucy to Leonard
Boatwright (section 3); deed, 1827, signed by Orson Martin of Cumberland County,
transferring the slave girl Jenney to Leonard Boatwright (section 5); and two hiring
bonds—S. Boatwright and J. M. Shepherd to Benjamin Hudgins for hire of Chapion for
1862 for $75, with usual clothes, hat, and blanket, and S. Boatwright and J. A.
Boatwright to Silas S. Bryant for hire of a slave boy Tom for 1861 at $130 (section 11).
Bolling, John (1832–1905), account book, 1855–1891. ca. 200 pp. Mss5:3B6385:1.
Kept sporadically, this volume concerns Bolling’s activities as a tobacco merchant in
Asheville and Raleigh, N.C., and Richmond, Va., and as a planter at River Side
plantation in Cumberland County, Va. Several entries concern slaves.
Bolling, William (1777–1849), slave register, 1752–1890. 73 pp. Mss5:5B6387:1.
Microfilm reel C388.
This register was kept at Bolling Hall plantation and Bolling Island plantation in
Goochland County. It records slaves’ birthdates and mothers’ names, dates of death, and
names of slaves purchased with prices and sellers names. Occasionally a note
concerning cause of death is added, but this is not consistent. One entry (for Lucinda)
indicates that she is a native African.
Bolling family papers, 1748–1905. 58 items. Mss1B6386b. Microfilm reel C389.
This collection contains a single item of interest—a list of rules for employed freedmen,
[1865?]. It generally concerns such matters as care of stock, rotation of Sunday work,
night work, and house rents.
Bolling family papers, 1749–1956. 663 items. Mss1B6386a. Microfilm reels C388–
The papers of the Bolling family of Centre Hill plantation in Powhatan County contain
two series of slave bills of sale and deeds (sections 2 and 7) dated between 1819 and
1834 and a plantation account book that holds a list of births, parents’ names, dates, and
location of birth (including one on a boat in the James River). Section 7 has one bill of
sale, 1833, which is a printed form for slave sales.
Bolling family papers, 1785–1875. 34 items. Mss1B6386c. Microfilm reel C543.
Primarily consist of the papers of Robert Bolling and Robert Buckner Bolling of Centre
Hill, Petersburg, concerning municipal government and a proposed canal between the
Appomattox and Staunton rivers in Virginia. Accounts kept by the Petersburg city
chamberlain, 1785–1787, concern the services of the city vendue master and include
references to commissions collected on the sale of slaves at public auction (section 2). A
letter written by Robert Buckner Bolling in 1856 concerns land on Walnut Street and in
the Blandford section of Petersburg set aside as cemeteries for African Americans
(section 6). In 1858 the city common council passed an ordinance to provide water
services to the poor and destitute of the city when they could not afford such services
(section 7).
Booker, Richard, inventory, 1838. 4 pp. Mss2B6447a.
Inventory of Richard Booker’s property in Amelia County. Includes approximately
twenty-five slaves by name and value. One family unit is noted.
Booker, William Marshall, will, 1802. 1 p. Mss2B64471a. Typescript copy.
Will recorded in Amelia County, in which Booker leaves the slave Rachel to Judith
Boone, William, letter, 1862. 1 p. Mss2B6445a1.
In his letter of 31 December 1862, William Boone of Northampton County thanks
William Drewry of Southampton County for sending payment by Moses and requests that
Drewry attend to Moses in the coming year in the same manner.
Booth, R. W., receipt, 1863. 1 p. Mss2B64478a1. Photocopy.
Printed receipt of Booth, in Richmond, to William T. Clark for the purchase of the slave
Bouldin family, papers, 1737–1960. 3,757 items. Mss1B6638a.
The bulk of this collection concerns Thomas Tyler Bouldin (18131891), a lawyer and
planter of Golden Hills plantation in Charlotte County. There are a variety of slave and
freedmens records.
Section 3 contains a bill of sale dated 1744 for Lucy at 35 (Henry Lucas to Clement
Read). Section 7 includes a Lunenburg County court order to bring five slaves before the
justice of the peace to be tried for the theft of a quilted coat, 21 November 1763. An
account book, 18661867, kept for freedmen in Charlotte County records such details as
daily and monthly wages, jobs assigned to each (such as milking and spinning), their
expenses (wool, leather, sundries), and sick days (section 32).
Section 40 contains a list of slaves received on behalf of Thomas Tyler Bouldin
(18391875) from the estate of Grief Barksdale, with twenty names and family
relationships indicated along with values. An added note records that one slave woman
was blind.
Section 65 contains an 1845 response to a complainant in Mississippi concerning
ownership of forty-one slaves, an issue to be resolved in the Mississippi Superior Court
of Chancery. The list is not appended, but several pages into the document references to
specific slaves appear—for example, that Tom and Amy (ages thirty-eight and thirty
respectively) have died since the original transaction and that four boys (Joe, Jesse,
Stephen, and Hobson, ages five to eight) had been sent to Alabama.
Bowles family papers, 1817–1874. 44 items. Mss2B6818b. Copies.
A letter from the slave Gallant in Alleghany County to his master, Benjamin Bowles, in
Fluvanna County (no year given), lets his master, family, and friends know that he is well
and hopes they are, too.
Bramham, James C., compiler, "Civil War letters of Pvt. Joseph F. Shaner, C.S.A.
(1841–1904)." 13 items. Mss1Sh183a.
This compilation includes 12 original letters, 1861–1865, of Joseph Shaner of Lexington,
who served in the Rockbridge Artillery, C.S.A. One letter dated 15 February 1865
discusses the possibility of recruiting African Americans into the Confederate Army later
in that month.
Branch & Company, Richmond, records, 1837–1976. ca. 125,000 items.
This massive collection details the operations of a prominent post-World War II
Richmond investments firm and its nineteenth -century antecedents: Thomas Branch &
Brother of Petersburg, a commission merchant firm and auction house (1836–1848);
Thomas Branch & Sons of Petersburg, also commission merchants (1853–1872); and the
banking and investments firm of Thomas Branch & Co. of Richmond (1865–1946). The
Petersburg companies, and some related subsidiaries documented in this collection, were
heavily involved in the auction sales of estates, personal property, and slaves, evidence of
which survives throughout the companies early records. These include letterbooks
(beginning in 1846), financial journals (beginning 1849), ledgers (beginning 1837),
daybooks (same year), and cash books (beginning 1848). Also, two volumes of auction
sales record books cover the period 1847–1867, while a receipt book (miscellaneous),
1858–1868, also records sales of estates, personal property, and slaves. A detailed finding
aid in the repository is available to assist researchers in locating and requesting specific
Brand, Benjamin (d. 1843), papers, 1779–1863. 1,254 items. Mss1B7332b. Microfilm
reels C515–517.
Papers of a merchant and landholder of Hanover County and Richmond. Two letters
identified in section 4 pertain to African Americans. The first, 1809, from Elkanah
Talley, gives Brand permission to correct the behavior of the hired slave Nead for going
to "that place" in town on Sunday nights. The second, also 1809, is from John Walker
Tomlin, who complains that the slave Lewis, whom he hired from Brand, is impertinent
and wants to work for others instead.
Brand, Benjamin (d. 1843), papers, 1790–1838. 417 items. Mss1B7332a. Microfilm
reels C514–515.
This collection covers in significant detail Brands activities as an officer of the Virginia
Colonization Society, as well as his activities with the Richmond Mining Company. Most
of the papers relating to colonization appear in sections 4 through 10. Sections 5 and 9
comprise accounts; sections 4, 7, and 8 are correspondence; and sections 6 and 10 contain
various materials, such as broadsides, lists, newspaper clippings, certificates, and bills of
A considerable amount of Brand’s correspondence (section 4), mostly dating from the
1820s, involves Lott Cary, a free African American who had loaded tobacco on the
Richmond docks. Although acquiring only limited education, he bought his own freedom
, then emigrated to Liberia, where he became a prominent citizen and minister. He writes
of the health and education of the general population, crops grown and trade in coffee and
spices, ivory and flour, books needed, and trading especially with the ships Cyrus and
Hunter. He describes convicts’ choice of slavery or emigration, concern over trading
alcohol, public opinion in Baltimore and Philadelphia, Haitian emigration, education of
women, the need for a doctor and teacher in the community, blockading the slaver ships,
and misrepresentation and misinformation about Liberia in American reports. Joseph
Kings letters tell more about Lott Cary; Hugh Nelson lists emigrants and their trades;
Richard Smith makes references to the Female Colonization Society of Richmond and
Manchester; and John Taliaferro requests additional copies of the society’s publication to
be distributed in King William County.
Section 7 is primarily concerned with the settlement of Lott Cary’s estate, 18311832.
Caroline Lundy also writes of scarlet fever taking hold of much of Richmond, including
African Americans in the tobacco factories. John McPhail notes an Augusta County
family (names and ages) bound for Liberia. Joseph Shippard writes from Liberia asking
for the Mechanic’s Pocket Companion and about building a Presbyterian church and
school. Section 8 contains notes of a town meeting in Monrovia about suppression of the
slave trade and outfitting a vessel to patrol the coast.
Accounts in section 5 relate to passage to Liberia or subscriptions to the society. A note
in the 1823–1826 folder includes weights, measures, and values for a variety of items
traded with Liberia (tobacco, lumber, and ivory). Printers’ accounts for society
publications are also included. Other items that figure prominently in trade are coffee,
flour, and blacksmithing supplies. (Section 9 also contains job press accounts for
Section 6 consists of a variety of materials, from lists of subscribers to lists of emigrants,
in particular from Richmond and Sussex County. There is also a list of books (about
twenty-five titles) sent to Lott Cary for a school in Liberia, a song by Jonathan Watt sung
by emigrants as they left for Liberia, 1822 vital statistics for the community at Cape
Montserado including returns to America, and statistics on the free and slave status of the
African American population in Virginia in 1820. Also included are notes on land
allotment in Liberia, the history of the colonization society and its purpose, clippings of
reports and addresses from the 1820s, and proslavery commentary on St. Paul’s biblical
context for slavery. Section 10 contains an 1825 broadside exhorting ministers to set
aside the first Sunday in July for contribution to the society and clippings on emigration
to Haiti.
Brand, Benjamin (d. 1843), papers, 1807–1833. 27 items. Mss2B7332b.
Correspondence and accounts of a commission merchant in Hanover Town and
Richmond. Includes a letter dated 17 March 1819 to Martin Dawson concerning the sale
of slaves; and a receipt issued in 1820 by John, the head-man of a canal boat, for the
shipment of flour.
Brannock, James (1798–1854), letter, 1850. 1 p. Mss2B7351a1.
In this letter of 15 September 1850, James Brannock of Guilford County, N.C., requests a
neighbor to consider buying Amos, an excellent shoe- and bootmaker and shop foreman.
Brannock will be moving to Tennessee, and Amos would like to stay with his wife, a free
Braxton, Carter, account, 1820–1829. 1 p. Mss2B7397a2.
This account of Carter Braxton with Thomas C. Braxton records an amount of $40.40 for
building three log slave cabins at Pine Top Quarter. A January 1822 entry for $100
covers two years’ hire of Zachariah before Carter Braxton purchased him in December
Breckinridge, James (1763–1833), papers, 18051831. 110 items. Mss1B7425a.
Microfilm reel C8.
Lawyer and congressman from Virginia, of Grove Hill, Botetourt County. Papers include
correspondence with Francis Crutchfield and Robert Gamble.
Much of the correspondence in section 1 concerns farm and plantation management,
agricultural products, and mercantile affairs. Correspondence with Crutchfield reveals
that transport services were provided by African Americans in August 1812 and March
1819; between January and April 1822 letters concern arrangements for hiring a slave for
carpenter’s services; in September 1823, Gamble discusses the health of African
Americans in his household; and in December 1825, Gamble refers to the reduced
African American work force in his industrial operations, some free and some hired, and
his own slaves making up the remainder.
Breckinridge family papers, 1740–1902. 331 items. Mss1B7427a. Microfilm reel C9.
James Breckinridge (1763–1833) is the focus of this Botetourt County family collection.
Much of it consists of correspondence and a variety of accounts, but the estate records for
a Jefferson County, Fla., property contain slave lists, 1834–1838, for the Weelaunee
plantation of Robert Gamble of Jefferson County, Fla. (sections 6–7). The lists contain
names (some with surnames) and values of approximately fifty slaves. Section 11
includes papers, 1846, pertaining to fulfillment of the mortgages on the above-mentioned
slaves and clarification of family relationships.
Brent, Martha Buxton Porter (b. 1849), memoirs, 1934. [56] pp. Mss5:1B7526:1.
Primarily concerns the history of the related Luke, Porter, Pritchard, and Buxton families
of Norfolk and Portsmouth, with particular emphasis on Martha Brent’s upbringing as the
daughter of famed U.S. and Confederate shipbuilder John L. Porter, her education and
religious life, and the family’s movement around the South before the Civil War. Part of
the story relates to events involving the familys African American slaves.
Briery Presbyterian Church, Prince Edward County, papers, 1850–1894. 3 items.
Includes an account of the church with Doctor Francis Joseph Mettauer dated 1 January
1851 concerning his medical treatment of a male slave named Fred.
Brinson, Betsy, papers, 1894–1999. ca. 2,000 items. Mss1B7725bFA2.
This collection is comprised of research and administrative materials compiled by Dr.
Brinson in the course of her work for the American Civil Liberties Union’s Southern
Womens Rights Project, the Virginia Women’s Cultural History Project, the Richmond
branch of the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), and Virginia
Commonwealth University’s Women’s Studies Task Force, and while conducting her
dissertation research. Also, includes her research on a variety of subjects relating to
women’s history, including the history of African American women in Richmond, the
history of Richmond during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, labor history in the
South, especially in relation to discrimination against women and African Americans, the
influence of women on Virginia’s history over four centuries, racism and sexism in
American culture, and biographical information on notable Virginia women. A
supplementary finding aid is available for this collection online and in the repository.
Broad Run Baptist Church, Fauquier County, records, 1762–1873. 77 pp.
Mss4B7805a1. Typescript (carbon copy).
Included in the church records are listings of baptisms and comments on the conduct of
slaves who were members of the church.
Brooke family papers, 1851–1927. 10 items. Mss2B7908c.
In this Richmond family collection there are about three pages of minutes of several
meetings that took place in Richmond in 1884 and 1885 for the purpose of forming a
Presbyterian church and Sunday school for African Americans under the leadership of the
Reverend William H. Lee.
Brown, Aubrey Neblett (1908–1998), papers, 1944–1995. 730 (ca.) items.
Collection primarily concerns Presbyterian minister and editor Aubrey N. Brown’s
involvement in activities designed to foster improved race relations in the southern
United States, including his membership on and presidency of the Virginia Council on
Human Relations and the Richmond Area Council on Human Relations. Includes
organizational records, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets concerning
school desegregation, racial integration, and the Civil Rights Movement in general. Also,
includes articles and other materials concerning Brown’s editorship of the Presbyterian
Outlook of Richmond, especially concerning the magazines treatment of racial issues.
Brown, Robert D., and Abrigail Collins, "First Mount Olive Baptist Church," 1996.
2 pp. Mss7:4F5197:1.
A brief history of the church, located in King and Queen County, including sketches of
pastors who have served and the contributions they have made to the growth of this
African American congregation.
Brown, Thomas (1785–1867), letter, 1827. 2 pp. Mss2B8153a1.
Letter, November 1827, of Thomas Brown at Ephraim plantation in Westmoreland
County to Richard T. Brown in which he expresses relief that most of the slave sales have
been settled; two men have been asked if they wish to go with their wives.
Brown family papers, 1801–1889. 335 items. Mss1B8157a.
The Brown family collection comprises chiefly papers of planter Robert Lawrence
Brown (1820–1880) of Nelson County. Section 11 contains three items, all pertaining to
the same group of five slaves—a notice of sale, a deed of trust, and an unexecuted deed
for two of the slaves. Ages are given, and note is made of recording in Nelson County
court in September 1842.
Bruce, Louise Este (Fisher) (1866–1945), papers, 1786–1974. 1,103 items.
Collected papers include a receipt, 1819, of Edmund Milton to William Milton for
plantation and slaves in Rapides Parish, La., and an emancipation certificate, 1829, for
Jacob Bush and his wife Polly, ages forty-eight and forty-five respectively, signed by
William Milton of Cincinnati, Ohio (section 2). An 1814 apprenticeship indenture binds
James (an African American, son of Betty) to William Harrison of Cincinnati, Ohio, to
learn the farmer’s trade (section 4). Arranged by the overseers of the poor, the agreement
provided for James to be released in 1834 at the age of twenty-one.
Several additional items relate to African Americans, among them a 1919 letter of
Margaret Loughborough concerning an antebellum maid charged with the care of her
mistresss belongings while in the free city of Philadelphia. An image of the familys
African American maid is included in a scrapbook (item a821, section 30).
Bruce, Robert (b. 1836?), affidavit, 1836. [2] pp. Mss2B8305a1.
Affidavit dated 5 October 1863 at Fort Smith, Ark., of a Prince Edward County native
concerning enlistment in the U.S. Army (Dept. of the Missouri, 1st Colored Kansas
Infantry Regiment [later became the 79th Infantry Regiment]).
Bruce family papers, 1665–1926. 1,398 items. Mss1B8306b. Microfilm reels C390–
The papers of this Charlotte County family consist chiefly of several large
correspondence series, providing details of life at Staunton Hill and Berry Hill
plantations. Section 12 contains several 1835 lists of slaves by quarters—Branch Quarter,
River Quarter, and Charlotte Quarter and Mill—giving name, age or approximate date of
birth, family relationships, and dates of death. Section 13 contains a deed that conveys
railroad stock, fifty slaves, and other property from Sally Bruce of Woodbourne in
Halifax County to Elvira and Charles Bruce in 1843.
The letters discussed below (from section 8) were all written to or by Charles Bruce
(1826–1896). This is a large series, in which several letters provide considerable insight
into opinions and attitudes of slaveholders in the mid-nineteenth century. In August 1850,
Sarah (Bruce) Seddon writes from Washington, D.C., and describes incidents from
everyday life that illustrate the tensions between northern and southern attitudes. She
expostulates on abolitionists, the press, Congress, several prominent politicians (Foote,
Badger, Seward, Hale, Giddings, and Clay) and expresses concern that slaves who do not
escape while in Washington will take abolitionist ideas with them when they return
home. She quotes an African American woman’s comments on a street incident.
In August 1862, Thomas Seddon makes several very general statements on the overall
character of African Americans and the need to have them moved before the invaders
arrive. In 1889, Seddon explains why he prefers not to seek a political position above the
local level, in particular his concern about the Republican party and the need to
disfranchise the African American population.
In June 1847, James Coles Bruce says that Charles has too many slaves on his place and
that he must either sell some of them or buy more land to keep them occupied. In
September 1845, he relates that pestilence has taken several slaves at Berry Hill. His
letter of February 1858 contains a considerable amount of political discussion,
particularly his view that slaveholders should represent the South because he believes that
is the best way to have the slaveholders’ interests protected. He refers to the southern
tradition of Jefferson and Washington. His letter of April 1863 urges Charles to make the
food rationing stretch farther, if necessary, by reducing the number of persons to feed, in
particular, old slaves.
In a seven-page undated letter to the Richmond Times, Charles Bruce comments generally
on racial aspects of politics and government in the Reconstruction period. He is
particularly concerned about the occurrence of bribery in elections. He addresses the
advantages of the Australian ballot and its educational requirements and his opinion of
the education of African Americans.
Bruce family papers, 1828–1938. 92 items. Mss1B8306c. Photocopies.
Section 4 includes several slave lists, 18501860, for Berry Hill and Wilbon plantations in
Halifax County.
Bryan, Corbin Braxton (1852–1922), scrapbook, 1772–1924. [10], 360, [6] pp.
Mss10:no. 118. Microfilm.
Includes 1854 slave lists from Eagle Point, Gloucester County, and Carysbrook, Fluvanna
county. Original volume in private hands.
Bryan, Joseph (1845–1908), papers, 1866–1908. 157 items. Mss1B8407a.
Papers of a prominent Richmond attorney, newspaper publisher, and Confederate
veteran. Section 4 contains a typescript copy of a letter from Julia Boggs (Dent) Grant to
Lewis Warrington Wise concerning slaves she owned with her husband, Ulysses S.
Bryan family papers, 1757–1922. 8 items. Mss2B84d.
Include a letter, 1783, of John Byran, at Harewood, Berkeley County (later Jefferson
County, W. Va.), to Francis Willis, of Gloucester County, concerning the death of
Williss sister-in-law Susannah (Perrin) Holding Washington and the future of the
enslaved population at the Harewood plantation.
Bryan family papers, 1803–1895. 5 items. Mss2B84b.
Includes a letter dated 16 May 1895 from Corbin Braxton Bryan (1852–1922) to Joseph
Bryan of Richmond, containing comments on African American education.
Bryan family papers, 1880–1966. 113 items. Mss1B8408e.
Collection includes papers of Episcopal clergyman Corbin Braxton Bryan (of Millwood
and Petersburg) among which are a commonplace book, 1920–1921, and date book,
1921, kept while rector of Grace Church, Petersburg, the latter of which includes a list of
African American seminarians at the Bishop Payne Divinity School (section 1). The
collection also includes diary entries, January–February 1943, of Clayton Briggs
Townsend (of Petersburg) concerning his service as an officer in the United States Army
Transportation Corps, presumably with the 379th Port Battalion, an African American
unit, and covering the unit’s trip to Casablanca, Morocco, on board the converted
steamship liner Monterey, and activities there in unloading supplies for the North Africa
Campaign (section 4). An incomplete, typescript copy of an undated memoir of Sarah
Jane Brown (Scott) Worthington concerns her early life in Perquimans County, N.C., the
move of her family (free and enslaved) by her father, William Copeland Scott, to a
plantation named Ingleside in Princess Anne County, and experiences during the Civil
War in Princess Anne and Norfolk, including her interactions with the enslaved
population on the family plantation (section 5).
Bryce, Virginia, scrapbook, 1909–1932. [24] pp. Mss5:7B8435:1.
Includes newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and broadsides, in part concerning African
Americans in Henrico County.
Buchanan, Andrew, power of attorney, 1784. [4] pp. Mss2B8515a1.
Executed in Glasgow, Scot., to David Buchanan, in part concerning the sale of land and
slaves near Hatcher’s Run in Dinwiddie County.
Buchanan, Neill, letter, 1789. 1 p. Mss2B8517a1.
Letter of 10 May 1789 to Dr. Wilson of Petersburg relates the misunderstanding of the
sale of Esther, who was sold but intended to be a gift to another. Buchanan states that he
will not interfere should there be a chancery suit to set matters straight.
Buck, Julia E. Johnson (1887–1977), papers, 1952–1977. 91 items. Mss1B8555a.
Collection consists primarily of letters written by Julia E. (Johnson) Buck, an African
American domestic worker employed by the Hofheimer family of Norfolk. Most are
written to Elise Bessie (Hofheimer) Wright concerning affairs of the Buck and Hofheimer
families, social activities, advice on marriage and child rearing, and the declining health
of Mrs. Buck and her husband, Clarence Harrison Buck (d. 1971).
Buford family papers, 1816–1844. 34 items. Mss2B8648b. Microfilm reel B49.
This Mecklenburg County family collection includes two items of particular interest. One
is an 1836 deed (item b28) of John H. Craddock selling his interest in the slave woman
Judah to John Buford. Judah belonged to Craddock’s father-in-law, Abraham Hatchett of
Nottoway County. The second item is an 1816 slave list (items b33b34) containing
twenty-two names, ages, valuations, and prices. The folder containing items b3b8
includes an 1825 receipt of William B. Thompson to Capt. A. Buford for the slave girl
Susan. An 1824 printed receipt accounts for advertising a slave sale in the Petersburg
Intelligencer (see items b9b15).
Bumpass, William, agreement, 1786. 1 p. Mss2B8807a1.
This agreement with James McReynolds, dated 29 April 1786, concerns the sale of Sam,
an African American slave of Campbell County, who is described as a “blacksmith by
trade.” The sale is made to secure payment of a debt.
Burke family papers, 1810–1888. 50 items. Mss1B9177a. Microfilm reel B8.
The Burke family of Nottoway and Prince Edward counties included several members
who performed military service. After the Civil War, A. U. Wright, as agent for the
Freedmen’s Bureau, gave permission for Mrs. Tatum of Farmville to keep Rosie, because
Mrs. Tatum promised to feed and clothe the girl and the girl wanted to stay (section 3,
August 1865).
Burrus family papers, 1802–1869. 60 items. Mss1B9468a.
Primarily concerns family members in Orange County. Section 1 contains a letter to
William Tandy Burrus from Frances (Tandy) Burrus of Christian County, Ky.,
concerning sending the slave Peter to Kentucky. Section 3 contains several pieces of
information pertaining to African Americans, including two receipts: the first dated 1864
for the purchase of a slave girl, Mary, and the second, 1866, for the hiring of free African
Americans. There is also a letter, 1866, from W. C. Adams of Upson County, Ga., to
Robert Banks Burrus concerning Reconstruction and African American freedmen.
Burtt, William, letter, 1788. 1 p. Mss2B9575a1.
Letter, 2 December 1788, written in Amherst County to William Cocke, Buckingham
County, relating arrangements for food, clothing, and ferry passage for several slaves.
Burwell, Ann (Powell), commonplace book, 1746–1839. 1 vol. Mss5:5B9585:1.
Microfilm reel C393.
Contains lists, 1746–1839, of slaves owned by Armistead Burwell and John Burwell,
including ages or dates of birth. One list includes names of mothers.
Burwell family papers, 1770–1965. 2,141 items. Mss1B9585a. Microfilm reels B9
and C394–395.
The papers of this plantation family contain several items pertaining to the operation of
the plantations Carter Hall, Island, and Spout Run in Frederick County (now Clarke
County). Section 9 contains an 1840 deed for the slave Wat, age sixty, for $300. Section
12 holds a list, probably 1862, of George Harrison Burwell’s property, including names,
ages, and valuation for approximately 100 slaves. In the same section are two affidavits
of appraisals of wagons, each set of wagon and gear being identified by the slave in
charge of it. In section 6, Samuel Wilkeson acknowledges receipt of a donation to the
American Colonization Society.
Burwell family papers, 1813–1928. 569 items. Mss1B9585b.
An additional group of Burwell family papers contains a page of notes (section 15)
prescribing the terms for hiring slaves in Granville County, N.C., ca. 1848. The first
paragraph deals with the clothing to be supplied; the second with occupational
restrictions and distance restrictions. It also prescribes terms for rehiring and medical
expenses incurred.
Burwell family papers, 1825–1976. 33 items. Mss1B9585c.
Primarily consists of papers relating to family members in Powhatan County, in the mid-
to late nineteenth century. Includes a letter dated 8 April 1865 from Doctor Blair Burwell
(1830–1915), while serving as surgeon of the 8th Virginia Infantry Regiment,
Confederate States Army of Northern Virginia, to Virginia Beverly (Pickett) Burwell,
which mentions slaves at Indian Camp plantation in Powhatan County.
Butler, James Thomas (1822–1895), diary, 1862–1864. [128] pp. Mss5:1B9773:1.
Kept as a merchant in Richmond and as a planter in Caroline County. Includes lists of
wages for overseers and costs of slave labor, and records Butlers successful attempt to
hide from Federal Army troops during the period of the Battle of North Anna River, with
the aid of family members and local slaves.
Byrd, William (1674–1744), letterbook, 1735–1736. 72 pp. Mss5:2B9966:3.
Microfilm reel C62.
This correspondence has been published in The Correspondence of the Three William
Byrds of Westover, Virginia, 16841776 (1977). Of particular interest is a letter of 6
December 1735 from Peter Beckford in which Beckford states that the colony does not
have such a large number of African Americans that the public safety should be a matter
of concern. A letter of 20 February 1736 complains to Byrd that convicts and felons from
England should not be sent out on ships because they come to Virginia to trade illegally
with local slaves. A letter of 12 July 1736 suggests that the importation of slaves be
prohibited, because the number of African Americans in the colony is so great that racial
tensions are endangering public safety.
Byrd family papers, 1805–1871. 285 items. Mss1B9968b. Microfilm reel C273.
This collection focuses on several family members from Frederick County and
Winchester. A letter, 30 July 1850, from Dr. John Roberts of Fall Hill, Spotsylvania
County, to Richard Evelyn Byrd asks Byrd to make inquiries at the Winchester jail as to
whether a certain African American being detained there might be a runaway slave
(section 7). No name or description is provided. Notes from the 1840s about the
descendants of Juliet, slave of John Russell, concentrate especially on her issue alive at
the time of Russell’s death (section 14). A letter, 28 August 1831, written by William
Byrd Harrison to Ann Harrison Byrd from Petersburg describes what he has heard of the
Southampton Insurrection. It includes general impressions and a few anecdotes. He also
asks about arrangements for the purchase of William.
Byrd family papers, 1795–1826. 29 items. Mss1B9968c. Microfilm reel C274.
The collection includes an unexecuted 1826 bond for the hiring of an unnamed slave for
the year 1827 (section 5). The articles of clothing to be provided to the slave are carefully
specified, as are provisions for the payment of tax on the slave.
Cabell, Abraham Joseph (1800–1831), papers, 1824–1834. 22 items. Mss2C1111b.
Primarily, the papers of a planter of Jefferson County, Fla. Collection includes a letter, 16
March 1828, to William H. Cabell of Richmond in which Abraham Joseph Cabell relates
having difficulties with the slave Jordan since coming to Florida and considering sending
him to New Orleans to be sold. Deed of trust, 1830, lists slaves and indicates several
family relationships, and slave lists, 1832, provide information on values and family
relationships for slaves on Abraham Joseph Cabell’s estate. An affidavit, 1832, of John
Grattan Gamble concerns the sale of the slaves from Cabells estate, listing nine slaves,
including two married couples (one couple having an infant child).
Cabell, Nathaniel Francis (1807–1891), letter, 1860. 1 p. Mss2C1116a1. Typescript.
Letter, 6 January 1860, written from Nelson County to Henry Stephens Randall of
Cortlandtville, N.Y., stating his opinions on John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry and his
views on slavery in general, with current political thoughts and a biblical and theological
defense of slavery, referring to the Reverend Thornton Stringfellow’s pamphlet in
support of slavery.
Cabell, William (1730–1798), commonplace books, 1769–1795. 9 vols.
Mss5:5C1117:1–9. Microfilm reel C326.
These commonplace books provide information on a wide range of Cabell’s activities as
a surveyor and justice of the peace in Amherst County. Many of the earlier entries deal
with his agricultural estates in Amherst concerning weather, sowing and harvesting, and
livestock slaughtering. Numerous entries concern births, deaths, and purchases of slaves.
Volume 1 contains a hat distribution list for ten slaves, 20 January 1770. Volume 2
contains a blanket distribution list by family units, September 1770. Volume 4 describes
the agreement with Theodorick Scruggs as overseer not to work slaves in rain, snow, or
at night, 20 July 1773. In a later entry Cabell notes that another position must be found
for Scruggs, because his cruelty makes him an unacceptable overseer, 28 August 1773.
Volume 5 contains a blanket distribution list, 20 November 1774, and a later November
entry indicates that fifty-nine pairs of shoes were made for the slaves. In volume 7 Cabell
hired out Joshua, 2 January 1779. In volume 9 several entries relate to hiring out the slave
Bob as a smith and the training Bob should receive, 26 December 1785, 2 January 1786,
March 1786.
Cabell, William (1759–1822), commonplace books, 1791–1822. 2 vols.
Mss5:5C1118:2–3. Microfilm reel C326.
Concerns agricultural operations at Union Hill plantation in Nelson County. Volume 2
includes slave lists, usually a tally given in March of each year to calculate taxes; lists
provide name and general age category (twelve to sixteen and sixteen to fifty).
Cabell family papers, 1739–1996. 20 items. Mss1C1118b.
Consist of diaries, account books, land patents, and scattered correspondence of members
of the Cabell family of Nelson County. Section 2 contains diaries, 1851–1869, of Mayo
Cabell (1800–1869), merchant and planter, in some of which the births and deaths of
slaves and the distribution of clothes and food to slaves are recorded.
Cabell family papers, 1774–1941. 886 items. Mss1C1118a. Microfilm reels C543–
Although the bulk of this collection deals with the activities of the Virginia branch of the
Cabell family, the papers that concern slaves relate to the Florida plantation, Attatulga, in
Jefferson County, and those papers about freedmen and women concern a South Carolina
plantation in the Abbeville district.
Section 14 contains letters to Edward Carrington Cabell, owner of Attatulga, from the
overseer, W. Floyd. He describes the routine operation of the cotton plantation in the
1830s. Each of the eleven letters begins with at least a brief statement concerning the
health and physical condition of the slaves. Some letters provide more detail, as when
whooping cough and typhoid occurred. Births, deaths, sicknesses, and hirings are noted.
A September 1830 letter also lists slaves and the amounts of cotton attributed to each.
Section 16 contains deeds, 1848–1857, and bills of sale. An 1851 deed to Attatulga lists
approximately seventy slaves by name only. Notes dated 1857 concern the hire of
William Wooten and Peter Wooten; William died, and Peter ran away. Additional notes
detail the hiring of slave and free women and their training as domestics.
Sections 24 and 43 contain freedmen’s and women’s agreements to work a South
Carolina plantation as they had been accustomed to do before the Civil War. The former
contains a list by sex and share of each workers portion. The latter details what Charles
T. Haskell (owner) will provide and what the laborers promise.
Cabell family papers, 1808–1935. ca. 1,500 items. Mss1C1118cFA2.
Correspondence, financial and legal papers, and other miscellaneous records of members
of the Cabell family of Inglewood, Nelson County. Among a number of family members
represented is George Washington Cabell (1802–1869), and agreements, deeds, and
receipts of his dating from about 1825 to 1845 concern the purchase and hiring of a
number of slaves (series 3). In a miscellaneous folder late in the collection (series 7,
folder 100) may be found tax receipts relating to Nelson County, including one for real
property owned by Henry Scott, an African American. A supplementary finding aid to
this collection is maintained in hard copy in the library and may also be accessed online.
Cadwallader, John N., papers, 1860–1892. 43 items. Mss1C1158a.
Primarily consist of letters, 1861–1864, written by Anna Bell Cadwallader (later
Gregory) of Newtown (later Stephens City), Frederick County, to her brother John N.
Cadwallader (1839–1876) while he served in the Confederate States Army. In particular,
letters mention slaves running away to Union forces (30 March 1863). Anna supported
the Union initially and thought it was too much to give up simply to continue the system
of slavery.
Callis, Robert, receipt, 1817. 1 p. Mss2C1344a1.
Receipt, 23 December 1817, Mathews County, to William Armistead Billups for sale of
Peter, as a consequence of legal action.
Campbell, Archibald (d. 1774), letter, 1763. 1 p. Mss2C1522a1.
Letter, 12 May 1763, Norfolk, to Henry Tucker, Philadelphia, concerning a conviction
and death of the slave Charles.
Campbell, John, account, 1802. 1 p. Mss2C15268a1. Photocopy.
Account with Benjamin Mosby and Peter Tinsley concerning the sale of slaves by
Campbell as an agent for Buck and Brauder.
Campbell family papers, 1802–1879. 43 items. Mss2C1539b.
Members of the Campbell and Stewart families lived in Williamsburg and Fredericksburg
and also in Philadelphia, Pa. In section 1, Ferdinand Stewart Campbell Stewart writes to
his uncle John Campbell that he and his brother agree on the disposition of slaves in his
fathers estate, November 1815, and that he has arranged to hire out a slave in
Westmoreland County so as not to separate the slave from his family, October 1817.
Section 4 contains accounts concerning sale of dower slaves and hiring out of slaves.
Caperton family papers, 1729–1973. 1,004 items. Mss1C1716a.
Much of the material in this Monroe County (now W.Va.), family collection consists of
family correspondence and genealogical notes. Section 10 contains a photocopy of an
1865 slave pass for Lewis to join his master, John Caperton, in Petersburg. Section 22
contains an 1858 bill of sale for Claiborn in Mercer County (now W.Va.). Section 23
includes an undated letter to Henry Alexander of Monroe County from Sam Porter, a
freedman in Madison County, Miss., inquiring after old friends and family, especially his
Caroline County, enrolling office, certificate, 1864. 1 p. Mss4C22144a1.
Certificate, 26 October 1864, issued to John Baylor for impressment of two slaves, Paul
and Ferry, including estimated values of the slaves.
Carrington, Tucker (1800–1875), account book, 1868–1878. 116 pp.
Tucker Carrington kept this account book as trustee for R. H. Moss and Bro. of
Mecklenburg County. In addition to general accounts for the Mecklenburg County farm
(cattle, horses, and tools), it contains records of wages, share of crops, and charges for
individual hired hands. Accounts are itemized indicating amounts charged for food,
clothing, medical costs, and various household items. The type of work performed by
each laborer is often indicated.
Carrington family papers, 1744–1940. 5,068 items. Mss1C2358d. Microfilm reels
This collection contains a number of African American records. Certain affidavits dated
1846 and 1848 pertain to fugitive slaves (sections 13 and 34). An 1839 deed involving
Anne Cabell (Carrington) McPhail and John B. McPhail of Charlotte County concerns
forty slaves; names and family groups are indicated (section 14). An 1847 list of names
and ages covers approximately fifty slaves at Mulberry Hill (section 15). Another list,
1845–1849, reports a dozen slave births. These appear to be related to the same group of
slaves (section 62).
Section 39 includes an 1865 Confederate government receipt to Clement McPhail of
Halifax County for impressing the slave Watkins for labor; the verso provides valuation
and physical description of Watkins. In the same section are shoe accounts. Sections 39
and 41 contain labor agreements, 1865, for freedmen and women as field hands, a cook,
and a blacksmith.
Carrington family papers, 1755–1839. 83 items. Mss1C2358f.
The first part of this collection contains a number of Judge Paul Carrington’s account
books. The volume for 1755–1775 (section 2) contains lists of purchases and sales of
slaves, prices, ages, and mother’s names. Additional account books (in sections 5, 11, 14,
and 17) include lists of slaves identified by overseer or plantation (at Halifax or the Fork),
with shares of ownership designated. These lists appear on the last pages of each book
(except for section 17, where this information is located on page 12).
Letters written to Mary Venable (Carrington) Grigsby of Edgehill, Charlotte County
(section 26), include an 1834 letter from George Wilson McPhail, newly arrived in
Connecticut, comparing his impressions of New England with those of his Virginia
home. Among other things, he describes attitudes about slavery and abolition. A letter
from Elizabeth M. Nelson reveals nothing about the Southampton Insurrection (1831)
except for a postscript directing Grigsby to read about it in the newspapers. A September
1831 letter from Mary Elizabeth (McPhail) Smith in Norfolk describes her father’s
preparations during the unrest. An 1828 letter from Sarah L. W. (otherwise unidentified)
includes two brief sentences about the creation of a colonization society in Richmond.
Carrington family papers, 1761–1954. 167 items. Mss1C2358c.
This collection contains several notes, ca. 1772, concerning Judge Paul Carrington’s
investment in fifty slaves imported to Bermuda Hundred and the distribution of shares in
the partnership formed for the purchase and sale of the slaves (section 4).
Carrington family papers, 1817–1895. 334 items. Mss1C2358g.
Considerable detail on the hiring out arrangements for the slave Ephraim over a five-year
period appears in this collection (section 1). Henry Carrington of Ingleside, Charlotte
County, owned Ephraim, who was managed by Thomas Clement Read of Roanoke and
hired out in the Roanoke area. Arrangements were such that whatever Ephraim earned
above a certain amount could be kept for himself.
Carrington family papers, 1832–1884. 26 items. Mss1C2358e.
This collection includes an 1853 bond for the hire of seven male slaves to work on the
Richmond and Danville Railroad and provides for the employer to pay for runaway
expenses and doctors’ bills (section 2). A large group of lists, 1850–1865, of names, ages,
and maternal relationships cover approximately 150 slaves belonging to various members
of the Carrington family on Charlotte County plantations (section 3). An account book,
1862–1882, kept by Henry Alexander Carrington contains on the back page an 1861 list
of twenty slaves arranged by age and occupation (section 5). The same book also
includes scattered accounts for wages, sundries, and medicine for freedmen.
Carter, Charles (1707–1764), agreement, 1762. 1 p. Mss2C2453a2.
Agreement, 17 April 1762, between Charles Carter of King George County and John
Champe, also of King George County, pertaining to the marriage of Ann Carter and John
Champe, Jr.; Ann was to receive the slave Diana as a gift, and John Champe was to
receive land and unnamed slaves in Prince William County.
Carter, Frances, deed, n.d. 1 p. Mss11:2C2454:1. Imperfect.
Deed of trust to Claiborne Barksdale for slaves in Charlotte County.
Carter, Joseph (1697–1751), deed, 1739/40. 1 p. Mss2C2457a1.
Deed, 2 January 1740, of Joseph Carter to James Davis of Spotsylvania County for the
slave man Robin and woman Bet.
Carter, Robert (1728–1804), account book, 1769–1783. [84], [62] pp.
This account book, maintained by Carter while living at Nomini Hall, Westmoreland
County, concerns the estate of Benjamin Tasker and includes records of the sale of slaves
at Belair, Prince Georges County, Md.
Carter, Robert (1728–1804), papers, 17601815. 12 items. Mss1C2465a. Microfilm
reel C222.
Letterbooks, account books, land books, and books of prayer kept by the planter Robert
Carter III of Westmoreland County. A letterbook covering the early 1770s makes several
references to the slaves belonging to the Baltimore Iron Works, in which Carter planned
to buy an interest. Of particular note is a December 1772 reference to Mr. Randall’s
claim against the government for the loss of the slave Moses, who escaped from the
public jail. In October 1773, Carter arranges for the hire of a baker, Samuel, and refers to
the current practice of owners being chargeable for clothes and taxes of hired slaves.
An account book, 1773–1774 (section 3), concerns provisions for slaves at Nomini Hall,
Dicks Quarter, Billingsgate Quarter, Old Ordinary, and Coles Point. An account book,
1784–1787 (section 4), contains several entries for medical bills and blankets for slaves.
The account book covering 1785–1792 (section 5) includes entries for salt and tallow for
the slaves at Nomini Hall, Gemini, Taurus, Old Ordinary, and Coles Point. Entries for
James Harrison, overseer (l. 91), 1783–1785, refer to "tax on Aggy not tithable," and for
Frances Bell, mulatto (l. 106), include charges for her nursing services.
The 1802 land book (section 7) provides a general background on the transfer of land and
slaves at Nomini Hall for the eighteenth century, and page 29 makes reference to the
rental of Sagittarius with thirteen slaves in 1797 and removal of the slaves by 1798.
Carter, Robert (1774–1805), letter, 1803. 11 pp. Mss2C2466a1. Typescript.
Letter, 12 and 14 October 1803, to his children concerning his abhorrence of slavery, his
view that individual emancipation does not solve the social concerns of slavery, and an
isolated incident involving slaves. The letter is an apology and also contains advice for
his children.
Carter, Sarah S., diary, 1866. [22] pp. Mss5:1C2467:1.
Concerns a trip made by Sarah S. Carter from Philadelphia, Pa., to Baltimore, Md.,
Hampton, Petersburg, Richmond, and Williamsburg, Va., and Washington, D.C. A
companion on the trip, Sarah Cadbury, was on her way to Yorktown to teach at a school
for freedmen. Journal entries describe visits to freedmen’s school churches and
neighborhoods in York County and a tour of an African American church and hospital in
Carter, Thomas Henry (1831–1908), account book, 1859–1888. [464] pp.
Includes records of the purchase of land and farm animals in Louisiana in 1859 by
Thomas Nelson Carter, Thomas Henry Carter, and William Page Carter, as well as a
record of slaves sent from Pampatike, King William County, and Clarke County, Va.,
presumably to Louisiana, ca. 1859. Another section of the volume, maintained 1874–
1888, bears accounts with agricultural workers and house servants, some African
American, indicating days worked and wages earned while at Pampatike.
Carter, Thomas Henry (1831–1908), account book, 1869–1872. [120] pp.
Includes records of wages and rations of agricultural laborers, plantation overseers, and
house servants (some African American). Kept at Pampatike, King William County.
Carter family papers, 1651–1861. 2,556 items. Mss1C2468a. Microfilm reels C217–
Much of this particular family collection centers around the papers of Robert Carter
(1728–1804) and George Carter, prominent plantation owners in Virginia’s Northern
Neck, in particular the county of Westmoreland. Of special interest is Robert Carters
correspondence in 1792 and 1793, during which time he emancipated a number of his
slaves. George Carter of Baltimore, Md., and Oatlands in Loudoun County, however,
dealt extensively in buying and selling slaves.
The letterbook, 1727–1728, of an earlier Robert Carter (1663–1732) contains much
information regarding the buying and selling of slaves for Corotoman plantation in
Lancaster County. There is an index accompanying the volume (section 2). Inventories,
1733, of Carter’s estate include records for a number of plantations on the Northern
Neck. The inventories contain names, ages, trades, and some family groupings of slaves.
(A typescript is available; this information has been published in the Virginia Magazine
of History and Biography, 6 and 7 [1898–1899]).
Simon Sallard sent his reports, 1732–1739, as overseer for Nomini Hall plantation to
John Carter of Corotoman and briefly reported on the health of the plantation hands at the
close of each document (section 12).
The correspondence of Robert Carter III (section 22) contains much information about
attitudes toward slavery, social obligations pertaining to slavery and emancipation of
slaves, individual slaveowners’ obligations toward slaves (letters of Samuel Jones,
Thomas Carneal), concerns of overseers who must manage slaves who are awaiting
freedom during a "phased" emancipation plan, some of whom run away (letters of
Littleberry Apperson, Christopher Collins), Pennsylvania’s emancipation plan (Samuel
Jones), renting land to freed African Americans, buying, selling, and hiring slaves to keep
husbands and wives together (Christopher Collins), and a specific instance of abuse of
slaves by a family member (report of Benjamin Dawson). John Jack of Hampshire
County (now W.Va.) details his concerns for a boy being sold for life whose mother was
freed by Robert Carter. The boy had lived in Maryland with Carter; Jack implies that this
circumstance provides freedom. Nicholas Ridgely Warfield of Maryland relates the story
of Thomas Mahoney, who was sold by the Baltimore Company to ten subscribers to
obtain his freedom; some of the subscribers defaulted, and by 1802 there was evidence
that perhaps Mahoney was born free. The court case was dragging, and interest was
accruing on the loans.
Section 23 contains accounts, some for shoes bought and repaired in bulk, for delivery of
babies, bleeding slaves for medical reasons, and hirings (see accounts for 1771, 1790, and
1792). In section 36 are several lists. A 1775 list of "census" information at Nomini Hall
includes sixty-two inhabitants by color (including white), trade, and age; white males in
service have the number of years served indicated as well. There is also a 1784 Nomini
Hall list of tithables and a 1789 Aries plantation list of tithables, in which slaves are
grouped by family.
Two bills of lading, both 1774 (section 38), show schooners sailing between Nomini and
Norfolk mastered by African Americans: Cesar (of the Bess) and William Lawrence, a
mulatto, of the Harriet. A number of affidavits (section 40) attest to the character of
William Powell as a compassionate and goodnatured overseer. Another affirms that
Edmund Henry, although born a slave, is to live with the Robert Carter family in
Maryland as a family member. Another (Peck, 1792) states that Peck is no longer
responsible for the maintenance of Abraham and Betty, property of Robert Carter. A
1792 memorandum also indicates that certain slaves at various Westmoreland plantations
of Robert Carter are to enjoy their own discretion and judgment for renting land and
hiring themselves out.
Correspondence of George Carter (section 52) includes letters from Peter Durting,
William Forbes, and George Whitelock, describing purchases and sales of a number of
slaves; some of the business transactions aroused suspicions, in particular the sale of Joe
(see Whitelock letters).
Cary family papers, 1844–1968. 1,360 items. Mss1C2597b.
Papers of the Cary family of Hampton and Richmond. Section 1 contains a Civil War
letter written by Columbia H. Hudgins Cary (of Hampton) concerning her need for
servants and a letter, July 1861, by John B. Cary concerning his inability to remove
servants from Hampton. Correspondence of John B. Cary with George A. Magruder, Jr.,
discusses a citizens desire to reclaim slaves from Fortress Monroe. Section 2 contains a
receipt for the sale of a female slave to John B. Cary. Section 9 includes correspondence
of Maria Barry (Abert) Cary concerning her interest in an incident in Georgia involving
an employee of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company who tortured an African
American girl for petty theft (includes correspondence with the Atlanta Journal
Constitution regarding the incident and news of the court case). Section 19 includes a
letter written by W. Gordon McCabe concerning his impressions of Charleston, S.C., and
its African American population during the Civil War.
Cedar Park Farm, Middlesex County, papers, 1783–1941. 8 items. Mss2C4621b.
This collection contains a complaint in chancery (copy), 1825, of William Woodford,
David Woodford, Corbin Lane [an infant], and Daphney West, freed slaves formerly
belonging to Maj. James Ross, against Ross’s administrator, John Chinn, calling for the
division of the Cedar Park property. These materials include the court’s decree ordering a
commission to lay off forty acres, including the spring, for Daphney West and divide the
remainder among the other complainants, with William Woodford to receive the dwelling
house and David Woodford to receive the blacksmith’s shop. Also included is a deed of
trust, 1836, of Richard C. Muse to Fortius Q. Keiningham to land in Middlesex County
and partial title to a slave woman named Ruth for the benefit of Walter Healy and
Thomas Muse.
A Celebration of Freedom, Nomini Hall, Westmoreland County, papers, 1991. 64
items. Mss3C3304a.
Include speeches, news releases, photographs, and other miscellaneous items concerning
the two hundredth anniversary of the manumission of the slaves of Robert Carter
(17281804) of Nomini Hall plantation in Westmoreland County.
Chamberlayne family papers, 1821–1938. 2,940 items. Mss1C3552c. Microfilm reels
This collection includes a deed, 2 January 1861, of E. P. Chamberlayne to his mother,
Martha Burwell (Dabney) Chamberlayne, for the slave Otway, son of Molly (section 31).
An 1864 letter of Benjamin Stoddert Ewell (1810–1894) to John M. Speed of Lynchburg
asks Speed to see that the slave bearing the letter is allowed to be hired in Lynchburg and
stay with his mother. The slave was formerly attached to General Joseph Eggleston
Johnston’s headquarters near Atlanta (section 69).
Chambliss, John Randolph (1809–1875), letter, 1863. 3 pp. Mss4C7a3. Photocopy.
Letter, 27 January 1863, Richmond, to the president of the Confederate States of
America, addressing concerns about slaves impressed to work on fortifications, in
particular, Chambliss believes that certain counties have a higher runaway rate than do
other counties.
Chandler family of Caroline County, papers, 1757–1851. 49 items. Mss2C3616b.
Include an inventory, 1822, listing approximately twenty-five slaves with name, age, and
value, belonging to the estate of William Chandler (item b8). Also include an agreement,
1811, concerning Samuel Chiles’s sale of four slaves to Farish Coleman, providing
names of the slaves sold (item b11).
Chappawamsic Baptist Church, Stafford County, records, 17661919. 2 vols.
These two volumes contain lists of members, dates of baptism, notations of owners or
free status for African American members, dates of meetings, preachers, and texts. The
first volume contains additional details of reasons for church censure of members and
thus recounts much of the members’ social lives. The records document much interaction
between members and nonmembers, regardless of color.
Chappelear family papers, 1803–1998. 429 items. Mss1C3688a.
Concerns the Chappelear and related Baird, Leake, and Snead families of Culpeper,
Rappahannock, and Fauquier counties. Section 3 contains a receipt, dated 1841,
concerning John Chappelear (of Fauquier County) and the hiring of two slaves, Eliza and
Charles. Section 4 contains the legal notes, 1855–1857, of James Pendleton Chappelear
(also of Fauquier County), two of which concern the hiring of African American
servants. A photograph of a slave belonging to Eveline Archer (Leake) Binford is located
in section 11.
Charles City County, Court, records, 1802. 5 items. Mss4C3808b.
A set of writs of execution concerning the satisfaction of debts. The writ issued against
William Spraggins bears a note indicating the satisfaction of the debt by the seizing of
Lucy, an African American slave, and her subsequent sale.
Charles City County, records, 1642–1842. 77 items. Mss3C3807a.
Manuscript records removed from the courthouse of Charles City County in 1862 by the
father of Arthur G. Fuller, who served as an officer in the United States Army. Included
in the records are affidavits, appraisals, bonds, complaints, deeds, indentures, inventories,
judgments, marriage bonds, fragments of order books, petitions, receipts, and wills from
Charles City County. Include a 1693 affidavit of Dudley Digges and others in Warwick
County to Governor Sir Edmund Andros concerning the imprisonment of the slave Frank
for questioning concerning a slave uprising (item a57); a 1780 receipt issued by Samuel
Wills of Warwick County to Matthew Wills for the sale of two women slaves (a72); and
an 1831 bond of George W. Macrae covering the hire of the slave Clary and her child
Charlotte County, records, 1763–1896. 1,003 items. Mss3C3815a.
Section 140 contains several lists; the first folder holds 1860 lists of slaves and records
owner, age, sex, color, fugitive status (whether fugitive or manumitted), presence of any
disabilities (deaf, dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic), and the number of slave houses
provided by the slaveowner; the second folder contains lists, n.d., of road hands, some
designated as African American; and a third folder concerns delinquent taxes, 1881,
listing African Americans separately.
Chimborazo School, Richmond, Va., register, 1868–1869. 1 vol. Mss4C442a1.
This register was kept by the teacher, Elizabeth Cartland, a Quaker from New Hampshire.
The volume is a pre-printed formbook that includes names and ages for approximately
seventy students at this school for African Americans. Daily attendence was also
recorded, along with subjects taught.
Chinn, Rawleigh (d. 1816), will, 1816. 3 pp. Mss2C4415b.
Will, 13 May 1816, probated in Loudoun County, including 1843 affidavits concerning
the ownership of the slave women Judy and Eliza by Chinn’s daughters Elizabeth Wilson
and Lucy Beveridge.
Christian, Ann Webster Gordon (1837–1894), diary, 1860–1867. [138] pp.
This diary was kept before her marriage by Ann Webster Gordon in Richmond and
Staunton, and while the author traveled in the state of Mississippi. It concerns her life as
an educator, governess, and religious teacher of slaves. Along with her comments on
slavery in Mississippi, the diary includes a list of slaves who attended Sunday School in
Richmond and their masters.
Christian, George Llewellyn (1841–1923), letter, 1904. 1 p. Mss2C4623a2.
Letter to the editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 4 November 1904, concerning
slavesfidelity to their masters at the end of the Civil War. Bears letter, 11 February
1865, of Dr. F. W. Hancock analyzing a poll taken of seventy-two slaves.
Chrystie, Thomas (1753?–1812), papers, 1783–1818. 421 items. Mss1C4695a.
The correspondence of this Hanover County physician (section 1) contains many
scattered notes requesting his services for slaves, and his accounts confirm that aspect of
his medical practice. Of particular note is an 1811 letter he wrote to Philip Croxton in
response to mistreatment of Chrystie’s slave Bob, details of the injuries, and Chrystie’s
intent to sue for damages. Correspondence in 18051806 with John Simpson and Conrad
Webb provides details on indenturing the slave James with Simpson, a saddle and harness
maker in Petersburg, an arrangement that proved unsuitable. An 1813 note from Michael
Hancock of Richmond to Benjamin Oliver of Hanover Town asks Oliver to be alert for
Billy, a fugitive slave (section 8).
Chrystie, Thomas (1753?–1812), papers, 1784–1811. 15 items. Mss2C4695b.
Additional papers of the Hanover County physician. Include an 1807 letter of John Hill
concerning the hiring out of an enslaved carpenter, an 1811 letter of Edward Hundley
concerning medical care for his slave Billy, and accounts concerning the medical
treatment of slaves and the payment of taxes on land, slaves, and other property.
Claiborne family papers, 1665–1911. 3,671 items. Mss1C5217b. Microfilm reels
C295–297 and C586–589.
The papers of this Richmond family primarily consist of the correspondence and legal
papers of planters and lawyers. A 1760–1761 inventory of John Herbert’s estate in
Chesterfield County includes approximately twenty slaves and valuations, and a 1797
affidavit concerns the purchase of twelve slaves from Augustine Claibornes estate
(section 2). An undated note for the division of twenty slaves of Herbert Claiborne’s
estate contains names and values (section 6).
Section 27 consists of the correspondence of Herbert Augustine Claiborne. Letters, 1840,
of Lucian C. Browne concern a misunderstanding on the part of Mary Dudley over a deed
of trust pertaining to two of her slaves. In section 38, the 1840 will of Peter Spain, a free
African American in Richmond, provides for the emancipation of his wife and division of
his estate between her and his two free sisters of Petersburg. He also makes provision for
a free boy, John Finney, who lives with him. Included in the same section is Spain’s
notice to the sheriff of Kanawha County (now W.Va.) for failure to return funds for a writ
issued out of the Henrico County court.
Section 40 contains two judgments, 1845–1846, against a freedman, Joseph R. Dailey of
Richmond, on claims of $38–$90 by two New York companies. Section 45 contains an
1865 lease of Herbert A. Claiborne to Edward Davenport, a freedman, for a two-horse
stable at Broad and 11th streets in Richmond.
Clark, Adèle (18821983), papers, 1882–1983. ca. 900 items. Mss1C5472aFA2.
Clark, noted artist and suffragist, participated in a variety of political activities. Among
her papers (box 2) is a folder labeled "Racial Issues, 1915–1955," which includes an
interview, ca. 1915–1920, with a former slave from Maryland, who as a youth escaped
and joined the U.S. Army during the Civil War. Also included in the folder is material
relating to twentieth-century events.
Clarke County Colored Horse Show Association, Berryville, records, 19201923. 1
vol. Mss4C5585a1.
Ledger, 19201923, of the Clarke County Colored Horse Show Association (Berryville,
Va.). The constitution states that the groups objective was to encourage thrift and the
better breeding of good horses among colored people of this country (p. 12). The volume
contains the associations constitution, order of business, minutes, roll call, list of
premiums paid, and miscellaneous account information. The minutes describe the
structure of meetings, election of officers, plans to raise money for premiums, logistics of
running a horse show, and plans for a banquet. Secretary Benjamin Layton (b. 1883?) and
Corresponding Secretary Hayes W. Brown (b. 1878?) appear to be the main keepers of
the ledger. At its peak, the club numbered approximately 35 members.
Clarke, Herman R. (19072002), Autobiography of Eighty-four Years, 1990. 1 vol.
Autobiography of Herman R. Clarke of Richmond, who graduated from Armstrong High
School in 1924 and worked several jobs before obtaining a scholarship from the Second
Baptist Church to study at Virginia Union University. He graduated with a degree in
religion and languages in 1932. In the following decades, he taught and served as
principal at a private school and in many public schools in counties including
Buckingham, Goochland, and Mecklenburg. He became an ordained minister and served
as pastor of several churches including Bethany Baptist Church in Charles City County,
Washington Street Baptist Church in Bedford, and Hartsville Baptist Church in Lancaster
County. His teaching career took him back to Richmond, where he taught at Maymont
Middle School, a pilot school for desegregation. He married Elmira Sarah Kenney and
had two daughters, Frances Clarke and Ophelia (Clarke) Patterson.
The manuscript describes Clarkes childhood living on West Moore Street in Newtowne,
an African American neighborhood in Richmond, his educational goals, and his career
path. He reflects on the influences in his life, his experiences with racial discrimination,
and memories of the Civil Rights Movement. The autobiography provides a glimpse into
early twentieth-century social conditions in Virginia, commenting on racial tensions in
Bedford, Lynchburg, and Richmond.
Clarke family papers, 1811–1898. 149 items. Mss1C5587c.
Members of the Clarke family were merchants in Richmond and surrounding areas.
Augustus Burfoot Clarke was also a teacher involved with the Southern Baptist
Richardson Henry Griffith writes Augustus Clarke from Washington, D.C., about the
difficulties of transporting slaves into the District of Columbia and the resulting
ownership issues. An 1861 letter from Clarke’s sister Julia Ann (Clarke) Childrey
mentions the slaves’ concerns that more corn should be planted because of the war
(section 2). An 1841 account concerns a doctor’s fee for visiting Jenny (section 4).
Clarke’s postwar essay (damaged) describes his views on the conditions of African
American life (section 6).
Clarke family papers, 1815–1938. 761 items. Mss1C5587a.
Members of this Richmond family include hardware merchants and a Baptist minister
and college professor. Section 21 contains an 1816 letter of John Clarke of Powhatan
County to Frederick Clarke, concerning the unauthorized departures and absences of five
of John’s slaves in Frederick’s care. In section 54 is a badly damaged list, 18331847, of
approximately twenty-five slave births, with some deaths indicated.
Clay, Henry (1777–1852), papers, 1826–1842. 18 items. Mss2C5794b.
Include a letter written by Joseph Richardson of Hingham, Mass., to Clay concerning the
possible circulation of Clay’s recent speech on slavery and Richardson’s opposition to the
abolitionist movement.
Clay family papers, 1769–1951. 181 items. Mss1C5795a.
The more prominent members of this central Virginia family include the Reverend
Charles Clay (1745–1820) of Albemarle and Chesterfield counties and Odin Green Clay
(1795?–1882) of Campbell County and Lynchburg.
The Reverend Charles Clay’s account book, 1773–1818 (section 1), contains scattered
entries concerning the hire of slaves (mostly Suckey). Section 3 contains several 1864
receipts and valuations for slaves of Odin Clay impressed by Confederate authorities for
building fortifications near Lynchburg. An 1861 list of thirty-six slaves owned by DeWitt
Clinton Clay at Tomahawk Creek in Campbell County provides names and ages by
family units (section 5). A commonplace book, ca. 1855, of an unknown compiler
contains newspaper clippings on religion, slavery, and abolitionism. In the back is a list
of eight slave families, including ages of family members (section 12).
Clayton family papers, 1852–1865 (bulk 1861–1865). 104 items. Mss1C5796a.
Civil Warera papers of the Clayton and related Semmes families of Georgia. Section 1
contains a letter of Gen. Paul Jones Semmes (of Wilkes County, Ga.) in which he
discusses that Federal troops stole some of his slaves in Georgia and that he had to
abandon operations on his plantation because of harassment by Union forces. Section 2
contains a letter, 1863 February 10, concerning William Harris Clayton’s need for a
servant and a letter, 1863 April 17, discussing his capture of a free African American
who had been helping Northern troops.
Clemmitt family papers, 18351933. 13 items. Mss1C5915a.
