P a g e | 1 Preben Vang
Office: George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University • One Bear Place #97126 Waco,
TX 76798-7126 • (254) 710-6380
Current Position: Professor of Christian Scriptures and Director, Doctor of Ministry Program,
George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Ordained to the ministry: Bornholm Baptist Church
Licensed to the ministry: Copenhagen’s First Baptist Church
Director of Doctor of Ministry Program, George W. Truett Theological Seminary. .
Chaired the Master of Divinity committee at Palm Beach Atlantic University. We successfully
developed a Master of Divinity program which is now lauched and on track for full ATS
Expanded and developed the curriculum as chair of the Biblical and Theological Studies
department at Palm Beach Atlantic University
Developed the curriculum necessary for the establishment of a Department of Theology at
Ouchita Baptist University which I then chaired.
Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Department Chair and Professor, Master of Divinity Program, Palm Beach Atlantic University.
Department Chair and Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Palm Beach Atlantic
Department Chair and J.C. & Mae Fuller Professor of Christian Theology, OBU
Grader, Research Assistant, and occasional lecturer, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Lecturer of Missiology, Danish Baptist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Philosophy 1994, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Major: New Testament Studies. Minor: Theology.
Dissertation Title:
God’s Empowering Presence and the Issue of Holiness: A Relational Interpretation of Paul’s
Seminars include:
New Testament: New Testament History; New Testament Critical Methodology;
The Synoptic Gospels, Pauline Studies.
UT at Arlington: Greek Linguistics.
2 Preben Vang, Ph.D.
Theology: Contemporary
Biblical Theology
Contemporary Eschatology
Evangelism: Effective Church Growth Evangelism in the Contemporary World.
Seminar papers include:
New Testament History:
“The Apostolic Fathers: 2 Clement and Soteriology.”
“Jewish Life: Religious parties (Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes).”
“Piety in 1 Maccabees.”
“1 Maccabees and Text: Literary Gattung Analysis of 1 Maccabees.”
New Testament Critical Methodology:
Some Remarks on the Potential of Redaction-Criticism as a Literary and Historical Tool
for New Testament Exegesis.”
“The Role of Miracles in Acts: Acts 5:1-11.”
“The Role of Parænesis in Early Christian Letters: Hebrews 13:1-19.”
“The Role of Jesus’ Miracles in Luke’s Gospel: Luke 9:37-43a.”
The Synoptic Gospels:
“Some Remarks on The Evangelists' Use of the Passion Resurrection and Great
Commission Narratives: Matthew 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24.”
“Charles Anderson and the ‘Critical Quest of Jesus’.”
“Some Remarks on the Relationship Between the Historical Jesus and the Christ of Faith.”
Pauline Studies:
“Johannes Munck's ‘Paul and the Salvation of Mankind’.”
“The Prison Letters.” “Life in the Spirit. An Analysis of Romans 8:1-17.”
Contemporary Biblical Theology:
“Present and Future Aspects of the Synoptic Teaching on the Kingdom of God.”
“Pauline Anthropology in Light of 2 Cor. 4:7-15.”
“A Review of Albert Schweitzer’s: ‘Paul and His Interpreters: A Critical History’.”
Contemporary Eschatology:
“A Study into Some Concepts and Presuppositions of Process Theology as a Background
For a Later Study on the Eschatology of Schubert M. Ogden.”
“Some Remarks on the Eschatology of Schubert M. Ogden.”
Effective Church Growth Evangelism in the Contemporary World:
“Power Evangelism.”
“Revitalization of Plateaued Churches.”
Post Graduate Studies:
- Univ. of Copenhagen: “Cross Cultural Communication of the Gospel
- Belgium: Leuven University, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Military: Danish Civil Defence (compulsory drafting) Highest Honors!
Master of Divinity: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
3 Preben Vang, Ph.D.
Professional Studies:
- Wheaton Theology Conferences
- National and regional meetings of professional societies (SBL, ETS, IBR)
- schlikon Lecture Series by Jürgen Moltmann, “A Theology for the Church and the Kingdom of
God in Modern Society”
- Rüschlikon Lecture Series by Eduard Schweizer, “Pneuma in the New Testament.”
- Rüschlikon Lecture Series by Jürgen Moltmann, “The Trinity and the Kingdom of God.”
