Curriculum Vitae
Tremper Longman III
Distinguished Scholar of Biblical Studies
Westmont College
Business Address:
207 Alston Road
Santa Barbara, Calif. 93108
Email Address:
Born 8 September 1952
Princeton, NJ
US citizen
Married, three children
B.A. Ohio Wesleyan University, 1974 (Religion)
M. Div. Westminster Theological Seminary, 1977
M.Phil. Yale University, 1980
Ph.D. Yale University, 1983 (Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature)
Awards and Honors
Westminster Graduate Fellow (1977)
University Fellowship (1980)
Fellow of the American College of Biblical Theology (1994-)
Distinguished Staley Lecturer, Canadian Bible College (1998)
Researcher of the Year, Westmont College (2002 and 2012)
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend to study semiotics at Princeton
University under Professor M. Shapiro (1984)
ASOR grant to study Syro-Palestinian archeology at the University Museum,
Philadelphia (1986)
Donner Canadian Foundation (2011-2012; 2017-2018)
Teaching Positions
Present Position
Westmont College
Distinguished Scholar of Biblical Studies
Seattle Graduate School of Theology and Psychology
Visiting Professor of Old Testament, 1998-
Westminster Theological Seminary
Visiting Professor of Old Testament, 1998-2009
Fuller Theological Seminary
Adjunct Professor of Old Testament, 1998-
Frequent or occasional lecturer at: Regent College (Vancouver), Canadian Theological
Seminary (Calgary); University of Peking
Previous Positions
Westmont College
Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, 1998-
Chair of the Religious Studies Department, 2001-2004
Westminster Theological Seminary
Teaching Assistant in Hebrew, 1976-1977
Lecturer in Old Testament, 1981
Assistant Professor of Old Testament, 1981-1983
Associate Professor of Old Testament, 1983-1986
Associate Professor of Old Testament with tenure, 1986-1991
Professor of Old Testament, 1991-1998
Chairman of the Department, 1993-1998
Visiting Professor, 1998—2007
Florida Theological Center, Visiting Lecturer, 1982
International Graduate School in Theology, Seoul, Korea (October, 1986)
Winnipeg Theological Seminary (Summer 1989)
Reformed Theological Seminary (January 1990, 2004, 2007; extension 2004, 2006)
Southeast Asia Theological Seminary (Malang, Indonesia; July 1995)
Chongshin Theological Seminary (Seoul, Korea, September, 1995)
Fuller Theological Seminary (Regular Session in Pasadena 2004, 2005, 2007; Summer
Session, 1997, 2000 2001; Extension: 2002-2003; 2004-2005; 2006-2007
China Reformed Theological Seminary (Taipei, Taiwan, June-July 1999)
Wesley Institute (Sydney, Australia, July 2000)
Southern Cross College (Sydney, Australia, July 2000)
Regent College (Vancouver, Summer Session 1998, 2001; 2005)
Canadian Theological Seminary (Summer 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
Presbyterian Theological Centre (Sydney, Australia 2002, 2007)
Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Melbourne, 2007)
University of Peking (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011)
Phoenix Theological Seminary (2007)
Denver Theological Seminary (2005, 2007)
And many others
Institutional Activities
Managing Editor of the Westminster Theological Journal (1982-1989)
Book Review Editor of the Westminster Theological Journal (1989-1992)
Faculty Representative to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustee
(1993-1994; 1995-1996; 1997)
Faculty Council, Westmont College, 2001-2004
Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, Westmont College (2001-2004)
Other Professional Activities
Regular Participant
Society of Biblical Literature (1981- )
American Oriental Society (1982-1995)
American Schools of Oriental Research (1982-1995)
Evangelical Theological Society (1983- )
Institute for Biblical Research (1983- )
Semiotic Society of America (1984-1990)
Board Member of the Institute of Holy Land Studies (1984-1989)
Consultant to the Academic Affairs Committee of Zondervan Publishing Company
Member of the Executive Committee, Institute of Biblical Research (1988-1991)
Consultant to Word Inc. on The New Century Version
Co-editor with Willem VanGemeren of the series Issues in Contemporary Old Testament
Theology (Zondervan)
General Reviewer of the Living Bible Revision Project
Member of the Central Bible Translation Committee (sponsored by Tyndale House
On board of Cornerstone Counseling Services (1994-1998)
Associate Editor, New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis
Associate Editor, NIV Life Application Commentary (Zondervan).
Revision Editor for the Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Zondervan).
Editor of the series “The Gospel according to the Old Testament” (Presbyterian and
Editorial Board of the Revised Eerdman’s Handbook of the Bible.
Editor of modular commentary series on wisdom for Baker Books.
Translation team member (Jeremiah) for the Holman Translation of the Bible
Editor, Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and Writings (IVP)
Chair of Revision Committee of the New Century Version (2004-2005)
Member of the editorial board for the Bulletin of Biblical Research (2004-2010)
General Editor, The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary
General Editor, Regula Fidei Commentary Series (Zondervan)
Consultant, Biblical Scholar, The Voice Bible (Thomas Nelson)
Editorial Board, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Advisory Council, The Biologos Foundation (2015-)
Advisory Council, “Science for Seminaries” Program for DOSER, AAAS (2015-)
General Editor (with Mark Strauss) of the Baker Expository Dictionary.
“The Traits of Modern English Versions of the New Testament: A Study of the Project,”
in The New Testament Student and Bible Translation (ed. J. H. Skilton; Philipsburg, N.J.:
Presbyterian and Reformed, 1978) 171-175.
“The Mystery of Ebla,” The Westminster Bulletin (Fall, 1982, 1-3).
“A Critique of Two Recent Metrical Systems,” Biblica 62 (1982) 230-254.
“The Divine Warrior: The New Testament Use of an Old Testament Motif,”
Westminster Theological Journal 44 (1982) 290-307.
“Fictional Akkadian Royal Autobiography: A Generic and Comparative Approach,”
Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1983.
“I Sam. 12:16-19: Divine Omnipotence or Covenant Curse?,” Westminster Theological
Journal 45 (1983) 168-171.
“Comparative Studies: Ecclesiastes Reconsidered,” TSF Bulletin (March-April, 1984) 6-
“Psalm 98: A Divine Warrior Hymn,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
“Form Criticism, Recent Developments in Genre Theory, and the Evangelical,”
Westminster Theological Journal 47 (1985).
“Cuneiform Tablets from the Toledo Museum of Art,” Revue d’Assyriologie 79 (1985)
17-41 (with M. Van de Mieroop).
“The Form and Message of Nahum: Preaching from a Prophet of Doom,” The Reformed
Journal 1 (1985).
Assorted articles mainly on warfare and commerce in The Illustrated Bible Dictionary
(ed. H. Lockyer; Thomas Nelson, 1986).
“The Literary Approach to the Study of the Old Testament: Promise and Pitfalls,” Journal
of the Evangelical Theological Society 28 (1985) 385-398.
“Reading the Bible Like a Book,” Christianity Today (31/4; March 6, 1987) 27-28.
“Hermeneutics and Counseling,” IBC Perspective 2.
Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, vol. 3 in Foundations in Contemporary
Hermeneutics (general editor Moises Silva) for Zondervan, 1987.
“Theophany” and “Anthropomorphism” in New Dictionary of Theology (IVP; 1988).
How to Read the Psalms (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1988).