Miscellaneous papers relating to the Clemmitt and related Freeman families of Richmond
and Henrico County, Va. The collection chiefly consists of the writings of Thomas
Clemmitt, Jr. (18531934), receipts, and deeds to land in the city of Richmond belonging
to William Freeman (b. 1805?). Items of interest include a fine, 1839, against William
Freeman for permitting a slave, Dabney Smith, to go at large, and a bill of sale, 1843, of
John Hutcheson to William Freeman for a slave named Amanda. Also of interest is
Clemmitts biography of his father, Thomas Clemmitt, Sr. (18251873), reflecting on the
effects of Reconstruction in Richmond and the increased racial tensions that followed. He
describes a confrontation between former slaves and soldiers over the possession of a
business building on the southern border of the city.
Cobb, Daniel William (1811–1872), diaries, 1842–1872. 25 vols. Mss5:1C6334:1–25.
Microfilm reels C238–240.
The diaries of this Southampton County planter provide information about agricultural
operations in general. Several 1842 entries express concern about unrest and an
anticipated insurrection in Petersburg (pages 100, 116). Cobb’s 1867 diary contains
accounts for hired hands on the back pages, in addition to the usual description of
agricultural operations. The diary for 1868 contains an entry that describes an incident at
the court involving an African American sentenced to four years in the penitentiary (page
Cocke, Philip St. George (1809–1861), formbooks, 1854–1871. 6 vols. Mss1C6455a.
This collection of formbooks contains the plantation manager’s daily record of activities
at Beldale and Belmead in Powhatan County. The first part of each book contains a
printed block of general guidelines for plantation and farm management, including
information on the treatment of slaves, discipline, illness, appropriate clothing and
provisions, rules of conduct for slaves, curfews, yard and quarters maintenance, passes,
permission to marry, Sunday inspections, morning roll calls, patrols, and restrictions on
alcoholic beverages. Following this is a section of agricultural guidelines, which include
daily work expections for plowmen, masons, and sawyers. The second part of each book
consists of a collection of forms for the manager to complete as needed (inventory forms
for slaves, livestock, and tools), followed by the daily record of work. The specific years
on record for these two Powhatan County plantations are for Belmead, 1854, 1861, 1866,
1868, and 1871; and for Beldale, 1863.
Cocke family papers, 1742–1976. 245 items. Mss1C6458c. Microfilm reel C399.
Include a cookbook, 1834–1836 (item c11), of Mary Burton Augusta (Bolling) Banister,
kept in Petersburg. Endpapers record a handful of slave births. (The cookbook also
contains a layout of the kitchen, likely used by the family’s cook.)
Cocke family papers, 1770–1860. 1,840 items. Mss1C6458b. Microfilm reels C395
This collection houses the papers of the Amelia County branch of the Cocke family. Most
of the papers deal with Woodland plantation in that county. A number of slave lists
appear in an account book that covers 1772–1847 (section 2), including births and deaths
of slaves at Woodland, along with several accounts with freemen and some hiring
accounts. An undated list of slaves belonging to James Powell Cocke includes twenty-
seven names grouped into four families (section 29). Three deeds of trust of James
Powell Cocke also pertain to slaves (section 26).
A 1793 agreement of Stephen Cocke (section 9) provides for his slave Absalom to work
for Charles Hutchenson at the blacksmith trade and for Cocke to provide tools,
provisions, and lodgings for both in return for a share of the income from the business.
Cocke family papers, 1794–1981. ca. 2,950 items. Mss1C6458dFA2. Microfilm reel
Among the papers of Elizabeth Preston Cocke are references to the family maid,
including a school composition entitled "Mammy." In the correspondence of her mother,
Elizabeth Bernard (Meredith) Cocke, is a letter from M. F. Clay, a family maid (box 9,
folder 1 of the correspondence), and a later account of the maid’s attempt to save the life
of Cocke when hit by a car (in the last folder of the correspondence series).
Box 15 includes correspondence with the Junior League and with the Volunteer Service
Bureau. The third folder (of six) pertaining to the Junior League contains a program with
an image of an African American woman on the front. The records of the Volunteer
Service Bureau are contained in three folders, in the first of which is information
regarding efforts to recruit African American interviewers for the African American
volunteer applicants.
Coffin, Levi (1789–1877), letter, 1849. 4 pp. Mss2C6546a1. Photocopy.
Letter, 11 March 1849, written in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Emory D. Coffin, New Garden,
N.J., concerning the Society of Friends’ efforts to secure the freedom of James Carr of
North Carolina, who had been sold into slavery.
Coleman family papers, 1805–1922. 294 items. Mss1C6773c.
Concerns the Coleman family of Dinwiddie County, Va., and Todd County, Ky. Section
4 includes a deed, 1825, of Williamson Coleman (of Dinwiddie County) to Edwin
Newman Coleman concerning the sale of slaves.
Coleman family papers, 1856–1883. 230 items. Mss1C6773a. Microfilm reel C274.
The papers in this family collection focus on the Williamsburg physician Charles
Washington Coleman (18261894). Among several letters to his wife, Cynthia Beverley
(Tucker) Washington Coleman (section 8), those of Robert Cole of Williamsburg provide
basic information on the hire of Martha for 1858 and 1859 and on a visit during that time.
Letters of Alfred L. Holladay of Richmond describe the same type of hire for Myra in
1861 and 1862.
Coles, Elizabeth (1791–1865), diary, 1829. 58 pp. Mss5:1C6795:1.
Kept at Enniscorthy, Albemarle County, in David Richardson’s Virginia and North
Carolina Almanack for the Year 1829 (Richmond, [1828]), containing brief notations for
slaves, mostly pertaining to the distribution of supplies.
Comfort family papers, 1848–1900. 174 items. Mss1C7345a. Microfilm reels C499–
Includes receipts, 1858, to Daniel McIntosh of Thomas County, Ga., for the slave
George, with age, color, and health indications, and an unnamed slave girl (section 2).
Compton family papers, 1839–1924. 102 items. Mss1C7398a.
Primarily concerns the family of Thomas A. Compton (1802?–1861), who moved from
Virginia to the Vicksburg, Mississippi, area, where Thomas took up farming and
mercantile operations. Some materials reflect generally on the use of enslaved and free
labor in cotton growth and production. A letter from H. Gibbon in 1853 discusses a legal
case in which Compton disputed the title to a slave bought in Baltimore, Maryland, that
was allegedly intended for an owner in New Orleans, Louisiana (section 1). An 1864
letter of W. C. Compton, of Freestone County, Texas, to Thomas’s widow, Eliza (Shaw)
Compton (b. 1805?), concerns safe passage for a slave, Alex, who was being sent by her
son Charles, then serving in the Confederate Army, to deliver letters to family members
(section 1). Correspondence, 1851–1861, of one of Compton’s daughters, Eleanora V.
Compton (b. 1830?), includes an 1860 letter from her sister Mary, who attended a concert
given by an African American pianist, Blind Tom, while an undated missive from her
brother Walter, who was attending Centenary College in Jackson, Louisiana (now in
Shreveport) contains inquiries regarding the punishment of a runaway slave named Buck,
who was recaptured. He also mentions establishments in Jackson that were open on the
Sabbath and traded with African Americans (section 2). An 1852 letter from Walter to his
sister Mary mentions the attack on and murder of an African American youth by one of
Walters fellow students at Centenary, while a letter in 1866 mentions his difficulties in
utilizing black laborers in Texas because of problems in working with the Freedmen’s
Bureau (section 2).
Confederate States of America. Army. Department of Henrico, pass, 1863. 1 p.
Pass, dated 6 August 1863, Richmond, issued to Mr. [?] Gresham to visit military prisons
to identify African Americans.
Confederate States of America. Army. Department of Henrico, records, 1861–1864.
922 items. Mss3C7604a. Microfilm reels C589–591.
These records largely concern military and civilian prisoners held in military prisons and
hospitals in Richmond. Section eight contains letters written to Thomas Pratt Turner
(1841–1900) as commander of Confederate military prisons in Richmond and includes a
letter from Daniel Brinkley of Nansemond County requesting the release of Jesse
Langston, a free African American.
Confederate States of America. Army. Department of Northern Virginia. Engineers
Office, letterbook, 1861. 325–337 pp. Mss4C7a8.
Pages 325, 331, and 337 of the letterbook concern African American laborers in the
Confederate Army.
Confederate States of America. War Department, pass, 1865. 1 p. Mss4C7609a1.
Pass, 16 February 1865, Richmond, issued to Bob, slave of John C. Maynard, to visit
King and Queen County. The printed form bears handwritten completions for age, height,
and color.
Conn, Francis K., bond, 1824. 1 p. Mss2C7624a1.
Bond, 29 January 1824, to Charles C. Johnston, to pay $50 for hire of a young boy,
payable in Tennessee bank notes, specifying clothing allowance and providing for the
payment of taxes on the slave.
Conrad, Holmes (1840–1916), papers, 1794–1959. 392 items. Mss1C7637a.
Microfilm reel B13.
Includes an agreement, 1833, between Robert Conrad and D. H. Conrad concerning
ownership of Silvia and her three children, Silvia’s choice of owner, and her annuity
(section 25).
Conrad, Robert Young (1805–1875), papers, 1850–1944. 156 items. Mss1C7638a.
The papers of a Winchester lawyer primarily concern Virginia’s 1861 convention and
deal with secession. Many of the notes (for which a typescript is also available) deal with
abolitionism secondarily. About three pages of 1861 notes pertain to the distinction
between manslaughter and premeditated murder, for use in the defense of George, a slave
(section 2).
Converse, Charles S., comp., Memorial of Amasa Converse, D.D. [107] pp.
Materials concern the life of Amasa Converse (1795–1872), who was editor of the
Christian Observer (newspaper of Richmond) from 1827 until his death. Include
autobiographical sketch, abstract of will written in Richmond, biographical sketch by
Rev. L. P. Yandell, M.D., obituary notices, and printed articles. Collection offers insight
into the educational system of the early 1800s, the division of the Presbyterian church
over the issue of slave ownership, and the development of the Presbyterian publication,
the Christian Observer.
Cooke, Giles Buckner (1838–1937), diary, 1863. 1 vol. Mss5:1C7745:10. Microfilm
reel C593.
One of a series of diaries kept by a Confederate officer serving in the Army of Western
Virginia, this particular volume makes a passing mention of witnessing the hanging of a
slave (belonging to an army man) while in Saltville on 7 July. The lynching mob believed
the slave had raped a white woman.
Cooke, Giles Buckner (1838–1937), papers, 1829–1946. 334 items. Mss1C7752b.
Largely concern the service of Giles Buckner Cooke in the Confederate States Army and
his career serving as an Episcopalian minister in North East, Md., Mathews Court House,
and Portsmouth, Va., much of which focuses on his religious work among African
Americans. Among Cookes correspondence, 1861–1936, in section 1 is also a letter from
Thomas Underwood Dudley, who wrote to Cooke concerning Episcopalian missionary
work among African Americans in Louisville, Ky.
Cooke, Giles Buckner (1838–1937), papers, 1864–1937. 157 items. Mss1C7752a.
Cooke was a former Confederate Army staff officer and an Episcopal clergyman from
Mathews County who served in Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky following the war.
Cooke kept a diary every year, fifty-eight volumes of which survive in this collection for
the years 1872–1927. During that period he served for twelve years as rector of St.
Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Petersburg, the first regularly constituted black Episcopal
church in Virginia. During that period he was involved in the education of freedmen. A
letter of African American clergyman George Freeman Bragg in 1908 (section 2) reviews
the early history of St. Stephen’s Church, the rectorship of Alexander W. Weddell, and
the construction of a church building with funds channeled through the Freedmen’s
Bureau. Section 6 contains Cooke’s undated notes for a speech on the freedmen of the
South, based on his own experiences.
Coolidge, Joseph (1798–1879), memorandum, [1826?]. 3 pp. Mss2C7784a2.
Notes concerning the loss of Thomas Jefferson’s fortune, incidentally mentioning his
slaves in general.
Coons family papers, 1828–1982. 1,208 items. Mss1C7835a.
This collection of a Culpeper County family is fairly representative of the papers of
smaller estate owners in nineteenth-century Virginia. References to African Americans
are few, but notes in section 5 concern the hire of Solomon for help in the construction of
North Cliff in Culpeper County. Section 27 includes the lots drawn by Clarke Hume
Thompson from an unidentified 1857 estate containing twelve slaves. In the same section
is an 1862 bond of F. McCarthy to Thompson for the hire of a slave at $30 per month.
Cooper, Samuel (1798–1876), letter, 1864. 4 pp. Mss2C7876a1. Photocopy.
Written from Richmond to Sarah Maria (Mason) Cooper concerning hiring out
arrangements to be made for several domestic slaves, Davie, Christine, and Henrietta.
The slavesspecific skills are also discussed.
Cooper family papers, 1786–1910. 161 items. Mss1C7887a.
Primarily the papers of General Samuel Cooper (1798–1876) of Cameron, Fairfax
County, while serving in the United States and Confederate States armies. Include a
letter, [1857], of Maria Mason (Cooper) Wheaton to her brother Samuel Mason Cooper
concerning the funeral of their grandmother Anna Maria (Murray) Mason of Alexandria
and the disposition of her enslaved servants (section 5).
Corbin, Richard (1714–1790), papers, 17671797. 13 items. Mss2C8114b.
The second folder of section 2 contains a list of slaves at Moss Neck, Caroline County,
and Richland Quarter, King and Queen County, as of 18 May 1778 listing men, women,
and children, with ages provided for children. Deaths occurring in the past year are noted.
Corr family papers, 1688–1975. 145 items. Mss1C8177a.
Most of these papers concern nineteenth-century family members from King and Queen
County. In section 7 is a single item of African American interest: an 1838 deed of
Anthony G. Shackelford to Thomas Corr containing valuations for three men and three
women slaves in the division of the estate of George Shackelford.
Cottrell family papers, 1806–1862. 3 items. Mss2C8297b. Photocopies.
This collection includes two letters concerning slavery, including one to Mary Jerdone
(Denton) Cottrell of Ellerslie, Henrico County, concerning slave children on the
plantation, and a second to Thomas Mitchell concerning the purchase of a slave named
Isham. Originals in private hands.
Couper Marble Works, Norfolk, records, 1848–1942. c. 32,500 items. Mss3C8325a.
This successful Norfolk business, founded in 1848, operated until 1981 (and was later
known as Couper Memorial Works). It specialized in the import and carving of stone for
construction and cemetery monuments. Among the extensive records of the firm,
including letterbooks, account books, contracts, and loose financial papers, is information
regarding the hiring of slaves to work for the company during the late antebellum period.
Cox, John (d. 1793), appraisal, [1791]. 1 p. Mss2C8396a1.
An appraisal of the estate of Edward Cox of Powhatan County, prepared by John Cox,
James Bagbey, Anthony Minter, and Samuel White for the Powhatan County Court,
includes listings and monetary evaluations of slaves, along with other personal property.
Craig, Robert, letter, 1800. 1 p. Mss2C8447a1.
Letter, dated 22 December 1800, from Craig to John Marshall concerning William
Claiborne of Manchester and an exchange of land and slaves in Buckingham County,
Manchester, and Richmond.
Craig House Art Center, Richmond, records, 1938–1941. 250 items. Mss3C8443a.
This collection comprises the records of a fine arts association in Richmond as collected
by the treasurer, Emily Thomason. The center was located in a restored APVA property,
the Craig House. Its primary purpose was to promote an interest in fine arts among
African Americans in the Richmond community. In addition to lectures by prominent
artists, the center also offered classes in such subjects as painting, commercial art,
sculpture, woodworking and carving, and music and dancing. The collection includes
treasurers’ reports, annual summaries, guides to exhibits (including brief biographical
sketches of artists), schedules, minutes, and organizational charts. Correspondents
include Adèle Clark of the Virginia Arts Program, Arthur Durant (on establishing a trade
school program in upholstery), Zenobia Gilpin (concerning a garden party honoring
Marian Anderson), John Davis Hatch (for an excellent summary of the arts program),
Lettice Lee Woodward Whitlock Smith (a reminder that Craig House is not a trade
school), and Jesse M. Tinsely (of the Richmond Branch of the NAACP). The
miscellaneous file contains several photocopies of newspaper clippings about the center.
When the association dissolved, the board decided to give its remaining assets to Virginia
Union University’s Art Department.
Cravens, Addision (b. 1819?), affidavit, 1863. [2] pp. Mss2C8557a1.
Affidavit, dated 15 December 1863, Fort Smith, Ark., concerning enlistment in the U.S.
Army, Department of the Missouri, Second Colored Kansas Infantry Regiment, of
Addison Cravens (of Tazewell County, Va.).
Crenshaw family papers, 1807–1977. 120 items. Mss1C8635a.
This collection primarily focuses on the business enterprises and achievements of
Crenshaw family members of Richmond, including cotton and flour milling and trade in
iron and steel. Correspondence, dated between 1833 and 1838, of Lewis Dabney
Crenshaw (1817–1875) with his parents (section 1) includes references to a fire at the
tobacco factory of William Gray in Richmond, which employed a large number of
African American laborers (8 September 1833); the same letter also describes an attempt
by slaves to escape to freedom in the holds of schooners docked at Richmond. Lewis also
makes frequent references in this correspondence to his relationships with family slaves,
including Uncle Gabriel, Jenna, Reubin (his personal slave), and James (a former slave
who escaped to Boston, Mass.). Later correspondence, 1865–1869, of Lewis Crenshaw
and his son Lewis Dabney, Jr.(section 3), primarily concerns the effects of the fall of the
Confederacy and Richmond’s occupation by Federal forces. Writing to his mother,
Lewis, Jr. (b. 1845), specifically comments on fears of white Richmond residents about
living under an all-African American policy force, as proposed by the Union
commandant (30 March 1869). A series of transcriptions of letters now damaged,
missing, or still in private hands (section 4) includes a letter of Francis Graves, who
emigrated to Warren County, Ky., and wrote back to family members in Orange County
regarding violence among slaves and a planned murder plot by a slave named Jane
against her master, James Cowherd (25 November 1815). Also, a letter from Spotswood
Dabney Crenshaw (1787–1859) concerns a relationship between a free black man named
Buck and a slave named Lucy and offers the perspective of an owner concerned about the
welfare of a premature, sick infant born of their union (16 October 1821). Finally, an
undated letter by Spotswood Crenshaw provides his critical description of a meeting of
the American Colonization Society in Philadelphia run by abolitionist William Lloyd
Crew, A. M., list, [1861?]. 2 pp. Mss2C8676a1.
List of slave births occurring between 1822 and 1861 for slaves belonging to A. M. Crew,
including name, date of birth, and mother’s name.
Cropper, John (1755–1821), papers, 17791820. 396 items. Mss1C8835a. Microfilm
reel B14.
The papers of this prominent Accomack County planter contain several items of
correspondence of African American content. Sampson Mathews of Richmond asks
Cropper in 1775 to look for a slave girl accustomed to waiting on ladies, in addition to his
earlier request for four slaves, because his wife is now in need of a maid. Shortly after he
indicates that he also needs a carriage driver. He specifies what qualities he desires for
each of these slaves (section 1). A 1792 letter from William Seymour of Baltimore
concerns Luke, a runaway slave of Cropper. Luke had been committed to jail for robbery.
For a broader scope, Richard Drummond Bayly of Richmond comments on slavery as he
describes several bills before the Virginia legislature in 1805. With respect to the
nonimportation bill, Bayly adds his perspective on the African race in general. As to the
proposed prohibition on the emancipation of slaves, he writes it is inconsistent with the
national Bill of Rights concept of freedom. Taking away the hope of freedom could lead
to insurrections.
Cunningham, Richard Eggleston (1885–1932), papers, 1790–1978. 194 items.
Much of this collection consists of correspondence of several generations of a Richmond
mercantile family. Investments included several mills on the James River, as well as the
James River Canal Company. The only significant references to African Americans occur
in section 2, which contains a small series of estate records. In this section is an 1836
agreement concerning the division by lots of slaves belonging to the estate of Edward
Cunningham (1771–1836). The division concerns two properties, Hughes Creek in
Powhatan County and Howard’s Neck in Goochland County. Values are provided, and
several children and one cripple are noted. In addition, there is a typescript of an 1813
inventory of property of Richard Cunningham that includes four male and one female
Curles Neck, Henrico County, records, 1843–1848. 10 items. Mss4C9282b.
Includes lists of slaves, property, and crops, as well as goods received, at Curles Neck
and Tillmans, Henrico County. At the time, Curles Neck was owned by William Allen
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe (1805–1903), letter, 1859. 1 p. Mss2C9375a1.
Letter, 11 May 1859, Talladega, Ala., to Henry Alexander Wise in Richmond briefly
mentions teaching appropriate behavior to African American youths.
Curtis, Henry (1792–1862), papers, 1774–1865. 324 items. Mss1C9434a. Microfilm
reel C327.
In this collection are the personal papers of a Hanover County physician and a significant
number of medical documents, with a few legal papers. In section 5 is a deed of trust of
Dr. Henry Curtis to Parke Street for eleven slaves. An 1825 deed of trust in section 7
(William Richardson to Curtis) pertains to the slave James.
Curtis, Henry (1792–1862), papers, 1804–1857. 16 items. Mss2C9435b. Microfilm
reel C327.
In this collection of papers (pertaining to the same Hanover physician in the above entry)
are a number of bonds and accounts relating to the hire of several slaves: Dolly, 1840, for
$40; Humphrey, 1850, for $45; and Henry, 1814, for $60; an 1828–1829 account for the
hiring of Tom, Charles, Robin, and Anna; and an 1825 bond to Bowling Batkins
providing values for Old Tom, Charles, Robert, Anna, Becky, Eliza, and Sarah. An 1833
affidavit of John Pate concerns Tazewell Barkers capture of William, slave of Dr. Curtis.
Also included in the collection is a series of lists of slaves. Lists of slaves at Powhite
plantation, 1831–1845, include about twenty slaves by age and value. A list of Pitman
Kidd’s estate provides information about seventeen slaves, including age, value, parents,
and notes as to who is a carpenter, who is subject to fits, and who has varicose veins. In
1853, Dr. Curtis acquired a life insurance policy for Judy, issued by the Richmond Fire
Custis, John (1678–1749), agreement, 1712. 1 p. Mss2C9694a7 oversize. Photocopy.
Agreement, 25 April 1712, of John Custis and Frances (Parke) Custis with William Byrd
II, concerning a division of land in James City, New Kent, and York counties in Virginia
and Hampshire, England, and fifty slaves owned by Daniel Parke II, listing them by name
with some indicated by plantation affiliation.
Custis, Mary Lee (Fitzhugh) (1788–1853), papers. 3 items. Mss2C9695a.
This group contains several separately acquired items, two of which are pertinent for the
researcher of African American material. The first (item a1) is an 1831 letter of Mary Lee
(Fitzhugh) Custis to Mary Anna Randolph (Custis) Lee, which refers to the Southampton
Insurrection, the Liberator, edited in Boston, her opinion of northern attitudes and
abolitionism, and colonization, which she perceives as the only "proper" solution.
The second letter (item a2) has no date. It is from Lilly, a freed slave who writes to Mary
Custis, her former mistress, of her affection for Custis, her concern about Custis’s illness,
and her appreciation of Custis’s care when Lilly was ill herself the previous winter.
Custis, Mary Lee (Fitzhugh) (1788–1853), papers, 18181902. 8 items. Mss2C9695b.
In addition to being connected with several prominent Virginia families (Fitzhughs, Lees,
Meades, Randolphs), Mary Custis was an ardent supporter of the colonization efforts in
Liberia. In this collection is a series of correspondence with Bishop William Meade, in
which he speaks of his support for colonization and intention to free his own slaves, in
stages, to send to Liberia. An 1836 letter states that the Virginia Senate will consider
providing $800 for the colonization society; Meade sees this as a "test vote" on whether
the society will be able to expect official support in the future. An 1830 letter of Ann
Randolph (Meade) Page includes a copy of Susan Meade’s will providing for the
emancipation of her three female slaves (a mother and two daughters) and the purchase of
Andy, the husband and father of the family. Susan Meade also expected them to pursue
education and hoped they would join the Liberian colony.
In the undated seventh letter, Ann Randolph (Meade) Page writes to Mary Custis of her
desire to see West Africa christianized by the Liberian colony. She hopes the colonization
prospects will encourage African Americans. She describes American emancipation as
being in a "sorry state," hopes quality freedmen will be the foundation of Liberia, and
speaks highly of Lucys family as likely prospective colonists.
Custis family papers, 1683–1858. 909 items. Mss1C9698a. Microfilm reels C12,
C156–157, and C223–224.
This collection contains papers of several members of the prominent Virginia families of
Custis, Lee, Parke, and Washington. The family owned a number of plantations in
Arlington, Fairfax, King William, New Kent, Northampton, and York counties.
Most of the African American information in this collection is found in lists and
inventories. Generally, these contain names and ages and are grouped by plantation.
Occasionally they also indicate a particular trade or skill. A list for plantations in King
William and York counties (undated, section 14) indicates children’s heights. Other
inventories are in section 19 (Samuel Trower’s plantation in New Kent County, 1771),
section 21 (items a394 and a399 are inventories of plantations in Fairfax, King William,
New Kent, Northampton, and York counties, 1771), and section 31 (George Washington
Parke Custis’s plantations in New Kent and King William counties, 1820–1825). Lists of
tithables survive for New Kent County, 1736–1742, indicating that boys under age ten do
not work (section 39), and Middlesex County, 1770 (section 43). Section 6 contains a
deed of trust, 1747, involving Jack, a freedman.
Section 12 contains notes, 1750, of Daniel Parke Custis indicating which slave children
of his father’s estate were sold to whom and which were entailed. In section 20 is an
account, 1760–1770, of slaves and carpenters sold from the estate of Daniel Parke Custis.
An overseer’s agreement, 1796 (section 22), designates that James Anderson’s family
will have at their service a slave woman to wash and cook and a boy, age fifteen or less,
and a girl, age twelve or less, to tend the house and garden.
In correspondence from Joseph Valentine, George Washington’s overseer in York
County in the late 1760s, Valentine informs Washington of which slaves have become
"past labor" in the last year (item a282) and of his problems trying to clothe 140 slaves
(item a289). Items a291 and a294 are imperfect, concerning unnamed slaves.
In section 23 is a 1764 warrant for an unnamed runaway slave. Another runaway slave,
James, was returned by William Boyd (affidavit, 1822, section 32). In 1824, John Walden
responded to accusations of stabbing, drowning, and starving slaves (also section 32).
Cyrus (Ship), bill of lading, 1824. 1 p. Mss4C9935a1.
Bill of lading covers tobacco, books, and clothes shipped aboard the Cyrus to Lott Cary, a
freed African American living in Liberia.
Dabney, Mrs. Charity, papers, 1873–1898. 24 items. Mss2D1123b.
Most of these papers are tax receipts of Charity Dabney, an African American property
owner of Jackson Ward in Richmond.
Dabney, Charles (1744–1829), commonplace book, 1811–1825. 150 pp.
Mss5:5D1124.1. Photocopy.
The contents of this volume are nearly illegible because of the fragile condition of the
original. Scattered entries refer to spinning cloth; the amount of cloth needed to make
jackets, pantaloons, petticoats, shifts, dresses, and shirts; charges for having clothing
made in bulk; and clothing distributions. Some lists of slaves also appear.
Dabney family papers, 1742–1928. 4,012 items. Mss1D1124b. Microfilm reels C328–
The items of African American focus in this collection relate to Charles William Dabney,
a lawyer and planter of Aldingham plantation in Hanover County. Most of the items
concern estates administered or settled by Dabney.
Jesse Mallory executed an 1822 deed to Charles Dabney for Candis, a slave girl (section
16). A deed of trust, 1833, of Henry King and Abner Robinson to Charles Dabney
involves land in Richmond and the slave George. An 1855 deed records the sale of Edith
and her two children, John and Charlotte, from W. C. Shelton to George Doswell for
$700 (section 64). An 1867 agreement with John Tyler, a freedman, his wife Winney and
her son Moses concerns work and provisions for the family (section 65). In the same
section, an 1850 agreement between Dabney, Shelton, and Puryear provides values for
six slaves, while a detailed 1866 agreement covers the hiring of John Wyatt, a freedman,
to farm at Aldingham in Hanover County. A number of activities are concerned, such as
fencing and care of the ice house, tools, fuel, livestock, and buildings. In section 67 is an
estate inventory of Samuel R. Jones, naming sixteen slaves and their values and
indicating two family groups. In section 68 are several notes for hire of slaves by J.
Thacker. In particular, an 1828 bond to Barbara Pettus promises payment for the hire of
Sary, in addition to midwife’s fees for her. An 1859 broadside announcing the sale of
property belonging to the estate of Mrs. Nancy Rountree mentions land, livestock, and "2
men slaves," one being Edmond, a miller, and the other Shadrack, a blacksmith.
Daily Danville News, Danville, "Public (Colored) Schools: A Visit to the Colored
School Monday—How it is Progressing," 1877. 1 p. Mss9:3LC2771D237:1.
Article appeared in the 20 November 1877 issue of the Daily Danville News concerning a
visit to the school conducted by Alfred H. Jones under the auspices of the Friends’
Freedmen’s Association of Philadelphia, Pa.
Dame family papers, 1836–1901. 436 items. Mss1D1825a. Microfilm reels C454–455.
Papers of George Washington Dame (1812–1895), an Episcopal minister affiliated with
Danville Female Academy, and his wife, Mary Maria (Page) Dame (1813–1895). Section
3 includes newsy letters written to Mrs. Dame from her children while at school. Notable
items are a letter, 28 August 1851, from Jonathan Cushing Dame describing the escape of
the fugitive slave James by ferry and another letter, 14 August, of William M. Dame,
reporting an incident involving a free African American who shot the owner of his wife
and child.
Damerel, John E. (1905–1995), compiler, "Pressures and Reactions: Documents
Relating to the Employment of Negroes by the City of Richmond, 1952–1966." 493
pp. Mss7:2R4155:40.
John Damerel served as director of personnel for the City of Richmond during the 1950s
and 1960s. Included in this compilation are memoranda, correspondence, city employee
registers, and newspaper clippings concerning the attempts of various parties to effect
change in policies regarding the hiring of African Americans by the City of Richmond. A
29 May 1952 listing showed 807 African Americans employed by the city, primarily as
cooks, assistant cooks, kitchen helpers, maids, and janitors. The compilation also contains
documents pertaining to the hiring of African Americans as fire fighters and police
patrolmen. There is significant correspondence on reaction to the city’s pledge to employ
fairly all qualified persons, which was enacted in June 1962. A complete listing of all
persons employed by the city in 1963 is also contained in the compilation.
Correspondents include Roy West (a future mayor of Richmond), Horace H. Edwards,
Richmond city manager, and numerous organizations, including the Richmond Urban
League, Virginia Union University, Ebenezer Baptist Church, and the Right Worthy
Grand Council of the Independent Order of St. Luke.
Dandridge, Julia Burbidge (1770?–1828), letter, 1796. 1 p. Mss2 D19978a1.
Letter, 8 April 1796, Richmond, to William Branch Giles, Philadelphia, concerning
Amos, Giless slave currently hired to Major Watts. Watts wants to buy Amos; Amos
does not want to be sold to Watts.
Daniel, Robert Williams (b. 1936), collector, papers, 1776–1882. 26 items.
Collector of early Virginia manuscripts. Included in section 8 is a receipt, 1827, issued to
Samuel Hawkins of Richmond by Mrs. Eliza Dandridge for purchase of the man
Emanuel, age fifty, and a girl Beck, age two.
Daniel, William V., papers, 1977–1984. 92 items. Mss1D2270a.
The papers of William V. Daniel of Richmond in part concern his involvement with the
Citizens Legislative Committee (CLC), 1982–1984 (4 folders). The Richmond City
Council created the CLC in September 1981 upon the recommendation of the Capital
City Government Commission to help advance the city’s agenda before the Virginia
General Assembly. The collection also reflects Daniels leadership with the Metropolitan
Richmond Chamber of Commerce’s "Dialogues on Racial Relations," 1977–1982 (3
folders). The Chamber of Commerce sponsored a series of dialogues in 1981 between
African American and white civic, religious, and business leaders. These dialogues were
prompted by the report of the Richmond Commission on Human Relations on "Racial
Polarization in the City of Richmond" in March 1981. A copy of this report is included.
The Chamber wanted to find a role for itself in "promoting better understanding among
Whites and Blacks as we live and work together under White economic power and Black
political control." These dialogues served as the first steps in this endeavor. Daniel served
as moderator for these sessions and summarized the proceedings in memos to the
executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce. These memos and supporting
materials comprise this portion of the collection. Other than discussing the troubled state
of race relations in general, participants specifically addressed the issues of education, the
local press, city council, and jobs. Also included is a report by J. John Palen and Richard
D. Morrison, both of Virginia Commonwealth University, on the representation of
African Americans and women in positions with policy-making potential. This report is
dated spring 1982, after Daniel and John Howlette made their final report to the executive
Daniels, Edward (1828–1916), diary, 1888. [408] pp. Mss5:1D2283:1.
Daniels, a native of New York, former Wisconsin state geologist, and veteran of the 1st
Wisconsin Cavalry Regiment, became a newspaper editor in Washington, D.C., after the
Civil War and purchased Gunston Hall, the plantation home of George Mason and his
descendants in Fairfax County. He restored the house, got the plantation operating again,
and owned the estate until about 1891. His diary, kept between 1 January and 6
December 1888, records his various activities, including his involvement with the
Republican Party and an address he made to African American delegates to a party
convention in June at which he urged support for racial intermarriage.
Darby, Thomas F., letters, 1861–1863. 17 items. Mss2D2425a.
A series of letters written by a Union soldier of the 29th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
while serving in Kentucky, Mississippi, and Virginia. The letters contain many details of
army life and various battles and Darby’s impressions of the South, including samples of
seed and flora for those at home with a horticultural interest. In his descriptions of the
South are several references to slaves, mostly playing with the children, to his desire to
send one back to tend the garden (July 1861 letter to his niece, January 1862 letter to
Ellen), and to a comparison of slave cabins (July 1861 letter to his niece).
Dashiell, Mrs. Segar, "Isham Jordan." 13 pp. Mss7:1J7635:1.
Concerns the life of Isham Jordan (1769–1837) of Isle of Wight County. Included is a
copy of Jordans will, dated 19 July 1834, which lists slaves left to his wife.
Davidson, Charles E. (d. 1870), papers, 1850–1870. 21 items. Mss2D2815b.
Papers of a Confederate Army surgeon. Section 3 contains a commission, 2 November
1865, of Davidson as an agent of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned
Lands in Buckingham County.
Davis, Daniel Webster (1862–1913), papers, 1900–1959. 52 items. Mss1D2915a.
These papers contain notes for speeches and lectures of this prominent African American
educator from Richmond. Geographically his appearances ranged from Toronto, Canada,
to Georgia and Kentucky. As a minister and educator, most of his lectures focused on
family, religion, and education as the answer to the problem of racial inequities. Davis’s
lectures were humorous and anecdotal; he frequently drew on customs and practices of
the daily life of slaves.
In a series of lectures given at the Hampton Normal Institute (now Hampton University)
in 1902 (section 2), he laid a foundation for a plan to improve the life of African
Americans through the home, church, and school. He stressed the need to be proud of
African American culture and the unnecessary practice of imitating white culture. He
reminded his audience of African American history and accomplishments.
In addition to lectures, Davis also wrote poetry (section 4). Drafts of published and
unpublished poems are also included in this collection. Among them are "The Negro
Meets to Pray" and "The Black Woman’s Burden." The typescript of "Daniel Webster
Davis," a biographical sketch of his life (section 8), is also available in published form in
The Negro History Bulletin 18 (1954): 5557. In 1959 Richmond dedicated a new school
to the memory of Daniel Webster Davis. Several of the programs and letters in sections 7
and 9 pertain to this event.
Davis, Daniel Webster, papers, 1970–1973. 32 items. Mss2D29145b.
This collection consists chiefly of correspondence between Joan R. Sherman and Lottie
(Davis) Harrison generated while Sherman conducted research for her doctoral
dissertation on Lotties father, African American minister, educator, and poet D. Webster
Davis. Also, includes several of Davis’s unpublished poems and copies of some of his
best-known lectures.
Davis, Sallie Ann Lucy Smith (1827–1900), account book, 1852–1858. [188] pp.
A ledger kept at Vernon Mills in Fauquier County prior to and just after her marriage by
Sallie (Smith) Davis, this volume contains, among other records, accounts concerning the
services of blacksmiths and teamsters and the sale and hiring out of African American
slaves. Also, includes notes that may indicate the gift of slaves by Davis to her daughters
in 1850.
Dawson, John (1762–1814), letters, 1788–1794. 3 items. Mss2D3253b.
Letter, n.d., of John Dawson to Larkin Stanard of Fredericksburg requests Stanard to send
two slaves, Sal and Sam, to Augusta County with Abraham Lymon, who is taking other
slaves to Augusta to be sold.
Deans family papers, 1794–1863 and 1955. 30 items. Mss1D3464a.
Concerns the Deans family of Gloucester County. Section 1 contains an essay entitled "A
Disregarded Contribution to American Civilization Taken from Plantation Notes of the
Deans Family of Gloucester County, Va.," by Anna Maria Dandridge Yeatman. This
essay concerns, in part, slave life and relations between African Americans and whites on
the Deans’ family plantation.
Deneale, George (1776–1818), papers, 1792–1842. 319 items. Mss1D4116a.
Papers of an Alexandria lawyer and clerk of the Fairfax County court. Include
correspondence, 1805, of Deneale, Richard Bland Lee, Nathaniel Pendleton, and Thomas
Pollard concerning the sale of slaves at Langley, Fairfax County, belonging to Daniel
McCarty Fitzhugh and Henry Lee (1756–1818); bonds issued to Thomas Pollard to cover
losses in the sale of the slaves; and an agreement concerning the sale of fifteen slaves in
the state of New York and the settlement of a debt between Henry Lee and Philip
Fitzhugh (section 40).
Deupree, William (1759–1854), papers, 1818–1857. 90 items. Mss1D4885a.
Primarily correspondence of this merchant and tavern owner in Charlotte County with
family members who moved south and west from Virginia. Many of their letters back
contain news of slave families taken with them when they migrated (section 1). Among
the letters is one from W. Crutcher concerning an 1835 slave insurrection scare in
Mississippi, resulting in the hanging of five white men and a number of African
Dews, Julius C., letter, 1855. 1 p. Mss2D5191a1. Photocopy.
Letter, 16 August 1855, Wheeling (now W.Va.), to Arthur Emmerson, concerning the
status of an unnamed slave woman entrusted to Mr. Cooper for sale.
Dickerson, Nathan D., diary, 1846–1899. 1 vol. Mss5:1D5585:1. Photocopy of a
Nathan D. Dickerson kept this diary while he worked an overseer at various plantations
in Charlotte, Halifax, and Mecklenburg counties. Early entries are chiefly lists of hogs
killed, tobacco cut, and wheat and fodder sold. There is an occasional mention of the
births of children to female slaves. Also, includes yearly tallies of the number of cattle,
hogs, horses, and sheep on the plantations. Typical entries are monthly summaries of
weather events and agricultural tasks (fields cleared, planted, weeded, and harvested).
December entries often indicate Dickerson’s move from one plantation to another as his
employer changed. Persons for whom Dickerson worked include E. J. Dickerson (of
Charlotte County), [J. W.] Elliott (of Charlotte County), Thomas E. Palmer (of Charlotte
County), John B. McPhail (of Halifax County), William A. Smith (of Charlotte County),
and Dr. George C. Venable (of Mecklenburg County).
Dickinson, Asa Dupuy (1816–1882), letter, 1859. 4 pp. Mss2D5606a1.
Letter, 21 October 1859, Prince Edward Court House, to William Purnell Dickinson
about selling the slave Jim, whose behavior with regard to suspected thievery has become
an embarrassment to Asa Dickinson.
Dickinson family papers, 1805–1988. 339 items. Mss1D5607a.
A Plantation & Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record, Inventory and Account Book
(Richmond, 1852) kept by John Fayette Dickinson (section 2) for Berry Hill in King
George County, 1855–1890, lists slaves’ names, ages, occupations, and values, and notes
births, deaths, and sales (pages 8283). Also includes lists of clothing and bedding
distribution (pages 9091).
Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond, receipts, 1856. [2] pp. Mss4D5605a1.
Receipts, dated 4 January 1856, issued to Dickinson, Hill & Co. for monies received from
the sale of slaves. The receipts bear the signatures of John M. Albright (for the sale of
slaves Agnes and Edmund), F. S. Ayres (for the sale of the slave Aaron), Lewis Dabney
Crenshaw (for the sale of the slave Washington), H. I. McLewin (for the sale of the
slaves Peter, Ailsey, and Alleck), and William M. Sutton.
Dobyns, Thomas (d. 1845), register, [1795–1864]. [3] pp. Mss2D6565a1. Photocopy.
This item records the births and some deaths of male and female slaves at Indian Fields in
Richmond County, as well as providing references to slaves who were sold and to those
who escaped to the Union Army during the Civil War. Some of the slaves listed were
owned by Dobyns’s son-in-law Reuben Lindsay Pitts after the older mans death.
Original in private hands as of March 2006.
Doherty, James Louis (b. 1932), papers, 1969–1972. 155 items. Mss1D6805a.
This entire collection contains materials pertaining to the desegregation of schools in
Richmond and the publication of Doherty’s book Race and Education in Richmond
(1972). Materials include correspondence of Doherty as chairman of West End
Concerned Parents and Friends with local educators, community leaders and fellow
citizens (section 1), a manuscript of the Doherty book, essays and reports concerning
desegregation in Richmond schools (series 2), and some general letters about
desegregation written by or to people such as Thomas J. Bliley, Harry F. Byrd, Jr.,
Clement F. Haynesworth, and Richard D. Obenshain (section 3).
Donaldson, John N., letter, 1863. 1 p. Mss2D7145a1.
This letter, written on 6 January 1863 from Fort Keyes on Gloucester Point to "brother
Andrew," concerns Donaldson’s service with the 169th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
of the U.S. Army of Virginia and describes contraband African American slaves coming
across Union lines.
Doswell family papers, 1815–1998. 345 items. Mss1D7424b.
Primarily concerns the family of Thomas Doswell (1792–1870) and his son Thomas
Walker Doswell (1823–1890) of Bullfield plantation in Hanover County, renowned for
its horse-breeding and horseracing history. A number of the Bullfield jockeys, referenced
throughout the collection, were African American. Materials concerning the plantations
at Bullfield and at New Market, also in Hanover County, include photographs of Emily
Goodwin, an African American woman who was a cook for the family (section 16). The
brief diary of Frances Anne (Sutton) Doswell (1837–1903), wife of Thomas W. Doswell,
was kept during April 1865 and concerns the evacuation of Richmond and the ensuing
fire, as well as the first arrival of African American troops in the city. She also comments
on the behavior of newly freed slaves and the Union Army’s efforts to restore order, in
part by impressing freedmen to help with the clean up of the city (section 9).
Douthat, Robert William (1840–1925), papers, 1861–1995. 113 items. Mss1D7493a.
Materials compiled by Robert William Douthat, Confederate veteran of Morgantown,
W.Va. Collection largely concerns the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., and the charge of troops
under command of General George E. Pickett. Section 4 contains notes of Mary Jane
(Wells) Douthat concerning a slave.
Douthat, William H. (1801–1858), account book, 1827–1835. [2], 71 pp.
Covers operations of a general store at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge County. Includes
remarks of an unidentified author concerning African Americans (p. 63).
Douthat family papers, 1795–1922. 1,432 items. Mss1D7495a. Microfilm reels C240–
Family members lived at Shirley and Weyanoke plantations in Charles City County.
Section 4 includes an 1801 receipt of William S. Peachy to Fielding Lewis for purchase
of Milly and her son Richard; an 1826 certificate stating the wishes of Rebecca Jones for
John Lewis to have the slave Monmouth and for Aleck to be freed to be with his family
and be supported; and an 1833 list of thirty slaves at Belle Farm.
Dove, John (1792–1876), memorandum, 1856. 2 pp. Mss7:1W9974:3.
Memorandum concerning the deaths of George Wythe, an African American woman,
Lydia Broadnax, and her son, Michael Brown.
Downing family papers, 1819–1940. 41 items. Mss1D7595a.
Papers of the Downing family of Lancaster Court House. Section 1 includes a report,
dated 18 December 1830, of Robert Alexander, J. Basye, and Thomas S. Sydnor
concerning the division of slaves among Betsy Downing, Hannah Downing, and William
Hendley. The two slaves in question were to be purchased from Hannah Downing by
Betsy Downing and her husband, William Hendley.
Downman, Rawleigh William (1762–1838), account book, 1814–1836. 180 leaves.
Kept by Downman as a planter and merchant at Belle Isle in Lancaster County, the ledger
records, in part, services provided by blacksmiths, spinners and weavers, and midwives.
It also includes references to the hiring out and sale of African American slaves.
Downman family papers, 1699–1909. 102 items. Mss1D7598a.
A series of letters written to Harriet Jane (Downman) Downman of Fauquier County
includes a December 1863 letter from her daughter, Lavinia Yates (Downman) Hamilton
of Culpeper County, asking Harriet to send for Stanley and to provide him with clothes
and to hire out Mason as she cannot see to this herself because her residence is currently
under Union control.
Dundore, John (d. 1863?), papers, 1791–1861. 10 items. Mss2D9163c.
Resident of Rockingham County. Include a certificate of emancipation, 1827, for Peggy
Jones, age thirty-four, with physical description, freed by will of Elizabeth Baker. Papers
also include a deed of trust, 1827, of Armistead M. Mosby to Jacob Swoop, for land in
Staunton and seven slaves, most listed by name, including two brothers.
Dupuy, Emily (Howe) (1812–1883), papers, 1834–1883. 115 items. Mss1D9295b.
Emily Dupuy of Linden, Prince Edward County, wrote several letters to her kinswomen
Sarah Howe and Anna (Howe) Whitteker (section 1). In particular, on 4 January 1835,
Anna wrote to Emily of cholera striking Stony Point, resulting in four fatal cases among
the local African American population. In May of the same year she described the
emigration of a number of Virginia landowners to plantations farther south and the
process of moving their slaves with them, often involving large numbers of people. In the
same letter she detailed the development of her friendship with a slave woman and the
woman’s change of roles from house servant to field hand to spinning, until her death
while still young. In August Emily wrote to Sarah about southerners’ distrust of strangers
from the North and concerns about abolitionists. In February 1861 Emily wrote about
secession from the perspective of a transplanted New Englander.
Dupuy, Emily (Howe) (1812–1883), letter, 1864. 2 pp. Mss2D9296a1.
In this letter of 19 May, Emily describes an incident of meat stolen from the smokehouse;
two slaves were caught. One of Emily’s slaves was whipped by the owner of another
slave, who maintained that Emily’s slave was involved. Emily is nonetheless convinced
of her slave’s innocence.
Dupuy family papers, 1781–1896. 38 items. Mss1D9295c.
The collection includes commonplace books kept by Joseph Dupuy (1797–1867) at
Falkland, Prince Edward County (sections 3–5). The volume for 1851–1869 (section 3)
contains entries in 1856 and 1857 covering the hire of Mary Eliza. Another volume
(section 4), 1810–1865, serves as a slave register, recording births, deaths, and purchases
for about sixty-five slaves at Falkland. The 1845–1858 book (section 5) contains notes on
the back pages concerning allowances for meal and meat for the slaves, according to sex
and age. Twenty slaves are listed.
Dupuy family papers, 1803–1890. 906 items. Mss1D9295a.
Include material pertaining to the Prince Edward County estates of Thomas Walton (d.
1817), John Purnall (d. 1825), John Watson (d. 1856), William Purnell (d. 1808), and
Jonathan Penick (d. 1845?). A sampling of sections 1–7 indicates that the collection
includes a number of accounts for slave hirings and inventories of estate slaves with
values (sections 3, 5, and 7). Correspondence, 1827–1830, of Asa Dupuy with John Jones
Alston concerns transportation costs and hirings. Section 7 contains account information
pertaining to Thomas Walton’s estate. The 1817 tax form lists "Blacks" instead of slaves
(see folder 2), and an 1820 certificate of Nathaniel Jackson describes the low bidding for
hiring the estate slaves (see folder 6). Costs of transporting slaves from Kentucky are also
included. Section 21 contains slave lists for Linden in Prince Edward County. A slave
register records approximately 140 slave births and deaths between 1799 and 1861. The
preceding description offers but a sampling of pertinent items in this collection.
Durgin family papers, 1849–1950. 40 items. Mss1D9345a.
Most of the papers in this collection are those of John Milton Durgin (1813–1887), a
Baptist minister from New England and chaplain in the Union army. Among his letters,
1861–1862, is an envelope used to write home on which a cartoon portrays slaves fleeing
as contraband to Fort Monroe.
Early family papers, 1764–1956. 437 items. Mss1Ea765b. Microfilm reels C16 and
The papers of this prominent Lynchburg family are primarily centered on Confederate
general Jubal Anderson Early. Several of the items of African American content are
accounts of Samuel H. Early. In section 9 are two 1863 bills of sale, one for William (on
a Richmond printed form) and one for Marshall; 1856 and 1857 state capitation tax
forms; and an account with Diuguids of Lynchburg for coffins, burials, and services for
slaves, 1860–1862. In section 14 is a Diuguids account (1875) for the burial of Caesar.
An 1832 letter from William Daniel to Henry Childs Ward (section 43) concerns politics.
Daniel, while serving in the legislature, describes a session in which a bill for the
abolition of slavery is debated, his opinion that removing free African Americans is too
time consuming, and his worries that Virginia’s population is divided over slavery.
Correspondence of Ruth Hairston Early appears in section 21; it contains an 1896 letter
from Ellen Shearer Helm, daughter of Jane Shearer, the care giver for the children in
Samuel Earlys family. Ellen expresses thanks for kindnesses shown her recently
deceased mother.
Early family papers, 1798–1903. 239 items. Mss1Ea765a.
This collection consists primarily of the papers of Mary Virginia (Early) Brown (1823–
1864), a Methodist minister’s daughter from Lynchburg, but also includes
correspondence, 1817–1856, of her mother, Elizabeth Brown (Rives) Early (1805–1857),
wife of Methodist Bishop John Early. A letter of Elizabeth Early to her sister Martha
Binns Susanna (Rives) Childs dated 19 April 1849 discusses the merits of slave
ownership and plans for the purchase of a slave with funds from their father’s estate
settlement (section 6).
Edmonds, Amanda Virginia (1839–1921), papers, 1857–1960. 28 items.
Collection consists primarily of three diaries, 1857–1867, kept by Amanda Virginia
"Tee" Edmonds as a young, single woman living with her family at Belle Grove in
Fauquier County. The diary in section 2 of the collection was kept from 8 June 1857 to
12 September 1862, and contains information on the sale of Edmonds family slaves and
reaction to John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry (now W. Va.) in 1859.
Edmonds, Sheppard Randolph (b. 1900), notes, 1975. 9 pp. Mss7:1Ed586:1.
Typescript. Mimeographed.
Notes compiled in 1975 concerning the career of this notable African American dramatist
and educator. Included are lists of his published and unpublished works, his affiliations
with various colleges and professional associations, and other autobiographical notes.
Edmunds family papers, 1826–1950. 99 items. Mss1Ed596a.
Primarily the correspondence and financial and legal records of family members at
Homewood, Charlotte County. Section 8 contains a commonplace book, ca. 1825, kept
by Nicholas Edmunds (1776–1863) that includes a substantial number of birth and death
records of slaves. The slave births recorded in the book date back to 1768, and later
additions record births to 1865.
Edmundson family papers, 1781–1949. 1,402 items. Mss1Ed598a. Microfilm reels
B15 and C546–549.
Much of this collection concerns Henry Edmundson (1774–1847) and the family estate of
Fotheringay in Montgomery County.
Edmundson’s agreement, 1841, with James Mackey of Rockbridge County concerns the
hire of Mackeys slave, Bob, at $7 per month and designates necessary clothes to be
charged cheaply to Mackey (section 9). A hiring agreement, 1821, of Benjamin T.
Hollins for Maria Antoinette (Radford) Edmundson’s slave, Peggy, also stipulates
necessary clothes (section 22). Section 10 contains a number of bills of sale for slaves; in
1828 Edmundson bought Lewis, Suckey, and an infant with a value placed on the infant;
in 1813 he bought a slave boy Cain; and in 1839 he sold fourteen-year-old William to
Alfred Dillars. In section 19 is an 1819 receipt for Henry Carter Drew’s sale of a girl,
Sally, to John Preston. (In Mss1Ed598b, a related collection, is Henry Edmundson’s 1814
receipt for Harry, bought from William Rogers for $300, in section 2). Section 5 includes
accounts, some of which contain charges for medical services for slaves.
Also in section 19 are notes pertaining to the estate of John Preston (1764–1827), which
Edmundson administered, including lists, one grouping slaves by their family units (an
1820 deed of trust to McDowell; see items a792–796). In section 67, see an 1824 deed of
trust of James and Mitchel Clay to David Hall for the slave Phoebe.
Edmundson family papers, 1812–1953. 148 items. Mss1Ed598b.
This collection primarily consists of the extensive correspondence, 1812–1847, of
planter, lawyer, and legislator Henry Edmundson (1774–1847) of Fotheringay,
Montgomery County. Some correspondence is with Yeatman, Woods & Co. of Nashville,
Tenn., concerning slaves sent by Edmundson for sale there (section 1). Accounts include
a receipt from 1814 of William A. Rogers for the purchase of a slave named Harry
(section 2). Correspondence, 1853–1891, of a grandson, David Edmundson, also of
Fotheringay, includes communication with William Preston Peyton concerning, in part,
plans to sell the slave Bill in Richmond, where they believe they will get a better price
than in western Virginia (section 5).
Edrington family papers, 1766–1967. 503 items. Mss1Ed745a. Microfilm reels
C274–275 and C559–560.
Primarily consists of the personal and business papers of members of this family living at
Myrtle Grove, Stafford County. Several items concern the firm of Edrington & Moncure,
which operated quarries in Stafford County in the 1830s. The firm employed African
American workers, some apparently free and some enslaved. In section 21, an 1897 letter
of Episcopal bishop Francis M. Whittle concerns Angelina Selden Edrington as a teacher
of Sunday school classes for African Americans. Section 38 contains an affidavit, 1854,
of William Carter concerning Sylus Grason, an African American born free in Stafford
County who wished to travel through the Commonwealth of Virginia. The affidavit
provides a physical description and specific destinations.
Edwards, Weldon Nathaniel, letters, 1856–1860. 4 items. Mss2Ed986b.
Weldon Edwards of Poplar Mount, Warren County, N.C., wrote in response to queries
from G. A. Barksdale, of Richmond, Va. In April 1858, Edwards provided a detailed
report of the congressional vote concerning the Missouri Compromise and his view that
John Randolph of Roanoke was cut off by the clerk when requesting a reconsideration. In
December 1860, Edwards responded to queries concerning the fate of the Union.
Edwards expected South Carolina to secede within the week and the states farther south
to secede shortly thereafter. His concern is that North Carolina and Virginia will have no
choice but to leave the Union. His economic predictions are bleak, but he suggests hope
of avoiding war if New England and its abolitionists break away and join Canada. He
states that it would be detrimental to Virginia and North Carolina to try to mediate
between the sections.
Eggleston, Joseph Dupuy (1867–1953), letter, 1942. 3 pp. Mss2Eg375a3. Typescript.
Letter, 14 February 1942, to Robert Elton Berry of New York concerning Berry’s book
Yankee Stargazer: The Life of Nathaniel Bowditch, commenting on the difference
between views of slavery in New England and in the South, especially in the Federal and
early national period.
Eggleston, Joseph William (1844–1927), autobiography, 1844–1923. 80 pp.
Concerns, primarily, Eggleston’s Confederate military service in the 44th Virginia
Infantry Regiment and Lamkin’s Battery, Nelson Light Artillery. Pages 13, 44–45
concern African American soldiers.
Eggleston family papers, 1788–1975. 37,000 items. Mss1Eg396b.
The papers of this prominent Prince Edward County family include correspondence and
notes of individuals with significant connections to education and the Presbyterian
church. Joseph Dupuy Eggleston (1867–1953) served as president of Virginia
Polytechnic Institute, Hampden-Sydney College, and the Virginia Historical Society and
was a local historian. Among his files (section 30, box 55) is a folder labled "Slavery,"
containing notes collected to refute the idea that slavery was a malignant institution in
Virginia. There are notes of individuals whose personal convictions led them to free their
slaves, some in great masses, and to buy land for them in free states. Other notes concern
the Presbyterian church’s views on slavery and the encouragement to slaveholders to free
their slaves for colonization in Liberia. He also collected anecdotes of free states denying
opportunity to freed slaves. Much of the material is typewritten, some duplicated;
citations are given in most cases. In box 54, a folder labled "Negroes" and one labled
"Presbyterian Churches" contain typewritten notes pertaining to Presbyterian support for
colonization, formation of a colonization auxiliary society at Hampden-Sydney College,
and several Presbyterian churches that owned slaves and the conditions for hiring them
out in the community. These folders also contain newspaper clippings.
Section 1 consists of a series of estate papers. The folder concerning Thomas Waltons
estate includes hiring out lists for 1824–1829, indicating several family units, and hat and
blanket provisions. The folder for Asa Dupuy’s estate, 1858, lists about seventy slaves (of
which twenty-seven are dower slaves), including two bricklayers, two carpenters, three
blacksmiths, one cripple, and one diseased. Ages and values are provided.
Elcan Family Papers, 1792–1921. 1,128 items. Mss1EL183a.
Concerns the Elcan family of Buckingham County. Section 2 contains scattered financial
accounts kept by Lionel Elcan (1750–1833) concerning medical care and the taxation of
slaves, along with an inventory of 31 slaves belonging to Elcan’s estate. Section 7
contains the correspondence of Doctor Patrick Henry Elcan (1811–1841) of Buckingham
County, including a note from John T. Bocock concerning slaves in Elcan’s possession to
be taxed. Section 8 also contains materials of Patrick Henry Elcan, including tax receipts
regarding slaves, 1834, and a receipt for the purchase of Adam; a bond concerning the
hiring of five slaves, 1836; an order of the Buckingham County Court concerning the sale
of slaves with a list of the slaves and prices; and a deed of sale for Adam by William W.
Meredith to Joseph Williams. Section 10 contains materials of Ann Elizabeth (Baldwin)
Elcan of Buckingham County. Items in this series include financial accounts concerning
the care and taxation of slaves for the following years: 1838, 1842, 1844, 1847, 1850–
1854, 1856–1857, 1860; an 1838 list of 8 slaves given to Elcan by her father, with ages
and values; an 1844 account for making a coat for Jerry; and an 1852 account of wages
paid to Charles. Also included are an 1849 bond covering the hiring out of 3 slaves; and
an 1843 affidavit of Samuel Baldwin, Elcans father, concerning Jerry and Isaac. Section
12 consists of materials of Marcus Cleveland Elcan, including receipts for impressment
of Ben and Peter by the Confederate States War Department in 1864. Section 16 contains
two accounts of Doctor Thomas C. Armstrong (for medical care of slaves) and Albert
Baldwin (concerning the sale of slaves in 1842 for Samuel Baldwin). An undated list of
slaves with values, and a deed, 1842, of Albert Baldwin to Samuel Baldwin for Isaac are
located in section 17.
Ellegood, Jacob, will, 1801. [6] pp. Mss2EL544a1. Photocopy.
Will, probated in New Brunswick, Canada, on 7 September 1801. It concerns, in part, the
bequest of land, slaves, and other personal property in Virginia.
Ellett-St. Catherine’s alumnae association, papers, 1850–1970. ca. 5,000 items.
Section 12 contains correspondence, including a letter, 30 April 1957, of Josephine
Charlee Knight to Natalie Friend (McFadden) Blanton in which Knight describes a freed
slave, Sara Jackson, who remained with her mistress near Franklin after the Civil War
and who also wrote poetry.
Epes family papers, 1802–1984. 343 items. Mss1Ep275a.
Personal and family papers of members of the Epes family of Nottoway County, the
Robinson family of Amelia County, and the Worsham family of Dinwiddie County, in
part concerning agricultural operations and the payment of taxes. Among the accounts of
the estate of Henry Robinson is an 1837 receipt issued by Thomas P. Bland for fees
involved in the recapture of a runaway slave, Tom, and an 1844 receipt recording the
payment of taxes on nineteen slaves (section 5).
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Virginia, papers, 1709–1972. ca. 8,000 items.
The collection includes correspondence, notes, and essays, 1900–1971, written or
compiled by Dr. George MacLaren Brydon and George Julius Cleaveland (section 5).
Among the topics covered are the American (and Virginia) Colonization Society, benefit
of clergy, the Freedmans Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church (including
lengthy extracts from reports of the Commission on Home Missions to Colored People
and other sources, 1873–1877, concerning educational activities among Virginia’s
African American population), and Liberia (primarily consisting of typescript copies of
letters, 1834–1861, of former slaves in Liberia to John Hartwell Cocke of Bremo,
Fluvanna County).
Epperson, John, account book, 1801–1802. 424–515, [16] pp. Mss5:3Ep733:1.
Kept as a merchants daybook in Buckingham County, probably at Planterstown,
presumably by Epperson as a member of the firm of Epperson & Scott. Includes accounts
concerning the sale and hiring out of slaves (pp. 501 and 513).
Eppes family papers, 1722–1948. 540 items. Mss1Ep734d. Microfilm reels C244–
The Eppes family owned several large plantations south of Richmond. Among them were
Appomattox Manor at City Point (now Hopewell), Bermuda Hundred in Chesterfield
County, and Eppes Island in Charles City County.
Dr. Richard Eppes (1824–1896) kept detailed diaries and closely monitored the routines
of his plantations. The result is a series of diaries (items d289–308) that record a wealth
of information on daily plantation life from 1851 to 1896, including minutely detailed
accounts of monthly pay for farm laborers after the Civil War. Eppes recorded the
condition of the slave quarters (item d289, 1 October 1851; item d291, page 63),
commentary on punishments (item d291, 2 January 1853), and a number of inventories.
Many of the slaves had surnames (many of the birth lists record names of both parents),
received cash gifts at Christmas, and were lectured on New Year’s Day on the rules and
regulations of the plantation (texts are in section 69; a summary of the previous year’s
discipline problems, general conduct expectations, possible increase in rations, and
announcement of holidays). Eppes carefully recorded weekly rations of meat, molasses,
meal, and herring (figured at the beginning of each year), and these lists also designate
occupation, because some specialized workers received additional rations. Skilled slaves
had tools distributed to them each year, and these are also recorded. Item d296 (pages
318–323) lists those slaves who left the plantation between May and August of 1862 to
join the Union forces. (Benjamin Cocke recorded information on his slaves’ shoe sizes,
item d129, an 1834 list.)
Additional lists are in Eppes’s student notebook (section 67), an inventory of slaves at
Bermuda Hundred and Eppes Island (names and birth year), and the last pages of an
account book (section 61, item d343), ca. 1851–1868, which also includes numerous
transactions of hiring, Christmas presents, cost of rations, and postbellum laborers’ pay.
