2008- Associate Dean of Academic Administration
Present Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, Missouri
1986- Distinguished Professor of Old Testament (current title since 2014)
Present Hannibal-LaGrange University, Hannibal, Missouri
Fall 2016 Visiting Professor of Old Testament
Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary & College, Cochrane, Alberta
July 2003 Visiting Professor of Old Testament Interpretation
1998,1992 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
Ph.D. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX. 1986.
Dissertation Title: “Varieties and Functions of Hebrew Waw-Plus-
Subject-Plus-Perfect Sentence Constructions in the Narrative
Framework of the Pentateuch”
M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX. 1980
B.A. Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, TX. 1976
Majors: Bible, English
Generally Available Books
2009 1, 2 Samuel. Holman Old Testament Commentary. Nashville: B & H
Publishing Group. Author of Introduction, 2 Samuel.
1998 I, II Samuel. Shepherd's Notes. Nashville: Broadman & Holman.
1996 1, 2 Samuel. New American Commentary. Nashville: Broadman &
1994 Biblical Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics. Dallas. SIL Publications.
(Editor and Contributor)
Bible Translation Projects
1998-2002 Christian Standard Bible/Holman Christian Standard Bible (1
Samuel, Exodus). Holman Bible Publishers.
1998-99 Tyndale's New Living Translation--Revision (Exodus). Tyndale
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1989-90 New Living Translation (Exodus). Tyndale Publishers.
Study Bible Projects
2011 Holman Christian Study Bible (Introduction and Footnotes for
Genesis). Holman Bible Publishers.
2007 Apologetics Study Bible (Footnotes for Exodus, 1-2 Samuel).
Holman Bible Publishers.
1981 NIV Old Testament Concordance Project (Jeremiah 1-3),
Zondervan Publishing House.
Privately Printed Books & Manuals
1989 Tables and Graphs of Bergen Values for Hebrew Narrative. Vol.1:
The Pentateuch. HLG Center for the Study of Technology in Ministry.
1984 Introduction to Theological French. Privately printed.
1982 Discourse Criticism. Privately printed.
1981 Introduction to Akkadian. Privately printed.
1981 Notes on Classical Hebrew: A Structural Approach. Privately printed.
1979 Dictionary of Ugaritic. Privately printed.
1978 Introduction to Theological German. Privately Printed.
Chapters and Articles in Books
2013 “Discourse Linguistics: (i) Biblical Hebrew.” In Encyclopedia of
Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Brill.
2012 “Word Distribution as an Indicator of Authorial Intention: A Study of
Genesis 1:1-2:3.” In Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?. Edited by
James K. Hoffmeier and Dennis R. Magary. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway.
Pp. 201-15.
2011 “Leprosy.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook. Grand Rapids:
2003 “Authorial Intent and the Spoken Word: A Discourse-critical Analysis
of Speech Acts in Accounts of Israel’s United Monarchy.” In Giving
the Sense: Understanding and Using Old Testament Historical Texts.
Edited by David M. Howard Jr. and Michael Grisanti. Grand Rapids:
Kregel. Pp. 360-79.
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1994 "Evil Spirits and Eccentric Grammar: A Study of the Relationship
between Grammar and Meaning in Hebrew Narrative." In Biblical
Hebrew and Discourse Linguistics. Dallas: SIL Press, 1994. Pp. 320-
1993 "Preaching Old Testament Law." In Reclaiming the Prophetic Mantle.
Edited by George Klein. Nashville: Broadman Press. Pp. 51-69.
1992 "Cities of the Conquest," "Cycle of the Judges," "Neighbors of Israel."
In Holman Bible Handbook. Nashville: Broadman Press.
Bible Study Publications
2016 "Joshua, Judges, Ruth" (Lessons on Judges, Ruth). Explore the Bible
Adult Commentary, Winter 2016-2017.
2015 "Minor Prophets" (Introduction, lessons on Nahum, Zephaniah,
Zechariah). Explore the Bible Commentary, 8:3.
2014 "Proverbs, Song of Songs." Explore the Bible Adult Commentary, 7:3.
2014 Deuteronomy: A Challenge to a New Generation. January Bible Study
2015 Leader Guide. Nashville: LifeWay.
2012 "Hosea, Amos, Jonah." Explore the Bible Adult Commentary, 6:2.
Nashville: LifeWay.
2012 “Joshua, Judges, Ruth.” Explore the Bible Adult Commentary, 5:4.
Nashville: LifeWay.
2009 “Psalms.” Explore the Bible Adult Commentary, 3:1. Nashville:
2002 Family Bible Study: Adult Learner, KJV, Winter Quarterly. Nashville:
Articles in Journals and Other Publications and Projects
Forth- "Rape, Murder, and Ancient Jewish Law." In Biblical Illustrator,
coming Summer 2018.
2017 "Serpents: What the Egyptians Believed." In Biblical Illustrator, Fall
2017, 81-83.