“Storytellers and Poets in the Bible: Can Literary Artifice be True?,” in Inerrancy and
Hermeneutics (ed. H. Conn; Baker, 1988).
“Solomon—God is Pleased with His Prayer for Wisdom,” Decision Magazine (Dec.
“Micah,’ in Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (ed. By W. A. Elwell; Baker, 1989).
“God’s Law and Mosaic Punishments Today,” in Theophany: A Reformed Critique (ed.
By W. S. Barker and W. Robert Godfrey; Zondervan, 1990) 41-58.
“What I Mean by Historical-Grammatical Exegesis—Why I Am Not a Literalist,” Grace
Theological Journal 11 (1990) 41-58.
Editor of The Bible User’s Manual (Leicester, England: IVP, 1991), published as The
Complete Bible Study Tool Kit in the USA.
Fictional Akkadian Autobiography: A Generic and Comparative Study (Eisenbrauns,
Old Testament Commentary Survey (Baker, 1991).
Second Author (with Dan Allender) of Bold Love (NavPress, 1992).
Editor (with L. Ryken) of A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible (Zondervan, 1993).
“Nahum,” in T. McComiskey (ed.), The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository
Commentary (Baker, 1993) 765-829.
Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions about God (with Dan
Allender; NavPress, 1994). Also published in Finnish, Spanish, and French.
An Introduction to the Old Testament (with Ray Dillard; Zondervan, 1994).
“Psalms,” in the Geneva Study Bible (Thomas Nelson, 1995).
God is a Warrior (with Daniel Reid; Zondervan, 1995).
Old Testament Commentary Survey. Second Edition. (Baker, 1995).
“Lament.” In Cracking the Code. Broadman, 1995.
“Seven Keys to Understanding Scripture.” Discipleship Journal 89 (1995) 48-52.
Consultant to The One Year Chronological Bible (Tyndale, 1995).
Intimate Allies (with Dan Allender; Tyndale, 1995).
Paperback edition appeared in February 1999.
Assorted articles, including Theologies of Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Nahum, for
The Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology (edited by W. A. Elwell; Baker Books,
“Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation,” in Foundations of Contemporary
Interpretation (Zondervan, 1996), pp. 95-196. Reprint of Literary Approaches to Biblical
“When God Declares War,” (with Dan Reid) Christianity Today 40 (October 28, 1996),
pp. 14-21.
The Everyday Study Bible (co-editor with Joel Green; Word, 1996). The volume
contains 260 articles of which I wrote ca. 30.
“Fictional Akkadian Autobiography,” in The Context of Scripture: Canonical
Compositions from the Biblical World (W. W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, Jr., eds.;
Brill, 1997), pp. 476-482.
“How to Read the Psalms,’ Discipleship Journal 99 (May/June 1997) 43-48.
“Seven Keys to Understanding Scripture,” in Discover the Word: Reading the Bible for
All Its Worth (edited by E. Leadingham; Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1997), pp. 49-
60. This is a reprint of the Discipleship Journal (1995) article.
Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind (NavPress, 1997).
Associate editor and numerous articles including an introductory article in the five
volumes, New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (W.
VanGemeren [general editor]; Zondervan, 1997).
The Book of Ecclesiastes (NICOT; Eerdmans, 1998).
“Guilt and Compassion: Old Testament versus New Testament?” modernReformation 6
(1997) 10-11, 17.
Bold Purpose: Exchanging Counterfeit Happiness for the Real Meaning of Life (with Dan
Allender; Tyndale House Publishers, 1998).
“Promises, Promises,” Tabletalk (December, 1998).
Editor and contributor (with Leland Ryken and Jim Wilholt, Dictionary of Biblical
Imagery (Intervarsity Press, 1998).
“Preaching from the Book of Ecclesiastes” and “Preaching from the Song of Songs,”
Ministry and Theology (Seoul, Korea: Tyrannus Publisher, 1998).
Making Sense of the Old Testament: Three Crucial Questions (Baker, 1998).
“Reading the Bible Postmodernly,” Mars Hill Review 12 (1998) 23-30.
Daniel (NIVAC; Zondervan 1999).
Paperback edition of Intimate Allies (1999).
Paperback edition of Cry of the Soul (1999).
“Literary Approaches to Old Testament Study,” in The Faces of Old Testament Study
(eds. D. Baker and Bill Arnold; Baker, 1999).
“Adultery: Betrayed Commitments,” in Decision Magazine 41 (July-August, 2000), 31-4.
“Evangelicals and the Comparative Method,” in Creator Redeemer Consummator: A
Festschrift for Meredith G. Kline, edited by H. Griffith and J. R. Muether; Greenville,
SC: Reformed Academic Press, 2000. Pp. 33-42.
Contributor to New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (edited by T. D. Alexander and B. S.
Rosner; Leicester, England: IVP Press, 2000).
“Holy War,” in Tabletalk (January 2001), pp. 8-10, 56.
“’You Want Me to Go Where?” Discipleship Journal 122 (March/April 2001), p. 45.
“Adultery—Betrayed Commitments,” reprinted in The Ten Commandments
(Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 2001), pp. 35-39.
Song of Songs (NICOT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001).
Immanuel in Our Place: Seeing Christ in Israel’s Worship (P and R, 2001).
9 essays in The Lectionary Commentary: Theological Exegesis for Sunday’s Texts, vol. 1
(ed. R. Van Harn; Eerdmans, 2001).
“Accuracy and Readability: Warring Impulses in Evangelical Translation Tradition,” in
Biblical Translation in Context, edited by Frederich Knobloch (University Press of
Maryland, 2002), pp. 165-75.
How to Read Proverbs (IVP, September 2002).
“The Case for Spiritual Continuity,” pages 161-95 in Show Them No Mercy: Four Views
on God and Canaanite Genocide (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003).
Good Question article in Christianity Today (May, 2003).
“Israelite Genres in their Ancient Near Eastern Context,” in The Changing Face of Form
Criticism for the Twenty First Century (edited by E. Ben Zvi and M. Sweeney;
Eerdmans, 2003): 177-95.
A Biblical History of Israel (with Iain Provan and V. Philips Long; John
Knox/Westminster Press, 2003).
3d updated edition of the Old Testament Commentary Guide (Baker, 2003).
“The Family in Wisdom Literature,” in Family in the Bible (edited by R. Hess and M.
Daniel Carroll R.; Baker Books, 2003: 80-99.
“Deuteronomy” “Song of Songs” and “Ecclesiastes” for the Renovare Study Bible
(HarperCollins, 2005)
How to Read Genesis (InterVarsity Press, 2005).
“The Psalms and the Genre of Ancient Near Eastern Prayers,” in Interpreting the Psalms,
edited by P. Johnston and D. Firth (IVP, 2005), pp. 41-59.
Intimate Marriage Curriculum (book, seven Bible study guides, leader’s guide, and DVD;
InterVarsity, 2005).
“History of Israel 7: Persian Period,” in the Dictionary of the Historical Books, ed. by H.
G. M. Williamson and B. Arnold (InterVarsity).
“Sovereign Lord: The Message of Daniel is God’s Triumph over Evil,” interview article
(Australian Presbyterian, November, 2005).
“Song of Songs,” for the Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of Scripture (edited by
K. Vanhoozer, C. Bartholomew, N. T. Wright; Baker, 2005).
Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs (Cornerstone Commentaries; Tyndale, 2006).