In section 82 is a list, ca. 1819, of slaves belonging to Margaret B. Cocke, containing
names only of fifteen slaves, as well as an 1821 will of Patty Cocke leaving her clothes to
the person who tends her in her illness and everything else to her master. In section 91, a
letter of Mrs. Solomon Mopford, a slave in Aiken, S.C., tells her mother that James
Lewis, their son and brother, has been sold into Florida.
Eppes family papers, 1806–1932. 389 items. Mss1Ep734a. Microfilm reels C242–243.
Papers related to the family above. Section 10 contains a brief note to Dr. Richard Eppes
that ten slaves attempted escape by boat near Jamestown Island. A woman and child were
seized, but the rest eluded capture. The note is not dated. (Also, Mss12:1864 May 5:1
contains a document labeled "List of private property, slaves, . . . taken at City Point." In
spite of its description, the list contains no slaves, just clothes, furniture, medicine,
equipment stores, livestock, and feed.)
Evans, James H., papers, 1856–1865. 6 items. Mss2Ev156b.
Include an incomplete petition, 1865, filed in Prince Edward County for compensation
for the loss of the slave Elijah, a farm hand, impressed by the Confederate States Army,
who died of disease in 1862 while assigned to working on fortifications near Richmond.
Everett, Edward (1794–1865), letter, 1835. 1 p. Mss2Ev265a1.
While serving Massachusetts in Congress, Everett wrote from Washington, D.C., 27
February 1835, on slavery in the District of Columbia and the influence of Maryland and
Virginia on the district’s slavery issue. Everett expects public opinion is such that slavery
will soon be abolished in those areas.
"Ex-Lee Houseboy Honored Here," newspaper clipping, 1950. 1 p. Mss9:1L5152:1.
Article from the New York Times, 19 January 1950, briefly describing a United Daughters
of the Confederacy program commemorating Robert E. Lee’s birthday, in which a former
servant of the Lee household, Richard Lee (b. 1875), is introduced.
Fairfax, John Walter (1828–1908), papers, 1863–1937. 15 items. Mss1F1613a.
Microfilm reel C596.
Fairfax served as assistant adjutant and inspector general on the staff of Confederate
general James Longstreet. Collection includes a letter, 28 March 1865, from General
Robert E. Lee to Longstreet concerning the raising of local and special commands and
the recruitment of African American soldiers in the Confederacy (item 4).
Fairfax County, Court, papers, 1742–1793. 12 items. Mss4F1613d.
Include a summons, 1755, issued by Peter Wagener, clerk of court in Fairfax County,
summoning William Gladdin to court concerning a slave girl, Easter.
Fant, John M., account book, 1847–1848. [204] leaves. Mss5:3F2178:1.
This ledger records accounts of Fant, of Fauquier County, as a labor contractor with the
Rappahannock Company concerning the construction and operation of a portion of the
Rappahannock Canal. It includes accounts with laborers and service providers and
concerns, in part, the use of hired slave labor.
Farmer, Charles Willson, record book, 1762–1887. [24] pp. Mss5:5F2295:1.
Kept on the Farmer family plantation near Jetersville in Amelia County, this volume
contains birth and death records for 100 male and female slaves born between 1762 and
Farmers Bank of Virginia, records, 1812–1853. 19 items. Mss3F2298a.
The Farmers Bank of Virginia was headquartered in Richmond with branches in
Petersburg, Fredericksburg, Lynchburg, Norfolk, Winchester, Danville, Farmville,
Wytheville, and Charlottesville. Included in this collection is the minute book of the
bank’s board of directors, dated 16 September 1841 to 14 March 1853. The board spent a
fair amount of time overseeing the collection of debts in Mississippi and Louisiana. The
sales of land and slaves in those areas were the primary accounts supervised by the bank.
Faulkner family papers, 1737–1954. ca. 12,000 items. Mss1F2735aFA2.
Papers of merchants and lawyers of a Berkeley County (now W.Va.) family. Located in
box 44 is a folder labeled "Slaves" containing a record of hirings for an unspecified year,
several hiring out agreements, 1830s–1860, and bills of sale for slaves from Maryland,
1855–1858. The hiring agreements are specific about clothing provisions. Some have tax
clauses, and one allows for a deduction for a slave to visit his wife every other Saturday.
Some of the agreements are unexecuted. One bill of sale does not guarantee soundness of
mind or body.
Fauquier County, register of free blacks, 1817–1865. 340 pp. Mss4F2742a2.
Microfilm reel C431.
This register records names, identification features (such as scars), heights, ages,
complexions, and how freed (birth, manumission, by will of owner) for free African
Americans in Fauquier County from 1817 until the close of the Civil War.
Fendall, Philip Richard (1794–1868), papers, 1810–1863. 26 items. Mss2F3525b.
Chiefly correspondence of this Alexandria resident and secretary of the Virginia
Colonization Society. Include a deed, 1825, to Alfred Lee for the slave Henry Tate, with
a note on the back from Lee explaining his religious mission in returning his claim
against Tate to Fendall.
First African Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., minute book, 1841–1857. ca. 295 pp.
Mss5:8Bx6440:1. Photocopy.
The minutes of this church record financial summaries, baptisms, deaths, and status (free
or slave) of its members. The discussions of disciplinary measures detail various aspects
of members’ lives. The church was consulted about the propriety of allowing separated
members to remarry on a case-by-case basis. The church also attempted to buy one of its
leaders when his master’s guardian was faced with selling him (pages 47, 77: he ended up
in Massachusetts). The church also established its own relief fund, the Poor Saints Fund.
The photocopy is incomplete, with the most significant gap occurring from August 1852
to October 1856 (pages 208–283).
Fitts, James Henry (1836–1861), commonplace book, 1849–1862. [41] leaves.
This volume records slave births, deaths, and sales compiled by this resident of Warren
County, N.C., and Mecklenburg County, Va. Also, includes a list of slaves owned by the
estate of James Henry Fitts.
Fitzgerald, Elie Maury (Werth) (1878–1955), correspondence, 1950. 4 items.
Mss2F5763b. Typescript copies.
Correspondence concerning Richard Lee (b. 1875), a servant in the Lee household. See
also entry for "Ex-Lee Houseboy Honored Here," (number 289).
Fitzgerald, John (1805–1878), papers, 1835–1878. 103 items. Mss1F5764b.
This collection consists primarily of the business and personal papers of John Fitzgerald
of Nottoway County. An affidavit, ca. 1858, concerns the health and pregnancy of a slave
woman named Malvina. Two lists compiled in 1859 concern slaves on several
plantations, while a list of 1868 indicates fees to be paid to African American harvest
workers (section 6).
Fitzgerald, John (1805–1878), papers, 1838–1873. 23 items. Mss1F5764c.
Collection contains slave lists, 1852–1864, primarily giving only names, although several
indicate ages, and one identifies several family groups of mothers with children. An 1856
hiring bond specifies that David, a carpenter, not be worked in the fields and provides for
taxes, runaway fees, and sickness.
Fitzhugh, Henry, account book, 1749–1787. 209 pp. Mss5:3F5785:1. Photocopy.
In addition to scattered entries for the hiring out of slaves, manufacture and purchases of
shoes, stockings, and other clothing for slaves, and slave purchases, this volume also
includes an incomplete list of names with dates of birth and some family relationships for
his Fairfax County bondspeople.
Fleet, William (1759–1833), letter, 1798. 1 p. Mss2F6247a1.
Letter, 25 March 1798, written at Hill Park in Essex County, to James Webb, briefly
noting that something needs to be done about the slaves who are not involved in planting
Fleming, William (1736–1824), list, 1787. [2] pp. Mss2F6297a2. Photocopy.
List of taxable property owned by William Fleming in Chesterfield County prepared by
John Farmer, commissioner, 9 March 1787. Includes list of slaves.
Fletcher, John E. (1837?–1906), papers, 1857–1931. 314 items. Mss1F6353c.
This collection consists of the business records of a teacher, merchant, and lumberman of
Greene and Page counties. Sections 8 and 10 include bonds, 1859–1861, of Henry G.
Dulany and William L. Childs for the hiring of slave laborers. The text of each bond
provides details of service and care of the slaves.
Foesee, Mrs. Rebecca, list, 1818–1852. 1 p. Mss2F6862a1.
List, 1818–1852, no location given, of seven slaves, with months and years of birth.
Fontaine, William Spotswood (1810–1882), letter, 1861. 1 p. Mss2F7344a1.
Letter informing Hite Brown that Fontaine will send Nat and Billy to help dig
fortifications at Gloucester Point.
Fontaine family papers, 1760–1892. 929 items. Mss1F7345a.
A Buckingham County lawyer’s papers form the nucleus of this collection. Walter Lloyd
Fontaine (1787–1860) provided legal services for David Ross (1740?–1817), David Ross
(d. 1821), and the younger Ross’s wife, Julianne.
Correspondence, 1815–1819, with the Rosses concerns the status of Julianne’s slaves
from North Carolina who were captured and freed by the British (section 1). Additional
documentation on the subject appears in sections 14 and 19.
A number of deeds are also in the collection: Charles Scott’s 1842 request to exchange
Peyton and Peter for two different slaves (section 3); an 1808 deed to Fontaine for two
slave women and their children (section 25); and an 1842 deed to Fontaine for Louisa and
her two children (section 11). Abolitionism and the voting of the state legislature
concerning a compromise on slavery is the focus of an 1836 letter of Archibald Austin
(section 1).
Ford, Abner Dawson (b. 1830), papers, 1863–1864. 60 items. Mss1F7501a.
This collection consists of letters written by Abner Dawson Ford while serving as a
private in Joshua J. Shoemaker’s [formerly Marcellus N. Moorman’s] Virginia Horse
Artillery, Confederate States Army. Included in the collection is a letter dated 23 January
1863 to his wife, Mary Jane "Mollie" (White) Ford, concerning Ford’s desire to secure a
substitute for military service through the sale of land and slaves.
Fort family papers, 1806–1827. 23 items. Mss1F7755a.
This collection concerns the Fort Family of Halifax County, N.C. Section 1 contains a
receipt, 1818, issued to Ricks Fort (of Halifax County, N.C.) for the purchase of a slave
at the estate sale of Wilson W. Carter. Section 2 includes deeds concerning the purchase
or gift of slaves, 1806–1827, to Ricks Fort; and an account book, 1825–1827, of the
medical practice of Doctor Matt C. Whitaker (of Halifax County, N.C.), concerning, in
part, Ricks Fort and the care of slaves.
Foster, Adam, letters, 1847. 8 pp. Mss2F8111a. Typescript copies.
Letters, 9–20 January 1847, written by a northerner while visiting Mathews County,
describing details of daily life on local plantations, from living arrangements for the
household staff and servants, to clothing and rations, to the value of various types of
Fredericksburg, death records, 1853–1896. 1,500 items. Mss3F8726c.
An index on printed cards completed by hand and compiled from the official register
maintained by city officials. Include detailed information on the deceased, including
cause of death, location, date, age, occupation, race, and family information. Officials
also noted if the deceased was a former slave.
Fredericksburg, School Board, records, 1901–1941. 1,500 items. Mss3F8726b.
These printed forms, completed by hand, provide detailed information on families of
school-age children including parents’ birthplace, occupation, address, and so forth.
Records also include information on race and note if a parent was formerly a slave.
Freedmen’s School, City Point, records, 1868. 2 vols. Mss4F8757b.
Records, 5 February to 29 May 1868, kept by Esther Smith, providing names, ages,
subjects and levels, and attendance of students. Also include a list of night school
French, Sarah Scarborough Butler Henry (1808–1873), papers, 1847–1870. 13 items.
This is a collection of Sarah French of Fenton plantation, Warrenton, Va., and New York,
N.Y. Included is a list of slaves for hire at Brenton, Fauquier County.
French family papers, 1861–1985. 102 items. Mss1F8875a.
This collection concerns members of the French family of Halifax County, Va., and
Chattanooga, Tenn. Section 1 contains receipts issued to Marcellus French (1831–1919),
including an account with his free African American servant, Kit Bowman.
Friend family papers, 1792–1871. 18 items. Mss1F9156a. Microfilm reel C251.
Collection consists mostly of volumes containing the writings of Charles Friend, planter,
of White Hall plantation in Prince George County. His diary, 1841–1846 (section 1), is
filled with daily details of life and work on the plantation. Just in front of the 1841
entries, several "sick lists" provide names, dates, ailments, and lengths of confinement. In
his account book, 1839–1869 (section 4), pages 280–296 contain slave lists, including
name, age, and value, with notations of deaths, sales, and accounts for hired slaves. A
commonplace book, 1792–1860 (section 5), of Benjamin Carter Minge Friend contains
detailed notes pertaining to the disputation of the 1788 will of Richard Eppes. These
notes include lists of the slaves belonging to William Christian and John Gilliam.
Frying Pan Spring Baptist Church, Fauquier County, records, 1791–1908. 7 pp.
Records of the Frying Pan Spring Baptist Church, Fairfax County, and Occoquan and
Quantico Baptist churches, Prince William County, edited in 1946 by Flossie C.
McNicol. The records include minutes of church meetings, lists of members (including
slaves), and birth, death, and baptismal data.
Fulks, Claiborne G., diary, 1849–1851. 138 pp. Mss5:1F9575:1.
Most of the entries concern carpentry work in Amherst, Nelson, and Bedford counties
and Lynchburg and daily weather conditions. On page 62 are notes concerning the sale of
two slaves.
Fulton, William Mayo (d. 1853), letterbook, 18381844. 686 pp. Mss5:2F959:1.
Consists of letters written during Fultons military service as captain of Company B in the
2nd Dragoons, later U.S. Riflemen. Most of the correspondence was written from various
forts in Florida during the Second Seminole War (18351842). While the majority of
letters focus on supply needs and personnel issues, some make reference to three African
American guides and interpreters: Sampson, Sandy, and Titus. Sampson and Sandy are
among those listed as missing and supposed killed after the Indian attack on the trading
post on the Caloosahatchee River on July 23, 1839 (pages 4952). There is some doubt in
Fultons letters as to whether Sandy was loyal or a traitor in collaboration with the Indians
(pages 7071). The letters describe looking for Indian tracks and confusing them with
Negro tracks (pages 4, 121, 124). The letters voice suspicion that African Americans
were trading with the Indians, and captured Indian women were to serve as witnesses
against Col. Hansons Negroes (pages 154–156, 161, 163, 165). Several letters testify to
the employment of Titus as a guide and interpreter for the army and the difficulty in
procuring payment for his services (pages 4344, 69, 179, 217218). Captain Fulton was a
resident of Richmond before and after his military service.
Fulton, William Mayo (d. 1853), papers, 1819–1865. 42 items. Mss2F9599b.
Within the papers of this Richmond lawyer are a number of deeds and deeds of trust. In
section 9, two deeds of trust, dated 1849 and 1850, relate to five slaves. Section 10
contains an 1823 deed for five slaves. In section 11 is an 1851 affidavit of Jones Allen of
Richmond in which he releases his claim to four slaves to Charles Zeuer.
Funsten, David (18191866), papers, 1851–1868. 51 items. Mss1F9665a.
Records of an Alexandria lawyer and soldier in the 11th Virginia Cavalry Regiment.
Include a letter, 15 August 1862, of his daughter, Mary Catherine Funsten, in part
concerning the hiring out of the slave Clara and the capture of a runaway slave (section
Galt, James K. (1836–1913), diary, 1889–1892. 2 v. Mss5:1G1393:1-2.
Galt, an itinerant Baptist minister from Reba, Bedford County, kept his diary in two
volumes and recounted his travels through the Lynchburg region of Virginia. Along with
comments on his daily life, ministry, and Virginia social life in general, he mentions
preaching to African American congregations. He eventually had a falling out with the
Baptists and turned to the practice of law. In 1892 he mentions the trial of an African
American man named William Richeson for an unspecified crime.
Galt, William (1801–1851), diary, 1827–1838. [42] leaves. Mss5:1G1397:1.
Covers Galts farming activities and business accounts at Point of Fork, Fluvanna County,
and includes John Hartwell Cockes directions for governing overseers and slaves.
Gamble, John Grattan (1779–1852), accounts, 1824–1833. 6 items. Mss2C1111b.
Concern the executorship of the estate of Abraham Joseph Cabell (of Jefferson County,
Fla.). Includes an affidavit, 1832, of Gamble concerning the sale of slaves belonging to
the estate.
Gannaway, Theodorick Carter (d. 1863), papers, 1831–1863. 6 items. Mss2G15558b.
Include Gannaway’s 1836 bond to Benjamin Talley of Tennessee for the slave Buck.
Garnett family papers, 1814–1940. 680 items. Mss1G1875c.
This collection features the correspondence, financial accounts, and legal papers of
members of the Garnett and related Garth families of Madison and Albemarle counties.
The correspondence, 1833–1851, of Willis Dabney Garth (1790–1851), planter and
lawyer of Charlottesville, includes letters from Edwin R. Clarke, a nephew in Mississippi
and Tennessee, in part concerning the hiring out of slaves while settling the estates of
family members; Winston Garth, a brother in Alabama, concerning the purchase of
slaves; and J. W. Morehead, a Greensboro, N.C., attorney, concerning the settlement of a
suit against Hezekiah Arnold for the value of slaves owned by his deceased wife,
Susannah Garth (Dalton) Arnold (section 2). Garth’s financial accounts, 1814–1851,
include Albemarle County tax levies for land, horses, and slaves, as well as bills for
services related to the lawsuit against Hezekiah Arnold (section 3). Garth served as
executor of the estate of Thomas K. Clarke and trustee for his widow, Elizabeth (Garth)
Clarke. Estate papers, 1835–1847, include accounts paid for the hire of slaves and also
include lists and prices of slaves as part of the settlement of the estate of Susannah Dalton
(section 4). In the settlement of Garths own estate, papers include a will, inventory of
agricultural equipment, livestock, and slaves, lists of slaves and their values, and an
account for medical care provided to slaves by Doctor James A. Leitch (section 5). Legal
papers of Garth’s widow, Martha (Graves) Garth (d. 1874), include an agreement, 1868,
with Edward Twyman, a freedman, allowing him and his family to live in a house on her
lot at Madison Court House and to undertake general maintenance there in return for free
rent and a share of any crops he raises (section 8). Other Garth family materials include
an account of James Woods Garth with George Martin in 1854 for medical care of the
slave Celia, and a letter and receipt, 1856–1857, of John C. Patterson of Charlottesville to
Virginia E. (Garth) Bledsoe concerning the hire of her slave Tom (section 9). Papers
relating to the estate of Robert Garnett (1770–1854), administered by his grandson
Robert C. Garnett (1820–1873), include an 1856 receipt for the medical care of slaves
(section 12), while the younger Garnett’s legal papers in Madison County include a bill
of sale in the same year for two African American slaves, Susan and Martha, and
Martha’s baby sold by Garnett to Martin Bideler (section 16).
Garnett family papers, 1834–1979. 104 items. Mss1G1875b.
Concern the Garnett and related families of Albemarle and Madison counties. Section 2
contains a notice, 1852, of Martha (Graves) Garth (1828–1909) of Madison County to
sell land and other property, including slaves.
Garrett, Benjamin F. (b. 1820), letter, 1866. 1 p. Mss2G1925a1.
Letter, 14 June 1866, Clover Station in Halifax County, to Dabney Cosby referring to the
upcoming trial of some African Americans and the circumstantial evidence against Allen.
Gault, John, letter, 1853. 1 p. Mss2G2365a1.
Letter, 31 December 1853, written in Richmond to Samuel Gault of Boston, Mass.,
providing a northern perspective on the number of African Americans in the city to be
hired out for the coming year and noting that the slaves come from all over Virginia.
Geddy, William (d. 1816), will, 1816. 3 pp. Imperfect. Mss2G2672a1. Copy.
Will probated in New Kent County providing for division of slaves among three heirs and
providing for the use of slaves by Geddy’s wife during her lifetime. Several slaves are
named and identified by physical description and family relationships; the blacksmith
Charles is to be freed, but Charles’s wife and children are to be sold and the proceeds
divided among the heirs.
George, Alice B. Payne (b. 1794?), papers, 1855–1875. 32 items. Mss2G2936b.
Include letters and accounts, 1856–1857, of William H. Brown of Richmond, concerning
the sale of tobacco and purchase of mercantile items for Mrs. George, a widow of
Goochland County, including notes concerning labor performed by Roger, presumably a
George family papers, 1718–1936. 163 items. Mss1G2937a.
This collection concerns four generations of the George family primarily of Fairford,
Thornberry, and White Chimneys, Caroline County. Correspondence of Lewis George
(1779–1847) with Elliott M. Burruss discusses the hiring of slaves (folder 1). Papers of
John Dudley George (1758–1781) include a copy of his will dated 17 March 1780 giving
directions for the division of his slaves among beneficiaries (folder 5). A will of Reuben
George written 16 May 1799 provides for the bequest of named slaves (folder 6). Papers
of Henry Hortensius George (1824–1902) include an undated list of slaves divided into
lots and with monetary evaluations provided (folder 8).
George family papers, 1798–1864. 17 items. Mss2G2938b.
Most of this collection concerns the administration of Reuben George’s estate. Of
particular note are several bonds (section 1) of John Oliver, Sr., and John Oliver, Jr., of
Caroline County for the hire of several slaves (Tom in 1798 and Sawney in 1815). An
1800 bond indicates that Rene Brown will maintain Sarah until her death "so that she
shall never become chargeable to the estate." A Henrico County certificate of Peter
Anderson’s age in 1826 states that he was born free (section 3).
Gerst, Emanuel (b. 1816?), papers, 1861–1862. 6 items. Mss2G3271b.
Contain letters written to Gerst while serving in Company G of the 6th Virginia Cavalry
Regiment, Confederate States Army, by Mary Wilson (Cunningham) Gerst of Glenmary,
Halifax County. The letters concern family news and her management of agricultural
operations at Glenmary, including tobacco harvesting and the manufacture of clothing
and shoes for slaves.
Giles, William Branch (1762–1830), papers, 1783–1828. 14 items. Mss2G3947c.
These papers are primarily correspondence of Virginia governor William Branch Giles.
In this collection is a 1783 note from Robert Stockton of Princeton, N.J., concerning the
return of a slave hired from Giles. The slave is not named.
Gilliam, Richard Holland (1809–1892), papers, 1792–1900. 1,054 items.
This collection contains correspondence and other materials of Richard Holland Gilliam,
a planter, merchant, and sheriff of Buckingham County. Section 1 contains
correspondence of Gilliam with William Holeman of Cumberland County concerning the
sale and care of a slave girl named Lucy. Section 4 contains medical accounts, 1835–
1863, of Gilliam concerning the care and treatment of family members and slaves.
Section 6 consists of materials pertaining to Gilliam in his capacity as sheriff of
Buckingham County, in part, concerning the sale and hiring out of slaves. Includes
letters, bonds, agreements, and receipts. Section 11 contains papers, 1823–1875, of
Edward J. Gilliam of Buckingham County, including an 1849 agreement between Gilliam
(1798–1875) and Spotswood Jones concerning the sale of the slave Esther and the care of
elderly slaves Nelson and Anna.
Gilliatt, Paul, compiler, "Genealogical Notes Concerning the Gilliatt Family," 1986.
2 items. Mss6:1G4144:1.
Concerns John Gilliatt, Thomas Gilliatt, and William Gilliatt; also concerns free African
Americans bearing the name Gilliatt.
Gilliatt, Thomas, deposition, 1804. 1 p. Mss2G4144a1.
Deposition, dated 10 December 1804, Richmond, made before Henry Smith Shore
(1768–1832) concerning a slave, Claiborne, believed to be in the custody of David Snow.
Gist family papers, 19251989. 250 items. Mss1G4475a.
Spanning three generations of a Richmond-based African American family, these papers
include photographs, newspaper clippings, certificates, report cards, and identification
cards. The materials focus on Lewis Gist, Sr. (18971989), and his wife, Leonia (Hill) Gist
(18981991); their children Ophelia Addie Mae (Gist) Hawkes (19191993), Lewis
Alexander Gist, Jr. (19211997), John C. Gist (b. 1926), and William Bernard Gist
(19281960); and their grandchildren Marilyn Elaine Gist (b. 1949) and Ronald
Christopher Gist (b. 1957?). A large portion of this collection traces the careers of Lewis,
Jr. (section 4), a university science professor, and Ophelia (Gist) Hawkes (section 3), a
primary school teacher. Although most of the items are records of achievement, section 3
also contains original poetry composed by Ophelia Hawkes.
Gloucester County, Court, order, 1767. 1 p. Mss4G5184a1.
Order, 1767, to the sheriff of Gloucester County to apprehend an escaped slave.
Gooch family papers, 1812–1961. 367 items. Mss1G5906a. Microfilm reels C332–
Primarily the papers of Claiborne Watts Gooch (1791–1844), planter of Henrico County
and newspaper editor in Richmond, and Dr. Philip Claiborne Gooch (1825–1855) of
An account book, 1832–1836, kept by Claiborne W. Gooch includes diary entries
concerning agricultural operations at Airfield and Little Egypt plantations, including
Gooch’s comments on African American laborers. The record book of the Richmond
Board of Health (section 16), kept by Dr. Gooch as secretary during the cholera epidemic
in 1849, contains lists of sick and deceased African Americans, comments on the effects
of the disease on the African American community in Richmond, and reports of health
services provided by and for African Americans.
Correspondence of Maria Rebecca Roane (Barnes) Gooch (section 7) contains a request,
1865, to be exempted from taxes, citing devastation of her land and eight male slaves
carried off by Yankees. Her slave lists, 1839–1852 (section 8), pertain to Airfield in
Henrico County and provide names, ages, values, some family relationships, and a few
notes as to which should be sold and which hired out.
Goodman, Joseph Noton (1811–1862), commonplace book, 1834–1879. 40 pp.
This volume, kept in Cumberland and Roanoke counties, contains notes on the Goodman
family, lists of horses, and lists of births and deaths of slaves. Approximately forty births,
1809–1856, and five deaths, 1839–1849, are noted, with names, dates, and mothers’
names only.
Goodwin, Frederick Deane (1804–1881), papers, 1824–1868. 29 items. Mss1G6325a.
Diaries and sermons make up the greater part of this Episcopal minister’s collection of
papers. Goodwin grew up in Massachusetts and came to Virginia as a young man. He
was first a teacher and then a minister. In 1837 he married Mary Frances Archer,
daughter of Dr. Robert Archer, U.S. Army at Fort Monroe.
Most of Goodwin’s diaries record daily activities of teaching, visiting, and preaching; his
thoughts on religion take up a substantial amount of space. An entry for 1 January 1849
records his thoughts on slavery and that the institution will be a trial and "vexation" to
him as long as he lives in a land of slaves. He then comments on his own slaves and the
one hired for the current year. While a minister in Amherst and Nelson counties, he also
provided services for the slaves of Mayo Cabell at Union Hill (see entries for the 1840s,
in particular the fifth Sundays) and at Grace Church. In section 19 are several reports,
1839–1841, of a Sunday school for African Americans at Trinity Episcopal Church in
Gordon, Nettie M., collector, papers, 1850–1916. 44 items. Mss1G6575a.
A wide variety of documents collected by Nettie Gordon and her father, primarily
focusing on Central Virginia history and historical figures. Among the materials are an
insurance policy, 1858, issued by the American Life Insurance Trust Company of
Philadelphia, Pa., on the life of William, an African American slave belonging to M. F.
Vaiden of Charles City County, and receipts, 1857–1858, issued by the same company to
Vaiden for payment of premiums on the life insurance policy for Rosanna, another slave
(section 6). Also, includes a newspaper clipping concerning the execution of two African
American slaves (Champion and Valentine) for murder in Goochland County in 1733
(section 9).
Graham family papers, 1798–1925. 353 items. Mss1G7605a. Microfilm reel C17.
Primarily the personal and professional papers of George Graham (1770–1830) of Fairfax
County, chief clerk of the U.S. War Department and commissioner of the U.S. Land
Office, and of George Mason Graham (1807–1891), planter and educator, a Fairfax
County native who eventually moved to Louisiana. Section 6 of this collection contains
as affidavit concerning a slave named John who was hired to work for George Graham at
the Lexington plantation in Fairfax County. In section 14, several undated lists of slaves,
presumably kept in Fairfax County by George Mason Graham, include values.
Grand United Order of Galilean Fishermen, Gideon Tabernacle, No. 14, Berryville,
minute book, 19211934. 1 vol. Mss4G7629b.
Minute book, 19211934, of the Gideon Tabernacle, No. 14, Grand United Order of
Galilean Fishermen of Berryville, an African American fraternal organization that
originated in Baltimore, Md., in 1856. The order is unique in that it was not based on a
previously existing white fraternal society, but rather created within the African
American community. The members paid dues regularly and the organization provided
them with financial support during times of illness or death. The minutes helped to track
member dues, organizations and schools that rented the meeting hall for special events,
the disbursement of sick dues, frequent election of officers, preparations for the annual
sermon, visits by the supreme ruler, pageants and banquets, and miscellaneous expenses.
The volume was kept by several secretaries over the years, including Cora B. Jones
(1867?1925), Fannie Jenkins (b. 1890?), Mary C. Jackson, Ethel Clarke, and Edna Paige.
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Millwood Lodge, No. 8501, records 19101960.
118 items. Mss3G7629a.
Miscellaneous records of the Millwood Lodge, No. 8501, Grand United Order of Odd
Fellows in Millwood, Clarke County. Materials generated by this African American
fraternal organization consist chiefly of general laws, by-laws, ritual books, minute book,
correspondence, account books, receipts, and membership information. Most of the
letters in the collection are addressed to Mancefield Paige (19011985), a laborer from
Berryville, who served as the Lodges secretary and past secretary. The account books and
membership book give detailed information about each member, including name, age,
occupation, residence, marital status, and children.
Gravatt family papers, 1864–1933. 262 items. Mss1G7803a.
This collection is composed of papers of the Gravatt family of Port Royal, Caroline
County, chiefly of Doctor Charles Urquhart Gravatt (1851–1922) of the U.S. Navy and
while serving in the Virginia Senate. Section 4 contains correspondence, 1913–1920, of
Dr. Gravatt, including a communication with Thomas J. Edwards concerning the Negro
Reformatory of Virginia, located in Hanover County.
Gray, Harrison (1701–1794), papers, 1750–1774. 5 items. Mss2G7927d.
Include a deed, 1758, of Joseph Turrell and William Story, both of Boston, Mass., to
Gray, a merchant of Boston, for the woman Silway, age thirty-five, and her daughter
June, age three.
Gray, Jean Maynard, "Mulberry Island Cemeteries," 1970. 7 pp. Mss7:2M8968:3.
Concerns cemeteries on Mulberry Island, Warwick County, of the Crafford, Curtis,
Fitchett, Jones, and Nettles families, and for slaves.
Gray, John (1769–1848), papers, 1803–1832. 3 items. Mss2G7933b.
Include a letter written to Gray (as a merchant of Port Royal) by Benjamin Weaver, an
overseer at Wakefield, Westmoreland County, concerning the burning of a barn, possibly
by a slave named Sam.
Gray, Kathryn Viola, papers, 1937. 2 items. Mss2G7935b.
Papers include a diploma issued to Kathryn Gray for completion of the Elective Course,
along with a photograph of the 1937 senior class of Armstrong High School, the first
public school in Richmond for African American students, originally known as the
Richmond Colored Normal School.
Gray, William (1793–1873), papers, 1819–1875. ca. 4,000 items. Mss1G7952aFA2.
Microfilm reels C560–575.
As a tobacco shipper and manufacturer, Gray was prominent in Manchester and
Richmond business circles. He also served as a director of the Bank of Virginia, a trustee
of the Manchester Methodist Episcopal Church, and a justice of the peace for
The finding aid provides an index to many of Gray’s slave hiring transactions and several
purchases. Items of interest include Tom Ford’s 1848 note that he and his wife want to
hire the boy they raised from infancy; Thomas Nance’s praise of the care and housing
accommodations provided by Maurice Langhorne (Lynchburg, 1846), and an extensive
correspondence with the Rev. James Riddick concerning hiring out one of Riddick’s
slaves to the coal mines to make him more controllable and containing Riddick’s opinion
of the end of slavery and what it has done to Virginia’s labor force and economy.
Fugitive slaves are discussed with a Mr. Campbell, a Baltimore jailer. In 1856 Campbell
had custody of Tom Sweeney, a mulatto slave who had run away two years earlier. In
1841, Benjamin Grave asks Gray to intercede for his son, who, fearing an unjust
whipping ran away from Mr. Vaughn. In 1842 Lewis Stiff expresses concern about
Emanuel, whose expired pass had been renewed, but Emanuel still had not returned.
Gray maintained correspondence with several individuals concerning Rivan Mayo, a
freeborn African American who had been sold into slavery in Kentucky. Correspondence
in 1855–1856 with R. J. Brown, R. W. Flournoy, W. T. Martin and Walter Robinson
discusses this matter. (The Robinson letter is in Gray’s business correspondence.)
Richard Graves, 1855, writes inquiring after Prestons age, because he was to become
free at age thirty according to Mrs. Pleasantss will. Peter Camel, 1860, writes from a
Richmond jail asking for bail; he has a job in Lynchburg and will be able to repay Gray.
In 1834 J. Woodson sends instructions with John, who will visit his wife (a slave of
Gray); later in the year Woodson offers to sell John to Gray for less than his appraised
value so that the husband and wife would not be separated.
In Gray’s business correspondence, February 1858, is a letter from the president of the
Northern Bank of Tennessee giving particulars of the murder of Gray’s partner in
Tennessee by one of Gray’s slaves, who was then hanged. Gray’s business
correspondence, 1859, with Sawyer, Wallace & Co. provides a New Yorkers perspective
on John Brown. The writer moves in business circles; he does not involve himself in
politics. He has heard nothing prejudicial about the South, but most accept that Brown
was guilty and deserving of hanging. He notes the differentiation between the practice
and the theory of slavery; in practice New Yorkers do not like anything to disrupt
business and making money.
In addition to Riddick’s comments on the abolition of slavery (see above), Robert Hubard
in 1866 and 1867 makes disparaging comments about freedmen who work at their
Green, Charles Jones (1839–1909), papers, 1861–1895. 35 items. Mss1G8207a.
Microfilm reel C597.
This collection contains materials primarily concerning the military service of two
members of the 47th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Confederate States Army, namely
Charles Jones Green and his brother, William James Green (1825–1862). Section 6
contains a letter dated 19 July 1895 of Henry Heth to Charles Green concerning Heth’s
recent visit to the Office of the Rebellion Records in Washington, D.C., to find a letter
recommending Green as a former Confederate in raising an African American regiment
for the U.S. Army.
Green, William (1806–1880), papers, 1726–1880. 323 items. Mss1G8274a.
Business and personal papers of a lawyer and legal scholar of Culpeper Court House and
Richmond. Section 5 includes an antebellum essay by Green on "contingent or
conditional emancipation," while section 16 contains a draft of Green’s argument in the
"case of the Timberlake Negroes," concerning emancipation by the will of a testator.
Section 18 contains a deed of trust covering six slaves in Culpeper County, "with the
future increase of the females"; in section 19, an 1839 affidavit recorded in Pittsylvania
County concerns the death of a slave named Lucy on her way from Madison County to
the home of her new master in South Carolina, while an 1840 affidavit concerns James
King, a free African American apprentice in Rappahannock County.
Gregory, George Craghead (1878–1956), compiler, "Parents, Uncles and Aunts,"
1939. [233] pp. Mss6:1G8623:2.
Includes genealogical charts and notes of the Gregory and allied families. Also includes
an account, 1793, of Francis Taylor (guardian of Benjamin Pearson Thorp) with Peter
Bennett concerning the hire of slaves (p. 162).
Gregory family papers, 1683–1909. 330 items. Mss1G8626c.
Primarily the personal and business records of planters and merchants of Elsing Green,
King William County. Estate materials for Roger Gregory (section 17), compiled by his
executrix, include undated lists of slaves, some of whom are designated as a part of the
dower of Maria Gregory. Additional lists of slaves compiled for Roger Gregory, Jr., as
guardian of Nannie S. Gregory appear to indicate the prices for which individuals were
sold and list men and women by name and by plantation; accounts kept by the guardian
cover medical expenses for the care of slaves during the Civil War.
Griffin, James Lewis Corbin (1814–1878), papers, 1839–1875. 24 items.
The collection includes diaries and a commonplace book of Griffin kept as a Universalist
minister in Williamsburg. They also include a letter dated 24 April 1860 written by his
father, Samuel Stuart Griffin of Williamsburg, in part concerning the trial of a black
youth for arson.
Grigsby, Hugh Blair (1806–1881), papers, 17451944. 6,563 items. Mss1G8782b.
Parts of this collection are available on Microfilm reel C84.
Papers of a planter, writer, and historian mostly kept at Edgehill in Charlotte County.
Grigsbys correspondence in section 31 contains several letters of particular interest. A
letter to George Dodd Armstrong compliments Armstrong on his theological defense of
slavery in The Christian Doctrine of Slavery. Mark Alexander’s correspondence contains
much political commentary, including observations on the Missouri Compromise. Allen
Capertons letters contain a lengthy treatise on slavery in America and through history
(with many analogies to Greek and Roman practice), question the wisdom of having a
class of free African Americans, consider slavery in Jamaica, remark on the potential
differences between antebellum free African Americans and postbellum freedmen, and
argue the primary concern of the treatisethat conscripted slaves in the Confederate
army should retain slave status and should not be freed.
Also in section 31 are some detailed letters, 1862–1863, from Anne Bradford, writing
from Hillsville, N.C., and Norfolk, Va. She records incidents of slaves that report to
Federal troops for free papers, a freed woman who filed a complaint against a doctor,
discontinuing the Sunday school in favor of learning French and music, and freed slaves
raising cotton for the federal government. She also sends reports on the activities of
slaves on the Eastern Shore.
Grigsby had slaves with the Confederate army, and several of their letters home also
appear in his correspondence. Thomas Black, writing for the slave Oliver in December
1864, states that Oliver is driving a supply wagon near Richmond. In 1863 Grigsby sent
three carpenter-mechanics to Danville with the agreement that they would be vaccinated,
be provided with medical care, food, and lodging, and not be required to work in
inclement weather (section 74). In March 1863, James writes to his master’s wife telling
her that they are well but that the rations are insufficient for the work they do; he explains
the ration allotment and asks her to send food (section 82).
The collection also contains a variety of deeds for slaves. In section 155 is an 1829 deed
to Asa Dupuy for the slave Frank, in section 163 is a 1797 deed to Thomas Walton for
the slave Tom, and in section 197 is an 1845 deed of trust to William Morton for Sally
and her sons Jim and Dick. Section 189 contains an 1817 hiring agreement in which John
Miller promised delivery of oak rails as needed in exchange for hire of the slave Jordan.
Slave lists, 1824, from Thomas Walton’s estate appear in section 167.
Grigsby family papers, 1745–1940. 372 items. Mss1G8785a.
George Hugh Blair Grigsby (1823–1855) was a prominent Virginian who was active in
business and politics. While trading in cotton farther south (Texas and Louisiana, 1850),
he owned Rial, who was hired out regularly (see diary in section 14, back pages, for
hiring out notes) and then sold to Bede Johnson (see entry dated 1 January 1851). An
entry dated 23 December 1850 concerns a slave on a pass to visit his son in Houston. The
slave is not back yet, and there is news that cholera has broken out in Houston. In section
18, Rial writes in 1877 to Mary McCormick in Baltimore, saying he has just discovered
her whereabouts and asking if she knows anything about his folks; he has heard nothing
since the war. Section 40 contains an undated list of thirty-five slaves with values
calculated for an unidentified estate division.
Grinnan, Daniel (1861–1940), papers, 1882–1908. 91 items. Mss1G8853a.
Correspondence, 1902, with James Christian Lamb concerns retaining John Shepherd, an
African American, as janitor in the office of Richmond’s chancery court upon Grinnan’s
appointment as judge (section 1).
Grinnan family papers, 1645–1935. 342 items. Mss1G8855d.
About 1910 St. George Tucker Coalter Bryan (1843–1916) wrote a short anecdotal
biographical sketch about Daddy Frank and other household staff at Eagle Point in
Gloucester County (section 28). It describes family life, homes, religion, Mammy Sarah’s
free relatives, Bryan’s view of relations between masters and slaves, Civil War incidents,
and life before, during, and after the war. An 1845–1865 slave list (section 15)
summarizes family relationships and usual tasks for the slaves at Eagle Point.
Grinnan family papers, 1673–1865. 125 items. Mss1G8855b.
An extensive letter, 1811, of Chapman Johnson of Staunton to John Coalter of Richmond
provides details of a fight between one of Coalter’s slaves and the son of a Captain Perry.
Several points of law are discussed, including the legality of a slave’s evidence, slaves
self-defense, masters using slaves to protect property, and related points (section 9).
Section 19 contains a 1797 deed (printed form) to John Dare of Fredericksburg for
Hannah and her daughter Matilda. In the same section, a 1 January 1781 bond for hire of
Hannah and her child requires the mother to be returned clothed as she was received and
without charge.
Grinnan family papers, 1750–1901. 807 items. Mss1G8855c.
Joseph Jackson Halsey’s 1854 letter to Dr. Andrew Glassell Grinnan (section 21) gives
Halseys reasons for not hiring William and Mitchell for the coming year; too much time
was lost in visiting their wives, business was interrupted, and the asking price for William
was too high. Halsey would hire Frederick for the next year. A pass, 31 July 1862
(section 23), allows a woman, a boy, and two children to travel from Charlottesville to
In section 35, Margaret I. Lee’s affidavit concerns her purchase of Betsey from John
Thornton. She will leave Betsey to his family after her death and in the meantime hire
Betsey out to the Thornton family.
Grinnan family papers, 1765–1932. 336 items. Mss1G8855a.
Correspondence and financial records of Daniel Grinnan (1771–1830), Fredericksburg
merchant; Dr. Andrew Glassell Grinnan, Madison County physician; St. George Tucker
Coalter Bryan of Richmond; and Daniel Grinnan (1861–1940), Richmond attorney.
In section 17, an 1850 letter of Archibald Alexander Little of Fredericksburg to Dr.
Grinnan concerns the insuring of slaves and requests Grinnan to act as examining
physician in his region. Section 38 contains copies of wills of John Taliaferro (d. 1744)
and John Taliaferro (d. 1805), probated in Spotsylvania County, that list by name slaves
who were bequeathed to various family members.
Grinnan family papers, 1781–1830. 213 items. Mss1G8855e.
Contains correspondence, accounts, and related materials of members of the Bryan,
Coalter, and Grinnan families of Virginia. Section 2 contains a letter from Daniel
Grinnan (1771–1830), a merchant of Fredericksburg, to Mrs. Mary Lee of Westmoreland
County concerning the protection of the slave Owen from threats made by a runaway
slave. Section 5 contains the will, 1810, of Frances Davenport (of Augusta County),
which includes personal references to slaves. Section 12 contains a deed (photocopy),
1797, of Reuben Bullard to John Dare of Fredericksburg for the slaves Matilda and
Maria. Section 13 contains photographs, including one of the slave Julien and Abram
Carter, a former slave. This section also contains a photograph of the slave burying
ground at Carysbrook, Fluvanna County.
Grymes, Benjamin (d. 1805), will, 1805. 7 pp. Mss2G9292a1. Photocopy.
Will, dated 7 July 1805, probated in the Virginia District Court at Fredericksburg.
Included with the will is an inventory and appraisal of the estate, including slaves, in
Madison and Orange counties.
Grymes family papers, 1815–1919. 103 items. Mss1G9297a.
Primarily papers of Peyton Grymes (1791–1878), Orange County physician. Include a
deed, 1816, to Walter Healy for five slaves listed by name with some family relationships
indicated (section 3).
Guerrant, William Gibson (1829–1892), papers, 1844–1886. 16 items. Mss1G9376a.
Microfilm reel C597.
Diaries, correspondence, and miscellany of a Montgomery County resident, primarily
concerning his service in the Confederate States Artillery. Volume 1 of his diary, 1858–
1861, includes references to the monetary appraisal of slaves, while volume 2, 1864–
1865, includes records of the hiring out of slaves (section 1).
Gunst, Virginia Kaufman (1905–2001), papers, 1941–1963. 734 items. Mss1G9578a.
This collection primarily focuses on the service of Virginia (Kaufman) Gunst of
Richmond as commander of the Volunteer Service Motor Corps of the Richmond Office
of Civilian Defense. The women volunteers under her command were recognized for
countless hours of service during World War II, mainly transporting soldiers and nurses,
driving ambulances, and participating in war bond drives, but the papers include
instructions regarding the segregation of African American volunteers at specific
recognition ceremonies (section 1).
Guy, Samuel Atwell, papers, 1845–1852. 4 items. Mss2G9896a.
Kept in Louisa County, including receipts issued to Guy for the purchase of the
blacksmith Robin, a receipt from Richard Wyatt for purchase of the slave Henry, and a
bond of Leander Woodson to Guy for the hiring of the slave Margarete.
Gwathmey family papers, 1790–1982. ca. 10,000 items. MssG9957cFA2. Microfilm
reels C259–261.
The Gwathmey family of Burlington plantation played a prominent role in the history of
King William County. Joseph Gwathmey (1758–1824) was the first to own Burlington.
His oldest son, John Hill Gwathmey, lived there until his death in 1839, at which time
John’s brother, William Gwathmey, a physician, moved his family from Wakefield to
Burlington. William’s son, Joseph Hardin Gwathmey (1846–1918), was an agent for
Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company and superintendant of schools for King
William County. His daughter, Mary Burnley Gwathmey (1883–1974), pursued higher
education and obtained degrees in education and design.
In box 1 of the collection are papers pertaining to Joseph Gwathmey’s estate. The estate
book for 1824–1831 contains his will (slaves referred to generally, not by name) and
several references to hirings and purchases. The 1824–1837 book contains a list of about
thirty slaves and their values; on page 79 is a summary of the estate division, with
children being kept with their mothers. In box 2 are diaries, 1833–1874, kept by Dr.
William Gwathmey. Valuable subject notes on these diaries may be found in the
cataloging notes in box 1; William made references to significant events but rarely
elaborated on them, so details are scarce. Some of these events are hiring day, the
hanging of John Brown, the baptism of slaves, Reconstruction, and the mistreatment of
Box 3 contains Williams general correspondence. Letters, 1847–1854, from his brother-
in-law Edwin Burnley reflect the ownership status of slaves during divorce proceedings.
In a letter of January 1854, Edwin recounts a construction accident that crippled one of
his slaves. Papers of Joseph Hardin Gwathmey appear in box 9. His accounts with farm
laborers are sporadic. In his capacity as superintendent of schools, he kept reports and
statistics on the King William school system. Only one report is included in the
collection, 1905–1906, but the form records in two-column style ("white" and "colored")
such information as class size, teacher qualifications, size of school, and a variety of
other educational facets.
The story of Sylvia Hill is the focus of a folder in box 52, which contains the papers of
Mary Burnley Gwathmey. In the early 1940s Mary Burnley decided to write the story of
Sylvia Hill, a former slave who continued to work for the family and maintained close
family ties until her death in 1906. The folder contains a typescript of the work,
approximately twenty pages. The collection also has other notations of Sylvia in various
places: her will is in box 11; in box 7 is a deed of gift for a house and lot for the length of
her employment with the Gwathmeys; and in Dr. William Gwathmey’s 1857 diary he
indicates that she married Dennis Hill on 3 January.
Researchers may also find additional descriptive information from an examination of the
guide to this collection. The above entry indicates only major points of interest.
Gwin, William McKendrie (1805–1885), memoir, 1863. 1 p. Mss5:1G9954:1.
This one-page typescript is an abstract of a memoir by Gwin, former governor of
California, in which he recounts discussions at an October 1863 dinner party in Paris,
France. Several European ministers discussed the necessity of having the Confederate
government announce its intention to emancipate all slaves upon achieving its
independence in order to be recognized by England and France, because of antislavery
elements in Europe. The response of Confederate representatives present was negative.
H. A. White & Co., Warrenton, records, 1852–1867. 6 vols. Mss5:3W5868:4–9.
Concern a major mercantile operation conducted by Hamden A. White in Warrenton,
with customers in that town and the surrounding area of Fauquier County. Along with
journals and ledgers, some loose papers include a bond, 1852, to Dr. Thomas T. Withers
for the hire of Ellen, an African American slave, and her child, signed by Thomas B.
Finks and D. M. Patten.
Hairston, George Stovall (1813–1863), commonplace book, 1835–1864. [4], 31, [25]
p. Mss5:5H1277:1.
Contains lists of slaves with year dates of birth in Henry County, kept by physician and
planter George Stovall Hairston.
[Hall, Nancy Johns Turner (1792–1850)], "The Imaginationist, or Recollections of
an Old Lady," 1844. 4 vols. Mss5:9H1405:1.
Attributed to Nancy Johns Turner Hall (of Bedford County), who later settled in Ohio.
Includes information on slavery and the African American colonization movement.
Hall, William, deed, 1812. 1 p. Mss2H1497a1. Photocopy.
Deed, 13 June 1812, of William Hall of Fairfax County to John Arnold of King George
County for the girl Suckey.
Hallett, Benjamin Franklin (1797–1862), letter, 1856. 1 p. Mss2H1542a1. Printed.
Circular letter, 29 October 1856, Boston, Mass., to Robert William Hughes, William
Anderson Patteson, and William Foushee Ritchee, denouncing abolitionists, Free Soilers,
and northern Whig and unionist parties.
Hamilton family papers, 1798–1990. 450 items. Mss1H1805c.
Concern the Hamilton, Vandergrift, and Withers families of Gloucester County. Section
17 contains a letter, 1816, from Robert Tayler (of Norfolk) to Charles Barrett concerning
the purchase by a free man, Robert, of his enslaved child, owned by Barnett, if she is
willing to go with her parent.
Hankins family papers, 1791–1975. 1,472 items. Mss1H1946b.
Concern the family of John Henry Hankins (1804–1870) and his wife, Louisiana
(Wilson) Hankins (1819–1865), of Bacon’s Castle, Surry County. Include materials,
1837–1839, concerning settlement of the estate of William Jordan Boykin (d. 1823) by
John Henry Hankins, which include an unexecuted bond of Robert W. Gibbs and Robert
Gibbs concerning the hiring of an African American slave (section 3); financial records,
1853–1870, of Hankins, in part concerning the hiring out of two of his enslaved
bricklayers in 1858 (section 5); and records compiled by Hankins in 1868–1870
concerning the settlement of the estates of James Wilson and Eliza M. (Ricks) Wilson,
which include an inventory of property divided among the heirs of James Wilson, among
which are African American slaves (section 6). Also, include correspondence, 1860–
1864, of James DeWitt Hankins (1841–1866) with family members, primarily while
serving in the Surry Light Artillery of the Confederate States Army and in part
concerning the family’s runaway slaves and Isaac, a servant with Hankins in the army
(section 10). Also, include letters, 1858–1865, written to Virginia Wilson Hankins
(1843–1888) by her parents while she was a student, concerning in part slaves at Bacons
Castle and runaways to the Union Army (section 13); and letters written to Mary
(Hankins) Fontaine (1863–1921), 1889–1900, by Paulina Boone, an African American
woman who served as a nurse to the Hankins children of Bacon’s Castle (section 21).
Hannah family papers, 1760–1967. 4,721 items. Mss1H1956a. Microfilm reels C400–
Much of the Hannah family collection revolves around George Cunningham Hannah
(1782?–1870) of Gravel Hill plantation in Charlotte County.
A slave register of births, organized by mother’s name at the top of each page, lists
children and dates of birth (section 9). Thirteen families are included; birthdates range
from 1800 to 1851. In sections 10, 11, and 12, account books make scattered references
to hirings and agricultural operations.
In section 24, an 1813 apprenticeship indenture binds John Smith’s four sons to George
Hannah to learn the carpentry trade. Also in section 24 is a deed in which the slave
woman Abba and her three children are released to George Hannah. More deeds appear
in section 39, in which William Hannah and Quin Morton convey ten slaves to George
Hannah. An 1827 summons to the Charlotte County jailer (section 27) refers to Major,
the slave of Jacob Brooks of Campbell County. Section 83 contains an 1861 receipt of
Elizabeth Henderson of Greenville, Ga., to E. T. Cunningham and John Cunningham for
three men, three women, and three children, warranting that they are slaves for life and
sound in mind and body.
In George Hannah’s correspondence (section 33) is a letter from John Field enclosing
information and deposition interrogatives for the 1848 case of David Young, an Arkansas
man suing for his freedom, whose mother, Maria Young, was still in Virginia. Section 42
contains a January 1865 appointment of George Hannah as a commissioner with the
authority to conscript slaves to provide labor for building fortifications. Freedmen’s
contracts appear in section 41 and state annual wages and weekly rations, with family
wages designated individually and collectively. Arrangement for houses and firewood are
provided in the agreements. Another agreement is in section 44—William’s 1866
contract with Thomas McKinney.
Hanover County, assessor, tax book, 1780. 77 pp. Mss4H1973a2.
This volume records lists of tithables as made by the tax assessor for the year 1780.
Included is St. Paul’s Parish and St. Martin’s Parish. Owners were assessed by the
number of slaves; only number and tax assessment are recorded in this volume. A later
entry (pages 67–68) in the book records amounts of corn processed by African
Harberts, C., deed, 1858. 1 p. Mss2H2135a1.
Deed, 24 February 1858, recorded in Caldwell County, Tex., to G. W. Miller for the slave
Easau, age thirty, in exchange for Hagah, a slave woman.
Hardaway, Richard Eggleston (1796–1830), account book, 1825–1864. 136 pp.
The first few pages record the accounts of Hardaway’s blacksmith shop in Nottoway
County from 1825 to 1830. The second part of the book begins at page 16, on which is
written an index to the names of the slaves whose accounts appear in the larger second
part of the book. That second section was kept by John Segar Eggleston for recording his
slaves’ accounts from 1850 to 1864. The accounts are primarily concerned with fodder,
corn, coffee, sugar, and shoes.
Hargroves, Abigail (Langley) Granbery (d. 1763), commonplace book, 1694–1818.
57 pp. Mss5:5H2244:1.
A photocopied transcript accompanies the original volume, kept by Abigail Hargroves in
Nansemond and Norfolk counties. On page 16 (transcript page 5), she notes that in 1733
the court ruled the young slave Sambo to be eight years old. Later, on page 42, Hargroves
records a list of her slaves’ birthdates from 1745 to 1761.
Harris, Uriah, list, 1858. 1 p. Mss2H2442a1.
This 1858 list of property of the estate of Uriah Harris of Louisa County records twelve
slaves, their prices, and to whom sold, including a mother-child pair.
Harris family papers, 1805–1907. 174 items. Mss1H2445b.
William Robert Harris (b. 1822) of Gloucester County participated in the fishing and
oystering industry. Among his papers are a number of bonds for hiring slaves. These
bonds appear in section 1, except for an 1848 bond in section 7. Generally, each year
from 1848 to 1856 Harris would hire a woman for $10–$15 dollars with the usual
arrangement of providing clothes, blanket, and sometimes shoes. Section 1 also contains
tax receipts on slaves for 1848, 1849, and 1856.
Harrison, Jesse Burton (1805–1841), papers, 1822–1839. 76 items. Mss2H24684d.
Collection contains a letter, 1839, to Harrison (of Lynchburg, Va., and New Orleans, La.)
from Nicholas P. Trist concerning British attitudes toward slavery in the United States.
Harrison family papers, 1662–1915. 981 items. Mss1H2485a. Microfilm reels C262–
The first of several interrelated collections, this group of papers contains several clusters
of like information—regarding clothing and the business of hiring. Some documents
pertain to the distribution of various types of clothing (section 10, 1760s list; section 27,
undated list; section 54, 1851 list; section 62, undated list). An 1822 bond for the hiring
of Elsy is specific about the clothes to be provided and the kind of material used.
Correspondence of Robert T. Taylor provides a look at the business of hiring out slaves.
His letters describe prices, quarterly payments, and rates of commission for 1860 and
1861 (section 49, Julia Taylor and Robert Taylor to B. Temple; section 51, Robert Taylor
to B. Temple; section 61, Robert Taylor to Lucy Temple). A related item in section 32 is
Robert Trice’s 1844 letter to Elizabeth Chowning, describing his arrangements for having
her slaves hired out, noting a special price for Betsy and her children because "her
situation this year peculiarly requires that." In section 51, Taylor notes that a special
clause occurs frequently in hiring contracts for that year—that slaves are to be returned to
the owner in the event of civil war.
The collection also contains deeds and bills of sale for slaves. These are in section 19 (a
1760s document from Christ Church Parish), section 68 (Henrico County, 1824), section
69 (George Brand of Baltimore, Md., sold Daniel, who was born and raised in Virginia,
1815; and an 1822 deed for Abner), and section 74 (Caswell and John Poe bought
Andrew, 1823). In section 44 are two statements of Elizabeth S. Temple concerning the
sale of Joe (1846) and Berkley (1858), each of them being ungovernable and threatening
to run to a free state; section 45 contains a letter of Walter V. Cranch to Temple
concerning the sale of Joe in Richmond.
Harrison family papers, 1725–1907. 1,247 items. Mss1H2485c. Microfilm reels
Much of this collection concerns Randolph Harrison (1769–1839) of Clifton plantation in
Cumberland County. His bonds for slave hirings, 1824–1829, are in section 3, some of
which are specific about clothes to be provided as part of the agreement and items to be
deducted from the price of the hire. There is also an 1815 bond of Archer Harrison for
hiring Ned (section 12).
Section 2 contains Randolph Harrison’s loose accounts. They record costs of meals for
slaves, slave sales (including an 1824 sale of Judy for eight barrels of corn), medical
services, 1825–1831, provided by physician Abner Nash and Jonathan Trent, and hiring
accounts. Two affidavits concerning fugitive slaves appear in section 5. An 1824
statement indicates that Randolph Harrison’s slave Tom was picked up in Fredericksburg
(including receipt for return costs); an 1829 affidavit states that John was apprehended in
Cumberland, only one mile from Harrison’s residence.
Harrison family papers, 1768–1908. 74 items. Mss1H2485b. Microfilm reel C407.
Correspondence and financial records of Benjamin Temple (1801–1872) of Spotsylvania
County and materials of Dr. Jacob Prosser Harrison (1834–1908), Richmond physician,
and other family members.
Letters of Julia A. Taylor and Robert T. Taylor of Richmond to their uncle, Benjamin
Temple, provide an accounting for the hire of slaves belonging to their grandmother in
the years 1860–1862 (section 3). Another letter of Robert T. Taylor to Charlotte Carter
Temple in 1860 concerns the same matter (section 8).
An account book kept by Benjamin Temple, 1833–1871, concerns agricultural operations
on plantations in several eastern Virginia counties and includes records concerning the
hiring and labor of slaves and supplies provided to slave laborers and families (section 5).
Two letters of Edgar B. Montague written to Elizabeth B. Chowning of Middlesex
County in 1862 concern the hiring of Thom and his service with Montague while the
latter fought with the Confederate States Army (section 10). The letters also discuss
hiring practices in general and the safety of slaves while attending soldiers in the army.
Harrison family papers, 1791–1875. 19 items. Mss2H2489d.
Papers of members of the Harrison, Skipwith, and Ravenscroft families of Amelia,
Lunenburg, and Mecklenburg counties. Include an 1844 letter of John P. Ballard (of
Palmyra) to William Henry Harrison (of Wigwam, Amelia County) concerning his
complaints about a slave who acted as a carriage driver on a trip between Wigwam and
Richmond. Also, include a letter, 1793, of John Starke Ravenscroft to Lady Jean
Skipwith concerning, in part, clothing made by his wife for slaves and their preparations
for inhabiting the Spring Bank plantation in Lunenburg County.
Harrison family papers, 1802–1869. 130 items. Mss1H2485e. Microfilm reel C412.
Section 11 contains a statement, 6 May 1865, of Hazard, property of Lt. William Ellzey
Harrison, CSA, concerning the arrangements ordered by Harrison for transportation and
care of Harrison’s horse and personal belongings during the evacuation of Petersburg.
The presence of Union forces complicated Hazards ability to carry out Harrisons orders
as planned.
Harvie family papers, 1831–1913. 3,102 items. Mss1H2636c.
The papers of this Amelia County family shed light on work arrangements made by large
landowners of the postbellum period. A significant body of material concerns agreements
between Lewis Edwin Harvie and freedmen for working the farm in 1865 and 1866
(section 11), then contracting the farm work to German immigrants in the following years
(contracts in section 10 for comparative purposes). Some of the freedmen’s contracts
provide for women and children to do housework, and one is for a blacksmith. (Section
40 includes an 1873 agreement of Joseph Willson with freedmen for farm labor.) Also in
section 11 is an 1865 order of the Freedmen’s Bureau, stating that under no
circumstances may freedmen disobey their employer and that employers may require that
laborers work several hours past sunset.
A letter from Thomas Freeman Epes encloses resolutions of the Bellefonte Grange #15
delineating those requirements that an African American must meet before a white man
may sell or rent land to him (section 1). The resolutions provide commentary on African
Americanssearch for social equality and efforts to rise above manual labor.
Harwood family papers, 1774–1908. 544 items. Mss1H2664a.
Personal and business records of Thomas Seawell Harwood, Thomas G. Harwood,
Walter C. Harwood, and Lucy E. Stubblefield Harwood of Airville, Gloucester County,
and records of the mercantile firm of Thomas B. Rowe & Co. of Gloucester Court House.
An 1854 agreement between Thomas G. Harwood and John P. Taliaferro (section 5)
concerns the hiring of Sally Ann and the terms of her service.
Haxall family papers, 1768–1831. 113 items. Mss1H3203d.
Correspondence, accounts, and miscellaneous records of merchants William Haxall and
Joseph Haxall of Petersburg. James Henderson writes in 1795 to Duncan Rose of
Petersburg concerning negotiations for the sale of Clem to a potential buyer in Richmond
and provides instructions to be passed on to Clem (section 3). In section 8, an 1822
agreement between William Haxall and Thomas Pegram concerns the care of Dinah, so
that she will be "comfortable for the remainder of her life." A certificate of insurance,
1823, issued to Haxall by the Petersburg Marine Insurance Company covers the shipment
of five slaves from Norfolk to New Orleans, listing the slaves by name and providing a
valuation for each (section 8).
Haxall family papers, 1835–1920. 243 items. Mss1H3203c.
William Henry Haxall (1809–1888) and Bolling Walker Haxall (1814–1885) of
Richmond figure prominently in this collection, especially among items of African
American content. Bolling Haxall’s account book for 1851–1883 (section 4) contains
several lists of slaves held privately and in partnership. The lists vary; some have
notations of hiring out or sale, deaths, occupations, or health impairments, and one note
reports a slave as having run off to the Yankees. An 1865 account book (section 5)
records accounts with freedmen for wages, and charges for clothes, shoes, and groceries.