2016 "Hebrew Historical Narrative: Suggestions on How to Use it in
Christian Proclamation." In Journal for Baptist Theology & Ministry,
13:2. Accessible at
2016 "The Message and Purpose of 1 Samuel." In Biblical Illustrator,
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Summer 2016, 14-18.
2015 "God's Covenant with Abraham." In Biblical Illustrator, Fall 2015.
2014 "Trade and Wealth in the Ancient World." In Biblical Illustrator,
Winter 2014-2015, 67-70.
2014 "Strange Women, Adulteresses, and Seducers in the Book of Proverbs."
In Biblical Illustrator, Spring 2014, 29-32.
2012 "The Moral Climate in Hosea's Day." In Biblical Illustrator, Winter
2012-13, 62-65.
2012 “Sealing the Deal in the Ancient Near East.” In Biblical Illustrator,
Summer 2012, 27-30.
2011 “Jeremiah in its Historical Setting.” In Biblical Illustrator, Summer
2011, 22-26.
2010 “The Historical Setting for 1 and 2 Samuel.” In Biblical Illustrator,
Summer 2010, 6-10.
2009 “The Heart: A Hebrew Understanding.” Biblical Illustrator, Fall
2008 “Serving in Ancient Israel’s Army.” Biblical Illustrator, Fall 2008, 66-
2008 “The Proverbs: Their Structure and Form.” Biblical Illustrator,
Summer 2008.
2007 “Jerusalem’s Fall to the Babylonians.” Biblical Illustrator, Fall 2007.
2006 “Moab.” Biblical Illustrator, Spring 2006, 54-57.
2005 Lesson Writer for 4 Stewardship Sunday School Lessons. Jefferson
City, Mo.: Missouri Baptist Convention.
2004 “Habakkuk: The Man and His Times.” Biblical Illustrator, Summer
2004, 9-11.
2003 “Potiphar in Egyptian Society.” Biblical Illustrator, Summer 2003, 49-
1998 13 Sunday School Lesson commentaries. Word & Way.
1993 "Calling Forth Yahweh's Curses: Hosea's Judgment of Israel in
8:1-10:15." Criswell Theological Review 7 [1993]:39-50.
1993 "The Computer as Biblical Exegete: Present Realities and Future
Prospects." Journal of Religious and Theological Information. 1
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1992 Interviewee for “Ancient Secrets of the Bible.” TV/DVD series.
Topics: David and Goliath, The Ten Commandments
1991 "Bible Exposition: The Cost of Doing Ministry in a Political World." In
Southern Baptist Public Affairs 2 [Fall/Winter 1991]:9-10.
1990 "The Role of Gen. 22:1-19 in the Abraham Cycle: A Computer-
Assisted Interpretation." Criswell Theological Review 4 [Spring
1990 "How to Buy a Printer that Meets Your Ministry's Needs."
Computerizing Your Ministry. Hannibal, Mo.: Hannibal-LaGrange
Center for the Study of Technology in Ministry.
1987 "Text as a Guide to Authorial Intention: An Introduction to Discourse
Criticism." Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 30
[September 1987]:327-336.
1990-1999 Editorial Board member, Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics
1991-92 Editorial Board member, Transactions of the Missouri Academy of
1990-91 Linguistics Section Chairman, Missouri Academy of Science
1990 General Chairman, "Fulfilling the Vision" H-LG College capital
campaign, Faculty/Staff/Administration division. Base goal:
$50,000; amount pledged, $116,000
1989 OT Section convener, Central States Society of Biblical Literature
1987-1988 Faculty Convener, Hannibal-LaGrange College
1985-1987 Secretary-Treasurer, Evangelical Theological Society, Southwest
2016 Appreciation Award. Presented by Canadian Southern Baptist
Seminary & College.
2016 Trustees Award for Excellence in Service. Presented by the
Hannibal-LaGrange University Board of Trustees.
2016 Selected as a Herald-Whig Heroes
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1995 Parkway Distinguished Professor [for Hannibal-LaGrange College]
1995 Elected to 2,000 Notable American Men [3rd edition]
1993 Elected to Men of Achievement [16th edition]
1992, 1986 Elected to Who's Who in Biblical and Archaeological Studies [1st
and 2nd edition volumes]
1992 Elected to Who's Who in Religion [4th edition]
1984, 1983 Recipient, Gil Fewell Evangelistic Association Research Grant for
Study of the Biblical Text. $10,000 total cash award
1982, 1975 Elected to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and
1980 Elected to Outstanding Young Men of America
1976 Valedictorian, Hardin-Simmons University
1976 Recipient, Austin Award, for Outstanding Student in Bible
Department, Hardin-Simmons University
1975-76 President, Texas Rho Chapter of Alpha Chi Honor Society,
Hardin-Simmons University
1975-76 President, Kappa Delta Dappa Ministerial Alliance,
Hardin-Simmons University
1975-76 President, Rangers Service Organization, Hardin-Simmons
1975-76 President, Hardin-Simmons Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta National
English Honor Society, Hardin-Simmons University
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