Proverbs (BCOTWP; Baker, 2006).
Contributor to the Men’s Devotional Bible (Zondervan, 2006).
Introduction to the Old Testament (2
edition; with R. B. Dillard; Zondervan, 2006)
Old Testament Commentary Survey (4
edition, 2006).
“Reading Wisdom Canonically,” in Canon and Biblical Interpretation (eds, C.
Bartholomew, et. al.; Zondervan, 2006), pp. 352-373.
“Poetical Books,” IVP Introduction to the Bible: Story, Themes and Interpretation
(Leicester, England, 2006); The IVP Introduction to the Bible (Downers Grove, IL,
“The Messiah: Explorations in Law and Writings,” in The Messiah in the Old and New
Testaments, edited by S. E. Porter, 2007), pp. 13-34.
Breaking the Idols of Your Heart: How to Navigate the Temptations of Life. With Dan
Allender (IVP; 2007).
“E. J. Young,” in Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters (IVP, 2007).
Jeremiah and Lamentations (NIBC; Hendrickson, 2008).
Editor and contributor of the Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and
Writings (IVP, 2008). Award of Merit: Christianity Today and Gold Medallion in the
Bible and Reference Category (Evangelical Publishing Association).
“The Theology and History of the Exodus: The State of the Question,” Buried History:
Journal of the Australian Institute of Archaeology 43 (2007): 27-34.
Co-editor and Contributor to the New Living Translation Study Bible (2008).
Co-author (with T. McComiskey) of “Amos” and “Micah,” in The Expositor’s Bible
Commentary (Revised Edition; Zondervan, 2008).
“Autobiography” and “Baal-hamon” for the EBR (Brill).
The Expanded Bible, New Testament (contributing scholar along with Mark Strauss and
Dan Taylor; Thomas Nelson, 2009).
How to Read Exodus (IVP, 2009).
“Genesis,” NLT Study Series (Tyndale House Publishers, 2009).
“Proverbs,” in The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, vol 5, edited
by J. Walton (Zondervan, 2009), pp. 464-505.
“Challenging the Idols of the Twenty-First Century: The Message of the Book of
Ecclesiastes,” Stone-Campbell Journal 12 (2009) 207-18.
“Divine Warrior,” in the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia (2009; Silva, editor).
“Frustrations and False Gods: Living in a Fallen World,” with Dan Allender (a DVD
hosted by Donald Miller and produced by Converge (November 2009).
“Isaiah 65:17-25,” Interpretation 64 (January, 2010), 72-73.
Daniel: Faith Under Pressure (with Janet Nygren). In the Bringing the Bible to Life
series (Zondervan, 2010),
“The Glory of God in the Old Testament,” in The Glory of God, edited by C. W. Morgan
and R. A. Peterson (Crossway, 2010), 47-78.
“Preaching Wisdom,” in ‘He Began with Moses…’: Preaching the Old Testament Today,
edited by Greenville J. R. Kent, Paul J. Kissingling, and Laurence A. Turner
(Nottingham: IVP, 2010), 102-21.
“Isaiah,” in the HCSB Study Bible (Holman Bible Publishers, 2010), 1123-1229.
Science, Creation and the Bible (with Richard F. Carlson; IVP, 2010).
“Why Do Bad things Happen to Good People? A Biblical-Theological Approach,” in
Eyes to See, Ears to Hear: Essays in Memory of J. Alan Groves (edited by P. Enns, D. J.
Green, and M. B. Kelly; P and R, 2010), pp. 1-16.
“Wisdom as Paradigmatic in Scripture,” in Preaching Character: Reclaiming Wisdom’s
Paradigmatic Imagination for Transformation (edited by D. Bland and D. Fleer; Abiline
Christian University Press, 2010), 23-47.
“Job” with E. Smick, in Expositors Bible Commentary: Revised Edition (Zondervan,
2010), 675-921.
“’Holy War’ and the Universal God: Reading the Old Testament Holy War Texts in a
Biblical Theological and Post-Colonial Setting,” in R. R. Cook and D. W. Pao (eds.),
After Imperialism: Christian Identify in China and the Global Evangelical Movement
(Studies in Chinese Christianity; Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2011), pp. 96-
“Spirit and Wisdom,” in D. G. Firth and P. D. Wegner (eds.), Presence, Power and
Promise: The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament (Nottingham: Apollos, 2011;
Intervarsity, 2011), 95-110.
Contributing Editor and Contributor, The Eerdmans Companion to the Bible, edited by
Gordon Fee and Robert Hubbard (Eerdmans, 2011).
“Proverbs,” in the Common English Bible.
The Expanded Bible (with M. Strauss and D. Taylor; Thomas Nelson, 2011).
Contributor, The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook (edited by Hays and Duvall, 2011).
“Psalm 77: A Cry of the Soul.” In Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Prof. In Whan Kim,
Professor of the Old Testament and the former president of Chongshin University
(Chongshin University, 2011), 203-25.
“How Universal is Wisdom Literature?” in Reading the Old Testament for Public Life
Today. Edited by R. O’Dowd (Cardus, 2011), 26-29.
“Micah,” in The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary, edited by G. M. Burge and A. E.
Hill (Baker, 2012), 860-872.
“History and Old Testament Interpretation,” in Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for
God’s Address. Edited by C. Bartholomew and D. Beldman. Eerdmans, 2012. 96-121.
Jeremiah and Lamentations (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series; Baker, 2008),
previously published by Hendrickson Publishing).
Introducing the Old Testament: A Short Guide to Its History and Message, Zondervan,
Job. BCOTWP; Baker, 2012.
updated edition of the Old Testament Commentary Guide (Baker, 2013).
“Determining the Historical Context of Ecclesiastes.” In The Words of the Wise are Like
Goads: Engaging Qohelet in the 21
Century. Edited by M. J. Boda, T. Longman III, C.
G. Rata. (Eisenbrauns, 2013). pp. 89-102.
“What Genesis 1-2 Teaches (and What It Doesn’t),” in Reading Genesis 1-2: An
Evangelical Conversation, edited by J. Daryl Charles (Hendrickson, 2013), pp. 103-28
General editor and contributor, Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Baker, 2013).
(with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein), Holy Land Moments (Tyndale, 2013).
“From Weeping to Rejoicing: Psalm 150 as the Conclusion to the Psalter,” in The
Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul, edited by D. Howard and A. Schmutzer
(Moody, 2013): 219-28.
“Criminal and Civil Law in the Torah: The Mosaic Law in Christian Perspective,” with
David Skeel, in Law and the Bible: Justice, Mercy and Legal Institutions (InterVarsity
Press, 2013), 80-100.
Essential Guide: Old Testament (IVP, 2014)
T. Longman (editor), The Baker Compact Bible Dictionary (Baker, 2014).
“Foreward,” in Reconsidering the Relationship between Biblical and Systematic Theology
in the New Testament, edited by B. E. Reynolds, B. Lugioyo, and K. J. Vanhoozer (Mohr
Siebeck, 2014).
Psalms (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries; InterVarsity Press, 2014).
God Loves Sex: An Honest Conversation about Sexual Desire and Purity (with Dan
Allender; Baker Books, 2014).
“Qohelet as Solomon: ‘For What Can Anyone Who Comes after the King Do?’