William Haxall’s correspondence, 1861–1867 (section 1), with Hector Harris of Bedford
County follows the slave Henry, to whom the family has become attached after having
hired him for several years. Harris cannot afford to buy Henry but investigates the
possibility just the same. They also discuss the estate division of property, in particular,
two unnamed girl slaves. In section 20 are two life insurance policies, 1860, issued by the
Virginia Life Insurance Company of Richmond for Mary Jane and Austen, house
servants of Mary Bell Moncure of Richmond.
Hays, James (1839–1888), papers, 1857–1888. 102 items. Mss1H3344a. Photocopies.
The collection is primarily correspondence between James Hays, a student at Emory and
Henry College, and his mother, Emily Thompson (West) Hays, of The Cedars, Miss. In
section 2, James Hays expresses his opinion of abolitionists (30 January 1859) and on
John Brown (20 November 1859). In section 1 Emily Hays writes to her son, a
Confederate soldier, about the death of Ambrose, a family slave who had died suddenly.
Hebrew Cemetery Company, Richmond, records, 1928–1946. 130 items.
Primarily consists of financial accounts, 1928–1933 and 1939–1946, concerning the
general operations of the cemetery at 5th and Hospital Streets in Richmond and the care
of grave sites there. Also includes a letter, 1935, of Mrs. Alice H. Harris, supervisor of
the Colored Recreation Association of Richmond, to Irving J. Straus (1881–1939),
secretary of the company, concerning the activities of association members on cemetery
Heely, Edward, receipt, 1848. 1 p. Mss2H3605a1.
Issued to Thomas W. Crowder of Cumberland County for the medical care of a slave
Henderson, John (b. 1802), arithmetic book, 1817–1824. 230 pp. Mss5:4H3835:1.
John Henderson composed this notebook for his own use while teaching school in
Spotsylvania County. In the back of the volume is a copy of an 1823 deed for 146 acres
of land, appurtenances, and six slaves (by name only) from William Henderson to his
Henderson family papers, 1778–1830. 20 items. Mss2H3838b.
John Henderson served in the Virginia House of Delegates for Mason County (now in
West Virginia). In 1813, he and John Cantrill distributed circular letters to their
constituents summarizing the most recent session of the General Assembly (section 2).
They reported that slave owners may move into Virginia and bring their slaves with them
and that other provisions for making it easier to bring slaves into Virginia are under
consideration. They discussed the bills for the new districts (now in West Virginia) that
deliberately do not require congressional representatives to meet landholder
qualifications, indicating concern that an African American could become a
representative. Henderson adds that the militia, although created for defense during war,
could also serve as a guard over slaves.
Henley, Bernard John (b. 1909), notes concerning artists, musicians, and writers in
Richmond, comp. 1972. [16] leaves. Mss7:3N40H389:2.
Compiled from Richmond newspapers, 1858–1888. Concern Theodosia (Burr) Allston,
Robert Armistead, Carter Nelson Berkeley, Frederick Nichols Crouch, Mittie F. C.
(Point) Davis, Nellie Deans, Edwin Farmer, Lucy Virginia (Smith) French, John Jasper,
Lucy T. Redd, [?] Schreiber, John F. Stith, and Adele Williams.
Henrico County, Court, papers, 1817–1820. 6 pp. Mss4V8a15. Typescript copy.
Pertain to the will of Izard Bacon of Henrico County in which he provides for the
emancipation of his slaves as soon as the law allows for them to leave the state. Until
then they are allowed to work for the benefit of the aged and infirm. Includes a hiring list
with the slaves’ names, ages, employers, health condition, cost of hire or keeping, and
several births.
Henry family papers, 1763–1920. 1,085 items. Mss1H3968a. Microfilm reels C18
and C413.
Papers of Governor Patrick Henry, John Henry of Red Hill, Charlotte County, and
William Wirt Henry, attorney and historian of Charlotte County and Richmond.
Section 1 includes a handwritten copy of a 1777 letter of Quaker Robert Pleasants of
Curles Neck, Henrico County, to Patrick Henry concerning the abolition of slavery.
Affidavits, 1845, by two neighbors of Edward Winston Henry concern the health of his
former slave Anthony, recently "carried to the south" (section 7). John Henry compiled a
"List of Negroes owned . . . at the time of the war & surrender," ca. 1865 (section 9).
An 1847 letter of Joel Watkins Marshall at Charlotte Court House to his father, James
Pulliam Marshall, contains a letter to the elder Marshall by Caesar (in the hand of Joel
Marshall) concerning his relatives and operations on the plantation (section 12). Two
deeds, 1817 and 1830, cover the sale of Agness (of Lynchburg) and Caesar (of Charlotte
County) to James Pulliam Marshall (section 15).
William Wirt Henry maintained an account book, 1857–1881. The first few pages of the
volume contain a list of slaves belonging to Henry, with information on their ages,
children, and the means by which Henry acquired them. After the Civil War, Henry used
the book in part to record the employment of freedmen and women on his plantation in
Charlotte County (section 21). A undated draft of an essay by Elizabeth Watkins (Henry)
Lyons called "The Turning of the Sifter" concerns Huck, Ceasar, Lucinda, and African
American plantation life at Red Hill, Charlotte County (section 38). An undated letter, ca.
1810, of Dr. Robert Burton to a Dr. Fontaine concerns the medical treatment of slaves
and includes prescriptions (section 52).
A miscellaneous group of materials (section 56) includes an 1802 receipt of William
Ross, of Mount Ida, Buckingham County, for the sale of Ned; a lengthy 1847 affidavit by
Edward L. Palmer concerning the slave Felix of Halifax County; an 1853 appraisal of
slaves belonging to the estate of George C. Friend of Charlotte County; and another 1817
deed concerning the slave Agness.
Hertford County, N.C., Sheriff, receipt, 1825. 1 p. Mss2K7474a1.
Receipt, 8 August 1825, issued to Mrs. Sarah Knight by R. G. Cowper, sheriff, for the
payment of taxes on land and slaves for the year 1824.
Higginbotham, David (1775–1853), papers, 1811–1891. 414 items. Mss1H5354a.
Primarily personal and business correspondence of planter and merchant David
Higginbotham of Morven, Albemarle County. Much of the correspondence is from
family members, including a daughter, Frances (Higginbotham) Buckner, and her
husband, Bernard Hooe Buckner, concerning their life in St. Louis, Mo., the move to a
cotton plantation in Mississippi, and the acquisition and training of slaves. Also includes
correspondence with another daughter, Elizabeth (Higginbotham) Fisher, and her
husband, Richmond merchant George Daniel Fisher, in part concerning the appraisal and
sale of Bob, a slave, and his family. Also included is a list of thirty-two slaves (with ages)
owned by a son, Elmslie Higginbotham.
Higginbotham family papers, 1799–1865. 114 items. Mss1H5354b. Microfilm reels
The Higginbotham papers consist primarily of letters, 1828–1862, written to Ann Estelle
(Higginbotham) Hoskins (b. 1813) of Morven, Albemarle County, Va., and Philadelphia,
Pa., by various family members. Topics discussed include slavery in general, as well as
specific slaves at Morven and the local effect of Nat Turners Insurrection of 1831.
Hightower, Scott Rex (b. 1952), "Genealogical Notes concerning the Hightower
Family," 1972. [29] pp. Mss6:1H5385:1. Photocopies.
Notes include copies of African American slave birth registers, listing those slaves
belonging to the Hightower family born between 1724 and 1750.
Hill, Ambrose Powell (1825–1865), papers, 1843–1864. 29 items. Mss1H5503a.
Papers concerning Hills career while at the United States Military Academy, in the 1st
United States Artillery Regiment, and in the Confederate States Army. Section 3 contains
the correspondence, 1843–1864, of Hill including an 1850 letter to his brother, Edward
Baptist Hill of Culpeper Court House, which, among other topics, expressed Hill’s
outrage toward the citizens of Culpeper following the mob-style lynching of a slave
accused of killing a white man.
Hill, William, indenture, 1799. [3] pp. Mss2H5565a1.
Mortgage deed, dated 10 June 1799, to Christopher Tompkins, John Walker Semple,
Isaac Robertson, and Edward Hill for thirty slaves and sixteen horses.
Hill family papers, 1787–1945. 4,375 items. Mss1H5565aFA2. Microfilm reels C334
The papers of this Culpeper and Madison County family show the diversified interests of
its members. Millwood plantation records reflect the familys agricultural ventures;
various family members were active in education, the ministry, and medicine.
Material pertaining to the estate of Ambrose Powell Hill (1785–1858) are in box 2, filed
under William A. Hill, the administrator for the estate, and include records of the division
of slaves at Millwood in Madison County. In the same box are accounts and bonds of
John Booton (1796–1845), including an 1823 bill of sale for Jacob and 1834 deeds for
Daniel, Mary, and Ellen, property of James Hill. Tax records for 1832 to 1840 are
incomplete but record the number of slaves taxed.
In box 7, Ann Powell Hills "Miscellany" folder contains her contracts with freedmen,
1866–1871. These agreements make provisions for land, livestock, firewood, meal and
bacon allotments. The contracts also designate holidays, conduct, clothing to be provided,
clauses for time lost from work to include charge for board, type of work (field hand,
cook, maid), and names of family members. In box 11 are two commonplace books,
1867–1872, of William Powell Hill (1844–1929) that record pay, days lost, and
distribution of rations to workers.
Box 8 contains papers of Dr. William Alexander Hill, both a doctor and minister. In the
folder "Baptist Church Materials" is a form from the State Mission Board asking Antioch
Church to contribute $20 for 1887, Antioch Church then being an African American
church at Culpeper Court House.
Papers of Albert Hudgins Hill (1866–1933) are in box 19. As a superintendent of
Richmond public schools, he kept records pertaining to local education. An item dated 12
January 1917 discusses the concerns of African American teachers.
Hill family papers, 1831–1857. 8 items. Mss2H5568b.
Include records of the estate division of James Govan of Hanover County. A three-page
list of slaves includes names, values, mothers, and a note that one slave has a hernia.
Hilldrup, Robert Pendleton (b. 1933), papers, 1969–1980. 1,541 items. Mss1H5568a.
This collection includes correspondence, reports, research notes, publicity materials, and
school system publications compiled by Hilldrup as director of public information for the
Richmond public school system. Materials concern school desegregation and busing for
integration, among other topics. Section 4 in particular includes reports of community
reaction to busing, legal information about busing, and correspondence of Hilldrup about
the issue of busing.
Hite, Isaac (1758–1836), commonplace book, 1776–1859. 198 pp. Mss5:5H6375:1.
Microfilm reel C518.
Isaac Hite kept a list of slaves in this commonplace book. The list runs several pages in
length and records births, deaths, exchanges, prices, slaves given as gifts, and runaways.
One page makes a note of several that had the measles. Birth and death dates are 1750 to
Hite family papers, 1768–1843. 43 items. Mss1H6375a.
Collection concerns the business and personal activities of members of the Hite,
Bowman, and related families in Frederick and Shenandoah counties, Va. Section 3
includes accounts, 1779–1817, of Issac Bowman (1757–1826), in part, concerning costs
for the capture and confinement of Frank, a runaway slave, in Hagerstown, Md. The
section also includes an agreement, 1774, of Charles Beale and John Greathouse
concerning a partnership as farmers and millers in Dunmore County (now Shenandoah
County, Va.), including the use of slave labor. There is also a list, 1790–1839, of slaves,
including birth and death dates.
Hobson, Anne Jennings Wise (1837–1914), diary, 1863–1865. [30] pp.
Mss5:1H6537:1. Typescript copy. Restricted use.
Kept at Eastwood, Goochland County. Concerns, in part, problems with family servants,
the fall of Richmond, the end of the Civil War, and the freeing of slaves.
Hobson, William (d. 1739), deed, 1738. 1 p. Mss2H6537a1.
Written in Northumberland County conveying six slaves to his daughter, Elizabeth Cary
(Hobson) Hampton of Prince William County, including the names of three children and
their parents.
Hoffman, Charles (1766–1825), account book, 1810–1849. [84] pp. Mss5:3H6755:1.
Kept by Charles Hoffman as a merchant in Suffolk and by his son, Charles F. Hoffman.
Includes birth records of slaves.
Hoge family papers, 1804–1938. 1,695 items. Mss1H6795a. Microfilm reels C19–20.
Section 46 includes a three-page mimeographed typescript entitled "Negro Education in
the City [of Richmond] Public Schools," 1905, in which Moses Drury Hoge writes his
opinion on whether African Americans are by nature better suited for academic education
or manual training.
Holladay family papers, 1728–1931. 2,318 items. Mss1H7185a. Microfilm reels
This collection contains a variety of general records pertaining to slaves and freedmen
affiliated with the Holladay family of Spotsylvania County. Among the earliest records is
a tax assessor’s book kept by Waller Holladay for Spotsylvania in 1798 (section 88). It
records names of slaveowners and the number of taxable slaves by age groups from
twelve to fifty. Section 94 contains lists of slaves and hiring records; a list of births
begins with 1793 and continues to 1860; deeds and hiring records pertain to the years
1807 to 1818. Section 63 also contains birth lists beginning with 1762 for slaves owned
by Lewis Holladay at Bellefonte. Dates and mothers’ names are recorded for
approximately fifty-five slaves. Also in section 63 is an undated generic guide of
appraisal values by age and gender in Virginia currency (tobacco pounds). In section 104
is an 1843 affidavit stating the number of slaves (by age group) of Julia Ann Minor
Holladay in Louisa County for tithable records.
As a justice of the peace, Lewis Holladay kept copies of legal records. Some of these
concern legal action against slaves (section 58), including Major, property of Edward
Hyde, for the murder of Ralph, property of David Sandidge (see entry below for more on
this case). Other records pertain to slaves involved in estate divisions that were settled in
chancery and appellate courts (section 95). An 1816 affidavit of Hugh Corran Boggs
concerns Benjamin Carter and George Boxley hiring Aggy for 1816.
A slave insurrection implicating George Boxley is the subject of material in section 72
(see also Mss1H7185b, section 237), in particular a letter by Wilson Cary Nicholas to
Waller Holladay. Boxley’s plan for an insurrection is detailed by the examination of
slavestestimony; lists of slaves implicated are also included. Also in section 72 is a
letter of Robert Powell in which he discusses the Virginia constitutional convention of
1829–1830, the chances of abolishing slavery, the possibility of restricting slaves’ access
to northern abolitionist publications, the need for more police, and government-
subsidized African colonization.
Sections 126 to 129 consist of account books, 1866–1875, that record accounts with
freedmen as farm laborers, noting days worked, days lost for attendence at political
meetings, holidays, summaries of labor contracts, and shoes. In section 143 is an 1888
agreement providing for Izzie Coleman to work as a domestic servant for Lucy Daniel
Lewis Holladay at Prospect Hill. Room and board are provided, along with wages,
clothing, visitation privileges, and conditions for illness.
Holladay family papers, 1753–1961. 12,728 items. Mss1H7185b. Microfilm reels
Additional papers of the Holladay family include a number of basic slave records, such as
deeds and lists. In section 1 is a 1789 deed of Benjamin Holladay that includes Jean,
Nelly, and Anthony, among other property. Section 51 contains lists of tithables, 1860,
and an 1854 register of births going back to 1796 and notes of which slaves are assigned
to the mill. Section 166 contains notes, 1847–1885, of James Minor Holladay of slave
births, those removed to Texas, and assignments of weekly chores and routines. J. W.
Holladay’s account book, 1891–1899, in section 183, records chores, wages, and charges
of laborers at Prospect Hill in Spotsylvania County. In section 241 is an 1812 hiring
bond, a 1785 estate list of James Rawlings, and a permission slip for the slave George to
dispose of twelve pounds of seed cotton.
A 1774 deed of trust that was not promptly recorded was the subject of a dispute that
lasted several years in court. The deed of Elizabeth Lewis (Littlepage) Holladay to John
Lewis concerned property that included the slaves Sylvia, Jenny, Delphy, Daphney,
Phoebe, and Phyllis. The details of the case appear in the contents of sections 18 to 22. A
copy of the deed of trust is in section 27. Sections 16 and 17 contain other legal material
pertaining to slaves, in particular charges of theft, receipt of stolen goods, arson, and a
1799 report describing the murder of the slave Ralph by another slave, Major.
Section 237 contains May 1816 letters of Stapleton Crutchfield concerning George
Boxley’s escape from jail. (Boxley was implicated in the April 1816 uprising of slaves in
Spotsylvania and surrounding counties. See also Mss1H7185a, section 72.) In the same
section Henry Tatterson writes to Amy, 1845, about his attempts to buy her from her
master, Mr. Holladay. Tatterson also reassures Amy of his love and reminds Jack to help
care for Tatterson’s son.
Notes of Waller Holladay (folder 7 of section 57), dated 1858, state that an inspection of
various parts of the slave cabins is sufficient but inspections of the blankets are
unnecessary; treatment of slaves should not be harsh, nor should they be made to work in
rain or plow wet soil; some need extra time to get to work, because of age or distance. In
section 114 is J. M. Holladay’s 1857 correspondence with Dr. J. W. Minor of Albemarle
County that relates news from the colony in Liberia, in particular the names of mutual
acquaintances who have died. Section 30 includes Waller Holladay’s correspondence
with Dr. George Dillard, enclosing medical fees for the slaves Julius and Lucy (1859–
In September 1864, J. M. Holladay requested information concerning the sale price of
certain slaves from Hill, Dickinson & Co. of Richmond (section 114). The response was
that the slaves were unsellable on the Richmond market. Enclosed was a summary of
current prices for slaves by age, gender, health, and family groups.
Box 24 contains a number of small, pocket-size account books of James Minor Holladay
(1823–1891). These are labeled sections 124–144. Generally, the books record
attendance at work, wages, charges, and some miscellaneous accounts for farm laborers
from 1865 to 1887. Section 167 contains an April 1865 general order of the United States
Army of the Potomac prescribing appropriate conduct of former slaves and their rights
and responsibilities and providing for the establishment of an agent to oversee
employment of former slaves, the registration of freedmen, and the restriction on former
slaves from removing to urban areas.
Holladay family papers, 1787–1968. 141 items. Mss1H7185c. Microfilm reel C358.
In this related collection is a series of letters, 1813, of Dr. Richmond Lewis to Lewis
Holladay concerning the details of medical treatment for Jeffrey, a slave of Holladay. The
correspondence is in section 1.
Holladay family papers, 1804–1938. 1,786 items. Mss1H7185g.
Mainly correspondence and accounts of the Holladay family of Prospect Hill,
Spotsylvania County. Section 3 contains an 1862 affidavit of Alexander Richmond
Holladay, concerning the sale of a male slave. Section 7 contains a number of letters
written to Eliza Lewis Holladay concerning African Americans, including
communications from Ann Elizabeth (Holladay) Poindexter (concerning the enclosed
notes of her husband, Dr. William Quarles Poindexter, about the number of slaves he
employed in 1850, and the slavery question); Dr. William Quarles Poindexter
(concerning his feelings of awkwardness in living in a society with freedmen); and
Virginia W. (Minor) Rawlins (concerning the sale of her slave, Moses). Section 12
contains the correspondence, 1854–1904, of Lucy Daniel (Lewis) Holladay of
Spotsylvania County. Among her correspondents are Charlotte A. Armstrong (concerning
Mrs. Armstrongs desire for her slaves to migrate to Liberia and her wish to visit Africa)
and Margaret Campbell (Miller) Holladay (concerning the behavior of servants after
1865). Section 14 contains the correspondence of Virginia Watson Holladay (1829–1888)
of Spotsylvania County. Correspondents include Francis Addison Hill (a school teacher
writing about domestic life and a case of arson in 1853); Mary Jane (Boggs) Holladay
(concerning John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry [now W. Va.]); and Rebecca Ann
(Holladay) Willis (referring to selling slaves in 1859). Section 18 contains the
correspondence, 1880–1914, of John Waller Holladay (1864–1914), including a letter
from his wife, Mary Caroline (Harris) Holladay, that makes references to a female
Holland family papers, 1831–1862. 51 items. Mss2H7195b.
In the papers of this Franklin County family is an 1839 pass for nine male slaves to visit
their home in Franklin County. The slaves were in the employ of Lewis and Shrewsbury,
Kanawha Salines, in Kanawha County (now Malden, W.Va.).
Hood Temple Male Chorus, Richmond, sound recording, “A Celebration of Praise,”
1994. 1 sound cassette. Mss15H7617a.
This recording was made at Hood Temple AME Zion Church in Richmond on 14
October 1994 and features nine gospel songs.
Hooe, Bernard, authorization, 1827. 1 p. Mss2H7614a1. Typescript copy.
Authorization, dated 7 June 1827, Bentsville, to Peyton Norvell to remove from the
plantation of Mrs. Sarah E. Lee in Fairfax County a slave woman inherited by Mrs.
Thomas Moncure from Sarah Chichester.
Hore, Elias A. W. (b. 1820), account book, 1843. [336] p. Mss5:3H7817:1.
This volume, kept by Hore presumably as a deputy sheriff in Stafford County, includes
an alphabetical list of local tax payers and the property on which taxes were levied. Also,
contains a list of free African Americans in Hore’s district of the county.
Horne family papers, 1840–1878. 25 items. Mss2H7839b.
Mainly the papers of the Horne family of Hanover County. Section 2 contains a deed of
sale for two slaves, Mana and Judith, involving Hudson M. Wingfield and Polly V.
Horner, Inman (1791–1860), papers, 1817–1858. 24 items. Mss2H7847b.
A receipt, 1829, of John Florance to Thomas C. Roach concerns the slave Chloe, a slave
for life, warranted to be sound.
Hundley, Henry Watkins, account book, 1923–1933. 568 pp. Mss5:3H8925:1.
Kept at Dennistown Junction, Halifax County. A page near the back contains the
beginnings of a list of slave births, with only two names; only Griffin’s birthdate is
recorded (1841).
Hundley family papers, 1817–1900. 80 items. Mss1H8928a. Photocopies.
The papers of this Essex County family include a February 1857 pass for Ben to visit his
unnamed wife (section 4), issued by Larkin Hundley. In section 2 is a letter of Robert E.
Lee to the presiding justice of Essex County (Hundley) requesting fifty free male African
Americans to work on fortifications in Richmond, according to an act of the Virginia
legislature passed 12 February 1863.
Hunter, Dangerfield (d. 1856), will, 1856. 1 p. Mss2H9167a1. Typescript copy.
A will of a slave belonging to Louis Abraham Pauly of Augusta County. Hunter died 20
November 1856 at age seventy-five. His will was written 18 June of the same year. He
distributed his possessions among friends and relatives; the articles consisted of furniture,
clothes, kitchen utensils, and domestic fowl.
Hunter, George Lawrence (1903–1984), papers, 1948–1975. 113 items. Mss1H9173a.
Collection consists of correspondence and related materials compiled by George
Lawrence Hunter while commissioner of revenue for the city of Fredericksburg,
concerning his activities as a member of and local leader in the Virginia Democratic
Party. Section 1 contains correspondence of Hunter with U.S. Senator Harry Flood Byrd,
Sr., 1948–1960, concerning, in part, the African American vote in Fredericksburg.
Hunter family papers, 1766–1918. 4,070 items. Mss1H9196aFA2. Microfilm reels
This Essex County family owned Hunter’s Hill and Fonthill plantations. The volume of
pertinent material in this collection is considerable, and the finding aid (available from
the reference librarian) is essential to locating materials. Many of the basic types of slave
records can be found in the collection, from deeds and bills of sale to hiring bonds. Slave
lists abound in estate records and in commonplace books. Account books and ledgers
scrupulously record time worked, wages paid, and items charged to laborers’ accounts.
Of special interest is a series of letters by Margaret Mercer to Martha Fenton Hunter
(1800–1866), located in box 22. The correspondence covers the 1830s and 1840s; Mercer
writes from Maryland, and her letters are full of newsy tidbits, one of her subjects being
her servant Tom and his three children. She would like to send them to Liberia, but he is
reluctant to go. She expresses her opinions of abolitionists and how her slaves in the
South should be managed.
There are several anomalies that should be noted. The estate papers, 1804–1811, in
Moscoe Garnett Hunter’s "Miscellany" section (box 5) concern slaves of William
Garnett; the bondspeople are referred to generally, and none is mentioned by name. An
1815 bill of sale in the same section lists Rachel and her four children. Another unusual
item is a three-page 1849 circular in box 15, among Robert M. T. Hunter’s congressional
materials (folder 1). Printed as an annual meeting statement for the Religious Society of
Friends of Great Britain and Ireland, it concerns attitudes toward slavery and the slave
trade among British people. Also in box 15 is a section of essays, including a sixteen-
page essay offering Hunter’s opinion of freedmen’s participation in state and national
politics during Reconstruction.
Box 19 contains Mary Evalina (Dandridge) Hunter’s Fonthill plantation papers. Some
1862 passes in that group were issued not so much for permission to travel as to have
cloth made. Sally Hunter’s "Farming Materials" in box 28 contain lists of hirings and
distribution of supplies and rations for 1843 to 1862. In addition to births, deaths, and
mother-children groups, Hunter also noted which persons had measles and mumps,
especially on the late 1850s lists. Her records of gifts and supplies are fairly detailed
about clothing, such as calicos, flannels, petticoats, old dresses, bonnets, and aprons.
Lists of distribution of supplies and loose accounts, some for medical services, and
records of freedmen’s hours and wages are numerous and can be located through the
collection’s finding aid.
Hunter family papers, 1768–1928. 1,072 items. Mss1H9196b.
The Hunter family collection contains correspondence, accounts, legal papers,
commonplace books, school notebooks, and miscellany of the Hunter and related Garnett
families of Essex County and the Stevens family of Hoboken, N.J. The collection
includes scattered references to African Americans from 1780 to 1868. In section 2, the
correspondence of James Hunter (1746–1788), a merchant and supplier to the Continental
Army during the Revolutionary War, contains a letter from Brig. Gen. George Weedon
mentioning the slaves left behind by the British when they evacuated Portsmouth in 1780,
while a letter from Hunter’s business partner John Banks describes the sale of his slave
Paris in 1782. In section 5, a letter from Marianna Hunter to her nephew James Hunter
(1774–1826) concerns the hiring out of her slaves Milly, Betty, and "Aunty" because of
financial difficulties. Section 8 includes a receipt for medical services rendered by Dr.
Alexander Somervail for Martha "Patsy" Taliaferro Hunter and also for her African
American slaves.
Section 10 contains a bill of sale conveying J. William Garnetts slave Rachel and her
children to Muscoe Garnett Hunter (1779–1818). In Section 13, the correspondence of
Jane Swann Hunter (1804–1880), a sister of Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter (1809–
1887), includes an 1840 letter from James Roy Micou, Jr., regarding the sale of an
overcoat to Jane’s slave "Old Joe," and also includes a medical bill for him, and an 1868
letter from Florentina Isidora (Moreno) Garnett discussing African American farm
workers at Cedar Hill in Hanover County.
Robert M. T. Hunter served in the Virginia legislature and the U.S. Congress before the
Civil War. Several sections of his papers reference African Americans. Section 15
contains an 1833 letter from W. Braden reporting an offer by Col. Williams and John
Branch, Jr., to purchase slaves William, Henry, Arthur, and George from James Mercer
Garnett and Maria (Hunter)Garnett and discusses the Florida Territory’s tax on slaves of
non-residents. The same section includes an 1865 letter from E. D. Bean of the Office of
Support of Freedmen requesting Hunter to allow an African American woman to remain
at his home until she can find housing. Continuing in section 16, Hunter corresponds with
the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands in 1866, responding to claims
by his former slaves Milly and Emily that they deserve aid because Hunter did not
provide clothes for them. Hunter’s personal legal papers in section 19 contain slave lists
from 1862 and 1864.
Section 30 contains a letter to Martha "Pink" Taliaferro Hunter (1841–1909) from a
"Cousin M," who describes events in Richmond on 3 April 1866, which included "a
grand fandango" held by the African Americans of the area, racial disturbances between
whites and blacks, and an account of having tea with two African American women.
Hunter family papers, 1802–1907. 330 items. Mss1H9196c.
This collection consists of the papers of the Moses T. Hunter family of Winchester and
the related Alfred C. Weeks family of Bell Grove near New Iberia, St. Martin’s Parish,
La. Section 2 contains letters between Nancy Weeks and her husband, Alfred C. Weeks,
discussing relations between them and their slaves (letter of 24 December 1853 discusses
stopping sugar production at the behest of Weeks’s slaves because it was Christmas Eve).
Section 3 includes letters concerning Alfred C. Weekss loss of slaves, as well as his
confidence in the Confederacy’s desire to protect slavery in future. An undated letter
from Mary Weeks discusses slaves’ behavior and her hope they will remain loyal.
Postwar items include a letter of May 1867 complaining of freedmen’s "depridations" on
livestock; a letter of April 1868 mentions African American suffrage. The collection also
contains an account book, 1862, belonging to Alfred C. Weeks, apparently containing
names of slaves Weeks took with him to Texas during the Civil War and including a
record of money paid to him for the hire of slaves. Section 6 includes a bill of sale for
slaves from Dunwick Hicks to Nathan Swayze.
Huntington, William (1793–1867?), papers, 1808–1856. 143 items. Mss1H9262a.
Microfilm reel C414.
In this collection of papers of a New England merchant and schoolteacher is a diary,
1839–1841 (section 1), containing several entries pertaining to Huntington’s lay ministry
to the slaves at Retirement in Charlotte County. This ministry is best documented in the
first few months of 1839 and is mostly noted by dates on which he spoke to a gathering
of the slaves and the scriptural text for his sermons. An entry for 10 February records his
visit to an enfeebled old woman in her slave cabin who seeks salvation. He also notes the
slaves’ disappointment that he was unable to speak to them on 14 February.
Huntley, Elizabeth Gray Valentine Thomas (1902–1947), commonplace books, ca.
1930–1934. 3 v. Mss5:5H9265:1–3.
Kept in Richmond by Elizabeth Huntley. Volume III comprises biographical notes
concerning African Americans, including Edward Coleman, Phylis (Terry) Coleman,
Daniel Stewart, and Mrs. Lavinia Stewart.
Hutchison family papers, 1807–1918. 1,408 items. Mss1H9754a.
In the papers of this Craig County family is a letter to George W. Hutchison from Charles
S. Scheaffer, a representative of the Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees, and Abandoned
Lands (section 1). It states that Milton Green Burks, an African American, has
complained of Hutchison for payment of wages from 9 April to 25 December 1865 and
itemizes what he has received in compensation to date (clothing). Schaeffer requires
Hutchison to settle the balance of the debt. In section 17, accounts concerning the
administration of Martin Hutchison’s estate include a hiring bond for Ed, dated
December 1864. Section 19 includes two printed tax receipts, 1861 and 1862, for the
estate of William Taylor; the forms differ in that the 1861 form includes a tax rate for
slaves over age twelve and the 1862 form includes a tax rate for free male blacks over
age twenty-one.
Independent Order of St. Luke. Antioch Council No. 506, Powhatan County,
records, 1923–1932. 3 items. Mss4In254b.
Papers concerning the payment of a death benefit to the estate of Mrs. Josephine Harrison
Taylor (1875–1931) of Clayville, Powhatan County. Include benefit certificate; proof of
death certificate; and letter (copy) of Maggie Lena (Mitchell) Walker to Mrs. Martha
Ingle, Edward (1861–1924), papers, 1858–1961. 352 items. Mss1In45a.
Personal and professional papers of a newspaper editor of Baltimore, Md.
(Manufacturers’ Record), and Richmond, Va. Section 1 contains Ingle’s correspondence
on political and social issues at the turn of the century, especially concerning education in
the South. Among his correspondents were Edward Atkinson (concerning racial tensions
and the education of African Americans), Frederic Bancroft (concerning the nature of
antebellum slavery and his book, The Domestic Slave-Trade), William A. Courtney
(concerning African American support of Robert C. Ogden’s ambitious public campaign
in support of educational reform and universal education), and F. B. Weathersbee
(concerning property holding by African Americans).
Irving family papers, 1833–1931. 55 items. Mss1Ir85a.
A commonplace book, 1833–1861, of Jane Rebecca (Eggleston) Irving Masters (1805–
1884), includes a list of names, mothers, and birthdates (some incomplete) of slaves, kept
in Amelia County (section 2).
Jameson, John Franklin (1859–1937), letter, 1909. 2 pp. Mss2J2387a1. Typescript.
Letter, 10 March 1909, written in Washington, D.C., to Morgan P. Robinson, Richmond,
Va., primarily about Robinson’s research on attitudes toward slavery. Jameson believes
that the political history of slavery has been well covered but that a good economic
history needs to be written.
Jefferson, Thomas, papers, 1780–1826. 52 items. Mss2J3595a. Microfilm reel C49.
This particular group of papers consists of individually cataloged items by or concerning
Thomas Jefferson. Of particular note are references to Jefferson’s hiring of slaves in 1807
(item a11) and a deed of gift of four slaves to his grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph,
in 1813 (item a48).
Jefferson family papers, 1828–1968. 105 items. Mss1J3596a.
Primarily concern members of the Jefferson family in Amelia County. Section 3 contains
a list, 1856, of slaves at Clay Hill, Fairy Wood, and Haw Branch in Amelia County.
Jenings family papers, 1737–1837. 21 items. Mss1J4105a. Microfilm reel C225.
The collection includes a letterbook maintained in England by Edmund Jenings (1703–
1756) and his son, Edmund (1731–1819). It has been indexed by VHS staff. References
to slaves include comments on the taxation of slaves in the colony of Maryland, sale of
slaves in Maryland following the death of the elder Jenings, and an agreement with a
correspondent about abhorrence of slavery as an institution.
Jeter, Jarratt Allen (b. 1797?), papers, 1754–1864. 24 items. Mss2J5103b.
Resident of Amelia County. Papers include an 1832 opinion of Samuel Taylor
concerning a deed of trust, 1812, of Ann Wood and ownership of the slaves Sena and
Harriet and accounts, 1825 and 1849, for hiring and medical care for slaves, kept by Jeter
as administrator of Daniel Worsham’s estate. A memo, 1842, of Dandridge Hudgings
concerns a promissory note payable to Miles, property of Jarratt A. Jeter.
Johnson, Roger Horace (1891–1978), papers, 1910–1978. 46 items. Mss1J6325a.
Baptist minister and schoolteacher Roger H. Johnson attended the Lincoln Institute in
Simpsonville, Ky., before attending Virginia Union University in Richmond. He was
awarded a bachelor of divinity degree from Union in 1919, a masters in 1923, and an
honorary doctorate in 1938. From 1920 to 1938 he taught at Armstrong High School in
Richmond. He later taught at Maggie Walker High School, also in Richmond, where he
was a member of the original faculty in 1938 and sponsor of the first graduating class in
1942. He also served as pastor of Sharon Baptist Church in Richmond from 1923 to
The collection chiefly consists of sermons, both in notebooks and on loose sheets. The
bulk of the writings in the notebooks dates to the early 1930s, while the unbound sermons
were written mostly in the mid-1940s. The subjects of the sermons include ideal Christian
values; the dangers of sin and intemperance; the problems of race and divorce as related
to Baptist beliefs; the seven seals referred to in The Book of Revelation; and the role of
parents in society. Also included is a commencement speech given at Armstrong High
School, 12 June 1930. Miscellaneous items include printed and school-related items.
Johnson family papers, 1826–1850. 47 items. Mss1J6398a.
Primarily the papers of William Ransom Johnson (1782–1849) of Petersburg and
Oakland, Chesterfield County; William Ransom Johnson (1822–1884) of Petersburg; and
James West Pegram of Richmond. Much of the material concerns horses and horseracing.
African American records include accounts covering the sale of slaves, 1844–1845
(section 2), and list of slaves from Oakland (section 4).
Johnston, James Ambler (1885–1974), papers, 1941–1970. 4 items. Mss1J6445d.
A scrapbook, 1968, commemorates Fannie Anderson Turner’s fiftieth anniversary as
cook for the Johnston family. The book includes newspaper clippings about her
association with the family, a recipe, letters and cards of congratulations (many with
personal notes), and photographs.
Johnston family papers, 1830–1938. 234 items. Mss1J6496c.
Concerns the Johnston family of Richmond and Rutherfoord familiy of Goochland
County. Section 1 includes correspondence, 1879–1891, of Joseph Eggleston Johnston
(of New York, N.Y., and Washington, D.C.), including a communication with Richard
Irvine Manning concerning freedmen. Section 8, which consists of materials, 1830–1834,
pertaining to Ann (Seddon) Roy of Green Plains, Mathews County, includes a
commonplace book that contains a list of slaves.
Jones, Flora, petition, [1852]. 1 p. Mss2J7155a1.
This petition, written circa December 1852 for presentation to the Virginia General
Assembly, then in session, concerns Jones’s emancipation by the will of John James
Henry Gunnell of Jefferson County (now W.Va.), and announces her willingness to
accept, with her child, voluntary enslavement to Mrs. Annie E. Wager, a niece of
Jones, Lucy (d. 1788), will, 1788. 3 pp. Mss2J7207a1. Copy.
Written in Middlesex County, this will provides for the distribution among Jones’s
relatives of twelve slaves. Among the slaves listed are several mother-child pairs.
Jones, Mrs. Roy, research essay, 1932. 13 pp. Mss7:1Y345:1. Typescript copy.
Essay, "John Yeats and the Yeats free schools," concerning the 1731 will of John Yeats
of Nansemond County providing for the establishment and maintenance of several local
free schools with funds derived from renting out the land belonging to his estate and the
income received from the annual hiring out of the slaves of his estate. Includes notes on
hiring fees up to 1861.
Jones, Walter (1745–1816), papers, 1793–1815. 4 items. Mss2J7283c.
Physician of Hayfield, Northumberland County. A letter, 1815, concerns the treaty of
Ghent and the return of slaves held in British territory to their owners. Both this letter and
the letters to Graham in the following entry detail arrangements made by American
agents for the recovery of said slaves.
Jones, Walter (1745–1816), papers, 1809–1815. 5 items. Mss2J7283b.
In the second folder of this collection are several letters, 1815, from George Graham,
Washington, D.C., in which he discusses returning slaves captured by the British and
held in Bermuda, Halifax (Canada), and Tangiers.
Jones family papers, 1769–1846. 72 items. Mss1J735e.
Concerns members of the Jones family of Cedar Grove, Dinwiddie County, Bellvue,
Chesterfield County, and Petersburg. Section 1 contains correspondence, 1788–1822, of
Joseph Jones (1749–1824) of Cedar Grove and Petersburg. This section includes
correspondence with Jane (Atkinson) Jones concerning an accident and medical care of a
female slave, Jemmy.
Jones family papers, 1808–1942. 69 items. Mss1J735b.
In section 6 of this collection is an unusual hiring bond, dated 1859, to Mary H. Byrd
Claiborne, owner of Henry. The bond is very specific about the clothes to be provided,
shoes (two pairs), and the kind of work he is to be restricted from doing (brickwork) and
includes a requirement to keep him in or near Williamsburg.
Jones family papers, 1819–1964. 101 items. Mss1J735c.
This collection, related to the papers immediately preceding, contains two items in
section 1 about African Americans. An 1819 account of William Mills of Alexandria
records that the slave Thadeas was a teamster entrusted with the buying and selling of
flour. There is also a list recording the slaves of Philip Catesby Jones of Berkeley County
(now W.Va.) who were removed from Virginia by the U.S. Army between 1861 and
1863, which includes names, ages, circumstances, and some occupations.
Jones family papers, 1844–1869. 16 items. Mss2J7304c.
Most of the items in this collection that pertain to African American subjects concern
Ann Singleton. The papers include a document testifying to Singleton’s emancipated
status and requesting a temporary waiver to her application to remain in the
commonwealth, because Samuel Jones of Richmond, her former owner, was serving in
the Confederate Army and therefore unable to present her application to the court. A
January 1855 item concerns Samuel Jones’s hiring Nancy, mother of Ann Singleton, for a
six-month period, because Nancy is willing to stay with Jones. Several passes, 1853 and
1858, for errands about town are also included.
The collection also contains an 1863 bill of sale for Amanda, whose soundness of mind is
not guaranteed, and several hiring bonds, ca. 1853 (items c58).
Jones & Matthews, Richmond, Va., receipt, 1850. 1 p. Mss4J7306a1. Printed, with
handwritten completions. Copy.
Receipt issued to J. C. Sproull for Nate, warranted to be sound and healthy. (Original in
the William Armour Collection, Princeton, N.J.).
Jordan, Robert (1731–1810), commonplace book, 1736–1958. 122 pp.
Mostly comprising genealogical notes on the Jordan family of Nansemond County. This
book’s last page records several slaves by owner (Robert Jordan and Edmund Jordan),
including each slave’s name and date of birth only. Birth dates range from 1736 to 1799.
Joyce, John, letter, 1785. 7 pp. Mss2J8533a1.
Letter, 24 March 1785, written at Portabago Bay, Caroline County, to Robert Dickson, in
Ireland. Published in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 23 (1915): 40714.
Joyce describes Virginia for a prospective immigrant. Included are several paragraphs
explaining taxation, especially with respect to taxing slaves.
Joynes family papers, 1776–1898. 312 items. Mss1J8586b.
Papers of Levin Joynes (1753–1794), revolutionary officer and state legislator; Thomas
Robinson Joynes, Accomack County court clerk; Dr. Levin Smith Joynes of Richmond;
and Levin Joynes (1862–1946) of Richmond.
Section 18 contains insurance policies, 1855–1859, issued to Dr. Joynes by the American
Life Insurance and Trust Company on slaves Abel, George, and Ned. The policies
include statements of terms and conditions. A proposal, 1867, drafted by Dr. David
Shelton Watson (section 34) concerns the formation of a voluntary organization for
providing medical care to members of the laboring classes. Although African Amercians
are not mentioned specifically, the plan appears to be designed for comprehensive
Justice family papers, 1842–1917. 77 items. Mss2J9848b.
William T. Justis’s papers (section 1) include correspondence and financial records. Tax
receipts from the 1840s and 1850s indicate slaveholding in Brunswick, Lunenburg, and
Nottoway counties. Additional financial receipts, 1856–1858, include hiring out papers.
In these papers slaves are referred to by name only; occupations are not indicated.
Keith family papers, 1710–1865. 193 items. Mss1K2694a. Microfilm reels B19 and
The papers of this Fauquier County family contain several references to slaves; one item
concerns a carpenter, George, employed by the Fauquier White Sulphur Springs
Company (section 22). An 1861 memorandum describes Isham Keith’s dispute with an
African American family concerning his fence rails being used as firewood (section 14).
Another item in section 14 is a document of several pages in which Isham Keith records
his opinions of free African Americans and their negative effect on slaves as a result of
envy, which he believes leads to crime, especially theft. He outlines a plan for the state
legislature to impose on the counties for removing all the free African Americans in the
state by giving free African Americans a choice of enslavement or emigration to Africa.
In the same section is a summary of Keiths losses during the 1862 Federal occupation of
Fauquier County.
Keith family papers, 1830–1979. ca. 1,025 items. Mss1K2694cFA2. Microfilm reels
C432–433 and C599–601.
Additional papers of the same Keith family as above; several items are notable. In the
correspondence of Isham Keith (1801–1863) with his brother John Marshall Keith
(1788–1841), living in Georgia, John acknowledges receipt of a bill of sale for slaves
(mentioned by name) and will be sending a check (1836; box 1). Boxes 3, 4, and 5
contain the correspondence of Robert Taylor Scott with his wife, Fanny Scott (Carter)
Scott. Three letters are of particular interest. Roberts letter to Fanny, dated 31 December
1856, describes preparations in homes in Prince William and Fauquier counties for an
anticipated slave insurrection. An 1860 letter to Fanny (12 July) describes briefly an
escape of slaves Shadrack and Dick; Shadrack could read, so they were making their way
by the North Star and an almanac. They were captured within three miles of the
Pennsylvania border. Another letter to Fanny (1 January 1861) describes Robert’s
activities as a hiring agent, indicating slaves he has difficulty hiring out, hiring a nurse for
his own family, and collecting on hiring bonds.
Kennedy, William, papers, 1853–1870. 33 items. Mss1K3884a.
As a free African American residing in Henrico County before the Civil War, William
Kennedy played an unusual role in the history of his community. He worked as a
mechanic and carpenter; after the war he was active in the Mount Olive Baptist Church,
the Sons of Jacob mutual aid society, and the Republican party.
Correspondence (section 1) includes a letter from Elizabeth Carr relating family news and
plans for her marriage to Kennedy, a letter from James Jefferson regarding a call to serve
a local church, and another from William Fanning Wickham, 1867, discussing elections
for the state legislature and the character of the candidates sought. Accounts are in
section 2 and include tax receipts for 1853 and 1863 (both printed forms altered to
accommodate race), construction work done for Caroline County, and a petition for
financial assistance for replacing tools stolen while working for the Republican party
(1868). In section 3 are letters of recommendation concerning Kennedy’s excellent
character, his early enlistment in the Union army, and his skill as a mechanic.
Materials pertaining to the Mount Olive Baptist Church constitute section 4. They include
a recommendation of transfer of membership for Miles Mosby and a petition for
assistance in building a place of worship. Section 5 contains notes on civic organizations,
in particular the Sons of Jacob mutual aid society. Section 6 includes a bank imprinted
bond, 1860; military pass, 1862; some Republican tickets with William Kennedy listed as
a delegate for Henrico County; and an 1869 certificate of the Grand State Council of the
Union League of America, issued to Kennedy and Lewis Lindsey. Section 7 contains
blank voter forms, 1869; documents of the United States First Military District, 1870; and
a roster of freedmen, with information on ages (no date).
Kent, Joseph (1765–1843), papers, 1760–1805. 5 items. Mss2K4165b. Photocopies.
Resident of Wythe County. Two documents, an 1805 deed of trust of Jane Quirk of
Montgomery County and an 1800 will of James McGavock of Wythe County, refer to
slaves by name and identify owners. The deed records three names—Dick, Charlotte, and
her child Tom.
Kent, Robert Meredith (1815–1901), list, 1858. 1 p. Mss2H2442a1.
List, dated 30 December 1858, of slaves belonging to the estate of Uriah Harris of Louisa
King, Clinton M. (1834–1862), papers, 1861–1862. 2 items. Mss2K5810b.
Materials concerning Kings service in the 32nd Regiment of Virginia Militia and the
52nd Virginia Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army include a letter written
by King about March 1862 to his wife in which, in part, he discusses his concern over his
wifes ability to maintain their farm in his absence and his suggestion that she hire a slave
to assist her.
King & Queen County, Sheriff, papers, 1766–1767, and 1818–1823. 7 items.
Includes account books, 1819–1821, kept by Benjamin Pollard, deputy sheriff,
concerning the assessment and collection of taxes on land, personal property, and slaves.
King & Queen County Historical Society, papers, 1822–1955. 67 v. Mss10: no. 244.
Among a large group of financial record books preserved by this local historical society
is an account book, 1852–1858, of William Martin concerning mercantile operations and
slaves in King & Queen County (item 63).
Kings County, N.Y., tax list, [1790?]. 1 p. Mss4K6113a1.
Records number of slaves owned by thirty-four residents of this New York county.
Kingston Parish, Mathews County, register, 1755–1775. 248 pp.
This register records births, baptisms, deaths, and burials of slaves in a section separate
from white vital statistics. Some baptisms are noted as adult baptisms; births are recorded
with name, date, and owner’s name. Mothersnames are not recorded.
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de (1757–
1834), letter, 1830. 3 pp. Mss2L1314a3. Microfilm reel C50.
This letter in French to Peter Stephen duPonceau has an English translation available in
typescript. In his postscript Lafayette expresses his concern that an article in the Gazette
de France reported on Richmonders’ complaints that African Americans working in
printing establishments are using the work as a way to obtain literacy and education. He
is concerned how Frenchmen will perceive Richmond.
Lane, Jane Collins, papers, 1861–1865. 15 items. Mss2L2422b.
Collection consists of letters written to Jane Lane by members of her family serving in
Confederate military units. Include letters from her husband, Edward V. Lane, of the 56th
Virginia Infantry, in part providing financial advice, with the suggestion that she hire out
their slave Emeline to raise money.
Lancaster family papers, 1784–1872. 166 items. Mss1L2215a.
Papers of a prominent family of Richmond bankers and investors. Section 2 contains the
correspondence of Robert Alexander Lancaster (1829–1902), including an 1859 letter
written to James Burr Ely from Richmond concerning a vaccination for slave children,
presumably against smallpox.
Large, Maurice Robeson (1908–1992), scrapbook, 1952–1955. 82 pp.
Kept in Farmville by the chairman of the Prince Edward County school board from 1950
to 1954, this volume contains newspaper clippings concerning public school segregation
and the case of Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward.
Larue family papers, 1846–1889. 41 items. Mss1L3295a.
This collection consists primarily of the papers of John Billups Larue (1792–1875) of
Bloomfield, Clarke County, and Summit Point, Jefferson County (now W.Va.). In
Larues correspondence, 1849–1861, is an exchange with his nephew James William
Shirley concerning a request that he approve a marriage between Shirleys slave Harrison
and Larues slave Mary (section 1).
Bennie Layton and the Rhythm Kings Orchestra, account book, 1937–1939. 126 pp.
The book is blank except for pages 51–89, on which are recorded the names of
organizations, places, times, and dates for whom the Rhythm Kings played. Julian’s
Ballroom in the Harlem Center, Richmond, was one of the locations frequented most
often. Other places include Petersburg, Lawrenceville, Hanover, Charlottesville, Millers
Tavern, Smithfield, Emporia, Peak, Winchester, Farmville, Ashland, and the Robert E.
Lee, as well as a number of other Richmond locations.
Layton, William Brown (1888–1975), papers, 1907–1978. 59 items. Mss1L4554a.
William Brown Layton was a graduate of St. Paul Normal and Industrial School and went
on to become a blacksmith instructor and then superintendent of the Virginia Manual
Labor School for Colored Boys. Today this institution is the Hanover Learning Center.
Section 1 contains correspondence, much of it from former students writing to Layton
about his influence and the school’s influence on their lives. Other letters express thanks
for gifts of the school farm’s produce. One such letter, 1947, is from Governor William
M. Tuck on receiving a gift of food especially favored by the governor. Others include a
request from J. Baskett, 1944, about returning to Richmond to work. He has been laying
brick in Roanoke but is not being paid the same as white men that are doing the same job.
Thomas J. Edwards inquires about the job of managing the farm, which he has just heard
is vacant. Private Samuel Curtis’s letter, 1943, from Camp Lee tells about being in the
band at the Manual Labor School and then in the army. An unidentified student writes
from Massachusetts as he embarks on his education. C. Sutton, 1946, writes from the
Norfolk jail asking Layton to intervene on his behalf to prevent his assignment to the
state penitentiary. In January 1943, William Stauffer, the commissioner of the public
welfare, inquires about the farm’s ability to help with the current emergency in food
In a speech entitled "Straightening Bent Saplings" (section 2), the speaker directs his
remarks to the correction of the attitude of boys who lean toward criminal behavior. In
section 3 is a copy of the 1924–1926 budget that provides financial information about
each department’s resources: the farm, the trades, the free school, and the clinic. In the
same section are two 1948 copies of the Hanover Special, a newsletter published by the Y
Teen Club of the Hanover Industrial School. A fact sheet provides a brief summary of the
school’s history, purpose, and facilities. A visitor list for 16 March 1975 shows a number
of people interested in the institution’s history—friends and relatives of the Laytons,
former students and staff, and others affiliated with it in various ways.
Section 4 contains a letter of Marguerite C. Layton describing how her mother-in-law,
Mary Amanda (Sully) Layton, contributed to the positive atmosphere at the Hanover
School. In section 5 are genealogical notes about the Quivers family, comments about
interracial marriages, and previously published information about slave employment at
the Tredegar Iron Works.
LeConte, T., letter, 1868. 4 pp. Mss2L4968a1.
Written 16 January 1868 from Columbia, S.C., to Emily Virginia Mason concerning a
second edition of Mason’s book, The Southern Poems of the War (Baltimore, 1867), to
be produced soon. LeConte worries about the poor prospects of South Carolina’s cotton
future, idleness and lack of employment among African Americans, and a number of
other postwar economic concerns.
Lee, Fitzhugh (1835–1905), letter, [1885]. 1 p. Mss2L5113a4. Photocopy.
Written from Evergreen in Fairfax County on 12 December 1885 to Magnus Lewis
Robinson of Staunton, an African American journalist and newspaper editor, this letter
concerns equal rights for African Americans. The original letter was in private hands in
Lee, George Bolling (1872–1948), papers, 18411868. 78 items. Mss1L5114c.
Microfilm reels C27 and C278.
Primarily consists of letters written by Robert E. Lee of Arlington, Alexandria County
(now Arlington County), while serving in the U.S. Army in New York, Texas, and during
the Mexican War, while commanding the Confederate States Army of Northern Virginia,
and while president of Washington College (now Washington and Lee University).
An 1844 letter of Lee (item c6), written to his mother-in-law, Mary (Fitzhugh) Custis,
from Fort Hamilton, N.Y., mentions copies of newspapers he is sending her concerning
resolutions passed by the New York Anti-Slavery Society, with particular notice of the
issue of religion and slavery. The remaining letters are written to Lees son William
Henry Fitzhugh Lee. An 1858 letter (item c26) concerns resistance by some slaves to
Lee’s authority and their punishment. Two 1860 letters from San Antonio, Tex. (items
c36 and c38), make brief mention of the slave community at Arlington and at the White
House in New Kent County and concern recordkeeping of slave births and deaths, hiring
versus the purchase of a personal slave for R. E. Lee, the accidental loss of fingers by a
slave working with agricultural machinery, the treatment of elderly slaves, and the
instruction of younger men in various tasks. An 1862 letter written from Savannah, Ga.
(item c46), concerns the emancipation of slaves belonging to the estate of George W. P.
Custis of Arlington.
Lee, Henry (1787–1837), letter, 1827. 5 pp. Mss2L5124a4.
Letter, 17 July 1827, written near Nashville, Tenn., to Richard T. Brown of
Westmoreland Court House, concerning a plan to send slaves to work at the Soldier’s
Rest plantation in Rapides Parish, La., owned by Walter Hampden Overton. Includes
instructions for Richard Omohundro, who was to conduct the slaves to Louisiana.
Annexed: letter, 27 June 1827, of Overton to Lee outlining the plan.
Lee, Mary Custis, papers, 1694–1917. 6,495 items. Mss1L5144a.
This collection consists of papers compiled by Mary Custis Lee (1835–1918), who was
the eldest daughter of General Robert E. Lee (1807–1870) and Mary Anna Randolph
(Custis) Lee (1807–1873) of Arlington House in what is now the City of Arlington.
Letters, 180[?]–1852, of Mary Lee (Fitzhugh) Custis (1788–1853), an early antislavery
advocate and active member of the American Colonization Society, include
correspondence with Episcopal bishop William Meade (sections 9, 10, and 11) and with
Society secretary Ralph Randolph Gurley (sections 10 and 11). Letters of her daughter,
Mary Anna Randolph (Custis) Lee, include correspondence, 1867, with William C.
Burke, a former Custis family slave, concerning family life and farming in Liberia
(section 25) and correspondence, 1872–1873, with Selina Gray, a former servant at
Arlington, concerning items taken during the Civil War from the house, bearing news of
other former servants and her own family, and offering a description of Arlington in
1872, including the settlement of freedmen and women on the grounds (section 26).
Letters, 1890–1907, of Mary Custis Lee include correspondence, 1902, concerning her
brush with police for taking a seat in the African American section of a segregated
streetcar in Alexandria [part of a full folder on this incident] (section 37). Among
miscellaneous items is a letter, 1867, written by William C. Burke, a former slave at
Arlington now in Clay Ashland, [Liberia], to Ralph Randolph Gurley discussing his
health, family life, lack of missionary aid during the American Civil War, a description of
a trip to Cape Palmas, Liberia, and questions about Arlington (section 63).
Lee, Newton M., list, ca. 1865. 1 p. Mss2L5144a1.
Names slaves belonging to Andrew E. Ellett of Richmond.
Lee, Robert Edward (1807–1870), letters, 1858. 8 items. Mss2W7336c.
Lee writes to William Overton Winston to make arrangements for hiring out three men
and three women. The women, ages thirty-five, twenty-two, and seventeen, are
accustomed to housework; he recommends them for washing and ironing but not for
honesty. The men can be housed at the jail if Winston prefers.
Lee, Robert Edward (1843–1914), letter, 1908. 1 p. Mss2L5151a1.
Letter, 14 December 1908, written from Ravensworth, Fairfax County, to Thomas Nelson
Page concerning the emancipation of slaves belonging to the estate of George
Washington Parke Custis and to Robert E. Lee (1807–1870).
Lee family papers, 1638–1867. 684 items. Mss1L51f. Microfilm reels C22–23 and
Many of the papers of this prominent Virginia family concern property in James City
County, where much of the land belonging to this branch of the family was located.
Family members significant to this collection are William Lee (1739–1795), who spent a
considerable amount of time in England and invested in transatlantic ventures, and his
brother, Richard Henry Lee (1732–1794), a planter and delegate to the Continental
In section 76 is a 1718 letter of Governor Alexander Spotswood to Charles Eden
concerning the capture of a pirate’s ship. It had taken an English ship’s cargo of slaves
from Guinea, and the slaves were thought to be in Eden’s vicinity. A copy of some 1715
resolutions of the House of Burgesses includes a resolution concerning duties and tax on
Sections 81, 82, and 86 contain copies of acts and bills of the Virginia General Assembly.
A colonial bill for raising money for the militia and an additional tax on slaves is in
section 81; an act concerning runaway slaves (section 82) deals in particular with
captured slaves whose owners cannot be determined, fees to be paid by owners, and
confinement of slaves in the public jail. Section 86 contains an amendment, ca. 1705, to
the fugitive slave act mentioned above. It provides exemption from taxes and free
ferriage for constables who must transport slaves.
Several slave lists, 1769, for James City County plantations are in section 97. Estate
papers for Philip Ludwell (1716–1767) dominate; a 1775 appraisal is included. The lists
are divided by general categoriesmen, women, boys, girls—for the plantations Hot
Water, Scotland, Claverton, Pinewood Meadow, Mill Quarter, Archershope, Rich Neck,
New Quarter, and Green Spring. The lists are by name only, but the 1775 appraisal
contains ages for the determination of tithes.
William Lee’s letterbooks, 1769–1793, appear in sections 113–122. The books are well
indexed and contain numerous brief passages of African American content. Among them
are an admonition to Mr. Ellis to treat slaves as human beings, keep them well fed and
clothed, and restrict pregnant women from hard work (June 1778, section 115);
arrangements for sale of the slave Juba in Jamaica (November 1783, section 120);
arrangements for delivery of the female slave Mourning (October 1783, section 121); and
arrangements for sale of several unnamed male slaves (section 122, pages. 15–16).
A 1770 deed to Hannah Phillippa (Ludwell) Lee (section 126) covers land and slaves in
James City County, in particular the plantations of Green Spring, Rich Neck, and Hot
Water. Slaves are individually named. Section 108 contains an extensive series of
correspondence of Richard Henry Lee. Correspondence with his brother William Lee, at
that time in England, is also well indexed. In 1770, Richard describes the distribution of
trades among the slaves at Green Spring (164 total, fifty-nine field slaves, twelve house
servants, four carpenters, one wheelwright, two shoemakers, and three gardeners and
ostlers). In 1771 and 1772, Richard comments on the increased value of slaves on the
plantations. A poor crop in 1772 must be the fault of the overseer because the land is
good and is tended by seventy-four "crop Negroes." In 1773, William Lee buys and sells
slaves on consignment; he chides his brother Richard for petitioning the king for the
nonimportation of slaves.
Section 133 contains a letter, 1779, of Henry Lee at Dumfries to Charles Lee in
Philadelphia in which arrangements are made for keeping Henry’s slaves in jail and irons
until James Whaley can retrieve them.
Lee family papers, 1732–1892. 71 items. Mss1L51b. Microfilm reel B21.
Lists, 1815–1818, compiled by William Claiborne and Thomas E. Stuart concern slaves
in King William and New Kent counties belonging to George Washington Parke Custis.
The slaves are listed by name, occupation, and family relationship and are grouped by
specific plantation. Another list, 1829, compiled by William Brumley, concerns 27 slaves
sold at Hanover Court House and provides names, ages, and costs of the sale (section 26).
Lee family papers, 1824–1918. 742 items. Mss1L51c. Microfilm reels A2 and C279–
Much of this particular collection focuses on Confederate general Robert E. Lee (1807–
1870) and his wife, Mary Anna Randolph (Custis) Lee (1808–1873), and their
In an undated letter (item c3) to Mary Lee (Fitzhugh) Custis, Mrs. Lee makes a brief
statement of concern for the spirituality of slaves and the African race. In an 1860(?)
letter (item c728), she writes to Anne Carter Lee about fugitive slaves in general. Her
husband, Robert, is currently on duty in New York, and she has been visiting Canada.
She remarks that there are many fugitive slaves in Canada and that soon Canada will
have no choice but to send them away, leaving Africa their only refuge. The schools are
segregated, and rarely does a white woman marry a black man. Her 1862 correspondence
with Charlotte Georgiana (Wickham) Lee (items c366 and c369) provides news of the
slaves at Romancoke—some have left, and one is serving his master in the army—and
also the slave losses of friends and neighbors.
Lee wrote several times to Hill Carter concerning the hiring of Gardner and Daedalus
(item c734, letterbook covering 1838–1860, in particular the letters of 22 January 1842
and 21 January and 14 February 1843); Judy and Philip Meriday were also hired out (1
and 21 February 1842 and 1 August 1852). Also in the same letterbook is an 8 February
1855 letter concerning the membership of his wife in the American Colonization Society.
In 1849, while in Baltimore, Lee wrote his wife about the registration and fees for
bringing slaves into the state (item c102, poor condition and partly illegible). In 1856 he
writes her from Texas of his views on abolition and slavery in a moral and religious
context (item c181, folios 344–345).
From 1862 to 1864 Lee wrote numerous letters to arrange for the emancipation of slaves
from George W. P. Custis’s estates in Arlington, King William, and New Kent counties
(plantations of Arlington, Romancoke, and the White House, respectively) according to
the provisions in his father-in-law’s will (see items c412, folio 771; item c415, folio 774;
item c419, folio 780; item c427, folios 789 and 792; item c487, folio 859; and item c500,
folio 873). Item c412 also comments on the ability of certain slaves to adapt to army life.
In item c500, he writes of his concern that the community near Romancoke is resisting
his efforts to emancipate the slaves there; he suggests they should take their papers and
leave. Item c626, an 1866 letter, concerns engaging a maid from Lynchburg; item c671,
an 1869 letter, concerns hiring Jimmy, because he is a good gardener; and in item c703,
an 1870 letter, Lee advises his wife to hire more servants, because additional guests will
require more household help.