- Member of “The Second Century Seminar,” Dallas/Fort Worth
Bachelor of Theology: Danish Baptist Theological Seminary
One year of Graduate Engineering Studies: Danish Technical University (Masters
Electronics Engineering Degree
Vang, Preben. 1 Corinthians. Teach the Text Commentary Series. Edited by Mark L. Strauss
and John H. Walton. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2014.
Vang, Preben and Terry G. Carter. Telling God’s Story: The Biblical Narrative from Beginning
to End. 2nd, New and Revised ed. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2013
Vang, Preben and Terry G. Carter. El Relato Divino: La Narrativa Biblica De Principio a Fin.
Nashville: B&H Espanol, 2012.
Vang, Preben and Terry G. Carter. Telling God’s Story: The Biblical Narrative from Beginning
to End. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2006.
Vang, Preben, et. al. The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology. Downers Grove: InterVarsity
Press, 2004.
Vang, Preben. Når Gud Bliver Væk: Tre Prædikener fra Habakkuks Bog. København:
Menigheds Forlaget, 1996.
Vang, Preben. Vished I Den Kristne Tro. København: Menighedsforlaget, 1995
Articles and Projects
Vang, Preben. “A Critique of Moral Relativism.” In World View Study Bible, edited by David S.
Dockery. B&H Publishing Group, 2018
Vang, Preben. “Forgiveness.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by Tremper
Longman III, 610-11. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Incarnation.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by Tremper
Longman III, 834-36. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Redemption, Redeemer.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by
Tremper Longman III, 1402-03. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Resurrection.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by Tremper
Longman III, 1415-18. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Sanctification.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by Tremper
Longman III, 1477-78. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Sovereignty of God.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by
Tremper Longman III, 1565-66. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
4 Preben Vang, Ph.D.
Vang, Preben. “Spiritual Gifts.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by Tremper
Longman III, 1572-74. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Synoptic Gospels.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by
Tremper Longman III, 1592-93. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Temptation.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by Tremper
Longman III, 1609. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “Temptation of Jesus.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by
Tremper Longman III, 1609-11. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2013.
Vang, Preben. “John the Baptist.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook, edited by Scott J.
Duvall and Daniel J. Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2011.
Vang, Preben. “The Virgin Birth.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook, edited by Scott J.
Duvall and Daniel J. Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2011.
Vang, Preben. “Jesus and the Kingdom of God.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook,
edited by Scott J. Duvall and Daniel J. Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2011.
Vang, Preben. “Incarnation.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook, edited by Scott J. Duvall
and Daniel J. Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2011.
Vang, Preben. “Pentecost.” In The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook, edited by Scott J. Duvall
and Daniel J. Hays. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2011.
Contributor to a new DVD Bible teaching project entitled Deeper Connections published by
Zondervan, 2005
Vang, Preben. “Sanctification in Thessalonians.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 42, no. 1
(1999): 50.
Bible Studies Series, Arkansas Baptist News Magazine, 2001
Vang, Preben. “The Eschatology of Schubert Ogden.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 36, no.
2 (1994): 28-29.
Numerous articles through the years in Danish Baptist papers
Book Chapters
Vang, Preben. “The Church in the Mission of God.” In Discovering the Mission of God, edited
by Mike Barnett. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2012.
Vang, Preben. Theological reader, Hear the Voice, edited by David Capes. Nashville: Thomas
Nelson, 2012
Society of Biblical Literature
Institute of Biblical Research
Evangelical Theological Society
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
5 Preben Vang, Ph.D.
Proclaming the Kingdom (DMin seminar)
Sharing the Kingdom (DMin seminar taught in NYC)
Christian Scriptures 4
Church and the World
Christian Theology (Systematic Theology)
New Testament Theology
Theology of Paul
Jesus and the Kingdom of God
Christian Apologetics
Theology of Worship
Life and Faith of the Ecumenical Period
The Gospel of Luke
Johannine Literature
Theology of Acts
Biblical Backgrounds
Special Studies in 1
Century Judaism
Biblical Studies Trip (Footsteps of Paul)
Greek 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Special Studies in Greek Linguistics
Hermeneutics (Interpreting the Bible, Exegeting the Bible)
Old and New Testament Surveys
Exploring the Bible Narrative
European Academic Study Trip (variety of places in Europe with Liberal Arts interest).