(Ecclesiastes 2:12),” in Reading Ecclesiastes Intertextually, edited by K. Dell and W.
Kyne (Bloomsbury T. and T. Clark, 2014),
“Getting Brutally Honest with God: The Psalms of Lament Invite Us to Voice Our
Frustrations—and Provide a Reason to Hope,” Christianity Today 59 (April 2015), 56-9.
“The ‘Fear of God’ in the Book of Ecclesiastes,” BBR 25 (2015): 13-22.
“Wisdom’s Response to the Divine Initiative,” Ex Auditu 30 (2014): 26-41.
“What Good Are Proverbs?” In Touch Magazine 7 (2015): 27-28.
“Everything is Not Meaningless,” The Gospel Coalition Blog (by invitation)
“Daniel,” in NIV Zondervan Study Bible; ed. By D. A. Carson (Zondervan, 2015), 1687-
“Proverbs,” on SBL’s Bible Odyssey site (by invitation),
A Biblical History of Israel, 2
edition (with I. Provan and V. P. Long; Westminster John
Knox, 2015)
“Psalm 1” and Proverbs 1:1-7,” in Devotions in the Hebrew Bible, edited by M. Eng and
L. M. Fields (Zondervan, 2015).
Editor and contributor (“Prayer in the Psalms”) of Praying with Ancient Israel: Exploring
the Theology of Prayer in the Old Testament (Abilene Christian University Press, 2015)
(see pp. 87-100).
Genesis (Story of God Commentary Series; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016).
“An Old Testament Professor Celebrates Creation,” in How I Changed My Mind about
Evolution: Evangelicals Reflect on Faith and Science, edited by K. Applegate and J. B.
Stump (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016), 48-53.
“’Meaningless, Meaningless, Says Qohelet’: Finding the Meaning of Life in the Book of
Ecclesiastes,” in J. Seachris and S. Goetz, editors, God and Meaning: New Essays
(Bloomsbury Academic, 2016), 231-46.
“Genesis,” for the Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary, edited by J. Scott
Duvall and J. Daniel Hays (Baker, 2016).
The Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Discovery Series:
Understanding the Bible: Our Daily Bread Ministries, 2017).
Co-editor (along with P. Copan, C. L. Reese, and M. G. Strauss) and contributor to
Dictionary of Christianity and Science (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017).
Articles: Adam and Eve; Genesis, Book of; Creation; Genesis Flood; Atrahasis;
Gilgamesh Epic; Enuma Elish; John Walton; Howard Van Till; Genesis, Interpretation of
Chapters 1 and 2 (Canonical View); Image of God; Genealogy; Tower of Babel; Serpent;
Firmament; Fall
“How Long Are the ‘Days’ of Genesis One?” Biologos Blog
The Story Psalm: Scripture Union Canada
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom
in Israel (Baker, 2017)
Foreign Language Editions
Korean edition of How to Read the Psalms.
Second Author (with Dan Allender) of Bold Love (NavPress, 1992). Also published in
Portuguese edition of Introduction to the Old Testament, commissioned 6/97.
Chinese edition of Introduction to the Old Testament, commissioned 11/97.
Korean edition of the Introduction to the Old Testament, appeared in December 1997.
Cry of the Soul (French edition, 1997).
Cry of the Soul (Finnish edition, 1997).
How to Read the Psalms (Tien Dao Publishing: Hong Kong, Chinese edition, 1997).
Dutch edition of Bold Love commissioned in May of 1998.
God is a Warrior. Solomon Press: Korean edition, 1996.
Allies dans l’intime (French edition of Intimate Allies, 1998).
Korean edition of Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind, commissioned February 1999.
Portuguese edition of Cry of the Soul, commissioned February 1999.
Liefde die Moed Vraagt (Dutch edition of Bold Love; Dreibergen: Nederlandse vertaling
Navigator Boeken, 1999).
Indonesian edition of Making Sense of the Old Testament, commissioned August 1999.
Spanish edition of Cry of the Soul (El Grito del Alma) appeared in January 2000.
Chinese edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament appeared in February 2000.
Indonesian edition of How to Read the Bible with Heart and Mind appeared in July 2000
(Memahami Perjanjian Lama: Tiga Pertanyaan Penting).
Spanish edition of How to Read the Psalms commissioned in July 2000.
Russian edition of Cry of the Soul commissioned in August 2000.
Inleiding op het Oude Testament (Dutch edition of Introduction to the Old Testament,
appeared October 2000).
Hoog Inzetten (Dutch edition of Bold Purpose; Navigator Boeken, 2000).
Portuguese edition of Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind commissioned in April
Samen Sterk (Dutch edition of Intimate Allies; Navigator Boeken, 2001).
Russian and Czech editions of Cry of the Soul commissioned in February 2002.
Russian edition of Bold Purpose commissioned in February 2002.
Russian edition of Bold Love commissioned in March 2002.
Russian edition of Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind commissioned in January
Russian edition of Bold Love commissioned in February 2003.
Como Leer Los Salmos, Spanish edition of How to Read the Psalms (Editorial Clie:
Barcelona, 2003).
Korean edition of Dictionary of Biblical Imagery (2003).
Plac duse (Czech translation of The Cry of the Soul; Braislava: Porta Libri, 2002).
Czeck edition of Bold Love, commissioned in April 2003.
Korean edition of Bold Love, commissioned in April 2003.
Thai edition of How to Read Proverbs commissioned in April 2003.
Korean edition of Making Sense of the Old Testament commissioned in May 2003.
Slovak edition of Bold Love, commissioned in May 2003.
Korean edition Bold Love (Jireh Publishing Company, 2003).
Finnish edition of How to Read the Psalms commissioned in July 2003.
Slowinik Symboliki Biblijnej (Prymasowska Seria Biblijna; Warszawa: Ifficyna
Wydawnicza ‘Voacatio’, 2003). Polish translation of Dictionary of Biblical Imagery.
Uvod do Stareho zakona (Navrat Domu, 2003). Czech translation of Old Testament
Lendo a Biblia com o coracao e a mente (Portuguese translation of Reading the Bible
with Heart and Mind; Editora Cultura Crista: Sao Paulo, Brasil), 2003).
Introducao ao Antigo Testamento. Trad. Sueli da Silva. Saraiva. Sao Paulo,(Portuguese
in 2005 by Edicoes Vida Nova.
Thai edition of How to Read Proverbs (Tyrannus Press, 2004).
Korean edition of How to Read Proverbs (Korean IVP, 2005).
Russian edition of Bold Love appeared in April 2005.
Slovak edition of Bold Love appeared in April 2005.
Korean edition of Making Sense of the Old Testament (CLC, 2004, received 6/15/05).
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery Portuguese edition (Editora Academia Crista)
commissioned July, 2005.
How to Read Genesis Korean edition (Korea IVP) commissioned July 23, 2005.
How to Read Proverbs Chinese edition (Sino Language Consultant Co., Ltd.)
commissioned July 23, 2005.
How to Read Psalms Thai edition (Tyrannus Center) commissioned July 23, 2005.
The Intimate Mystery. German edition Free Spirit Verlag commissioned 10/05
Chinese edition of Daniel, appeared November 23, 2005.
Russian Edition of Cry of the Soul (Novosibirsk Christian Publishing Company, 2005).