In a 9 March 1866 letter to Amanda Parks, Lee summarizes his efforts to emancipate the
slaves at all three plantations (item c737, also on microfilm reel A2). Items c473 and
c474 are letters to his wife relating that one of the freed slaves, Catharine Burke, has
reached Washington, D.C., and has been quoted in the newspapers concerning Lee’s
opinions about the capture of his son, William Henry Fitzhugh Lee. Item c738, also a
letterbook, contains postwar letters in which Lee writes in general about freedom, states’
rights, and secession (15 December 1866; 26 and 29 August and 18 September 1868).
Many of the letters of Robert E. Lee in this collection are available in published sources
(such as The Wartime Papers of R. E. Lee, edited by Clifford Dowdey and Louis Manarin
Leigh, Benjamin Watkins (1781–1849), letter, 1829. 2 pp. Mss2L5332a5.
Letter, 10 September 1829, Richmond, to William Branch Giles concerning the Virginia
constitutional convention of 1829–1830, Leigh’s published notes on population and
taxation by districts in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Giles’s thoughts on the issue
of slavery.
Leigh, Elizabeth Edmunds Monroe (b. 1893), "Ridgeway, Charlotte County,
Virginia," ca. 1975. 12 pp. Mss5:1L5334:1. Photocopy.
Elizabeth Leighs memoirs are subtitled "Memories of Bessie Leighs Childhood Home
Where She Was Born in 1893." They concern her childhood activities in Charlotte
County at Ridgeway, a working farm. She remembers a black nurse as her "mammy" and
discusses the construction of a church organized by whites for African Americans in
Charlotte County.
Leigh family of King William County, papers, 1794–1893. 348 items. Mss1L5337a.
Microfilm reel C265.
Correspondence and financial records of a planter family. Accounts of Richeson Leigh
(section 4) in part concern the costs of taxation on slaves and the medical care of
bondspeople. An agreement between James Meaux and Mary Richeson (section 8) covers
the sale of Sukey "and her increase" in 1808.
Letcher, John (1813–1884), papers, 1770–1970. ca. 16,785 items. Mss1L5684aFA2.
John Letcher of Lexington was a lawyer and newspaper editor who served as a
congressman, governor of Virginia during the first years of the Civil War, and a postwar
state legislator. These papers cover all aspects of his personal life and legal and political
career. This very large collection is divided into eleven series. The first series contains
Letchers personal and family papers, including materials concerning his prewar
residence in Lexington (accounts with builders include those with James Harper, a free
African American, folder 63). Some items concern the hiring of slaves and the purchase
of a slave woman (folder 71). The largest series of papers in this collection covers
Letcher’s extensive antebellum legal practice in and around Lexington (series 2). Client
files cover representation of Colonel John Jordan, a major figure in the iron industry in
the Shenandoah Valley who also supplied laborers for work on a canal on the north fork
of the James River (folders 81–82), and of William Weaver, owner of the Buffalo Iron
Forge (folders 116–116a). Case files include S. Sherrard v. R. Tuck (folder 189)
concerning arbitration over the hiring of slaves at the Bath Iron Works; Nelson Hicks v.
George W. Taylor (folder 194), regarding the hiring of the slave Julia; William B.
Roach’s trust file (folder 220), involving a case of slave stealing; and Letcher’s agency
file for John Warren Grigsby (folder 244), which concerns the care and sale of slave
Letchers political files include a series of papers covering his campaign as a reform
candidate for and service as a delegate in the 1850–1851 Virginia Constitutional
Convention. Among the materials (series 4) are a pamphlet issued by the American
Colonization Society concerning a March 1850 act of the Virginia General Assembly that
funded the transportation of freed African Americans out of the state (folder 319) and
printed memorials of the convention and state legislature to the United State Congress
regarding the establishment of a mail steamer line between the U.S. and the western coast
of Africa to encourage emigration to Liberia (folder 320). Letchers congressional files
(series 5), covering his service between 1851 and 1859, include speeches on the territorial
policy of the United States (folder 356). His papers concerning his service as governor
(series 6) include campaign files, 1858–1859, in which items discuss the so-called
Ruffner pamphlet controversy (regarding Letcher’s brief interest in a broad emancipation
of Virginia slaves in the late 1840s). Correspondence as governor includes letters of
Edmund Ruffin (January 1860), presenting a pike carried by one of John Brown’s
Harpers Ferry raiders; J. R. Anderson & Co. of Richmond (August 1862) concerning the
hiring of African American inmates at the state penitentiary to work at Tredegar Iron
Works and at blast furnaces in Botetourt and Alleghany counties; Mrs. Let Page
(November 1862) concerning a colony of fugitive slaves in Gloucester County
threatening the local community; and Charles Blue (January 1863) regarding use of
inmates from the state penitentiary to work on the public square in Richmond. Lastly, a
series of materials concerning the death of John Letcher and attempts to gather records
for a biography (series 9) includes a file compiled by Letcher’s son Greenlee Davidson
Letcher (1867–1954) that also concern the Ruffner pamphlet controversy (folder 656).
A supplementary guide to this collection, including a complete folder list, is filed in hard
copy with the papers or may be accessed electronically through the VHS online catalog.
Lewis family papers, 1749–1920. 44 items. Mss1L5896b. Microfilm reel C433.
The Lewis family members were landowners in Rockingham County. Among their
papers is an estate inventory, ca. 1790, of Thomas Lewis (1718–1790) of Rockingham
County. Located in section 5, the inventory records names and values (in pounds); only a
few mother-child relationships are indicated.
Lewis family papers, 1804–1884. 72 items. Mss2L585c. Microfilm reel B52.
The collection includes an 1847 deed to William Lewis of Spotsylvania County for the
slave Caroline and her three children, Morton, Martha, and Richmond. There is also an
1850 hiring bond for Willis, property of Patsey Dillard, to the White Hall Mining
Company, at a cost of $65, with usual clothing furnished, providing for the employer to
pay the tax and allowing for a $2 deduction in physician’s fees. Both items are located in
section 5.
Link family papers, 1815–1830. 6 items. Mss2L6485b.
An eight-page document of affidavits, 1824, pertains to the lawsuit John Link v. Peter
Link in the Virginia Superior Court of Chancery, Staunton District, and in part concerns
the inheritance and ownership of a slave girl.
Litchfield family papers, 1837–1992. 1,598 items. Mss1L7115a.
Papers of members of the Bolling, Litchfield, Peirce, and Stuart families, primarily in
Abingdon and Wytheville. Include an 1892 letter of Barton Haxall Wise to Wytheville
attorney David Stuart Peirce (section 14) concerning an address by Peirce at Emory and
Henry College and the negative effects of slavery on antebellum southern thought.
Llangollen School for Boys, Spotsylvania County, records, 1806–1849. 12 items.
Mss3L7702a. Microfilm reels C358–359.
Concern the school started at Belle Aire, Spotsylvania County, in 1811 by John Lewis
and later moved to Llangollen, also in Spotsylvania, in 1814. Records were kept by John
Lewis. Sections 1, 2, and 4 contain account books, 1811–1818, 1819–1849, and 1825–
1835, respectively, which contain information on the hiring of slaves.
Lockridge, Robert (b. 1809), papers, 1847–1866. 6 items. Mss2L8134b.
Among the papers of this Highland County resident is a letter, July 1847, from Isaac
Gwin, slave of Shanklin McClintick of Rockbridge County, in which Gwin asks
Lockridge to see about the purchase of Isaac and his wife so that they will not be
separated; he anticipates his wife will be sold in the fall. An 1860 tax document indicates
that Lockridge was taxed for four unnamed slaves.
Lupton family papers, 1745–1895. ca. 1,400 items. Mss1L9747aFA2. Microfilm reels
David Lupton (1786–1814) was a Quaker lawyer of Frederick County and Winchester.
He provided legal counsel and estate management for local residents, among them Henry
Wells (d. 1815), also known as Black Harry or Free Harry. Box 1 contains appraisals and
other records of Henry Wells’s estate. Most of the items listed are agricultural in nature
tools, animals, and supplies. Also included are receipts covering business with local
merchants. His papers include bonds for hire of slaves as well.
McCalla, John Moore (1793–1873), papers, 1831–1887. 688 items. Mss1M1248a.
Microfilm reel C119.
Resident of Lexington, Ky., and Washington, D.C., military officer and civil servant.
Correspondence, 1841–1850 (section 1), concerns the American Colonization Society, in
particular arrangements for emigrants to sail to Liberia. In section 7, a letter, 1855, from
Kendrick Dickerson of Bristol, N.H., refers to difficulties collecting money from local
members of the American party for the Washington Monument Fund because so many
members are secret abolitionists.
McCalley, Jonathan W. (b. 1806?), letter, 1849. 3 pp. Mss2M1245a1.
Letter, 7 January 1849, written from Homeland Cottage, Spotsylvania County, to William
J. McCalley in Huntsville, Ala., concerning the possible sale of slaves, including two
young women who are willing to be separated from their mother; a slave injured while
working for hire; and the current rates for hiring out slaves to public works projects and
iron mines.
McCarthy family papers, 1839–1865. 40 items. Mss1M1275a. Microfilm reel C301.
Contains the correspondence of several members of the McCarthy family of Richmond.
Section 2 includes the correspondence of Florence McCarthy (1798?–1864) with his
brother, John McCarthy, concerning the health of John’s slaves and family news.
McCarty family papers, 1859–1898. 19 items. Mss2M1278b.
Primarily correspondence of Richmond family members with relations in West Virginia.
Include letters, 1861–1870, of Mary Blair (Burwell) McCarty (b. 1811) to Harriette
Boswell (Alexander) Caperton discussing wartime prices and social conditions in
Richmond, the loss of labor with the devaluation of Confederate money and later with the
emancipation of slaves, and Mrs. McCarty’s political opinions.
McClintic family papers, 1850–1905. 65 items. Mss1M1328a.
Primarily financial records of family members who operated a store and farm at
Williamsville, Bath County. An account book, 1867–1871 (item a3), kept by William
Stephen McClintic (1840–1892) includes numerous accounts with freedmen and women,
primarily covering pay for labor and other services provided on the farm.
McCoull, John (b. 1770), slave records, 1837–1850. [4] pp. Mss6:1 M1368:1.
Slave birth and death records kept, presumably, in Spotsylvania County.
McCraw, William, inventory, 1783. 1 p. Mss2L1197a1. Typescript copy.
Inventory, 15 April 1783, of slaves belonging to the estate of Theophilus Lacy of
Pittsylvania County.
McDonald, Angus (1769–1814), agreement, 1806. 1 p. Mss2M1457a1.
Printed form, 1 January 1806, signed in Frederick County with Nathaniel Burwell
concerning the hire of the slave Betty, with conditions of employment.
McDowell, George Marshall (1838–1863), letter, 1862. 4 pp. Mss2 M1481a1.
Microfilm reel C606.
Written from camp near Fredericksburg on 27 November 1862 to the author’s father, this
letter from a member of Company F of the 2nd South Carolina Infantry Regiment,
C.S.A., in part concerns earnings off of an investment and his plans to purchase a young
male slave.
McGuire, James Clark, papers, 1819–1863. 32 items. Mss1M17934a. Microfilm reel
Includes a newspaper clipping from the National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 30
December 1856, featuring Henry Clay’s 16 July 1835 letter to William S. Wood
concerning the Missouri Compromise and views on slavery (item a2). Item a1 is an 1853
publication, Selections from the Private Correspondence of James Madison from 1813 to
1836, published by J. C. McGuire, Washington, D.C., containing, among other issues,
Madison’s views on slavery.
McIntosh, David Gregg (1836–1916), papers, 1862–1916. 98 items. Mss1M1895a.
Papers primarily concern McIntoshs service as a Confederate artillery officer and his
postwar career as a lawyer in Baltimore. Section 5 contains a letter to James McIntosh
regarding the fate of a slave left in Winchester by a member of the McIntosh family
during the Confederate retreat from Pennsylvania in 1863.
McKenny family papers, 1814–1864. 11 items. Mss2M1997b.
Peter McKenny (d. 1859) of Chesterfield County bought several slaves between 1844 and
1848, and the collection includes bills of sale. In 1848 William Gregory sold Charlotte,
age six, to McKenny, and in 1844 he bought Polly, age seven, from the same trader. After
Peter’s death his widow Catherine moved to Richmond. In 1860 she hired Alice to D. S.
Wooldridge for $35. The printed form included "usual clothing" and "blanket"; a pillow
was added.
MacLeod family papers, 1791–1977. 48 items. Mss1M2252a.
Primarily the records of merchant John MacLeod of Alexandria and Virginia native
Donald MacLeod, newspaperman and federal officeholder in Washington, D.C. A diary
kept in Washington by Donald MacLeod from 14 October to 1 November 1862 includes
substantial references to his opinions on slavery, the Emancipation Proclamation, and his
conversations with Abraham Lincoln concerning the colonization of free blacks in Africa
(section 2). Many of his comments indicate an awareness of the British perspective on
these issues.
MacLeod family papers, 1824–1868. 4 items. Mss2M2252b.
An 1826 letter of Helen MacLeod of Washington, D.C., to her brother Donald in part
concerns the religious education of African American and poor white children and the
death of Ferdinand, a trusted family slave.
McRae, Sherwin (1805–1889), papers, 1826–1890. 39 items. Mss1M2447a.
Papers of a Richmond attorney. Accounts in section 2 include information on the hiring
out of slaves by McRae (with listings by name of slave, name of employer, and amounts
of contract) and the sale of one slave. An undated commissioner’s report (ca. 1840s) in
the case of Roy et al. v. Temple in the King William County court (section 4) includes a
listing of slaves by name, by purchaser, and by amount. A deed, 1826, in section 6 covers
the sale of a young male slave, Reubin, by Thomas T. Allen to Christopher Johnson.
Madison, Lettie Marie Coleman (b. 1909), papers, 1925–1995. 161 items.
Collection includes correspondence, school materials, writings, research on African
American families and children, newspaper clippings, biographical materials, and
miscellaneous papers of Lettie Marie (Coleman) Madison (of Montclair, N.J., and
Richmond, Va.). Concerns her education at Dana College (now Rutgers University),
Newark, N.J., and at Forham University, New York City; her career as a psychiatric
social worker at Essex County Overbrook Hospital, Cedar Grove, N.J., and as faculty
member of the Department of Social Work at Virginia Union University, Richmond; and
her life in retirement in Richmond, with reminiscences of that city and of Hampton
Institute (now Hampton University), Hampton, Va.
Majette family papers, 1812–1908. 999 items. Mss1M2886a. Microfilm reels C283–
Among the papers of this Southampton County family is a letter to Penelope Ann
(Darden) Majette written by George W. Vick of the 3d Virginia Infantry Regiment. Since
joining the army, Vick has had difficulty arranging for the hire of Majettes slaves. For
1864 and 1865 he arranged the hire of Henry to Mr. Parker and hired out Mills and Jerry
for $900. Arrangements were made with the help of R. J. Rick and E. C. Waddell (section
Mallory, William F., receipt, 1865. 1 p. Mss2B5317a1. Photocopy.
Receipt, dated 6 January 1865, [Prince George County], to Peter Birchett for the purchase
of a slave.
Manly, Mary Patterson (b. 1853?), letter, 1933. 8 pp. Mss2M3153a. Photocopy.
Letter, 12 May 1933, from Claremont, Calif., to Virginius Douglass Johnston concerning
his father, James Johnston, and the establishment of the Richmond Colored Normal
School and the Manlys’ teaching career. The period discussed covers the 1890s.
Mansfield family papers, 1852–1933. 186 items. Mss1M3178a.
Collection consists of papers of three generations of the Mansfield and related families in
Spotsylvania County. Include an account book, 1875–1877, of Jno. C. Mansfield & Co.,
of Holladay Mills, kept by John Christian Mansfield (1826–1906), which contains
records of general store accounts with African Americans (section 1).
Manson family papers, 1849–1893. 35 items. Mss2M3183b. Photocopies.
A portion of this collection includes the personal papers of Joseph Richard Manson
([1831–1918] of Brunswick County) while in Confederate service. Included among his
papers are a list of corn owned by freedmen and an agreement with Robert Davis and
three of his sons concerning tenant farming and service in the Manson household.
Marmion family papers, 1822–1928. 84 items. Mss1M3455a. Microfilm reel C120.
Papers of Dr. Nicholas Marmion of Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County (now W.Va.),
include an 1851 agreement with Elizabeth Aldstaat concerning the hiring of Ann, with
extensive conditions covering Ann’s services (section 4).
Marrow family papers, 1859–1873. 58 items. Mss1M3495a.
Papers of a Hampton family. Correspondence in section 2 includes letters, 18601873, to
Daniel Garrow Marrow from Maria Smith (Peek) Garrow, some describing events of
their courtship during the Civil War. Several concern lack of servants to tend to
household duties (23 July 1864, 18 August 1864, and 21 May 1865), and one mentions a
specific incident in which Jimmy Causey was arrested by African Americans.
Marshall, S. W., account book, 1855–1857. 104 pp. Mss5:3M358:1. Microfilm reel
A record of farm work, inventory of slaves, and business accounts kept while overseer for
Alexander Moseley at Sycamore Island plantation in Buckingham County.
Marshall family papers, 1742–1951. 493 items. Mss1M3587a.
Records of Edward Digges, deputy sheriff of Fauquier County; Nathaniel Tyler,
Washington, D.C., attorney; Sarah Robb Tyler Marshall; and William Churchill
Marshall, newspaperman of Fauquier County.
Section 10 contains an 1845 affidavit of Jacob Hume concerning the sale of slaves, a list,
ca. 1799–1816, of slaves belonging to members of the Cowles family, and a list, 1758–
1857, of slave births and deaths, some individuals belonging to Digges family members
and some carrying the family surname "Shepherd." In November 1860, Nathaniel Tyler
wrote a lengthy letter to T. B. Myers from the office of the Richmond Enquirer
concerning northern and southern views of government, slavery, the fugitive slave acts,
and secession (section 30).
Martin, Humphrey H., receipt, 1845. 1 p. Mss2G9896a1.
Receipt, dated 14 March 1845, [Louisa County], to Samuel Atwell Guy for the purchase
of a slave.
Mason, Charles Tayloe (1831–1918), papers, 1854–1906. 450 items. Mss3M3814a.
This collection contains materials documenting the service of Charles Tayloe Mason in
the Confederate Army Corps of Engineers. His correspondence during the Civil War with
other military officials concerns, in part, the use of slaves as laborers on the construction
of fortifications and bridges on the James River.
Mason, John Tilman (1791–1849), papers, 18111857. 7 items. Mss2M381372b.
Includes bills of sale, 1828–1853, of John T. Mason of Lynchburg to Eli Burch of Bullard
County, Ky., for the slave Ester and to Abraham Wimbish for Edmund, age twenty-five.
Mason, John Young (1799–1859), papers, 1855. 3 items. Mss2M3814c.
Include a list of subscribers and letters concerning a marble bust of John Young Mason,
minister to France, sculpted by Eugene Warburg, a freedman originally from Louisiana.
Mason, Thomson (1730–1785), opinion, 1782. 4 pp. Mss2M3817a2. Photocopy.
Concerns the division of slaves belonging to the estate of John Ford, Richmond County.
Only one slave, Lewy, is mentioned by name. (Original document in the Gunston Hall
Library and Archives, Lorton)
Mason family papers, 1789–1965. 158 items. Mss1M3816b. Microfilm reel C415.
An account book, 1796–1831, kept by Lewis Fort in Southampton County includes
several lists of slaves, one of which indicates slaves who were to "stay at home" on
various Sundays each month, and another of which lists young male slaves by name and
birthdate (section 2). A bill of complaint and answer, drafted in 1855 for submission to
the Southampton County court in the case of Frances Ann (Mason) Cook et al. v. John
Young Mason, concerns slaves belonging to the estates of Lewis Fort and Richard Mason
(section 14). Materials, 1849, filed with the court of Greensville County concerning
slaves of the estate of Edmunds Mason include a petition to the court, a court order, and a
report (listing forty-five slaves by name and value) (photocopies, section 15).
The account book, 1846–1864, kept by Lewis Edmunds Mason at Fortsville,
Southampton County, includes diary entries for 1860–1864 concerning agricultural
operations, as well as yearly lists of allowances to slaves (including the distribution of
clothing and other supplies) (section 18). A second account book of Mason, 1851–1857,
concerns the operation of an unnamed cotton plantation in Mississippi and primarily
consists of records of the amount of cotton picked by each slave (section 19).
Mason family papers, 1805–1886. 4,175 items. Mss1M3816a. Microfilm reels B22–
Much of the material in this collection pertains to the Fortsville plantation in
Southampton County, which came into the Mason family through Mary Anne (Fort)
Mason upon her marriage to Edmunds Mason. Edmunds Mason was frequently called on
to manage sizable estates on behalf of several family members, a circumstance that
involved him in the affairs of plantation and slave management for places in Greensville
and Brunswick counties. As a result, much of the information concerning African
Americans is in accounts and inventories for estates.
An undated inventory of slaves of the estate of Lewis Fort (d. 1826) lists names of only
about fifty slaves (section 3). Materials pertaining to the estate of William Maclin (d.
1831) are in sections 10 (inventories and affidavit), 13 (an account book), and 15 (an
1825 bond for unnamed slaves at $180). The inventories, 1831–1834, record names,
values, some physical features (George is deaf and dumb) and mental health conditions,
and some occupations (Charles is a blacksmith) for slaves on the Greensville and
Brunswick properties. Family groups are implied, and an 1833 affidavit states that Dr.
Merritt attended several slaves during the winter. The account book, 1832–1846, records
the slaves hired out, to whom they were hired, and for how much and groups mothers
with children. Section 35 contains correspondence between Mary Anne (Fort) Mason and
Lewis Edmunds Mason (her son) concerning the conditions of slaves in Southampton
County. He expresses his views on the population’s predisposition to cholera and the
wetness of the region; he is determined to protect the slaves from the weather by issuing
overcoats to the men and providing extra money to all the slaves for more clothing in
addition to the standard allowance. Later slave lists for the property in Greensville
County are in section 21, estate papers of Edmunds Mason; one document records the
fact that his will provided for an elderly slave to choose his master and for the estate to
provide an annuity for the slave’s keep. A similar arrangement was made for another
elderly slave, although not provided for in Mason’s will. In the division of slaves, one-
fourth of the smithy’s tools were added to the value of each of the four smiths.
Several other lists are in section 34 (slaves of John Young Mason by name, age, value,
physical and mental condition, and some by occupation, for approximately sixty slaves in
1859), section 39 (an 1855 list of Lewis Edmunds Mason’s fifty-four slaves in Coahoma
County, Miss., by names and implied family groups), and section 61 (undated list of
approximately thirty slaves by name and age category, no place indicated).
A letter from John Townes Leigh to John Young Mason (section 24) contains advice on
preparing to go into cotton growing—not to buy a farm outright but to hire out his slaves
to cotton plantations for several years so that they will learn from the experience—and an
invitation for Mason to learn the business while staying at the Leigh plantation. Leigh
details average rates for baling cotton by experienced and inexperienced slaves and also
by gender and age.
In section 52 are papers, 1837–1844, relating to a lawsuit of James Madison, a slave,
against George F. Alberti of Hartford County, Md., in the Court of Common Pleas,
Philadelphia, Pa., over Madison’s liberty and the ownership of a horse. Section 56
contains 1854 London imprints in English, Italian, French, German, and Spanish of
letters of George Nicholas Sanders and Louis Kossuth concerning the history of the slave
trade, the European view of slavery, references to the Liberian colony, and slavery in the
southern states.
Mason family papers, 1813–1943. 5,634 items. Mss1M3816c. Microfilm reels C415–
Key figures in this collection are John Young Mason (1799–1859), a minister to France
in the 1850s, and John Young Mason (1823–1863), who served in the U.S. and C.S.A.
Some 1853–1855 deeds (section 29) and an 1858 deed of trust (section 91) signed at the
American consulate in Paris concern unidentified slaves in Southampton County. In
section 96 a power of attorney, 1863, from Susan Mason to Lewis Edmunds Mason
concerns the slave Bridget and her unidentified children. In an 1863 letter in section 52,
William Urquhart asks about buying Bridget and her family.
A number of lists are included in the collection, involving values (sections 32 and 57),
tallies for clothes and shoes (sections 8 and 74 [including shoe sizes]), estate divisions
(sections 4, 29, and 58), birth lists (sections 32, 57, and 74), and records of occupations
(sections 4 and 74). Account books of Lewis Edmunds Mason, dated from 1849 to 1890,
are in sections 5564 and contain a wide variety of information about family groups,
appraisals (often describing general health and state of mind), food and supplies,
occupations and daily assignments, and accounts with sharecroppers. The lists in section
74, also compiled by Lewis Edmunds Mason, contain information pertaining to estate
management, from which cuts of meat are the most efficient at which times of the year to
individual clothing assignments and shoe sizes. The lists of Lewis Edmunds Mason have
been kept for plantations in Southampton County, Va., and Coahoma County, Miss.
Hiring lists and accounts are in sections 59, 62, and 74 and cover 1850–1864. An 1862
list of hirings (section 74) indicates a slave that ran to the Yankees, in addition to
classifying slaves by occupation and caliber ("First Rate," "Good," "Ordinary,"
"Tolerable"). Valuations and appraisals are in sections 29 (1857, for Jim) and 32
(18541856, for slaves in Southampton County). In section 84, correspondence of Joseph
Reid Anderson of Richmond with Nathaniel Boush Hill contains an undated list of
Southampton County slaves, including health of body and mind, value, age, and mother-
child relationships. Section 32 also contains information in the case Commonwealth v.
James Wolff for permitting Edward to go at large and trade as a free man (Prince George
County, 1840).
An 1851 letter from James Buchanan to John Young Mason concerns slavery in the
context of the Reading resolutions and the stands of the Democratic and Whig parties,
Free Soil, and abolition votes (section 6). Other correspondence series describe slave
auctions and the business of buying and selling slaves. Section 52 contains Lewis
Edmunds Mason’s correspondence. An 1863 letter from S. R. Fondren reports the current
rates for slaves in the "No. 1" category, by age and gender. Letters, 18551863, from
Roscoe Briggs Heath relate similar information, as well as general strategies of the most
profitable ways to trade in slaves. In November 1858, he discusses his views on the souls
of African Americans; and in August 1856, he refers to Bridget’s conduct and
punishment. Letters from James Edward Mason concern the auctions, current values, and
treatment of slaves. An 1864 letter also concerns sickness among the slaves.
Correspondence, 1856–1858, with John Young Mason indicates his concerns for keeping
families together, selling slaves only to good masters, buying the husband of one of his
slaves, and the undesirability of combining different groups of slaves to work one farm.
An 1855 affidavit in section 74 contains a report on the physical condition and auction of
a mother and child. Section 79 contains correspondence of Roscoe Briggs Heath with
Archer Anderson concerning selling a large block of slaves and comments on John
Browns raid at Harpers Ferry.
Sharecropper agreements are in sections 47 and 71. Agreements from Sussex and
Southampton counties, 1865–1868 (section 47), concern holidays, charges for days lost,
maintenance of fences, dates for the provision of firewood, cost of seed, conditions for
contract renewal, and penalties for violation of the contract. An 1865 contract is prepared
on a printed form. Section 71 contains agreements for 1868–1896, concerning division
ratios of the agricultural produce such as melons, cotton, corn (fodder and shucks), and
peanuts. One agreement provides for a house with a brick chimney for a sharecropper’s
relative and what tools are to be furnished. Accounts for agricultural laborers are in the
account books in sections 62 and 64.
Mason family papers, 1825–1902. 4,972 items. Mss1M3816d.
Primarily the papers of congressman, U.S. Navy secretary, and diplomat John Young
Mason (1799–1859) of Southampton County and his immediate family. In Section 2, a
letter, 1844 May 31, from Commodore Matthew C. Perry concerns suppression of the
African slave trade and the right of the British Navy to board American merchant ships
off the coast of Africa. A letter, 1844 December 19, from Joseph Reid Anderson concerns
the use of slave labor at the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond.
Section 3 contains a letter, 1845 April 4, written by Simon Fraser Blunt (while in Sierra
Leone, Africa) to Secretary Mason concerning slave factories along the Pongo River and
his efforts as a naval officer in trying to suppress the slave trade. A letter, 1845 June 25,
from Commodore Charles William Skinner concerns, in part, his patrolling the African
coast in search of slave traders. Also in this section is a letter, 1846 September 22, written
by Howell Harris (in Southampton County) to Mason concerning the condemnation and
execution of Jack, a slave, for "being concerned" in the Southampton Insurrection, in
which Jack’s owner, Joseph Ruse, was killed. The same letter also concerns the suicide
by hanging of a “very valuable servant” of Joseph H. Prince.
Section 4 includes a letter, 1846 October 29, of Robert W. Young, of Portsmouth
concerning the use of slave labor at the Norfolk Navy Yard. Also of interest are letters
concerning plantation land in Mississippi and Louisiana, to which Mason considered
relocating a number of his slaves: 1846 December 12 and 1847 April 7 (from James
Brown); 1846 December 25 (from George Eustis); 1847 June 5 (from Richard T. Archer);
and 1847 September 22 (from Henry Davis, concerning the outfitting of Mason’s slaves
for the transfer to his new Mississippi plantation). There are also letters regarding the
health of Henry, one of Mason’s slaves who was treated for epilepsy by Dr. Edward H.
Carmichael (1847 February 13 and March 30).
Section 6 contains letters concerning the hiring out of slaves, 1849 December 22 (from
Mary Eliza Peete); the sale of slaves (from Daniel Dodson), 1849 December 24 and
December 29; and a deed of trust, 1850 July 1, of Sterling Neblett involving 80 to 100
slaves. Letters, 1849 September 22 and 1850 October 19, written by John J. Crump
concern a law case John Y. Mason was handling for him involving land titles and the sale
and hiring out of slaves. The 1850 letter provides the genealogy of some slaves, concerns
the splitting up of some families, and offers information concerning their relocations.
Other letters, 1847 January 8 and 1850 February 12, written by Elizabeth Harwood
Margaret (Romaine) Mason of Petersburg, concern selling a slave named Anna to
separate her from her children; an 1850 February 16 letter of Samuel Cochran also
concerns this subject. An 1852 May 29 letter of David Augustine Claiborne of Hicksford
discusses, in part, his and his mother’s slaves, including three "breeding" women, his
father’s slaves numbering over 100, and other assets.
Section 9 contains letters between Mason and his overseers at Day’s Neck Farm, Isle of
Wight County. Included is correspondence concerning supplies for slaves (hats, blankets,
etc.), along with births and total number of slaves on the farm; a letter of 1850 January 5
mentions the high cost of hiring slaves.
Section 10 concerns establishing a plantation in Mississippi. A letter, 1847 October 6,
includes a discussion of which slaves to take, including Bob, a carpenter, who could be
hired out after he has built slave quarters, corn cribs, and other buildings needed on the
plantation. A later letter, 1851 January 6, concerns the sale of Bob and his family. The
loose accounts in section 13 include payments for blankets, clothing, shoes, cups, and
spoons for Mason’s slaves.
The 1837–1850 commonplace book kept by Mason as guardian of the orphans of Thomas
Applewhite includes an inventory and valuation of their slaves, as well as a record of the
hiring out of those slaves (d3,248). Also included in section 22 is the correspondence of
three of John Young Mason’s slaves or former slaves: Critty, n.d., to her husband,
Armistead Tutt; Becky, 1847 September 4, to her daughter; and Pleasant Cooper, 1877
September 11, to the Mason "children."
Among the accounts of Mason’s son Lewis (section 25) can be found the meal and meat
allowances for each of the Mason slaves at Fortsville in Southampton County.
The letters of Susan Harriet Barksdale Mason, daughter of John Young Mason, include
several letters written in the spring and early summer of 1872 concerning unrest and
domestic violence among the African American population in Sussex County. There is
also discussion of an incident in which a young black girl named Rosa (who was related
to one of the Masons’ servants) allegedly threw her baby into a fire and "burned it up."
Susan reported that the African American women in the neighborhood wanted to punish
Rosa by burning her alive, but she was to be hung instead. A later, undated letter reported
that she had been freed because no one could prove the newborn had ever been alive
(section 50).
There are several letters in Sarah Olivia Mason’s correspondence, 1877, concerning a
school for African American males started by her brother Lewis Edmunds Mason in
Southampton County (section 38).
Massie, Thomas Eugene (1822–1863), commonplace book, 1854. 136 pp.
Physician of Nelson County and U.S. Army doctor during the Mexican War. Includes
numerous anecdotes of life in and around Virginia, especially the mountainous areas.
Several concern African Americans, in particular, the legality of white women marrying
African American men in Massachusetts and the ensuing outcry among African
American women; a slave’s dream about Heaven and Hell, and honesty and dishonesty
among various slaves.
Massie family papers, 1722–1893. 463 items. Mss1M3855c. Photocopies.
Thomas Massie (1747–1834) owned Level Green plantation in Amherst and Nelson
counties, and Henry Massie (1784–1841) owned Falling Spring plantation in Bath and
Alleghany counties. A diary containing lists of births ranges from 1803 to 1813 for six
slaves (section 8); in section 9 an account book, 1809–1864, used by Henry Massie
(1784–1841) and Henry Massie (1816–1878) contains several lists of slave births ranging
from 1762 to 1838 and 1841 to 1864 (section 9). Some of the lists provide names of both
parents and physical characteristics. Also in the account book is an 1831 shoe distribution
list and 1817 hiring and work records. A short list, 1835–1841, pertaining to the elder
Henry Massie’s guardianship of minors provides only a few names and values of slaves
(section 10).
Massie family papers, 1767–1993. 877 items. Mss1M3855g.
Primarily the papers of Major Thomas Massie (1747–1834) of Level Green, Nelson
County, and some of his descendants, and largely concern management of extensive land
holdings and an enslaved workforce. Correspondence, 1812–1828, of Major Massie
includes letters written to his son William while the youngster attended school in
Staunton, which in part make reference to a heat wave and its effect on African American
field hands in July 1824 (section 1). Records concerning the settlement of Massie’s estate
include a will recorded in 1834, and an inventory and appraisal of personal property and
slaves (which includes birth dates) (section 5). Papers of Doctor Thomas Massie (1782–
1864), justice of the peace of Nelson County, include an 1821 affidavit that Nelson
Bethel has captured a runaway slave, Isobel, the property of William Ryan (section 6).
Correspondence of William Massie (1795–1862), of Pharsalia, Nelson County, include
communications with his son Hope W. Massie (serving in the Confederate Army in
Hanover County in 1862, concerning his father’s plan to send his slaves south), Doctor
Thomas Massie (regarding the medical treatment of William’s slaves), J. C. Steptoe (of
Liberty, Bedford County, agreeing to sell a slave for Massie), and Harry Tompkins (of
Richmond, advising Massie that few female slaves are available for auction and that few
would be willing to be hired out to someone living so far out in the countryside) (section
7). Records, 1836–1863, concerning slaves owned by William Massie include a register
kept at Pharsalia (containing ages, birth and death dates, names of parents or previous
owners, and tax status) and two items concerning slaves at Level Green (with names and
ages of individuals and notations of family groups) (section 11). Correspondence of
Maria Catherine (Effinger) Massie (1814–1889), fourth wife of William Massie, include
communications with Henry C. Boyd, of Blue Rock, Nelson County, concerning the
hiring of Massie slaves, and with her stepson Thomas C. Massie, concerning the
conscription of family slaves by the Confederate government (section 14).
Maupin, Logan J., bond, 1856. 1 p. Mss2M4455a1. Printed form with handwritten
Bond, 29 December 1856, to Jane Yancey for hire of Jeff, Bill, and Frank, providing for
"customary clothing . . . and Blanket" and "to be returned at Christmas next." Also
provides for quarterly payments.
Maury, Richard Launcelot (1840–1907), diary, 1865. [48] pp. Mss5:1M4486:1.
Kept from 5 February to 11 March 1865 in Richmond, this diary concerns, in part, the
on-going debate over the enlistment of African Americans into the Confederate Army.
Maury, Richard Launcelot (1840–1907), diary, 1865. [48] pp. Mss5:1M4486:2.
Kept from 12 to 30 March 1865 in Richmond, the entries in this diary concern, in part,
the recruitment of African American soldiers for the Confederate Army.
Mayo, William (1684–1744), letter, 1731. 2 pp. Mss2M4547a1.
Letter, 27 August 1731, written from Goochland County to [John Perratt of Barbados], in
part concerning the suicide of the slave Quaccoo and the purchase of two young male
slaves. Published in the Virginia Historical Register, 4 (1851): 8486.
Meade family papers, 1837–1981. 153 items. Mss1M4618d. Microfilm reel C609.
Chiefly the correspondence and financial records of Richard Hardaway Meade ([1831–
1880] of Richmond). Included are three letters, 1870–1872, from an African American
servant, Bettie Heath, to various family members (sections 10, 12, 13) announcing her
departure from service to marry and her later return.
Meade family papers, 1854–1913. 118 items. Mss1M4618a. Microfilm reel C608.
Consists of the correspondence of several members of the Meade family of Amelia
County and Richmond. Section 3 contains a letter, 1863, from Hodijah Lincoln Meade
(1842–1902) to Everard Benjamin Meade concerning African American soldiers in the
U.S. Army.
Meek, Joseph (d. 1840), papers, 1835–1836. 7 items. Mss2M4713b. Photocopies.
Include letters written by Meek of Nashville, Tenn., to Samuel Logan, of Abingdon, Va.,
concerning their slave-trading partnership. Subjects covered include physical
specifications of slaves, the numbers of slaves needed by market time, how to price
slaves, and strategies for selling slaves.
Mercer family papers, 1656–1869. 569 items. Mss1M5345a. Microfilm reels C33 and
Political and business records of members of the Caile family of Dorchester County, Md.,
the Mercer family of Anne Arundel County, Md., and Loudoun and Stafford counties,
Va., and the Sprigg family of Anne Arundel County, Md.
A copy of the 1774 will of Thomas Sprigg in part concerns the disposition of slaves and
is accompanied by an undated list of seventy-seven slaves, along with values (section 7).
Richard Sprigg’s letter of 3 May 1798 to his uncle makes brief mention of Congress’s
consideration of the taxation of slaves in the South (section 10). A receipt issued to
Richard Sprigg (1739–1798) in 1791 concerns nine slaves belonging to the estate of
Elizabeth Sprigg (section 11). The 1798 will of Sprigg contains extensive provisions for
the emancipation of slaves and is accompanied by an account of estate expenses (section
16); the brief 1796 will of his wife, Margaret (Caile) Sprigg, contains similar provisions.
A handwritten copy of George Mercer’s 1768 letter to his brother James, written from
London, in part concerns the slaves on the former’s Virginia plantations (section 28).
Section 29 contains letters of James Mercer of Fredericksburg and Richmond to his
brother, John Francis Mercer, U.S. congressman, in the mid-1780s. He discusses the
quarters for slaves and the overseers on John’s Virginia estates (23 September 1783),
infectious diseases among the slave population (18 February 1785), the purchase of
slaves (21 February 1786), and the possible sale of the slave Christmas (3 March 1787).
In the same section, a copy of a letter of James Mercer to Lund Washington in 1783
contains a list of slaves at the Retreat Quarter, presumably belonging to the estate of
George Mercer.
Letters written by John Fenton Mercer to his uncle John Francis Mercer (section 31)
include a number of references to the employment and distribution of the large number of
slaves belonging to the estate of James Mercer (1794, 15 January 1801, 10 July 1801).
Section 33 contains the general correspondence of John Francis Mercer. Letters of
Solomon Betton as overseer at Marlborough in Stafford County concern the discipline
and punishment of slaves by whipping, work routines of slave laborers, and Davey, a
runaway slave (6, 19 September, 12 October 1791). Benjamin Harrison writes from
Richmond on 4 July 1792 concerning his general guidelines for purchasing slaves but his
lack of capital to do so. Mercer himself writes from West River in Anne Arundel County,
Md., to his son John in 1819 with instructions concerning the purchase and manufacture
of clothes for his slave population. Cary Selden writes from Baltimore, Md., on 26 May
1820 concerning the purchase of a slave from King George County, Va. Mercer again
writes from Marlborough on 6 August 1794 to Richard Sprigg concerning the murder of
two men in Fredericksburg by Ben Grymes, who apparently had armed his slaves for the
confrontation. Finally, Dr. James Steuart of Baltimore wrote to Mercer on three occasions
(16 January, 2, 7 February 1799) concerning distribution of the slaves belonging to the
estate of Richard Sprigg (1739–1798).
An account book, 1804–1812, kept by John Francis Mercer includes lists of slaves at
West River and Westbury, Anne Arundel County, Md. (section 34), while another
eighteenth-century list of Mercer’s slaves appears in section 37.
Section 39 contains the correspondence of John Mercer of West River. James Maury
writes on 22 March 1830 from Liverpool, Eng., a long tale of Stephen and Willis,
runaway slaves from Caroline County who escaped on a ship chartered by Maury’s
mercantile firm. An 1829 letter from Matthew Maury concerns the same incident. Mercer
himself wrote to his son John Francis (1819–1840) on 12 August 1840 concerning an
outbreak of typhoid fever among the slave population of Anne Arundel County. Margaret
Mercer’s 1817 letter from Liverpool (incomplete) contains a lengthy discussion of the
early development of the colonization movement in the United States.
An undated memorandum by John Francis Mercer includes a list of slaves delivered to
John Mercer (section 41), while letters of Maria (Hunter) Garnett of Essex County and
Theodore S. Garnett of Hanover County to William Robert Mercer concern freedmen and
Reconstruction in Virginia (section 45).
Meredith family papers, 1852–1934. 194 items. Mss1M5415b.
The collection primarily concerns the Reverend Jaquelin Marshall Meredith (1826–
1859), attorney in Sacramento, Calif., and Steptoe Pickett Meredith, farmer in Missouri
and California.
Jaquelin Marshall Meredith’s correspondence (section 3) includes letters from Charles
Lewis Bankhead (concerning the division of an estate including property in slaves), Dr.
William Bankhead (concerning the sale of slaves), Emma G. Jones (concerning the
depiction of African Americans in literature), and Ellen Monroe (Bankhead) Meredith
(concerning African Americans as a group). An 1861 deed of Bickerton Lyle Winston to
Meredith covers the sale of a number of slaves (section 7).
Merritt, Daniel Tatum (1795–1866), diary, 1820–1866. [504] p. Mss5:1M5534:1.
Concerns agricultural operations, slavery, and weather conditions. Kept by Daniel Merritt
in Caswell and Person counties, N. C., and Halifax County, Va.
Mettauer, John Peter (1787–1875), papers, 1812–1858. 128 items. Mss1M5677a.
Microfilm reel C426.
Most of the papers of this Prince Edward County physician pertain to his medical
practice, especially his notable treatments of fistula. His correspondence in section 1,
1825–1853, comprises mostly requests for medical attention, frequently for slaves;
section 2 consists of an account book covering the years 1819–1847 and is predominantly
medical; and section 3 contains loose accounts, many of which are medical, but some of
which also pertain to household supplies such as meal and flour.
Many of the requests in section 1 are for the restoration of eyesight; several are for
scrofula, a tuberculosis of the lymph glands in the neck; others simply make a general
request for Mettauer to examine a slave. Granville Nunnally asks Mettauer about hiring
slaves, 1841; Mettauer makes an urgent request of Mr. Vernon for a wet nurse; in 1831,
Otis Williams asks Mettauer to see the little boy of Cloey, a free woman who lives with
Williamss family (Williams vouches for payment of the fees).
The account book in section 2 contains mostly general records of visits and examinations,
dispensation of medicines, and costs of board for those patients staying at Mettauer’s
home while receiving treatment. Mettauer sometimes hired these slaves, too. Some of the
treatments were for cataracts (page 124), a tumor operation (page 296), a compound
fracture (page 291), syphilis (page 234), and scrofula (page 240). Hirings are accounted
for on pages 253, 282, 293, and 308. (This list is not exhaustive.)
The loose accounts in section 3 cover a wide variety of expenses, only a small percentage
being pertinent to African Americans. Of those accounts that are medical, the summaries
of ailments and treatments are slightly more descriptive.
Miller, Joseph Lyon (1875–1957), collector, papers, 1610–1964. 427 items.
Dr. Miller, an alumnus of the Medical College of Virginia and a practicing physician in
Thomas, W.Va., collected manuscripts concerning physicians and the history of medical
care in early Virginia, the South, the eastern United States generally, and Great Britain.
The collection includes records concerning the medical care of African American men,
women, and children (primarily slaves) in the Virginia counties of Brunswick,
Dinwiddie, King and Queen, and Middlesex. It also contains records of the hiring out and
purchase and sale of slaves, records of slave births in Charles County, Md. (section 46),
and accounts covering the service of a woman slave as midwife (section 5). A letter of
Dr. Samuel Griffin of Bedford County to Dr. Levi Bartlett of New Hampshire concerns
the institution of slavery in Virginia in the early nineteenth century (section 31).
Miller, Lewis (1796–1882), drawing book, 1856–1871. 114 pp. Mss5:10M6155:1.
Contains scenes drawn while traveling in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia (Giles,
Montgomery, Prince Edward, Pulaski, Roanoke, and Wythe counties), and West Virginia.
Includes some images of African Americans. One page also records a comparison of the
life of the southern slave with the life of a laborer in the North.
Miller family papers, 1825–1883. 161 items. Mss1M6196d.
Correspondence, financial records, and other papers of family members in Frederick
County and Winchester. Section 11 contains two bonds of John Godfrey Miller of
Winchester, dated Christmas Day 1853 and 1854, for the hire of Turner, with the
conditions of service.
Milroy, Margaret Fay Fields (b. 1937), collector, papers, 1772–1870. 22 items.
Section 1 includes lists of bonds, 1772–1774, for the purchase of slaves transported by
the ship Prince of Wales.
Minor family papers, 1657–1942. 813 items. Mss1M6663a. Microfilm reels B24 and
Include a 1784 agreement between Philip Lightfoot of Caroline County and Charles
Augustine Lewis concerning eight slaves, listed by name only, there being among them a
mother and two children (section 23). In the same section is a 1784 bill of sale for the
slave Bob.
Minor family papers, 1810–1932. 4,305 items. Mss1M6663c. Microfilm reels B25B30
and C610–618.
Much of this collection focuses on Robert Dabney Minor (1827–1871), an officer in the
U.S. Navy (in the West Indies, Japan, Annapolis, Md., and Washington, D.C.) and the
Confederate Navy, and an employee of the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond and the
Dover Company Iron Mines in Chesterfield County.
An 1862 receipt issued by Minor in his capacity as commander of the Confederate Naval
Ordnance and Hydrography Bureau in Richmond contains ten male slaves’ names, with
owners’ names and county of residence. All the slaves are from Charles City County and
have been detailed to work in Richmond for the Ordnance Bureau (section 29).
Also in this collection is a commonplace book (section 69) kept by John Brown Patterson
in Richmond and Poplar Grove, Mathews County, between 1810 and 1847. Among his
school notes are memoranda concerning articles of clothing issued to slaves (socks, coats,
inside and outside clothes), kind of cloth used (cotton or wool, yarn or woven), and
whether the clothes were made in advance or not.
Monique Nursing Training Center, Richmond, records, 1968–1969. 8 items.
Mss4M7494b. Photocopies and printed materials.
Concern the operations of this school, located at 126 West Brookland Park Boulevard,
which trained practical nurses and served as a post-graduation employment agency for
private duty nurses. Included in the collection is a curriculum; advertisement (broadside);
receipts for the assessment of city license taxes; announcement by Mrs. Eleanor Forbes
Randolph, director; correspondence with members of the Virginia Department of
Vocational Rehabilitation; and photographs of Mrs. Randolph.
Monroe, James (1758–1831), papers, 17881828. 21 items. Mss2M7576a. Microfilm
Reel C54.
Some of the items in this collection of Monroe’s papers appear in the guide to the
microfilm edition of James Monroe Papers in Virginia Repositories, edited by C. W.
Garrison and D. L. Thomas (1969). A letter to Larkin Stanard, ca. 1788, concerns the sale
of slaves in order to pay debts (item a13). Item a16 is an 1819 letter concerning the slave
Daniel, seeking advice for appropriate discipline for Daniel and how to use the incident
as an example to other slaves.
Item a4 is an 1828 letter written by James Monroe to Joseph Carrington Cabell inquiring
about any information Cabell may have about correspondence between Monroe and
Thomas Jefferson concerning an 1800 attempted insurrection in Richmond, led by the
slave Gabriel.
In an 1815 letter to Walter Jones of Westmoreland County, Monroe discusses measures
for returning captured slaves taken by the British to the West Indies during the War of
1812. Monroe outlines procedures for collecting information to create a list of slaves
considered property of Virginia slaveowners (item a9).
Items a17, a19, and a21 are all concerned with Monroe’s views on the Missouri
Compromise. Items a19 and a21 are 1819 and 1820 items to George Hay; item a17 is a
later (1864) printing of a letter that appeared in the New York News.
Montague family papers, 1808–1939. 337 items. Mss1M7607a. Microfilm reel B31.
Papers of a family of planters, educators, and lawyers of Gloucester County, a number of
whom were active in the Baptist church. Section 5 contains a lengthy 1845 letter of
Charles W. Montague to his aunt Frances Thruston Hughes concerning the discipline and
moral conduct of slaves and the possible sale or hiring out of the slaves Phil and Anthony
in Richmond. Another letter to Hughes, this one undated from Martha P. Dabney in King
and Queen County, concerns the slave Levenia, who is "old and feeble" and whom
Dabney wants to purchase (section 7). Section 12 contains five bonds, 1819–1863,
covering the hire of slaves.
Moody family papers, 1725–1910. 204 items. Mss1M7765a.
Concern the Moody family of Hanover County. Section 25 contains a certificate of John
Poindexter (of Louisa County) concerning Edmund Anderson, Matthew Anderson,
Richard Anderson and the manumission of Jacob Going.
Monument Avenue Crest Garden Club, Richmond, records, 1946–1975. 72 items.
This organization, named for a residential subdivision in the Westhampton area of
Richmond, was involved with a number of urban antilitter and beautification projects in
the 1970s. One of these focused on the grounds of Center House, Inc., at 713 North First
Street in Richmond, which housed a number of social service agencies. Several
scrapbooks from 1970–1971 include information on this project. Center House had
formerly been St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and Convent and later became the United
Givers Fund Senior Center, primarily serving the local African American community.
The Senior Center was destroyed by fire in 1973, and that event, and its effects on the
local community, is extensively documented in the scrapbook dated 1973–1975.
Morris, Charles, papers, 1861–1928 (bulk 1863–1865). 121 items. Mss1M8315a.
This collection consists of letters written by Charles Morris (1826–1893), a native of
Hanover County and quartermaster in the Confederate army, to his wife, Mary (Minor)
Morris. Section 1 contains letters concerning the family’s slaves (letter of 1862 October
20 discusses his wife’s worry about "Negroes"), the slave economy (letter of 1864
January 13 complains of a glut in the slave market), and the loss of slaves (letter of 1865
March 20 discusses Federal troops seizing his cousin’s servants).
Morrison family papers, 1836–1935. 39 items. Mss1M8347a.
Concern the Morrison family of Rockbridge County. Section 4 contains newspaper
clippings that concern, in part, the freeing of slaves by a member of Bethesda Church,
Rockbridge Baths, before the Civil War.
Mosby, Samuel (1766?–1829), account book, 1789–1791. ca. 350 pp.
Kept as a deputy sheriff in Henrico County, this volume includes records of the
executions of writs and judgments and of fees collected. The volume was also used by
Mosby’s widow, Mary (Anderson) Mosby, in part to record the distribution of clothing
and other supplies to her slaves.
Moseley family papers, 1865–1936. 7 items. Mss2M8527b. Photocopies.
Include a Buckingham County list of former slaves of Grandison Moseley (item b5). The
list bears a total of fifty-three names, many including surnames. On it are recorded years
of birth beginning with 1805, family relationships, residence as of 9 August 1865
(Buckingham and Nelson counties, Richmond, and the U.S. Army), and compensation
received (barrels of corn, poultry, and pigs).
Mosher, Hugh E., papers, 1918–1948 (bulk 1918–1919). 237 items. Mss1M8533a.
Hugh E. Mosher (1890–1980) of Roanoke served in Company B, First Battalion, 602d
Engineers Regiment of the Allied Expeditionary Force during World War I. Section 6
contains a letter, June 1918, written to Mosher’s mother, Louisa "Lula" (Upshaw)
Mosher, by Anna P. Hiller Jones, from Camp Jackson, S.C., expressing Anna’s relief at
being around white rather than African American soldiers.
Mountcastle family papers, 1798–1881. 66 items. Mss1M8643a.
Section one contains a tax collection book, 1799–1849, compiled by Joseph Vaiden (d.
1808) as sheriff of Charles City County concerning the collection of county taxes on
land, livestock, and slaves from 1799 to 1803, including payment by cash and in-kind
work, such as repairs to county property. Enclosed in the volume is a tax receipt, 1798,
on land, livestock, and a slave.
Munford, Beverley Bland (1856–1910), papers, 1907–1908. 6 items. Mss2M9232b.
In doing research for publication, Munford wrote to the descendants and relatives of a
number of prominent Confederate leaders to inquire about their opinions on slavery and
whether or not the ancestor owned slaves. The responses to his inquiries constitute the
core of this collection. The letters are mostly dated 1907 and include responses from
descendants or relatives of Joseph E. Johnston, Fitzhugh Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh
Lee, A. P. Hill, and J. E. B. Stuart. In addition to providing opinions of prominent
southerners on the morality of owning slaves, several of the letters relate anecdotal
information about manumissions and phased emancipation plans of various individuals.
Munford family papers, 1799–1964. 351 items. Mss1M9235b.
This collection contains both Munford family papers and research notes of Beverley
Bland Munford for his book, Virginia’s Attitude toward Slavery and Secession (1909)
(see entry immediately above). Munford’s research notes are in section 16 and consist
primarily of abstracts from court records of wills and emancipation documents. The
abstracts trace the manumission of slaves, sometimes unconditionally, sometimes
requiring emigration to Liberia, sometimes providing for job skills and training with an
indenture, and sometimes through a detailed plan of phased emancipation. Most of the
abstracts refer to transactions recorded in the late eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century.
Murray, J. Odgen (1840–1921), papers, 1872–1915. 416 items. Mss1M9645a.
Microfilm reel C121.
John Ogden Murray was a newspaper editor, historian, and Confederate veteran of
Goshen and later Winchester. Included in section 1 of the collection is a letter to Murray
from Thomas C. Chandler (of Washington, D.C.) concerning the presidential election of
1908 and the influence of the African American vote.
Mutter, Mary, papers, 1846–1902. 16 items. Mss2M9848b.
Most of this collection consists of letters, predominantly of a genealogical nature. One
item is an 1849 deed of gift from Mary Smith Nelson of New Kent County to Edward P.
Chamberlayne for seven slaves, Mary and her six children, all identified by name. Also
included is an undated letter from Edward P. Chamberlayne in which he explains that he
is returning the deed as a result of considering his obligations to his management of
hiring out slaves. He specifically refers to the slaves Peggy and Mary and her family.
Myers family papers, 1763–1923. 202 items. Mss1M9924a. Microfilm reels C301–
Catharine Hays Myers and her sisters, Julia and Harriet, issued a pass to their slaves
Richard and Narcissa to reside in a tenement on College Street in Richmond in 1855
(section 14).
Myers family papers, 1843–1929. 81 items. Mss1M9924b. Microfilm reel C302.
This collection primarily concerns Gustavus Adolphus Myers (1801–1869), Richmond
lawyer and municipal officer, and his son, artist William Barksdale Myers. An 1845
affidavit of Thomas Peyton Gwynn of Amelia County concerns the slave Sally, formerly
the property of Ann Graham (section 8). The same section includes a bond, ca. 1843, of
William Branch Giles to Eliza G. Lambert of Richmond for the hire of John, and
accounts, 1847, of the sale of slaves at auction for the benefit of Gallegher & Oldner of
Nalle family papers, 1800–1862. 79 items. Mss1N1495a.
Correspondence, financial papers, and other records of a farming family in Culpeper and
Orange counties. A number of deeds, 1809–1819 (section 3), cover the purchase by Jesse
Nalle of several male and female slaves, most teenagers. Additional materials, 1819
1825 (section 4), include a letter of Blackford, Arthur and Co. of Isabella Furnace,
concerning clothing for Nalle’s slave Edmund, bonds for the hiring of women slaves
(including conditions of service), and a bill of complaint concerning slaves belonging to
the estate of Joshua Botts.
The correspondence of Ann Botts Nalle (section 5) includes letters written by Alberta and
Edward Day in 1860 concerning the death of the slave French in a railroad accident and a
letter by Dr. Thomas T. Slaughter concerning an operation on the slave Jack. Mrs. Nalle’s
accounts (section 7) include payments for a blanket supplied to one bondsman and the
apprehension of a fugitive slave. Two bonds cover the hire of several slaves, including a
blacksmith, and an affidavit issued in 1856 concerns the deaths of two female slave
children belonging to Mrs. Nalle (section 8).
Two letters, 1849–1861 (section 9), concern the hiring of Daniell and the capture of
several young fugitive slaves belonging to Mary Lawson Nalle of Orange County, as do
her accounts (section 10), including the medical costs of removing a bullet from the thigh
of one of the runaways.
Albert Gallatin Nalle’s correspondence, 1856–1862 (section 11), includes letters written
by James R. Field, Orange O. Peterson, and Montgomery Slaughter concerning the
capture of runaway slaves. A letter of O. P. Smith to B. F. Nalle in 1851 (section 12)
discusses the slave Charles, who hired himself out without permission. A letter of
Montgomery Slaughter concerns the apprehension of fugitive slave Dick in 1861, while a
related account records Dicks subsequent sale a year later (section 13).
Nash family papers, 1734–1889. 8,438 items. Mss1N1786a.
Much of this collection is focused on John White Nash (1792–1859), a lawyer practicing
primarily in and around the counties of Powhatan, Amelia, Cumberland, and Goochland.
He also served in the Virginia House of Delegates, in the Virginia Senate, and later as a
circuit court judge. In addition to his own personal papers, the collection also includes
copies of documents drawn up for his clients.
Deeds and deeds of trusts are included in section 1 (1815; Fauquier County), sections 41
and 42 (1817–1845; counties of Campbell, Cumberland, Fauquier, Powhatan, and Prince
William; some ages and mother-child relationships provided), section 52 (1829;
concerning a Dinwiddie County mill and the slaves working at the mill), section 93 (an
1841 affidavit concerns the transfer of a family of slaves from St. Louis, Mo., to
Powhatan County, Va.), section 135 (1810; Powhatan County for a dozen slaves with one
mother-child pair), section 160 (1824–1839; sales records in Cumberland and Fauquier
County), section 164 (an 1831 deed of trust concerning Harriet P. (Giles) Nash and
ownership of slaves of the estate of William Branch Giles), section 175 (1818–1841;
Virginia counties of Amelia, Franklin, Goochland, and Powhatan and the city of New
Orleans, La.; an 1836 sales record has an added note that the slave Elsey was hired by the
sheriff of Franklin County while she was suing for her freedom [physical description
included]), and section 176 (1810–1826; Amelia County; includes some occupations). An
1821 agreement records a trade of two slave girls for one adult male slave (section 194).
Wills with attached inventories and records of the distribution of slaves by lots constitute
a substantial portion of the collection. Most of these documents also record the appraised
value of the slaves distributed by lot. John White Nash kept copies of many of his clients’
wills. These can be found in section 1 (an 1816 inventory for about thirty slaves), section
2 (1855 correspondence with Joseph Virginius Hobson of Powhatan, and 1839
correspondence with David May of Missouri), section 13 (1816 inventory of slaves of
Ludwell Brackett of Amelia County), section 73 (1812 inventory of approximately one
hundred slaves belonging to the estate of Francis Muir of Amelia and Powhatan counties;
the will designates some of the blacksmiths, carpenters, millers, and wagoners by name),
section 115 (1835–1836; estate of William Hickman of Powhatan County; includes some
family relationships), section 140 (1825–1828 material concerning the slaves freed by the
will of George Radford of Powhatan County; an agreement with the former slaves is
included), and section 193 (wills, 1800–1850; Archard Walthal’s includes notes on slave
family relationships; William Branch Giles’s includes careful notations of family groups
and some occupations; James Hansbrough’s estate; and will of Ann Murray specifying
the three generations of the slaves for her daughter).
Notes concerning supplies of clothing for slaves can be found in section 2 (1825
correspondence with Samuel Hatcher includes an itemized list of costs for keeping slaves
for hire) and in section 178 (1851 affidavit concerning the hire of a slave boy James for
$5, summer clothes, winter clothes, hat, and blanket). Many of the hiring papers record
specific clothing to be provided as well as the conditions of work (see section 2, 1832
correspondence with William Howard concerning the hire of Rosa after the birth of her
child and providing for the infant; 1822 correspondence with Joseph Hobson). Additional
notes on hiring are in section 48 (1849 affidavit of John White Nash concerning
settlement of an account for hewing and sawing of wood done by Jupiter and Madison)
and section 164 (1828–1833 accounts for sales and hire of slaves from the estate of
William Branch Giles).
Information and opinions concerning the colonization of Liberia can be located in section
2 (1832 correspondence with William Segar Archer, mostly about congressional
proceedings and debates about secession; and an 1828 letter from John Tyler [then
senator from Virginia] stating that he cannot support the use of federal funds for
colonization—it being the responsibility of the individual states). In section 47 is an 1836
speech given by John White Nash (while in the state Senate) concerning his opinions on
Correspondence of William Howard, in Missouri in 1849, concerns the general
devaluation of slave property and an occurrence of cholera in a slave trader’s stock
(section 2). Section 3 consists of an 1804–1827 account book that contains the fee
records for defense of two slaves accused of poisoning their master (page 86A). In
section 178, an 1822 affidavit of Charles Womack of Cumberland County concerns the
capture of Dick as a fugitive seven miles from Powhatan County.
Neblett family papers, 1819–1891. 673 items. Mss1N2795a.
Primarily the papers of Dr. Sterling Neblett of Lunenburg County, Va., and Bolivar
County, Miss., his wife, and his sons and daughters. Charles J. Meriwether writes two
letters in 1860 from Westwood plantation near Richmond concerning the sale of family
servants to Neblett (section 1), while Meriwether’s lists of the slaves, with annotations
concerning their general health and physical condition and proposed sale prices, appear in
section 7. Another undated list of slaves belonging to Colin, James, and Robert Neblett
may be found in section 13.
Nelson, Daniel Thurber (b. 1839), papers, 1862–1910. 5 items. Mss2N3322b.
This collection includes a diary, 17 March - 2 August 1862, kept by Daniel Thurber
Nelson (of Boston, Mass.) while training at Harvard Medical School, as a medical cadet
at Mason General Hospital in Boston, and while serving on a hospital ship between
Boston and Virginia and following the U.S. Army of the Potomac during the Peninsula
Campaign. The diary includes references to the lives and conditions of slaves. Also
included in the collection are descriptions written March-June 1865 by Nelson while
serving as an assistant surgeon with the U.S. Army of the James during the siege of
Petersburg and during the occupation of Richmond. These accounts include musings on
the future of freed slaves.