Teaching and Learning Technology Committee, Baylor University
Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness committee, Baylor
Chair, Doctor of Ministry committee, Baylor
Steering committee for self-study before ATS site visit, Baylor
Admissions and Enrollment Management committee, Baylor
Faculty Supervision, Doctor of Ministry Program, Baylor
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Family and Community Ministries, Baylor
Chair, MDiv Planning and Implementation Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA)
Strategic Development Team, PBA
Quality Enhancement Program Committee, PBA
Faculty Promotion Committee, PBA
Faculty Development Committee, PBA
A number of faculty search committees
6 Preben Vang, Ph.D.
University Committee (faculty senate), Ouachita Baptist University (OBU)
University Academic Vice President Search Committee, OBU
Faculty Development Committee, OBU
Chair, Enrollment Management Committee, OBU
Chair, University Scholarship Committee, OBU
University Curriculum Committee, OBU
Strategic Planning Committee, OBU
Technology Committee, OBU
Technology Committee, Pruet School of Christian Studies
Committee on Scholarship and Research (for accreditation report), OBU
Academic Enrichment Committee, OBU
Chair, Danish Baptist Pastor’s conference, 1996 to 1997
Chair, Copenhagen Baptist Association, 1995 to 1997
Board of Advisors, “Udfordringen,” (Christian newspaper & publishing)
Nomination Committee, Danish Baptist Union, 1995 to 1996
Chairman or member of numerous committees in Denmark through the years
Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Sulphur Springs, TX
Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church, Nacogdoches TX
Founding Pastor, Grace Pointe, Lake Worth, FL
Pastor, Sherbrooke Baptist Church, Lake Worth, FL
Interim Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church, El Dorado, AR
Pastor, First Baptist Church of Sparkman, AR (Interim)
Interim Pastor, Cullendale First Baptist Church, AR
Interim Pastor, Little Rock's First Baptist Church, AR
Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church of Maumelle, AR
Senior Pastor, Copenhagen’s First Baptist Church
included the Danish mother church, an English speaking International church,
a Spanish speaking International church, plus Romanian & Serbo-Croatian speaking
Lead Pastor, Roskilde Baptist Church
went through a building program and relocation to a new church facility
Lead Pastor Bornholm Baptist Church
included the mother church plus 5 preaching points (churches) with semi-independent
leadership groups.
Preaching, various Texas churches
Preaching and Teaching, Florida churches
Counselor to the Staff, FBC West Palm Beach, FL
Preached, Arkansas Baptist State Pastor's Conference
Preaching and Teaching, Arkansas and Texas Baptist Churches
Preached the Danish Baptist Union 150
Anniversary Sermon
Preached the Annual Danish Baptist Union Sermon
7 Preben Vang, Ph.D.
Preached revivals throughout the Danish Baptist Union
Staff, International Evangelism Association, Fort Worth, TX
Associate to the Pastor, First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City
Pastoral Intern, Plymouth Park Baptist Church, Irving, TX
Interim Pastor, Vårst Baptist Church, Denmark
Director of Youth Work, Copenhagen’s First Baptist Church
Youth Staff, Aarhus Baptist Church, Denmark
Baptist Boy Scout leader, Aarhus Baptist Church, Denmark
Teaching and staff development Florida churches
Teacher, Annual Pastors' Conferences, Ouachita Baptist University
Raised funds to buy a Christian Youth Camp in Romania
Raised funds to build a Christian High School in Resita, Romania
Inspirational Lecturer, National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, Dallas
Bible Teacher, Television series on The Biblical Books
Lecturer, Copenhagen Church Festival, “The Multinational Church” (city wide multi-
denominational outreach)
Academic Lecturer, Danish Baptist Pastors’ Conference
President, Danish Baptist Pastors’ Conference
Preaching and teaching in Romanian Baptist churches and the Romanian Baptist
Organized Bible-School and taught New Testament Classes, FBC Copenhagen
Organized the Danish part of Partnership efforts with SBC churches
Bible Teacher, Danish Baptist Union Bible Camp
Staff member of IEA and “Cross-cultural” editor of IEA discipleship material
Television appearances: Call-In-Talkshows, Bible Discussions, Preaching
Bible Teacher, Danish Baptist Youth Camp and Young Baptist Winter Camp
Prepared teams from SBC churches across the nation for cross-cultural evangelism (IMB)
- Upon request