Das vertraute Geheimnis: Schopfen Sie Kraft und Freude aus einer starken Ehe!
(German edition of The Intimate Marriage: Koln: Free Spirit Verlag, 2005).
Finnish edition of How to Read Psalms appeared in February 2006.
L. Ryken, J. C. Wilhoit, and T. Longman III (eds.), Le Immagini Bibliche Dzionari San
Paolo, 2006), Italian edition of Dictionary of Biblical Imagery.
Chinese edition of How to Read Proverbs appeared in May 2006.
Korean edition of How to Read Genesis appeared in August 2006.
Indonesian edition of How to Read Proverbs (Hikmat & Hidup Sukses), appeared April
Thai edition of How to Read Psalms appeared in May 2007.
"Die Geheimnisse der Heiligen Schrift Entschlusseln," Neues Leben 9 (2007): 12-14.
Genesis Lezen (Barneveld; Uitgeverij de Vuurbaak, 2007). Dutch translation of How to
Read Genesis.
Korean edition of Breaking the Idols of Your Heart commissioned in April 2008.
Romanian edition of Dictionary of Biblical Imagery commissioned in April 2008.
UK edition of DOT: Wisdom, Poetry and Writings commissioned in April 2008.
Romanian edition of Making Sense of the Old Testament, commissioned in April 2008.
Russian edition of Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind appeared in May 2008. (Mirt
Publishing House)
Indonesian edition of How to Read Proverbs commissioned in August 2008 (Perseutuan
Pembaca Alkitab (PPA).
Spanish Edition of the Introduction to the OT (see
Introduction a l’Ancien Testament (Charols, France: Editions Excelsis, 2008).
Como Ler Genesis (Brasil: Vida Nova, 2009).
Introduccion al Anitguo Testamento (with R. Dillard; Libros Desafio, 2007).
Thai edition of How to Read Genesis (Tyrannus Center, 2009).
Korean Edition of the Second edition of the Introduction to the Old Testament (Christian
Digest Press: Goyang, Korea, 2009).
Israels Historie I Det Gamle Testamente includes my study of the Persian Period
(Danish, 2009).
Korean Edition of Immanuel in Our Place (published November 2009).
English-Philippine edition of Breaking the Idols of Your Heart commissioned in January
2010 (Lighthouse Bookstore)
How to Read Exodus, Indonesian edition commissioned (Persekutuan Pembaca Alkitab,
January 2010)
How to Read Exodus, Korean edition commissioned (Korea IVP, January 2010).
How to Read Genesis (Chinese Edition; Sino Language Consultants Co., August 2010).
How to Read Exodus (Chinese Edition, 2010).
Panorama Kejadian: Awal Mula Sejarah (Indonesian edition of How to Read Genesis
(Yayasan Pancar Pijar Alkitab, 2010, received April 2011).
A Biblical History of Israel (Chinese edition; Ten Dao Publishing Company, 2010).
Aliati Intimi (Romanian Edition of Intimate Allies; SC Optim Multiserv SRL—Editura
Imago Dei, 2010).
Romanian edition of Bold Love commissioned August 2011.
How to Read Exodus in Simplified Chinese (for distribution in Mainland China, 2011)
Thai edition of How to Read Exodus commission in October 2011.
Korean edition, Cry of the Soul (Korean IVP, 2011).
Memahami Keluaran (How to Read Exodus; Scripture Union Indonesia, 2011).
Kamus Gambaran Alkitab (The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery); Indonesian edition;
Penerbit Momentum, 2011.
Complete Literary Guide to the Bible (Chinese Edition, 2011).
Chinese edition of Job commissioned 12/12.
Thai Edition of How to Read Exodus published by Tyrannus Press (December 2012).
Korean Edition of A Biblical History of Israel (CLC; June, 2013).
Chinese edition of 2
edition of Old Testament Introduction (with Raymond Dillard, July
Chinese edition of Breaking the Idols of Your Heart (with Dan Allender; Hong Kong:
Logos, July 2013).
Dictionar de imagini si simboluri biblice (Romanian edition of the Dictionary of Biblical
Imagery, 2011 (received, February, 2014).
Korean edition of Job commissioned 9/14
Old Testament Commentary Survey (Dar El-Thaqafa Communication House, an
organization based in Egypt in Arabic).
Simplified Chinese edition of the second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament
published by Enoch Communications, October 2014.
Portuguese edition of God Loves Sex (Publicacoes Monergismo) commissioned
November 2014.
Korean edition, Psalms (TOTC) commissioned November 2014)
Korean edition of the Intimate Marriage Curriculum published December 2014.
Korean edition of Introducing the Old Testament (IVP, July 2015)
Italian edition commissioned October 2015 of Psalms (TOTC), by Edizioni GBU
Old Testament Essentials (Dar El-Thaqafa Communication House, an organization based
in Egypt in Arabic, commissioned 12/31/15).
Uma Historia Biblica de Israel (Portuguese translation of a Biblical History of Israel;
Vida Nova, 2015).
Korean Edition of Old Testament Essentials (October 2016).
Indonesian edition of the Old Testament Commentary Survey commissioned 12/16.
Farsi edition of Cry of the Soul, commissioned 12/16.
French edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament (Editions Excelsis, April 2017)
Emmanuel em Nosso Lugar (Portugeuse edition of Immanuel in Our Place; Sao Paulo:
Editora Cultura Chrita, 2016).
Hiljaisia Hetkia Jeesuksen Maassa (with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein; Finnish edition of The
One Year Holy Land Moments Devotional, published by the Patmos Foundation for
World Mission, 2015).
Czech translation of God Loves Sex commissioned May 2017.
Korean edition of Job appeared in August 2017.
Major Book Reviews
C. Rowland, The Open Heavens. Westminster Theological Journal 45 (1983) 178-181.
W. Brueggemann, Genesis (1982). The Trinity Journal (1983).
C.-L. Seow, Ecclesiastes (1997), Biblica 80 (1999) 420-424.
Plus many minor reviews in the Westminster Theological Journal, the Presbyterian
Journal, the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Eternity, the Reformed
Journal, Themelios, The TSF Bulletin, and Interpretation; Shofar: An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Jewish Studies; Catholic Biblical Quarterly; Bulletin of Biblical Research; The
Journal of Religion
Forthcoming Projects
In Press:
“’What Was Said in All the Scriptures concerning Himself’ (Luke 24:27): Reading the
Old Testament as a Christian,” Gundry Festschrift
“Writing in the Gaps,” Didaktikos
“The Setting and Composition of the Book of Daniel,” Bible Study Magazine.
In Editorial Process
Psalms 90-95 for Timeless: Ancient Psalms for the Church Today R. Mark Shipp, Fall
Ecclesiastes, A Biblical Analysis of Leadership: Exegesis for the Everyday Leader, edited
by Benjamin K. Forrest (Kregel). Due September 1, 2016.
Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies (with Mark Strauss)
The Historical Books (Discovery Series: Understanding the Bible: Our Daily Bread
The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate (with John
Walton, IVP).
Prophecy and Wisdom: Connections, Influences, Relationships, in Meek volume
Various Projects with Contracted Due Dates
Handbook on Psalms and Wisdom (Zondervan)
OT Difficulties (Baker, xxxxx). January 1, 2017
Expository Dictionary 2018
Revision of the Old Testament Introduction (3d edition, due August 31, 2017)
Revelation through Old Testament Eyes (editor A. Le Peau, Kregal, due December 1,
2019 [150,000 words].