Nelson, George William, papers, 1850–1900. 14 items. Mss2N331b. Photocopies.
The collection contains an 1860 letter from Marcus, a slave at Gloucester Court House
belonging George William Nelson of Middlesex County, inquiring what hiring
arrangements have been made for him for the year. Letters from William Field and
William Fleet of King and Queen County concern hiring Marcus as a mechanic. An 1854
letter from George Nelson at the University of Virginia comments on John Brown’s raid
at Harpers Ferry.
Nelson, William T., papers, 1857–1864 (bulk 1862). 36 items. Mss1N3381a. William
T. Nelson (b. 1832?) served in Company D of the 57th North Carolina Infantry Regiment
during the Civil War. His letters contain details of daily life in the Confederate army but
also concern care for Nelson’s farm and slaves back home. One letter, 1862 October 15,
mentions the price of slaves in Richmond. Several letters of November 1862 discuss
slave discipline and inoculating servants against smallpox.
Nelson County, superintendent of schools, records, 1872–1880. 967 items.
The collection contains letters written to Patrick Henry Cabell and other materials
compiled by Cabell while Nelson County superintendent of schools. Materials include
census records, 1872, of whites and blacks aged five to twenty-one years in the county
(section 3) and reports, 1876–1877, of Caroline Anthony Cabell concerning a black
school at Union Hill (section 4).
New family papers, 1792–1840. 1,026 items. Mss1N4205a.
Collection includes business papers and correspondence of the New and related families
of Middlesex and Gloucester counties. Section 1 includes materials concerning the
settlement of the estate of David Ball, which includes the purchase of slaves. Section 2
contains a bond and deeds concerning the hiring out and purchase of slaves. Section 3
contains materials relating to the estate of Anthony New (d. 1819) of Middlesex County,
kept by Emanuel Jones Thruston (1796–1843) of Gloucester Court House. Included in
these materials are documents concerning the medical care of slaves, the hiring out of
slaves, and clothing and other care for slaves. Also included are materials concerning the
division of estate property, particularly slaves. Accounts concerning the medical care of
slaves, an agreement concerning the hiring out of Nelly and her children, and a list of
slaves belonging to Anthony New are located in section 4. Section 5 contains a letter
from Leonard Henley ([1778–1831] of Williamsburg) to Emanuel Jones Thruston
concerning sale of the slave Sye. Section 7 contains a list of slaves to be hired out from
the estate of Thomas Robins (1746–1808) of Gloucester County, and an agreement and
affidavit of William and Elizabeth Bentley concerning the sale of slaves.
New Salem Baptist Church, Madisonville, record book, 1830–1856. [109] pp.
General record book of church meetings, finances, and membership kept for this
Charlotte County church. Includes listings of male and female members, including free
African American and enslaved members.
Newton, Thomas (1742–1807), letter, 1771. 2 pp. Mss2N4882a1.
Letter, 20 December 1771, written from Norfolk to Robert Bolling of Petersburg, in part
concerning the possible purchase of an African American baker.
Nicholson family papers, 1711–1877. 26 items. Mss1N5287a.
The papers of this Norfolk family include documents from both the eighteenth and the
nineteenth centuries. In section 1 is a 1763 deed from George Coates to Dr. Charles
Mayle conveying the slave boy Stephen for 20 (section 1). Section 2 includes an 1818
deed of trust of Thomas Nicholson to John Hodges for the benefit of John Leslie for the
fifteen-year-old slave girl Matilday. In section 7 are a number of lists of slave births from
1759 to 1852. They record about eighty-five names and years of births; mothers’ names
are rarely mentioned. The oldest list of the four records the births of Matt Matthiass
Noel, Robert S., receipt, 1848. 1 p. Mss2G2239a1.
Receipt, February 1848, issued to L. C. Gatewood for the sale of a slave, Randale.
Nolting, Emil Otto (1824–1893), receipts, 1852–1863. 2 items. Mss2N7255b.
Two receipts, issued in Richmond from Edward McConnell and Henry Moncure (by
Adolph Dill Williams) for the purchase of slaves.
Norris family papers, 1868–1887. 12 items. Mss2N7997b.
Papers of a Culpeper County family. Include a piece of stationery from a Culpeper
jeweler, H. C. Burrows, ca. 1880s, on which are written several incomplete verses of a
song providing a white perspective of African Americans during Reconstruction.
North family papers, 1830–1936. 372 items. Mss1N8117a.
The correspondence of Emily Jane (Klein) North of Culpeper County (section 7) includes
a letter written from Charleston, S.C., in 1863 by a slave, Ben Drayton, who wishes to
return to Norfolk to rejoin his mistress’s family and who reports, "I have been a prisoner
with the Yankees and made my escape."
Nottoway County, records, 1790–1817. 15 items. Mss4N8493b.
This collection contains an assortment of bonds and oaths, among which are coroner’s
reports concerning the deaths of two slaves. An 1802 inquisition finds the death of
Charles, property of Major William Cabaniss, as suicidal hanging by a grapevine. Fanny,
property of William Worsham, died in 1810 of an unknown cause.
Nottoway County, Court, papers, 1790–1817. 15 items. Mss4N8493b.
Include inquisitions, 1802–1810, concerning the death of Charles, a slave of William
Cabaniss, and the death of Fanny, a slave of William Worsham. Also includes a writ,
dated 17 November 1808, issued by Francis Fitzgerald, clerk of court, to the sheriff of
Nottoway County to seize property of Jordan Jackson to satisfy a judgment in favor of
Pleasant Akin. The verso bears an affidavit of William Perry concerning the sale of
Rachell, a slave, to satisfy the judgment.
Nowlin, David (d. 1819), will, 1819. 1 p. Mss2N8675a1.
Will, dated 30 March 1819 and probated in Buckingham County concerning the
disposition of land and thirty-six named slaves to the heirs of David Nowlin.
Nowlin, Matthew Bates (1792–1856), papers, 1796–1886 (bulk 1837–1856). 322
items. Mss1N8675a.
Chiefly letters written to Matthew Bates Nowlin of Brookneal, Campbell County, by his
brother, Hopkins Nowlin (1795?–1857) of Franklin County, while the latter was traveling
in South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama buying and selling slaves. The letters (section
1) discuss travel arrangements, sales made, and methods of payment. Also included are
receipts and accounts related to the buying, selling, and provisioning of slaves, as well as
purchases at a general store owned by Matthew Bates Nowlin (section 2). Legal papers
(section 3) include scattered deeds and bonds, and estate papers for Patterson Jennings (d.
1854?) and Matthew Bates Nowlin. Transcriptions of letters by two independent
researchers are filed with the collection.
O’Connor, Arthur Emmet, letters, 1861 October 4–1862 February 24. 4 items.
This collection consists of letters written by Arthur Emmett O’Connor while he served
with the 99th New York Infantry Regiment (also known as the Naval Brigade and the
Virginia Coast Guard) as a steward in the United States General Hospital at Camp
Hamilton near Fort Monroe. Among numerous other subjects he includes a lengthy
description of a wedding between former African American slaves in early 1862.
Omohundro, Silas (1807–1864), receipt, 1856. 1 p. Mss2OM653a1. Photocopy.
Printed form with handwritten completions.
Receipt, 28 February 1856, Richmond, to R. J. Young for purchase of a male slave,
Meredith, for $1,175.
Osburn, Franklin (b. 1821?), papers, 1849–1875. 17 items. Mss1Os15a. Microfilm
reel C127.
Primarily records covering the operations of a general store and farm at Kabletown,
Jefferson County (now W. Va.). Included are daybooks and account books containing
records for hogs killed, crops sown, payments to laborers (including freedmen), and the
rental of property.
Otey family papers, 1848–1961. 240 items. Mss1Ot28a.
Include commonplace books, correspondence, and genealogical notes of three
generations of the Otey family of Columbus, Tenn., and Washington, D.C. Section 3
contains a partial typescript of a letter, dated 9 September 1865, from Mary Buckner
Thruston (Magill) Randolph of Eastern View, Fauquier County, Va., to Eliza Ripley
(Otey) Compton of Washington, D.C., discussing her return to her home after the Civil
War where her freed slaves have taken over her property.
Overby, Ethel Thompson (1892–1997), autobiographical notes. [3], 138 pp.
Concern the life and career of Mrs. Ethel Thompson Overby, the first African American
woman principal in the Richmond public schools.
Owen family papers, 1837–ca. 1935. 213 items. Mss1Ow26a.
Chiefly consist of records kept by Maria B. Owen (1808?–1879) as executor of her
husband, Robertson’s, estate, and by her son, Rufus H. Owen (1830–1892), as manager
of a tobacco plantation in Halifax County. Section one contains a letter, 1859, from Philip
Howerton (1793–1879) giving instructions for the hiring of an overseer for his plantation
and slaves. Section two includes detailed accounts, 1851–1857, of Rufus H. Owen’s
management of his mother’s plantation that list medical and other expenses incurred to
provide for her slaves, as well as records of income from hiring out slaves.
Page, Carolyn N., papers, 1960–1997. 4 items. Mss2P14123b.
A scrapbook and some loose items document the career of Carolyn B. Page of Richmond
as an employee of A. H. Robins Company, a pharmaceuticals manufacturer. Page worked
as a file clerk, computer operator, accounting clerk, and eventually senior secretary at
Robins and its successor companies. The scrapbook contains labeled photographs of co-
workers, most as they performed their jobs. The collection also includes a photocopy of
photograph of the senior class of 1960 of Southside High School in Dinwiddie County
and a humorous narrative called "The Train."
Page, Gabriella (1874–1949), collector, papers, 1786–1891. 37 items. Mss2P1424b.
Collected papers of historical Virginia figures. Include an 1802 receipt issued to Peter
Carr by James Lyons of Richmond for the sale of the slave James; an 1820 letter of John
Randolph of Roanoke to W. J. Barksdale in part concerning the debate over the Missouri
Compromise in the U.S. Senate; and an undated list of slaves belonging to the estate of
Obadiah Winfree of Chesterfield County, with an agreement covering their distribution
among Winfree’s heirs.
Page, Jane Frances (Walker), commonplace book, 1802–1845. 92 pp.
Mss5:5P1432:1. Microfilm reel C473.
This volume was kept in Albemarle County by Jane Frances (Walker) Page and Jane
Byrd (Nelson) Walker for the plantations Castle Hill, Cobham, and Turkey Hill. It
contains a considerable amount of detail on the distribution of various kinds of clothing
and types of meat, food, and other supplies.
Page, John, commonplace book, 1795–1796. 226 pp. Mss5:5P1433:1.
John Page kept these notes in a copy of Benjamin Banneker’s Pennsylvania, Maryland,
and Virginia Almanac for 1795, printed in Philadelphia, with the image of Banneker, an
African American printer, on the frontispiece. Kept in Gloucester County, the book
contains lists of slaves with occupations and some family units designated. The entry for
14 June provides a theological hypothesis of the origins of the African race.
Page family papers, 1796–1952. 580 items. Mss1P1465c.
This collection contains materials from four generations of the Page family of Gloucester
County, Va. Section 2 consists of the papers of Elizabeth Nelson Page (1770–1854), wife
of Mann Page ([1766–1813] of Shelly, Gloucester County). Correspondents include
merchants in Baltimore, Md., and Norfolk, Va., concerning, in part, the hiring out of her
slaves. Section 4 consists of the correspondence, 1835–1870, of Lucy Anne (Jones) Page
(of Greenway, Gloucester County). Included in this section is an 1865 letter from her
daughter, Martha Throckmorton Page Vandegrift (of Alexandria, Va.), concerning
Marthas resentment toward the freeing of her slaves and her former slavesattitude
toward work after the Civil War. An unnamed cousin of Martha gives an opinion of
freedmen in another 1865 letter, located in section 9.
Page family papers, 1797–1997. 730 items. Mss1P1465d.
This collection concerns the Page family of Gloucester County, Va., and related families,
including the Hardaways. Section 2 contains the papers of John (d. 1810) and Rebecca
(Hardaway) Murrell ([1776–1857] of Brunswick County, Va., Pensacola, Fla., and
Mobile, Ala.). Included in the section are legal documents, 1810–1811, concerning the
death of John Murrell, including verification of his marriage to Rebecca and their
property, which specifically names ten slaves. Section 8 contains an undated story written
in African American dialect by Lucy Nelson (Page) Hardaway (1853–1950) giving the
recollections of a slave in Lucy’s family, Mammy Clayton, concerning her migration to
Alabama before the Civil War. The papers of William Augustus Hardaway ([1850–1923]
of St. Louis, Mo., great-grandson of John Murrell and Rebecca Hardaway Murrell),
contain a memoir, 1902–1919, in part, discussing his childhood in Mobile, Ala., and the
rivalry between his mother’s French and Spanish slaves and his father’s Virginia slaves.
Paine, William G. (1816?–1880), papers, 1859–1863. 4 items. Mss2P1665b.
Paine’s papers include a bond executed in Richmond on 6 January 1859 with Robert C.
Morton concerning the hire of an African American slave named Fanny.
Palmer, William Price (1821–1891), scrapbook, 1890–1895. [144] pp.
Compiled by William Price Palmer, a Richmond physician and local historian. Pages
100–105 concern Gabriel, a slave who attempted a large-scale revolt in the Richmond
area in 1800.
Palmer family papers, 1782–1894. 212 items. Mss1P1827b.
Papers of Richmond merchant Charles Palmer and Richmond physician and historian Dr.
William Price Palmer. An 1855 letter of William H. Douthat to Dr. Palmer (section 5)
concerns the preparation of freed slaves for embarkation to Liberia. In section 11, a
political cartoon ridicules the 1852 Virginia legislative session over the issue of removal
of the state capital to the western part of the commonwealth and the pardoning of a slave
named Jordan Hatcher.
Palmer family papers, 1831–1891. 69 items. Mss1P1827c.
Collection concerns members of the Palmer and Douthat families of Virginia, Louisiana,
and Tennessee. Section 4 includes a letter written to Charles Douthat (a commission
merchant in Memphis) by Henry C. Douthat (of Buchanan, Botetourt County, Va.)
concerning the emigration of African Americans to Liberia.
Pate, Edmund, letter, 1828. 3 pp. Mss2P2716a1.
Written 30 March 1828 from New Orleans, La., to Callohill Mennis of Bedford County,
Va., concerning the sale of slaves in the New Orleans market.
Patten, Louise (Anderson) (1880–1973), papers, 17291970. 891 items. Mss1P2775a.
Collector of material associated with Robert "King" Carter of Corotoman and Mann Page
of Mannsfield. Section 16 contains an 1808 deed of Robert Carter Page of Fredericksburg
to his mother, Mary Page, for the slave child Daniel Baudin.
Pattison, Anne Coke (d. 1755), account book, 1743/4–1749. 1 v. (180 pp.)
Mss5:3P2783:1. Microfilm reel B72.
Daily financial journal kept for the widow Anne Coke Pattison, in part, by James Lavie,
concerning the operation of a tavern in Williamsburg, 1744–1746 by John Burnett
(d.1746), and 1746–1749 by Anne Coke Pattison. The volume includes information on
slaves who frequented the tavern.
Paulett, Richard Singleton (1820?–1902), papers, 1849–1891. 68 items. Mss1P2822a.
Merchant in Prince Edward County. An 1857 tax bill issued to Richard Paulett in
Appomattox County covers 680 acres and eight slaves (section 3). Materials, 1849–1857,
concern a lawsuit in Appomattox County involving Paulett and the operations of a
blacksmith shop. Although not mentioned specifically, African American laborers seem
to have figured in the business (section 7).
Payne, Sarah P., letterbook, 1865–1872. 144 pp. Mss2P2936a1. Typescript copy.
Bound volume of typescripts of letters of Sarah Payne of Campbell County, Va., to her
Miller relatives in Maryland and Philadelphia, Pa. The letters begin just after the Civil
War and record her domestic situation for the next seven years. They describe changes in
the condition of life (especially farm and household management) in central Virginia
occasioned by the end of the war and the emancipation of slaves. The letters routinely
contain references to difficulties in hiring farm hands and domestic help. Payne
frequently states her perceptions of the difference in working habits of African
Americans before and after the war and the difficulties in finding laborers.
Payne refers to distributing winter clothes (30 September 1865); Horace Greeley, Henry
Ward Beecher, and other abolitionists (26 April 1866); death of a former slave who did
his blind master’s reading (20 June 1866); scarcity of freedmen in the country and the
preacher employed by the Baptist mission board to minister to freedmen (before the war
the minister was employed by a neighbor to preach to the slaves [20 July 1867]); fear of
insurrection and voting rights for African Americans (12 December 1867); fear for
Arkansas relatives surrounded by radicals, concerns about freedmen, and theft (1 June
1868); comparison of Christmas celebrations before and after the war for both white and
black populations (2 January 1871); establishment of schools for African Americans (5
April 1871); and typhoid fever among African Americans (16 July 1871).
Payne family papers, 1832–1892. 221 items. Mss1P2936c.
Records of a farming family in Culpeper County. A receipt issued in 1862 to Mary Emily
(Payne) Gee by the Confederate States Quartermasters Department covers the fee for
hiring the slave Charles (section 1). An agreement signed by Gee and other family
members in 1860 concerns the sale of Betty for the benefit of Fenton A. Payne (section
3). Section 6 contains six bonds, 18481863, covering the hiring of various slaves.
Edward A. Freeman’s affidavit, 1862, concerns the appraisal of nine slaves who were the
property of George Samuel Major Payne and other family members (section 9).
Accounts, 1843–1869, kept by Fenton A. Payne include two undated lists of slaves
(section 11), while an 1862 bond of Louis and Robert Yancey to Frances M. (Fant) Payne
concerns the hiring of Aggy (section 17).
Peake, Thomas (1767–1843), papers, 1624–1825. 27 items. Mss2P3133b.
The papers of Thomas Peake of Fairfax County include photocopies of records of his
ancestors from England. Later family members lived in Illinois.
A deed of Thomas and Sarah Peake (section 4) provides for the slaves Louisa, Nelly, and
Jenny to be transferred in trust to certain daughters. Section 7 contains an account,
18141819, of Mary Ann Adams and records the amount of hire for a slave woman.
Peck, Wellford and Co., Fredericksburg, papers, 1834–1844. 17 items. Mss3P3375a.
Microfilm reel C578.
Records of a Fredericksburg company operating stage lines and providing mail service.
Included is a letterbook and miscellaneous letters.
In section 5, two 1843 documents relate to a petition of the citizens of Fredericksburg to
the governor, James McDowell, on behalf of George Ware, a freedman. Two pages of
narrative offer the petitionersbelief in Wares impeccable character and in the
inappropriate charge of manslaughter. They provide a description of the circumstances of
the charge and characterize the incident as accidental and unfortunate rather than
criminal. The petition for clemency is signed by several local attorneys, justices of the
peace, ministers (representing several denominations), and a Spotsylvania clerk of the
Peckatone papers, 1713–1809. 79 items. Mss1P3374b. Microfilm reels C035 and
Scattered legal, financial and personal papers of members of the Corbin, Lee, and
Turberville families who lived at Peckatone plantation in Westmoreland County. Includes
correspondence, 1766–1792, of George Turberville (1742–1793) with John Peck
(concerning wages of a slave named Dick who was hired as a bricklayer), Dr. George
Steptoe (concerning medical advice for Turberville’s son and several of his young
slaves), and John Augustine Washington (concerning the cost of hiring Turberville’s
slave Adam) (section 8).
Pendleton family papers, 1836–1910. 10 items. Mss2P3748b.
This small collection includes the correspondence, 1836–1840, of Doctor Micajah
Pendleton (1796?–1861) of Buchanan, Botetourt County, in part with Louisa Jane
(Davis) Pendleton concerning his life in Buchanan and the purchase of a female slave.
Perry, Thornton Tayloe (1892–1981), collector, Berkeley County, W.Va.,
miscellaneous papers, 1735–1943. 83 items. Mss1P4299f. Microfilm reel C91.
Miscellaneous small collections, loose correspondence, accounts, legal and other papers
from Berkeley County, W.Va., collected by Thornton Tayloe Perry (of Charles Town,
W.Va.). Included in section 3 is a slave bill of sale, 1818, between John Huffman and
William Roach.
Perry, Thornton Tayloe (1892–1981), collector, Civil War miscellaneous papers,
1861–c. 1960s. 119 items. Mss1P4299i. Microfilm reels C94–96.
A letter from Samuel J. C. Moore, February 1865, concerns his views on arming slaves
for the Confederacy, the likelihood of emancipating slaves, and the abilities of slaves to
be soldiers (section 1).
Perry, Thornton Tayloe (1892–1981), collector, Jefferson County, W.Va.,
miscellaneous papers, 1785–1952. 278 items. Mss1P4299c. Microfilm reel C109.
Miscellaneous papers from Jefferson County, W.Va., collected by Thornton Tayloe Perry
(of Charles Town, W.Va.). Section 2 contains papers, 1865, of Charles E. Trail,
consisting of a lease and rental agreement for a lot and dwelling house in Harpers Ferry,
W.Va., under the control of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Perry, Thornton Tayloe (1892–1981), collector, Virginia miscellaneous papers, (ca.)
1748–1942. 109 items. Mss1P4299h. Microfilm reels C140–142.
Miscellaneous papers from various Virginia counties collected by Thornton Tayloe Perry
(of Charles Town, W.Va.). Materials include correspondence, financial papers, legal
documents, scrapbooks and commonplace books. Section 6 contains a slave bill of sale,
1794, between William Bowden and Samuel Williams in Middlesex County, Va., and
school papers, 1913–1914, of Mabel Minor, a student at Hampton Institute (now
Hampton University), Hampton, Va.
Perry, Thornton Tayloe (1892–1981), collector, West Virginia miscellaneous papers,
1741–1967. 183 items. Mss1P4299g. Microfilm reels C143–145.
Miscellaneous papers from various West Virginia counties collected by Thornton Tayloe
Perry (of Charles Town, W.Va.). Section 5 contains a letter concerning the appraisal of a
slave in Greenbrier County, W.Va. Section 6 contains an account book, 1853–1863, kept
by Simon E. Taylor (of South Branch, W.Va.) containing a discussion of the slavery issue
in relation to the Methodist church.
Peters, Frederick Grandison, letter, 1848 May 15. 1 item. Mss2P4421a1.
Written from Tye River Warehouse in Nelson County to Seth Halsey in Lynchburg, this
letter concerns the possible sale of a male slave, Brister, who is described as a "good
dining room servant." It also bears a receipt, 1848 August 29, issued to John D. Murrell
for the purchase of Brister by Seth Halsey as agent for F. G. Peters, administrator of
Willis [H.] Wills, deceased.
Petty family papers, 1831–1890. 47 items. Mss2P4566b. Photocopies.
Papers of members of the Petty family of Clinton County, Ind., and Culpeper County, Va.
Among the "Bonds and Summonses" in this collection is an 1841 bond of Elizabeth
Petty, William Petty, Zachariah Petty, and George Thomas to John Thom (sheriff for
Culpeper County) concerning the hire of eighteen identified slaves, including two
mother-child pairs. Abstracts of wills indicate that Zachariah Petty of Culpeper County
left a slave to each of his three daughters (1799 probate) and that Marshall Petty also left
slave property to his children (1800). Neither abstract identifies the slaves.
Peyton family papers, 1731–1914. 76 items. Mss1P4686b. Microfilm reel B32.
Section 10 contains an 1847 deed of trust of John Rector to Henry Rector for unnamed
slaves, goods, and chattels.
Peyton family papers, 1760–1919. 1,286 items. Mss1P4686c.
Most of the documents of African American content in this collection are lists of estate
divisions and deeds. Section 7 includes 1831 lists of the division of the slaves of Dr.
Chandler Peyton’s estate (Fauquier County). Approximately forty-five slaves were
divided into six lots. Section 47 contains material, 1840–1856, pertaining to settlement of
Richard Henry Peyton’s estate. An 1840 inventory lists three slaves ages fifteen,
eighteen, and twenty-two, one being a blacksmith. An 1842 Mississippi affidavit
concerns hiring out four mothers with their children. Also in section 47 is a note of a sale
of a slave for the benefit of an institutionalized family member.
Among the papers of Elizabeth Brown (Scott) Peyton are an 1834 deed and an agreement
concerning four dower slaves (section 9). Deeds, 1811–1814, for slaves belonging to
Walter Jones of Washington, D.C., are in section 28; one has a note describing a purchase
agreement to keep a family together. An 1842 deed of John Scott Peyton to Margaret
Christian Peyton involves twenty-three slaves in Mississippi and Virginia and also
concerns her dower slaves. Section 44 contains an 1834 deed of Eliza Gordon (Peyton)
Smith to Richard Henry Peyton for the slave woman Elizabeth.
Section 29 contains an 1818 bond to Walter Jones for the hire of Aaron (for a half year
only), with the provision to keep Aaron in the district. In the same section is an 1837
agreement of Walter Jones with Tristram H. Garner, a mulatto, for renting a lot in
Alexandria to use as a garden. Of particular interest in the correspondence of Dr. Robert
Eden Peyton (section 35) is a letter, 1860, from Solomon Hudnall of Brandon, Miss., to
Peyton, his former master. He remarks on his house and accommodations, the crops, his
friends and family, and lack of illness among the eighty-four slaves on the plantation.
Another 1860 letter from John C. McNary of Lexington, Ky., expresses McNary’s
concern that Peyton might think all northerners to be "John Browns" after Peyton’s visit
the previous year. He reiterates his opinion that his opposition to slavery does not conflict
with the rights of southerners. Peyton and McNary corresponded and continued to
compare notes on raising sheep and the sheep business from before the Civil War until
well after the war in spite of their differences of opinion on the issue of slavery.
Peyton family papers, 1770–1913. 405 items. Mss1P4686a.
In this collection is a series of correspondence of Dr. Robert Eden Peyton of
Gordonsdale, Fauquier County. An 1840 letter to Joseph Hudnall addresses
inconsistencies in settling an account for medical services for hired slavesMary,
Phyllis, Milly, Sylvia, and Bob. (Bob died while serving under the hiring contract.) A
copy of an 1849 letter to Samuel McPherson Janney inquires of Janney what his opinions
are on the issue of prohibiting slavery in territory acquired from Mexico and whether
Congress may prohibit slavery in the District of Columbia without the consent of the
people (section 2).
Picot family papers, 1753–1907. 63 items. Mss1P5884a.
Collection primarily concerns Dr. Abel Francis Picot of Richmond; the education of John
Poe Harrison in Caroline County; and the estate of Robert Temple of Chesterfield
County. Accounts kept in 1863 by Benjamin Temple as executor of Robert Temple’s
estate include distributions from a so-called "Negro fund" (section 7). Lists of slaves held
by Elizabeth (Skyren) Temple in right of dower in the same estate also include
information on distribution (section 8).
Pitts family papers, 1848–1926. 346 items. Mss1P6875a. Microfilm reels C286–287.
Collection largely consists of the personal and legal records of three female members of
the Ellis and Pitts families of Linden, Essex County.
A January 1865 letter of B. A. Cocke to an unidentified woman concerns contracts for the
hiring out of two slaves as industrial workers in Richmond (section 12). An 1860 list kept
by an unidentified compiler includes records of work done by the slave Anthony (section
Place, Thomas (b. 1839?), scrapbook, 1862–1899. 1 vol. Mss5:7P6902:1.
Scrapbook/memoir compiled by Thomas Place (of Hempstead, N.Y.) after the Civil War,
documenting, in drawings and photographs, his service in Virginia as a member of the 1st
New York Mounted Rifles, United States Army. The bulk of the pencil drawings by
Place depict activities and scenes around Suffolk, Va., in the winter of 1862 and during
the siege of April 1863. Included are sketches of military camps and fortifications, scenes
of camp life, and drawings of a variety of local structures and sites. Also included are
three drawings of African American life: "Tossing the Darkey" (p. 4); "Old Aunt Washer
Woman of Virginia" (p. 8); and "Slab RichmondNegro Settlement at Gloucester Point"
(p. 26).
Platt, Eleanor Beverly Meade (1834–1867), letter, 1864. [4] pp. Mss2P6977a1.
Letter, dated 31 December 1864, from Eleanor Platt (of Petersburg) to Rebecca
Wormeley Beverly Meade concerning, in part, the costliness of slaves as domestic
servants during the Petersburg siege.
Pollard family papers, 1723–1936. 539 items. Mss1P7637b.
Section 5 of this collection contains several lists, 1815–1820, recording taxable property
of William Pollard, with names, ages, and values for fifty-four slaves.
Pollard family papers, 1782–1907. 2,743 items. Mss1P7637a. Microfilm reels C287–
This family of King and Queen County owned the Greenwood plantation. Sections 34
and 35 of the collection contain agreements for the sale of slaves. Section 34 includes
agreements, 1814–1840, made by Peter Thornton Pollard, several of them clearly
identifying mothers and children. A note attached to an 1829 agreement states that
Esther, slave of John Saunders of Kentucky, is allowed to seek a buyer for herself in King
and Queen County. One 1840 agreement concerns the purchase of Dianna and her child
Winny; another 1840 agreement concerns the sale of Dianna. Materials in section 35
concern the arrangements for sale of slave property of Samuel Griffin Fauntleroy for his
children, with the exception of three slaves assigned to specific children, one of the
children being Elizabeth Payne (Fauntleroy) Pollard.
In section 35 freedmen’s agreements, 1865–1870, with R. B. Roy of Greenwood ensure
cultivation of the land, primarily in corn, and provide for some freedmen to work one
Sunday a month at feeding the cattle. Some agreements designate when firewood is to be
cut and when the icehouse is to be filled and likewise mandate the repair of fences.
Pollard family papers, 1799–1905. 23 items. Mss2P7637b.
Consists primarily of the papers of the Pollard family of King William County. Included
in the collection are an agreement, 1821, between D. P. Courtney and Thomas Delaware
Chamberlayne for hiring out a slave, and a tax receipt, 1860, issued on land and slaves in
King William County.
Pollard family papers, 1805–1964 (bulk 1833–1906). 277 items. Mss1P7637c.
Primarily the papers of family members at Zoar plantation in King William County.
Included in this collection is a letter, 1833 September 25, written by Evelyn Byrd
(Chamberlayne) Pollard to her husband, Robert Pollard (1783–1856), who is seeking an
improvement to his health by visiting the Virginia springs while Evelyn takes care of
matters at home (section 1, folder 2). In the letter, Evelyn describes the medical care she
gave to one of their slaves’ children, who had been bitten by a snake.
Pollard family papers, 1880–1961 (bulk 1920–1961). 485 items. Mss1P7637d.
Papers of this Richmond-based family, arranged chronologically, chiefly consist of
"round robin" letters kept in 91 volumes beginning in 1920 between eight siblings in the
Pollard family of Virginia, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New York, and
Pennsylvania. The volumes include correspondence of Virginia governor John Garland
Pollard. Letters from the 1920s contain recurring discussions of the "Negro question," a
description of Tuskegee Institute (1921 May 22), and mention of the Ku Klux Klan’s
influence in Georgia (1925 February 20). Letters from the 1930s discuss the Pollard
family’s African American nanny, Isabella Brockenbrough (see especially 1934 August
27). 1940s correspondence concerns black workers moving from rural to urban areas to
obtain industrial jobs, a speech, August 1945, by civil rights advocate Mary Jane McLeod
Bethune, and African American authors. Postwar letters discuss the desegregation of
schools and public spaces following the Brown v. Board of Education decision.
Miscellaneous items include "On the Way to Brotherhood," a 1947 pamphlet concerning
interracial cooperation in Richmond (section 8).
Pope, Harrison Peterson (1817–1877), papers, 1813–1939. 4,654 items. Mss1P8105a.
The papers of this Southampton County constable and justice of the peace include
personal papers as well as copies of legal records. Section 17 contains copies of lists,
1850–1851, of taxable property and delinquent taxpayers for Nottoway and St. Luke’s
parishes in Southampton County. The taxable property lists contain columns for white
males over sixteen, African Americans between twenty-one and fifty-five, slaves over
sixteen, and slaves over twelve. The lists provide taxpayers’ names, instead of just total
number. Folder 6 also contains a February 1853 letter from Richard Morton of the
Auditor’s Office in Richmond to A. Myrick, sheriff of Southampton County, in which
Morton refers to section 15, chapter 107 of the Code of 1849, requiring delinquent
African Americans to be hired out for taxes if unable to pay.
Porter, Eppy, deed, 1789. 1 p. Mss2P8336a1.
This deed, dated 1 January 1789, was executed in Fauquier County to Peter Heiskell of
Augusta County for the slave Venus.
Powhatan County, sheriff, tax book, 1824–1825. 226 pp. Mss5:3P8758:1.
A volume presumably kept by Richard Watkins as sheriff of Powhatan County, listing
taxpayers and amounts owed based on land, slaves, and other property, county levies and
poor rates, and fees due to the sheriff or county clerk.
Preston family papers, 1727–1896. 3,540 items. Mss1P9267fFA2. Microfilm reels
Papers of the family from Augusta and Washington counties. The papers have been
calendared and indexed; some copies included. Family members represented include
William Preston (1729–1783), a Botetourt County surveyor and justice of the peace; John
Preston (1764–1827), state legislator; Francis Preston (1765–1835), lawyer, militia
officer, justice of the peace, and U.S. congressman; and James Patton Preston (1774–
1843), Montgomery County surveyor, militia officer, state legislator, and governor. John
and Francis Preston were both involved with coal and salt mines in southwestern Virginia
(Montgomery County) in which African Americans made up a significant portion of their
labor force. Some were owned and some were hired slaves. Occasional references to
personal and household slaves also occur in the correspondence. The collection includes
bills of sale and hiring agreements, references to runaway slaves, insurrections, and the
institution of slavery in general. Because of the size of the collection and the existence of
a well-indexed finding aid, researchers are encouraged to check the finding aid’s index
for subject access to the collection.
Preston family papers, 1746–1938. 162 items. Mss1P9267a. Microfilm reel B33.
In this collection is an 1852 receipt of John C. Carter of Elmwood in Albemarle County
for ten slaves listed by name, age, and value. An 1859 letter of Carter is also in section 19
and lists twelve slaves with the same information.
Preston family papers, 1755–1961. 1,110 items. Mss1P9267b. Microfilm reel B34.
In section 26 of the collection are several bills of sale to Robert Preston (1750–1833) of
Washington County. A 1786 record pertains to an unnamed slave bought at public
auction; a 1790 record is for a boy aged twelve or thirteen. In 1794 Preston bought a boy
named Jack and a girl named Polly, and in 1806 he warranted Polly, age twelve, to be
sound at the time of sale.
Preston family papers, 1769–1864. 2,305 items. Mss1P9267e. Microfilm reels C38–
Deeds, 1779–1792, to Robert Preston for slaves include a 1783 deed for Jack from
Sullivan County, N.C.; for twenty-two-year-old Nell and her two-year-old daughter of
York, Pa.; for Potter, 1779, of Camden, S.C.; and for Abram, age fourteen in 1792,
healthy and from Middlesex County (section 8).
Much of the remaining material of African American content in this collection is found in
the papers of John Preston (1781–1864), primarily his correspondence in section 43.
From his daughter Jane (Preston) Craighead Marshall of Dayton, Ala., he learns of an
1847 incident in which Jane’s slave Ellen was accused of stealing a pocketbook while
traveling with her mistress in Knoxville; Ellen was taken to jail and whipped before
revealing where the money was kept. Jane tells her father that she has threatened to make
Ellen a field hand. In a later letter, 1860, Jane states that the health of the slaves is good
in spite of the heat and miserable water.
Preston’s letters from his son, John Preston (1811–1882), tell much of plantation life near
Helena, Ark., where John had a plantation and legal practice. John relates hiring out
arrangements for Henry and Washington (1836). In July 1837, he describes to his father
the defense in a jury trial for a slave accused and convicted of arson, a capital offense.
The case was being appealed because it was brought out that the master commanded the
slave to perpetrate the act. In July 1839, wood buildings were constructed on the
Arkansas plantation, and the slaves were healthy and had limited exposure to the sun.
John perceives himself as a protector and not an owner. In March 1840, he reports that
the slaves are well and clearing land to plant, but later in July the slaves have become ill,
and young Phoebe had died. In August he reports that Washington is better although still
quite lean, and by October all are well except Jack (who often tends not to be well). In
January 1843, John tells his father that the slaves have been more agreeable since
dismissing the overseer, who "obeyed the precept of Solomon" too closely. In March
1846 he tells his father that it would be a hardship to hire out Lottie, London, Jack, and
Maria (who legally belong to his father), because it would require him to stop farming
operations. London and Maria have two children, and Lottie is married to John’s slave
Henry and they have two children as well. In December 1847 he tells his father he plans
to sell land in order to buy slaves to increase his labor force.
Section 45 contains an 1825 deed to John Preston, Jr., from his former business partner,
Abraham Fickle of Sullivan County, Tenn., for Ann. An attached note records that in
1834 Ann has four children, Sarah, Eliza, Marylou, and Maria, who by the will of Robert
Preston are to be released to Margaret (Preston) Rhea.
Preston family papers, 1773–1862. 806 items. Mss1P9267d. Microfilm reel C37.
The earliest African American record in this collection is an 1802 deed for the slave
Amos, belonging to James Patton Preston (section 10). Section 14 holds correspondence
of William Ballard Preston (1805–1862). Of particular note is a letter from William
Watson Boyd of Buchanan, dated January 1849, in which Boyd expresses his opinions on
the issue of slavery in the newly acquired territory formerly belonging to Mexico and
slavery in the District of Columbia. His feelings are that the Union is more important than
the issue of slavery and that abolition of slavery in these areas will not infringe on the
rights of southern states. Also in 1849, Preston received a printed document authorized
by Governor John Buchanan Floyd conveying a resolution of the Virginia legislature
concerning the assembly’s stands on the Missouri Compromise, the Wilmot Proviso, and
slavery in the District of Columbia.
Section 16 contains two items—notes for an 1848 speech made by William Ballard
Preston in the House of Representatives concerning slavery in the U.S. territories and an
address to an agricultural society, which compares free labor and slave labor for both
North and South, as well as statistical ratios for natural population increases and
decreases through via immigration and emigration for black and white populations in
both areas, and addresses what Preston considers misconceptions of slavery.
In 1862, J. R. Anderson & Co. of Richmond petitioned the Confederate Congress to
impress slaves for the manufacture of iron, because the usual method of hiring slaves had
become financially difficult (section 30). Because slaves were running away to the enemy
whenever troops came close enough, owners were requiring additional bonds to secure
slave property against loss.
Priam, Middlesex County, muniments, 1693–1812. 9 items. Mss2P9305b.
Include a deed of trust, 1801, of Thomas E. Churchill for Bushy Park and Wilton, two
plantations in Middlesex County, thirty slaves (listed by name), and other personal
Prince, George W. (b. 1840), legal papers, 1855–1857. 8 p. Mss2P9357a1.
Materials in this document concern the lawsuit of David Prince v. John Jones Prince
(guardian ad litem of George W. Prince) in the Court of Sussex County and involve the
sale by the trading firm of Dickinson, Hill & Co. of Richmond of the slave Henry,
belonging to George Prince. Photocopies of records in the office of the clerk of the
Circuit Court of Sussex County. A typescript copy of the bill of complaint, answer, and
order of the court is filed with these materials.
Provine, William A. (d. 1935), compiler, genealogical notes concerning the Maclin
family. 20 pp. Mss6:1M2255:1.
Some slave birth and death records are included in the notes.
Quesenberry family papers, 1827–1913. 209 items. Mss1Q375a. Microfilm reel
These papers mainly consist of financial and legal records of the business firm of W. L.
and J. S. Quesenberry of King George County and of William L. Quesenberry and James
S. Quesenberry as individuals. The papers concern their assumption of outstanding debts,
settlement of accounts, and James S. Quesenberrys role as a guardian, trustee, and
executor for numerous estates. Other financial and legal papers relate to several Stiff
family drygoods merchants in King George County and possibly Westmoreland County.
Two bonds (an 1830 bond in section 2 and an 1826 bond in section 4) concern the hire of
slaves. The bond in section 4 specifies that a deduction will be made if the hired slave’s
expected infant nurses (instead of requiring food from the kitchen).
Quioccasin School, Henrico County, roll book and attendance register, 1937–1938.
[34] pp. Mss4Q467a1.
Includes records of African American children in the third grade class at Quioccasin
School, taught by Mrs. Mamie M. Brown.
Ragland, William, inventory, 1851. 5 pp. Mss2R1277a1.
Inventory, 1851, of the estate of William Ragland of Louisa County records slaves
according to which farm the slaves worked and to whom the slaves were sold. Also
includes an 1858 inventory of Uriah Harris of Louisa County.
Randolph, John (1773–1833), diary, 1819. 48 pp. Mss5:1R1554:2. Microfilm reel
Contains a list of slave births; on the verso of the list is a note on a slave’s case of
frostbite. For a related item, see the typescript copy of the 1797 will of Richard Randolph
(1770–1796), probated in Prince Edward County, in which John Randolph’s brother
emancipates his slaves and discusses the matter of slavery generally (Mss2R1572a1).
Randolph, John (1773–1833), note, 1832. 1 p. Mss2R1554a28.
Extract from a letter, 1832, concerning a mulatto woman’s attempt to influence
Randolph, John (1773–1833), papers, 1806–1819. 23 items. Mss1R1554a.
U. S. congressman and horseman of Roanoke, Charlotte County, Va., and Washington,
D.C. Two letters briefly mention slaves: one, written in 1806 from Washington, concerns
Randolph’s desire to return home as soon as possible so that the slaves would behave
better, and the other written 1815 to Edward Cunningham in Richmond arranges for
clothing for several slaves (item a14).
Randolph, Martha (Jefferson) (1772–1836), letter, [1826?]. 6 pp. Mss2R1562a1.
Written from Monticello, Albemarle County, to Ellen Wayles (Randolph) Coolidge, in
part concerning Thomas Jefferson’s ownership of slaves and his attitude toward their
treatment and work regimens.
Randolph, Richard (1757?–1799), deed, 1790. 1 p. Mss2R15715a1.
Deed executed in Henrico County on 17 July 1790 to David Buchanan for an African
American slave named Jenny.
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (1792–1875), papers, 1819–1939. 15 items.
Thomas Jefferson Randolph of Albemarle County served in the Virginia House of
Delegates. In settling the estate of his grandfather, Thomas Jefferson, he arranged
payment of a debt to the Bank of the United States. Several slaves were part of the debt
settlement proposed in 1838—Billy, Rob, and Biddy and her daughter (see folder marked
"Accounts, 1838–1839").
Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828), papers, 1815–1819. 9 items. Mss2R15745b.
Among the papers are letters written by Randolph from Monticello, Albemarle County, to
Thomas Taylor concerning the sale of Varina, Henrico County, and slaves on that and
other plantations.
Raper, Arthur Jarrell (1934–1984), papers, 1940–1976. 437 items. Mss1R181a.
Correspondence, writings, newspaper and journal articles, and papers of the Citizens for
Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) written and collected by Doctor A. Jarrell Raper, a
Richmond, Va., cardiologist. The materials concern Dr. Raper’s interest in school
integration and busing in Richmond in the 1970s. Section 1 in particular contains
correspondence, 1960–1976, of Dr. Raper with journalists, political figures, friends and
others sharing his concerns about school integration and busing at both the local and
national levels. Included are letters written to Raper and drafts of letters written by him,
many to the editors of local and New York newspapers. Correspondents of note include
John Kifner (of the New York Times), U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and Doctor
Thomas Pettigrew (of Harvard University). The records of CEPS, a local organization
aiming to raise public awareness about school integration (section 4) consist of
correspondence, by-laws, reports, and newsletters, 1971–1973.
Rawlings family papers, 1856–1987. 192 items. Mss1R1988a.
This collection contains the correspondence and accounts for three generations of the
Rawlings and related families of Orange and Culpeper counties. Section 3 contains legal
papers, 1858–1861, of Thomas E. McVeigh (of Culpeper County), brother to Martha Ann
(McVeigh) Rawlings. Included in this section are legal papers concerning the hiring of
Rector, Alfred (d. 1868?), account book, 1857–1861. [57] leaves. Mss5:3R2457:1.
This volume, kept near Rectortown in Fauquier County, contains records of funds
distributed to Rector’s children prior to his death, as well as statements regarding his
intentions concerning the distribution of his personal estate. It also includes accounts,
1832–1834, of William Rector (1769–1834) covering transactions at a mill operated by
Alfred Rector and slave hiring.
Redwell Furnace, Shenandoah County, account books, 1791–1816. 2 vols.
Mss5:3R2495:1–2. Microfilm reels C529–530.
Accounts concerning iron smelting operations; some concern the African American
Moses and hired slaves.
Rennolds, Elizabeth Gordon, recollections, ca. 1860–1863. 4 pp. Mss5:1R2955:1.
Concern the activities of Elizabeth Gordon Rennolds in Spotsylvania County and
Fredericksburg. Included are recollections of Yankee occupation, the end of slavery, and
her fathers imprisonment.
Republican Party of Virginia, records, 1896–1926. 852 items. Mss3R2997a.
The records, which largely consist of the correspondence of party officers, concern party
operations, leadership, political conventions, and elections in Virginia. Included in the
collection are scattered broadsides and pamphlets that reflect African American
participation in the voting process.
Reynolds, Willis M., account, 1835–1837. 2 pp. Mss2H9705a2.
Contemporary copy of a report to the Amherst County court concerning the hiring out of
male and female slaves belonging to the heirs of the estate of John Hutcherson.
Rice, Marie, reminiscences, 1855–1885. 24 pp. Mss5:1R3652:1. Typescript.
Anecdotes of antebellum and wartime Southside Virginia plantation life, in particular at
South Isle in Charlotte County, along with a description of the Reconstruction period.
The narrative includes descriptions of individual slaves and freedmen associated with
South Isle. These are the weaver, the laundress, the major domo, the gardener, the
shoemaker, and several sharecroppers. Rice recounts daily living and seasonal work
routines both before and after the Civil War. The account also concerns music, singing
hymns, and the tradition of serenading the "big house"; language and dialect; how the
announcement of emancipation was received by the new freedmen; communities of
freedmen and relations with whites who had not been slaveowners; Christmas
celebrations, toys for the children, and the practice of "keeping" (not working between
Christmas and New Year’s); the education of a slave of mixed blood; morality, religious
practice, remarriage, weddings and revivals, church politics, the building of a
Presbyterian church for the freedmen after the war, and religious education; secular
politics, voting, and elections; and the migration of African Americans to northern states
and the West Virginia coal mines.
Richmond, City Sergeant, register, 1841–1846. 2 vols. Mss3R4156b. Microfilm reels
A12 (incomplete) and C365–366.
These records were kept by John M. Fergusson in his capacity as the city sergeant and by
various deputies. The first volume primarily contains entries for fugitive slaves and free
blacks who were unable to present their freedom papers. Each entry contains information
on date committed, date discharged, number of days maintained in the jail and the charge
for maintenance, charges for "turning the key," apprehending fee, total charge to the
prisoner or slaveowner, and arrangements (usually by public auction in the old market)
for hiring out discharged inmates to pay jail charges. (When a free black was discharged
after proving his freedom, he was sometimes unable to pay his maintenance fee at the
jail. In such cases he would be sold at public auction for such time as it would take to pay
off the charges. The time period ranged from several months to fifty-nine years.)
The second volume contains entries covering commitments for inability to provide
security or bail, in particular for breach of the peace and "going at large contrary to an act
of the General Assembly." Entries are itemized according to maintenance fees (at thirty
cents a day), charges for clothing, shoes, and other articles furnished to the inmate while
in jail, and charges for whipping (thirty-nine lashes at fifty cents). The back page contains
notes concerning physical maintenance for the building (water in the pipes and furnace).
Several loose items are appended to the collection—accounts for beef, affidavits, and
charges for putting on and taking off irons.
Richmond, District Superior Court of Chancery, papers, 1817–1820. 12 pp.
Mss4V8a15. Typescript copies.
Concern the emancipation of slaves by the will of Izard Bacon of Henrico County and
include petition of the slaves, answer of the estate executor, court decree, accounts, and a
list of the slaves.
Roach, Mahala Perkins Harding Eggleston (1825–1905), diaries, 1851–1852 and
1864–1865. 3 v. Mss5:1R5306:1–3. Microfilm reel C507.
The parents of Mahala Eggleston Roach emigrated from Virginia to Mississippi about
1821. Entries for the 1850s contain information on the acquisition of slaves by Roach’s
Roberts, George J., account book, 1835–1850. 50 pp. Mss5:3R5423:1. Microfilm
reels C427 and C578.
In part, concerns the hiring of slaves from the estate of James Hamblett of Charlotte
County by George J. Roberts and Thomas P. Richardson.
Roberts family papers, 1832–1919. 146 items. Mss1R5446a. Microfilm reel C476.
Collection contains correspondence, accounts, and other records of members of the
Burwell and Roberts families of Charlotte, Mecklenburg, and Powhatan counties. Lewis
S. Burwell writes to his mother in Virginia in 1855 about the work and health of slaves
on his plantation, Makeshift, in Marengo County, Ala. (section 2). Section 9 contains
unexecuted bonds, 1847, to Ann Eliza (Burwell) Roberts for the hire of Adelaide and
Robertson, Archibald Gerard (1889–1985), papers, 1787–1986. 3,134 items.
Includes a fourteen-page speech delivered by Samuel Joseph May (1797–1871) of
Syracuse, N.Y., entitled "The Rescue of Jerry." The speech provides a synopsis of the
events and reactions of the population of Syracuse from the passage of the Compromise
of 1850 until their staunch antislavery stand was put to the test in October 1852, when a
fugitive slave was arrested. A large group of citizens demanded the slave’s release, a
street chase ensued, and Jerry was unshackled, treated, and guided to Canada, where he
continued to make his living as a cooper until his death a year later (item a2).
Robertson, Doris Virginia Parker (b. 1916), memoirs, 1916–1925. 10 pp.
Robertson mentions an African American who operated her father’s farm in Cumberland
County and describes the relationship that she and her siblings had with him.
Robertson, Littleton Tazewell (1825?–1862), papers, 1846–1869. 95 items.
Collection includes correspondence, 1860–1862, of Littleton Robertson (of Nottoway
County and as a member of C Company, 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Confederate
States Army), primarily with his wife and an unidentified brother concerning camp life,
farming and local politics, and a murder committed by slaves. Also included are financial
records, some of which concern the hiring out of slaves.
Robertson family papers, 1786–1930. 1,051 items. Mss1R5498b.
Collection consists primarily of the professional papers of attorneys and the educational
records of female members of the Cochran, Robertson, and Stuart families of Staunton. It
includes a deed, 1860, of Joseph S. Deputy of Phillips County, Ark., to Asa Pool for a
slave named George (section 38).
Robey family papers, 1820–1893. 59 items. Mss1R5497a.
Concerns members of the Brownlow and Robey families of Fredericksburg and
Spotsylvania County. Section 3 contains a letter written to Susan Frances (Brownlow)
Robey ([1823–1865] of Hopewell Nursery, Spotsylvania County) from Sarah H. Jenkins
Purcell, concerning a slave insurrection near Pembroke, Ky., in December 1856.
Robins family papers, 1784–1939. 4,290 items. Mss1R5595a.
Members of the Robins family of Gloucester County were planters of cotton and tobacco,
as well as grains and other traditional agricultural products. The collection contains a
number of deeds and notes pertaining to estate divisions, in addition to accounts and
Deeds to slaves appear in section 3 (1802, John Robins to Jesse White), section 14
(1808–1810, mostly to or from Thomas Robins), and section 67 (1830–1840, to Thomas
Robins). Lists and estate division notes are in section 6 (1808–1817, estate of Thomas
Robins [1746–1808], including names, values, and hiring out information for thirty-two
slaves and recording several births and deaths during that period) and section 17 (estate
of Thomas Robins [1771–1821]).
In section 15, an 1804 agreement of William Vaughan employs Thomas Robins as
overseer and lists responsibilities, one being to find ten "working hands." In the same
section are instructions indicating which laborers are to work timber and make shoes and
distribution lists for corn. Section 16 contains affidavits attesting to standard hiring prices
for harvest work, specifying cutting, pitching, stacking, raking, and carting.
Section 35 contains correspondence of Thomas Coleman Robins (1804–1888) of Point
Lookout and The Glebe, both in Gloucester County. Of particular note is a letter from
Thomas Henry Bayly with an enclosure of Philip Richard Fendall of Washington,
concerning slaves (Mary Bell and her six children) for whom Robert Armistead made
provisions to emancipate. After Armisteads death, Mary Bell petitioned for her freedom
in court; some of the children were carried off to Baltimore by a schooner and brought
back; Mary Bell’s husband bought Marys freedom.
Sections 58 and 59 consist of loose accounts and an account book kept from 1836 to 1849
by Thomas Robins as guardian for the children of John Ransome. John Ransome’s estate
contained a number of slaves who were hired out. Notes appended to the accounts reveal
that Nancy was given care for Roseann’s three young children on Roseann’s death. The
accounts also note the death of several children of Roseann and Nancy; midwife’s fees
for Roseann, Nancy, and Judy; other medical fees; clothing; and the cost of coffins.
Freedmen’s agreements are in sections 67 and 108. Two nearly identical 1866
agreements call for arbitration by respected white men in the event of a contract dispute.
The work agreement in section 108 was never executed.
Robinson, Bill (1878–1949), letter, 1937. 1 p. Mss2R5607a1.
Letter, dated 15 January 1937, New York City, to William B. Layton, superintendent of
the Virginia Manual Labor School for Colored Boys, Hanover. The letter concerns a
potential visit with the young men at the school, which later became the Hanover
Learning Center.
Robinson family papers, 1732–1921. 317 items. Mss1R5685d.
Personal, business, and legal records of members of the Powell, Robinson, and Russell
families of Richmond and Williamsburg. Section 4 includes the will of Thomas Russell
of Williamsburg, in part concerning the distribution of slaves, accompanied by receipts
for money derived from the sale of slaves. A 1790 deed of trust of Henry Tazewell for the
benefit of Benjamin Powell covers eight slaves in Williamsburg (section 7). Materials
concerning the estate of Jane Hunter Charlton of Williamsburg include an 1801 will
providing for the emancipation of four female slaves and accounts kept by the estate
executor (section 20).
An 1827 deed of Philip Smith of Surry County to Anthony Robinson of Richmond
concerns the sale of Olivia (section 21). Thomas L. Hundley’s 1853 affidavit concerns
the sale of Charlton to William Armistead Robinson (section 27). Materials, 1842–1845,
concerning the estate of Eliza S. Robinson of Richmond include a will concerning the
distribution of slaves and executor’s accounts concerning their care (section 28). An 1855
deed of trust of J. W. Harrison of Caroline County for the benefit of Edwin H. Clarke
concerns the sale of five slaves hired out to employers in Chesterfield County (section
34). Finally, a deed of John Burwell of Dinwiddie County, executed in 1787, concerns
the sale of eighteen slaves to Lewis Burwell of Mecklenburg County (section 40).
Robinson family papers, 1740–1887. 1,642 items. Mss1R5685b.
Primarily the papers of Richmond court clerk John Robinson and his son Conway
Robinson, Richmond and Washington, D.C., lawyer and author. Among Conway
Robinson’s correspondence (section 17) are a number of letters concerning slavery and
African Americans in general. Charles Campbell writes in 1849 from Petersburg
enclosing an undated draft resolution in the hand of Dr. Theodorick Bland while a
member of the Continental Congress concerning the return of fugitive slaves to their
rightful owners as recovered property. Lawyer Robert Thruston Hubard of Buckingham
County sought Robinson’s views in 1870 on the legal right of Congress to abolish slavery
without compensation to slaveholders. Robinson himself writes to his friend and former
governor of Virginia Wyndham Robertson in 1860 concerning the election of Abraham
Lincoln and encloses extracts from a number of Lincoln’s speeches concerning the
institution of slavery and the requirement that free states return runaways to their owners.
Several letters written to Robinson in 1840–1841 concern his "Essay on the
Constitutional Rights as to Slave Property" that appeared in the Southern Literary
Messenger and then in pamphlet form. Chancellor James Kent gave Robinson a positive
review and lauded his candid approach to the issue. Clergyman Thomas C. Thornton of
Washington, D.C., wrote two letters about the essay and also discussed the African
colonization movement, abolition, and the slave trade. Richard Cox McMurtrie of
Philadelphia sent a letter to Robinson in 1860 following publication of another essay on
slave property and discussed the laws covering the recapture of fugitive slaves in
Pennsylvania and the case of Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842) in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Judge J. Tremper of New York addressed an undated [1841?] letter to Thomas W. White,
publisher of the Southern Literary Messenger, concerning Robinson’s "Essay" and the
right to slave property (section 44).
Roller family papers, 1837–1917. ca. 850 items. Mss1R6498FA2. Microfilm reels
Include papers of members of three generations of the Roller family of Rockingham
County. Box 10 contains papers of John Edwin Roller (1844–1918), a Harrisonburg
attorney. The folder of "Civil War Recollections" contains a volume that makes
occasional references to slaves and in particular African American soldiers in the Union
army (pages 27–28). The "Miscellany" section consists of three folders, the first of which
includes a rosy reminiscence of antebellum slavery and concern for the future of African
Roots, Samantha Hukeless, papers, 1932–2004. 57 items. Mss1R6797a.
This collection consists of scattered correspondence and other materials of Richmond
native Samantha (Hukeless) Roots (1917–2004), reflecting her education, her
relationships with extended family in New York State and New Jersey, her work with the
Juvenile Circle, Independent Order of St. Luke, and her work in the public schools of
Richmond. Section 1 contains correspondence with, among others, her aunt Cora
(Huckless) Footman (of Flushing, N.Y.; letter of 1932 June 24 recommends that
Samantha finish school so that she will have a trade and not have to support herself as her
mother does, by taking in laundry), her aunt Jennie Harris Huckless (of Long Branch,
N.J.; letter of 1941 July 1 refers to having moved to a new government funded
apartment), her brother Robert Hukeless (while at the U.S. Naval Training Station, Great
Lakes, Ill.; letter of 1944 April 7 tells of a trip to Chicago); Hazel Hunt (of Los Angeles,
Calif.; letter of 1948 August 22 gives reasons why she and her husband do not intend to
return home to Virginia), and George W. Witt (of Richmond; letter of 1938 October 31
congratulates Samantha on her marriage and refers to sending a gift of money so that she
and her husband may attend the movie Alexander’s Ragtime Band). Section 2 contains
materials concerning Mrs. Rootss attendance at Van De Vyver Institute, Richmond, a
private Catholic high school for African Americans. These include a program and partial
script for the annual; a diploma; and a program for a class reunion. Lastly, section 3
contains materials concerning Mrs. Roots’s membership in the "Paynes Volunteers"
Juvenile Circle, Independent Order of St. Luke, an African American fraternal
organization. These include a copy of the Ritual (annotated with "Samantha Hukeless,
pres."); passwords for 1932 June–December 1 and 1932 December 1–1933 June 1; and a
printed letter, 1940 March 20, concerning a "Rainbow Wedding."
Rose family papers, 1850–1992. 142 items. Mss1R7208a.
Consists of the correspondence of three generations of the Rose and Rutherfoord families
of Amelia County and Richmond. Section 2 contains the correspondence of Charles
Alexander Rose (of Richmond) and Mary Eliza (Rutherfoord) Rose, in part, concerning
the sale of slaves and Charles’s need for a servant during his service in the Confederate
States Army.
Ross, David (1740?–1817), letterbook, 1812–1813. 256 pp. Mss5:2R7338:1.
Microfilm reels A20 and C530.
Includes information pertaining to the operation of the Oxford Iron Works in Campbell
County, which employed slave labor. One letter, April 1812, concerns Fanny, accused of
neglect and exposure of her infant child. Letters of January 1813 refer to Peter’s
character; July and August 1813 correspondence provides information about the
treatment of Pattsey, a slave woman who stopped a fight; and August 1813 letters
concern the boatman Anthony. The letters in general concern the slavestreatment with
respect to diet, clothing, provisions, and work duties.
Round family papers, 1828–1876. 128 items. Mss1R7607a.
Personal and business papers of family members in New York, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, and Manassas, Va., including Methodist minister William Round. A. H.
Schoonmaker addresses Round in July 1860 concerning antislavery sentiments in the
Methodist Episcopal church and the duties of ministers (section 2). Susan H. Benham, a
missionary in Monrovia, Liberia, writes two lengthy letters, 1846–1847, to Sarah Ann
Round of Montrose, Pa., in part concerning African American immigrants to the colony
(section 3).
Rousseau, B. C., account book, 1855–1857. 116 pp. Mss5:3R7628:1. Microfilm reel
This account book was kept for a Fairfax County general store. Several accounts with
slaves are indicated by name of the slave and the plantation with which he is associated.
Of particular interest are accounts of James King of Loudoun County (page 101) and Jane
Lewis for a servant’s pay (on a supplemental leaf attached to page 5).
Rowe, William H. (b. 1818?), account book, 1853. 26 pp. Mss5:3R7944:1.
Kept as administrator of the estate of Wade Ellis Stubblefield of Gloucester County and
includes an appraisal of slaves belonging to the estate and records of the hiring out of
selected slaves.
Ruffin, Edmund (1794–1865), papers, 1818–1865. 826 items. Mss1R8385a.
Microfilm reels C40 and C366–369.
Primarily the correspondence, diaries, and other writings of the famous agricultural
reformer, journalist, and states’ rights advocate of Petersburg and Prince George County.
Because of the nature of Ruffins career and political activism, much of this collection
holds potential for researchers in African American history. Of particular note are an
1843 diary kept as agricultural surveyor for the state of South Carolina, including notes
on the feeding of African American children (item a1), printed as Agriculture, Geology,
and Society in Antebellum South Carolina: The Private Diary of Edmund Ruffin, 1843,
edited by William M. Mathew (1992); Ruffin’s "Incidents of My Life" covering the
period of 1845–1855, concerning agricultural operations, slavery, and speeches (a3),
printed as Incidents of My Life: Edmund Ruffin’s Autobiographical Essays, edited by
David F. Allmendinger, Jr. (1990); and essays and speeches on such topics as domestic
slavery (1853), opposition to African colonization (1859), the political economy of
slavery (1860), and southern rights and secession politics (section 4).
The collection also includes Ruffin’s correspondence in 1859 (60 items) concerning his
African Colonization Unveiled (section 18) and a group of letters written to Ruffin in
1860–1861 (35 items) concerning agriculture, slavery, and secession (section 20).
Russell, Olga Moore (1904–1993), papers, 1924–1941. 4 items. Mss2R9155b oversize.