“The Theology of Wisdom” for Oxford Handbook (Will Kynes, March 1, 2018) 6000-
8000 words
How to Read the Book of Daniel (IVP; December 31, 2018)
Scholarly Lectures
“A Critique of Two Recent Approaches to Hebrew Meter,” Covenant Seminary, St. Louis
(Nov. 1980).
“The Divine Warrior: The New Testament Use of an Old Testament Motif,” Evangelical
Theological Society, Toronto (Dec. 1981).
“Inerrancy and Problems of Harmonization in the Old Testament,” Westminster
Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. (May, 1982).
“Form Criticism, Recent Developments in Genre Theory, and the Evangelical,”
Evangelical Theological Society, Essex Fall, N.J. (Dec. 1982).
“The Subgenres of Akkadian Autobiography,” Assyriological Colloquium, Yale
University (Jan. 1983).
“The Comparative Method,” (Canaanite Literature Class, U. of Penn., Lecturer R. Garr
(April, 1983).
“Didactic Autobiography in Akkadian Literature,” East Coast Assyriological
Colloquium, New Haven, Conn. (December, 1983).
“Preaching from Ecclesiastes,” Evangelical Theological Society, Dallas, Texas (Dec.
“Prophetic Autobiography in Akkadian Literature,” American Oriental Society (Seattle,
March, 1984).
“Recent Developments in the Inerrancy Debate,” (with Professor Moises Silva; pre-
commencement lecture, Westminster Theological Seminary, May 23, 1984).
“Poetics and Metaphor in Nahum 2:11-14 and 3:4-6,” Semiotics Seminary (Princeton
University, August 7, 1984).
“The Divine Warrior: The New Testament Use of and Old Testament Motif,” Seminar on
Christology (Cambridge, England—Tyndale House, Feb. 1985).
“Qohelet, Preacher of Despair: the Theology of the Book of Ecclesiastes” and “The Form
and Message of Nahum: Preaching from a Prophet of Doom,” in Belfast, N. Ireland at the
invitation of the Reformed Presbyterian College (March 21, 1985) and in Tel Aviv, Israel
at the invitation of Baruch Maoz and the Israeli Christian Study Group (January, 1988).
“The Assymmetrical Poetic Line in the Hebrew Bible,” Tyndale Old Testament Study
Group, Cambridge, England (July 13, 1985).
“Literary Approach to the Study of the Old Testament: Promise and Pitfalls,” Institute for
Biblical Research, Anaheim, California (November 23, 1985).
“Markedness: A Linguistic Guide to Poetic Asymmetry,” Society of Biblical Literature,
Anaheim, California (November 26, 1985).
“Storytellers and Poets in the Bible: Can Literary Artifice be True?” (precommencement
lecture, WTS, May 22, 1986).
Class on Psalms and the Divine Warrior, for Encounter with Christ, Barcelona (August,
“Recent Developments in Hermeneutics,” for the PCA Presbytery in Wilmington,
Delaware (October, 1992).
“The Divine Warrior,” Belfast Bible College, Belfast, Ireland (March, 1993).
“Qohelet: Preacher of Joy or Skepticism?” Queens University, Belfast, Ireland (March,
“The Task of the Old Testament Scholar at the End of the Twentieth Century.” Inaugural
Lecture (April 14, 1993, Westminster Theological Seminary).
“Old Testament Biblical Theology,” IBR lecture in Washington D. C. November 1993.
“Psalms,” course taught at Bethlehem Bible College (Bethlehem Bible College
(Bethlehem, Israel: January 17-26, 1994).
“Biblical Theology and the Literary Approach to the Old Testament,” delivered to the
American College of Biblical Theology on May 7, 1994 at Trinity Evangelical Divinity
School in Chicago.
“Assessments and Directions in the Literary Study of the Bible,” delivered at the pre-
meeting of ETS devoted to the literary study of the Bible on November 16, 1995 at the
Radisson Hotel in Philadelphia.
“Image of God as a Warrior in Scripture,” respondent to review of God is a Warrior in
the Consultation on Scripture and Peace at the SBL in Philadelphia on November 18,
Convener and Respondent to the pre-ETS “Literature and Bible” subgroup. ETS, New
Orleans, November 1996.
“The Heart of the Second Commandment,” delivered at the Sixth Annual Contemporary
Issues Conference (“Image and the Word: Ethics and the Media”) at Westminster
Theological Seminary (March 11, 1997).
“Psalm 77: A Cry of the Soul. Reading a Lament with Heart and Mind” and
“Ecclesiastes 12:1-7: The Meaninglessness of Death. Experiencing Hope in a Fallen
World.” The Lyman Stewart Lectures at Biola/Talbot. October 29 and 30, 1997.
“Response to Larry Helyer’s ‘Hero and Heroine Narratives in the Old Testament,’” at the
ETS meeting in Santa Clara, California (November 21, 1997).
“Daniel 1 and 7’ and “The Structure and Genre of Ecclesiastes in the Light of the Ancient
Near East,” Westmont College, December 8, 1997.
“Interpreting Ecclesiastes in the Light of Its Near Eastern Background,” Yale Babylonian
Collection: Assyriological Seminar (December 15, 1997).
“Accuracy and Readability: Warring Impulses in Evangelical Translation Tradition,” at
the “Biblical Translation in context” conference held at the University of Maryland, April
26, 1998.
“Interpreting Ecclesiastes for This Generation,” “Interpreting the Song of Songs for This
Generation,” and “Interpreting Job for This Generation,” the Staley Lectures at Canadian
Bible College (Regina, Canada; September 25-26, 1998).
“Biblical Theology and Imagery,” Evangelical Theological Society (Orlando, Florida;
November, 1998).
“The Divine Warrior: A Biblical Theological Study,” China Evangelical Seminary
(Taipei, Taiwan, July 1, 1999).
Commencement Lecture at the Reformed Seminary in Tapei, Taiwan (July, 1999).
“The Vitality of the Old Testament in the Twenty First Century: Reading Ecclesiastes in
a (Post)Modern Context,” Inaugural Lecture for the Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical
Studies (Westmont College, October 23, 1999).
Moderator of the ETS study group on Literary Approaches to the Bible’s session on
“Apocalyptic Images.” Boston, November 1999.
Invited speaker by the Theological Students Fellowship at Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary. Fort Worth, March 2000.
Respondent to “El Azteca: Francisco Olazabal and Latino Pentecostal Charisma, Power,
and Faith: Healing in the Borderlands,” by Dr. G. Espinosa, the Phi Kappa Phi Lecture
(Westmont College; April 10, 2000).
Respondent to “On Moving from Scripture to Doctrine,” by Dr. E. Martens, at the ETS,
Far West Region Annual Meeting (Masters Seminary, April 14, 2000).
“Rereading Ecclesiastes,” at the Islamic and Near Eastern Society (UCSB; May 17,
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” the 2000
Armerding Lecture on Scripture at Wheaton College (October 23, 2000).
Moderator of the ETS study group on Literary Approaches to the Bible’s session on
“Esther.” Nashville, November 2000.
“Walking in Wisdom,” commencement speech at Western Seminary-Seattle (May 5,
“Rereading Ecclesiastes,” Under the Green Roof Lecture Series at Regent College
(Vancouver; July 2001).
“A Literary Approach to Old Testament Literature.” Christian Scholarship…For What?
Conference (Calvin College; September 29, 2001).
“The Most Sublime Song: How Have Biblical Scholars Fared?” Evangelical Theological
Society. November 14, 2001; Denver, Colorado.
“The Family in Wisdom Literature.” Conference entitled The Family in the Bible
(Denver Institute for Contextualized Biblical Studies Conference, February 1-2, 2002).
Panelist at the conference on body-soul issue (Dust of the Ground or Soul in Earthly
Tent; Westmont College, February 16, 2002).
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” at a special
convocation at Westminster in California (March 8, 2002).
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” New Orleans
Baptist Theological Seminary (April 11, 2002)
“Narrative Impulses in the Interpretation of Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs: A
Reappraisal,” the 2002 Brownlee lecture, sponsored by the Institute for Antiquity and
Christianity, held at Claremont College, April 18, 2002.
“So What is the Song of Songs About….?” lecture delivered to OT Colloquium at Fuller
Theological Seminary on May 18, 2002.
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” at the Eliza
Ferrie annual lecture at the Presbyterian Theological Centre in Sydney, Australia on
August 21, 2002.
Respondent to panel on “The Psalms: Expressing Emotion in Poetry,” (ETS, November
2002; Toronto).
“Narrative Impulses in the Interpretation of Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs: A
Reappraisal,” at the Tyndale Fellowship Conference, Nantwich, England, June 30-July 2.
“God and the Gods in the Poetic Literature,” at the Ichthus Symposium held at the
Singapore Bible College, September 8, 2003.
“Narrative Impulses in the Interpretation of Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs: A
Reappraisal,” at 3d annual meeting of the Biblical Colloquium West (San Diego,
February 6, 2004).
“The Messiah: Explorations in the Law and Writings,” delivered at the H. H. Bingham
Colloquium in New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada. June 5, 2004.
“The Psalms and the Genre of Ancient Near Eastern Prayers,” Tyndale Fellowship
Conference, Nantwich, England, June 30, 2004.
Response to three papers at the ETS literary study group on “Truth and the Imagination,”
San Antonio, November 17, 2004.
“The Theological Significance of the Historicity of the Exodus,” ETS (San Antonio,
November 18, 2004).
“The Bible as Literature,” invited plenary address for the ETS Far West Regional Annual
Meeting, held at Westminster Theological Seminary California on April 8.
“Canonical Criticism and the Old Testament Wisdom Books,” invited lecture at the
Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminary: Canon Criticism and Theological Interpretation,
held at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome (23-25 June, 2005).
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” Under the
Green Roof Lecture Series at Regent College on July 18, 2005.
“Reading Ecclesiastes in a (Post)modern Context,” invited Graduate School Lecture at
Pepperdine University (sponsored by the Religion, American Studies, History, and
Communications departments). March 13, 2006.
“Promises and Pitfalls of the Literary Approach to Biblical Interpretation Twenty-Five
Years Later,” Evangelical Theological Society, Washington D.C., November, 2006.
“Reading the Psalms Devotionally,” public lecture at the Presbyterian Theological
Centre, Melbourne, August 2007.
“The Theology and History of the Exodus: The State of the Question,” the Eliza Ferrie
annual lecture in Sydney, Australia, August 2007.
Panelist at National Geographic Live! Discussion of E. Cline, From Eden to Exile:
Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible (2007). Washington D.C. September 2007.
The Raitt Bible Lectures at Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Santa Ana. A series of
8 lectures on How to Interpret the Old Testament (February 2008).
“Psalm 77” and “Psalm 98,” The Robert Saucy Lectures at Talbot School of Theology
(La Mirada, California; March 4-6, 2008).
“Holy War and the Universal God,” delivered at the Inter-cultural Theological
Conversation in Hong Kong on May 29, 2008.
“The Counselor as Sage: Wisely Applying the Multi-Genres of Scripture,” keynote
lecture for the Society of Christian Psychology, Chicago, Illinois, September 20, 2008.
“Ecclesiastes: Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World,” lecture to the Presbytery of
Santa Barbara (Orcutt, Ca. on September 30, 2008).
“Narrative Impulses in the Interpretation of Proverbs and Song of Songs: A
Reappraisal,” ETS (Providence, RI; November, 2008), Bruce Waltke, Dan Estes, and Ted
Hildebrant respondents.
Critique of B. Waltke, Old Testament Theology (along with Walter Brueggemann and
Dennis Tucker), SBL (Boston, Mass.; November 2008).
“Challenging the Idols of the Twenty-first Century: The Message of the Book of
Ecclesiastes” and “Becoming Disciples of Woman Wisdom: the Theology of the Book of
Proverbs,” The Janzen Lectureship in Biblical Studies at Fresno Pacific University
(March 19-20, 2009).
“The Rewards of Embracing Woman Wisdom” and “The Limits of Wisdom,” keynote
lectures at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference held at Cincinnati Christian
University (April 17-18, 2009).
“Show Them No Mercy” (Deut 7:16)—A New Testament Perspective on Old Testament
Holy War,” keynote address at the Day of Exegetical Reflection at Concordia Seminary,
Saint Louis, Missouri (September 21, 2009)
“Wisdom as Paradigmatic in Scripture,” at the Reclaiming the Imagination: Wisdom’s
Paradigmatic in Scripture Preaching Conference,” held at Lipscomb University,
Nashville, Tennessee (October 15, 2009).
“Cry of the Soul: How the Psalms Help Us Speak Honestly to God—Psalm 69,”
“Remembrance: The Key to Hope in the Midst of Suffering—Psalm 77,” and “Life is
Difficult and Then You Die—Ecclesiastes 12:1-7,” The Torrey Memorial Bible Lectures
at Biola University, October 21-22.
“’Of the Making of Many Commentaries…’: The Past, Present, and Future of a Genre,”
The Institute of Biblical Research Annual Lecture, in New Orleans (November 20, 2009).
“Challenging the Idols of the Twenty-First Century: The Book of Ecclesiastes Speaks to
Our Culture,” The Frank Pack Distinguished Christian Scholar Lecture Program.
Pepperdine University. January 12, 2010.
“Psalm 77,” Convocation at Pepperdine University. January 13, 2010.
“The Promise and Pitfalls of Critical Methods: Laying Biblical Foundations for
Reformed Life Theology,” keynote address at the Society for Reformed Life Theology at
Baeksok University, Seoul, Korea (June 12, 2010).
“Reflections on the Old Testament Backgrounds to New Testament Missions,” for the
Korean Missions Society, held at Baeksok University, Seoul, Korea (June 14, 2010).
“Spirit and Wisdom,” for the Tyndale Old Testament Fellowship, Cambridge, England
(July 7, 2010).
“Show Them No Mercy”: A New Testament Perspective on Old Testament Holy War,”
and “Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” the Deere
Lectures at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (September 29, 2010).
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God” and “‘Show
Them No Mercy’ (Deut. 7:6)—A New Testament Perspective on Old Testament Holy
War,” Johannelund Theological Seminary (Uppsala, Sweden), October 11, 2010.
“Challenging the Idols: The Message of the Book of Ecclesiastes,” Uppsala University,
October 12, 2010.