Born in Tuskegee, Alabama, Olga Moore Russell obtained a certificate in piano from
Hartshorn Memorial College, School of Music, in Richmond in 1924; a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Education from Virginia Union University in 1927; a Master of Science in
Education degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1941; and a masters from
Howard University in 1931. Her father was Charles T. Russell (1875–1952), the first
Richmond-based African American architect.
Rutherfoord, Samuel Jordan (1806–1880), papers, 1833–1872. 36 items.
Contain materials concerning the leasing and repair of houses in Richmond and Henrico
County; mercantile operations in Richmond, and farming in Amelia County. Include an
1863 affidavit of George Perkins concerning the gift of a slave, Ned, from Rutherfoord,
for whom Perkins promises to care for the rest of his natural life (section 6).
Rutherfoord family papers, 1811–1946. 200 items. Mss1R9337b. Microfilm reel B36.
Primarily consists of the papers of John Coles Rutherfoord, attorney of Rock Castle,
Goochland County, and member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Rutherfoord’s
commonplace book, 1844–1849, includes a negative essay on the free black population in
Virginia, ca. 1847, containing comments on character, habits, and living conditions (b14).
A second commonplace book, 18521856, carries this theme further with a handwritten
copy of Rutherfoord’s 1853 speech in the House of Delegates concerning the "Removal
from the Commonwealth of the Free Colored Population" (b17).
Robert S. Saunders’s 1854 diary, kept in a copy of the Plantation and Farm Instruction,
Regulation, Records, Inventory and Account Book (Richmond, 1852), not only covers
agricultural operations at Rock Castle on behalf of Rutherfoord but also includes lists of
slaves during the years 1854–1863 (b18). Rutherfoord’s diary, 1859–1861, includes
copies of his speeches in Goochland County and the Virginia House of Delegates
concerning secession and notes on a speech of James Henry Hammond of South Carolina
concerning slavery (b21).
Section 14 contains extensive, undated notes, ca. 1861, concerning secession and slavery.
An undated draft set of rules prepared for Andrew K. Smith concerns the management of
slaves at Rock Castle (section 17), while notes concerning the plantation include lists of
children of slaves Rachel and Fanny, with birthdates (section 20).
St. Lukes Church, Powhatan County, records, 18421936. 45 items. Mss3Sa242a.
Among the records of this Protestant Episcopal church in Powhatan County is a vestry
book that records baptisms (infant and adult), burials, and marriages (item 22). The
church had white and African American members; notations indicate that both slave and
free African Americans were included. Some of the accounts also involve African
Sanders, William H., account book, 1840–1876. [118]pp. Mss5:3Sa566:1.
This account book was kept at Lower Byrd, Goochland County, where William Sanders
apparently served as overseer for Mrs. Louise G. Allen. Accounts concern slaves
(including birth and death records), livestock, purchases for the plantation, and produce
sold, chiefly tobacco and grains. Postwar entries include payments made to hired
Sartain, James Auxford (1922–1986), papers, 1967–1968. 138 items. Mss1Sa772a.
The collection includes minutes of meetings, progress reports, project records, conference
materials, and public relations materials compiled by James Auxford Sartain, University
of Richmond sociology professor, as chair of the Urban Team, a group of university
professors studying desegregation of the Richmond public schools. Section 1 contains
minutes of meetings, notes, and progress reports concerning the Urban Team. Materials
concern integration and desegregation at Albert H. Hill Middle School, Thomas Jefferson
High School, J. A. Chandler Middle School, and John Marshall and Maggie Walker high
schools and the issue of the racial composition of the North Side of Richmond.
Saturday Afternoon Club, Richmond, records, 1894–1907. 9 items. Mss3Sa845a.
Collection includes two minute books and several program yearbooks of the Saturday
Afternoon Club, a literary society of educated single and married women organized by
Mary Cooke (Branch) Munford for the purpose of self-culture and study. Members
presented book reviews and papers covering topics such as education, religion, world
history, and the status of African Americans.
Saunders, Edward Sydnor (b. 1810), bonds, 18351836. 2 items. Mss2Sa873b.
Issued to Jeremiah Webb in Richmond County for the hire of a slave child, Ben.
Saunders family papers, 17981903. 3,571 items. Mss1Sa878a. Microfilm reels C476–
Papers of this Franklin County family include a significant number of legal papers
because of the legal background of the family members, including Fleming Saunders
(17781858), a lawyer and judge in Virginia’s circuit courts, and Peter Saunders
(18231904), lawyer, planter, justice of the peace, and member of the Virginia House of
Delegates. Papers of Elizabeth Lewis (Dabney) Saunders (18301904) and other members
of the Dabney family are also included in the collection.
A deed in section 12 (dated 1825) of John Ward to John Ferguson of Montgomery
County, Tenn., is for Lewis, age twenty-two; the deed was later assigned to Fleming
Saunders. Hiring bonds are in section 8 (Fleming Saunders’s correspondence with L. R.
Marshall includes an 1834 bond for hire of Delily and Olly) and section 33 (1854 bond of
Owen Price of Price & Saunders, Rocky Mount, Franklin County, to Thomas Helm for
two slaves, Jacob and George).
A number of lists of estate sales and divisions survive in the collection. In section 11,
lists, 1853, record slaves sold in Franklin County by Fleming Saunders as surviving
partner of Samuel and Fleming Saunders, including approximately fifty slaves, with
names, ages, values, and several brief notationsa sore hand, a "hogback," and a carpenter.
Section 33 contains lists, 18371854, of slaves of Martha Watts, including family groups,
ages, values, notes on disease, illness, and death for approximately seventy-two slaves.
Section 39 includes undated lists of slaves of Peter Saunders, including families, ages,
values, and notations on cases of albinism, paralysis, idiocy, and scrofula. The section
also includes an 1853 proposal of Peter Saunders for terms of credit to be extended for
the sale of slaves. Section 44 contains an undated list of the slaves of Anna Maria
(Saunders) Preston and Thomas Lewis Preston, including names, ages, family groups,
values, and at least one occupation (a blacksmith).
Correspondence of Peter Saunders (section 34) includes an 1863 letter from Peter
Holland enclosing a power of attorney to collect hiring fees for slaves conscripted by the
government to work on fortifications near Richmond. Several letters, 18621863, from
Robert C. Henderson, overseer at Bleak Hill in Franklin County, describes the plantation
routine. In 1862, he particularly complains that Bleak Hill is being required to send many
laborers to work on the turnpike; he believes that he is asked to send more laborers and at
a greater distance than is fair. He relates cases of foot injuries, mumps, and pneumonia.
Saunders family papers, 18291908. 125 items. Mss1Sa878b.
Primarily papers of members of the Eppes and Saunders families of Suffolk and
Nansemond County. An account book, 18571867, kept by James Riddick Saunders in
Nansemond County includes entries covering the hire of slaves and freedmen for
agricultural and milling operations (section 4). A second volume, 18681873, primarily
concerns agricultural labor (section 5).
Savedge, Acrell (b. 1799), financial records, 1835–1860. 14 items. Mss2Sa935b.
Kept in Surry County, these records include accounts for the hiring of slaves.
Schwarz, Philip J. (b. 1940), compiler, Manuscripts and Primary Sources on
Thomas Jefferson and Slavery, 1992. 31 pp. Mss7:1J3595:6.
Includes bibliographic references with textual excerpts from primary materials
concerning Thomas Jefferson and his slaves located in various libraries and repositories.
Scott, Mary Wingfield (1895–1983), papers, 1977–1982. 7 items. Mss2Sco851b.
This collection of papers, compiled by a Richmond architectural historian, includes a
literary manuscript, originally written ca. 1950 by Virginia Reese Withers, entitled Son of
the Black Belt. The story is a fictionalized account of the Reese and Wither families in
Virginia and Alabama, in part, concerning their relationships with slaves and with free
African Americans after the Civil War.
Scott, Thomas Branch (1865–1945), collector, papers, 1740–1892. 111 items.
Include miscellaneous patents, grants, deeds, correspondence, wills, and other legal
documents collected by Thomas Branch Scott (of Richmond). Section 4 contains a deed
of release, 1820, of Benjamin Mosby to Thomas Keesee for a slave.
Scott family papers, 17831881. 6 items. Mss1Sco866d.
Include an account book, 18311863, kept by Garrett Scott (b. 1808) concerning
agricultural operations in Orange County and containing lists of slaves with dates of birth
and death.
Scott family papers, 18191906. 295 items. Mss1Sco866c.
Primarily the papers of a farming family in Richmond County. An 1866 agreement
(executed on a printed form) between Thomas Barnes and James Scott, signed at Warsaw
in Richmond County and endorsed by a local official of the Freedmen’s Bureau, concerns
Barness service as a farm hand for the coming year (section 13).
Seddon family papers, 18311882. 308 items. Mss1Se275a. Photocopies.
Include papers of James Alexander Seddon (18151880), lawyer, U.S. congressman, and
Confederate secretary of war, and Sarah (Bruce) Seddon (18221882). Section 13 contains
an incomplete answer in the case of Mary A. Scott v. Thomas C. Scott’s executors in
Stafford County court, concerning Mary Scott’s title to unnamed slaves (ca. 1858). In the
same section is an undated list of slaves from Cobham plantation, providing names, ages,
and family groups for forty-three slaves. It also includes notes for calculating passage and
tickets for the slaves to various destinations, including Nelson County, Lynchburg, and
Memphis, Tenn.
Selden, Miles Cary (1805–1880), receipt, 1863. 1 p. Mss2Se484a1.
Receipt, dated 29 November 1863, issued to C. S. Maurice for $2500 for the purchase of
Thomas, a slave in Richmond.
Selden, Richard (17581823), bill of sale, 1794. 1 p. Mss2Se485a1.
Issued 1 May 1794 to Hancock Lee of Fairfax County for the sale of a slave child,
Selden family papers, 18111868. 19 items. Mss1Se487a. Microfilm reel C266.
This family of planters owned property in Amelia and Charles City counties. Section 1
contains the diary of John Armistead Selden (b. 1805), owner of Westover plantation in
Charles City County. It has been published in Smith College Studies 6 (July 1921):
251330. The diary is filled with scattered references to the routine work and travel of
slaves; no attempt will be made here to mention all the references. Some items of note are
on page 10 (1858), canal fare for slaves; page 48 (August 1859), payment of an account
with the free boy George; page 64 (November 1859), reading abolitionist accounts of the
John Brown incident; page 130 (February 1861), whipping the slave Pompey and hiring a
carpenter to work on slave houses; page 213 (September 1862), a record of receipt of
$50.98 from the government for hire of slaves in April; page 217, a list of ten slaves
indicating name, age, and value; page 221, the capture of three slaves; page 222 (August
1862), list of thirty-four Westover slaves that left with the Yankees, including names,
occupations, ages, mothers of young children, and a note of three deaths (one being
Austen, who died of neglect while working on the Jamestown fortifications); page 226, a
record of payment for shoes for slaves; and page 278 (January 1864), an account with a
free African American woman for rent of house.
Selden family papers, 1841–1879. 10 items. Mss2Se4885b.
This collection includes accounts of Ann (Hare) Seth with Charles Selden and Miles Cary
Selden, including amounts for the purchase and hiring out of slaves.
Semmes, Raphael (1809–1877), papers, 1818–1908. 167 items. Mss1Se535a.
Microfilm reel C620.
This collection contains materials relating to the Confederate naval service in England of
Raphael Semmes. Section 1 contains a letter from Semmes to Louisa Tremlett
concerning, among other things, the surrender of the Confederate States, conditions in the
South, and freed African Americans. Section 6 contains newspaper clippings, 1864–1908,
which, in part, concern freed African Americans.
Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Hospital, Richmond, records, 1889–1989. 139 items.
Includes minutes, annual reports, donation day direct mail solicitations, surveys,
committee reports, correspondence, pamphlets, books, scrapbook pages, photographs,
and newspaper clippings concerning this Richmond facility. Section 4 contains a survey,
1958, which concerns, in part, the admission of African Americans into the hospital.
Shepherd family papers, 17321907. 87 items. Mss1Sh485a.
Primarily the papers of planters in Princess Anne County and Norfolk. A 1737 deed of
James Condon and Matthew Pallet to Smith Shepherd concerns the sale of the slave
Rachell (section 1). The 1769 will of Sarah Weblin of Princess Anne County specifically
bequeaths a young slave named Tom, while the 1795 will of Smith Shepherd includes the
disposition of twelve slaves (section 4). The 1804 will of Lemuel Shepherd also includes
the disposition of slaves (section 5).
Twenty-three bonds covering the period 18421862 concern the hiring out of slaves
belonging to Sarah M. Camp Shepherd of Norfolk and include the terms and conditions
of service (section 9). Lists of slaves maintained for Shepherd for the years 18561862
include the names of parties to whom slaves were hired and the amount of the bond in
each case; and a bond, 1858, of Edie Doran to Mary V. Haynes concerns the hire of
Matilda (section 10). Finally, Solomon S. Keeling issued a receipt to an unnamed party in
1836 for the hire of Mary (section 15).
Shore family papers, 1770–ca. 1980. ca. 1,679 items. Mss1Sh785a.
This collection documents the everyday life of the Shore and related Epes, Fitzgerald,
and Ward families of Nottoway County. Includes correspondence between family
members, accounts, legal documents, and extensive genealogical notes. Of particular
interest is a six-page register listing the births of slaves owned by Benjamin Ward, Jr.
(1778–1840) of Bellefield (section 4). While the register begins by listing individual
entries, the majority of the register lists mothers with their children. The register includes
births from 1770 to 1864.
Correspondence (section one) is arranged chronologically and contains scattered
references to African Americans. Items of special interest include an undated letter of
Louisa Fitzgerald (Shore) Ward (1820–1881) to her daughter, Louisa Jones Shore Ward
(1853–1930), mentioning the great revival at the local "negro church"; letter, 1837, of Dr.
[P. C.] Spencer regarding treatment for a slaves blister; letters, 1870–1871, of [W. M.]
Osborne of the Southside Railroad Company, Lynchburg, to Ann Catherine (Epes) Scott
Shore (1824–1893) concerning money owed to her husband’s estate for the hire of slaves
(information on wages is provided); letter, 1867, of Thomas F. Ward (b. 1837?) of
Alabama to his uncle Robert Fitzgerald Ward (1811–1881) mentioning racial tensions;
and letter, 1942, of Louisa Ward (Shore) Brooks (1880–1944) to her sister, Sallie Ward
Shore (1890–1953), mentioning an African American named James Langston, who ran
for political office.
The financial papers (section two) include a list, 1794, of slaves belonging to the estate of
Benjamin Ward, Sr. (1747–1783); receipt, 1836, to Thomas Freeman Ward (1806–1836)
for a slave woman named Caroline; receipt, 1845, to Robert Fitzgerald Ward for a young
slave Jim; receipt, 1855, to Robert Fitzgerald Ward for "woman Becky"; receipt, 1864, to
Henry Edwin Shore (1800–1867) for sending a slave named Tom to Captain W. H. Fry at
Camp Lee; receipt, 1865, to Mary Fitzgerald (b. 1811) from P. A. Foulks, the sheriff of
Nottoway County, for allowing a slave named Anderson to work on fortifications; and a
list, 1865, of Robert Fitzgerald Ward’s property lost after the Civil War, including a list
of emancipated slaves and their qualifications. The legal papers (section three) include a
document, ca. 1849, relating to a title dispute over slaves obtained by Henry Edwin Shore
when he married Ann Catherine (Epes) Scott, widow of Alexander Scott.
Shuman, J. E., letter, 1865. 1 p. Mss2Sh926a1.
Letter, dated 20 March 1865, Petersburg, to Thomas S. Hayward concerning the raising
of a company of African American troops in Louisiana or Virginia by the Confederate
States Army. Shuman wrote the letter while serving in Company I of the 15th Louisiana
Infantry Regiment, Confederate States Army of Northern Virginia.
Skipwith family papers, 1780–1942. 151 items. Mss1Sk366a.
Correspondence and financial records of three generations of Skipwith family members
of Prestwould, Mecklenburg County. The correspondence, 1810–1822, of Lady Jean
(Miller) Skipwith (1743–1826) includes a letter from Elizabeth Beverley (Munford)
Kennon written from Richmond on the night of 9 June 1810 while awaiting word of a
rumored slave insurrection (section 3). Also, includes letters, 1828–1833, written to
Humberston Skipwith (1791–1863), including one from Alonzo Murphy regarding a
lawsuit over the recovery of slaves sold in the New Orleans market (section 5);
agreements, 1864–1865, of Grey Skipwith (1839–1895) concerning Upper Quarter Island
at Prestwould with John Harris as overseer and with freedmen (section 9); and letters,
1829–1831, written to Elizabeth (Bolling) Skipwith of Louisiana by Thomas Wither
Chinn (concerning the estate of Judge Thomas Bolling Robertson and the employment of
African American slaves) (section 10).
Slaughter, Philip (1808–1890), letter, [1850]. [4] pp. Mss2SL157a2.
In this letter, Slaughter seeks the opinion of Henry Alexander Wise (1806–1876), lawyer
and politician of Virginia’s Eastern Shore, concerning relations between the United States
and Liberia, and expresses his opinions on social conditions and the improvement of
freed blacks in the United States, the arguments of abolitionists, and the nature of
American slavery.
Sloan, Harry (b. 1805), commonplace book, 1848–1887. 1 vol. (21 pp.).
Contains accounts kept largely in Tazewell County, including payment of taxes and
school expenses, as well as accounts concerning the estate of James Sloan kept by Harry
Sloan as executor, and of the estate of William Owens kept by an unidentified individual.
The book also contains records concerning the hiring of slaves in Virginia and Tennessee,
as well as slave birth records from an unidentified location.
Slocum family papers, 1766–1831. 3 items. Mss2SL539b.
Include an affidavit of Nathaniel Starke of Harrison County (now W.Va.) concerning the
sale of Mary, a slave, and her two children, Dorcas and John William, to John Slocum.
Smith, Francis Williamson (18381865), papers, 18101947. 191 items. Mss1Sm565a.
Include a bond, 1810 (section 1), of Miles King (17471814) to Josiah Lilly Deans for
slaves or the equivalent value, including Joe, his wife Dolly, and their son Tom, the value
of James and Jack who have been hanged, two additional slaves who had been sold, and
the value of one boy to be delivered.
Smith, John Adams Washington (1781–1832), account book, 1808–1817. [224] pp.
Ledger kept as an attorney in Warrenton and while practicing law in local county courts.
Also, includes scattered accounts concerning the purchase, sale, and exchange of horses
and slaves.
Smith family papers, 1788–1890. 48 items. Mss2Sm686b.
Among the papers of this Henrico County family is an elaborate printed indenture, 1797,
of William Booker of Goochland County with Jesse Smith of Henrico County to
Alexander Buchanan and William Mitchell of Richmond for four female slaves, namely,
Dorcas, age forty, Bett, age thirty, Beckey, age sixteen, and Nell, age three, in the
possession of Booker in Goochland County. The prices for the slaves written on the verso
indicate that two children were included with Beckey.
Smith family papers, 1815–1928. 313 items. Mss1Sm686b.
Consist primarily of the papers of Francis Williamson Smith (1838–1865) of Norfolk.
Correspondence with his father-in-law, Josiah Lilly Deans (b. 1811), who lived at
Rosewell in Gloucester County, includes letters written during the Civil War offering
advice on the financial benefits of investing in slaves (section 2).
Smith family papers, 1821–1918. 81 items. Mss2Sm686c.
Papers of the Smith and related Davis families, primarily of Prince Edward County. The
correspondence, 1871–1894, of Sarah Woods (Davis) Smith (d. 1894) of Prospect
includes an exchange of letters with Edwin Bedford Jeffress concerning a lawsuit over
the prewar hiring of African American slaves to build a section of the South Side
Railroad. Accounts, 1821–1884, of various family members primarily focus on slave
hiring, while an 1847 appraisal of the estate of Robert A. Smith lists slaves by name and
provides evaluations.
Smith family papers, 1847–1889. 17 items. Mss2Sm686d.
This small collection consists primarily of the papers of George S. Smith, a Unionist and
Republican Party member in Marion. A letter, 1871, written to Smith by D. S. Lewis (of
the U.S. Internal Revenue Bureau) concerns the possible move of the assessor’s office of
the 5th Collection District of Virginia from Lynchburg to Danville, the loss of property
suffered by Willis Madden (a free African American of Culpeper County) during the
Union Army’s occupation of the county, and the reputation of [John P.] Wright, a
Republican newspaper publisher in Marion and Lynchburg.
Snead, Robert Winn (18221903), papers, 18601862. 75 items. Mss1Sn215a.
Microfilm reels C620–621.
Snead lived at Woodlawn in Amherst County and served in the 50th Virginia Infantry
Regiment of the Confederate States Army. In the summer of 1861 he wrote to "Aunt
Peggy and all of my Dear Servants" (verifax copy), entrusting the care of his wife and
children to the family slaves as he marched off with the army to Sweet Springs. Later in
the letter he lists the slaves by name and sends a photograph of himself to Aunt Peggy
Snell, James A. (1820?–1887), bond, 1857. 1 p. Mss2Sn274a1.
This bond, executed in 1 January 1857, concerns the hiring of an African American slave
and bears an endorsement by the firm of Kent, Paine & Kent of Richmond.
Society for the Prevention of the Absconding and Abduction of Slaves, Richmond,
Va., minutes of directors’ meetings, 18331849. 16 pp. Mss4So135a1. Photocopy.
Minutes of a society formed for counteracting the increased activity of assisting fugitive
slaves to escape to free territories. Some of the organizations resolutions include raising
funds for the society, providing expenses and rewards for the recovery of lost slave
property of the society’s members (including hired slaves), providing rewards for
convictions of those persons who assisted slave escapes, providing rewards for
convictions of free blacks coming into the state without permission, determining how
slave property is lost without detection, and devising measures for counteracting escapes.
(The original volume is in the collection of the New-York Historical Society.)
Southall, Philip Turner (17911857), account books, 18151846. 2 vols.
Mss5:3So875:12. Microfilm reel C427.
Account books kept by a physician of Amelia County; many of the accounts concern
medical care for residents of Amelia, Prince Edward, and surrounding counties. Medical
attention to slaves is noted, along with an occasional hiring entry.
Southall, Philip Turner (17911857), letter, 1850. 2 pp. Mss2So875a1. Photocopy.
Written 11 November 1850 from Amelia County to Stephen Osborne Southall
concerning the hiring out and proposed sale of the slave Nelson in Richmond.
Sparrow, Caroline T., "Notes concerning the case of the slave girl Virginia . . . ." 40
pp. Mss7:3E443Sp272:1.
Virginia, a slave of Archibald Govan of Hanover County, was tried before the Richmond
Hustings Court in February and March 1843 for setting fire to the dwelling of William B.
Spight, Anderson, certificate, 1865. 1 p. Mss2Sp444a.
Certificate for honorable discharge, 1865, for Anderson Spight of the 55th Regiment of
the U.S. Colored Infantry Volunteers, providing a physical description. Certificate issued
in Louisiana.
Spong, John Shelby (b. 1931), speech, 1969. 7 leaves. Mss2Sp665a1.
This address, delivered on 25 September 1969 by Bishop Spong at St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church in Richmond, concerns the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
South Bend, Indiana, African Americans, and civil disobedience.
Spotswood, John A., papers, 18031810. 3 items. Mss2Sp686a.
In September 1803, John A. Spotswood provided for the sale of the slave Arthur to
Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis to serve a six-year apprenticeship beginning in
January 1804. Arthur’s occupation is not specified. Also included is a certificate of
freedom for Arthur Bradley, dated January 1810.
Spotswood family papers, 1760–1900. 56 items. Mss1Sp687c.
Concern members of the Dunlop, Mackenzie, and Spotswood families in Petersburg. The
collection contains a receipt of Catharine Brooke (Francisco) Spotswood to Mary E.
Brown for the gift of a slave, Collier (section 5).
Spragins family papers, 17531881. 4,971 items. Mss1Sp716a.
Planter family of Cherry Hill, Halifax County. Family members represented include
Melchizedek Spragins (17631810), planter and militia officer; Thomas Lanier Spragins
(17981863), lawyer, planter, ferry owner, and militia officer; and Thomas Melchizedek
Spragins (b. 1819), lawyer. Also include papers of Philip King (d. 1804) and Brooks
Baker (d. 1826), both of Charlotte County.
Many of the documents are deeds and notes of a legal nature, in particular concerning
disputes over ownership of slaves. Sections 12 and 17 contain several documents,
17981809, of Philip King conveying slaves to his children, including his sons Philip King
and Edmund King, both of Kentucky, and daughter Elizabeth (King) Baker and her
husband, Brooks Baker. An undated notice of the younger Philip King appears in section
17, issued to Brooks Baker to prohibit sale of the dower slaves. Section 20 includes a
1796 document of Tabitha White conveying six slaves, one each to her six children.
Appraisals and hiring records, 1817, of forty slaves of Melchizedek Spragins’s estate note
six male slaves hired by Robert Harvey of Botetourt County for Harvey’s ironworks.
Included in section 39 is a deed, 1774, of John Booth of Amelia County to Elizabeth
Booth of Edgecombe County, N.C., concerning two slaves; and an 1807 memorandum of
Samuel McCraw of Richmond, questioning Hector McNeil’s ownership and right to sell
a slave woman. Deeds, 17741826, are included in sections 40, 60, and 61. An elaborate
1774 printed deed appears in section 40. Section 61 contains deeds and affidavits
pertaining to a 1788 transaction of Brooks Baker in a trade of four slaves (Tom, Dinah,
Suckey, and Cuffey) for a horse. Cuffey was a cooper. An 1823 certificate issued for
bringing in the fugitive Tom, slave of Brooks Baker, appears in section 63. Section 85
includes additional deeds, 18241859, of Thomas Spragins.
Section 79 contains material, 18051812, challenging the validity of the will of Reuben
Abney. It calls for the emancipation of Hercules and Betty, with Betty to receive thirty
acres and her daughter Betty for the duration of the mothers life. It also permits
Melchizedek Spragins to choose a slave as compensation for serving as executor of
Abney’s estate. In 1812, Spragins chose Viney, thought to be pregnant.
Several passes, 18211841, appear in section 86 issued for travel between Halifax and
Charlotte counties and for Lewis Sampson to take tobacco to a Richmond merchant for
sale, because Lewis is trustworthy with money. An 1837 pass declares that Sirous has run
away to Person County, N.C., but his mental faculties are such that he is likely to return
home, because he has been told to do so. A notice, 1814, forbids the sale of the slave
Boson, a blacksmith, pending resolution of a dispute between Thomas Spragins and C.
Johnston concerning ownership of the slave (section 84). Thomas Lanier Spragins issued
an appointment to five local citizens as slave patrolers for Halifax County in 1828
(section 88).
Spragins family papers, 18091967. 2,601 items. Mss1Sp716b.
This collection is an addition to the one cited above. Miscellaneous notes, 18451857, of
Thomas L. Spragins appear in section 5. These include a note, 1856, that Adam has
permission to carry a parcel of tobacco to a Richmond merchant to be sold for the benefit
of one of Spragins’s slaves and that Adam can be trusted to handle money. Another note,
December 1855, concerns a dispute over damage caused by a broken fence; Spragins
believes that the slaves of a neighbor, A. M. Poindexter, have abused Spragins’s hogs.
Another memorandum concerns the preparation of Sarah Shipp’s will, including her
intended slave distributions. Other notes list errands to be done by Adam and Viney, such
as the purchase of clothing and household items.
A summons, 1852, in section 6 pertains to the petition of Fortune Thomas, a free black, to
be allowed to stay in Virginia, specifically Halifax County. A power of attorney, 1844,
authorizes Thomas West, Spragins’s overseer, to sell slaves for Thomas Spragins and
others. A pass, 1843, issued by Thomas West (section 42) grants permission for the slave
Charles to travel between Lynchburg and Halifax; in the same section, an 1845 affidavit
of John Blair McPhail concerns the fugitive slave Charles, property of Thomas Spragins.
Section 39 contains correspondence, 18091865. A letter, 1853, of Granville White
Spragins, a former Spragins slave, to Ritta Boscoe of Halifax, his mother, asks after
Granville’s family and friends and describes how he enjoys his freedom since his escape
to Canada. Granville had heard of Leon Spragins’s inquiries about trying to retrieve him.
Spratley, Peter Thomas, receipt, 1833. 1 p. Mss2Sp765a1.
The receipt, issued by Spratley and Joseph Bailey to Wilie T. Savedge on 7 January 1833
in Surry County, concerns the purchase of an African American slave, Davy, a
Stagg, Paul Leonard, papers, 1958–1959. 7 items. Mss2St136b. Photocopies.
Concern the opposition of the Reverend Doctor Stagg, pastor of First Baptist Church in
Front Royal, and other clergy to massive resistance and the opening of local churches to
private schools for white students in order to circumvent public school desegregation.
Documents reflect activities in Front Royal and Warren County and include Dr. Staggs
resignation announcement following threats to himself and his family.
Stanard, James, papers, 18331874. 6 items. Mss2St2423b.
Papers of the Spencer and Stanard families, freed slaves from Maryland and Virginia,
who settled in Philadelphia, Pa. Included is Maria Spencer’s manumission certificate
(1833, Anne Arundel County, Md.); an 1847 letter written by George Fisher of Richmond
(James Stanard’s former master) to the captain of the schooner Lightfoot, inquiring about
the cost of passage to New Bedford, Mass., for James, Maria, Dennis, Hannah, and her
son Tom; an 1848 marriage certificate for Anna (Spencer) Stanard and James Stanard,
both of Philadelphia; an 1857 letter of recommendation for James Stanard, written by A.
J. White; an 1857 letter to James Stanard from George Fisher concerning family news of
both white and African American members of James Stanard’s former household and
comparison of northern cities and the South with respect to the economy and
unemployment; and an 1874 marriage certificate of George Sharper and Maria (Stanard)
Sharper, both of Philadelphia.
Stanard family papers, 1707–1950. 894 items. Mss1St242a.
This collection concerns the Stanard, Fleming, and Woolridge families of Chesterfield,
Goochland, and Powhatan counties, and Richmond. Section 3 contains correspondence
between Charles Fleming (d. 1793) and Mary Fleming Bernard concerning slaves
belonging to the estate of Caroline Fleming Deans Fyrie and Mary Deans Yates. Section
5 contains the papers of Judge William Fleming (1736–1824), including legal notes on
the case of Thomas Adkins v. Lucy Harrison Adkins, concerning the ownership of slaves
Fanny, Ephraim, and Anachy. Section 6 contains a deed of trust, 1810, of John Markham
to William Fleming and George Markham for land and slaves in Goochland County.
Materials concerning Susan Carter Jackson, an African American woman of Chesterfield
County, are located in Section 13 and are related to the settlement of the estate of Thomas
Carter of Mobile, Ala. Section 14 includes the personal accounts of Doctor Archibald
Logwood Wooldridge ([1792?–1867] of Chesterfield County), including payments
received for the medical care of slaves and a bond, 1822, of Dr. Wooldridge and William
B. Wooldridge (1827–1881) to Edward Hack Moseley concerning William, a slave, as
security for the payment of a debt.
Stanton, James (1779–1852), memoir, c. 1800–1847. [23] pp. Mss5:1St267:1.
A Quaker born in Dinwiddie County, James Stanton spent a number of years working to
free slaves with Native American ancestry from bondage through court actions in
Virginia, primarily in Prince George County. Stanton later moved to Ohio and was a
member of the Underground Railroad. The original memoir is in private hands.
Stanwood, Joseph, deed, 1773. 1 p. Mss2St266a1.
This indenture, dated 12 May 1773 by Stanwood, a mariner of Newberry, New
Hampshire, conveys to Thomas Adams of New Kent County an African American slave
woman, Diana.
Stewart, Annie Carter (1853–1957), materials, 1893–1937. 4 items. Mss7:1D2944:3.
Information concerning Jefferson Davis and his personal servant Benjamin T.
Montgomery (an African American of Warren County, Miss.).
Stickley family papers, 17951912. 416 items. Mss1St515a.
Shenandoah County family of farmers and local government officials. An 1844 list of
slaves belonging to the estate of Philip Stickley indicates distribution to legatees and
values (section 10). An interesting group of materials compiled by David Stickley as
deputy sheriff of the county concerns a free black barber named Prince Henry in the town
of Woodstock. Materials, covering the period 18261845, include promissory bonds
executed by Prince Henry, an account book covering work completed and purchases
made, loose accounts, a notice of the sale of personal effects, and an estate inventory
listing names of purchasers (section 21).
Stone, Edmund Fitzgerald (b. 1836), letter, 1864. 4 pp. Mss2St714a1. Photocopy.
Written 7 December 1864 from Chester Station while serving with the 57th Virginia
Infantry Regiment to Samuel Marion Stone concerning the reaction of Confederate
soldiers to the use of African American troops by the U.S. Army and the conscription of
Patrick and other slaves from Pittsylvania County to construct defenses for the
Confederate army.
Stover, Nathan, commonplace book, ca. 1858–1863. [104] pp. Mss5:5St767:1.
Stover’s volume, kept in Winchester and Moorefield, Hardy County (now W. Va.),
includes a “List of Prices of the House-Joiners and Carpenters” of Winchester (pp. 1–36)
with detailed information on various services and their costs. Also, includes lines of verse
and songs, some composed by Stover himself, one of which is titled, “Poor Old Slave”
(pp. 47–48).
Stringfellow, Charles Simeon (1837–1912), papers, 1855–1962. 29 items.
The papers of Charles Simeon Stringfellow, a Petersburg lawyer who served in Company
E of the 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment and later practiced in Richmond, include copies
of "Some Rough Memoranda Concerning My Life and Family," written in 1908. The
memoranda contain observations about slavery and the slave trade just prior to the Civil
Stringfellow, Charles S., papers, 1855–1962. 29 items. Mss1St863a.
Charles Simeon Stringfellow (1837–1912), a lawyer, enlisted in 1861 in Company E of
the 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment. Included in his papers are two typescript copies of
"Some Rough Memoranda Concerning My Life and Family,” written in 1908. His
memoranda include family history, reflections on his marriage to Margaret Burwell
Stringfellow (b. 1837), and his thoughts on slavery and the slave trade.
Stuart, Alice Jackson Houston (1913–2001), papers, 1933–2001. 417 items.
Alice (Jackson) Houston Stuart is known for being the first African American to apply to
graduate school at the University of Virginia, in 1935. After being turned down, the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) supported her
case and Thurgood Marshall became one of her lawyers in a case against the university.
Although the suit was unsuccessful, it prompted the Virginia General Assembly to
provide tuition supplements for African Americans to attend out-of-state schools. Alice,
who obtained her bachelors degree from Virginia Union University in 1934, went on to
get her masters degree from Columbia in 1939. A divorced single parent, she worked as a
high school and college teacher while raising her son, Julian Towns Houston, Jr. (b.
1944). She later married James Earle Stuart. Julian obtained a law degree from Boston
University and became a Massachusetts Superior Court justice. While a student, he
participated in the Civil Rights Movement by attending peaceful sit-ins.
The collection consists mostly of school-related items collected during Julians secondary
education at Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Conn. Items include report cards, school
correspondence, publications, receipts, and programs (sections 1, 7). Also in the
collection are slides from the 1963 march on Washington, D.C., and a tennis match
featuring Arthur Ashe (section 4). The rest of the items include newspaper clippings from
1933–2001, essays, personal correspondence of Alice and Julian, Julians baby book, and
an autograph album (sections 13, 6, 8). One of Alices essays focuses on Julians birth and
provides a commentary on segregated hospitals and unequal medical treatment (section
Stuart family papers, 17851881. 164 items. Mss1St9102d.
Include the personal and legal papers of Archibald Stuart, Staunton attorney, state
legislator, and judge. A 1787 agreement of Stuart with John Patterson of Augusta County
concerns three slaves bought at public auction from William Allen; a 1791 agreement
with William Wallace concerns Dinah, who is living with Stuarts slaves as collateral
until Wallace repays a debt (section 4).
Stuart-Mosby Historical Society, papers, 1858–1929. 471 items. Mss3St935a.
Records of and materials collected by this organization that honors the memory of J. E.
B. Stuart and John Singleton Mosby. Section 14 contains newspaper articles concerning
the slave Aaron Burton.
Sublett, Peter (17471812), deed of emancipation, 1788. 1 p. Mss2Su162a1.
Issued in Powhatan County to fifteen slaves who were to be freed over the period from
1788 to 1807.
Summary of a letter from Portsmouth, Va., concerning a slave insurrection in the
eastern part of the state, 1792. 1 p. Mss9:2P8388:1. Photocopy.
Written in French, this article appeared in the Gazette Nationale, ou Le Moniteur
Universel of Paris, France, on 18 July 1792. The manuscripts department has cataloged a
photocopy of the original in the rare books collection, and has included an English
translation with the copy.
Surry County, Clerk, records, 1775–1868. 349 items. Mss3Su788a.
These records primarily concern free African Americans in Surry and nearby counties.
Include deeds of manumission (copies and some originals), 1782–1795, issued by a
variety of male and female slaveholders; letters and certificates addressed to the clerk
attesting to the free-born status or emancipation of specific African Americans or
verifying completion of apprenticeships by free-born or emancipated minors; and
certificates (freedom papers) issued by the clerk. Most of the documents concern
members of the local Bailey, Blizzard, Bowman, Charity, George, Gilchrist, Green,
Roberts, and Spratley families. Also, include certificates concerning Captain William
Gilchrist (also known as Billy Buck, 23 January 1809), Jesse Kelly (a Revolutionary War
soldier, 31 March 1799), and James (whose freedom papers had been stolen on board a
ship at City Point, 2 July 1798). Also, include a certificate, 1824 November 12, issued by
Bartholomew Dandridge, clerk of New Kent County, concerning Arrena Pickett,
emancipated by the will of George Washington; and a certificate, 1832 August 13,
concerning Jane Tabb of Claremont, emancipated by the will of Colonel William Allen.
Surry County, Clerk, records, 1782–1856. 38 items. Mss3Su788b.
This second, smaller collection of records concerning free African Americans in the
county includes about a dozen deeds of manumission, 1782–1792, along with letters and
certificates addressed to the clerk attesting to the free-born status or emancipation of
specific African Americans or verifying completion of apprenticeships by free-born or
emancipated minors, and certificates (freedom papers) issued by the clerk. Some records
concern African Americans living in nearby Isle of Wight and Southampton counties.
Sydnor, William Barrett (b. 1806), letter, 1862. 4 pp. Mss2Sy256a1. Incomplete.
Written 2 July 1862 from [Meadow Farm, Hanover County] to Thomas White Sydnor
concerning the Seven Days’ battles and slaves from the neighborhood who had run off to
the Union army.
Talbott & Brother, Richmond, papers, 1831–1880. 86 items. Mss3T1425a. Microfilm
reel C530.
Records of a Richmond iron manufacturing firm, specializing in the production of steam
engines and sawmill apparatus, including records of services performed for the
Confederate States Navy. Include deeds of trust, 1861, of Miles Ambler (concerning the
slave Martha) and Jane M. Bowler (concerning the slave Cornelius) to Marcellus Smith
to secure payments to Talbott & Brother (section 15).
Talcott family papers, 1816–1915. 932 items. Mss1T1434b. Microfilm reels C45–47
and C551–558.
Much of the collection focuses on Andrew Talcott (1797–1883) of the U.S. Military
Academy, U.S. Army, Richmond & Danville Railroad, Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and
Imperial Mexican Railway, and superintendent of Mississippi River improvements.
With respect to materials that deal with African Americans, Thomas Mann Randolph
Talcott (1838–1920) is more prominent. His service in the Confederate armys 1st
Regiment, Engineer Corps, involved the assignment of free African Americans to work
on defenses and fortifications, mostly near Richmond and at Day’s Neck Battery. His
correspondence appears in section 76. Letters, 1862, to H. M. Graves, Headquarters,
Department of Norfolk, concern the status of and rations for free African Americans in
the army. A letter, 1861, to John C. Pemberton requests a cavalry detachment to search
for free African American deserters and a request for additional labor to work on
defenses at Day’s Neck. A letter, 1861, of Talcott to Roger Atkinson Pryor of the 3rd
Regiment, Virginia Volunteers, also requests a free African American labor force to work
on defenses. Correspondence with Dr. William D. Southall and Dr. John R. Purdie
pertains to a bid for medical services for the African Americans in the armys labor force.
Both bids were rejected.
George W. Robertson of the 1st Regiment, Engineer Corps, Army of Northern Virginia,
received a letter in 1865 from B. F. Vaughan (section 84) asking for a reference
concerning Vaughan’s abilities with respect to the office of Superintendent for Negro
Labor in the Engineer Corps. Section 89 contains a telegraph message, 1862, from Alfred
Landon Rives, acting chief engineer at Richmond, requiring the War Departments
African Americans at Petersburg to report to Rives. A letter from Walter Gwynn Turpin
of Fort Boykin concerns three free African Americans of Nansemond County who
absented themselves without leave.
Taliaferro, Philip Alexander (1827–1901), letter, 1863. [4] pp. Mss2T14365a1.
Letter written from Burgh Westra in Gloucester County on 21 April 1863 to Confederate
General William Booth Taliaferro that discusses, among other things, the conditions of
slaves living on plantations in Gloucester County. The original letter is incomplete
(signature page missing).
Taliaferro, William Booth (1822–1898), papers, 1847–1864. 6 items. Mss2T1438c.
The papers of this high-ranking Confederate Army officer include an 1856 appointment
of Taliaferro as captain of a slave patrol in his home county of Gloucester.
Taliaferro family papers, 1820–1920. 42 items. Mss1T1438a.
Papers of Montague and Taliaferro family members of Belleville, Gloucester County, and
Richmond. Section 2 contains an extensive account, 1845–1846, covering the hiring out
of more than thirty slaves on behalf of William Throckmorton Taliaferro by the firm of
Philip M. Tabb & Son, along with an 1859 account of the sale of slave women by auction
and notes concerning the hiring out of Amanda, who later ran away. Another 1845
account concerns the hiring out of slaves by Philip M. Tabb & Son on behalf of William
Booth Taliaferro and includes expenses for the maintenance of the slaves (section 8).
Tanner, Evans (b. 1796?), papers, 1816–1887. 50 items. Mss2T1577b.
Include an 1864 receipt issued to Edward Walker by the enrolling office of Mecklenburg
County for the impressment of the slave David for thirty days.
Tarry family papers, 1765–1915. 134 items. Mss1T1777a.
Papers of members of the farming families of Tarry and Watson of Mecklenburg and
Prince Edward counties. Collection includes an undated deed of Abner Nash for slaves in
Prince Edward County (section 21) and a 1786 deed of John Potter of Granville County,
N.C., to William Taylor of Mecklenburg County, Va., for slaves (section 26).
Tayloe family of Richmond County, Va., papers, 1650–1970. 27,925 items.
Mss1T2118d. Microfilm reels C163–213.
Papers of a prominent family of Richmond County, with plantations in Prince William,
King George, Essex, and Richmond counties and including the papers of Henry
Augustine Tayloe, who moved to Alabama and owned plantations there from the 1840s
until after the Civil War.
In this collection much of the pertinent information about African Americans is contained
in inventories. Although some of the inventories relate to estate settlements (sections 113
and 251, for Adventure, Marengo County, Ala.) and suits in court (section 254, Essex
County, Va.), most were compiled as a matter of routine plantation business and record
such data as name, age, mother’s name, trade or occupation, tax status, shoe, clothing,
and blanket distributions, and (in some cases) designation as invalids. Most of these lists
are found in inventory books and plantation books for specific plantations. An account
book, 1808–1827 (section 49) records inventories of slaves at Gwinfield in Essex County,
Deogge, Hopyard, and Oaken Brow in King George County, Deep Hole, Neabsco, and
Wellington in Prince William County, Doctor’s Hall, Forkland, Marske, Menokin, Mount
Airy, and Old House in Richmond County, and Nanjemoy in Charles County, Md.
Additional account books also contain inventories and some individual accounts for the
aforementioned Virginia plantations, along with plantations in Alabama (sections 185,
188, 189, 192, 195, 199, 200, 202, 204, and 205; for years 1829–1854). Loose inventories
are in section 113 and are organized by Virginia counties, with the last folder containing
records of the Alabama plantations—Windsor in Hale County, Larkin in Perry County,
and Oakland, Walnut Grove, and Adventure in Marengo County. A second edition of the
popular Plantation and Farm Instruction, Regulation, Record, Inventory and Account
Book, by J. W. Randolph (Richmond, 1852) differs from the first in that it includes a
section entitled "Marriages of Negroes" with instructions to record births, deaths,
mothers, and diseases (section 287, for Mount Airy in Richmond County, 1861–1866;
also includes freedmens wages).
Deeds to slaves are represented in great quantity throughout the collection. Among them
are an 1824 Mount Airy deed in section 35; several more, 1815–1827, in section 39; an
1825 deed, St. Mary’s County, Md., in section 41; an 1810 deed in section 68; 1828
Richmond County deeds in section 89; 1832–1844 deeds in sections 94, 247, and 251;
1828–1829 deeds for two millers sold with a mill property in section 60; several deeds,
1810–1840, for slaves of Benjamin Boughten, several guaranteed to be sound in mind
and body; an 1825 deed of release for a mortgage in section 313; and an 1824 deed of
trust, St. Mary’s County, Md., in section 241.
A tithable document, 1827, contains names in addition to totals for the various tax
categories (section 35). Documentation, 1855, for William Henry Tayloe’s importation of
slaves into the state is included in section 96. The Mount Airy, Richmond County, folder
of section 113 contains notes describing the schedule for the weekly and monthly
distribution of food, garden allowances, permission for raising and selling fowl,
attendants for invalids, and a month-by-month routine of plantation work by season. Also
in section 113 (Alabama folder) are several entries for hiring out. Receipts and tax lists,
1861–1865, concern the Confederate impressment of slaves for labor (section 104),
including a pass for a slave impressed for railroad work and tax forms with inclusion of
slaves’ weights, heights, degree of color, and rations. Freedmen’s agreements for
Richmond County plantations are in sections 85, 275, and 289; for the Alabama
properties, see sections 113 and 253. At least two documents relate to fugitive slaves;
these cover an 1828 occurrence (section 138) and an 1858 occurrence (section 96).
Tayloe family papers, 1762–1842. 58 items. Mss1T2118g.
This collection mainly concerns Mount Airy, Richmond County, but also relates to
family estates in Essex and King George counties and elsewhere in Richmond County.
Included are account books of John Tayloe, and William Henry Tayloe (1721–1779).
Section 2 contains account books, 1788–1819, of John Tayloe (1771–1828) concerning,
in part, cotton and wool spinning and weaving by female slaves (1806, 29 January 1816
to 16 February 1817, and 1817–1819), and containing a list of slaves at Doctors Hall,
Forkland, and Old House, Richmond County (1 January 1810 to 1812).
Tayloe family papers, 1814–1850. 7 items. Mss2T2118b.
Include lists, ca. 1820, of slaves at Corbin Hall in Middlesex County, Laneville in King
and Queen County, Moss Neck in Caroline County, and White Hall in Gloucester County
(some lists include valuations).
Taylor, George (1800–1872), deed of trust, 1837. [10] pp. Mss11:2T2153:1.
This deed of trust, executed on 7 June 1837 for the benefit of Charles Carter Lee and
Lucy Penn (Taylor) Lee by George Taylor and his wife, Catharine (Randolph) Taylor,
concerns the plantation Brookfield in Henrico County, land in Richmond, and a number
of African American slaves.
Taylor, James, deed, 1716. 1 sheet. Mss11:2L9836:1.
Deed executed by Taylor and John Baylor to John Lyde (alias John Loyde), Mary Lyde
(or Loyde) and Cornelius Lyde (or Loyde) for land, slaves, and cattle in King and Queen
Taylor, Robert Barraud (1774–1834), papers, 1822–1831. 3 items. Mss2T2178b.
Include a letter, 21 August 1826, of the Marquis de Lafayette to Taylor concerning the
recent death of Thomas Jefferson and Lafayettes beliefs concerning Jeffersons
intentions about the abolition of slavery.
Taylor, Sallie Elizabeth Winston (b. 1831?), memoirs, 1861–1865. [4] pp.
Concern Mrs. Taylor’s relationship with slaves and freed persons at her home in Hanover
County during and just after the Civil War.
Taylor, William (d. 1848), deed of emancipation, 1848. 1 p. Mss2T2195a1.
A deed executed in Rockingham County, 1848 January 11, concerning an African
American slave, Bob. The instrument obligates Taylor’s estate to provide Bob with a
saddle, bridle, horse, and one hundred dollars upon his emancipation at Taylor’s death.
Taylor family papers, 1844–1912. 1,683 items. Mss1T2197b.
This collection consists primarily of the family and personal correspondence of Lucy
Parke (Chamberlayne) Bagby, of Richmond, and of her daughter Virginia (Bagby)
Taylor. It also includes letters, 1846–1860, written to David Watson, of Bracketts, Louisa
County, in part by his uncle George M. Watson (at his father-in-law’s plantation, Eudora,
Shelby County, Tenn., concerning borrowing money to purchase slaves to sell in
Richmond) (section 2).
Temple family papers, 1675–1901. 175 items. Mss1T2478b.
Papers of members of the Robinson family of Middlesex County and the Temple family
of Chesterfield and King William counties. An 1834 affidavit of Sarah Iverson Lewis
concerns a trusteeship covering property of Dr. Zachary Lewis involving money and
slaves (section 16). Section 18 contains a list of slaves, ca. 1865, belonging to Benjamin
Temple in Middlesex County, while a 1772 deed of Augustine Smith concerns thirty-six
slaves and personal property in the same county (section 26). Finally, a lengthy 1831
letter of the Reverend Charles Thompson of Northumberland, Eng., addressed to the
slave Judith in Urbanna, Va., concerns her daughter Mary Ann Markham’s escape and
subsequent life in England (section 27).
Temple family papers, 1836–1852. 47 items. Mss1T2478a.
Primarily the papers of Benjamin Temple (1801–1872) of Ampthill in Chesterfield
County and Locust Grove in Middlesex County, the collection also includes the account
books, 1837–1850, of his wife, Lucy Lilly (Robinson) Temple (1807–1884), kept in
Spotsylvania and Middlesex counties. These volumes include records of the distribution
of clothing to African American slaves.
Tennant family papers, 1794–1956. 426 items. Mss1T2556a. Microfilm reel C309.
Include an account book, 1826–1841 (section 1), with recollections by Dr. Charles
Colville Tennant concerning the fall of Petersburg and the slave Charlotte (page 43) and
slave purchases and sales (pages 2425).
Terrell, Fleming (1778–1853), papers, 1831–1855. 9 items. Mss2T2775b.
Include a letter of Terrell of Randolph County, Mo., to Judge Gabriel Slaughter, in part
concerning a pamphlet on abolitionism (bearing a postscript by Matilda Terrell
concerning the rights of slaveholders) and a letter of Mrs. Terrell in Ballard County, Ky.,
to Abiel Leonard concerning a history of the slaves belonging to the estate of Fleming
Terrell. See Frederic A. Culmer, "Fleming Terrell of Virginia and Missouri and the
Curious Case of His Slaves," Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 58 (1950):
Terry, William Parker (1813–1885), papers, 1852–1853. 3 items. Mss2T2796b.
These records include a certificate issued to Terry, of Pittsylvania County, by William
Thomas Sutherlin concerning the purchase of Coleman, an African American slave; a
receipt for clothing for Coleman; and a bond of Terry and Greenberry Thornton to
William Carter and E. S. Morris for the purchase of an African American slave named
Thom family papers, 1670–1924. 343 items. Mss1T3602a.
Include papers relating to members of the Thom family of Berry Hill, Culpeper County
and the Ball family of Lancaster County. A number of deeds and wills (many eighteenth
century) include slaves. Among them are a deed, 1723/4, of William Ball of Lancaster
County and a 1744 inventory including thirty slaves (section 9); a 1735/6 memorandum
of John Woodbridge concerning a division of slaves of the estate of Rawleigh Downman
(d. 1719) (section 22); a 1747 deed of Margaret (Ball) Ball to William Ball for eighteen
slaves, a 1751 deed of William Ball to Margaret (Ball) Ball (this one indicating dower
slaves), and a 1777 will of Margaret Ball, with several family relationships identified
(section 18); a 1753/4 will of James Wallace of Elizabeth City County, including hiring
out instructions for the executor of the estate, a 1784 advertisement of John McTyre for
hiring out a shoemaker, housewench, and blacksmith tools, a 1795 deed of Margaret
(Webb) Tyler of Prince William County for three slaves, a 1779 deed for fourteen slaves
in Lancaster County, and a 1789 inventory of nine slaves, with values (section 19); an
1843 deed of John Bartholomew Downman for Shadrack and Sarah Anne (section 33);
and an undated list (section 54) providing names and ages for approximately twenty
slaves (values are given in pounds).
A letter, 1783, of Mary Graham of Dumfries to her brother describes hiring out specific
slaves and woodcutting jobs (section 19). Sections 44, 45, and 46 include accounts and
account books, 1855–1878, kept by John Catesby Thom (18091881) as executor of John
Triplett Thom of Berry Hill, Culpeper County. The accounts include "Emancipation
Funds" for specific individuals and families and provide information concerning hiring
out, tickets for passage (to remove to Bedford County, Pa.), and a reference to recovering
John, a fugitive (section 45, pages 7 and 11).
Thom family papers, 1784–1953. 86 items. Mss2T3607b.
In a folder of papers of Dr. Joseph Pembroke Thom of Baltimore, Md., is a receipt, 1839,
of George Fitzhugh to Thom for the slave Phil Robert.
Thom family papers, 1834–1867. 152 items. Mss1T3602c.
Largely consist of the papers of Doctor Joseph Pembroke Thom ([1828–1899] of
Culpeper County). Section one contains the correspondence, 1862–1864, of William
Henry DeCourcy Wright of Maryland including a communication from Ann Burell, a
freed slave living in Troy, N.Y., requesting clothes from her former owner and recalling
her relationships with Wright family members. Section three consists of Dr. Thom’s
extensive correspondence while in Europe recovering from wounds suffered while
serving in the 1st Virginia Infantry Battalion, C.S.A., at the battle of Kernstown, Va. This
series includes letters from Mary Jane Fulton (concerning wartime conditions in
Richmond and family slaves) and T. E. Skinner (of New York City concerning the end of
the Civil War and speculation about the fate of freedmen in the South).
Thomas, Joel K., papers, 1834–1860. 11 items. Mss2T3641b.
These papers include letters written to Joel Thomas, of Louisburg, N.C., and Petersburg,
Va., by Doctor John Herbert Claiborne, in part concerning the hiring out of slaves in
Thomas family papers, 1838–1971. 99 items. Mss1T3685d.
This collection primarily consists of the personal papers of John William Thomas (1809–
1889) as a farmer in Southampton County and a merchant in Norfolk, in part, concerning
the distillation of liquor in Southampton County. Section 3 contains correspondence
between John William Thomas and Nelson Thomas, a freedman.
Thompson, Nathaniel, bill of sale, 1825 February 26. 1 item. Mss2T3755a1.
This bill of sale, 1825 February 26, records Nathaniel Thompson’s (of Louisa County)
sale of a slave woman, Viney, and her two children to James Fontaine (of Hanover
County) for the sum of $575. The bill is witnessed by George S. Netherland and Garland
L. Sims.
Thornhill family papers, 1748–1955. 1,306 items. Mss1T3937a.
This collection contains the correspondence, financial and miscellaneous papers, and
photographs of the Thornhill family of Lynchburg. Section 11 consists of materials
related to the settlement of the estate of Thomas Maupin (1771–1834) of Albemarle
County by lawyer William Asbury Bibb (1790–1865) of Charlottesville. Included are
accounts, 1823–1838, concerning the hiring out of slaves, the sale of tobacco, and the
settlement of a suit against Reuben Clarkson brought by Maupin as executor of James
Clarkson. Also included are slave bills of sale, 1822 and 1832–1833.
Thornton, Lucy (Battaile) (1767–1840), papers. 1798–1862. 14 items. Mss2T3959b.
Typescript copies.
Papers of a Fredericksburg slaveholder. A letter, 1799, to Mary Robinson relates her
distress that the overseer has beaten one of the slaves too severely.
Thornton family papers, 1744–1945. 1,248 items. Mss1T3977b. Microfilm reels
Papers of the Thornton family of Lauderdale County, Shelby County, and Memphis,
Tenn. Section 16 contains an 1844 agreement concerning thirty slaves including dower
slaves. Also in the same section, a hiring agreement, 1855, specifies clothes to be
provided, and an 1855 notice concerns acceptable terms of credit for an auction to hire
out slaves. A letter, 1866, from John Zachariah of Memphis, Tenn., requests his former
mistress, Agatha Bush of Nashville, Tenn., to send a letter of character reference to the
employer for whom he works tending cows (section 61).
Thornton family papers, 1773–1909. 57 items. Mss1T3977c.
This collection consists of widely scattered personal and family correspondence, financial
accounts, and legal records concerning the purchase or sale of land in Stafford County,
and of slaves, kept by members of the Forbes, Taylor, and Thornton families of Virginia.
Section 4 contains a deed, 1799, of Benjamin Alsop to Robert Dunbar concerning a slave.
Section 5 contains deeds, 1814–1824, of John Browne Cutting and John Moncure to
Murray Forbes (1782–1863) concerning slaves. Section 9 contains an undated inventory
of slaves, corn, livestock, and tools rented at Mount Poney, Culpeper County(?), by John
Thompson to Samuel Haning. Section 10 contains a deed, 1811, of William Brooke to
Lewis Alexander concerning slaves.
Tiedeken, Donald, collector, papers, 1861–1865. 46 items. Mss1T4407a. Photocopies
and typed transcriptions.
This collection of materials includes correspondence of one Confederate War Department
employee and 25 Confederate soldiers in Virginia concerning personal and family
matters, camp life, and military operations. Section 7 contains letters, 1863–1864,
originating from Petersburg, written by L. W. Griffin, T. E. Harris, R. P. Page, and
Thomas C. Sutton concerning local African Americans, military life and operations, and
family life.
Tilson, Stephen, essay, "The Role of the Virginia Militia in 1800–1801." 18 pp.
Mss7:3F221T469:1. Photocopy.
Written at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, in 1974,
concerning Gabriels Insurrection.
Times-Dispatch, Richmond, “Jefferson Davis’ Bodyguard Dies in Capital,” 1921. 1
p. Mss9:1J7183:1. Photocopy (negative).
Obituary notice printed in the 9 April 1921 issue of the Times-Dispatch concerning the
death of James E. Jones, an African American bodyguard to Confederate President
Jefferson Davis, with Davis at the time of his capture by Federal troops in 1865. Includes
a copy of the article, “Myth of the Confederate Seal,” from the News Leader of
Richmond of the same date. Jones claimed Davis commanded him to hide the seal and
never reveal its location, but the original was located about 1916 and proved to have been
taken from Richmond by a Federal officer overseeing removal of the Confederate States
Todd family papers, 1709–1951. 95 items. Mss1T5662c.
The papers of the Todd family cover several generations of Baptist ministers from King
and Queen County. William Todd (1778–1855) of Mattaponi Baptist Church, King and
Queen County, his son, William Bernard Todd (1809–1855), and Joseph Robert Garlick,
who was also an educator at Bruington Female Institute, King and Queen County, are all
Scattered correspondence, accounts, and legal and other papers chiefly concern church
matters, family and social life, slaves, and the settlement of estates. Specifically, there are
accounts of William Todd concerning the hiring out of slaves and the death of William (a
slave) in section 8. Section 10 contains legal papers, 1856–1863, concerning the estates
of William Todd and William Bernard Todd discussing slaves, listing some by name and
indicating their monetary values.
Toler, Benjamin (d. 1808), list, 1783. 3 pp. Mss2T5757a1.
List, 12 November 1783, concerns slaves, livestock, and other possessions of Samuel
Gist in Goochland, Hanover, and Louisa counties.
Tompkins family papers, 1792–1869. 2,930 items. Mss1T5996a. Microfilm reels
Primarily consist of the records of ship captain Christopher Tompkins of Mathews
County and his son, Christopher Quarles Tompkins of Richmond. An 1834 letter of Colin
Clarke of Richmond to the elder Tompkins concerns Clarke’s purchase of slaves from the
estate of a Colonel Bassett, including two sawyers and a young woman and her two
children, and discusses the differences between the slave markets in Richmond and in
Gloucester County (section 7). Among the accounts kept by Christopher Tompkins are
records, 1818–1822, of the hiring out of slaves belonging to the orphans of William Lane
(for whom Tompkins served as guardian), including names, ages, and contract prices
(section 13) [folder 1].
The commonplace book, 1863–1867, kept by Christopher Quarles Tompkins at the Dover
Coal Mines in Goochland County includes diary entries for 1864–1865, a record of
supplies issued to slaves in 1863 (with slaves, owners, and occupations identified), a list
of slave and free black laborers in 1863, records of slaves hired to work at Dover and the
adjacent Trent’s Tuckahoe Pits, 1864–1865, and a list of free black laborers hired in 1865
(section 35). A sheet entitled "Cash and Clothing issued to Pit Hands," dated 24
December 1864, lists white and black laborers and indicates that some are farm hands
(section 40).
Tompkins family papers, 1800–1871. 107 items. Mss1T5996d. Microfilm reel C539.
An 1809 letter from Miles King of Centre Ville, Mathews County, to Christopher
Tompkins provides considerable detail about the murder of an overseer named Mathews
by a group of field slaves, their attempt to hide the deed, and the discovery, confession,
and punishment of the conspirators; an 1832 letter by the slave Jack Lewis to Tompkins
concerns his hiring out to work in the Norfolk Navy Yard and his request for aid in
securing his pay and a pass (section 1). Jack Foster, a slave of Christopher Quarles
Tompkins, wrote to his master in 1862 from Camp Success, a Confederate military
outpost in Giles County, concerning the location of his future service and his need for
fishing hooks; Samuel Thomas, also a slave, wrote to Tompkins from Mathews County in
1862 concerning his health and personal needs during wartime; and a third slave, Sam
Tompkins, wrote an undated letter of thanks for supplies he had recently received from
his master (section 7).
In 1855, Richmond slave dealer Peyton Johnston issued a printed receipt to Christopher
Quarles Tompkins for the purchase of Julia and her two children for $510 (section 8).
Jack Foster wrote additional letters, 1864–1865, to Christopher Tompkins (1848–1918),
the son of his master, whom he addressed as "Dear Friend and Young Master." The
letters primarily concern his activities as servant to the officers of the 36th Virginia
Infantry Regiment, stationed at Princeton, Mercer County (now W.Va.) (section 11).
Tompkins family papers, 1800–1877. 366 items. Mss1T5996c. Microfilm reels C537–
Primarily the papers of John Patterson and of merchant and shipbuilder Christopher
Tompkins of Mathews County and military officer Christopher Quarles Tompkins of
Richmond. Patterson’s papers include an 1804 deed of trust involving land in Mathews
County and seven male and female slaves in order to cover the loan of money and
materials for the construction of a ship (section 4) and an inventory, ca. 1824, of
Pattersons estate in Mathews County listing fifty-six slaves by name and value and
indicating the occupations of some (section 7).