“‘Show Them No Mercy’ (Deut. 7:6)—A New Testament Perspective on Old Testament
Holy War,” Orebro (Sweden) Theological Seminary, October 13, 2010.
“Reading the Song of Songs as Ancient Love Lyrics and as Word of God,” the Lutheran
Faculty of Gothenburg (Sweden), October 13, 2010.
Keynote Speaker at the Theofil Conference in Lund, Sweden, October 14-15, giving
eight lectures.
Invited panelist on theology of sexuality for the Hebrew Bible Theology section at SBL
in Atlanta (November 21, 2010).
Invited Panelist “How Far is Too Far,” a discussion of academic freedom at Christian
Colleges and Seminaries (Christian Scholars Conference; Pepperdine; June 17, 2011).
Invited Panelist “The Bible and the Law,” a discussion of the relationship between
biblical law and modern civil law (Christian Scholars Conference; Pepperdine; June 18,
“Creation of the Cosmos and Humanity in the Bible,” position paper as a panelist at the
Symposium on Genesis and Origins, sponsored by Bryant College and help at the
Chattanooga Convention Center, September 30-October 1, 2011.
“From Weeping to Rejoicing: Psalm 150 as the Conclusion to the Book of Psalms,”
Evangelical Theological Society, San Francisco (November 16, 2011).
“Thinking Rightly about God: A Review of Disturbing Divine Behavior by E. A.
Siebert,” Evangelical Theological Society, San Francisco (November 17, 2011).
Panelist on Methodological Issues in the Interpretation of OT Wisdom Literature,
Evangelical Theological Society, San Francisco (November 17, 2011).
Panelist, Review of C. Leong Seow, Job 1-21, Society of Biblical Literature, San
Francisco (November 19, 2011)
Respondent to Papers on the Song of Songs in the SBL Biblical Hebrew Poetry Section,
Society of Biblical Literature, San Francisco (November 21, 2011).
Panelist on Bible and Law at The Competing Claims of Law and Religion Conference
held at Pepperdine Law School, February 24, 2012.
“What Genesis 1 and 2 Teaches (and What It Doesn't)” (Northwest Regional ETS
keynote lecture; held at Western Theological Seminary; March 10, 2012.
“Preaching Christ from the Old Testament” (Far West Regional ETS keynote lecture;
held at Masters Seminary, April 20, 2012).
“The Theology of Prayer in the Book of Psalms” (Christian Scholars Conference, David
Lipscomb University, Nashville, June 8, 2012).
“The Theological Contribution of the Comparative Analysis of ANE Wisdom Texts—Job
as a Case Study” (paper given at the ETS meeting in Chicago, November 15, 2012).
“The Bible and Human Origins from the Perspective of an Old Testament Professor,” at
the Biologos Workshop in New York City (April 24, 2013).
“Genesis and Gilgamesh: Reading the Book of Genesis in the Light of Ancient Near
Eastern Literature,” keynote lecture in the Contemporary Biblical Scholars Program at St.
Thomas University (Miami Gardens, Florida, October 25, 2013).
“Interpreting Ecclesiastes: From Paul to Today,” at the Wycliffe Centre for Scripture and
Theology’s Spring Colloquium on Ecclesiastes (May 9, 2014 at Wycliffe College, the
University of Toronto)
“Celebration and Warning: Sexual Intimacy in the Song of Songs” and “God Loves Sex:
A Theological Reading of the Song of Songs,” the Lund Lectures at North Park
Theological Seminary (September 24, 2014)
“Wisdom’s Response to the Divine Initiative,” at the North Park Theological Seminary
Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture, September 26, 2014).
“The Bible, Creation, and Evolution,” keynote lecture at the Thinkers and Makers
Conference at North Way Christian Community Church, Pittsburgh (October 24, 2014).
Participant in the Biblica and Christianity Today Consultation on Bible Reading and
Respondent to “Cultural Situatedness, Christian Identity, and Bible Reading,” by
Elizabeth Sung (Chicago; January 7, 2014).
“The Hebrew Bible on the Promise and Limits of Wisdom’s Relationship to Law,” at the
Wisdom, Law, and Lawyers Conference at the Pepperdine University School of Law,
February 27, 2015.
“God Loves Sex: Hope and Warnings from the Song of Songs,” invited keynote speaker,
Ecclesia and Ethics III: Human Sexuality and the Church, an on-line conference held on
March 14, 2015.
“’Meaningless, Meaningless’: Work and Wealth in the Book of Ecclesiastes,” The Old
Testament and Economics Colloquium 2015, at The Land Center for Cultural
Engagement, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, September 18, 2015.
“Silent Suffering: Encouragement in the Midst of the Pain of Life from Job, Psalms, and
Lamentations,” invited special lecture at the Logos Evangelical Seminary, El Monte,
California, September 23, 2015.
“God Loves Sex: Hope and Warnings from the Song of Songs,” at the Wisdom Section of
the Evangelical Theological Society, Atlanta, Georgia (November 19, 2015).
“Silent Suffering: Encouragement in the Midst of the Pain of Life from Job, Psalms, and
Lamentations,” invited lecture in the Voices of Christian Thought lecture series at Hope
International University, Fullerton, California, February 22, 2016).
“Writing (and Reading) Old Testament Commentaries for the Academy and the Church,”
invited keynote speaker at the Evangelical Theological Society Midwest Region (Grand
Rapids, Michigan, March 11).
“Toward a 21
Century Reformed Hermeneutics,” invited keynote speaker for the 20
anniversary of the Korean Reformed Theological Society (May 30, 2016).
Invited Respondent to C. John Collins, “Reading Genesis 1-11 in Biblical and Social
Context,” at the Dabar Conference of the Creation Project, held at the Carl F. H. Henry
Center at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Chicago, June 9, 2016)
“Daniel: Living Faithfully in a Culture Toxic to Our Faith,” invited address to the
Biblical Theology Seminary: Authentic Faith in Changing Times, held in Hong Kong
(June 17, 2016).
“Silent Suffering: Encouragement in the Midst of the Pain of Life from Job, Psalms, and
Lamentations,” invited lecture in the Under the Green Roof Series at Regent College,
Vancouver, on July 27, 2016.
“If Jericho Was Not Razed Is Our Faith in Vain?: Why History Matters,” The Abila
Lectures at John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Ark (October 15, 2016)
“The Mosaic Law’s Relevance for Today,” Invited Lecture at the Christian Legal Society
Annual Meeting (Washington, DC, October 21, 2016)
“Encouragement in the Midst of the Pain of Life from Job, Lamentations, and Psalms,”
Invited lecture at Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas (October 24, 2016)
“History, Science, Poetry, or What? Understanding the Genre(s) of Genesis 1-3,” invited
lecture at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (October 26, 2016)
“Israelite Wisdom: Theological, Particular, and Covenantal,” invited lecture at the 2016
Evangelical Theological Society in San Antonio (November 19, 2016).
Invited Lecture to the Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars Meeting at the 2016 SBL
Meeting in San Antonio (November 21, 2016). Review of Honouring the Past, Looking
to the Future: Essays from the 2014 International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical
Scholars, edited by Gale Lee and John Yieh.
“Adam and the Genome: Reflections of an Old Testament Scholar” and “Can Science
Help Us Read the Bible Better,” at the Biologos Conference in Houston, Texas (March
29-31, 2017).