An 1829 letter from Governor William Branch Giles to Christopher Tompkins, as colonel
of the 61st Virginia Militia Regiment, praises Tompkins’s promptness in calling out
citizen-soldiers to "suppress the insubordinate spirit" among slaves in his county (section
10). Materials concerning the 1804 voyage of the merchant ship Thomas Wilson from
Norfolk to London, Eng., under Tompkins’s command include several crew lists noting
the presence of slaves (section 13).
The remaining materials of note in this collection derive from the guardianship of the
heirs of Walter Lane of Mathews County by Christopher Tompkins. These documents
include accounts on behalf of Louisa Lane, in part consisting of records concerning the
hiring out of slaves from 1818 to 1822 and the medical care of a slave in 1823 (section
17), and on behalf of John Lane, consisting of additional hiring out records for the same
period (section 18). An 1820 list of slaves at North End in Mathews County includes
monetary valuations (section 20).
Tompkins family papers, 1801–1862. 12 items. Mss1T5996b.
Includes an undated inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Patterson in Mathews
County, listing slaves by name, age, and value; and an account of sales from the estate,
1824, including slaves and listing purchaser, name, and amount of purchase (section 5).
Tragle, Henry Irving (1914–1991), papers, 1967–1978. ca. 500 items. Mss1T6785a.
Consist largely of materials compiled by Henry Tragle for his doctoral dissertation at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, on Nat Turner, and for his subsequent book, The
Southampton Slave Revolt of 1831, published in 1971. Includes research materials; book
illustrations; a notebook/scrapbook concerning William Styron and his book The
Confessions of Nat Turner; and audio-taped interviews of local Southampton County
residents. A set of maps indicates locations in Southampton associated with the
Traylor, Robert Lee (1864–1907), collector, papers, 1752–1920. 352 items.
Mss1T6995a. Microfilm reel B46.
Private collector and antiquarian. Section 1 contains two receipts (imprints), 1857, issued
to Albert Washington Traylor by Thomas James Deane at Goochland Court House for
Lavinia, age twelve, and Winney, age five. Section 29 includes an affidavit, 1832, for the
appraisal of six slaves (one being a mother) and a bond (imprint), 1821, of Jemima
Holladay Rawlings of Spotsylvania County to six members of the Rawlings family for
the slave Susan.
Tredegar Company, Richmond, bond, 1864. 1 p. Mss4T7138a1. Microfilm reel
Issued 1 January 1864 to J. M. Burton for $300 for the hire of a slave as an iron worker.
Additional information concerning the Tredegar Iron Works may be found in the papers
of Richard Edward Archer (1834–1918), in particular his account book, 1861–1863,
which records hirings for 1863 (Mss5:3Ar234) and his diary, 1864–1865, which also
refers to hirings (Mss5:1Ar234).
Turner, Lewis, will, 1818. 5 pp. Mss2T8552b.
Lewis Turner, a free African American farmer of Sussex County, made provisions in his
will for his wife, Aggai, to be emancipated at his death if the state legislature would allow
her to remain in the state, otherwise she would pass to his nephew Wylie Turner, also a
free African American, with her legacy in a trust. Turner also made provisions for his
brother, Scisms Turner, his sister, Sally James, his seven children, and grandson. Turner
made arrangements for sale of land to Harrison Jenkins, a free African American, and
provided land for James Wright, an African American to be freed at age twenty-one.
Turner, Robert H., recollections, ca. 1897. 2 vols. Mss7:3E458:12.
Personal recollections of the Virginia convention of 1861, one volume being handwritten
in a notebook, the other a bound typescript. The narrative covers the development of the
conflict between the northern and southern sections, beginning with the colonial period to
the point of Virginia’s secession, and discusses such issues as protective tariffs,
restrictions on the slave trade, states’ rights and the Constitution, the Missouri
Compromise, and John Brown’s raid.
Turner, Thomas (d. 1787), account book, 1782–1808. [260] leaves. Mss5:3T8581:1.
Ledger containing records kept, presumably, in Westmoreland and King George counties
concerning mercantile operations and trade in slaves. Additional accounts of estate sales
just after Turner’s death at Nanzatico, King George County, include sales of slaves (l.
87), while the sale of dower slaves is also recorded in 1795 (l. 91).
Turner family papers, 1740–1927. 3,904 items. Mss1T8596a. Microfilm reels C436–
Primarily the records of a farming family of Kinloch and Montrose in Fauquier County.
The collection includes two account books, 1807–1824 and 1825–1838, kept by Thomas
Turner at Kinloch, primarily concerning agricultural and blacksmith operations. The
earlier volume also includes a diary, 1839–1841 and 1850, and accounts, 1851–1853, of
Edward Carter Turner concerning agricultural operations (sections 2–3). Another diary
(section 8), 1839, and an account book (section 11), 1839–1868, also concern farming
operations. Edward C. Turner’s 1863 diary (section 9) details farming activities at
Kinloch but also concerns his servants’ lack of cooperation with raiding Federal troops
(page 19) and a lengthy recounting (pages 23–26) of the slave Staunton’s successful
attempt to have his wife Eliza and her children released from slavery with the aid of
Federal troops.
Turpin, Philip, papers, 1749–1823 (bulk 1771–1790). 96 items. Mss1T8633a.
Philip Turpin (1749–1828) went to England to train as a physician before the American
Revolution and served with British forces in order to return to Virginia. Section 1
includes a letter from Turpins friend Thomas G. Tarpley that mentions a runaway slave
and asks for Turpin’s help in recapturing him. It also contains a letter, 1785, written by
Turpin’s brother Horatio concerning the sale of land and slaves. The papers also include
an account book, 1759–1772, of James and Robert Donald & Co. (of Glasgow, Scotland)
containing "Negro" accounts, which may refer to the hiring out of or trade in slaves.
Tyler, Julia (Gardiner) (1820–1889), papers, 1844–1946. 297 items. Mss1T9715b.
Microfilm reel C290.
Wife of John Tyler, tenth president of the United States. Section 6 contains a letter, 1867,
from Samuel Chapman Armstrong of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned
Lands, concerning backrents for Villa Marguerite, near Hampton.
Tyree, Richard, certificate of manumission, 1808. 1 p. Mss2T9817a1.
Certificate of manumission, dated 8 June 1807, concerning Dolly Bird, a slave of
Campbell County.
Unidentified author, "Journal of Tens Days Travel on Board [the] Steamer
Frances," 1875. 120 pp. Mss5:1Un3:15.
Concerns a voyage from Bridgeport, Conn., to Virginia and up the James River made by
an unidentified Union army veteran. The journal entries comment on stops at Fort
Monroe, Norfolk, Petersburg, and Richmond, and the local African American populations
found there.
Unidentified author, letter, 1765. 1 p. Mss2Un3a17.
Written in New York City to Paul Miller of Pensacola and Mobile concerning a bill of
lading and arrangements for sale of the slave Sarah.
Unidentified author, letter, 1775. 2 pp. Mss2Ad1836a1. Photocopy.
Written 9 June 1775 from Fredericksburg to John Adams in Philadelphia concerning the
issuance of paper money and the freeing of slaves. (Original in the collections of the
Massachusetts Historical Society.)
Unidentified author, letter, 1850. [6] pp. Mss2Un3a44.
Written on 26 March 1850 to Daniel Webster, this letter refers to a speech made by the
senator on the slavery question and tries to provide a scriptural basis for the holding of
slaves. It is signed "Several ‘Conscientious’ Virginians."
Unidentified author, letter, 1862. 3 pp. Mss2R3913a1. Photocopy.
Written 8 September 1862 from Bossier Parish, La., to Horace Addison Richards,
Mangohick, King William County, concerning the death of Pollie (Richard) Skinner and
the distribution of slaves belonging to her estate.
Unidentified author, poem, "The Old Slave’s Lament," undated. 3 pp. Mss2Un3a29.
Written in dialect, ostensively from the perspective of a former slave who had been the
nurse for her master’s children.
Unidentified author, William Ransom Johnson. 2 pp. Mss7:1J6397:1. Photocopy of
a typescript.
Consists of notes concerning William Ransom Johnson ([1782–1849] of Oakland,
Chesterfield County). Includes information concerning numbers of slaves owned by
Johnson and his breeding and racing of horses.
Unidentified compiler, account book, 1769–1772. [6] pp. Mss5:3Un3:48.
The scattered surviving pages of this financial volume concern mercantile operations in
Dinwiddie and King and Queen counties and in Williamsburg, and include records of
general supplies and dry-goods purchases, along with the sale of slaves.
Unidentified compiler, account book, 1837–1866. 120 pp. Mss5:3Un3:41.
Records medical fees charged to patients in Charles City, Henrico, and New Kent
counties and includes lists of slaves.
Unidentified compiler, extracts from various Virginia and Maryland newspapers,
1785–1800. 159 pp. Mss7:3Z691Un3:1.
Contain articles and extracts from various Virginia and Maryland newspapers
concerning, in part, the formation of societies to aid indentured servants and slaves in
Richmond, Va., and Baltimore, Md.
Unidentified compiler, genealogical notes. [3] pp. Mss6:1M3233:1. Photocopies.
Notes concerning the Dunlap, Marable, Moyer, and Oliver families, including a list of
slaves belonging to Benjamin Marable.
Unidentified compiler, inventory, 1860. 1 p. Mss2Un3a24.
An inventory of the dower slaves of the estate of Dabney Minor (1774–1824),
presumably in Albemarle County, compiled in October 1860 following the death that
year of Minor’s widow, Martha Jefferson (Terrell) Minor of Mechunk Plantation. The
inventory indicates to whom slaves are currently hired out, as well as providing
assessments of the character and skills of each.
Unidentified compiler, leaf from an unidentified account book, 1847–1849. 1 p.
Includes accounts for the hiring of Sam, Washington, and Robin, slaves.
Unidentified compiler, list, undated. 1 p. Mss2G7606a1. Copy.
Concerns slaves belonging to the estate of James Graham of Greenbrier County (now
United Order of True Reformers, Grand Fountain of Virginia, charter, 1904. 1 p.
The United Order of True Reformers, founded in Richmond by William Washington
Browne (1849–1897), was initially an African American temperance society. The
organization grew to include ownership of a bank, insurance company, and a hotel in
Richmond. The charter is dated 25 August 1904, issued to Red House Fountain No. 2239,
Red House, Charlotte County, of the United Order of True Reformers.
United States Army, 2nd Colored Cavalry Regiment, records, 1864. 37 items.
Mss12: 1864:2.
Records of the 2nd U.S. Colored Cavalry Regiment, including reports and requisitions for
clothing, camp and garrison equipment.
United States Army, 38th Colored Infantry Regiment, muster roll, 1865. [2] pp.
Mss12: 1865 Feb 28:1.
Muster roll, 28 February-30 April 1865, of Company G of the 38th Colored Infantry
Regiment, United States Army in Virginia.
United States Army, Dept. of Virginia, general order no. 77, 1865. 1 p. Mss12:1865
June 23:1.
Issued by order of General Edgar M. Gregory and bearing the stamped endorsement of
General Oliver Otis Howard, this printed order grants "People of color . . . the same
personal liberty that other citizens and inhabitants enjoy."
United States Army, Pay Department, voucher, 1857. 1 p. Mss12: 1857 Feb20:1.
Voucher, dated 20 February 1857, issued by the U.S. Army Paymaster to George
Washington Custis Lee of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the service of Lee and
an African American servant.
United States Treasury Department, Customs Bureau, Virginia. Bermuda Hundred
and City Point accounts, 1791–1793. 29 items. Mss4UN3763c.
Kept by William Heth, agent. Include a receipt, 1792, of Christopher Roane for the hire
of two African American boatmen.
United States Treasury Department, Customs Bureau, Virginia. Bermuda Hundred
and City Point accounts, 1791–1793. 43 items. Mss4UN3763d.
Kept by William Heth, agent. Include a receipt, 30 June 1792, of Christopher Roane for
hire and maintenance of boatmen.
United States Work Projects Administration, Virginia papers, 1937. 3 items.
Include a memorandum concerning the new method of keeping statistics of full-time and
part-time employees and recording the two sets of statistics by race.
Upper Goose Creek Baptist Church, Fauquier County, records, 1801–1859. 42
items. Mss4Up653b.
A mixed congregation throughout most of the early years covered by this collection,
Goose Creek Church was headed by the Reverend John Ogilvie as pastor. A portion of
this collection includes authorizations issued to Ogilvie by masters to permit particular
slaves to be baptized and to join the church. Also, includes an 1829 letter of Nimrod
Farrow to several church trustees concerning his gift of land to the church for a union
meeting house for black and white congregations (bears sketch of the proposed building
and grounds).
Upper Appomattox Company records, 1796–1935. 22 items. Mss3UP65a. Microfilm
reel B64 (incomplete) and C578–581.
Incorporated in Petersburg to provide for improvements and maintenance of the
Appomattox River in Virginia. An account book, 1796–1820 (item a5), includes
information concerning the purchase of slaves (pages 14, 21–22, 35, 47), purchase of
meals for laborers (page 14 and following), clothes for slaves (pages 14–17, 68, 86, 93,
113, 126, 141, 118), medical services (sometimes disease is specified; pages 17, 49, 75–
76, 93–94, 102–3, 141, 150, 155, 157, 176, 181), hiring accounts (pages 21–24, 39, 46,
191), prison fees (page 49), and constable’s fees for administering discipline to slaves
(pages 157–68, 176). This list of subjects is not exhaustive; the book contains many more
references to slaves and African American laborers.
A minute book, 1842–1872, provides information concerning laborers to be hired for
specific repairs and general maintenance (pages 41–42, 58–59, 61). An item in the
collection’s last folder contains an 1809 list of approximately thirty male slaves
belonging to the company.
Van Lew, Elizabeth Louisa (1818–1900), album, 1845–1897. 74 pp. Mss5:5V3257:1.
Microfilm reel C309.
Contains correspondence and other records of this Union spy in Civil War Richmond and
city postmistress. Includes a bond, 1852, with Richard H. Lorton for the hire of Caroline;
a receipt, 1863, issued by Edwin A. Smith for the purchase of Louisa; and a printed pass,
1864, issued to Bob and Oliver by the Confederate War Department to visit Chaffins
Farm, Henrico County.
Vaughan, Archibald, account book, 1835–1866. 164 pp. Mss5:3V4654:1
Includes accounts, 1850–1866, of Henry Carrington of Ingleside, Charlotte County,
concerning a mill and the hire of slaves.
Venable, George Henry (1828–1869), papers, 1862–1868. 7 items. Mss2V5516b.
Included in this collection of papers of a teacher and newspaper editor of Petersburg, Va.,
are letters written to Mrs. Elizabeth Venable of Oxford, N.C., by Sallie, a slave in
Henrico County, Va., concerning members of the Landis and Venable families.
Via, Vera V., essay, "He Hated Slavery," 1950. 1 p. Mss9:1C6795:1.
Concerns Edward Coles of Enniscorthy, Albemarle County, and the emancipation of his
slaves. Printed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Virginia Central Railroad Company, bond, 1853. 1 p. Mss4V81925a1.
Bond, 1853, with Dr. William Hackett for the hire of two slaves, Jack and Joe.
Virginia Collector of Customs, Upper James River District, account book, 1731–
1743. 102 pp. Mss4V819a5. Microfilm reels A16–17.
This volume records ships, captains, fees, customs duties and cargo for the Upper James
River District. Much of the cargo listed is agricultural produce, tobacco and alcohol;
occasional entries indicate importation of slaves.
Virginia Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers. Scrapbook, 1927–1965 (bulk
1951–1961). 125 pp. Mss5:7V8192:1.
Scrapbook kept by the president, Thelma S. Pegram (1905–1988), of Covington chiefly
consisting of group photographs, newspaper clippings, and programs from conferences,
conventions, and workshops. Also, contains information about the organization, such as
by-laws, certificates, newsletters, roster, and statistics. The newspaper clippings mostly
highlight the meetings and activities of the congress, but also provide an overview of
education during the years before and after desegregation.
Items of particular interest include a newspaper article, 1951, concerning the appointment
of Deborah (Cannon) Partridge Wolfe as the first African American faculty member of
Queens College, Flushing, N.Y. (p. 89); newspaper article, 1951, about black community
leaders asking Virginia Governor John S. Battle to appoint more African Americans to
state commissions and boards (p. 85); newspaper article, 1951, about a five-member
delegation from the congress meeting with Governor Battle to discuss improvements in
education and health standards (p. 29); newspaper article, 1955, expressing the thoughts
of African American teachers at the prospect of a change in status after integration (p.
48); newspaper articles, ca. 1960, discussing the closure of Prince Edward County
schools in response to integration and the disappointment of African American parents
and children regarding lack of access to education (pp. 20, 25, 30, 57); newspaper
articles, 1960, announcing the Virginia branchs split with the National Congress of
Colored Parents and Teachers over lack of support for desegregation (in loose items, pp.
3–4, 27); and newspaper article, 1961, announcing the intention of the Virginia
Federation of Parents and Teachers to hold future conferences only in racially integrated
hotels (in loose items).
The Virginia branch of the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers (later
renamed the Virginia Federation of Parents and Teachers) was founded by John Manuel
Gandy (1870–1947) and Clara L. K. Bailey (d. 1953) in 1927, one year after the
formation of the national body. The goal was to unite parents and teachers in states with
legal segregation, creating an African American counterpart to the all-white National
Congress of Parents and Teachers. The organization hoped to bridge the gap between
home and school life in a planned effort to improve the welfare of students. The National
Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers combined with the National Parent Teacher
Association (PTA) in 1970.
Note: For preservation purposes the contents of this volume have been removed,
rehoused, and retained in folders designated by page number of the original scrapbook.
Virginia Council, commission, 1771. 1 p. Mss4V8193a5.
Issued 11 May 1771 to the justices of the peace of Louisa County to form a court of oyer
and terminer to try slaves, free blacks, and Native Americans accused of felonies.
Virginia General Assembly, resolution, 1865. 1 p. Mss4V8a30.
This draft resolution, ca. 14 February 1865, concerns the employment of slaves in all
work other than as soldiers to release Confederate army troops for active military service.
Virginia governor (Alexander Spotswood), commission, 1720. 1 p. Mss4V819a8
Commission, 9 February 1720, issued to the justices of the peace for Norfolk County to
try Luke, a slave of Mrs. Thruston, for breaking and entering the storehouse of Samuel
Virginia governor (Hugh Drysdale), proclamation, 1724. 1 p. Mss13:1724 January
Issued to the sheriff of Northampton County concerning repeal of the act of assembly of
7 June 1722 concerning servants and slaves and the better government of imported
Virginia governor (Hugh Drysdale), proclamation, 1724. 1 p. Mss13:1724 October
Announces the repeal of an act of assembly of 20 June 1724 for laying a duty on liquor
and slaves. Bears an endorsement of the sheriff of Northampton County.
Virginia governor (Sir William Gooch), commission, 1748. 1 p. Mss4V819a7.
Issued to the justices of the peace of Norfolk County to try Mingo (belonging to the estate
of Henry Miller) for breaking and entering the house of Thomas Cooper.
Virginia governor (Francis Fauquier), commission, 1764. 1 p. Mss4C4265a1.
Printed form with handwritten completions, 26 March 1764, authorizing a number of
Chesterfield County justices of the peace to try the slave Cheshire, property of John
Hylton, for burglary.
Virginia governor (Francis Fauquier), commission, 1765. 1 p. Mss1D2856b7.
Printed form issued to the justices of Northampton County to try Peter Hill, slave of
William Christian, for a felony.
Virginia governor (Francis Fauquier), commission, 1765. 1 p. Mss4N7674a2.
Issued to the justices of the peace for Norfolk County to try the slave Pomp (belonging to
Richard Silvester) for stealing from Rothery & Routh of Norfolk.
Virginia governor (Benjamin Harrison), commission, 1784. 1 p. Mss4N1584a1.
Issued to the justices of the peace in Nansemond County for the trial of slaves.
Virginia governor (Benjamin Harrison), pardon, 1783. 1 p. Mss2J5901a1.
Issued to Joe, a slave in Frederick County owned by William Hickman, releasing him
from a death sentence.
Virginia governor (William Smith), letter, 1847. 1 p. Mss4V8a38.
Letter issued by the Virginia executive department and signed by Governor Smith on 10
March 1847 is addressed to the governor of Florida (William Dunn Moseley). It concerns
resolutions of the Virginia General Assembly adopted 7 March 1847 regarding the
extension of slavery into any territory acquired through war or treaty negotiations with
the nation of Mexico. A printed copy of the resolutions is enclosed.
Virginia House of Burgesses, petition, 1772. 1 p. Mss4V81934a4 (oversize).
This petition is directed to King George III of England and requests a ban on the further
importation of slaves from Africa for humanitarian, economic, and safety reasons. Signed
by Peyton Randolph as president and bears an endorsement noting is was vetoed by the
Privy Council. Printed in the Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1770–1772,
edited by H. R. McIlwaine, pp. 283–284.
Virginia House of Burgesses, resolution, 1775. 1 p. Mss4V81934a3.
Resolution, 12 August 1775, concerning the importation of slaves from South Carolina.
Virginia House of Burgesses, Committee of Propositions and Grievances, papers,
1711–1730. 157 items. Mss3V8b.
Much of the text of these documents has been printed in William Waller Hening’s The
Statutes at Large of Virginia (Richmond, 1814), vol. 4, and in The Laws of Virginia, . . .
1700–1750 (Richmond, 1971), compiled by Waverly K. Winfree.
The documents in this collection are chiefly legislative; several are judicial in nature,
pertaining to specific cases before the courts. Among the legislative documents are
petitions, such as the 1718 memorial of John Brodnax in section 5 that concerns the
hiring out of African Americans kept in the public jail for the purpose of discharging
their debts for maintenance and release. It also concerns the use of an iron collar stamped
"P.G." (public gaol) on slaves and runaways of unknown ownership. Bills and
amendments in section 10 concern the procedures, 1723, for trials of African Americans
accused of felonies, the 1726 text of the act concerning slaves kept in the public jail (see
also John Brodnax’s petition above), the 1728 act for duties on slave importation, and the
1730 act concerning the administrators and executors of estates and the sale of slaves,
goods, and chattels taken in execution.
Several items in sections 8, 10, and 14 pertain to the assemblage of slaves suspected of
planning an insurrection. In section 10, a 1723 bill presented to the Committee of
Propositions and Grievances concerns Dick and several other slaves suspected of
planning violence in Middlesex County and their transportation to Jamaica or some other
island in the West Indies. An appraisal for the same slaves can be found in section 8 (item
b57 [see also the entry for Bland family papers, 1713–1825, for related material]). In
section 14, an order, 1723, of the Virginia General Court concerns the evidence against
the slaves. Section 14 also contains a 1722 judgment in the case of King v. Sam, Will, and
Sam, slaves, and the three-year prison sentence for planning violence against the king’s
subjects. Lists of tithables (section 15) contain only county totals; they are not broken
down into categories by white and African American.
Virginia House of Delegates, resolution, [1852]. 1 p. Mss13:1852 June 1:1.
Draft by a member of the Committee on Courts of Justice concerning a pardon for the
slave Jordan Hatcher.
Virginia Land Office, patent, 1730. 1 p. Mss11:1R5445:1.
Land grant dated 28 September 1730 and signed by Sir William Gooch as lieutenant
governor of Virginia that was issued to Thomas Roberts for 400 acres in Prince George
County. The verso bears a record of births of members of the Thomas Branch Wilson
family and births, 1752–1788, of slaves.
Virginia Life Insurance Company, policies, 1864. 3 items. Mss4V81945b.
Policies, dated 19 January 1864, issued on the lives of slaves Alfred, Charles, and
Stephen. These slaves were employed in the Beaver and Racoon pits of the Clover Hill
Coal Company in Chesterfield County.
Virginia Life Insurance Company, policy, 1865. 1 p. Mss4V81945a1.
Policy, dated 27 February 1865, issued to John W. Ferguson on the life of Jerry, a slave
employed as a laborer at the Confederate Navy Yard in Richmond.
Virginia Militia, 6th Infantry Regiment, Thomas Reekes’s Company, order book,
1813–1814. 144 pp. Mss12:1813 Sept. 23:1.
Kept while the unit was stationed at Norfolk; volume subsequently used by Reekes to
record lists of slaves and horses and farming accounts from 1814 to 1864 at Corn Hill,
Mecklenburg County.
Virginia Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, constitution, 1790. 1 p.
As published in William Prentiss Virginia Gazette and Petersburg Intelligencer, no. 201
(8 July 1790). Full title of the society proclaimed to be "The Virginia Society for
Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes or Others Unlawfully
Held in Bondage, and Other Humane Purposes." The newspaper also contains an article
relating an incident in Nottoway County, providing information on suspicious claims of
ownership of a slave, and an advertisement of a sale of estate slaves from Dinwiddie
Wade family papers, 1841–1951. 38 items. Mss2W119c.
This collection includes letters, 1841–1846, written by John Ingles (of Montgomery
County) to Dr. John Peter Hale ([1824–1902] of Charleston, Kanawha County [now
W.Va.]), concerning, in part, a runaway slave named Bob.
Walker, John, papers, 1831–1847. 25 items. Mss2W1525b.
Correspondence of a merchant of Richmond with family members who were also
business associates in Richmond and Lynchburg. Include a 16 April 1833 letter from
David Walker to John Walker concerning the tobacco market; another letter, 2 April
1833, by David Walker from Lynchburg concerning the outcome of a capital trial of one
of his slaves; and accounts of John Walker for the purchase of clothing for a slave. Also,
include a hiring agreement of John and Norman Walker with Mrs. Paulina Richardson for
the services of Jupiter.
Walker, John (1744–1809), papers, 1801–1807. 2 items. Mss2W1523b. Photocopies.
Include a letter written from Belvoir, Albemarle County, to Francis Walker concerning
the purchase of slaves in King William County in 1764 and the dispersal of slaves
belonging to Joseph Hale, Walker’s overseer.
Waller, Nelson Samuel (1817–1868), papers, 1857–1860. 2 items. Mss2W1565b.
This small collection includes letters written to Dr. Waller, of Spotsylvania County, by
Alfred L. Holladay of Richmond (concerning the hiring out of slaves Peter and Lewis)
and P. H. Jackson of Farmville (concerning the sale of a women slave named Sarah and
bearing a letter written for Sarah’s husband, Peter Shelton, a slave of Dr. Waller).
Waller, William Macon (1789–1849), papers, 1843–1850. 27 items. Mss2W1567b.
Chiefly correspondence, 1843–1848, of an Amherst County planter with his wife and
children concerning the trial of a slave girl, Virginia, including the girl’s hiring out, her
imprisonment, and her epilepsy, and Waller’s trip, 1847–1848, through Tennessee,
Mississippi, and Louisiana to sell slaves in order to settle pressing debts. Some of his
letters include references to religious services for slaves, the slave trade in general,
strategies for selling slaves, and auction practices, especially in Natchez, Miss.
Walne, Peter (b. 1925), collector, Materials concerning Ann (Tuke) Alexander and
William Alexander. 5 items. Mss6:1AL275:2. Photocopies.
Include a poem of Ann Alexander, dated 27 October 1804, concerning slavery.
Walters, James Booth (1846–1884), papers, 1854–1881. 112 items. Mss1W1714a.
The collection includes correspondence, 1854–1867, of James Booth Walters (of
Richmond) and a scrapbook, 1870–1881, consisting of newspaper clippings of Walter’s
articles as a correspondent for the Richmond Whig and as editor of the Norfolk Journal.
The articles primarily concern visits to local communities throughout Virginia and local
politics, including the participation of African Americans.
Wandering Boys Club, Berryville, minute book, 1933–1937. 1 vol. Mss4W1825a1.
These minutes, 1933–1937, reveal the structure, agenda, and purpose of the Wandering
Boys Club of Berryville, an African American traveling choral group. The book, which
belonged to the secretary, Wesley R. Nickens (b. 1906?), tracked expenses, the
disbursement of funds, and upcoming events. The minutes also recorded the engagement
and amount paid for singing in churches in Virginia and West Virginia. The last few
pages of the book contain song lyrics and a list of the club officers.
Ware, Thomas Cattel (1827–1909), letter, 1858. 4 pp. Mss2W2276a1.
Written 16 September 1858 from Clarksville to his grandmother, Ware’s letter provides
impressions of life in Virginia, including the religious life of slaves and their family
relationships, and indicates his dislike of northern abolitionists.
Ware family papers, 1761–1917. 360 items. Mss1W2296a.
This collection includes records of members of the Ware, Clopton, Ritchie, related
families of Essex County. Section 1 contains the papers of Archibald Ritchie (d. 1844),
which include an account covering the imprisonment and sale at auction of Archy, a
slave. Section 2 contains the correspondence, 1829–1861, of Edward Macon Ware
(1800–1863), including a letter to Robert Baylor Lyne concerning the hiring out of a
slave to learn a trade. Section 5 contains records, 1857–1862, compiled by Edward Ware
as treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Essex County Poor House. Included in these
records are accounts for payments made for midwife services to Matilda, a slave. A letter,
1857, to the Richmond Enquirer by Richard Rouzie concerning the re-enslavement or
removal from Virginia of the free African American population, is located in section 6.
Section 8 contains materials, 1839–1848, compiled by Richard Rouzie concerning the
estate of Elizabeth B. Allen of Essex County. This section includes a receipt of Dr.
Thomas Christian Gordon for the care of a slave woman, and records of the hiring out of
slaves. Deeds for the purchase and sale of slaves from the estate of Ellis Armstrong of
Essex County are located in the papers of Dr. Jones C. Clopton (section 9), as is an
undated list of slaves (with values) at Bloomsbury, Essex County. Section 12 includes a
letter of Henry Waring Latané concerning the slave James.
Warwick, John (1775–1848), will, 1848. 1 p. Mss2W2687a1 (oversize).
Probated in Amherst County and includes a list of slaves to be emancipated and an 1849
affidavit concerning the emancipation of Martha.
Washington, John Augustine (1820–1861), letter, 1861. 6 pp. Mss2W2774a1.
Written 31 August 1861, presumably to Louisa (Clemson) Washington, concerning in
part farming operations at Waveland, Fauquier County, the health of house servants, and
the possible hiring out of slaves who feigned illness.
Washington, Lawrence (1791–1875), papers, 1836–1850. 4 items. Mss2W2776b.
Collection includes letters written to Washington, of Oak Grove, Westmoreland County,
by Doctor William Wirt (1815–1899) concerning agricultural operations and repairs to
Bleak Hall, Westmoreland County, the hiring out of a slave named Ross, hiring day itself
(January 1), and the occupations of some of the slaves he wished to hire out in 1851
(which includes a list of slaves hired out in 1850 and to whom).
Washington, Walker (1824–1911), papers, 1856–1897. 250 items. Mss1W2796a.
Collection concerns the family, financial, and professional life of Doctor Walker
Washington of Caroline County and Oak Grove, Westmoreland County. Includes letters
written to Washington by his wife, Mary West (Washington) Washington, in 1863
concerning slaves on plantations in both Caroline and Westmoreland counties while the
doctor was away serving as a Confederate States Army staff officer (section 1).
Watkins, Richard Henry (1825–1905), account books, 1847–1896. 2 vols.
Kept at Linden, Prince Edward County, and primarily concern Watkins’s law practice.
Slave lists on front and back pages of the first volume record births, deaths, sales, and
some appraisals for approximately forty slaves. An accompanying list records their shoe
sizes. A random sampling of the accounts indicates that they contain information
pertaining to hiring, sales, and clothing of slaves. The second volume includes accounts
for work and services performed by freedmen, such as building a house and kitchen (page
88), building cabins (page 102), and digging a well (page 92), and other accounts (mostly
pages 88–98).
Watkins family papers, 1801–1960. 640 items. Mss1W3286a.
Section 5 includes a copy of a "Law relating to Free negroes becoming slaves"; section
11 contains an undated bill of sale for Tom for $1,450.
Watson, David Harris (1830–1894), papers, 1846–1893. 181 items. Mss1W3324a.
The collection includes personal and business accounts and bonds of David Harris
Watson (bricklayer and shoemaker of Chatham). An inventory of his personal property,
including slaves, is included in the collection, along with a record of participants in the
Pittsylvania County patrol of December 1862.
Watson family papers, 1771–1934. 932 items. Mss1W3395a. Microfilm reels C370–
Primarily the papers of Doctor George Watson ([1784–1853] of Richmond). Section 1
contains correspondence, 1802–1830, of Dr. George Watson with his brother, David
Watson (of Brackett’s, Louisa County), concerning, in part, a slave insurrection and
slaves in general. Section 2 contains the correspondence, 1816–1851, of Dr. Watson with
his wife, Anne Riddle Watson (1791–1882), concerning, in part, slavery. Section 4
consists of the business papers of Dr. Watson, including invoices for the hiring out of
slaves. Section 5 contains the correspondence of Anne Watson, including
communications with her brother-in-law, David Watson, concerning slaves and their
health, family, and finances.
Watson family papers, 1866–1900. 31 items. Mss2W3397c.
Primarily the correspondence of Mary A. Robertson Horner of Powhatan Court House
and Hixville, Appomattox County, and her female descendants. Letters written to Horner
by Judie Cardozo of Powhatan Court House and Richmond include comments concerning
the influx of northerners following the Civil War taking over as county clerk, assessor,
and school teachers, and comments on the behavior of former slaves, many of whom
remained in the area and maintained close ties to their former owners. Also mentioned is
the arrest for forgery, trial, escape, and suicide of Freelin Ned and its effect on his family.
A letter from Horner’s daughter Josephine Lenora (Robertson) Watson (b. 1848?) of
Woodlawn in Nottoway County mentions her husband’s postwar farming activities,
including problems he had with the hiring of African American laborers.
Weaver, William (1780–1863), papers, 1786–1980. 220 items. Mss1W3798a.
Microfilm reel C539.
Entrepreneur and ironmaster, originally from Pennsylvania, later removed to Rockbridge
County. He owned the Bath Iron Works and Buffalo Forge, originally in Botetourt
County, and also farmland. Also represented is his nephew, Daniel Charles Elliott Brady,
who assisted Weaver from the late 1850s until Weaver’s death and inherited much of the
iron business at that time.
Section 1 contains correspondence of William Weaver, in particular with the slave trader
James E. Carson, 1859, who asked Weaver to lower the price of a female slave, basing
his request on a later physical examination of the slave, and from Charles Hess Locher,
1859, giving permission for a male slave belonging to Locher to marry a female slave
belonging to Weaver. Section 12 includes two receipts, 1863, of Brady for the purchase
of slaves.
Webb, John Greene (1824–1908), papers, 1858–1867. 12 items. Mss2W3826b.
Primarily letters written to or about John G. Webb, of Utica, N.Y., by Virginia
correspondents regarding agriculture and pre-Civil War politics. Among the letters to
Webb written between 1858 and 1861 are those by Dr. Arthur Lee Brent of Bremo
Recess, Fluvanna County (concerning the John Brown raid on Harpers Ferry and
secession), and Philip Barraud Cabell of Liberty Hill, Nelson County (enclosing an
African American song).
Wellford, Beverley Randolph (1893–1963), collector, papers, 1773–1907. 137 items.
Mss1W4597e. Microfilm reel C48.
Historical documents collected by a Richmond physician and Virginia Historical Society
officer, with special concentration on the period of the American Civil War.
A 1773 deed of John Hazeltine of Sutton, Mass., covers the sale of a slave to Timothy
Younglove (a28). James C. Howlett issued a receipt in 1864 (by his agent, S. N. Davis &
Co. of Richmond) concerning the payment for a slave purchase (a29). Undated notes by
former president James Madison briefly treat the doctrine of separation of powers and of
the rights and protection of slaves (a59). A handwritten circular letter issued by the
Confederate States Surgeon-General’s Office (signed by Samuel Preston Moore) to
Richard Kidder Meade of Lynchburg on 31 July 1863 concerns official policy regarding
the filling out of forms containing the names of persons employed by the Confederate
Medical Department, including slaves (e75). Finally, an 1846 letter of P. M. Tabb & Son
of Richmond to Robert Wormeley Carter of Warsaw concerns the prospects for sale of a
male and two female slaves in the Richmond market, as well as the alternative possibility
of hiring these people out (a92).
Wellford, Robert (1753–1823), letter, 1794. 3 pp. Mss2W4595a2.
Written 24 December 1794 from Fredericksburg to John Spotswood of Orange County,
in part concerning hiring contracts for Jack and Bob and the need for Isaac’s services on
Wellford’s plantation.
West, Georgia Callis (1867–1953), compiler, papers, 1851–1865. 25 items.
Originals or copies of letters and battle reports concerning various actions in the Civil
War. Also, include correspondence and accounts of William Callis of Norfolk, with a
Union Army search warrant, 1864, and a list of slaves who left his plantation during the
West family papers, 1843–1976. 2,005 items. Mss1W5207b.
Primarily the personal and business papers of John S. West of Buckingham County,
largely concerning the operations of a store and several merchant firms in the county.
Accounts maintained by John S. West include amounts owed for the purchase of goods
for or by slaves (section 10). An 1845 bond covers the hiring of a young male slave by
Elizabeth Saunders from Thomas M. Smith (section 23).
Westmoreland County Militia, commission, 1777. 1 p. Mss4W52835a1.
A blank, handwritten form, dated 9 August 1777, for issuance to the "chief of the
patrollers" for a district in Westmoreland County. Signed by John Augustine Washington
as colonel of the county militia, the form authorizes the slave patrol and defines its duties,
especially in regard to the regulation of unlawful assemblies and unauthorized travel.
Whatley, Ray E., "A Review of Personal Experiences in Racial Issues," 1994. 22 pp.
Concerns the effects Whatleys efforts at improving race relations with African
Americans had on his career as a Methodist minister in Alabama in the 1940s through the
early sixties.
White, Jesse, deed of trust, 1806. 2 pp. Mss2W58406a1.
Conveys to Julius Clarkson and others slaves, horses, cattle, and furniture in Albemarle
County for the benefit of William Clarkson and Dabney Minor.
Wickham family papers, 1754–1977. ca. 11,500 items. Mss1W6326cFA2. Microfilm
reels C375–379.
This collection includes materials of attorney John Wickham (1763–1839) of Richmond
and his descendants who lived primarily at Hickory Hill, Hanover County. Among the
papers of John Wickham are extensive records concerning the purchase of Middle
Quarter Plantation, Henrico County, and its enslaved work force in 1800, followed in
1838 by a deed of trust covering the estate and its movable property conveyed for the
benefit of Wickham’s children (box 1). Among a huge number of records concerning
Wickhams estate are several items, dating from 1858, concerning the care of the slave
Amy at Eastern Lunatic Asylum (now Eastern State Hospital) in Williamsburg (estate
materials–miscellaneous folder, box 2). Commissioner’s reports arising from litigation
over settlement of the estate concern the sale of slaves from Ellerslie, Henrico County
(report #1–1848), and a list of slaves belonging to the estate of Dr. James McClurg
(Wickhams father-in-law) at a farm in Hanover County (report #9–1855), all in box 3.
Wickhams son William Fanning Wickham built the home Hickory Hill. His extensive
run of diaries, seventeen volumes from 1828 to his death in 1880, include references to
agricultural operations and plantation life generally, and many provide lists of slaves
grouped by family and indicating ages. Volume 8 covers the Hanover County home front
during the Civil War, describes the treatment of slaves, and notes runaways to the Union
army (box 5). Wickham also maintained records concerning the purchase of slaves for the
Hickory Hill work force for the period 1842–1857 (land records—folder 1, box 7).
One of the most interesting matters William Fanning Wickham handled in his capacity as
an attorney concerned the settlement of the estate of Samuel Gist (d. 1815), a London
merchant whose will provided for the emancipation of his slaves in Virginia and the sale
of estate assets to provide for their welfare. Wickham acted as a officer of the trust
created by the state legislature to handle this matter. Materials concern the settlement of
freed slaves on land in Ohio, correspondence with Quakers there who engaged to assist
the transplanted African Virginians, records concerning supervision of the trust, and
materials regarding an effort on the part of the former Gist slaves and their descendants to
re-establish claims on the estate, 1870–1880 (box 8).
Miscellaneous records of William Fanning Wickham include an undated essay on slavery
in the United States and an undated speech, probably given at Hanover Court House, on
Reconstruction in Virginia (box 10). His son, Williams Carter Wickham, Confederate
cavalry general and postwar official of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, maintained
letterbooks, 1877–1880. Among the subjects covered are activities of the Republican
party in Virginia and nationally (box 10). The younger Wickham’s correspondence in
part covers the same subject (box 11). Wickham’s records of the management of the
estate at Hickory Hill include farm books and accounts with individual laborers, some of
whom were African American (boxes 13–15).
The general’s son Henry Taylor Wickham continued farming operations at Hickory Hill
and maintained farm books, 1893–1913, accounts, payrolls, time sheets, and farm
manager’s records (boxes 27–30). His wife, Elise Warwick (Barksdale) Wickham, kept
similar records until her death in 1952 (boxes 43–45).
Wickham family papers, 1766–1945. ca. 5,500 items. Mss1W6326a FA2. Microfilm
reels C371–375.
This collection contains materials of Richmond attorney John Wickham (1763–1839) and
his descendants who lived primarily at Woodside, Henrico County. Among John
Wickhams materials are slave lists, 1821–1837, from the middle and lower quarters of
East Tuckahoe, Henrico County (which became Woodside in later years). One list, 1825,
contains Wickham’s own notes on various workers. An undated essay, probably written
by Wickham in the 1830s, concerns slavery and abolition, while Wickham’s estate
materials in part concern the division of the property at East Tuckahoe. All these items
appear in box 3.
Maclurg Wickham, one of John Wickham’s sons, kept a diary, 1851–1882, at East
Tuckahoe. The journal primarily concerns plantation operations and the management of
slaves, including a list of slaves with records of the distribution of clothing and supplies
(box 5). Correspondence of another son, Littleton Waller Tazewell Wickham, includes
letters of Thomas Ashby (box 5) and William W. Harlee (box 6) in the late 1850s
concerning the Bunker Hill plantation in Darlington County, S.C., and the sale of slaves
living and working there and four letters (box 6), 1848–1849, between Wickham and
Judge John Scott of Fauquier County concerning Wickham’s plan for the gradual
abolition of slavery. Additional materials include an undated speech given at the
University of Virginia on slavery (box 10), a list of slaves at Woodside in the late 1850s
and agreements with overseers (box 10), lists of slaves at and other materials concerning
the Bunker Hill plantation (box 11), and a copy of Wickham’s 1847 plan for the gradual
abolition of slavery (box 11).
Finally, Alexander Mazyck Porcher’s post-Civil War essays on freedmen in South
Carolina survive in the collection (box 15), along with an undated letter of John
Randolph of Roanoke to Ryland Randolph concerning clothing and other supplies for the
slave Johnny, who is bringing Randolph’s horses from Stafford Court House to
Richmond. The letter, which is contained in Julia Wickham (Porcher) Wickham’s
autograph collection (box 34), also doubled as a slave pass.
Wight, Hezekiah Lord (1765–1837), papers, 1794–1854. 82 items. Mss1W6396b.
The collection contains records primarily relating to Wight’s ownership of real property
in Hanover and Henrico counties and the city of Richmond. Includes a deed, 1817, of
Samuel Paine to Wight for the purchase of African American slaves (section 9); and a
deed, 1821, of Walter Dun (executor of the estate of John Graham) to Edwin Lord Wight
(1799–1852) for a slave (section 13).
Wight, Hezekiah Lord (1765–1837), papers, 1799–1840. 10 items. Mss1W6393a.
Wight’s account books concern farming operations at Tuckahoe in Goochland County, as
well as mercantile operations in nearby Richmond. One of those volumes, continued after
Wight’s death in 1837, includes a section recording the distribution of provisions to
slaves at Tuckahoe in 1840.
Wilkins, Benjamin Harrison (b. 1856), memoir, 1857–1876. 101 pp. Mss5:1W6544:1.
Written in 1937, this memoir covers Wilkins’s activities in Alabama, Louisiana, and
Virginia (Charles City County and Richmond) and in part concerns Libby Prison in
Richmond and his relationship with slaves. Published in War Boy: A True Story of the
Civil War and Re-Construction Days (Tullahoma, Tenn., 1938), by Benjamin Harrison
Wilkins, Roy (1901–1981), speech, 1958. 11 leaves. Mss2W6583a1.
Delivered 27 February 1958 to the Richmond Chapter of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People, Wilkins’s speech concerns school desegregation in
Virginia, massive resistance, the favoritism shown by the Virginia General Assembly to
segregationists, and the role of the NAACP in seeking full constitutional rights for
African Americans.
Williams, Augustine Boyer (1796–1871), commonplace book, 1817–1870. 458 pp.
Kept by a merchant and schoolteacher in Fairfax County. Includes notes on a
congressional plan to give increased rights to free and enslaved blacks in Washington,
D.C. (pages 29–31), drafts of addresses to voters in Fairfax County concerning the
election of Martin Van Buren, the abolishment of slavery in the District of Columbia, and
slavery in the American territories (pages 243–51), and a draft of a letter to a local
newspaper editor concerning the power of Congress to admit slave states into the Union
(pages 260–61).
Williams, John A. (b. 1843), papers, 1861–1865. 41 items. Mss2W67334b.
Contain letters written by John A. Williams (of Prince George County) while serving in
Company D of the 10th Virginia Heavy Artillery Battalion, Confederate States Army, to
his sisters Mary R. Williams and Lucy J. Williams. Topics in the letters include economic
conditions in Richmond and news of runaway and confiscated slaves from Prince George
Williams, Rebecca Yancey (1899–1976), papers, 1940–1960. 804 items.
Predominantly letters, 1940–1942, written to Rebecca Yancey Williams concerning her
book, The Vanishing Virginian (1940), a semi-biographical story about her father,
Lynchburg lawyer Robert Davis Yancey (1855–1931). The collection includes essays
concerning African Americans.
Williams, Samuel Greenhill (1835?–1864), papers, 1858–1865. 10 items.
Mss2W67515b. Photocopies.
Chiefly letters of a Nottoway County resident to his sister, Mary Catherine (Williams)
Jeter. A miscellaneous item of correspondence is a letter, 14 January 1866, of Jeter to
Martha Williams, primarily about family matters but in which she states her fears of
living in the country where there are so many African Americans, whose behavior is of
great concern to her.
Williams, William H. (1907–2002), papers, 1929–1995. 218 items. Mss1W6765a.
William H. Williams, Jr., was born in Tarboro, N.C., and raised in Richmond. He earned
a bachelors degree from Virginia Union University. He was ordained at Fifth Street
Baptist Church in the 1930s and founded St. Stephens Baptist Church in Richmond in
1949. As the congregation grew, Williams also worked as a woodworking teacher in
Richmond city schools and was later employed by Richmond’s animal-control office. He
was married to Margaret H. Williams and had with her four children. His collection
chiefly consists of correspondence, sermons, church programs, booklets, and published
materials. The collection also includes information from Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
Virginia and flyers from Christian Charities, Inc., which was founded by Williams’s
friend and colleague Horace Gillison (1914–1992).
Williams family papers, 1805–1925. 416 items. Mss1W6767l.
The collection is composed chiefly of the financial papers of Fielding Lewis Williams
([1832–1898] of Clarksville, Tenn.) concerning the tobacco trade and prices. The
collection also includes the papers of various members of the Williams family of
Albemarle and Halifax counties, Danville and Lynchburg, Va. Section 1 is comprised of
the financial papers, 1805–1821, of Fielding Lewis Williams, including general accounts
of the estate of William Williams concerning the sale of slaves, medical care, supplies for
slaves, and general purchases. Section 2 contains general accounts, 1813–1826, of Robert
Coleman Williams (of Lynchburg, Va.), including records of payments for supplies for
slaves, including coffins. Section 4 contains the financial papers, 1821–1824, of Charles
L. Williams (of Milton, N.C., and Albemarle County, Va.). Included among these papers
are receipts for the exchange of funds for the slave Daniel, who was buying his freedom.
Section 6 contains the papers, 1844–1851, of Howell Lewis Williams (of New Orleans,
La., and New York, N.Y.). Included in these papers is a letter to Howell Williams from
Henry Williams (of Lafayette, Ky.) concerning his purchase of freedom from Coleman
Williams family papers, 1811–1945. 29 items. Mss1W6767b. Microfilm reel C315.
Concern the Williams family of Richmond and the related Skelton family of Powhatan
County. Section 6 contains a deed, 1811, of Robert F. Branch, Chesterfield County, to
Dr. Eliott Skelton for the slave Agness and her daughter Sally. Section 10 consists of an
account, 1842–1844, of Edmund Randolph with H. W. Wall for the purchase of clothing
for slaves.
Willis, Francis, letter, 1746. 2 pp. Mss2W6794a1. Photographic copy.
Written 3 February 1746 to Charles Carter of King George County concerning the slave
Beck and her children and a proposal to hire Beck’s husband in order to keep the family
Williston, Elizabeth Coalter (Bryan) (1871–1957), "Old Bryan Family Homes: A
Collection of Short Sketches," compiled in 1939–1940. 85 pp. Mss6:1B8407:3.
Concerns members of the Bryan family of Georgia and Virginia and includes information
on the slave Juba.
Willson family papers, 1781–1838. 210 items. Mss1W6867a. Microfilm reels C428–
Primarily agricultural papers of Daniel Willson and George C. Willson (d. 1838) of
Amelia County. Include an affidavit, 1826, concerning Matt, a runaway slave belonging
to Elizabeth Willson, taken up by Lucy Webster (section 9).
Wilson, George (b. 1852), papers, 1878–1903. 7 items. Mss2W6934b.
These materials concern the career of George Wilson, a native of Chesterfield County, in
the 9th United States Cavalry, a unit of African American troops, from his enlistment in
1873 through his retirement in 1903. The unit served primarily in the western United
States, but also briefly in the Philippine Islands and in Cuba during the Spanish-American
War. Include commissions, discharge papers, and special orders (printed). Wilson retired
to and was living in Crawford, Nebraska, as late as 1920.
Wilson family papers, 1790–1944. ca. 3,050 items. Mss1W6997aFA2. Microfilm reels
Papers of the Chamberlin, McPherson, and Wilson families of Jefferson County, W.Va.
Many of the family members were Quakers, although several were Presbyterians. Among
the papers of Lewis Feuilleteau Wilson (1804–1873), a Presbyterian minister, are
marriage certificates, 1833–1859, from Jefferson and nearby counties (box 5). The
certificates are in two folders, the second of which contains slave marriage papers. In
addition, the Berkeley County section in the first folder contains an 1839 certificate for
James Washington and Mary Jones, "persons of colour."
Wimbish family papers, 1839–1911. 86 items. Mss1W7153b. Microfilm reel C429.
Section 7 includes three letters, 1906–1911, one being to the Reverend Mr. Harris from
Fadie, an African American, in which Fadie compares his new school with another
school, Hartshorn. Fadie expresses his concern about financial difficulties hindering his
Winfree, Judith Gates (1856–1939), "A Little Southern Girl’s Memories Without
Her Mother," 1856–1871. 27 pp. Mss5:1W7265:1.
An autobiography written by Judith Winfree in 1930 concerning her childhood
experiences following the death of her mother. Included in her reminiscence of life at
Seguine in Chesterfield County is information on specific slaves, cotton and tobacco
cultivation, and life during and after the Civil War.
Wingo family papers, 1833–1982. 395 items. Mss1W7277c.
Correspondence and genealogical notes concerning the Knight and Wingo families of
Amelia County and Richmond. Section 4 contains a receipt, 1864, of Charles Evans
Wingo ([1843–1911] of Amelia Court House) to Mrs. Page Bragg Dunn concerning a
slave named Jordan (including a physical description) impressed into service as teamster
for the Confederate States Army Corps of Engineers.
Winn, Minor (1747?–1813), account book, 1797–1815. [138] leaves. Mss5:3W7306:1.
Ledger, kept in part by James Sanford Pickett as executor of the estate of Minor Winn,
concerns the operations of a mill and distillery in Fauquier County. Includes accounts
with customers and with women spinners, weavers, tailors and midwives, some of whom
are identified as free African Americans. Also, concerns the use of hired slave labor.
Winston, Bickerton Lyle (1816–1902), ledger, 1846–1859. 244 pp. Mss5:3W7334:1.
Microfilm reel C539.
Kept in Hanover County, this ledger includes business transactions with slaves and free
African Americans, in particular involving hiring and purchases. Occasional deaths are
noted, including that of Garland, who died 30 June 1851 in an explosion while tending a
Winston, Lelia Saunders (1829–1910), papers, 1870–1879. 4 items. Mss2W7336d.
Collection includes letters written to Lelia (Saunders) Winston of Richmond by Benjamin
A. Donald and his wife, Sally (Camm) Donald of Bedford County, in part concerning the
hiring of African American agricultural workers after the Civil War.
Winston and Clark family papers, 1823–1907. 155 items. Mss1W7337a. Microfilm
reels C495–496.
Primarily Civil War soldiers’ correspondence of several Winston family members with
their Winston and Clark family relatives in Campbell County. Section 2 contains
correspondence of Bowling Henry Clark (c. 1823–1892) with Elizabeth (Clark) Winston,
which in part discusses her stand as a Quaker against slavery.
Wise, Henry Alexander (1806–1876), letter, 1856. 4 pp. Mss2W7544a5.
Written 5 June 1856 from Richmond to Bishop William Meade, in part concerning
agitation over the issue of slavery.
Wise, Henry Alexander (1806–1876), papers, 1842–1870. 8 items. Mss2W7544b.
Governor of Virginia, U.S. minister to Brazil, and Confederate general. Includes an
October 1844 letter of Wise to John C. Calhoun concerning the capture of the American
brigs Cyrus (off the coast of Africa) and Sooy (off the coast of Brazil), both for allegedly
engaging in the slave trade.
Wise, Henry Alexander (1806–1876), papers, 1858–1874. 4 items. Mss2W7544c.
Includes letters written by Wise to Robert Tyler (concerning Kansas and the Lecompton
Constitution), Henry Wilson (concerning Wilson’s History of the Rise and Fall of the
Slave Power in America), and Fernando Wood (concerning John Brown’s raid on
Harpers Ferry [now W.Va.]).
Wise family papers, 1816–1898. 149 items. Mss1W7547d.
This collection consists primarily of correspondence, 1829–1876, Henry Alexander Wise
(1806–1876) as a United States congressman in Washington, D.C., governor of Virginia,
attorney in Accomack County and Richmond, and United States minister to Brazil at Rio
de Janeiro. Section 1 includes correspondence with G. W. A. Raine concerning the
hanging of John Brown, leader of the Harper’s Ferry attack in 1859); with his son, Henry
Alexander Wise ([1834–1869], concerning abolition, public schools, and African
American Republicans in Maine); and with John Cropper Wise (1808–1866) concerning
crop rotation. Section 5 contains correspondence, 1845–1847, of Wise with Hamilton
Hamilton, the U.S. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, concerning the slave trade.
Withers, Guy (1873–1964), papers, 1699–1967. 107 items. Mss1W7764b.
Section one contains a copy of an 1812 deed of James Withers of Fauquier County to
James Spilman and others for slaves.
Witherspoon, Susan Lillard, papers, 1880–1957. 219 folders. Mss1W7765a.
This collection contains the papers of genealogist Susan Lillard Witherspoon (1874–
1960) of Lexington, Ky. Section 1 consists of correspondence with Ellen Viley "Ella"
(Witherspoon) Shipman, including a letter of July 1882 that discusses the family servant,
America, leaving her employer’s service. Section 2 contains a letter from Ephraim Stout
Lillard, in which he mentions his views on the Civil Rights Movement and left-wing
activist Paul Robeson.
Woodfin, Maude Howlett (1891–1948), papers, 1915–1948. 21,021 items.
Professor of history and dean at Westhampton College (part of the University of
Richmond). Include student essays, 1926–1945, submitted to Woodfin by Vivian Borton
("The Effects of Slavery on Richmond, 1742–1860"), Annabel Lumpkin Hessel ("Slavery
in Chesterfield County, 1749–1776"), and Anne Byrd Tucker ("The Industrialization of
Richmond from 1830 to 1860"), all in section 7.
Woodson, Leander (b. 1808), bond, 1852. 1 p. Mss2G9896a4.
Bond, dated 9 January 1852, Louisa County, between Leander Woodson and Samuel
Atwell Guy for the sum of $17.00 covering the hiring of a slave.
Woolfolk family papers, 1780–1936. 579 items. Mss1W8844a. Microfilm reels C267–
Primarily the papers of family members at Mulberry Place and Shepherds Hill, Caroline
County, in part concerning stagecoach and mail routes between Fredericksburg and
An account book kept by John G. Woolfolk includes entries covering the hiring of slaves
by various Woolfolk family members, lists of blankets distributed in 1817 and 1818, and
work done at harvest by a number of slaves (section 4). John G. Woolfolk’s estate
materials include an 1818 will that provides for the distribution of numerous slaves, a
memorandum and legal opinions of Benjamin Watkins Leigh and John Taylor, in part
concerning the mortgaging of slave property, and a decree of the Fredericksburg Superior
Court of Chancery (section 14).
Jourdan Woolfolk’s correspondence includes an 1867 letter from Richard Edmond of
Richmond concerning African Americans in politics and Reconstruction in Virginia,
while an 1866 letter from Samuel Jackson, formerly the slave of Arthur Clayton,
concerns his life in Longwood, La., and his activities as a Baptist minister and makes
inquiries about his surviving relatives (section 15). Woolfolk’s account book, 1854–1865,
includes entries covering services of African American laborers (section 21). Alice B.
Winston of Hanover County sold Woolfolk a slave named Sary in 1833, for which the
deed survives, as does a list of slave births (section 26). Affidavits of John William
Woolfolk and others contain extensive testimony offered in certification to the
Confederate government of the loss of slaves by Jourdan Woolfolk in 1862 (section 27).
A similar set of affidavits concerns the loss of slaves at Shepherds Hill belonging to
Mary Elizabeth Woolfolk (section 32).
Wormeley, Eleanor (Tayloe) (1756–1815), letters, 1814. 2 items. Mss2W8942b.
Written from Rosegill, Middlesex County, in part concerning the capture of slaves by
British raiders in eastern Virginia and runaways to the British forces.
Wortham family papers, 1811–1863. 14 items. Mss2W8995b.
Primarily correspondence and related records of Richmond merchant Richard Chandler
Wortham, but include an 1863 letter of Gabriel Wortham of Richmond to an unidentified
addressee concerning Charles Wortham’s plan to take slaves from Caroline County to
Alabama to settle a new plantation (section 4).
Wyatt, Richard W., Receipt, 1851. 1 p. Mss2G9896a3.
Receipt, dated 1 February 1851, Louisa County, issued to Samuel Atwell Guy for the
sum of $500 covering the purchase of a slave.
Wyllie family papers, 1810–1962. 651 items. Mss1W9801a.
Papers largely focus on Wyllie and related family members in Danville and Lynchburg.
Section two consists of a daybook of Captain John Noble (1785–1855), a shoemaker and
investor of Danville, which includes accounts of the purchase and sale of slaves. Section
four contains correspondence of Allen Love Wyllie (1800–1876) including
communications with William L. Graham (of Campbell County concerning two enslaved
carpenters) and George A. Wyllie (of Gallatin, Tenn., providing details of the slave trade
between Virginia and Tennessee: prices for males, females, and children; slave auctions;
and a desire to sell particular individuals). General papers of Allen L. Wyllie comprise
section five, which include an opinion of attorney Chapman Johnson and notes
concerning the estate of Colonel John Holcombe (ca. 1844), including information on one
person identified as a "slave doctor." Section six holds records, 1823–1837, compiled by
Wyllie as an officer of the 53rd Regiment of Virginia Militia in Campbell County and
includes an order concerning the patrolling of streets in Lynchburg. Materials compiled
between 1825 and 1855 by Allen Wyllie comprise section eight. They all concern slaves:
receipt for the purchase of a slave girl named Fanney; bond and receipt for the hiring out
and sale of Jesse by William Y. Minton; and a tax receipt issued to the estate of John
Wynne family papers, 1809–1967. 102 items. Mss1W9927a. Microfilm reels C496–
Papers of several generations of the Wynne family of Spotsylvania County, heaviest in
the mid to late nineteenth century. Section one contains correspondence of Sarah Ann
(French) Alsop of Fredericksburg with her husband, Joseph Alsop, concerning his
antebellum journey down the Mississippi River and procuring food for the family’s
slaves in Virginia.
Yielding Zion Baptist Church, Burkeville, letters, 1923. 2 items. Mss4Y525a1–2.
Letters from members of the board of deacons of this African American church in
Burkeville, Nottoway County, to the Reverend A. B. Bland asking for his resignation as a
result of remarks made from the pulpit.
Young, James, papers, 1783–1840. 38 items. Mss1Y854a.
Concern the mercantile career of James Young of Petersburg, Portsmouth, and Norfolk
Section 4 contains a deed of sale for Rose, Sukey, and Vincent, slaves purchased by Mrs.
Elizabeth Crommeline of New York, N. Y., and Norfolk, Va. Section 6 contains a deed to
the slave Frances and her child, Jenny, and a letter of James Nimmo to James Young
concerning the slave Sam, property of Phineas Dana (1763?–1808) of Norfolk. Section 7
contains materials, 1809–1814, concerning the schooner Wilhelmina, including a letter
(copy) of F. R. Lushington to A. Dolmage concerning five slaves taken from the ship.
Young, William Proby (b. 1834), diary, 1860. 160 pp. Mss5:1Y4876:1.
Kept by a ship’s doctor employed by the American Colonization Society to tend Africans
captured from illegal slave-trading ships and being returned to Liberia. This log, kept
from June to September 1860, records events of Young’s passage from New York, N.Y.,
to Monrovia, Liberia, with points of call at Key West, Fla. (to pick up the captured
African slaves), and Robertsport, Grand Bassa, and Cape Mount, Liberia. The charge of
treating Africans who did not understand English, with the assistance of an African
American nursing attendant who did not understand any African languages, created
intense communication difficulties. The captain’s methods of routine discipline were
observed and commented on by Young. He also recorded mortality rates and noted
recurring medical problems, especially apparently healthy Africans who fell ill and died
in a short period of time. He recorded the method of rationing water and usual diet for the
Africans, as well as his own. Beginning with the ship’s arrival in Liberia on 28 August
1860, Young describes Liberian life—housing, food, economy, politics, and ownership of
Zirkle, John D., account book, 1847–1848. 326 pp. Mss5:3Z686:1.
Contains the accounts of a New Market merchant. The volume was later used as a
scrapbook for news clippings, many of which generally describe southern life. Of
particular note is a pamphlet about the pianist Tom, a Georgia-born slave who possessed
unusual musical abilities and achieved success in spite of his blindness.